I can't login to wordpress. How to get into the WordPress admin panel

After the blog is created, you need to get acquainted with the WordPress admin area. In her environment you should feel like a fish in water, this is very important.

The WordPress admin area is also called the Control Panel, so if you come across an article with this expression on the Internet, then understand it as the Administrative Panel. Through the Admin panel, almost all the files and functions of the site are managed:

  • create posts and pages;
  • loading and setting up media files (photos, audio and video files);
  • comment management;
  • customization of appearance (loading templates; managing widgets, etc.)
  • managing extensions or plugins;
  • and much more.

After creating a blog to work on it, you must be authorized through the administrative login, that is, keep a username and password.

How to login to WordPress admin

This question is probably only asked by beginners. In fact, everything is very simple, the authorization is the same as on other sites. The default WP admin login looks like this:

http://site.ru/ wp-admin

The admin panel of my site has, for example, the following address:


This is the login window you'll see when you substitute /wp-admin for your site's domain:

Figure 1. WordPress admin login window

As you can see, in the standard form, the login window has only two fields:

  1. Username;
  2. Password.

For authorization, you need to specify the login and password that you specified when creating the blog, if you forgot the password, you can use the recovery function that will start when you click on the link Forgot your password?

You can also access the admin panel at:

http://site.ru/ wp-login.php

WordPress Admin: Overview, Basic Settings

Figure 2. WordPress admin area

All control is carried out through the left navigation menu, which has 10 standard menu items:

  • Console;
  • Records;
  • media files;
  • Pages;
  • Comments;
  • Appearance;
  • Plugins;
  • Users;
  • Tools
  • Settings.

Some important plugins can add their own items to the WP menu, for example, I added an SEO item in the admin panel of my site.

Let's get acquainted with each item in more detail. Consider what they are responsible for, as some menu tools you will use all the time, and some you need to fill out once.

1. Console- the main page of the admin panel. To be honest, I hardly ever use it. The console has two tabs: Home and Updates. The main page is interactive and has several controls:

  • Welcome - a large top box that introduces users to the basic tools of WP;
  • Quick draft;
  • In sight;
  • WordPress news;
  • Activity.

Figure 3. Console

2. Recordings- the main blogger tool that allows you to publish and edit posts. Headings or sections and tags are also configured here.

Figure 4. WordPress Posts

3. Media files— this navigation menu item is responsible for managing photo, audio and video files.

Figure 5. WordPress Media Files

4. Pages- with the help of this tool, as well as records, text content is added. Pages are static content:

Figure 6. WordPress pages

5. Commentsmenu item in which you can view the comments left on your site

6. Appearanceanother important admin tool. This is where template management comes from.

Figure 7. Appearance

7. Pluginsthis section allows you to install, activate, edit and delete .

Figure 8. WordPress plugins

8. Users - managing your profile and users who have registered on the site or blog.

Figure 9. WordPress Users

9. Toolsdata export and import function in WordPress.

Figure 10. WordPress Tools

10. Settingsanother important tool that sets the basic settings for the blog: the name and description of the site; type of links (best immediately when creating a blog) for posts and pages; managing discussion (commenting), etc. Some plugins may also be displayed here.

Figure 11. WordPress settings

As I said above, in addition to the main items in the WP navigation menu, plugin management items can be added. That's all, we will complete the review of the admin panel, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in this. Let's move on to protecting the WordPress admin area.

Several Ways to Protect Your WordPress Admin Area

The vulnerability of the admin panel is that it is possible to pick up the correct login and password for it. How to avoid it? If you have not yet created a blog, then in the process of creating it, when you get to setting a password and login, put on a very, very complex login and an even more complex password. Nobody bothers you to use more than 10 characters in the login, and more than 20 can be used for the password.

But what if you have already created a blog, and, for example, used your own initials for the login, and your date of birth for the password. It is necessary to change them, complicating them to 80 lvl.

How to Change Username and Password in WordPress

Let's start by changing the login. It is not possible to change the login through the admin panel, even for the administrator. But there are two workarounds:

  1. Login change via phpMyAdmin and MySQL;
  2. Creating a new user with administrator rights and deleting the old one.

I must say right away that professionals do not recommend the first method, since it bypasses the functionality of WordPress and can cause problems with page caching and updating both the engine itself and plugins.

