Determination of computer system parameters. Free program CPU-Z. How to find out the settings of your computer with third-party programs

Good day! There are already quite a few notes on this blog that help launch various android applications on a computer. The most popular question concerns system requirements - many simply do not know how to view the characteristics of a computer and compare them with the emulator requirements table. In today's post, we will analyze all these gaps in knowledge and answer the pressing question "How to find out the system requirements of your computer."

Quite often, there is a need to find out what is inside your iron friend (I mean a computer or laptop), but to disassemble and look into it giblets there is no particular desire. Of course, open the computer and see what is written on the components is the surest way, but it is not suitable for everyone and we will not consider it - we use software methods.

How to find out the characteristics of your computer or laptop without disassembling it? - very simple, no matter how hard the system administrators and Windows reinstallation specialists convince you. Today we will consider options using standard Windows tools, however, the information on the video card is not always complete, therefore we will dilute a little with third-party software to determine the parameters of your computer.

How to find out the characteristics of your computer by standard means

We can look at the characteristics of a computer on any version of Windows with built-in utilities and tools. These variations are good because they do not require the installation of third-party programs and, in general, shows comprehensive information (which in most cases will be sufficient).

Method 1. We extract information from the "Computer Properties"

The easiest way to find out the general tactical and technical characteristics of a computer is the "Properties" window, which can be opened by right-clicking on the "Computer" icon.

This window displays information about the version of your operating system and its bitness. We are more interested in the "System" block, where it is written which processor is installed in the system and the amount of random access memory (RAM), unfortunately information about the video adapter is not displayed here. However, for most users, the information presented here will be sufficient.

Quite often, a situation arises when the amount of available and used RAM does not match (for example, you have marked that out of 4 GB of RAM, only 3.25 are available for use - I will write about this in a detailed note about RAM)

Method 2. Information about the computer in DirectX

I think everyone is familiar with DirectX - this is a set of APIs for programming. In simple terms, DirectX is needed for the vast majority of computer toys, is included in Windows and allows us to find out information about our computer.

In the good old days, it could be launched from a folder with programs (like Windows 98 and the like), now the "DirectX Diagnostic Tool" is invoked by a command in the "Run" window. Press "Win + R" and enter the dxdiag command

In the window that opens, we can see the processor and the amount of installed RAM in the computer. Similar to the previous method - information about the installed Windows system and its bit depth is displayed here. (You can also see the version of DirectX - this question worries many)

Method 3. Device Manager - a lot of useful information

The task manager can tell a lot about the insides of your computer or laptop (but unfortunately it does not give information about the amount of RAM in the system), below I attached a screenshot of my device manager and marked the most important with numbers - I will now tell you in detail about each of the points:

  1. In the section "Video adapters" there is our video card (you can have several of them, for example, integrated into the processor and discrete), in my case it is AMD Radeon HD 5800 Series (Series means that it can be either 5850 or 5870 - this is our answer not particularly satisfied, but for example, such information is quite enough to install drivers)
  2. Disk devices. This section contains information about the drives installed in your system. It has little to do with system requirements, but in general, many are interested in knowing about devices that store your photos, videos and a bunch of other information for years
  3. Processors. This place contains information about your central processor - their number means the number of threads, but not cores (although usually the number of cores is the same as the number of threads)

The Device Manager allows you to see all the devices installed on the system - it is an indispensable assistant for every user and it would be foolish to ignore it.

So we found out the characteristics of our computer, but we did not find out the exact information about the video card. There are several more ways to determine the hardware, but as a rule they duplicate the ones listed above and I don't see much sense in talking about them.

How to find out the settings of your computer with third-party programs

Standard tools are good for everyone, but sometimes it's annoying - look at one here, look at the other there ... I'm not surprised that specialized applications have appeared that collect all the information about the characteristics of a laptop or computer. We will now briefly talk about them and consider their basic functionality.

