How to switch Instagram to a business profile. Switching to your personal Instagram account

Instagram management has multiple accounts at once. At the same time, the network functionality is thought out in such a way that they can be controlled from one profile linked to a phone number. This provides ease of operation and simplifies access to additional options. The answer to the question of how to switch between accounts on Instagram, and ways to solve possible problems will be discussed below.

Problems with returning to a personal page on Instagram arise when a business account on Facebook is blocked. This is due to the presence of unfinished operations carried out during the blocking process. These are usually marketing campaigns in progress.

Although the problem of how to switch to a personal Instagram account is quite relevant on the network, it has a very simple solution.

To do this, you just need to unlink the Facebook profile that has been blocked from pages in Instragram. This can be done in the following way:

Changes do not take effect immediately, but only after updating the server cache. The network does not send notifications that this has happened. Therefore, you should not worry. You just need to wait a little while. After the page in the instagram is unlinked from the blocked Facebook account, it will not be difficult to switch to your personal profile.

How to switch Instagram to a personal account

Many users ask on the network the question of how to switch to a personal account on Instagram. You can switch from a business profile to a regular page at any time. You need to go to the "Settings" section. On the screen, his illustration is a gear in the upper right part and select the "Switch back to personal account" button.

If any of the accounts is not used, and in the future you do not plan to administer and edit it, you can delete it. Deletion occurs automatically when you log out of your account. For this you need:

  • Press the username and switch to the profile that turned out to be redundant;
  • Go to the parameters by clicking on the item in the upper right corner of the screen;
  • Scroll to the end of the menu and select the action “End session…. (page owner's name) ".

Important: When you click on the "Log out of all accounts" button, all added profiles are deleted.

Linking all personal and business pages to one account makes it easy to switch accounts between each other. With this useful option, the user will not miss important notifications and comments from subscribers.

How to switch to company profile on Instagram

For those who first encounter the functionality of business pages, it is sometimes difficult to understand how to switch to a business profile on Instagram. It should be noted right away that the function can only be connected via the mobile platform. This cannot be done from a computer. First you should go to the "Settings" section. Then everything is simple, and the algorithm of the necessary actions consists of the following steps:

After linking pages to each other, the network will ask for contact information and account category. If you did not plan to post information about addresses and phone numbers to the public, you do not need to specify them. Otherwise, the information will be available to all subscribers and users of the social network, if they click on the plugin "Contact" .. You can publish the work phone number and smile of the company, and the address should be generalized (for example, only the city).

The account category is a fairly abstract management experiment in structuring commercial accounts. It is not always possible to choose a category that accurately reflects the type of activity - either there is no suitable one, or it is too vague. At the moment there are several options - "Musician", "Entertainment / Shopping", "Art", "Personal blog". There is no detailed division into works and services.

You should choose a solution that is as close to your business as possible. Maybe in the future the administration will eliminate this defect and expand the catalog of categories for more specific results in search. the social network will soon expand the range of categories.

How to switch to your past business Instagram account: steps to take

Switching to an old advertising page on Instagram is similar to switching between a business and a personal account. The procedure is described above and is quite simple. If the previous account was deleted, you need to add it again through the same options menu. This will require a user ID and password. After that, a jump button will appear in the upper left corner. When you click on it, a list of all linked pages will be displayed. A new account is also added. Instagram allows you to simultaneously register up to five pages to one phone number. There are no restrictions on whether they are personal or promotional. If the network moderators make sure that each of the pages is actively used, the user will be prompted to expand the limit.

What does it mean to switch to a company profile on Instagram? This question is often asked by new users. It's no secret that Instagram is actively used to promote products / services.

The presence of commercial accounts (company or brand pages), thanks to special options, makes it possible to increase the number of customers and increase sales.

Among the useful functions I would like to note:

  • The presence of a "Call" button, with the help of which a potential client can get in touch and clarify the question of interest;
  • Statistical reporting, which helps to understand which posts are of greater interest, to identify the characteristics of the target audience (age, gender, location), to assess page traffic;
  • Possibility of promotion and additional advertising tools;
  • Assigning your account to a specific business category, which makes it easier to find your account in the search results;
  • The ability to create an online store with a showcase of goods, their detailed descriptions and prices;
  • Ease of switching between personal and corporate profiles.