Let's take a closer look at method 2, which consists in creating a new user.

What will you need? First: come up with a complex login, and the second: use a new mailbox different from the one the first admin had.

Let's add a new user for the blog, for this in the menu item Users choose Add new:

Figure 12. Adding a new user

A page will load on which you must fill in the required fields:

Figure 13. New account filling page

Do not forget to specify the role of the new user as an administrator:

Figure 14. Selecting the administrator role

We complete the creation of a new user.

The next thing to do is log out of the old account and log in with a new one, then remove the old admin and transfer rights to the content to the new one.

Let's get started. Selecting a menu item Users > All users:

Figure 15. Menu item all users

Removing the old admin:

Figure 16. Deleting a user

When deleting, please note that you will need to select a new user to link it to all blog content (articles, pictures and other content):

Figure 17 Linking content to a new user

After that, all posts, pages, etc. will belong to the new admin. Permalinks (NCs) for author archives will have the new username. If you use the author-(id).php or author-(username).php template types in your WordPress theme, you will need to rename them according to the new values.

As for the password, it can be changed through the admin panel, for this we go to your profile and at the very bottom we indicate the new password:

Figure 18. Setting a new password

Make sure that the new password lights up the green indicator Reliable. Of course, there are other ways to change the password for the WordPress blog, I will talk about them in detail in a separate article.

A complex login and password is good, but it's better to secure the admin area even better, for this, use plugins such as Protected wp-login or Lockdown WP Admin. I will talk about them in separate articles. In principle, there is nothing complicated in their setup.

This concludes the story about the admin panel. I hope there will be no problems with its development.

The WordPress admin panel is a secure section of the site. In it, the webmaster works with the content of the resource - adds new pages, uploads media files, edits the code, installs and configures plugins. Webmasters get access to the admin panel of the site after installing the CMS - a combination of login and password, a link to enter the console are sent to the specified mail. The site owner can add new users by creating accounts for them and defining roles - administrator, editor, author, seo specialist. This feature makes it easier to work on a large-scale resource.

If you just installed the WordPress CMS and don't know what to do next, I suggest you study this guide. You will learn how to enter the admin panel and configure it, what errors sometimes make it impossible to log in to the console, and what to do to protect the site from hacking.

To enter the WordPress admin panel, type in the link in the address bar http://yoursite/wp-login.php or http://yoursite/wp-admin/, where instead of "your_site" is the domain name (address) of your site.A page with a login form for the admin panel will open. Enter your login and password into the form fields, which you received by email after installing the CMS, and click on the "Login" button.

In it, you can add new site pages, edit texts, change the template, add new CSS, etc. The console interface is clear and simple, thanks to a logical structure. Even if you have never worked with WordPress CMS before, you can understand the main functions in 2-3 days without reading user manuals.

Why can't I login to admin?

Problem #1: Wrong URL entered to login to the admin panel

Most often, users incorrectly enter the link to enter the admin panel. The page cannot be opened due to an incorrectly spelled protocol - for example, https instead of http, - the domain name of the site, or extra characters in the link. By clicking on the link, you will see "Unable to load page" or a similar picture.

Solution:check if the URL is correct. Use to enter the admin panel links like http://your_site/wp-login.php or http://your_site/wp-admin/.

Problem number 2: the login or password is incorrect

Due to errors made when entering a login or password, it will not be possible to enter the admin panel. The system will display a warning and prompt you to follow the link to restore access.

Solution:find in the e-mail specified during the installation of the CMS a letter with the data for entering the admin area. If you deleted it, follow the link "Forgot your password?" and follow the instructions to restore access to your account.

Problem #3: cache and cookies

Disabled cookies can become a problem when logging into the admin area. Just like a non-updated browser cache.

Solution:check if cookies are enabled in your browser settings, clear cache and cookies. After that, try to log in to the admin panel again.

Problem #4: The wp-login.php file is corrupted

If the wp-login.php file, which is intended for authorization in the CMS, is damaged, deleted or moved to another folder, you will not be able to enter the administrative panel. In this case, the page with the authorization form does not even open.

Solution:replace the wp-login.php file with a new one, but before that make a backup. To do this, log in to the hosting control panel, find the "Hosting backups" section in the menu and follow the instructions provided by the hosting. Most often, the backup will be created automatically.

