The app is not supported on android device. How to install an unavailable app from Google Play

Buying used or new chinese smartphone, be prepared for the absence of Play Market and other Google services on it. In such cases, you have to install the software yourself. There is nothing difficult in this, but sometimes situations arise when such software completely refuses to install on a mobile device. Let's figure out what to do if the service is not installed Google play on Android.

Ways to troubleshoot the Play Market installation error

Problems with installing Google Play services may arise for the following reasons:

  • failure of the operating system;
  • using inappropriate firmware;
  • damage to the APK installation file;
  • incorrect deletion of the Play Store previously available on the gadget;

To eliminate these reasons, you can resort to the following methods:

  1. Downloading another Play Market installation file.
  2. Non-standard Google Play installation.
  3. (tablet).

If Play Market does not install on your gadget, the first thing to do is download another APK file from the Internet. In this case, you should look for it on well-known and trusted resources (for example, on the site

The error can also be caused by a single failure in the work of Android. Therefore, your next step should be to re-install the Google service. If this did not help to establish the Play Market, then the problem is of a more serious nature and it is necessary to fight it with more radical methods.

Resetting the system to factory settings

Considering why Play Market is not installed on Android, the reason for the conflict should be noted Google services with the software available on the device. Any program located on the device can act as a conflict. In this case optimal solution the problem is to reset the OS to factory settings:

Hard Reset will erase all user data from the phone. Therefore, all important information it is recommended to copy it to a safe place (for example, on a PC).

Custom Google Play installation

If after the Play Market it has not been installed on the smartphone, you can try to download it in a non-standard way. The fact is that the GApps service may not be provided on Chinese devices. In this case, the usual installation will not lead to the desired result.

We will use the Mobile Go file manager as the installer. The procedure will be as follows:

After completing the described actions, the Play Market on Android should work.

Cleaning a mobile device from residual files

If the phone was bought hand-held, that is, it was already used before you, it is possible that the former owner previously installed the Play Market on it. In this case, the removal of the application before the sale of the device could be done incorrectly or not completely, as a result of which the system saved residual files... It is they who can cause a failure when reinstalling Google services.

Usually residual files are hidden in data folder... Since it is a system one, access to it is possible only if the user has root rights... In addition to the rooting program, you will also need file manager Root Explorer which works great with system directories.

I think everyone has had such a case when you got accustomed to an application on Google Play, but the developer decided that the application would not work on your device or in your country.
You often see messages such as "Not available in your country", "Not supported on your device."

How to download an application that is not supported in your country?

If the app is not available in your country, a VPN will help. Here is the simplest and fastest VPN client:

Download and install it. Initially, the user has 500 MB of traffic available, to get 1 GB, you need to register.

To start connecting, you need to allow this application to track traffic:

Two notifications should be displayed in the curtain: a system one (with a key and an identifier VPN server) and from Phantom VPN with available traffic.

Then go to the settings of the "Accounts" section, and register with Google again to new account was registered to the country where the server is located. We go to the Google Play Store, agree with everything, and download the application we wanted!

How do I download an app that is not supported on my device?

If the developer of the application thinks that his creation will not work normally on your device, then there is still a way out how to download it.
You will need an app.

We need rights!

For example, you have a tablet and the application is only for phones. Open the application, choose any phone model that Google Play likes, for example Samsung Galaxy S3. Open the Google Play Store and download the app!

How to download an application that is not “friendly” with a telecom operator?

If your smartphone is connected to networks cellular then Google may use the operator's information to determine your country. Application

Have you ever seen a phrase similar to the one in the headline? "Where?" - you ask? This, of course, is about Google Play. It is possible that you were not lucky enough to meet her, or rather, you were not lucky enough to meet her (although, who knows what happiness is?). But, even if you have not seen it, this does not mean at all that the problems associated with this phrase have bypassed you. It's like that gopher: you don't see him, but he is. So what is behind these words, and why you may or may not see it.

If you start from afar (how boring I am!), Then you can delve into the jungle of compatibility different versions Android, hardware platforms, various form factors, pixel density and so on and so forth. This is all, of course, correct and true - if the program is not designed to work in some conditions, then it is not designed. This is in theory. In practice, as usual, theory fails ... in certain situations. I'll tell you my story.

