Operating instructions for pc laptop for beginners. Possible problems with the laptop. Safe operation of your laptop

Notebook computers are not designed for long-term, day-to-day use. If you are going to use the laptop for 10-15 minutes, then you can use it as you like - on the weight, on your lap, on a table, etc. The time to achieve the result is important here, not the convenience of work, and such non-ergonomic use of the laptop will not cause any harm to health.

However, if you are going to use your laptop for 2 hours or more work, it is very important that you follow the rules of ergonomics.

Rules for working with laptops at home

If a laptop is used in the same way as a desktop computer, then all apply here too.

You can mark additional rules to be correct and comfortable work behind a laptop:

- be sure to use an external mouse instead of the built-in touch pad;
- try, if possible, to work with an external monitor with a diagonal of more than 17 "" turned on, because 14-15 inch notebook matrices are simply not designed for long-term work with them.
- turn on the brightness of the screen backlight to the maximum value.

But a completely different matter, from the point of view of the ergonomically correct use of laptops, is working with them in transport and while driving. In itself, such use is harmful to the health of the computer. Constant shaking, lack of a comfortable fixed surface for installation, dim backlighting of the screen - all this leads to rapid fatigue of the eyes and neck muscles. The lack of a mouse and palm rests leads to numbness in the wrists and fingers. How can you reduce the influence of these harmful factors on your body?

Rules for working with laptops in transport

1. Try not to use your laptop in buses, taxis and other light vehicles, where the movement is necessarily accompanied by shaking. Of course, you may feel that there is no shaking on a relatively flat and new road. But in fact, even the smallest shaking puts a lot of stress on your eyes. Such work is very harmful to eyesight and leads to rapid fatigue.

2. If possible, place the laptop on a stand. Buses, planes, trains have tables mounted in the backrests in front of the standing seats - this is an ideal solution for you in such a situation.

3. The back should be straight and rest on the back of the chair. The arms at the elbow are bent at an angle close to 90 degrees. Feet should be firmly on the floor.

4. To obtain the correct angle of the laptop keyboard surface and its screen, a wide selection of special laptop stands... Both simple (for $ 5-10) and more expensive more functional ones with a special mouse pad, adjustable stand height and tilt angle. Many of them are equipped with special straps for fixing the stand together with the laptop on the tables in transport, which reduces the possibility of the computer falling while driving. If you often travel with a laptop, then such a stand is a must for you!

5. Make sure to take breaks from your laptop and exercise during breaks. If possible, walk around the cabin, get distracted by something.

These are, in principle, all the basic tips for the correct and convenient work with laptops. Follow them, and you will get only pleasure from work!

In the digital age, it is very important to own a computer, laptop, and just touch smartphone... However, not everyone is ready to take specialized courses, so they try to master the technique on their own.

How to choose the right laptop

Before you buy a laptop, you should decide on the purchase goals. And, of course, know how to use a laptop. For novice users, especially for the age group, this may seem rather difficult, but only at first.

So how do you choose the right laptop? It's simple, you need to combine your capabilities with your abilities:

  • A very large price range, from typewriters to fancy gaming laptops.
  • Initial skills and purpose (games, internet, work, etc.).
  • Manufacturing firm.

In general, it can be work (yes, there is such a combination), or it can be expensive, but tailored for certain purposes. In general, prices start at 12,000 and end at 10-15 times the original price.

Turn on / off laptop

And so, the laptop is purchased. Now you need to figure out how to turn it on and off. There is a power button on the bottom panel - this is how the equipment turns on. With regard to shutdown, there are several ways, both normal and emergency. It may seem ridiculous, but it is from these basics that the instruction "How to use a laptop for beginners" begins. After all, if the gadget is turned off incorrectly, then this can lead to disastrous consequences. Including a complete malfunction of the laptop.

So the first way. You need to click the "Start" menu and select the "Shutdown" option there. Nothing else is required from the user, everything else will be done by the system (saving data, terminating all services, etc.).

Method two is to use the power button. This method is also suitable for the correct shutdown, just click on this button... And working with a laptop for older generation beginners may be easier in the second way.

The third method is generally elementary - you just need to close the laptop lid. Although only when the settings are set (power off when closing), the technique will turn off. The default is usually set to "sleep" mode. The best way for those users who do not know what a touchpad is used in laptops instead. All ingenious is simple, isn't it?