When the system saves the data, you will receive a letter with the archive to the mail specified during registration.

To download the latest version of the WordPress CMS where there was no error, simply select the desired backup.If the login problem was in the wp-login.php file, then after such changes you will be able to log into the admin panel.

Problem #5: Installed theme update is incompatible with your version of WordPress

Sometimes the latest theme updates are not compatible with the version of WordPress you have installed. This conflict can also cause login problems.

Solution:reverting to the default theme may solve the problem. Go to folder wp-content/themes, rename the theme folder and try to log in again in the admin panel. If the problem with the login was caused by a theme update, then after making the changes, you will easily log into the console.

How to change the administrator password

There are three ways to change the password for entering the WordPress admin panel - through the password recovery form, through phpMyAdmin, and also in the console settings after authorization. The easiest way is to request a new password on the admin login page. We have already briefly considered it above - you just need to click on the link "Forgot your password?" and follow the CMS instructions.


Another way to change your password without logging into the admin panel is with phpMyAdmin. To do this, you will have to log in to the hosting control panel, click on the "MySQL Management" section and click on "phpMyAdmin Editor". An authorization form will open in a new tab, in which you need to drive in a username and password.

In the menu on the left, find the wp_users folder, double-click on it, select the user for which you want to change the password. Double click on the user_pass field and set a new password. Save your changes.

In control panel

Scroll down the page and find the "Account Management" section and click on the "Create Password" button.

Enter a new password in the field that opens and save the changes.

To make it more convenient to work with the content of the site, customize the appearance of the administrative panel. Edit the main screen of the console by clicking on the "Screen Settings" button and unchecking the boxes you want to hide.

All changes are displayed in real time. The positions of the blocks on the main screen can be easily changed - just drag them to the right place.

Go to the "Users - Your profile" section.

Choose the color scheme you like, change the language if necessary, check the box next to the "Hot keys" item to speed up the work with content in the editor. Save the changes by clicking the "Update profile" button.

In the pop-up "Help" section, hints are hidden that make it easier to work in the WordPress admin panel.

Click on it if you are having difficulty navigating the console or interpreting individual elements in a section.

How to protect the admin panel from hacking

Any site, including yours, can be hacked. To protect your data from intruders, follow a few best practices. First, change the login page URL. To do this, you will have to rename the wp-login.php file - for example, to 123-wp.php - and then in the code editor replace all references to the old name with the new one.

Secondly, hide the admin login page. Edit the .htaccess file by pasting the following code into it:

# Hide admin URL start Rewrite Engine On RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key&redirect_to=/wp-admin/ RewriteRule ^my_admin_url/?$ /wp-admin/?my_secret_key RewriteCond %(SCRIPT_FILENAME) !^(.*)admin-ajax\.php RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*)site.com/wp-admin RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*)site.com/wp-login\.php RewriteCond %(HTTP_REFERER) !^(.*)site.com/my_admin_url RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^my_secret_key RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=logout RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=rp RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) !^action=postpass RewriteCond %(HTTP_COOKIE) !^.*wordpress_logged_in_.*$ RewriteRule ^.*wp-admin/?|^.*wp-login\.php /not_found RewriteCond %(QUERY_STRING) ^loggedout=true RewriteRule ^.*$ /wp-login.php?my_secret_key # Hide admin URL end

In the code, instead of my_admin_url, specify the new address where the site will be available; my_secret_key replace with a complex key of numbers and Latin letters (do not forget to save it); instead ofsite.comspecify the site domain; and if you changed the URL of the login page in the filewp-login.php, change the old name to the new one.

Thirdly, do not use simple logins like admin, user, administrator, etc. In this case, the attacker will only have to guess the password.

Fourth, set a complex login password. It has been detailed above how to do this.

Fifth, set access by IP. It should only be used if the content of the site is managed by one person.

An additional method of protection is the installation of plugins. Most often webmasters use plugins Captcha, WPS Hide Login, Login LockDown, Lock Down Admin, Hide My WP. They are easy to find in the catalog by name, install and activate.

The WordPress CMS admin panel is not as scary and incomprehensible as it might seem at first glance. Now you know how to customize the console to your needs in order to quickly and easily edit content on the site.