Method 1. We look at the computer parameters with the AIDA64 program

You can find out the characteristics of your computer with such a monster as AIDA64. This application provides just a huge amount of useful information about your system - we can use this to our advantage (of course, the program must be downloaded first)

The application costs money, but there is a trial version for a month - we will have time to find out what is installed on the computer. We are interested in "Summary information" in the "Computer" section. Here you have both the processor and the amount of RAM. There is information about the motherboard model and, most importantly, in the 3D accelerator line there is an exact match of ATI Radeon HD 5870 - this is the video card I have installed.

For general development, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with this program in more detail - do not know how to find out the processor temperature or the fan speed? AIDA64 will tell you everything in detail ... the application can be used to monitor the system and perform a stress test to assess the stability of your computer - MAST HAVE for everyone!

Reading is optional! As it is indecently little I wrote in this section, it's even a little embarrassing to use such a program to determine the amount of RAM or for identification processor. There will be time, be sure to familiarize yourself with AIDA64 in more detail - you will not be disappointed ... so much information about the system is probably not given by any third-party application.

Method 2. CPU-Z is a small program with great capabilities

One of my favorite programs, created to present information about the central processor, but in fact can tell almost everything about your computer and a little more (they have the PC Wizard program - it's quite a worthy option to learn about the components inside your computer, but it does not work under Windows 10 and has not been updated for a very long time)... The current version can always be downloaded from the official website of the program:

The program does not require installation, weighs little, and even free - we just have to run it and go through the tabs in search of the information we need. What is usually written in the system requirements for programs? - That's right, the processor and RAM ...

  • CPU tab. The Name line contains the name of the processor installed in the system (in my case, Intel Core i5 3470). Here we can recognize his tech. process, amount of cache memory and many other useful information about your CPU.
  • Memory tab. Here, in general, there is nothing to tell. The Type string is the type of your RAM, and the Size is the size ... it couldn't be easier!

Thus, we learned the basic parameters of a computer that affect performance in all applications - but the information is not exhaustive, so let's move on.

It is very important to know the model of the motherboard and video card so that when reinstalling the system, we can download the latest drivers for this type of device. This little program does a great job with this too, so let's not drag the cat for inevitability and go over the other tabs:

  • Mainboard tab. Quite detailed information about your motherboard - in my case, it is clear that I have ASUS P8H67 (you can safely google and go to the official website for downloads)
  • Graphics tab. Not very detailed information about the video card, but unlike the "DirectX Diagnostic Tool", the amount of graphics memory was correctly determined.

CPU-Z has a very useful function that shows the RAM with a breakdown by slot (i.e. you can see which module and which slot it is inserted into) - this is very helpful when upgrading and selecting a dice for your PC or laptop.

As you can see, CPU-Z has no problems viewing the characteristics of a computer on Windows 10. You can safely recommend to the piggy bank the best programs or a kind of "gentleman's set of software."

Method 3. Piriform Speccy - from the developers of the legendary Ccleaner

The best program for viewing computer performance is Piriform Spessy, the authors of the beloved Ccleaner utility. You can download the application on the official website - I did not use the paid version, the free version also allows you to find out the parameters of the computer, but we don't need more ...

All that the program can do is to collect information about our PC and show it to you in an easy-to-read form. The operating system, the central processor, the motherboard - all this is conveniently scheduled and there are no difficulties in finding the right item. This is what a highly specialized program means - nothing superfluous, everything is strictly on the topic (even the motherboard socket shows).

In general, there is a lot of related information, such as SMART hard disk or those. CPU process. Speccy will tell you in detail about the rich the inner world your computer ... on the one hand, this is very good, but on the other hand, you are just pouring out a huge stream of information and unfamiliar terms, about the meaning of which you will have to search for information yourself.

Computer settings. Results.