The fourth method is emergency, if the laptop does not respond to any commands. You need to hold down and hold the power button for a while. There is a caveat - after such a shutdown, there is a possibility that some services will fail, so it should be used very rarely.

Battery level monitoring

Another important aspect of how to use a laptop for novice users. This technique so it is good that it can be used without a stationary power source. This is due to the fact that every laptop is equipped with a battery. Naturally, it needs to be charged periodically, since the indicator on the lower taskbar will notify you of the need for such a procedure.

It is recommended not to lower the battery charge below 20%, as in this situation the battery starts to work at its maximum capacity and the performance of the laptop decreases. In general, experts recommend working from the network (if there is such an opportunity and comfortably), however, in this case, you need to disconnect the battery.

Self-installation of programs on a laptop

The initial "filling" of the laptop, of course, will not suit any user. Almost always on the newly acquired "laptop" there is nothing but a set standard programs... You will have to install everything else yourself.

There are 3 basic tips on how to install correctly third party programs:

  • When starting the installer, you should carefully read everything that is written. Yes, it very often happens that when installing any software, a bunch of unnecessary programs... In this case, during the installation wizard, you need to disable the options additional downloads.
  • You should be scrupulous about the sites from which the programs are downloaded. Installing software from unknown sources runs the risk of infecting your laptop with viruses. Training for beginners on installing programs begins precisely with the aspects of anti-virus control, as well as finding trusted sites.
  • You need to save free place on your hard drive. If you completely fill the hard drive with data, then there is a possibility that the performance and speed of the laptop will drop several times.

Safe operation of your laptop

To prevent equipment breakdown, it is recommended to perform several actions After all, if you know how to use a laptop, for beginners, over time, all actions will be honed to automatism, and in the future no instructions and recommendations will be needed.

Action # 1. The laptop needs a regular supply of air for the cooling system to function properly. Therefore, do not overlap special ventilation holeslocated on the bottom of the laptop, as well as on the side of the bottom cover. Overheating of the "laptop" is fraught with equipment failure and slowing down of its operation.

Action No. 2. You need to charge the battery for a limited amount of time, that is, until it is fully charged with a small margin. If you keep your laptop on mains power all the time, then the reverse process may work - the battery is discharged.

Action number 3. For full laptop operation, it is recommended to periodically clean it from dust. After all, it is the dust that settles on the elements of the laptop that causes overheating of the entire system, and it may not be clear how to use the laptop further in normal mode. For beginners, the self-cleaning procedure may not be possible, so at first it is better to contact the service centers.

Antivirus laptop protection

If there is an Internet connection, then there is a likelihood of laptop infection malware and viruses. Therefore, there are several recommendations on how to properly use a laptop on the Web.

  • Installing antivirus software. The equipment must have installed a program that protects the laptop from viruses.
  • You should not go to all sites in a row, especially if there are suspicions of their reliability. There are a lot of scammers on the Internet who can take over user data through the Internet.
  • There are viruses that even antivirus program... If there is a suspicion that the laptop has undergone a virus attack, and you cannot cope on your own, it is better to take the laptop to a repair shop, where specialists will fix all the problems.

Updating laptop drivers

This is one of the most important and crucial moments in understanding how to use the beginner's laptop to its fullest. In fact, a user who has learned how to independently update his technique goes from the category of beginners to amateurs. Figuratively, of course.

So, it is better to update drivers using additional software that scans the system itself and determines which drivers need updating. The best representative of this category is DriverPack Solution... There the user can install the necessary updates in a few clicks.

Some laptop hardware (graphics card, motherboard) is updated automatically as it has its own bootloader.

Possible laptop problems

The laptop does not always work perfectly. Malfunctions occur periodically, sometimes they are small and imperceptible, but there are global ones.

An unofficial instruction for working with a laptop for beginners has a list of the main problems in the operation of technology:

  • Overheating of the device. It occurs due to dustiness, as well as due to the ingress of debris inside.
  • Slowdown of work. There are only two options here. Overheating of equipment or presence of viruses. It is solved both independently and with the help of masters.
  • Non-working equipment. Those users who do not know what they use the touchpad instead of, acquire computer mouse, for comfort. But it happens that the touchpad does not work due to unconfigured drivers. And not only this equipment, the video card, sound, and network adapter... Therefore, you need to monitor current versions drivers and update them periodically.

The main thing to remember is that you need to treat the technique with care and know the measure in its operation.