For a long time I was happy, I am not afraid of this word, the owner Samsung tablet Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus. Samsung products are mainstream, all manufacturers of not only hardware, but also software are equal to it. Therefore, I hardly encountered any compatibility issues. No, of course, the device is old and many new features of programs designed for Android version KitKat were not available, but ... The programs themselves, after all, worked, albeit with reduced capabilities, but they worked.

But then I wanted something new, however, as usual, the crisis came and the priorities shifted. I wanted a new one all the same - it does not depend on the crisis, but I wanted a cheaper one, and this is already a direct consequence of the crisis. And, oddly enough, something like that was found. As a result, for the second month now I am, again, the happy owner of the Asus MemoPad 7 ME572CL tablet.

However, along with the new device, new operating system, and new features, as usual, new problems have appeared. At the same time, in many cases, the word "new" can be safely put in quotation marks - this is for me, the former owner of the device under Android 4.1.2, they are new, the rest of the world does not even remember about them, or, certainly, does not consider them new. It is enough to remember about. Nevertheless, for the time being, I did not experience problems with the compatibility of software and hardware, although I realized that, in the case of a tablet from Asus, not everything is so simple. Iron is still released from him. One quad-core processor from Intel with support for 64-bit operations is worth it. Also, I had to, for example, resolve issues related to. But that's not all.

It so happened that, almost simultaneously with the tablet from Asus, I got, not without the help of Santa Claus, also the Asus ZenFone 5 phone. For almost all these two months, the phone was used only for its intended purpose and software it did not change - what was installed on it by the manufacturer was used, and even then, not very actively. The main assistant, as before, was a seven-inch tablet.

I don't remember why, but at some point in time, I suddenly installed a bunch of Yandex programs on my phone. Ah ... I remembered! At first, the tablet was discharged, and payments had to be made. Then, on a trip, I had to look at the route, but it was not convenient to take the tablet out of the bag. Then, it was necessary to call Yandex.Taxi when returning from a friend's anniversary, and using the tablet, situationally, was not handy. In general, having thought a bit, I decided that, for convenience, the phone also needs to be equipped with the necessary software, which I did - I installed several programs from Yandex and not only. At the same time, the role of the tablet has not changed - it still remained and remains the main assistant.

And the day before yesterday evening, I sit, look through the news and come across a note that Yandex has released new program, which allows you to get information on parking, pay for parking, if necessary, using Yandex.Money, or from a card linked to Yandex.Wallet, as well as from an account mobile phone or a dedicated parking account. Even the possibility of laying a route was announced, taking into account the location and congestion of parking lots close to the destination.

News on the RBC website

All these possibilities, in theory, looked pretty attractive, and I thought, why not try using this program instead of the Moscow Parking program from the Automation Department of the Moscow Government? In general, I decided to install this program, since the link to the Google Play Market was given in the article.

I go, then I follow the link, a new browser tab opens, there is a description of the program, reviews, all the cases. And such a small attribution, they say, the program is not compatible with all your devices. I open the list of devices, and there, in fact, there are a couple for which the program cannot be downloaded. And among those rejected devices is my new tablet.

Hello, we've arrived! What the Bolsheviks talked about for so long has come to pass - it is impossible to put a program on my brand new tablet from Asus due to the peculiarities of either the program or the tablet itself. In general, I did not grieve for a long time, especially since my new phone was listed as a supported device - and I installed the program on my phone.

Here I will make a small digression. It is from the category of "amazing - near", "live and learn" and so on. Is this how people install apps on Android devices? I don't know about you, I did it all the time on the device itself: either through google program Play Market, or by downloading the apk file and running it for installation (for this, the "Unknown sources" option must be enabled in the device security settings). And, to be honest, I didn't even think about whether there were other installation methods. As it turned out, there are.

You can install it on a device remotely, right from a browser, on any computer, the main thing is that the device is turned on and it has access to the Internet, and not in principle, but here and now. If these conditions are met, to remotely install the program you like, it is enough to click the Install button on the program page in the Market (remember, in the browser on your computer) and select desired device from your device list. After that, the program will be downloaded and installed on the device. In this way, for the sake of experiment, I installed the Yandex.Parking program on my phone.

