Program for checking the laptop system. Computer diagnostics for malfunctions

In Computer Diagnostics, today it is becoming one of the most necessary processes in servicing not only the internal filling, but also the operating systems as a whole, and the software components installed in the system. Utilities for computer diagnostics, as a rule, are distributed completely freely, and free programs for computer diagnostics can be downloaded on the World Wide Web. Actually, the question of how to download a program for diagnosing a computer may not be raised. This is primarily due to the fact that on the Internet you can find many online utilities for diagnosing a computer that you don’t need to download.

However, for now we’ll talk specifically about stationary and portable versions of computer diagnostics utilities, which are tools that can be used to diagnose computers and which can be downloaded for free in the corresponding section of our website. You yourself understand that portable releases of programs for diagnosing a computer do not require installation and can be launched from any removable media such as conventional flash drives, they just need to be downloaded first. Moreover, absolutely all portable versions can be downloaded for free on our website. By the way, we have presented the best computer diagnostic programs that can be downloaded for free.

Fundamentally, the whole range of utilities for computer diagnostics can be divided into several main areas. This includes anti-virus programs for computer diagnostics, applications for monitoring the status and problems in the operating system (most often, in the registry) for computer diagnostics, utilities for obtaining complete information about the internal hardware and software during computer diagnostics, which are more commonly used by specialized overlockers software packages for diagnosing computer RAM, hard disks or graphic cards, applications for monitoring the behavior of background services and processors Various testers for monitors and much more. By and large, you should just go to the specialized section on our website and download the utility you need for free. Immediately it is worth noting that some software products that can be downloaded from us, in many cases, combine the capabilities of computer diagnostic systems and special tools for optimizing the system. However, optimizers basically work precisely at the software, and not at the hardware level. Nevertheless, diagnosing a computer for malfunctions in almost all cases allows you to get detailed information about the system and fix the problem, either programmatically or by replacing or repairing the hardware component. In order to find the software product you need and subsequently download it, in the search field of the Internet browser, many users enter queries such as “download a program for diagnosing a computer”, “diagnose a computer for free,” “a program for diagnosing a computer for free” or “ free computer diagnostic software. " This is someone like it. Nevertheless, in any case, you can find a huge number of results, and then just download the desired program for free.

No less interesting is the use of testing software for overlocking, since here there is control even of the temperature of the processor, video card, fans, etc. For fans of overclocking processors or freeing up RAM, such applications are just a godsend. Moreover, many of them will not allow to exceed the critical parameters of the normal operation of one or another “iron” component.

In general, for each case, you can find and download free specialized products for computer diagnostics. On our site you can download for free a fairly large number of free utilities for diagnosing a computer that will help you in the process of testing your computer. In addition, most of the applications for computer diagnostics presented here, which can be downloaded for free, work in automatic mode and allow you to receive the most detailed reports on the status of the hardware and software of your computer or laptop. Diagnose your computer with our software, which can be downloaded for free, on a professional level! Indeed, timely computer diagnostics will help optimize and significantly speed up the system, computer diagnostics and timely measures to troubleshoot will significantly extend the life of your electronic friend! Choose from this section of the application and decide what exactly you want to download for free.

TOP programs for computer diagnostics

Again, the computer has become faulty, but you do not know what the problem is? Maybe you are considering selling your hardware, but collecting information with embedded applications takes a very long time, and you would like to find a solution faster and easier? Then you can pay attention to computer diagnostic programs. We made a small rating, all of them have already shown themselves to be reliable and quick help, therefore we can recommend them for work.