Lock laptop

Another aspect is the protection of the "laptop" from third-party penetration. Well, yes, there are situations when a person at work leaves a laptop turned on, and during his absence, someone rummaged in his data or ruined something.

Therefore, there is a way to prevent such actions - blocking. Windows system there is a policy of credentials by which the user creates his account, with a login and password. There is a "Block" option in the start menu. After clicking it, you can log back into the system only if you enter the password for the account.

It is very easy to create such a record. The Control Panel has a menu " Accounts users ", with the help of which the protection is put on the laptop.


In general, the ability to work with computer technology is a kind of art. And it is worth recognizing that it is very valuable today, since now most of the processes and services are computerized.

You can, of course, use Internet services to learn to work on a laptop, to comprehend the basics, so to speak. You can even download a tutorial for working on a laptop - it is necessary and useful. But watching someone else do it is one thing, but doing the same procedure yourself is quite another. But there will be much fewer mistakes when working with a laptop.

Tips for the laptop user

  • Place the laptop on a flat and stable surface. Do not install it in a place where it can be subject to vibration (for example, near a washing machine).
  • Do not expose the laptop to low temperatures (below 0C) and high temperatures (above 50C).
  • Do not expose the laptop to direct sun raysdo not leave inside the car on a hot day.
  • Do not place a working laptop directly on your naked body (legs or stomach). You could theoretically get burned.
  • Do not allow moisture or liquids to get on the laptop or its parts.
  • Avoid getting dust and dirt into the laptop.
  • Do not carry it in a tightly packed bag (unless specifically designed).
  • Never lift or hold the laptop by the display;
  • Do not keep the laptop closer than 15 cm from appliances that generate strong electromagnetic radiation (refrigerator, TV).
  • Do not wipe the lens yourself cD-ROM drive - use special cleaning discs.
  • Do not turn the notebook over when plugged in (this may damage the cable).
  • Do not use your laptop for a long time on a bed or pile floor, as heat builds up underneath.
  • Do not shock the laptop while it is running. Any impact, even not very strong, can have fatal consequences, primarily for the laptop matrix.

    How to work with laptop battery

  • The service life of one NiMH / Li-ION rechargeable battery is from 400/500 to 500/600 full charge / discharge cycles, if used correctly. This corresponds to approximately 1-2 years of service, after which the battery should be replaced.
  • Before starting work, a new battery should be trained by performing 5-6 full discharge / charge cycles.
    If this is not done, the battery will give required power in less time than she could.
  • Once a week (or at least once a month), the battery should be completely discharged, pulled out for 1 minute, then inserted, charged, pulled out again for 1 minute, and then replaced.
  • If, for some reason, the battery begins to "sink" quickly, repeat the "pull-out" exercise process. If this does not help, reduce power consumption by turning on the high power saving mode. If this does not help, you should replace the battery with a new one.
  • When exercising the battery, turn off the battery saver mode (if it was turned on) and turn on the maximum power consumption.
    The goal of the workout is to discharge as quickly as possible and then recharge the battery just as quickly. At first, it will charge very quickly and discharge just as quickly, then slower and slower.
  • Most batteries should last at least 2 hours. This result can be achieved after training.

    Most laptops have two charging modes battery:

    quick - when the computer is connected to the mains, but itself is turned off (2-3 hours)

    and slow (new models: 5-8 / old NiMH / NiCd models: 45-48 hours) - when the battery is recharged during operation.

  • To train the batteries, use the quick discharge:
    unplug the notebook from the mains and turn it on. Then run some active program scandisk type for continuous operation. Make sure that the screen does not go out, turn on the maximum power consumption.
    If the battery is fully charged, unplug the notebook. to avoid overcharging the battery... This rule applies only to QUICK CHARGE mode.


