List of professional publications in which the publication can be placed. Free certificate of publication of methodological material

Free certificate of publication of the material on the pages of the educational media can be obtained in electronic form. The electronic certificate is provided in high quality with the signature of the editor-in-chief of the Portal and the seal of the electronic media in the field of education (Remote Educational Portal "Prodlenka" is a mass media in the field of education (media registration certificate: EL No. FS 77 - 58841).

In order to receive a free certificate, your material must be added to the Methodological Portal Library.

How to add material to the Methodological Library:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the rules for publishing methodological material.
  2. Download material. Please note that not all materials can be added to the methodical library! Materials that do not comply with the rules for publishing and designing materials will not be posted. If the material is approved, a confirmation letter will be sent to your e-mail specified during registration and sending of the material. After that, your material will be available to you in the My Works section.

A free electronic certificate of publication of the material must be downloaded independently (certificates are not sent by e-mail!).

How to download the certificate of publication:

  1. Find the necessary material through the section My works.
  2. Click on the name of the required material. Next, a window with the column "Download certificate of publication" will open. The download link is available only to registered and authorized users. Documents are opened and downloaded in pdf format. To open the certificate in *.pdf format, you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, updated to the latest version.

If you have any questions, we recommend that you use the FAQ section. If you did not find answers to your questions in this section, you can ask them by sending an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Dear teachers! On this page of the Konspektek portal, you can place your materials and instantly receive a certificate of publication of the article.

In order to increase the likelihood of placing your work and speed up its appearance on the pages of the site, we ask you to carefully read rules for posting materials.

Works partially or completely copied from other resources will not be accepted for publication.. Such applications are rejected by the moderator, and issued certificates without the presence of the work published on the site are invalid. Thus, the site administration cannot guarantee that the added work will be published.

Also please pay attention to the following:

  1. Carefully, step by step fill out the form to the end, following all the instructions for filling it out. Each form field becomes available after filling in the previous field. After filling in all the required fields, click the "Publish" button. If the material is successfully added, you will see a corresponding message and a link to your certificate.
  2. If your work contains any images, graphs, charts, three-dimensional tables, or it contains many pages of text (more than 3), then you need to add the work file to the first field of the form. Then fill in the rest of the form fields.

Konspekteka - a site for free placement of publications of teachers and teachers of preschool education

Dear colleagues, we are pleased to welcome you to our methodological portal, created to collect the most complete and convenient knowledge base for professionals in the field of education. On the pages of our site, any teacher can publish author's materials on any school subject and developments in the field of extracurricular activities, as well as receive a free teacher's publication certificate for this. Of course, not only teachers, but also teachers of preschool and additional education can publish. Any of your materials will be able to find their place on our portal.

Example of a Publication Certificate

Publish your copyright materials and discuss them with colleagues

Free Teacher Publication Certificate - Educator Certification Assistance

The publication of teachers' work is one of the significant components of a professional portfolio, which is necessary for successful teaching. Publication Certificates for Teachers document the availability of published materials and play an important role in the professional assessment process.

The administration of the Konspektek site is pleased to invite everyone to publish their author's work on the pages of our electronic edition and immediately receive a certificate of publication free of charge. After the moderator checks your application, the material will become available on the pages of our website (within 1-3 days). New articles are published daily, so stay tuned!

Sincerely, Administration of the site Konspektek.

Most recently, in one of the articles on our blog, we reviewed, and you learned. We continue the topic of introducing new functionality. This time we will consider the possibility of adding and designing articles in a new convenient and functional format.

The new option can be used by both ordinary users on their personal wall and administrators of public communities in order to draw attention to their posts and increase the number of subscribers/sales.

Getting started with the new editor is easy. On your profile page, we find a field with the text "What's new with you?" and click on a specific brand new button with the letter "T".

In a group or a public page, we do the same by selecting the field and clicking the corresponding button described above.

Let's go to the editor.

The first line "Come up with a name" will initially be written in capital letters using the tag


, so it will look larger than all other text, since it's a heading.

When you click on the question mark located at the bottom right, a tooltip appears to help you figure it out when editing an article.

Let's start filling out our post. Adding text. To format the text, it is enough to select the necessary fragment and use the pop-up menu, in which it is possible to make the text bold, italic, strikethrough.

To move to a new line, you should press "Enter", and a new paragraph - "Shift + Enter".

How to add media files?

Go to the next paragraph (the keyboard shortcuts were described above) and click "+".

We see the next "pop-up".

The first button allows you to add photos by directly uploading from a computer or group / profile photo content, take a picture through a webcam.

The second one allows you to add a video to the post.

Currently, to add video content, you must initially place it in your videos. You can also find videos through the search that appears when you add! And one more fact. Movie in edit mode will not play! You can see it "in action" only after the publication of the article.

You can immediately set a description.

The third button allows you to add a GIF file from your documents or by directly uploading from your computer.

Photo content can be added bypassing the above operations by using the clipboard and the well-known keyboard shortcuts "Ctrl + C" (copy) and "Ctrl + V" (paste).

Hotkeys used in the new editor.