Summary table

Title Appointment Version / Year Spread Site
  A system utility that allows you to get information about all computer components   v1.32.740   Free / Paid PRO version   DOWNLOAD
  A system utility that allows you to get information about all the components of the computer. As well as the temperature sensors of the system   v5.86 / 2018   Free   DOWNLOAD
  The system utility contains all the necessary information about the computer. As well as a large number of tests of performance and stability of the PC   v5.97.4600 / 2018   Shareware 30 days License (39.95 $ for 3 PCs)   DOWNLOAD
  View the characteristics of the processor, motherboard, memory (RAM), benchmark and stress test of the processor.   v1.85.0 / 2018   Free   DOWNLOAD


  The system utility contains general information about the PC, as well as a large list of performance tests of the system as well as individual elements   v9.0 (Build 1025) / 2018   DOWNLOAD


  Convenient utility for monitoring temperature sensors, fan speeds and system voltage   v1.35 / 2018   Free   DOWNLOAD


  The utility monitors the temperature sensors of the system and controls the speed of the active PC cooling system   v4.52 / 2017   Free   DOWNLOAD
  A comprehensive utility with great functionality. Contains information about system hardware as well as installed software   v8.3.0710 / 2018   Shareware 30 days License ($ 19.00)   DOWNLOAD

Memtest86 +

  Utility for testing the working capacity of random access memory (RAM)   v5.01 / 2013   Free   DOWNLOAD


  Hard Disk Testing Utility (HDD / SSD)   v7.6.1 / 2018   Free   DOWNLOAD

Passmark Keyboard Test

  Utility for testing the operability of a data input device (keyboard)   v3.2 (Build 1002) / 2017   Shareware 30 days License ($ 29.00)   DOWNLOAD

Monitor test

  Computer screen testing utility   v3.2 (Build 1006) / 2018   Shareware 30 days License ($ 29.00)   DOWNLOAD

Why is it necessary to monitor the system of your PC?

Any computer and laptop is a complex machine that performs many processes every second from displaying a picture on the screen to writing a letter pressed on the keyboard. That is why it is important to constantly monitor the state of your device, timely noticing the problems that arise in the work, because one incorrectly working element can break the operation of the entire machine.

Programs that conduct full diagnostics of the entire PC help to track incorrect operation.. As an example: they can determine how much memory is installed on your laptop, as well as the type of memory and the number of slots. Why do you need this information?

The computer wizard will say that this will help to find a new, more suitable RAM. With the new data, you will be able to understand whether you need to change the motherboard, add memory, put the processor more powerful, is it worth buying an additional hard drive. Some utilities will monitor the temperature of the processors to tell you if thermal paste needs to be replaced to avoid overheating. In general, all diagnostic-type applications will help you find out why your PC or some specific installed program is not working. To understand which utility to supply to you, it remains to learn more about each of our ratings.

Diagnostic Highlights

Inexperienced PC users are sure that they will not cope with the problems that have arisen, and immediately run to the computer masters and service centers without trying to figure it out on their own. However, it is enough to find out what kind of malfunctions can occur with your computer in order to find out what the problems are and to solve them on your own.

The following may interfere with your computer or laptop:

  • Overheating of microchips and connectors due to dusting
  • Strong oxidation of contacts
  • Wrong ground
  • Unstable power supply
  • PC overheating due to excessive cooling
  • Burnout of components due to overvoltage or power surge

The reports that any utility will give will tell you where the non-standard parameters are specifically observed. Also, if the situation is clearly beyond your power, you can refer the diagnostic result to the master or send it by e-mail.

If you have incorrect operation of only one element, then it is worth downloading a utility whose work is aimed at analyzing its performance. For example, for video cards, it is important that PC performance is still evaluated during the benchmark. And to analyze the operation of hard drives, you will have to compare the results with the characteristics of drives on other devices.

Description of diagnostic programs: top 12 leaders

We have selected all the necessary tools presented on the Internet. Programs have different purposes and diverse functionality, you just have to find the best option for you. Remember that sometimes you need to install several programs at once in order to conduct not only a general computer scan, but testing and comparison with analogues.


Utility Tariff Plans


It often stands on the devices of specialists and computer masters, because it provides comprehensive and reliable information about components, operating systems, other installed programs, networks and external devices. This program conducts as a complete computer diagnostics, collecting the necessary system data, but tests individual elements, including RAM, helping to adjust the settings for optimal performance.