I think it is worthwhile to gradually round off - there is quite enough information and we can summarize some results. We learned how to view the characteristics of a computer in several ways:

  • Built-in utilities
  • Third Party Programs

We found out what their advantages and disadvantages are, and you yourself can decide which method is right for you. In general, information about a computer can be collected using Windows tools, but you must agree - specialized software is more convenient and functional ...

P.S. You can always disassemble the computer and look at the markings on the components, but I do not recommend doing this to an inexperienced user. You can find out the characteristics of a computer in both safe and less destructive ways.

My computer parameters: Processor - Intel Core i5 3470/24 GB RAM / 120 GB SSD storage for the system / ATI Radeon HD 5870 1GB video card

In many situations, Windows PC users need more detailed information about the device. For example, installing a demanding application or game, installing drivers, or simply for informational purposes, find out what kind of "insides" the computer has. In this article, we will try to describe all the simple and most capacious ways of where and how to see the characteristics of a computer on Windows 10, 7, 8.

Windows standard computer specifications

The main characteristics of a personal computer can be understood as the following values \u200b\u200b- the frequency and number of processor cores, the amount of RAM, the system capacity, the volume and type of storage, the video card and its characteristics, and many others. Let's break them down briefly in order:

CPU specifications - the main ones at the moment are the clock frequency (1 200 Mhz, 5 Ghz, etc.) and the number of cores (2, 4, 8, etc.), it is on these values \u200b\u200bthat marketers and developers of applications and games focus on scoring of technical characteristics. In fact, the CPU has many characteristics that are very important when comparing and choosing, but the average layman doesn't care which one. The process has a "stone" or an unlocked multiplier made, power is important for it. It is she, thanks to the efforts of marketers, and is expressed in two meanings Clock frequency and Number of cores.

The amount of computer RAM - works on the principle, the more the better (4 Gb, 16 GB, etc.). The average person does not care about the frequency of RAM, its type or manufacturer; it is important for him that applications do not "freeze" from its lack.

Storage - along with the storage capacity (500 Gb, 3Tb, etc.), its type (HDD, SSD or hybrid) has also become important. For a long time, there has been a trend to use a fast and efficient SSD for the system (with a smaller volume and a reasonable price), and for multimedia and storage of HDD files, at a lower speed, but with a larger volume.

A video card - like a CPU, has many characteristics that are very important - core frequency, type and amount of memory, memory bandwidth, and others. These characteristics determine how the card will "show itself" in games and other applications.

Important! The combination of all these characteristics gives an excellent result. Due to the poor choice of one component, the entire performance of a computer can, roughly speaking, "go down the drain."

Windows computer system utilities

In Windows that is 7, 8 or 10 versions, you can easily check the characteristics of your computer using standard system functionality. The only drawback is the limited information, Windows gives only the information that it considers necessary.

Let's consider various options for using the system utilities:

Via parameters System

The easiest way, which gives scant information about your Windows PC, is the amount of RAM, the model and clock speed of the CPU, the bit width and version of the system, and the name of the PC.

Opening a window with system properties on a computer is quite simple; you can do it in one of the following ways:

  • Right click on the icon (not a shortcut) "My Computer" and select "Properties"

  • Open up "Control Panel" and open "System"

  • In the Run window (Win + R) enter control system

  • On your keyboard, press the Win + Pause keys

Using the command line

You can also view the system characteristics of your computer for Windows through the command line. To do this, do the following:

  • To open Command line, in the Run window (Win + R) enter CMD and click OK

  • In the window that opens, enter systeminfo

In addition to the data provided in the previous version, there will be information about the date the Windows system was installed, the paging file (virtual memory), the BIOS version and the device's network adapters. But still, the information is not as detailed as we would like.