Instagram users can have multiple accounts, both personal and corporate. The social network functionality allows you to change the current status by switching between profiles. This provides ease of operation and easy access to additional options.

How to change a status from corporate to personal

After registering a page in social. network, she gets a personal status. When a user needs to create a business account, he is re-authorized. (Read about that in the article at the link.) The newly created profile is attached to the corresponding Facebook page to get a contact button and access statistical information. The disadvantage of an account is the inability to restrict access to publications. If the purpose of the profile has changed and there is a need to make it private, then you need to switch the page.

You need to act according to a simple algorithm:

  • go to your personal profile - click on the icon with a silhouette of a person at the bottom right;
  • go to the options menu - click on the three vertically placed dots at the top right;
  • find the subsection "Account".

By clicking on the bottom line with the offer to switch, you will see a message about the loss of access to statistics in case of activating a private account.

By clicking on the "Return" button, you can go to your personal page and make it closed, if necessary.

How to switch between your accounts

Having learned how to switch to a personal Instagram account, you need to figure out how to simultaneously manage two pages without going through the authorization procedure each time. It is necessary for these purposes to add an account in the same "Options" menu. You will have to re-enter your username and password and you will have a transition button in the upper left corner.

By clicking on it, you will see a list of all your pages and you can add a new one. It is allowed to register up to five profiles for one number without restrictions. If social filters networks will be convinced of their active use, then the limit will be expanded in a month.

Hello friends! Today we have one more big news from Instagram with you! We did not have time to get used to the latest innovation, as we are covered by another major update 🙂 This time we will talk about business profiles on Instagram, which will appear for all of us very soon!

So, as stated on Instagram itself, starting from August 15, business profiles will begin to be activated in Russia and other countries of the EMEA economic region. Someone will be lucky and they will appear quickly, while someone will have to wait up to two months until the innovation reaches everyone registered in social media. account network.

With the arrival of such profiles, we will get a lot of tools that will make the promotion in social. networks are even more interesting for companies. This will be, for example, analytics, a call to contact you directly through the profile, as well as new advertising opportunities that will be added to the existing one.

Well, now let's go in order and, as I like, in all the details. I will try to make sure that from this article you will learn everything there is to know about business profiles on Instagram

Let's start with the definitions so that everything is clear to everyone at once.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Before converting your personal insta profile to a business account, MANDATORY !!! remove the link to Facebook. Add a Facebook page after you transfer your profile to a business. Otherwise, due to a known bug, you may no longer be able to share posts directly to your Facebook page.

What is an Instagram business profile and why is it needed?

As you know, Instagram has been holding the lead for many years, being one of the most dynamic and fastest growing social media. networks and. Due to the fact that more and more companies come to Instagram to communicate with their audiences, in social. the web is beginning to miss the distinction between the profile of the regular user and the profile of companies and brands.

After all, it is clear that a company on Instagram does not just come to gaze at other people's photos, but does it for a specific purpose: to increase brand awareness, increase sales, conduct a marketing campaign, etc. So, Instagram is finally then he went to meet companies and launches special business tools that will help companies and brands get these very results.

What will a business profile have on Instagram?

If you convert your account to a business profile, then you should have the following options:

  • communication button, which will be located right next to the "Subscribe" button;
  • business category;
  • physical adress (optional);
  • audience and publication statistics;
  • new advertising opportunities.

Now let's take it in order.

Instagram Contact Button

When transferring a profile to its business option, you will have the ability to add to it a physical address, phone number and email... This information will be public and will be shown to the user if he clicks on the "Contact" button.

This is especially great news for local businesses, as Instagram is now equipped with maps and can even serve as a kind of navigator for the user, showing him how to get to you.

Please note that when you enter a phone number, Instagram will offer you two options for contacting your company: a call or a text message. This is very prudent on their part, so be sure to pick the one that suits you. Nonetheless, if you don't want to show your phone number, in case, for example, if you are a freelancer or just do not want to shine, then it is better not to use the phone number at all. Be careful!

In the future, in order to edit your phone number, email and address, you need to go to your account settings and select the "Edit profile" option. All communication information with you will now be located here.

Built-in analytics on Instagram

Another cool feature that will come with the arrival of business accounts is Instagram stats.

In built-in analytics, Instagram will provide the following information:

  • the best publications, that is, those posts that aroused the greatest interest among subscribers;
  • impressions;
  • coverage;
  • involvement in publications;
  • clicks on the link in the profile;
  • demographic data: gender of subscribers, age, geographic location, as well as when they enter social. network (days of the week and hours).