But let's continue. I installed the program on my phone and tried to forget about this unpleasant incident with the tablet. I think it will take a little time and the programmers will do required changes, after which the tablet will go to the list of supported devices. You just have to wait a little. But life is cruel, or, as the younger generation says now, life is pain. In the evening of the same day, the second blow overtook me.

Among the programs installed on the phone, there is a very important one - "VTB24 Mobile Bank". And in the evening, the phone receives a notification about the availability of updates for several programs, including the "Mobile Bank" program. Updated, everything is fine, I take out the tablet, there is also a notification about the availability of updates, but - there is no "Mobile Bank" in the list of updated programs.

“It’s not a problem,” I thought. “Probably, it’s just that some meta information on the Google Play Market didn’t have time to update.” This has sometimes happened before. In such cases, it was enough to wait and, after a while, a new notification about updates came, in the list of which the previously missed program appeared. And it was possible not to wait, but to update in manual mode - for this you need to find in the Market the desired program and click the "Update" button. I decided not to wait and update manually.

Now I understand why I was impatient - most likely, subconsciously, I was afraid that a new version the "VTB24 Mobile Bank" program has become incompatible with the tablet. But at that moment, I just launched the Play Market on my tablet, typed in search bar the name of the program and saw just such a picture.

The verdict is completely clear - the new version of the program will not work on my tablet. And then I got angry. I use this program quite actively, the new version promised significant improvements, and here - such an ambush! And I know very well that in 99℅ cases there are no real obstacles for the program, nevertheless, to be used on the device on which the Market does not allow installing this program. Why? It's that simple! Well, let's think logically.

The program works on another device of the same manufacturer, on the same version operating system... Yes, there is a different processor, different graphics, perhaps not, of course, for sure something else is different. But, a priori, this program does not use, or at least should not use, some very specific features of the device - this is not some kind of toy, optimized to the utmost in order to squeeze out of the device everything it is capable of. And this is not some kind of program focused on using specific features of some platform, for example, NFC capabilities. Regular program, no specific requirements.

Most likely, the device was not included in the list of supported for some not very important reason, for example, by screen parameters. No, of course, the screen parameters are important, but this is not the most a big problem... The maximum that can usually happen in this case is not entirely correct display of some interface elements, and even then, not always. In addition, in my practice there have already been examples of how the program worked wonderfully on a device that the Market noted as unsupported - Yandex.Shell. Therefore, I decided that I would install the "Mobile Bank" on the tablet, period.

No sooner said than done. But, in order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve some problems. Question number one - where can I get the apk of the application I'm interested in? There may be several answers. You can, for example, use a special free service that provides download links for applications from the Market. To do this, you need to find the application of interest on the Market, copy the contents of the browser address bar and feed it to the service. The service, in response, will issue a download address apk applications... Or you can just download the program, for example, from the same If you have a rooted device on which the application is already installed, you can simply copy the desired apk file. And this is not a complete list of methods. There are others, one of which I used.

Well, why didn't I use any of the listed methods, but preferred another? It's simple. Firstly, I don't really like installing programs outside of the Market, especially such as mobile banking. Well, who can guarantee me that free service will give a link to the original application posted in the Market? That is why, I do not really like to download application programs and from third party resources. No, of course, I really respect, but still. In addition, in the case of "VTB24 Mobile Bank", at the time of this writing, version 4.2.8 is posted on, while the official fresh version has the number 5.0.2. I also don't like to play Ruth, if there is an opportunity, I try to do without it. You can call me paranoid, but I don't like getting software from middlemen. Although the Play Market, of course, is also, in its own way, an intermediary, but it is, it seems, an authorized intermediary

So, based on all of the above, the answer to the first question is as follows - apk must be taken from the device on which installation from the Market is allowed, and, of course, has already been done.

Next, question number two arises: with what can we get the apk we need? As I already said, the solutions, such as the installation of the root, do not suit me. Can this be done in some way alternative way? Fortunately, yes. There is a whole class of programs that allows you to make backups of programs installed on a device. And on devices from Asus, the manufacturer himself installs one of these programs - Asus Backup. It is with its help that you can do backup applications (along with data) on the device where the program can be (or has already been) successfully installed.