This utility will be very convenient for those who are not too versed in hardware:  all the information displayed is on the right in a separate panel, in addition, it is intuitively structured according to the main parameters.

This utility is good because it serves as a benchmark that is, it determines the power of the processor and video card and gives a comparison with the data of other models. She also knows how to determine installed drivers and even search for their latest versions, if necessary.

AIDA64 provides the ability to monitor the system in real time to monitor the load on key nodes of the system. Reports on ongoing reviews are issued as a document that can be saved in any format. The reports themselves, as well as the program interface, are translated into Russian, which will allow even an amateur to work with the program. By the way, you can install AIDA64 not only on any version of Windows, but also on mobile gadgets on the Android, iOS and Windows Phone platforms. Unfortunately, the utility is not free, but it has a demo version, albeit a rather limited one.

   PC Hardware Data
   CPU Data


Official site


Now Speccy is the most effective program for receiving detailed reports on the system, although it has not yet received much popularity on the Internet.   It is free and supported on all Windows models from XP to 10.  This utility allows you to find out the necessary data about the processor, memory, video card, hard drive and installed operating system, and it gives out the information in a complete and extremely convenient form, so even a beginner can figure it out. For example, with its help you can see the number of RAM slots and decide whether it is necessary to upgrade your PC.

What is important, Speccy not only helps to get information from temperature sensors, but also offers ways to correct connection errors or simple installation of a ventilation system.

The program works in such a way that at startup it scans the computer completely. It weighs very little, so we recommend you download it, even if you don’t need it now: it will allow you to control PC heating, quickly compile a list of accessories and even monitor the list of drivers needed to install it.

The data, by the way, is saved in TXT and XML formats, so in case of a breakdown you can show the report to the wizard. Do not forget that Speccy developers are the creators of CCleaner and Defraggler, which in itself is a guarantee of quality and stable operation.

   General System Information
   Hard Drive Data
   Processor data


Program website


HWiNFO - a program that is mainly used by professionals and experts in hardware. It is needed for everyone who delves into the depths of hardware, because it gives out all the information about each important element. In addition to PC analysis, it is suitable to receive data on outdated equipment, old BIOS, video cards and more. It also helps to compare the performance of hardware components not only with standard indicators, but also with the characteristics of popular analogues.

The main functionality of the utility includes:

  • Recognition of microprocessors with determination of their parameters
  • FSB Frequency Calculation
  • Processor, memory, and disk testing
  • Getting motherboard and BIOS data
  • Reading information from SPD
  • Identification of a large number of video accelerators

And this is not a complete list of features. In general, HWiNFO allows you to receive information about almost everything except, perhaps, drivers.   She saves all received data in a logso that in the future they can be taken out and used. By the way, you can constantly monitor the parameters for some element by setting the tray icons.

   Main menu
   Laptop Battery Data
   Temperature Sensor Data


Official site


This is a simple free program., allowing you to quickly receive important technical information about the main elements of the computer. The utility is common in two versions, which differ in the need for installation, but in terms of performance they are approximately the same.

CPU-Z can detect:

  • Model, number of cores, architecture and processor socket
  • CPU voltage, frequency, cache and multiplier
  • Make and model of the motherboard
  • BIOS version and memory type
  • Volume, type and frequency of RAM
  • Name, type and size of the video card

The main plus for Russian speakers is the ability to obtain accurate specifications in Russian. Of course, the design of the CPU-Z is rather poor, but for applications of this type it is not important, and minimalism does not complicate the perception of information.

The only real minus is the impossibility of determining the temperature of processors. But in contrast, there is a good computer scan speed and the reliability of the utility.

   CPU Data
   RAM data
   CPU performance test


Program website


Idle, clear and most importantly absolutely free utility.

With which you can monitor the temperature sensors  motherboard, CPU temperature, hard disk temperature, voltage in the circuit.

As well as battery capacity and its degree of wear. The program displays three graphs of minimum, average and peak value.