So now you will know exactly who your fans are, where they are, what information and, what is important, when exactly they want to receive from you. Of course, this data is given to you for a reason, but more so that you are more informed when promoting your best publications 😉 With Facebook, it all comes down to advertising in the end))

Statistics will be easy enough to find! As soon as you translate the profile into its business version, next to the settings symbol (something that looks like a nut), you will have a column symbol (see video below). By clicking on it, you will go to the analytics page, where you will find all the above metrics.

Promotion of publications on Instagram

Promotion of regular posts is probably one of the most anticipated opportunities that companies have been wanting the most. With the advent, and indeed with an increase in user activity in social. network, it becomes more difficult to appear before the eyes of subscribers. For this reason, promoting publications comes in handy!

If earlier we could just create do not understand where hanging out for an ordinary layman, now you can promote publications directly from your profile! This is very useful for contest posts, which previously had to be fooled to promote, confusing potential participants! Moreover, companies that do will now have an additional opportunity to test directly in the profile, which resonates with the audience, in order to later promote the most successful publications without losing the already collected likes. An already clicked and commented post will look much better and more confident in the feed than a just launched, unliked ad 🙂

How to promote a post on Instagram?

The whole thing will work very simply. You find a successful post among all those published in your gallery and click on the "Promote" button, which will now show off under each post in your business profile. This is very similar to promoting Facebook posts, which we are all used to. Next, you are prompted to add a call to action to the post and select an audience. Facebook will offer two options here: an automatic audience or a customized one (of course, always choose this option !!!). Then you choose the end date of the advertising campaign, the budget and you're done! Your ad is ready to launch and, after being checked by a moderator, will appear in user feeds.

How to get a business profile on Instagram?

Business profiles will available to any Instagram account that has a business Facebook page... Guys, we do not confuse personal profiles with public pages or groups here. Differences.

So far, this function has not appeared in any of the accounts, so I cannot give you detailed instructions on how to switch to a business profile. In principle, everything will be quite simple and intuitive. For this reason, I will insert here the original video from Instagram, which shows how a business account is activated. The sound is in English, but the pictures, I think, can be understood. If you have any difficulties, below I have added a text version of the instructions.

Start looking at the 20th second.

As soon as you activate the ability to transfer a regular profile to a business, then in the settings you will see the option "" or something similar. This option will be at the very end of the settings, where you are in the application.

Step 1. Click on the option “ Switch to business profile«.

Step 2.Next, you will need attach an Instagram profile to the corresponding Facebook business page... If you manage several pages, then select the one you need from the list. Remember what you must have to complete this step!

If you don't have a Facebook page, you will have to create one, since this is the only option for switching to a business profile. On this topic I have, so, if necessary, use it for health.

Step 3.Further, Instagram will automatically import the category of your page and its address, if specified. Now you only have to add an email to contact you, as well as a phone number... Remember that the phone will be visible to everyone who decides to contact you. For this reason, consider whether to introduce it, as in some cases it may not be appropriate.

Step 4.In the upper right corner, find the option “ Done»And click on it to save the changes.

Step 5. Everything is ready!Now you have a business profile with all its brand new tools! Congratulations! 🙂

My opinion

Guys, just don't run ahead of the locomotive trying to convert your profile into a business as soon as possible. This, of course, is my personal opinion, but I know Facebook and its algorithms very well, so my theory, I think, has a place to be. I believe that Facebook wants to know who is who on Instagram for a reason. After all, a clear separation of personal profiles with businesses will allow him to "more efficiently" distribute whom to show in the feed and in what positions. Oh, are you a business? Well then, promote your posts to increase your reach. Well, something like that.

Business profiles are undoubtedly an important step forward and I have nothing against switching to them. I just want you to grasp the train of thought on Facebook and make informed decisions.

If you are a business, then, of course, you need to switch to a business profile, since the tools that Facebook offers in addition to it are really very interesting. Just do not forget that the insidious algorithm has already arrived on Instagram and after some time will become as all-consuming as the Facebook algorithm. I think that just one Instagram account will no longer be enough! It is very important to involve employees here to promote the company through their profiles, customers through UGC, that is, user-generated content, brand advocates, opinion leaders, etc. Promotion in social. networks should be complex, because the days when it was easy to promote on Instagram were gone, no matter what you came here with ... Now you need a strategy, branding, and it is becoming more and more difficult to take it in bulk.