Consider combinations of combinations that can significantly increase the speed of posting. Some of them may be known to many:

    "ctrl+B" - highlight text in bold;

    "ctrl + I" - italics;

    "ctrl+Z" - canceling the previous action;

    "Enter" - transition to a new line;

    "Shift + Enter" - the cursor moves to a new paragraph;

    "*" + "Space" - creation of a bulleted list item;

    “Number (0,1,2…)” + “.” + “Space” - adding items to a numbered list.

Publication and drafts of entries

Having analyzed the main points regarding editing, let's move on to saving and publishing.

Changes made to a future published article are automatically saved as a "Draft". In the "Articles" section, you can also see the "Published" subsection, which displays posts that have been edited and displayed on the wall after publication.

You can add a new "Draft" through the "+" in the same section.

Pressing the crescent-shaped key allows you to switch to Night Mode.

So we examined the new editor of articles on Vkontakte.

What advantages and benefits does the new functionality provide to users?

Let's deal with this and weigh all the pros:

    the ability to save several drafts at once, which saves time and optimizes labor costs;

    highlighting those points in the article that need to be emphasized, which allows you to draw attention to the record of potential customers and subscribers;

    easy and simple addition of media files.


Having considered the new functionality regarding adding an article to Vkontakte, it is safe to say that many of this editor were looking forward to it. Once again, we should emphasize the ease of editing and clarity, allowing any user to understand.

It is likely that in the near future the developers will add new and interesting options (for example, emoticons, photo captions, view statistics, etc.), which will undoubtedly please all of us. Therefore, do not waste time, be in trend and keep abreast of new events! Start trying a new and not yet familiar editor "taste", having fun.

Why do I need it?
1. You will provide a huge help in teaching your subject to thousands of teachers of the Russian-speaking Internet;
2. If your developments are interesting and exclusive, they will quickly become popular among network users, you will gain authority and popularity;
3. Motivation for self-realization and the creation of new (possibly paid) projects;
4. Get absolutely free certificate of your publication in

Everything is very simple, just fill out the form (give detailed information, especially about your institution, city, district, region, etc., because the data that will be entered will be in the certificate), and your development will be published in the right section of the site.

What materials are accepted?

All files are accepted in *.rar and *.zip archives, no more than 10 Mb. These can be files, presentations on your subject, lesson developments, teaching materials, video tutorials that can be of invaluable help to other teachers when conducting classes.

Important: do not add the same material several times, all duplicates will be deleted, i.e. if you uploaded the same material 3 times, then only one will remain. Which one will be decided by the moderator. The title of your development should be short, otherwise it will simply go beyond the boundaries of the evidence itself. Before sending material review the evidence , whether everything is filled out correctly, in which case you can correct the mistakes made in the form. To see what the certificate will look like, you can click on the link "View Certificate" at the bottom of the form. Your development can take part in the monthly development competition. See all details below.

If you would like to participate in the monthly development contest, please fill out the form below!

  1. In the "Comment" field, indicate the subject, the name of your development and the date of publication on the site;
  2. Press the button "Send";
  3. In the form that appears, enter your name and email address.

Funds are transferred only to Yandex wallet.

Thank you, regards to you Site Administration.

"Educational and methodical office" invites teachers, educators, methodologists, students, students to publish their copyrighted materials on the site

Dear visitors and guests of our educational portal, we invite you to publish your copyright materials and receive an electronic certificate of publication for this.

Mass media International educational site "Educational-methodical office". Mass media registration certificate EL No. FS 77 - 60196 dated December 17, 2014, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor)

The publication of materials on the site is free, but it is necessary to take into account a number of requirements and read this statement carefully.

What is an electronic certificate of publication for?

A certificate of publication is issued for posting your copyrighted material on the site:

Educational and methodological developments;

Scenarios of extracurricular activities, class hours;

Scenarios of holidays, entertainment, leisure;

Articles on pedagogical subjects;

Lesson notes;

Classes with preschoolers (compendiums);

Master classes in needlework;

Scenarios of seminars, parent meetings and conferences;

Preparing children for school (advice to parents, thematic classes, tests...)

Reviews of books on pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods;

Registration of a kindergarten, school (master classes, articles);

Conversations with children (summaries of conversations with preschoolers, notes of conversations with schoolchildren);

Crosswords, quizzes, didactic games.

The presentation is published only as an attachment to the work. . If presentation slides are used in the text of the work, then the presentation must be published. How to publish a presentation

We do not issue Certificates of Publication for promotional articles.

In order for your materials to be published on our website, you need to register. . At the same time, be sure to indicate your full First Name, Last Name and Patronymic, gender, city. All this can be filled in your profile after registration. Additional information about yourself is welcome. See how to register on the site


All materials for which you want to receive a Certificate of Publication must be posted on your personal blog on our website.

If you don't have a blog and want to get a Certificate of Publication, then you need to:

Register on the site;

Leave a request to open a blog (follow the link)

After reviewing your application, we open a personal blog for you.