Through the dxdiag utility

DxDiag is a diagnostic tool for testing DirectX functionality and solving video or sound problems on Windows. Shows information about the system as well as about video and sound devices. To open the DxDiag window, do the following:

  • In the Run window (Win + R) enter dxdiag and click OK

  • Will open "DirectX Diagnostic Tool"where all information will be divided into tabs. System - data about the system, CPU, RAM and virtual memory. Screen - information about the video card and driver. Sound 1 and Sound 2 - sound card and output device. Input - keyboard, mouse and other manipulators.

Through the msinfo32 utility

Standard utility "System Information", gives the most detailed information about the Windows system of all utilities. To open it, in the "Run" window (Win + R) enter the command msinfo32.

"System Information" allow you to view a lot of information about your computer and system. Basic information is in the tab "System Information", hardware data in Components, and system details in "Software environment".

Unfortunately, none of the proposed methods allows you to view the full technical specifications of your Windows computer. This can be done using special programs.

Third party programs for Windows

There are many programs and applications for a Windows computer that can show complete data not only about the system, but also about the PC hardware. Most of these applications solve all user questions related to the hardware, especially how to find out the characteristics of your Windows 7, 8, 10 computer online. Usually, such applications have advanced functionality, such as testing and diagnostics of the device (for example, Aida64). Let's analyze the most popular programs for viewing the characteristics of a Windows computer.


Description: One of the best and most advanced applications for device characterization, testing and equipment monitoring. Allows not only to receive information about a specific device (Aida64 Extreme), but also the status of a specific device on the network from many PCs (AIDA64 Business).

The official Russian website is The program with a free 30-day period of use, shows limited information. The cost of a license is from 2,265 to 14,392 rubles, depending on the type of license and version.


Description: a program from the developers of Ccleaner, showing detailed characteristics of a computer. Free application that shows not only detailed information about the device, but also the real-time temperature of the equipment.


Description: utility for monitoring the state of the Windows PC and its characteristics - frequency, voltage, temperature, memory, fan rotation and much more. A very handy application if you keep track of all the metrics of your Windows PC.

The official site is It has a Pro version, with rich functionality, but some of the data is hidden until the license is purchased. The regular version of HWMonitor suffices in many ways.

In this article, we have shown how you can check the characteristics of a Windows computer using both standard system services and utilities, as well as third-party applications. If you have any questions about third-party applications or opening system utilities, we will be happy to help in the comments.

Have a great day!

The user may need to know how to view the characteristics of a computer in a number of cases:

  • When upgrading parts or replacing worn out ones with similar ones;
  • Before purchasing another computer, to evaluate the existing configuration;
  • When checking the capabilities of a computer to compare with the system requirements of a program or game;
  • To improve the level of knowledge about your PC.

The easiest way to determine the characteristics of your computer is to use the utilities built into Windows.

But much more information can be obtained using additional applications, most often free or shareware.

Windows Tools

Using operating system tools has the following advantages over special programs:

  • Availability for any user of Windows 7, as well as earlier and later OS versions;
  • Free to use, since the price of software utilities is already included in the cost of the system;
  • No need to download applications, during which you can accidentally download viruses to your computer.

You can use these Windows tools by right-clicking on the computer shortcut on the desktop (or on a similar Start menu item) and selecting Properties.

The window that opens shows information about the system:

  • Processor model and frequency;
  • Evaluation of the performance of this configuration. It is used for Windows 7 and later systems.

To decipher the data of the assessment indicator, click on the inscription "Windows Performance Index" and familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the computer - its software and hardware configuration.

The higher these numbers, the better your PC or laptop will perform.

The maximum index value is 7.9, for older computers - up to 5.9.

Additional Information

Advanced PC users may need additional system information.

To do this, you need to open the "Start" menu, select the item "Standard" / "Service" / "System Information".

It will be even faster to start typing the phrase "system information" in the Start menu search bar and find the desired item among the results found.

In addition to information about the system, in the window that opens, complete information appears about the motherboard model, paging file, the amount of RAM and virtual memory, and even the BIOS version.

Piriform Speccy Program

Piriform products are represented by a large number of free programs including CCleaner and Recuva.

