The computer turns off 5 minutes after turning on. # 2 High temperature hardware. # 1 Problems with the system unit

It is extremely bad if the computer shuts down by itself. Why is this happening and how to make it not turn off automatically.

There are many reasons for this problem, as well as configurations. This can happen from time to time, constantly immediately when you turn on windows 7, windows 10, windows 8.1, just like on XP or Vista.

After turning on, the computer can spontaneously start turning off immediately or after a time, for example, after a second, after 2 seconds, after 3 seconds, after 4 seconds, after 15 seconds, after a minute, after 5 minutes, after 10 minutes, after 20 minutes, after 30 minutes, after an hour, and even at a specific time or every 2 hours.

Of course, all these reasons will not be considered in more detail - many have common roots, so we will analyze only the main factors how to make sure that the computer itself does not turn off endlessly at startup or arbitrarily during operation.

The games will also not be affected - there is already a record of this on this site - who needs it.

If your computer starts to shut down abruptly (not during startup, but during operation), then the first reason is overheating. We’ll start with her.

Periodic shutdown of the computer due to a significant increase in temperature

Suddenly or intermittently, problems may appear when the temperature rises inside.

Temperature sensors are installed on the PC, and when the "degree rises", then in order not to aggravate the situation (so that the processor, video card, hard drive), they cut it down.

In such situations, depending on the case, various solutions may be applied.

The temperature of the components is measured - for information on how to do this.

Cleaning the system unit (you need to do this about twice a year) - to get this information.

If these two points above did not help you get a lower temperature, then try adding another fan (cooler).

Regular shutdown of the computer through virus infection

  Even if you have a good antivirus program installed that is regularly updated, there is never a 100 percent guarantee that the virus will not infiltrate the system.
  Then even if the temperature is normal, problems may appear. What can be done? Try the recommendations below:
  • Scan.
  • Update your antivirus and do a scan.
  • Scan online with antivirus software.
  • Do malware analysis.
  • Get spyware analysis.

Constantly shutting down the computer through operating system errors

If the Windows operating system loses system files, your computer may unexpectedly start shutting down for no reason, although it sometimes produces an error that can be decrypted via the Internet.

In order to find out what is the reason, I propose two simple solutions.

The first is at startup (immediately at boot), press the F2 or Del key (there are other combinations) to enter the BIOS.

If you don’t hear any signals at the entrance: squeak, crack, and so on, then most likely the reason is in the operating system.

You do not have to reinstall Windows - you can simply update it using its installation disk.

The second - this option is a bit more complicated and at the same time easier. Launch your PC from the Live CD. Any Live CD can be downloaded for free on the Internet, and on YouTube see how to use it.

If after a few minutes, everything is fine, nothing goes out, then you can clearly know that the problem is in Windows itself.

Spontaneous shutdown of a computer through a problem with hardware components

Hardware components may be damaged. How can I find out that the problem arose because of this?

  • You have recently installed the driver. Remove it!
  • You have added a new component (video card, network card, etc.). Unplug them!
  • You were cleaning your computer and you might have disconnected or broken contact at this time. Make sure everything is in order!

On a computer, unlike a laptop, you can repair almost everything yourself. Everything in it is assembled in blocks, which can easily be replaced independently.

Other reasons why a computer shuts down by itself

Regardless of whether the new computer or the old one, it can sometimes start turning off at night or at the same time.

If you have such a problem, then there are two reasons: in the power supply unit or at the same time, some kind of process is started, the process will start automatically, as a result of which a conflict occurs.

Sometimes I get a question whether there is a program so that the computer does not turn off - there is no such program, there is only the opposite, so that it is forced to turn off at a certain time.

  That's all the main reasons why a computer without the help of someone else constantly or periodically shuts down at startup or during operation.

If none of the proposed solutions helped you, describe the problem in the comments - we will solve it together. NOTE: do not disassemble the computer if it is still under warranty! Successes.

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Many now cannot imagine their life without daily use of a computer. Even 10 years ago it was a luxury, today almost everyone has a PC or laptop. We are becoming increasingly dependent on such equipment. Monthly reports, photos dear to the heart, personal documents and much more - all this is not stored today on paper, but on the PC hard drive. Let's talk about common problems, in particular, why the computer shuts down by itself.

Some general information

A computer is an expensive and very complex electronic equipment that requires periodic maintenance and proper operation. Saying that the computer is malfunctioning or unstable, without observing elementary rules, is generally not necessary.