In addition, the existence of the Asus Backup program answers one more question - how to install the program on a device on which installation from the Market is prohibited. After all, Asus Backup, like almost any other program Reserve copy, allows not only to save a backup copy of information, but also to restore it.

So what do we have? There are answers to the following questions: where to get the apk file, how to get it and how to try to install it on another device. It remains only to decide how to transfer the apk file from one device to another. But this is difficult to call a question, so many obvious answers can be offered. In general, in order not to take too much time, here is a description of the steps that I have done.

We make backup copies of the mobile bank and parking lots on the phone - why not transfer this program at the same time, since it cannot be installed from the Market either due to incompatibility.

The Asus Backup program was also written by people who like to hedge themselves, hence, apparently, a request to set a password. After various confirmation boxes, warnings, etc. etc. the program creates on external map memory in the ASUSBackup directory, a subdirectory with the name you specified when creating a backup - this question is asked during the preparation of a backup. I left the default name: backup_date_time, where the date and time are replaced with the current date and time.

Then you need to transfer the created subdirectory from the phone to the tablet. I decided to use Google Drive for this. But you can use some other method - transmit via bluetooth, for example. The file manager from Asus can, by the way, work not only with cloud services but also with local network, so you don't have to take the information out of your home network.

After downloading the directory with backup to Google drive, you can put the phone aside and finally switch to the tablet. Using the same Asus file manager, download the directory with the backup to the tablet. I, for the sake of order, uploaded it to the ASUSBackup subdirectory on the external SD card, but this is not necessary at all. When Asus program Backup works in recovery mode, it, apparently, scans for finding previously made backups not only the directory into which it uploads the backups, but also other directories, maybe even the entire file system.

Then the matter is small: you need to select the desired backup, enter correct password, and choose which programs need to be restored - in my case, these were both programs: mobile banking and parking. Everything. It remains to wait a little and voila - the programs have been restored, and, moreover, along with the data. For example, in parking lots I entered a car number and indicated account Yandex - everything was transferred. And yes, the programs, as I expected, started working as if nothing had happened, as if there was no such warning about an unsupported device.

It's great that my assumption that the programs should work on the tablet has been confirmed. I have already made payments using the templates saved earlier in the mobile bank. True, I haven’t used parking lots yet, but, for the sake of order, I started and looked at the parking lots next to work.

However, of course, this crutch cannot completely replace the entire service offered by the Google Play Market infrastructure. For example, the next day the mobile bank was updated. On the phone, as expected, a corresponding notification appeared and I updated the program. On the tablet, for obvious reasons, no notification was received, and the new version, in the same way, had to be transferred from the phone to the tablet by creating and restoring a backup. So, I'll still be waiting for both programs to become officially compatible with my tablet.

That's probably all. Yes, I want to mention one more point. I found a mobile bank in the Market on my tablet, although it showed a warning about an unsupported device. But I could not find the parking program from Yandex using the Play Market on my tablet. Apparently with mobile bank the search was successful because a compatible one was previously installed on the tablet old version programs. But the parking program is completely new, and the Market, apparently, believes that one should not embarrass the user and show him a program that is incompatible with his device. Thus, there is a possibility that you will not learn about any new useful program, even if potentially, after such cunning manipulations, it will be able to earn money on your device. What to do in this case? Nothing, I guess. If you really need a program, you will find a way to find and find it, and install it. Now, really, that's it.

P.S. I wrote the material a long time ago. While I was filling out, rewriting, and so on, a normal version of a mobile bank for a tablet came out. But parking from Yandex has not yet appeared.

Probably everyone android user faced the inability to install an application or game in Play Store e. In some cases, the error "not supported on your device" is displayed. How do I get around this limitation?

First, you can try to access the Play Store via VPN or change the country in the user profile. How to do this is described in detail on our website. If that doesn't work, then it’s not your location, but the model of the device. You can climb into system files and change the model name.

Market Helper is an application that works only on rooted devices and changes the system identifier so that instead of a less common device, the store sees a popular one, which is most likely supported.