Well, that's it for today! Hope this information was useful to you! Share it with your friends and colleagues. I will be very grateful! 🙂

How to create a business Instagram account and contact button

After reading this article, you will learn how to create a business account on Instagram and add a contact button, how to connect statistics of subscribers and coverage of publications. Installation takes 5 minutes and is 15 easy steps!

If you already know about all the benefits of an Instagram business account and contact button, then you can skip this paragraph and scroll directly to the installation instructions.

Business account on Instagram

A recent innovation, now it is already connected on almost every commercial account on Instagram. Why then? It's all about additional opportunities that open up to the owners of a business account on Instagram, namely:

  1. The ability to see the statistics of the coverage of records. Now you can see how many people saw and how many interacted with each of your posts.
  2. General account statistics. Find out the full coverage of your account for the week, how many subscribers have added and what hours and days of the week they are more active. The knowledge gained can be applied when posting and achieve better results.
  3. Promotion of publications.Quite a useful tool that allows you to display your publications to the audience you are interested in.
  4. Contact button on Instagram. This function allows you to specify data for communication with your organization, namely: phone, e-mail, address

How to make and add a contact button on Instagram

So, all of you have already seen that very coveted contact button on some foreign and Russian-speaking Instagram accounts, in addition to the contact button, you can see the account statistics, so how can you make the contact button on Instagram on your account? First, we will need to create a business account and a facebook page. In 15 easy steps we will tell you how to do it:

Create a Facebook page

  • Step 5. Click add button. This step is optional and the button will only appear in the Facebook community, however, since we have already started filling out, it is recommended to do this. You will also be prompted to upload a photo and a minimal description of the community. We skipped this point so as not to make the article too long.
  • Step 6. Choose "Call"

  • Step 7. Enter the phone number and click "Save"
  • Step 8. Congratulations! You have successfully added a call button.

Switch to the company profile and link the accounts

  • Step 9. Go to Instagram and click on the menu in the upper right corner
  • Step 10. Click switch to company profile

  • Step 11. Click "Next"
  • Step 12. Confirm

Instagram contact button

  • Step 13. Select the page with which we will link the Instagram account
  • Step 14. Enter data. For the button to appear, a phone number will be enough, however, you can also enter the email address and location of your company

Step 15. Congratulations! You now have a contact button and account statistics.

Bottom line: If you did everything correctly, now you know the answer to the question of how to add the contact button on Instagram and it is already on your account, within 24 hours you will have statistics on the coverage of new records and you can improve these indicators.

We really hope that this article was useful for you, and we will be grateful if you share with it on social networks!

Also on our website you can order services with which you can start receiving applications costing from 21 rubles. and thanks to which you can get targeted subscribers to your account.

Here is an earlier instruction for setting up your account, which is no longer relevant for Russia, but if you did not manage to do it in the way described above, use it:
This function is provided at the moment only in the US, so we need to move there using vpn. Download an application on your phone that connects you via VPN, for example Opera VPN (Iphone). Then we connect through the USA and go to Instagram. In the settings we find "business account" and we are offered to log in to Facebook. We log in, if a business page has not been previously created, you will be prompted to create it. We create, indicate the data with which you can be contacted.
Congratulations, now you have created an Instagram business account and you are one step closer to the client, because in order to contact you, he just needs to press the contact button.

UPDATE 04/11/2016

How to remove the contact button on Instagram?

If you decide to remove the contact button on Instagram, then you need to go to the settings, select switch to a personal account in the menu, and then the contact button, just like statistics and other functions, will become unavailable.

In this article, we will talk about how to create and design a profile for promoting small businesses in Intagram.


The social network Instagram has more than 500 million users today. And I would like to note right away that Instagram is, first of all, excellent for doing business, since the specifics of this platform more presuppose a visual impact on users, which increases conversion from sales and the efficiency of business activities.

Instagram has a widespread tradition of sharing photos, creating your own unique and interesting stories, and promoting brands and companies very popular. Thus, Instagram is mostly developed for doing business within it, rather than other social networks, such as Vkontakte, Twitter, Facebook.

How to properly use your Instagram profile for running a small business?