Whereas Speccy allows you to find out such details about Windows that are not available when using system capabilities.

The program is downloaded from the official resource of the company. Using it on a home PC is free, on a work PC it is paid.

By opening and installing the application, you can find out information about the PC, including:

  • OS version (for example, Windows 8 is not easy, and more specifically - 8.0 or 8.1);
  • Processor model and type;
  • Full parameters of the motherboard and sound card;
  • Information about RAM and graphics memory;
  • Characteristics of the data display mode on the monitor, including frequency and resolution;
  • The speed of hard drives.

After familiarizing yourself with the indicators of all system components, the current state of the platform and learning other system information, you can use them to make a decision about installing a new processor (or replacing it along with the motherboard).

It also contains information about peripheral devices, including parameters for wireless connections.

PC Wizard Application

PC Wizard 2015 gives you more detailed information about parts than almost any other add-on application can.

The user of the program can find out all the necessary information about the processor, video card, motherboard and sound card.

The application can even show the technologies supported by the GPU, the names and versions of drivers and codecs, the capacity and charge of the laptop battery.

With its help, it will be possible to find out other parameters - almost everything that an ordinary and even an experienced user may need.

Advice! Also, PC Wizard contains several utilities for testing the system - not as detailed as those of paid programs, but allowing to some extent to compare the parameters of RAM, hard drives and some PC hardware details.

CPU-Z program

One of the most popular free programs for collecting information about the system is CPU-Z. Like all other apps.

It shows the model and frequency of the processor, the characteristics of the motherboard, memory and video card.

In addition, it is CPU-Z that is most convenient to use when determining the number of slots for RAM.

The program takes up minimal space (there is even a portable version that does not require installation) and is downloaded for free from the manufacturer's website.

And the information can be written in a text file or immediately printed on a printer.

There are two ways to check what kind of hardware and OS are installed on the computer:

The first way to check the configuration.

The easiest way to find out which processor, how much memory and which video card is installed in your computer is to press the key combination Win + R (or go to " Start «—>» Execute "), And in the window that appears, write in English letters dxdiag and press the button " OK«.

Open the "Run" window with a combination of Win + R buttons, enter the dxdiag command and press the "Ok" button

If this procedure is performed for the first time, then the computer may request permission to verify the digital signatures of the drivers. Without going into details, click " No» (« # «).

All. This will open a window of several pages with the characteristics of your system.

The first is general information. The second one (the “Screen” tab) contains data about the video card and monitor. From here you can find out:

  • What operating system is installed on the computer.
  • What processor is installed on the computer, and how often it works.
  • What is the amount of RAM ( RAM, aka RAM) is installed on the computer.
  • What is the total size of the paging file and how much it is busy.
  • What version of DirectX is currently on your computer.
  • What model of the video card is installed, how much memory it has and what version of drivers are used.

As you can see, the list of information is quite wide, and they are quite enough to make a general impression of the computer.

A program for a more detailed analysis of the computer configuration

If there is a need to find out, for example, which motherboard is installed in the computer, the processor serial number or, for example, the timings of the installed RAM, then a small free program called Speccy! You can download this extremely useful program either from the manufacturer's website: either from here:

Free download the program "Speccy" to determine the characteristics of your computer.

I will not describe the installation of this program - it is VERY simple. Just agree to everything, and press the buttons " Next«, « OK"And" Finish»Wherever you can find it. If something doesn't work out, write in the comments - I'll chew it on the shelves! After starting the program, wait a minute while it detects all the hardware you have installed. Well, after determining, enjoy complete and reliable information about your computer! 🙂

It is very easy to get confused in all the variety of modern electronic devices and devices. An ordinary user is often interested in classifying devices by the type and complexity of the tasks they perform. To classify a device as one or another class, you need to know the characteristics of the device. Having studied the characteristics of a computer, you can determine: it belongs to a gaming, office or work model, the tasks that it is capable of performing, its performance and ways to increase it. Not all users have such information about their PC and how to find out the characteristics of their computer. Because of this, they cannot complete many simple tasks that are easily performed by experienced users. For example, check if the computer fits into the system requirements of a program or game.

