How to find out what socket you have. What is a socket? How to find out the socket of a laptop motherboard

The motherboard is an important component of a computer that provides communication between all elements of the system. Model information will come in handy when replacing a processor. There are several ways to find out the motherboard socket.

What is a motherboard socket

Socket is the interface of the sequence of connecting the processor to the system. The motherboard is the platform to which all other devices are connected:

  • RAM;
  • video card;
  • hard drives.

The socket provides the ability to properly install the processor, which is not universal and cannot fit all device boards. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to change the processor, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the corresponding characteristics of the motherboard.

The socket allows the processor to be installed correctly

All sockets can be divided into two types:

  1. Intel.

They differ:

  • the number of contacts (400, 500, 1000 and even more);
  • type of contacts;
  • distance for mounting coolers;
  • socket size;
  • the presence or absence of additional controllers;
  • the presence or absence of support for graphics integrated into the processor;
  • performance parameters.

Intel and AMD sockets differ not only in the number and type of contacts, but also in performance parameters, as well as in the presence of additional controllers

Determination methods


When buying a computer or laptop, documentation is attached to it, which describes all the characteristics, including the parameters of the motherboard. The socket number has the form "Socket ..." or the shorter version "S ...". In this section, you can also find recommendations for installing processors suitable for this system.


Very often, motherboard manufacturers write the name of the socket next to the place where the processor is attached. To obtain information in this way, you have to make a little more effort, partially disassembling the computer.


Computer manufacturers are obliged to report absolutely all the characteristics of the device upon sale. This information is open source and can be easily found on the Internet.

  1. In any available search engine (Google, Yandex, Yahoo, Mail), enter the name of the computer manufacturer.
  2. Go to the manufacturer's or seller's website.
  3. Find your model in the product catalog. The socket will be indicated in its characteristics.


The socket can also be recognized by the processor model, which is indicated in the settings of the computer operating system.

For example, in Windows, the processor model can be found in the following path: Control Panel / System.

You can compare processor and socket models using a table.

Intel manufacturer
Socket CPU
Socket 370 Pentium III
Socket 423 Pentium, celeron 4
Socket 478 Pentium, celeron 4
LGA 775

Pentium D, Celeron D, Pentium EE, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Extreme, Celeron,

Xeon 3000 Series, Core 2 Quad

LGA 1156

Core i7, Core i5, Core i3

LGA 1366 Core i7
Manufacturer AMD
Socket CPU
Socket A (Socket 462) Athlon, Athlon XP, Sempron, Duron
Socket 563 Athlon XP-M
Socket 754 Athlon 64
Socket 939 Athlon 64 and Athlon 64 FX

Processor specifications can be found on the manufacturer's or retailer's website


Everest is a program that scans the system and shows the user all its characteristics. In appearance, it resembles a conductor. On the left there is a column with windows of information blocks; when you click on them, the required information is displayed on the right. To find out the socket, you need to go through the following path: Computer / DMI / Processors / Your processor / Socket type.

Everest scans the system and displays all its characteristics


This program has the simplest interface. When you open the first tab, you can see all the characteristics of the processor. The Package item describes the parameters of the motherboard socket.

CPU-Z has a simple interface. Information about the motherboard socket can be found in the Package tab

Everything You Need to Know About Sockets (Video)

Knowing the socket model is essential when replacing a processor. You can find out information in several ways: using the documentation, the board itself, the Internet or software.

The motherboard is one of the most important parts of a computer. In fact, it is the very link between the rest of the PC and laptop. It connects literally all the equipment: hard drives, video cards, RAM, sound card, processor, and so on.

By the way, about the processor - in order to replace it in case of failure or to a more powerful version, you need to find out the socket of the motherboard. That is why we decided to tell you about this within the framework of one rather informative article. From it you will learn not only how to understand which version of the socket you have, but also what it is all about.

There are plenty of ways to define a socket - there are both hardware and software methods. But more on that later.

What is a socket

Yes, we decided to start from the very beginning, so that you are literally savvy in everything that concerns the device of your personal computer.

Socket- this is the interface of the sequence of connecting the CPU (our processor) to the board itself. As mentioned above, the mother is a special platform that connects a number of other printed circuit boards and devices.