Surely many have already heard that Instagram has almost all the marketing tools that can significantly increase the conversion rate from the sale of goods and other products.

But as you understand, if an account is created for running a business, then you must initially promote it in the right direction, and thereby increase the popularity of your brand or company. And only after having at least some popularity, Instagram users will start following your account, and thus your audience of potential buyers will grow, as well as the popularity of the brand.

Therefore, if you are just starting a small business on Instagram, and do not yet have an account, then you need to follow everything step by step, as we describe below.

Creating a new business account on the social network Instagram

  • First thing you need to do is download the Instagram app, which you can do on the App Store. After entering the App Store, you need to enter a request "Instagram".
  • After that, you need to create your Instagram profile, and at the same time indicate in the field "E-mail" electronic mailbox. Note that you need to register a new email account, since the account must work on a blank email account, which, in addition to Instagram, should not be tied to anything.

Setting up a new business account on the Instagram social network

  • When you figure out how to enter an e-mail box and proceed to the next stage of registration, you will see that on the next screen you will be asked to enter username and password, and also set an image to your new profile as an avatar. Keep in mind that the username must be easy to read so that people and your audience can remember the brand you represent, otherwise you will not be able to promote the brand or company, since heavy and intricate words have a bad effect on popularity and promotion.

Choosing the right avatar for your new business Instagram account

  • It's best if you take a fresh photo for your profile. For example, if you are advertising T-shirts, you can take a picture of the logo on it, and if you are a business model, you can arrange a photo shoot and choose one of the profile photos.

Finding the right username for your new business Instagram account

  • After you set the avatar on your profile, you will be prompted to enter your full name and phone number. If your business has a name, for example, a brand name, then it must be set in the field Full namebut if you are the face of your business, then you need to use your own name. It is also important to indicate the phone number that you most often use, and this is necessary in order not to miss a potential client or any other offers. After all, you need to remember that we need to show the promotion of a business profile as much as possible through the tools provided by the developers of the social network Instagram.

  • After that, the social network Instagram will invite you to find your friends, work colleagues and relatives. But we do not need to look for friends, since we came here to maintain a business account, and not to communicate and exchange photos. Thus, you just need to skip this step, for which, when this offer appears, click on the button Skip.

  • Now that you've finally logged into the app, you'll see the start screen - more of a welcome screen for every new user on Instagram.

  • Then you need to click on the button Profile bottom right to see what your business account looks like. After you surprise your profile, you will need to click on the item Edit profileat the top of your profile.
  • When you go to the section Edit profilethen you will see that you need to fill in the field for the URL of your company or brand, the field About myselfand also indicate your floor... Please note that the URL of the site must be specified in any case, as this directly affects the image of your business profile.

TIP! Field for filling in information About myself,limited. Therefore, write the most important thing, that is, what you do, where you are, as well as what services you provide, etc. You can also see examples of the correct filling out of the profile with famous show business stars, and only after that fill in your profile with the necessary information.

Integration with other social networks for a new business account on the social network Instagram

  • As for the posting, I would like to note that it is necessary to publish at least 2-3 photos a day. For example, if you have a manufacturing company, you can publish photos of new products or goods. But the main thing is to always publish, otherwise the audience will lose interest in your business profile.
  • If you want to take live photos through the Instagram application, then you need to click on the icon with a camera in the center below. Then you will have the opportunity to capture the workflow in production or what your product looks like. You can also create a story like how your product works.

  • In our case, we took a live photo of the new line of fleece gloves from the collection Outbound Engine.

  • In the next step of publishing a live photo, you will see a bunch of color filter options. It is worth noting that Instagram has become widely known for such a wide range of color filters, and even the most novice photographer can play with filters here, who can easily bring a photo to professional quality.

  • Try to post witty and interesting posts, arrange photo contests with posts, photos and hashtags. Another thing that you should always stick to is using hashtags when posting any photo. Keep in mind that by using the most popular hashtags in your photos, you will also be the most popular. Therefore, if you are aimed at achieving business success and promoting your Instagram profile, then use specific and popular hashtags, taking into account the subject of the photo itself.

So, as you know, promotion on Instagram provides tremendous opportunities for successfully running a small business, effectively selling goods, knowledge, as well as conducting webinars and educational coaching. Therefore, we hope this article will help you succeed in promoting your Instagram business profile.

Video: How To Get A Link Button On Instagram? How to create a business profile on Instgram

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