You are probably wondering why the computer shuts down by itself? To give an unambiguous answer to this question, it is necessary to sort through a large number of options, which is what we, in fact, will do in this article. But before that, I would like to note that any computer or laptop, regardless of age or technical condition, should be updated from time to time. It so happens that the technology simply worked out its own, the resource of the motherboard or other important component was used up, and there are failures. But now we will try to more specifically deal with why the computer shuts down by itself, how to fix it, and whether it is possible at all. But first things first.

Excessive dust

Probably, in computer repair workshops, specialists have long ceased to be surprised at the amount of dust that can settle in the system unit. Nevertheless, it can make an unforgettable impression on you. If you purchased your PC more than a year ago and never opened its cover for the sake of curiosity, then do it. Of course, if the equipment is still under warranty, then this is not worth it, since the obligations signed in the contract will be violated. And if suddenly the system unit fails not because of you, and the seals are already broken, you will have to repair it at your own expense.

So, what to do if the computer turns off, you ask? Open the system unit cover and see if there is dust. Excessive amounts of it can contribute to overheating of key nodes (video card, processor), etc. As a result, protection is triggered and the PC turns off. In any case, it will not hurt to purge the dust using the most ordinary vacuum cleaner. True, it is necessary to be extremely careful and first to de-energize the equipment.

Operating system issues

Before you climb under the cover of the system unit, you must understand your own operating system. If all the problems started after reinstalling Windows, it is obvious that this is the reason. In addition, the case may be related to a malicious program that came to you through the Internet or a memory card. Changing the source code of the files will lead to errors. The system will try to fix them by rebooting. Therefore, first of all, install an antivirus program.

Another important point is that not all assemblies, in particular pirated ones, work stably. This is obvious, so try to install a licensed OS, or a "clean" pirate if possible. Try to install another OS, if the problem persists, then you need to look elsewhere. Of course, you need to start with the simplest thing, and we'll talk about that.

Dried thermal grease

In general, quite often any breakdown on a PC is associated with overheating of the main working nodes. Dried thermal grease is one of the main reasons for that excessive, critical heating. Modern computers are reliably protected from heating. If the temperature reaches a critical maximum, the PC shuts down. It will turn on after 5-15 minutes, that is, when the node cools down. But the PC will turn on and turn off again after a couple of minutes, and this will be repeated indefinitely.

The reason can be very commonplace - the drying of thermal paste. What is thermal paste, you ask? The so-called thermal interface is necessary for efficient heat removal from the working area. This is a viscous substance that helps cool the processor, video card and all those places where there are coolers. So, computer repair will be required exactly when the paste dries. It must be changed at least once every few years, at least it is recommended to do so.

The computer shuts down during operation: causes and solutions

As noted, often the essence of the problem is too high a temperature. The processor in this case is the most vulnerable spot. The fact is that during operation it is very hot, so this node is extremely dependent on the efficient operation of the cooler. Often the problem is as follows. You overclocked the processor and increased its power by, say, 10%. In this case, the fan spins at the same speed. This will inevitably lead to and, possibly, its failure. Nevertheless, if the acceleration is carried out correctly, according to the instructions, then problems are unlikely to arise.

Computer repair after the processor crashes is fast, but very expensive. A powerful CPU will cost you a significant amount of money. Determining if a processor is a weak link is very simple. To do this, you can download a program that controls its temperature. If it reaches the upper limit, you will definitely notice it. It remains only to take appropriate measures.

About power supply

There are relatively few situations where the power supply unit is the culprit of a sudden outage, but they do occur. Most often this happens due to its insufficient power. For example, you bought a system unit, after which you changed the video card and processor to more powerful analogues. At the same time, remained standard. During an increase in the load on it, say, when starting some demanding game, it may simply not provide the “stuffing” of your system unit with sufficient power and turn off.

If the computer turns off when you turn it on, then things are really bad. Most likely, you will need to replace the power supply with a more powerful one. By the way, this parameter must also be calculated so as not to spend too much. The more powerful the system unit as a whole, the more productive the PSU should be. By the way, look at its cooling, perhaps there is too much dust.

Shutdowns due to video card and RAM

If the computer turns off during the game, then most likely we are faced with some kind of malfunction of the video card. The problem may be that the cooler can not cope, as a result, the temperature rises and the protection works. If you overclocked the video card, then return everything to the factory settings and the problem may disappear.

As for the RAM, it is better to start the diagnosis with it. If you notice periodic freezes incorrect playback of video files and games, then it may be in RAM. You can check it under load using the AIDA 32/64 program.


This is the most expensive and important element of the system unit. It is on the motherboard that the whole system rests. If the computer turns off during boot, then this may be a signal that it is time to check the "mother". If capacitors fail, then they can be re-soldered. If microcracks formed in the soldering, then there is a chance that they will fill with dust, and everything will fall into place. Otherwise, you will have to change the board.