Did you know that 40% of users leave sites with poor design? Why lose profit? Choose and install right now one of the 44 thousand premium website templates. The perfect choice for your business!

WordPress has changed the way content is created. With built-in publishing features, he has helped startups and young companies build a solid foundation for content marketing. Finally, this system has helped millions of bloggers around the world and those who have long wanted to become one, in creating, publishing, collaborating and splashing out a solid creative flow, changing the way online content is consumed once and for all. In many ways, users are helped by the WordPress admin panel, which I will discuss in more detail in this article.

WordPress is the #1 content management system and blogging platform (although it is by no means limited to creating blogs), but above all it should be seen as easy to manage, operate and optimize. Without WordPress, adding online content won't be what it is today.

WordPress Admin – Benefits of WordPress

Our team has been helping our readers for several years in choosing the most stylish and high-quality WordPress templates and plugins for creating sites of various types: from blogs and magazines to corporate sites and online stores. Versatility is one of the most important features of WordPress, which means that you can easily create any kind of website on its basis. Not surprisingly, our site is also powered by WordPress. From our own experience, we talk about everything that concerns: from the choice of solution and development to content management and promotion. We also publish a lot of valuable and useful information regarding other platforms and CMS, both for corporate and personal sites, and for the eCommerce industry. Magento, Drupal, Joomla, Shopify, PrestaShop - you will find a lot of interesting things about all these solutions, but today I would like to focus exclusively on WordPress.

WordPress is a system that provides users with extensive customization options in the form of themes and plugins. There are so many of them for her that in order to get a site with the same design, you need to try very hard. For example, Envato has two platforms: one for templates (ThemeForest) and one for plugins (CodeCanyon). So, only there are currently 10,261 templates and 5,769 plugins exclusively for WordPress. This is many times more than for other platforms and CMS (for example, there are only 1000+ templates for Joomla, and 500+ templates for Drupal). If you really don't want to feel limited when building a website, trust WordPress and the opinions of the over 18 million users who run it.

You won't find another platform like it anywhere else that provides so many options for customizing the look and feel of your website, including in-depth customization of its various components using the admin panel.

20 WordPress admin templates and plugins:

WordPress also allows you to customize the admin area itself, where all the magic happens. This can be done using special plugins and extensions for the admin panel. With them, you can change the admin panel beyond recognition, making it more pleasing to the eye and flexible in customizing a fully functional machine for work. Moreover, you do not need to think about the opinions of users, because the admin panel is your personal working tool that you can customize as you like.

Together with my colleagues, I have selected for you the most popular and probably the best plugins for customizing the WordPress admin panel, which are very easy to install and configure. This process takes a matter of seconds. Many of the solutions provide solid options for optimizing, customizing, and extending features and functionality so that the WordPress admin site not only looks amazing, but is also incredibly convenient to work with in everyday life.

Well, are you ready? Go!

WordPres Admin Area – Best WordPress Plugins and Templates Change Your Admin Area 2017

I decided to divide the review into three parts. In the first, I will introduce premium admin plugins and templates that will improve the look and feel of your admin panel. The second part will be devoted to free themes for the admin area with the best design, and the third one will be devoted to free admin area plugins to expand its capabilities. Admin panel themes have been around for a long time, and many of the plugins presented have managed to prove themselves from the very best side. Although some of them are quite new, they are still ready to provide bloggers, businessmen and store owners with the most flexible options to improve the user experience and the interface of the admin panels. If your favorite plugin or template is not on the list, we will definitely tell you about it - just let us know in the comments. Share your experience!

WordPress Admin – Premium Templates & Plugins

We try to convince our users that it is not worth saving on your business. When it comes to website development, I always advise using the optimal solution. It is not necessary to order a site from a developer, but you should not buy a free theme either. The ideal price-quality ratio would be to buy a paid WordPress theme. The same goes for plugins.

What is the difference between premium plugins and themes and free ones? Obviously, premium plugins/themes offer more benefits for the price. Of course, this does not mean that free plugins and themes are terrible, but in general, premium plugins and themes are more secure and reliable. They are hosted on specialized sites like CodeCanyon/ThemeForest or the fairly new YITH. Thanks to this, they are carefully checked by specialists and admins. As a result, upon purchase, the likelihood that the theme will be of poor quality, and the plugin will be severely buggy or not work with other plugins at all, is reduced. For free plugins, this situation is quite common, although not for everyone.