   Program menu


Official site


This tool is slightly different from the previous options - it is a set of tests to evaluate PC performance. As a result of each test, the program collects characteristics that it compares with the performance of similar devices. The latest version of this utility contains 27 functions that differ by binding to a specific category. There are several:

  • For the processor - compression, encryption and computation speed
  • For a video card that evaluates the display quality of two-, three-dimensional graphics and animation, as well as compatibility with DirectX and its analogs
  • For a hard drive where you can test recording, reading and speed of information retrieval
  • For drives
  • For RAM

There are many more functions, in addition, the user can create five own tests.  By the way, the program saves test reports in many standard formats from HTML to Docx. They can be sent by e-mail, or inserted into any text editor and printed.

The ability to import tests into another application and paste them into the site code is very noteworthy.. It is important to note that PerformanceTest is just shareware, but it can be easily downloaded and activated on many file hosting sites. It works on all versions of Windows from XP to 10.

   General System Information
   Processor test
   Graphics test


Program website


Another program designed to conduct tests, analyze the read and write speeds of the hard drive. CrystalDiskMark uses test files ranging in size from 50 MB to 32 GB, and by running them, the utility detects the average disk speed. To identify accurate performance indicators, she does several tests at once, the number of which you personally indicate before starting the test. In the settings section, you can choose the data type, intervals between tests, queue sizes and number of threads yourself.

The program is free, Russified and suitable for any version of Windows. It is very small in size, so it downloads quickly and almost does not take up space.

CrystalDiskMark delivers results in a convenient way.  Of course, data of average speed of reading and writing “hard” is unlikely to be interesting for an amateur, but a professional will easily understand the reporting. By the way, the more tests the program conducts, the more average results you will get.

Hard Drive Data

Read also:  What to do if the video slows down? 11 reasons and ways to fix the problem


The official website of the program


A universal utility that is necessary to monitor the performance of the main elements of the system:  motherboard, hard drive and graphics card. Like other analogs given above, it helps to avoid overheating of PC processors by monitoring the temperature, controlling the speed of rotation of the fans, as well as the function of manual control of the fan speed of the active cooling system.

This application independently monitors the readings of a large number of sensors, giving manual and software control over them. You can program to raise and lower the temperature, as well as launch a program, output a sound signal and even send an e-mail message.

SpeedFan sends reports on the power supply and the status of the "RAM". He writes the received parameters to a log, which you can return to later. Another program provides the ability to adjust the frequency of the system bus and CPU. And S.M.A.R.T technology helps to monitor the state of hard drives. SpeedFan can be downloaded not only for free, but also with crack. It is compatible with any version of Windows, working with SATA, EIDE and SCSI hard drives, although it does not support reading data from a significant number of disks on IDE / SATA RAID.

   Main menu
   Hard drive data
   System load graph


Tariff Plans


Abbreviation  stands for System Information for Windows, that is, it is suitable only for Windows OS. This utility is needed to determine the system parameters of your device and its components. She studies software, hardware, drivers, passwords, serial numbers, and many other data needed to monitor PC status.

In general, it has the same functions as its analogues:

  • Temperature measurement of processors and motherboard
  • Determining the size of the hard drive
  • Finding the right drivers
  • Identify the number of memory slots
  • Rotational speed
  • The exact version, model and serial number of the motherboard

In addition, SIW provides detailed information on the latest system updates., offering reports on system files and folders. It is quite convenient to use, because it has a simplified interface. Also, the application weighs very little. However, there is a minus - it costs about $ 20, and a trial period for free use extends for only 30 days. The demo version has more simplified functionality.

   System Summary
   List of installed programs
   Temperature Sensor Information

Programs for checking a computer in Russian are collected in this section. All programs can be downloaded for free with activation keys.

System Mechanic is an excellent software product that will provide your computer with maximum performance and stability. This program uses proprietary technologies and effective tools that are used to fix registry errors, delete unnecessary files, and more. The application package is designed to increase the availability for the computer. The structure includes more than 20 applications, each of which is responsible for its own functionality. On our site, users can download the System Mechanic key absolutely free. Free Download System ...