There is also such a crucial element as the chipset, it is located on the motherboard and is cooled by a small metal cooler. So, often it overheats, which is why the OS reboots. Check it with a multimeter and change the cooler if necessary.

I / O device disconnected

Often there are problems with the periodic shutdown of the keyboard, mouse, webcam and other peripheral devices. Fortunately, most of these ailments are quickly and easily eliminated. Something is being treated by installing the latest drivers. If this does not help, then it may be in the port to which the device is connected. If the keyboard on the computer is disconnected, check the relevance of the driver, the operability of the port. If all else fails, take the keyboard to the workshop for verification; perhaps this is the case.

It so happens that the sound on the computer suddenly shuts down. In this case, it makes sense to check the same port, and then the wire going to the column. It is possible that your sound driver has flown, in this case no sounds will be played on the PC. Fresh driver can be downloaded on the official website of the manufacturer.

How to configure a computer

The correct one plays an important role. Here we have in mind various BIOS settings, in particular, it is not recommended to overclock a PC. If you are doing this, then soberly assess all the risks. On personal computers that are too weak, overclocking will not give any performance boost. It is advisable to always use the factory settings and frequencies, which will guarantee a long and uninterrupted operation. For example, if the computer monitor turns off during operation, this may indicate a gradual failure of the matrix. It will be easier for you to buy a new display than to repair an old one. This breakdown does not depend much on you, but everything that is in the system unit is best left as it is.


As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why the computer shuts down by itself. To quickly deal with the problem, it is recommended to use monitoring programs. So you can control the temperature of all components. If necessary, you can run a test under load, which will show what exactly is failing, and why the PC shuts down. As for the repair, it is unlikely that you will be able to qualitatively solder the capacitors of the motherboard, but replace the thermal grease or perform a purge from dust for everyone. For the computer to work for a long time, it is necessary to ensure a stable voltage. To do this, use voltage stabilizers, and you will be happy.

Often there is a problem of spontaneous shutdown of the computer. If this did not happen earlier, then this is a sign that either a software or system failure has occurred. There may be a large number of reasons. In this case, the user is able to fix any damage himself. All that is needed is basic knowledge of the software and hardware of the computer.

There are several causes for this problem:

  • Overheating: If the computer turns off some time after turning on, then perhaps the problem lies precisely in the overheating of any part. Overheating can occur due to malfunctions with the cooling system - coolers, or due to dust settled on the boards.

It is important to understand exactly when the shutdown occurs:

  • If the shutdown occurs during the launch of graphic applications (games, videos), then the problem is most likely lurking in the overheating of the video card.
  • A system hang before shutdown means that the CPU is overheating.

For diagnostic purposes, an external inspection of the boards and coolers should be carried out. If a layer of dust is visible, a thorough cleaning of the computer components - all the boards, coolers, should be carried out. Also, in order to prevent, it is necessary to replace the thermal grease at the central processor and video card.

On examination, it may turn out that some coolers are faulty. In this case, they should be replaced. When replacement is not possible, it is worth trying to “revive” the old. To do this, remove the sticker and rubber plug from the cooler body and drip 2-3 drops of engine oil. Then rotate the blades slightly so that the oil spreads over the bearing. Perhaps after this the cooler will work like new, successfully fulfilling its function.

Malfunctioning power supply or mains

Often, the cause may turn off the PC may be the mains voltage. You can check the voltage using a conventional multimeter. The voltage guaranteeing the normal operation of electrical appliances and equipment is 220 volts. The operating voltage range of the power supply is 200 - 240 volts. If the voltage measured by the multimeter is different, you should call an electrician and solve the problem. Also, a solution to the problem may be the purchase of a high-quality stabilizer.

Another reason may lie in the faulty wiring. The junction box and outlets should be inspected for any bad contacts there, which may cause short circuits and other problems. It is worth observing whether the computer turns off when powerful electrical appliances (for example, iron or kettle) are turned on in the apartment. In the case when such a pattern is noticed, you should contact a specialist to replace the wiring. This problem is more serious than it seems, since in addition to an arbitrarily shutting down computer, more serious problems are possible.

A power supply is an important element without which a computer cannot be started. The following problems are possible when the culprit is precisely BP:

  • Block overheating due to a failed cooler.
  • Swollen capacitors or other elements.
  • Overload. Or, in simple words - the lack of power of the power supply. This problem is relevant when demanding components are installed with a weak power supply. As a result of this, the power supply is turned off, or does not provide power at all.