Processors only look very similar to each other. However, in reality they are very different from each other. This is why knowing the socket makes it possible to buy the “correct” processor and then install it.

Remember: processors are not universal and therefore do not fit all types of motherboards. In this regard, if you want to change the processor for one of the reasons, it is better to take care of the socket version in advance so as not to tempt fate.

Conventionally, sockets can be divided into two types - by manufacturer:

From Intel;

From AMD.

Will not say whose processors are more powerful - let's leave this question to the geeks. Let's go over the differences better:
As you can see, sockets from different companies may not be compatible with your motherboard at all. Therefore, if you had a processor from Intel, and you are going to install a chip from AMD in its place, you can be sure nothing will come of it.

How to identify my motherboard socket

It was already noted above that there are plenty of ways. And the first is the definition using the documentation that comes with your computer. If you haven't lost it, of course.

So, the socket number looks like this "Socket ...", where its version will be indicated instead of an ellipsis. In the same place where you found information on the socket, you can find the types of processors recommended for your motherboard. This information is extremely important and will certainly be useful to inexperienced users who first encountered a similar problem.

Socket number on the motherboard itself

Almost every motherboard - with the exception of individual copies, has information about the socket, but to find it, you need to try and disassemble your computer a little. The method is not the easiest, but very interesting if you have not done anything like this before.
Now you know which processor will fit your motherboard and you can safely go shopping. If the socket is not there, we can find it in other ways.

Everest and CPU-Z programs

Most likely, you have repeatedly come across the names of these programs before. Or maybe they even worked with them. In any case, we will once again turn to them for help. Let's start with the most sophisticated one - Everest. This utility, in which you can find literally any information, one way or another related to your system. All sorts of characteristics will become available after automatic scanning. In appearance, it is extremely similar to the standard Windows Explorer built into the system. So, what we need to do to find out the socket of the motherboard:
And just in case, we'll tell you how to use the free CPU-Z utility for the same purposes:

As you can see, everything is extremely simple. Take a few minutes not to waste your money by buying the wrong processor.

For those who are familiar with the computer, it is clear that the processor cannot be universal and cannot fit all models of computers. Therefore, if it becomes necessary to equip an old computer with a more powerful processor, then an experienced user chooses it, correlating it with certain characteristics of the motherboard.

But there are plenty of those who are just moving along the path of a thorough study of the computer device. More information about the processor and motherboard match will expand their knowledge. And then it will be possible to avoid such a mistake as purchasing a processor that does not fit the socket of an old computer. Therefore, it is simply impossible to install it (unless, of course, you are very strong).

With a computer - in its language

So, the computer is easier to learn using its own language. For example socket. Non-Russian word, but one hundred percent computer. A socket is a sequence interface for connecting the processor to the motherboard. And immediately another non-Russian word, but almost constantly sounding in the context of a computer: interface. Translated from English, the surface of a certain section, contact, conjugation. Lining up the socket and the interface in one row, you get the same thing as discussed above: the interface provides the ability to correctly connect and install (in this case, a new processor), using the characteristics that are already laid down. The most obvious example is the mouse and keyboard. Without match-pairing, without interfaces, they can't get in touch with the computer.

How to find out the socket of the motherboard? Looking for documentation

The saved instruction, which was supposed to accompany the motherboard of the purchased computer, gives a decryption of the socket value for this very computer. It is only necessary to find the section in the text that contains its characteristics, and take the necessary numbers. As a rule, the line of suitable processors for the motherboard that is available will also be indicated here.

It is possible that the manufacturer indicated the value of the socket in the place where the processor is mounted - on a plastic or metal part of the motherboard. Then the actions take on an applied nature: you need a screwdriver to remove the cover bolts from the side, then unscrew the screws that strengthen the fan and the processor cooling radiator. The most important thing here is not to touch the processor, but still remove the cover. In this place will be the same socket.

Another option is for help on the Internet.

There is another way to recognize a socket. This method is a search on the Internet, which once again clearly confirms its “know-it-all”. You need to use the name of the computer and the manufacturer's form, and this should be on the motherboard, and find the company's website on the Internet.