  • Can't connect peripherals when the laptop power is on - this can damage the computer interface (or the device itself). This rule does not apply to PC cards that support "PLUG & PLAY", as well as external drives for floppy disks.
  • Wrong work with rechargeable batteries can reduce their service life. Refer to battery instructions. Be sure to train the battery before starting work.
  • Don't forget to create backups software before starting work, if the distribution kit is supplied on the hard disk of the computer.
  • Carefully check all information on your laptop for viruses. Use only reliable sources. Buy exclusively licensed programs.
    If a virus enters the computer, your data and even all programs may be lost, and the integrity of the operating system may be compromised.
    RESTORING APPLICABILITY, operating system, virus treatment, recovery of destroyed files, reconfiguration software drivers NOT COVERED BY WARRANTY.
    All complaints about the operation of programs should be addressed to their developers. For errors made in programs supplied with the equipment, their developer, but not the seller of the equipment, is responsible.
  • Do not push hard on the power button and "Reset", and do not use force when inserting floppy disks into the drive - this may cause them mechanical damage... If a floppy disk suddenly gets stuck in the drive, contact a technician service center, but do not try to eject the floppy disk by force - this may result in physical damage heads or other mechanical damage to the floppy drive.
  • Do not slam the lid of your laptop - an expensive matrix may break. Remember that any MECHANICAL DAMAGE IS NOT A WARRANTY REPAIR!
    Be extremely careful when blocking access to your computer or hard drive. Incorrect actions when setting a password on the system can lead to big troubles. Removing a "forgotten" password is not a subject warranty service, and is made for a fee.

    Based on materials from http://portables.ru

  • Date of publication: 06.10.2011

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    Laptops or notebooks are a more powerful, portable alternative to smartphones and desktops, with the ability to do serious work on the go. If you are about to buy your first laptop or are already sitting at one such (unfamiliar to you), things may turn out to be a little strange at first glance. Fear not - follow these steps to get started with all laptops. We will prepare you and help you become a professional as soon as possible.


    Part 1

    Setting up your laptop

      If you're using your laptop at home, find a power outlet and plug in your charger. Laptop computers run on batteries that can drain quickly, especially if you use your laptop heavily. If you are not somewhere far away or abroad, where you absolutely need to do without a power outlet, then it is better to leave your laptop plugged in.

      Place the bottom of the laptop on the desk / desk you are sitting at. They are called "laptops" because they can be placed on your lap, but that does not mean that this is always the best and right place. Try to find a comfortable angle for your wrists and hands - which means moving the laptop until you find the optimal position for you.

      • Do not place the laptop on soft, fluffy, or shaggy surfaces that might block its ventilation holes. Most laptops have vents located on the sides and bottom, which must be left open when starting the laptop.
    1. To open the laptop, lift the lid until the screen is in a position that is comfortable for you. Most laptops have clips or latches that allow the screen to open.

      • If your laptop won't open, don't try to force it to do so! Look at the latch instead. You don't have to force open the screen.
      • Do not pull back the cover too far. 45 degrees is the maximum to which the laptop should be open. The cover or hinge mechanism can be damaged or broken if opened too far.
    2. Find the power button and turn it on. Most laptops have the power button slightly below (behind) the keyboard. The power button is usually marked with the universal "POWER ON" symbol, a circle with a line halfway across it.

      Wait for the laptop to boot up. Because laptops are designed to be portable (in addition to processing power), your laptop may have specialized hardware that will take longer to boot up than a desktop or smartphone.

      Use a laptop pointing device. On most computers, this is a flat, touch-sensitive area called the “trackpad,” which allows you to use your finger like a mouse. Just place one finger in the trackpad area to move the cursor.

      • Many trackpads are multitouch - various user actions in the interface will be performed using several fingers, not just one. Experiment with your laptop by sliding one, two, or three fingers across it and try different “gestures” or finger movements.
      • Lenovo laptops may use a small, red joystick-like button called "Trackpoint" located in the center of the keyboard between the "G" and "H" keys. Use it just like a very sensitive joystick, just with your finger.
      • Some older laptops may have a trackball. Scrolling the ball in the trackball will cause the mouse pointer to move.
      • Some laptops are equipped with a pen interface. In these cases, the pen will be attached to the laptop. Move the pen over the screen to move the pointer, and hold the pen against the screen to tap (clicks).
      • Do you find laptop pointing devices tiny and difficult to use? You can always connect a mouse to your laptop. Find a laptop USB port and plug in a mouse if you want to use it. The laptop will automatically recognize the mouse and make it ready to use.
    3. Use left button Click the trackpad as the left mouse button. On most trackpads, you can click using the button located in the lower left corner of the trackpad.

      • Some trackpads may allow you to press lightly on the pad surface for clicks. Experiment - you may discover additional functionality in your laptop that you never knew existed.
    4. Use the right trackpad button as the right mouse button. You follow all the steps with " context menu"or" right-clicking "by simply clicking on the right button located in the lower-right corner of the trackpad.