Checking if the problem with the power supply is swarming is quite easy. To do this, temporarily replace it with another, preferably more powerful. In the event that the computer stops shutting down itself - fine, the root of all the problems has been found. Now there are two ways:

Try to find the problem of damage to the power supply. To do this, you need to disassemble it, check all capacitors - if swollen are found, then you need to replace them with new ones. It is also necessary to clean the unit from dust, check the operation of the cooler. If after "resuscitation" the problem remains, then go to the next paragraph.

When there is no time or knowledge to diagnose and repair the power supply, then replacing it with a new one will be the solution. In this case, it is better to buy a more powerful element.

Computer virus infection

Quite often there are cases when the computer shuts down due to viruses. Infection occurs when special protective programs are not installed. For example, downloading a movie from a website, a user can easily catch malicious code embedded in a movie file. It is also possible to catch a Trojan horse from other people's flash drives. It happens that hackers specifically create infected flash cards to penetrate the victim’s computer.

The computer is treated for viruses using antivirus utilities that scan all files on the hard drive and identify unwanted software or malicious code. If the virus detection utility did not help to cope with the problem of spontaneous shutdown, then the solution may be to create a special "treating" media. It can be a flash drive or disk - it doesn’t matter.

To create such a medium, you need to download special software that is specifically designed to solve problems with viruses. As a rule, detailed instructions for use and installation are attached to such programs, so even an inexperienced user can carry out “treatment”.

After creating a "curing" media, you should select in BOIS the boot from a flash card or disk, and then restart the computer. After that, the installed program will start, which should be started in the diagnostic mode. The virus scan process can take a long time, since in this case a deeper scan is carried out. In any case, it all depends on the capacity of the hard drive and the number of files on it.

When the program notifies the user that the verification is complete, you need to restart the computer. In most cases, all problems with turning off the computer are solved after such manipulations. If the problem still remains, then it is possible to reinstall the operating system.

Minor issues

It happens that the problem actually lurks in a place where you do not expect to expect it. For example, a button on / off the computer may stick. To fix it, you can take the system unit to a service center. Or, if there is no time or desire to go, fix the problem yourself.

Summing up, we can say that you should carefully "listen" to your computer and monitor its condition - periodically clean and check it, both visually and using special programs.

Hello. I am not an avid gamer, but sometimes I like to drive in NFS. Once I encountered an unpleasant situation. I played myself calmly, and then my PC suddenly “passed out”. Why does the computer turn off during the game? I decided to consider the answer to this popular question in this article. I am sure that the topic is relevant for many computer users.

Imagine that you went through some part of the game, forgot to save, and the system shuts down. Sadly ... Alas, thousands of gamers are faced with such a disaster. Before you panic and carry your "system" or laptop to the service, try to fix the problem yourself. And I will try to help you with this.

Why does the computer turn off when the game starts?

I'll start with the simplest and most commonplace situations when a spontaneous shutdown occurs.

A lot of dust.

Do you know that during PC operation it attracts dust?

It accumulates in the radiator, on the cooler. Over time, its amount may increase so much that it begins to adversely affect the functionality of the cooling system. As a result, the temperature of the CPU chip and GPU will begin to exceed permissible limits. The protective mechanism will work and the PC will turn off.

The essence of the problem lies in the conflict of drivers (video card, sound adapter, chipset), which leads to trouble during the game. You need to try to remove the defective "firewood", download the latest versions from the official site (only non-trial "beta"). In general, I will not repeat myself - this situation has been described in detail.

Incorrect operation.

People often ask me: "why when you play games the computer turns off?". Here is another reason.

In a laptop, the vents are located at the bottom, and it is not recommended to close them. Otherwise, cold air will not get inside, and heated air will be taken out. It is bad practice to put a blanket or other fabrics under the device. Also, do not put it on your feet. It is better to place the laptop on a flat table or a special stand with additional fans.

You can purchase such devices in any computer store.


These pests rarely cause the PC to shut down, but you should not lose sight of this option. It is important to have a constantly running antivirus on the computer or periodically scan the system using the utility (at least once a month). I talk in detail about the fight against trojans and other malicious scripts in a series of articles.

Power Supply Overload

You must understand that each component of the PC consumes some of the resources of the PSU. The largest load is created by a discrete video adapter. Especially if you play a game with high graphics requirements at maximum settings. At such times, the power supply may not withstand increased power consumption, and will turn off.

When buying a new video card, you should pay attention to its characteristics so that they correspond to the PSU resource. Or notice the block on a more powerful one. 350 W is enough for the simplest office systems, then 500 W may not be enough for gaming purposes

Here is another factor why the computer shuts down by itself.