After posting your material on the blog, you leave an application for a Certificate of Publication (follow the link)

The site administration reserves the right to refuse the author to post materials, or to delete already published materials without explaining the reasons for such refusal.

We do not respond to questions asked in the comments, in private messages, to the e-mail address, the answers to which are contained in the text of this provision. All comments with such questions will remain unanswered or will be deleted.

Requirements for posted materials:

Materials are accepted only in Russian (exception: materials of foreign language teachers)

At the beginning of the text, you can indicate your copyright data;

- be sure to indicate the purpose of your materials (brief announcement; description; application of your material in the educational process; for what age, for what class is your material applicable );

- texts should not be previously published on the Internet and other publications ;

If you used any sources when compiling the materials (for example, poems by famous poets, aphorisms or quotes from famous people, descriptions of teaching methods, or other sources), then you must indicate the authors of these sources;

The volume of the text must be at least 2 printed pages (Fonts "Times New Roman" only 14th size. Line spacing - single)

If photographs, pictures, drawings, diagrams are used in the design of the article, then they must be at least 700 points in width, the pictures must be bright, only images in jpg format(photos with dates, photos with logos of other sites, photos of small size, photos of poor quality are not accepted);

Tables should only use one border style, a solid line.

Do not use: headers and footers, footnotes, embedded objects, frames (inscriptions), frames and fills, objects drawn using MS Word.

The text should not contain links to other sites. Only the Authors of poems, works and aphorisms can be indicated in the text.

Only standard characters can be used in bulleted lists.

Not allowed perform abbreviations like: B, Vo-l, R-k, U-k, etc. It is necessary to write in full: Educator, Child, Student, etc.

Student papers are published only as an appendix to the description of the teacher's experience. A description of the teacher's activities is attached to the student's work: the goals pursued in the process of work, the stages of work and a description of the methods of work.

Quizzes, crossword puzzles, tests, puzzles and other didactic tasks must be answered. Crossword puzzles should contain not only a list of questions, but also a grid, designed in a graphic format.jpg.

The texts of control and independent works should contain: purpose, tasks, answers, methodological tips on the use of these didactic materials in the classroom or in extracurricular activities.

If the text of your material contains technical symbols and tables (mathematical, physical formulas, equations ... and materials with a complex tabular structure (work programs, class notes, etc.)), then you post part of your work on the blog before formulas or tables (description, goal, tasks, lesson plan, explanatory note...). Next, send the text of your work to us at the address with the subject "Please post additional material for my blog entry", be sure to include a link to the blog post in the body of the email, where some of your material is already placed. We will post it within 3 business days. Further, after your material (with tables, with formulas...) is posted on the blog, you will have to apply for a Publication Certificate.

We reserve the right to edit your work.

How to prepare your materials for publication

2. Correctly formulate the name of the material (the name should be capacious, precise, not long). If you need a clarifying title (then this title can be placed inside the article)

3. Be sure to indicate the announcement of your article , purpose, application, purpose and objectives, preparation, for which category of teachers, parents or children your material is designed.

Do not forget to complete the article (summary, analysis, etc.)

4. What if the text of your material contains tables? You need to place the material before the tables, then send all the material (summary, script, etc.) to the email address [email protected] site

We ourselves will add material with tables to your blog.

5. Practical materials (training in drawing, lessons of labor, drawing and fine arts, master classes, virtual trips around the city, materials for decorating a kindergarten, school, etc.) should contain photos and illustrations. All photos must be of good quality, at least 640 pixels wide, the photo must not contain logos of other sites, dates or other inscriptions. There should be no children in the photo.

6. Photos, pictures and illustrations for your work should not contain logos or watermarks of other sites.

7. What if your lesson or event contains a Presentation? The presentation must be sent to us at [email protected] website and we will publish it. The presentation is published as an appendix to the work. How to publish a presentation can be read.

8. If you want to post a video, then it can only be posted as an addition to the main material. How to post a video can be viewed

9. If you post a master class, then he must satisfy this requirements .

Sample worksheet:

Procedure for issuing a Certificate of Publication

You download the certificate of publication directly from the page of the site where your material is placed, after the approval of your applications .

You can download the Certificate of Publication within 14 days after the issuance of the Certificate of Publication.

If, after posting the material on the site, our editors find a copy of your abstract on the Internet (provided that you are the Author there), then the Certificate of Publication is not issued, while the material remains on the site.

One publication certificate per person is issued per work.

If an article has several Authors, then before writing an application for a Certificate of Publication, you need to send permissions from all Authors to publish this material on your blog to your email address, and only then will we consider your application.

A certificate of publication can be obtained upon application only within 30 days from the date of publication of the material on the site. If you leave an application after this period (that is, more than 30 days have passed since the publication of the material), then it will not be considered.

Active users of the site can receive Gratitude and Diplomas

How to get a Gratitude and a Diploma of an active member of the site

All Diplomas and Acknowledgments are issued free of charge.

Competition "Best Blog 2019"

The competition runs from January 1, 2019 to December 20, 2019

According to the results of this competition, all winners receive a Diploma for the "Best Blog of 2019"

Sample Diploma

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