In case of force majeure, when this does not help either, you should use special programs. They should scan the system. Then issue a computer certification. As an example: Everest or cpu-z. Simpler cpu-z. We should start with it.

The same Internet will help you find this program. Can be bought at the store. But both in the first and in the second case, the program must be installed on the computer. After installing and launching it, you should wait until the Package column appears in the window. This is where the computer socket will appear.

Step by step without missing anything

Now you need to focus on the bottom section of this window. It is called the "Motherboard Manufacturer". There should be a link to the page dedicated to the motherboard of the computer in which the processor is supposed to be replaced. Following the specified link, double-clicking on it, the required page will appear in the browser window. By the way, there will be links to how to update the motherboard and BIOS drivers.

What is bios? Obviously, the owner of the computer already knows. But it is still worth recalling in the context of computer terminology. So, BIOS in translation from English is a basic input-output system. Although the BIOS loading takes place very quickly in time, its significance cannot be overestimated. Bios is also called the storage of special instructions, instructions that are executed by the computer after the motherboard is powered on.

Rationalism or pseudo economy

Knowing the socket, and this is already a real foothold in order to choose and install a more powerful processor on an old computer, one should discard excessive economy when choosing it. Practice has long proved that when buying a processor, very accurately called "gray", ie. on the side, money and time will be wasted. Either right away or a little later. The processor must have a title - a well-known name. It should be sold by companies that have received official rights from such giants as Cyrix, AMD and, of course, Intel.

But that's not all. Installing a microcircuit purchased from even the most reliable supplier is a difficult manipulation if there are no detailed and clear instructions. It is worth setting the wrong modes, and you can say goodbye to the processor: it will fail.

When socket won't help

A computer without software is ironically called a heap of iron and plastic. Serious truth, from which you can not get away. The computer, perhaps, is the leader in lagging speed: it is constantly being improved and updated. But as a rather expensive thing, it is impossible to change a computer like a glove even in large and wealthy companies. Nevertheless, the already established experience of operating computers confirms that the update of the old model must be approached, as they say, seven times. There is a temporary plug: a computer released three or more years ago can still be improved by installing, knowing, of course, the socket, a new processor, but with the upgrade of the motherboard bios system. It is pertinent to remind you once again that you must purchase this new processor by “consulting” the manufacturer's Web site for a detailed list of systems that are suitable and compatible with the device you choose.

Every self-respecting user is obliged to know which socket is used in his motherboard, even if he did not personally assemble his computer. Why is this information needed? And how do you know the socket of the motherboard? It is needed to upgrade a computer, replace components, repair. Each socket supports its own set of processors with which it can work. If the user purchases an incompatible microchip, he simply cannot connect it.

How to find out the motherboard socket in the system

If you have a working system, then you can quite easily determine which connector is used in this motherboard. To understand the question of how to find out the motherboard socket, you need to use a special program or search for the required information on the Internet. If the user knows the model of the installed equipment, he can find in search engines all the necessary information about specific components. The description of the motherboard model on the manufacturer's website will indicate which socket is used in it. You don't even need to go to the manufacturer's portal to get the data you want. Even online stores that sell components provide the necessary information.

What is a socket?

The most important element of a computer is the motherboard. Compared to other system components, it has the largest dimensions. It is to her that other components are connected, and she coordinates the work of all devices. When people talk about a socket, they mean a special connector on the motherboard. The processor is inserted into it. A socket is a programming interface for connecting the CPU to the system. A specific processor model is suitable for a limited number of motherboards. Which one, determines the type of electrical connector (connector). For this reason, it is so important to study the characteristics of the motherboard before replacing the old processor.

Programs for determining the motherboard socket

To solve the problem, you can use the software designed for this. If for some reason the user is not satisfied with the option of searching for the necessary data on the Internet for some reason and he still does not know how to find out the socket of the motherboard, you should use a special program. By launching the application, you can find out a lot of useful information about the system and installed components.

List of programs:

  • Everest (discontinued)
  • AIDA64 is a logical continuation of the previous program. Now it is actively developing, new versions are being released;
  • CPU-Z (provides information about the processor, socket, RAM);
  • ASTRA32;
  • SysInfo Detector.