CPU overheating

There are several possible reasons:

  • The CPU starts to fail and needs to be replaced;
  • The terpomast has dried;
  • The cooler does not work.

Many owners of personal computers are faced with a situation where a computer suddenly stops working for no apparent reason. If this happens often enough, then there is a serious problem that should be fixed as soon as possible. Indeed, frequent shutdown of the computer during operation can cause malfunctions in the hard disk or even its breakdown. In addition, when you turn off the PC spontaneously, there is always a risk of losing important data, which in some cases may be more valuable than the computer itself.

In order to find out what needs to be done to eliminate the aforementioned malfunction, you must first calculate the source of its occurrence. There may be several reasons for turning off the computer yourself. The following are the most common ones, as well as ways to resolve them.

Power problems

The most “commonplace” reason for turning off the PC is a power outage. Also, the computer may turn off due to a faulty network cable, extension cord, or even a power outlet.

To eliminate this problem, you will have to check for contact all the wires connecting the outlet and your computer. This can be done using a special tool (you have to resort to the help of a specialist) or simply by replacing them with guaranteed workers. In addition, it does not hurt to inspect the electrical outlet itself. And in the event that power outages occur due to poor wiring in the house or the supply of low-quality electricity, it is best to immediately buy an uninterruptible power supply.

Power supply failure

If the computer shuts itself down at different times, regardless of the tasks performed on it, and sometimes stops working right during the boot of the operating system, then most likely there is a problem with the power supply. The power supply may cease to function normally due to voltage surges, poor workmanship, or due to wear and tear. The average service life of most power supplies is 3-6 years, then they begin to give owners trouble.

There are two options for solving the problem with the power supply: take it to repair or simply throw it away and buy a new one. It makes sense to resort to the first option only when the power supply was purchased recently or when it belongs to the upper price category. In all other cases, it is much easier to replace the power supply.

CPU overload

If not very powerful components are installed on the computer, then excessive load can also cause it to turn off. Especially often this can be observed when starting demanding system resources of programs and applications.

To avoid a sudden shutdown of your PC, before installing a program, make sure that your system configuration meets the minimum requirements of the application. If the overload is caused by a large number of processes on the computer, you can disable some processes through the task manager, leaving only the most necessary.

Dust in the system unit

When a lot of dust accumulates inside the system unit, this overheats the components, which in turn causes the computer to shut down.

To avoid overheating of the PC, it is necessary to regularly clean the system unit from dust. Particular attention should be paid to the cooler and the radiator grille of the processor, as well as the connectors for connecting the video card, RAM and hard drive.

Old thermal grease

Thermal grease between the processor and the heatsink, which serves to remove heat, can dry out and lose its heat-conducting properties over time. As a result, the processor overheats, which in turn leads to spontaneous shutdown of the PC.

In view of this, it will be advisable to monitor the temperature of the processor, and if necessary, replace the thermal paste. It is more convenient and easier to combine this procedure with cleaning the system unit from dust. To control the temperature of the processor, you can use a special program, such as SpeedFan or AIDA64.

Poor air circulation inside the PC

Insufficient air circulation in the system unit may also cause overheating and self-shutting down the computer. This problem is especially relevant in the summer, in rooms not equipped with air conditioning.

In this case, installing additional fans inside the PC case will help to avoid overheating. You can read more about computer cooling systems and how and where to install the fans in the article at this link: Also, to avoid overheating, do not install the system unit in a closed place, such as a desk drawer.

Virus infection

Sometimes the computer shuts down due to certain viruses in the system. If, in addition to turning off the PC yourself, you began to notice other disturbing symptoms, such as frequent freezes, slow operation of programs and pop-ups, then most likely it is viruses.

If your computer is infected with viruses, then the installed antivirus is clearly not coping with its tasks. In this case, it is better to use specialized utilities for cleaning viruses, such as, for example, Kaspersky or Dr.Web. You can download the free Dr.Web CureIt program at this link:\u003den. You can download the free healing Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool utility at this address:, and from this article you will learn how to perform system recovery if the OS does not boot due to viruses.

Motherboard or RAM malfunction

When the computer shuts down under active load, for example during a game or using resource-intensive applications, but there is no overheating, the cause may be a malfunction of the RAM or the motherboard.

Just in case, you can try to disassemble the PC and brush all the contacts on the RAM strips, as well as the connectors used on the motherboard. If this does not help, then you will have to bring your computer to the repair shop, since without the help of professionals such a problem cannot be fixed.

If you couldn’t fix the problem yourself, you can contact the service center to repair your computer.

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