Serious competition has formed in the paid template and plugin development industry, which raises the quality bar for developers. The market forces them to carefully test their products, thanks to which both users and developers themselves benefit. By investing in the purchase of a premium plugin, you are making a sure investment in your business that will pay off very soon.

Enough talk - here are eight of the best plugins and themes for those who are serious about branding politics and want their admin panel to bring more options.


WPShapere is a great WordPress admin theme. It is very easily and quickly configured for any task and any taste. In the kit, you will receive a set of customizable widgets that you can show or hide as you wish. The main purpose of WPShapere is to provide options for the admin menu at all user levels. It supports the concept of "White label branding", which involves the production of certain goods and services by one company and their use by another company under its own brand. For these purposes, it has a special section for downloading logos.

The theme bundle also comes with creative layout features in the form of color customization from an unlimited palette and pre-made professional templates. WPShapere supports a range of plugins including Visual Composer, Contact Form 7, WooCommerce and many more. Thanks to this, you can customize the design of the admin panel without programming skills, set up email systems and login systems, and work with stores.

The plugin also has a beautiful admin panel with the ability to add custom links. WPShapere comes with a beautiful minimalist concept that aims to expand your creativity and imagination. This is a cool WordPress admin theme that will provide an incredible user experience for you and your colleagues. It will also be intuitive to manage tasks, user priorities and access settings. You get a lot of options for managing the menu, including the ability to rename objects. You will even have access to personalized Dashicons and FontAwesome icons to customize menu icons. On top of that, you will receive a complete set of instructions for use and highly qualified support. Do you want to get an admin panel with a first-class design? Choose WP Shapere and don't hesitate anymore!


Our entire team loves material design very much and especially appreciates what the developers are trying to do with it. The Material WP theme is a good example of this modern concept in the WordPress admin area. This design option will not only completely change the appearance of your admin panel, but also make the WordPress admin area incredibly convenient and pleasant to work with. Particular attention was paid to the intricacies of the user interface. It also has modern features such as the ability to reorganize menu items using a drag-and-drop interface, responsiveness, and a parallax block, which is basically a unique feature for material design themes. Your admin panel will be able to work with several sites at once and, in addition to the fact that you can change the WordPress admin area beyond recognition in just a few seconds, you will also get several styles to change the WordPress admin login. This is a full range of options for the most demanding user.


A theme called Forest should definitely be green! The way it is. This is a ready-made design of the admin panel in a green color scheme, but that's not all. With this theme, you can customize colors, fonts, content appearance and logos using a special menu. For more advanced users, customizable CSS styles and a special "Quick Panel" will be available. And, of course, the premium WordPress admin area could not help but be made in a modern flat style, optimized for Retina screens. This is one of the best themes for those who love and appreciate fashion style!


Do you want to get not one but 30 admin themes in one plugin? Choose Ultra, an incredibly powerful WordPress plugin that will transform your admin panel. Administrators will be able to rearrange the location of each object in the admin panel to make it as personalized as possible. All styles are made in a modern manner, so that even the most demanding user will be satisfied with this plugin.


The First theme uses a flat design. You can customize the admin panel and menu, as well as the login page and footer objects, exactly the way you want. So far, the theme has been downloaded by more than 500 users, which means that when you buy it, you will have a high-quality WordPress admin panel, which occupies a leading position in the market for admin panel themes.

client side

Clientside is a theme focused on the convenience of your clients with the admin panel. It removed all unnecessary objects and elements that are typical for the standard admin panel. With Clientside, you only get what you really need to add and edit content in a productive environment.


This is another theme that implements the White Label concept. It has one of the most elegant and advanced designs on the market. Over 100 unique skins and 20+ custom widgets to manage your stats. This WordPress admin gives you everything you need to have a customizable WordPress admin login page. Material also supports multi-site, so it will be an indispensable assistant for those who need such a solution.

WP Admin Theme CD

Here is one of the freshest themes with a clean and modern design for the admin area. It has everything you need: custom colors, custom login page, WordPress memory usage statistics and more. You will also have the opportunity to set up beautiful user profiles, allowing you to motivate your employees. The theme has been tested for compatibility with major WordPress plugins: WooCommerce, Visual Composer, MailChimp and more.