TechPowerUp GPU-Z is a practical, convenient application that helps you find out the technical specifications of your PC graphics card. It is used for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, XP, Vista, for Windows 10. Works with graphics cards ATI, NVIDIA, Intel. TechPowerUp GPU-Z (rus) can be downloaded for free in Russian. Free download GPU-Z 2.18 Eng Free download GPU-Z 2.10 Rus Password for all archives: 1progs Using the program you can find out such information: the creator and model of the video adapter (name in ...

Many users are often faced with the problem of a so-called "braking" computer. Not everyone can diagnose problems on their own, and spending money on service centers each time, to put it mildly, is unprofitable. To avoid running cases, sometimes it’s enough just to optimize your computer. You can optimize your computer absolutely at home with the help of a simple and convenient Advanced SystemCare program. One of the advantages is that the basic version of this program is provided for free. The license key will allow ...

Before you download modern computer games or complex programs to your computer, you need to find out if he can cope with such a serious load. 3DMark is a convenient and popular utility today that performs a PC performance test. This program will help users find out the exact capabilities of the computer under different loads. 3DMark has gained great fame among gamers and virtual entertainment enthusiasts. The program provides PC users with only reliable information. Download 3DMark Professional for free ...

The Advanced SystemCare Ultimate computer program is a program for cleaning and optimizing the Windows operating system. This program is popular among confident PC users. There are 2 versions of this program: simpler for amateur use and rich in more professional tools, to activate it you need the Advanced SystemCare Ultimate key. This program is very popular because it combines ease of use, quality and multifunctionality. Many programmers note a good program design and a clear interface ....

CCleaner is a program developed by specialists from Britain. It is designed to clean the computer from unnecessary programs and files. It is free, takes up little space on the computer. This program can be used by both professionals and beginners. Before use, you must enter a license key. Also, after this application is downloaded, you need to find CCleaner activation on the Internet. Previously, you should read the instructions for installing and activating this program. The program consists of several sections. Registry,…

MSI Afterburner is a super-functional application for optimizing the performance of NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards. It comes from MSI. If you need to download the program for free in Russian, then you can do it on this site. The utility has: a developed system of step-by-step instruction and a convenient interface; warning of movement between 2D and 3D modes; several options for interacting with video cards. Download for free the latest version of MSI Afterburner 4.6.0 in Russian Password for all archives: 1progs The application controls the voltage ...

CPUID HWMonitor is a program from the CPUID developer for monitoring internal computer settings. It is possible to fix the degree of voltage, fan speed, collect information about the heating of the air of various elements of the system. You can download the application for free on this site in just a couple of clicks. The main task is to observe the components of the computer for further summary and diagnosis. With a significant increase in air heating, a potential is created for timely repair of all errors found. Download CPUID HWMonitor for free ...

How to identify the components inside the computer and view their parameters? How to check the processor or video card for performance and lack of overheating? Enough to use program for testing and diagnostics.

Alternative programs: Catzilla, Unigine Superposition, Unigine Heaven, 3D Mark 11

PCMark is, in turn, a popular tool for checking overall computer performance. Tests include, but are not limited to, applications such as working in office sheets, 2D graphics, browsing the web, and video conferencing.

In the latest version, however, they refused the test media (SSD or HDD). Only the Basic version is free.

If you want to check how your computer copes with the task of virtual reality and serves games designed for Oculus Rift or HTC Vive glasses, VR Mark is useful for you. As with other Futuremark programs, only the Basic version is free.

The tool is equipped with three tests, of which one is the base one (Orange), for VR games using DirectX 12 (Cyan) and the most demanding (Blue).

Alternative program: SteamVR Performance Test

CPU-Z - for equipment identification

The main and most popular program for identifying processors, motherboards (including the UEFI BIOS version), memory (including SPD), or graphics cards. We get an accurate preview of equipment data.