      Find optical drive your laptop, if available. If your laptop is not a "netbook", it probably has an optical drive that you can use to install software or turn on music. The optical drive is usually located on the right or left side of the laptop.

      • On Windows and MacOS, you can open the optical drive by clicking on the small button on it, or by right-clicking on the icon optical drive in your operating system and choosing "Eject".

      Part 2

      Installing the software
      1. Update software your laptop. Your laptop probably has some basic software elements: a simple text editor, a calculator, and possibly some basic photo sharing software. Laptops also have dedicated power and graphics management software; they often require many driver updates before they are ready to use. With a little "how", you can add software to dramatically enhance your laptop's capabilities — in many cases, for free.

        • You will need to update windows version in the laptop if it's on windows based... Your laptop on windows based can use Windows Update, or the manufacturer's own Windows update software.
        • If you own a Mac laptop, use macOS built-in update option. It is usually easy to find on a Mac laptop.
      2. Install office software. For basic development and notes, your laptop's firmware will suffice, but for more serious scientific or professional work, you need to purchase a complete office suite.

        • [http://www.wikihow.com/Category:OpenOffice.org In OpenOffice you can perform text processing, spreadsheets and presentations like proprietary software like Microsoft Wordbut free.
        • Use Google Docs as an online alternative to office suites. Google Docs is a cloud-based office software that offers the same functionality as OpenOffice or Microsoft Office... It is free to use and very powerful, especially if you need to exchange documents with others.
        • If you just need to use Microsoft Office, you can get it for free or at a discount if you are a student. Check before you go to the store and buy a copy.
      3. Install photo editing software to organize, touch up and share photos. Your laptop may come from the factory with some basic photo software. It can be updated quickly, easily (and in some cases free).

        • Use Photo Stream to organize and share your photos. If you have an iPhone or Mac laptop, you can follow our basic instructions for installing Photo Stream and sharing photos.
        • You can use Picasa to organize and share your photos. Produced by Google, Picasa provides many of the basic tools you'll need to work with your photos - cropping, retouching, and even recoloring and creating panoramas.

        Part 3

        Internet access from your laptop
        1. If you have not created home network, you will need to do this first. Your laptop is powerful laptop by itself, but in fact, to use it to its fullest, an internet connection is required. Your laptop may have built-in software to make this easy.

          Most laptops have a connector somewhere on the back or side that an Ethernet cable plugs into. Connect an Ethernet cable from your router or modem to this jack and your laptop should automatically recognize the connection.

          If you have a Mac laptop, use Mac OS to connect your Mac to the Internet. Follow our directions and your Mac will be able to connect via Ethernet or Wireless Internet.

          On a Windows laptop, use Windows to connect to the Internet. If you are plugging a new or different wireless card into your laptop, you may need to use the software that came with the card rather than the one built into the Windows wireless utility.

          While you're on the road or just away from home, you can often get wireless internet for free. Schools, libraries, and cafes have free Wi-Fi to use, and you can often find Wi-Fi in places that might surprise you (like some supermarkets, banks, and outdoor areas).

        Part 4

        Living and working with a laptop

          Add wireless mouse to the laptop. An external mouse can make working on a laptop easier - you don't need to pinch your wrists at an angle to use the touchpad (touchpad).

          Combine your laptop with another screen to create a 2-screen high performance workspace. You can set up the laptop and the second screen as one large workspace, or set up the second screen to reflect what is on the laptop screen (useful for presentations).

          You can use your laptop to play movies and display your photos on your TV screen. Some laptops actually have HDMI or DV-I connections, as well as DVD or Blu-Ray players that can provide video. high resolution, high definition - just get permission to play movies or recorded TV shows on your friends' TVs.

        • You need a bag (case) to carry your laptop with you. Laptops are fragile and easily damaged if you stuff them in regular bags and shake them off. Consider buying a quality, soft case for your laptop - or just make one yourself if you have the right material.
        • Customize your laptop and workplace for ergonomic work... Laptops can be less ergonomic than desktop computers because laptop keyboards are generally smaller, which requires you to grip your wrists at an angle to use all keys. And the ability to place them anywhere can contribute to poor positioning.