Premium themes are better than free themes in every way, although, as I said, there are pleasant exceptions. We do not want to deprive you of the opportunity to choose and decided to prepare a selection of free alternatives for customizing the admin panel. Try the free ones, compare them with the paid ones, to decide for yourself whether it is worth investing in premium plugins so that you have your own professional WordPress admin area.

WordPress Admin - Free WordPress Admin Plugins and Templates


The Slate admin theme makes the standard admin area more compact and provides an incredible user experience, the main purpose of which is to conveniently add content, and not the hassle of setting up plugins and themes. Slate shifts the focus from a cluttered dashboard to an easy-to-use writing and editing experience using the time-honored WordPress editor. At the moment, this plugin has already been downloaded by more than 4,000 users. It comes with two color schemes.


Tamed provides bloggers and other WordPress users with a modern admin panel that looks nothing special at first glance. In fact, she has very nice color patterns in the sidebar and in all the standard WordPress admin elements. This greatly improves the user experience, creating a cozy modern atmosphere instead of a boring and tech-heavy one. In the WordPress directory, this theme is available for free, although there is also a PRO version for those who want more features.


Many can argue and argue for hours that the standard WordPress admin area design is made in a modern style. And although it is quite functional and provides a lot of opportunities, it may not be enough for those for whom design is not just an empty phrase. This is what prompted the developers to create their own Material theme, which, as you might guess, was based on the concept of material design from Google. This incredibly beautiful theme is a perfect example of how flexible WordPress can be in terms of customization, including from the inside. . You only need a little patience and experience to set it up. Everything else is not so important. Enjoy this theme to the fullest!

AG Custom Admin

Unlike other stylish admin panels, AG Custom Admin provides full-featured tools for developers who want to customize their admin panel for their own purposes or even their brand identity. For example, if you have your own publishing house and want to invite authors to your team so that they get an incredible user experience and feel like part of the team. And while the default WordPress admin gives you plenty of color customization options, you can do a lot more with the AG Custom Admin theme. You can hide the WordPress admin area, or rather its top panel. You will also be able to edit all objects in the admin panel and remove all WordPress related logos and elements by adding your company icons instead and using your corporate colors.

With the AG Custom Admin theme, you can also easily change the admin menu by removing or adding the elements you want to it. I can't help but mention color customization again, because this theme will allow you to customize the color of almost all pages of your admin area. You will have complete freedom of choice when setting up your site for work. You will also have a large number of other features to improve the user experience and interface - AND ALL OF THIS IS COMPLETELY FREE!

Changing the WordPress admin area with this theme will be incredibly easy and fun.

Fancy Admin UI

More than 3 thousand users are actively using the Fancy Admin UI theme to improve their user experience with the admin panel. And, despite the fact that this theme has only changed the color scheme and aligned the standard elements, this admin panel in white and blue style will leave you with only the most positive impressions. You will get a pleasant experience that no other admin theme or plugin can provide. Also, if you need additional features or additions, you can contact and arrange this with the developer.

Blue Admin

Blue is the color of calm. It goes well with both dark and light decor. This is the reason why so many plugin and theme developers have chosen this color as the default color scheme for their admin panel templates. The Blue Admin theme is no exception. The design is nice, clean and very simple. In addition, it is quite modern, especially in comparison with many other options. Perhaps this WordPress admin area is exactly what you need to get some inspiration for new achievements. Think about it!

WP Admin Color Schemes

Before WP Admin Color Schemes, the developer has set only one goal - to offer you a choice of several color schemes for your standard admin area. Red, blue, green, black, orange - any of these colors will allow you to create an atmosphere in which you will feel more confident when working with your content. Just install and activate the theme and you're all set to go!

Slash Admin

Slash Admin does a little more than the rest of the plugins and themes on this list. It is a complete tool that provides big and small features for your site that you can only get by installing a lot of third-party plugins. The Slash Admin plugin has a large number of front-end features. For EU countries, it provides a pop-up window to comply with EU cookie law. So, if you are targeting this market, this feature will be very useful to you. Also you will get a simple loading module for the pages that are loading. In addition, you can change the default content font to any of the available Google fonts and show a polite warning to visitors using outdated browsers (because it threatens both them and your safety).