All of the above programs have the necessary functionality and support for the Russian language. There are other special applications for determining the configuration of a computer. If for some reason the user is not satisfied with any of the above options, he can search for a program that he likes on his own.

How to use AIDA64

This program is widely used by system administrators to obtain information about installed components, search for drivers, and other special tasks. Ordinary users love it for its simplicity and intuitive interface. So how do you know the motherboard socket via AIDA64? It's simple.

The program automatically scans the computer at startup, collecting and distributing data across sections. The procedure lasts from a few seconds to a minute or more. The exact time depends on the performance and workload of the system. On the left, the user sees a set of sections. By selecting the desired item, you can find out information about the installed equipment:

  • motherboard, socket, processor;
  • video subsystem;
  • audio codecs;
  • memory modules;
  • peripheral devices;
  • network card;
  • operating system;
  • other objects.

How do I know which socket is installed on the motherboard by running the AIDA64 program? You need to open the "Motherboard" tab on the left, then select the section of the same name. A window on the right will provide useful information. The information you need will be under the heading "System Board Physical Information." The first item in the section is titled “Number of CPU Sockets”. To the right of it is a specific parameter. This is the information you are looking for. Examples of what may be there: 1 LGA775, 1 LGA1156, 1 AM3, etc. The number "1" means that the system has only one physical socket for connecting the processor. This is how most motherboard models are equipped. Although there are also dual-processor systems, these options are usually used in servers.

The above instruction is also suitable for those who are interested in the question of how to find out the motherboard socket through Everest. This program is the predecessor of the AIDA64 application. It can be used for systems aged 3 or more. In this case, it will show objective information on all components. It is better to run AIDA64 on newer computers.

How does the type of processor socket affect system performance?

The type of processor socket does not directly affect the speed of the computer. Then why many people are still interested in how to find out the socket of the motherboard? Although the type of electrical connector does not directly affect the performance of the system, it determines which processor models can be installed in a given configuration. Older sockets do not support newer CPUs with better performance. For the owner of the system, this means limiting the choice of processors that he could install, thereby increasing the performance of the computer.

Determining the socket of the motherboard and processor may be required in the case when the user is going to assemble a PC for himself or change a graphics accelerator on it. Also, data on the configuration of the socket for installing the processor may be needed when cleaning the system unit and replacing thermal paste. In this case, the user must know about the number of contacts on the processor itself and the rules for installing it. This is always indicated in the user manual. However, if there is no instruction, the socket data will be useful.

How do I know the socket of the motherboard and cpu on a working device?

Each motherboard has a socket that is designed to house a processor. This means that it is impossible to install a processor designed for SocketAM3 + on a SocketFM2 + motherboard. The number of contacts (or legs, as they are also called) and connectors for these contacts will be different.

Therefore, in order not to be mistaken and correctly combine the mother with the process, it is worth determining their socket. To do this, you can use the capabilities of Windows itself or third-party programs.

Consider the following example:

  • We press "Win + R" and enter "msinfo32".

  • The System Information window opens. It is worth paying attention to the "Model" section. Often the motherboard model is indicated here. In our case, the laptop model.

  • By copying the model name and pasting it into the Google or Yandex search box, you can immediately go to the official website of the product manufacturer.

  • The official website of the manufacturer always indicates the socket of the motherboard and processor.

If you do not want to search the network for product information, you can install the Speccy program. Having launched it on your PC, select the "Central Processor" section in the menu on the left and see information about the socket.

It is important to note that there are many programs on the network with which you can get data about the socket of the motherboard and processor.

How to find out the motherboard and cpu socket on non-working devices?

If the components are not connected or the computer is not working, identifying the socket of the motherboard and processor is quite simple. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • We look at the motherboard. We find the processor socket. Open the lid that fixes the graphics accelerator and look at the name of the socket.

As for the processor socket, in most cases it is indicated on the processor cover. More precisely, the processor model is indicated, which you entered in the search engine, you can get information about the socket.

Also, if you have a box from the product, then the socket will be indicated on the back in the table of technical characteristics.

For more information on how to find out the motherboard socket, see the video:

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