        • Keep an eye on your laptop all the time... Your laptop is valuable, portable and easy to resell, making it attractive to thieves. Remember to take basic travel precautions and do not leave your laptop unattended, do not leave your laptop on the seat of your car, and, as always, stay in the loop.
        • Back up your laptop data regularly... Doing a lot of work on a laptop and keeping only one copy on it is a time bomb. Do it regularly backup on schedule, especially if you are using your laptop for work.
        • Do not hit different materials to your laptop! Laptops have many open ports for ventilation and open keyboardwhich sits at the top of a warm, tightly packed circuit - a great spot for a disastrous coffee spill. Your laptop's warranty probably doesn't cover such cases. Consciously remember to keep your drink long away from your laptop - on opposite ends of your desk or desktop, or even on a separate desk if possible - when you work and drink.
        • Do not drop your laptop or subject it to shock while using it. Most laptops use hard driveswhich can be easily damaged if exposed to sudden shocks during operation. A strong enough blow will cause head breakagewhere the fast spinning discs are inside hard disk hitting the drive readhead. This will turn your laptop into a very expensive brick. Be careful and handle your laptop with care.
        • Laptops overheating... Many laptops, especially powerful ones, get warm at the end of the day after prolonged use. This can cause discomfort or irritation to the skin on the thighs if using the laptop on your lap.
          • Gaming laptops with powerful graphics cards and processors are especially prone to overheating. Treat these notebooks more carefully.
          • Avoid using your laptop in a brightly lit environment or high temperatures... Not only will the screen become blurry and difficult to read, but it will also heat up much faster.
          • Consider purchasing a laptop cooler if your laptop is particularly hot. These devices are equipped with a fan that blows cooled air around the bottom of the laptop, thereby reducing overheating.
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    • Forgive me, please, Evgeny, but I thought I told you. I received the video course before the holiday. Thank you very much! The video course turned out to be a salvation for me, it helps a lot to master the laptop. I am very grateful to you. I congratulate you on the new year, as well as Merry Christmas! Lyudmila Nikolaevna Naumova Malaga, Spain
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    • I am a beginner pc user. I got the disk "ABC of a computer and laptop" and was not mistaken, did right choice... The disc came out within a week despite the fact that there were holidays. At the moment I am still studying and have not mastered the whole course. But there is already progress. Previously, if I wanted to do something on a PC, I did it by "typing", and now, after several lessons, I am more confident in working with a computer. Friends saw that I was no longer afraid to work with a computer as before, and were very surprised by my knowledge. I showed the disk, they really liked it. They also wanted this CD, so I ordered another set. P.S. Thank you very much! Your lessons are clear and not difficult for novice users like me. I advise everyone to start their acquaintance with the computer with these lessons! Yulia Denisova from Tula
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    • Evgeniy. I am very grateful to YOU. It was this knowledge, obtained with the help of VIDEO TOOLS and YOUR letters, that I lacked. Now I don’t ask ANYONE any questions about using a computer and I don’t hear similar expressions like: GRANDMA WOULD LONGER REMEMBER. Nikolay Dmitrievich Medvedev from Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan
    • The video course "The ABC of a Computer and a Laptop" is a useful cycle of video lessons, both for beginners, to get acquainted with a PC, and for more advanced users. I want to note: I used the first two points for my relatives who were visiting us and all the time asking to explain something. I sat them down at the computer, included video tutorials - a basic course and 2 hours are free! By profession I am a teacher at the Perm Medical College. For all novice students and my colleagues to learn how to work in Word - it couldn't be better - it is accessible, visual and very understandable. And, please, even if you write an essay, even tests - you are already advanced users. Thank you Eugene. We are waiting for your new training materials! Svetlana Agafonova from Perm
    • Eugene, hello! My name is Tatiana Vasilievna. I am less than two months old. I am a pensioner. Former teacher. Life goes on and you want to live, live interestingly, keeping up with the times. Interest in the computer appeared for a long time. There was no financial opportunity to purchase this item. But I still went to computer courses... Free for seniors. Got basic knowledge of working in "Word 2003", did not even touch the Internet. And knowledge was very much needed, tk. a computer appeared, and I wanted to communicate with my daughter on Skype in order to save money and be able to see each other. I climbed the Internet, searched, hoped for luck. And now luck smiled at me. I saw a message that you can quickly learn computer literacy! Cool!!! I read it. I decided: I order discs. They arrived by mail quickly, without any delay. And now I am happy to study everything that is there. Everything is extremely clear and precise. There was new knowledge of what seemed to be known. Everything has become simpler and more accessible. Thanks. Tatiana Vasilievna, Penza
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