As for the functionality of the admin panel itself, Slash will allow you to use the Google Analytics code to track statistics and set a limit on the number of post changes that are automatically saved (this will save database space while keeping it clean). You can also set a timer that will allow you to block the updating of records and remove functions after a specified time. This is especially important for sites with a large number of authors and editors, in which it is important to avoid situations where someone suddenly wants to change the content a couple of months after publication. Another great feature is the so-called "prevention mode", which is useful in cases where you need to make certain changes to the site. At the same time, the user sees only a page with a notification that preventive work is being carried out on the site. This kind of feature usually requires a separate plugin to be installed, but with Slash you don't have to worry about that.

This list of features is far from exhaustive. I recommend visiting the plugin page to learn more about it. To do this, simply click on the button below.

WordPress Admin – Additional plugins to extend functionality

Judging by the themes presented above, setting up the WordPress admin area in terms of design is a fairly simple process. But what if you want to expand your admin area to better suit your needs? This is possible if you use special plugins, which we will talk about next.

Admin Guide Widget

The Admin Guide Dashboard Widget will meet more admin needs, especially for sites with multiple administrators and editors who need notes and easy organization of post categories. With this plugin, you can quickly create widget blocks for all categories on your blog to display all available posts. This widget will allow you to edit content, leave notes and any other important information for the rest of the admin team members.

Erident Custom Login and Dashboard

Agree, there is nothing more pleasant than opening your WordPress admin panel, which from the first seconds meets and pleases with a stylish design. And the one you created. Erident Custom Login and Dashboard allows admins to change the color scheme, background images, form styles, and many other settings that seriously affect how your brand is perceived by other admin users on your team. Spend some time learning Erident and you will see how it will help you out.

Admin Trim Interface

Although many bloggers diligently look for plugins to add more features to their admin area, some, on the contrary, want to get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary clutter that only spoils the work and loads the system. Want to get a simpler admin panel? Admin Trim Interface makes sure you have everything you need by giving you an admin panel with a more streamlined, cleaner and sleeker look and feel.

MainWP Dashboard

With over 9,000 active users, MainWP Dashboard is the most popular open-source WordPress site management plugin. This is an indispensable tool for administrators of multiple WordPress sites that will make your life much easier by providing instant benefits for management and customization. The plugin is constantly updated, so you don't have to worry about security.

Client Dash

Would you like more options to customize your WordPress admin panel? If you know how to work with the built-in widget manager in WordPress, Client Dash will be a real discovery for you. It will provide a powerful widget management feature in the admin that works similarly to a regular widget manager. Only now the process of adding, removing, reorganizing and customizing widgets will become even easier. Your colleagues will be grateful to you, because now your WordPress admin area will give them even more pleasant emotions from work.

I would like to end the review with an optimistic parting word. Whichever plugin or template you choose - free or premium - if you feel comfortable with it and do not experience any difficulties, then you made the right choice. In any case, your new WordPress admin area will allow you to get much more than the standard one. You will soon see for yourself. Good luck!

Artyom is the author of numerous reviews and articles on the website of the project website "Web Lab of Success", dedicated to templates, plugins, courses and other topics of the site. Expert in the selection of templates and plugins for the WordPress platform, etc. Hobbies: reading interesting literature and outdoor activities.

Now we'll figure it out quickly how to login to wordpress admin? And you will start working on your site! In fact, you are not the only person who cannot log into the admin panel of your own project created on the wordpress engine. If you simply enter the domain name in the address bar of your browser, you will be taken to the desired site. But only as a visitor, and not its creator and father.

It turns out that in order to get into the control panel of your blog in the browser line, you need to enter something else .. They will finally help you, after much torment and nerves, still go to your site as its rightful owner.

Just do not think that you have been scammed and there is no way to get to the site. I understand the nerves are naughty, I myself was in the same situation. And there are those who are already thinking in a new way. Don't worry, in just a few seconds you'll be enjoying the editing process and typing a new article. Someone from the admin area to your WordPress site.

In the meantime, carefully watch and remember what you need to do. You will have to use these methods very often to enter the admin panel. Of course, you can save your username and password later. However, after clearing the history in the browser or if you are working on the site from another computer, you will need to somehow get into the admin panel again.