1. Download and install.

2. Open Market Helper, select the type of device (tablet or phone), manufacturer and model, country, mobile operator.
3. Click Activate and wait for the new settings to be applied.

4. Go to Google account... You don't need to change anything here.

5. Try to install applications that were incompatible.

To return the device to initial state, click Restore in the list of available devices, and then Activate, or just reboot it (Wi-Fi or data transfer must be enabled).

You can also manually do what Market Helper does, namely, edit the build.prop file by adding another device to it:

1. Install the file manager Root Explorer, ES Explorer or Total Commander, run, go to its settings and activate access to root directories.
2. Go to the "System" folder and find the "build.prop" file. Back it up in a safe place.
3. Open "build.prop" as text file using the built-in text editor.

4. Change the value of the lines "ro.product.model" and "ro.product.manufacturer", for example, to "Galaxy S8" and "Samsung" - the device will pretend to be popular smartphone Samsung Galaxy S8.
5. Go to "Settings"> "Application Manager", find in google list Play Store, open its details and click "Clear data" and "Clear cache".
6. Restart your device and try to install the required application.

Another way to install the desired game or application is to use sites that upload APK files, or third-party markets, but in this case, you need to be careful, because viruses can pick up on such resources.

You can also download the APK file yourself using the APK-DL web services or APK Downloader. In the first case, you need to open the application page in the web version of Google Play, replace with in the address bar and click on Start Download on the page that opens.

To download the APK via APK Downloader, you need to copy the application address, go to, paste the copied address into the special field and click Generate Download Link. These services download files directly from Google Play, but you also need to be careful with them - it is quite possible that at some point they will start to replace the real ones. setup files viruses.

In search of the necessary, it is especially unpleasant to find a program that is completely suitable for requests, which, instead of a download button, issues: "The application is incompatible with your device." Not to say that it causes panic, but an unpleasant residue remains. It is even more annoying when there is no other suitable application. How to proceed? What is the reason?

Why does this error appear?

The phrase "the application is incompatible with your device" Android writes in several cases:

  1. Outdated firmware version. Android continues to evolve, applications are trying to keep up with it.
  2. Location. Some developers place restrictions on the installation of their program in a particular country.
  3. Low smartphone specifications. The developers believe that your device will simply not be able to function properly with this game or program.

No matter how scary such reasons sound, in principle, they are all "treated".

APK files

Such files are suitable if Play Market itself blocks downloading to your device. You can download APK files either independently or by asking someone who understands such issues.

In order to install the application, first you need to visit the settings. There, in the "Security" section, next to the "Unknown sources" subsection, check the box, thereby enabling the device to install applications not only from the "Market".

After the done operations, just open the APK file as you would with a photo or music track. Then click "Next", and upon completion of the installation "Ok" - and use the program to the fullest.

In order to carry out this operation, it is not necessary to have extended rights, that is, rooting. The only thing they might be needed for is to copy the APK file from the device on which this application already installed.

The disadvantage of this method of solving the problem of incompatibility of applications may be that the program will not be updated through the "Market", and as a result, if a new version of it is released, all the manipulations described above (except for security settings) will need to be done again.

Market Helper app

This program is not in the "Market" and only works on devices with accessibility. The app won't make your phone better or smarter. The essence of the program is that it changes your identification and the "Market" considers that your device is actually from another manufacturer or another model. What's more, Market Helper allows you to change your geolocation data from the comfort of your couch. This is ideal for applications not available in your area.

Principle Market installations Helper is the same as with APK files... After the installation and configuration is complete, the "application is incompatible with your device" error should disappear.

Regional restrictions

If the app is incompatible with your device due to restrictions imposed by the area you are in, use VPN tunnel routing. This method will allow you to transfer you to another country where the server router is installed. Of course, this method is not as reliable as using the program described above, but it's still worth trying. In addition, no root is required for this method, which is undoubtedly a merit.


Each of these methods does not provide a guarantee of success. In some cases, it is necessary to forcibly clear the cache in the "Market". To do this, through the settings, you need to stop it, clear the data, start Market Helper or VPN and re-enable the "Market" itself. Remember that any changes to the settings are at your own risk.

Now you will not see the message “the application is incompatible with your device”. You already know what to do if your loved ones have it.

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