You can also test the processor in mono and multi-threaded applications, and compare the results with other processors from the database. If you want to know what exactly is in your computer and how it works, this is the first application that you must install.

Thanks to CPU-Z, you can easily check, for example, with what frequency and delays the RAM, as well as the processor clock speed in real time. It is worth noting that the Android version is available.

Alternative programs: Crystal CPU ID, Speccy

GPU-Z is the main program for determining video cards and their characteristics, including their current frequency. A basic test is available in the application, which allows you to "quickly" make sure that the video card is working correctly.

However, it is worth noting that the test in this program will not give confidence that, for example, during overclocking the video card will work completely stably. To do this, you should use more advanced products, for example, a stress test in the 3D-Mark program.

Alternative program: GPU Caps Viewer

Cinebench is a testing tool based on the Cinema 4D engine, designed to test processor performance. He does this by creating a 3D scene - the test can be carried out using all the threads of the central processor or only one stream. This gives a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe capabilities of processors.

Cinebench also has a built-in video card test, which uses a complex three-dimensional scene, which, using the pursuit of cars as an example (done by renderbaron), measures the performance of a graphics card in OpenGL mode.

Alternative programs: LuxMark (rendering 3D graphics using a CPU or GPU), CompuBench (rendering 3D graphics using a GPU)

OCCT 4.5.1 - stability and temperature test

Alternative programs: FurMark, Prime95 or for temperature monitoring SpeedFan, RealTemp and CoreTemp.

MemTest86 is an excellent program for checking the correct operation of RAM. This is one of those components whose stable operation is very important for computer performance.

The program starts from a bootable flash drive (or CD / DVD if someone else uses them).

Alternative program: Prime95

Prime95 - stability or temperature test under load

Another great program for testing the stability or temperature of computer components under high load. We can choose between tests that load the most, for example, RAM or processor.

Alternative programs: OCCT, MemTest86

It is difficult to specify one, the best program for checking the performance of storage media (HDDs and SSDs), but if you already have to do it, then CrystalDiskMark will be the favorite. It allows you to check the performance of media, both in the case of reading / writing serial data, and for small files.

It gives a good idea of \u200b\u200bthe real characteristics of the tested node. If you are interested not only in performance (but, for example, also SMART readings, the ability to download new firmware or perform Secure Erase operations), you should take an interest in the applications that come with the manufacturers' disks. For example, in the case of SanDisk, SanDisk SSD Dashboard is available, and Samsung is available for Samsung Magician.

Alternative programs: AS, AS SSD, manufacturer software included

Each computer user at least once in his life had to turn to software, the task of which is to diagnose the computer and troubleshoot. However, on the Internet you can find dozens, if not hundreds of different programs for this purpose. Which of them should you pay attention to?

In today's article, we will look at eight of the best programs that will undoubtedly be useful to you when identifying problems with your PC. Let's get started.

CPU-Z is a free software whose function is to display technical information about the hardware of a user's computer. This program was developed by CPUID, which also has other interesting programs in its assortment, but CPU-Z is perhaps the most useful for many users.

Using CPU-Z, you can get a complete list of information about:

  • central processing unit;
  • motherboard;
  • random access memory;
  • graphics accelerator.

When we talk about a complete list of information, we mean information such as CPU architecture, motherboard model, BIOS / UEFI version, amount of RAM and its frequency, and so on and so forth. With the help of CPU-Z you can get a really huge amount of really useful information.

Moreover, this program is even fully translated into Russian. However, we cannot but mention one extremely big minus, which you can learn about almost immediately after exploring all the functionality. And this minus is the lack of a function for reading the temperature of the CPU, GPU and motherboard elements.

If the CPU-Z had such functionality, then it would not have a price. Nevertheless, for measuring temperature, you will need to resort to other programs, some of which we will consider later in this article.


Speccy is another free and quite functional program with which users can get various technical information about their computer. It is worth noting that behind the development of Speccy utility is the well-known company Piriform, which has also developed such popular programs as CCleaner, Defraggler and Recuva.