How to enter the wordpress admin panel working methods.

Your browser, I'm sure, is already open, so let's proceed to the entrance to the home site. To do this, in the address bar, you need to enter any of the links below. Now just copy any option, and instead your website enter the name of your project.

  • it will come out like this https://site.ru/wp-admin
  • https://your_site/wp-login.php or https://site.ru/wp-login.php

You will be taken to a login page where you need to enter your username and password.

Everyone entered these data when creating the site, when they installed wordpress. If you specified only a password, then everyone will automatically have a username admin. I would recommend checking the Remember me box, this will allow you to enter the admin panel automatically next time, after entering only the name of your project in the address bar. It is clear that if you do not work at home, then you should not put any checkmarks. If the data is correct, then in a second you will find yourself in the admin panel, exhale with relief and start working on the site.

But what if you don't remember your password or username?

Do not panic, this information can be viewed in the letter that was sent to you by E-mail. I hope you did not specify the left mail when creating the site and you can go in, open this letter and get into the admin panel of your own site. By the way, you have also been sent an already active login link. So you can click on it directly from the letter to get to your site. This is exactly how I came to my project for the first time, and to be honest, not only the first, sometimes I still use this method.

We logged in and everything is fine, but sometimes you need to log out and the site control panel, especially if you work away from home. Always keep this in mind, because otherwise another person will get to your site, change the password and become its full owner. You can log out with one click, just hover over your username, which can be found in the upper right corner, and click logout in the window that opens.

Now, to get into the admin panel, you will again have to use one of the above links, but you will be sure that no one else will be able to access the site except you.

The WordPress admin panel or the administrative part of the WordPress site is designed to manage the content of the site: editing articles, changing themes, placing widgets, managing media files, editing the site code, including the CSS appearance.

WordPress Admin - Login

All WordPress user groups, except for subscribers, can be included in the site's admin panel. True, each user group has its own permissions for editing content.

However, even an administrator cannot log into the WordPress admin area without a username and password. Administrator login and password, set when . There, it's worth remembering.

WordPress admin login address

The URL to enter the insecure admin area of ​​the site is as follows:

  • http://your_site.ru/wp-login.php or
  • http://your_site.ru/wp-admin/

How to get into the admin area from the site

To get to the administrative part of the site from its front part, you need to place the Meta widget on the site. It has four links: Login, Register, Post RSS, Comment RSS, WordPress link. The last three links can be removed. Read: .

If you forgot your password and login to the WordPress admin panel, it's unpleasant, but not fatal. There are several options to restore them.

How to reset your admin password

To recover the administrator password for logging into the admin panel, you can use one of the three recommended methods. Read about them in the article:.

How to remember administrator login

How to change your WordPress admin password

If you are logged into the admin panel and want to change your administrator password, go to the Users →Your profile tab. In the lines: "New password" and "Repeat new password", change the password to enter the admin panel. Remove the old password from the browser's password cache.

Logging into the WordPress admin area using your WordPress.com account

You can make it easier to log in to your site's admin panel by syncing your site account with your WordPress.com accounts. You can use . The 33 features of the Jetpack plugin include an authorization module, through a WordPress.com account.

WordPress admin Login

How to protect your WordPress admin from being hacked

WordPress security plugins

Install one of the wordpress security plugins on your system. Almost, in all plugins of this type, there is a module to protect the admin panel from unauthorized entry. The admin panel is protected in different ways: the number of incorrect login attempts is limited, the login address to the admin panel is changed and / or encrypted, etc. Read more in the articles:

Let's take a look at the content of the WordPress admin area.

What is included in the wordpress admin

Customizing the appearance of the WordPress admin

The settings for the appearance of the admin panel are located at the top of the page on the exit screen. It is called "Screen Settings" and is present on each tab of the admin panel, with its own settings elements.

Let's see how it changes the appearance of the admin panel using the example of the Console - the main page of the admin panel.

WordPress admin

Open the "Screen Settings" and tick the checkboxes in the required boxes. The checked console modules appear on the console page. Everything is simple. The number of modules will increase as new plugins are installed.


WordPress admin design changes over time. Recently, new color schemes have been added (they are on the User-Your Profile tab), but fundamentally it remains unchanged. This is the left panel of the console and the top technical menu.

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