By opening the Speccy program, you can get access to a number of information on:

  • operating system
  • central processing unit;
  • random access memory;
  • system board (i.e. motherboard);
  • graphic devices (discrete and integrated video cards);
  • devices for data storage (HDD, SSD, etc.);
  • optical drives;
  • sound devices;
  • peripheral devices;
  • network devices.

In general, using Speccy you can get a fairly wide range of information about your computer. Also, do not forget that Speccy has the function of reading temperature from various sensors installed in the computer. You can see the temperature of your PC, motherboard, video card, and even HDD / SSD drives.

Another couple of pluses of the Speccy program - it is completely localized into Russian and has an extremely simple user interface. We click on the desired tab in the left part of the window and look at the available information in the right - it’s easier just nowhere.


The next program on our list is already somewhat more difficult to use than the two previous ones, but it can provide users with even more detailed information about the computer. As soon as you start scanning the system using HWiNFO, several windows will immediately appear: general information about the entire system, the main HWiNFO window, where you can find specific information on certain components of your computer, as well as a small window for monitoring the processor (multiplier, frequency, number of cores, etc.).

Among other things, the HWiNFO program can also read information from various sensors located in the computer. Virtual and physical memory, the use of a swap file, the voltage on each of the CPU cores, the frequency of each CPU core, north bridge, system bus, RAM, data from temperature sensors in the system - all that you want. However, it is worth noting that the user interface in HWiNFO may seem pretty confusing for inexperienced PC users, so you may need to sit a bit in front of the program to understand what it has to offer.


AIDA64 is an extremely powerful tool from FinalWire Ltd. to diagnose and conduct various checks of the hardware of the user's computer. Quite an interesting fact: AIDA64 is a direct follower of the Everest software from the company, which in turn is a follower of the AIDA32 program.

Here is such an unusual origin for this program. She knows how to do everything that previous programs can do, plus a set of stress tests with which you can identify various problems with your computer. It is worth noting that AIDA64 has an extremely rich set of functions, but, unlike the same HDiNFO, the user interface is much simpler, which is definitely a huge plus. Well, here's the minus: the program is not free.

PassMark Performance Test

If previous programs could offer the user similar functionality, the PassMark Performance Test utility is a slightly different tool. The task of this program is to evaluate the performance of a computer using a set of various specialized tests, after which the user can compare the results with the results of other computers.

Using the PassMark Performance Test utility, you can perform various tests for:

  • cPU
  • graphics accelerator;
  • hard drive;
  • optical drives;
  • random access memory.

With the PassMark Performance Test, you can easily understand whether your computer provides the appropriate performance or not. And if not, then through multiple tests you will understand what the problem is. Unfortunately, this utility is not free: in order to get access to certain functionality, you will need to buy it.


CrystalDiskMark is useful in situations where you need to test your hard drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD). The program can work with all currently available disk connection interfaces. For the most part, with the CrystalDiskMark utility, many users recognize the options for writing and reading their disks. Nevertheless, at the end of the program, you will see an extensive report on the tests that have been carried out, which, unfortunately, we’ll tell a little about to unprepared users, but for experienced users, a lot will become clear if they are looking for some problems.


SpeedFan is a rather interesting program created by a developer under the name Alfredo Milani Comparetti, which is designed to read information from the sensors of the motherboard, HDD and SSD-drives, central processor, RAM and video card, and also has functions for adjusting the rotation speed (RPM) coolers present in the computer. Fortunately, the user interface of the SpeedFan application is extremely simple and even translated into Russian, and it is also distributed free of charge.

System Information for Windows

And the last program on our list is System Information for Windows (SIW). This program was also developed by one person - and his Gabriel Topala. The utility is an extremely powerful tool with which you can get detailed information about the computer hardware configuration.

Among other things, using SIW you can find out network information, information about installed software, including drivers, as well as system components. The system interface is a little convoluted, but you can still get used to it, after which you will have access to the extremely wide functionality of the program, for which, by the way, there is no need to pay.

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