How to find out the specifications of your computer in Windows

The most basic (basic) characteristics of your computer can be found using standard Windows tools, without resorting to the help of third-party programs. However, if it seems to you that these characteristics are not enough to satisfy your interest or other need, then there is always a way to find out more detailed characteristics. Most often, third-party programs can help with this. There are complex solutions, and there are specialized ones. But more on that in another section of this article. In the meantime, let's figure out how to find out the characteristics of a computer in Windows.

How to find out which processor is on the computer and its frequency

The most accessible way to find out the characteristics of your computer is to use standard Windows tools. Many users, even inexperienced ones, are aware of one similar tool. To use it, you need to right-click on the “This computer” icon (or “My Computer” depending on the OS version), then in the text menu that appears, left-click on the “Properties” submenu:

After that, a panel "basic information about your computer" will appear, which contains information about the installed OS, the name and maximum clock frequency of the processor, the amount of RAM:

The main characteristics of the computer can be viewed in the properties of the computer.

However, the characteristics of the computer are far from limited to this information.

How to find out the number of cores and the cache size of your computer's processor

This information can be gleaned from the Task Manager by following these steps:

How to find out how much RAM is installed on your computer

You can find out the amount of RAM in the panel "basic information about your computer". Instructions for launching it are given above. Also, this panel can be launched through the “Control Panel”. This requires:

  1. Launch “Control Panel”.
  2. Select the view mode “large icons” or “small icons”.
  3. Select the "System" panel by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
  4. After completing the previous steps, the "basic information about your computer" panel will launch, which will contain information about the amount of installed RAM.

RAM is never too much

You can also get here if you just right-click on the "Computer" icon on the desktop and then on "Properties", as we already wrote at the beginning of our article.

How to find out which video card is on the computer

Using standard Windows tools, you can also find out which video card is on your computer and how many there are. For this you need:

  1. Run “ Control Panel”In“ large icons ”or“ small icons ”view.
  2. Open the panel “ device Manager”. It can also be opened from the properties of the computer. How to get into the properties, we wrote above. And the device manager is there in the left side menu.
  3. There, go along the path: " your_pc_name / video adapters", Where all PC video cards (if several) and the currently used one will be indicated.

Many laptops have an integrated graphics card and a discrete

As you can see, there is not much information about your video card here. Only the title. If you need more detailed video card specifications, then read on.

How to find out which motherboard is installed on your computer

Information about the installed motherboard can be found in the System Information window. You must follow the following procedure to find out the name of the motherboard:

  1. Hold down the "Win" + "R" key combination.
  2. In the window that opens, enter “ msinfo32 ”And press the“ Enter ”key.
  3. In the panel that opens “ System information”The list on the right will contain information about the brand-manufacturer of the motherboard and its name.

Motherboard make and model

There is another way to find out which motherboard is installed on the computer - to disassemble it. The motherboard model will most likely be written on it.

How to find out which drive is installed on your computer

Much less often than the rest of the computer, users need to know which hard drive is installed on the computer. The storage information () is also found in the System Information window. To get them, you need:

  1. Enter the "System Information" panel (how to do it is described above);
  2. Follow the path “System Information” → “Components” → “Storage Devices” → “Disks”. It contains information about the installed drives.

More or less detailed characteristics of the hard drive

In the screenshot, we see that a 1000 GB HDD is installed on the computer. It is split into two main volumes: 230 GB and 700 GB. Another 70 GB is inaccuracies in calculating the volume, or rather, the machinations of manufacturers. 1 GB is given for the needs of the system.

How to find out which power supply is on your computer

There are no reliable software methods to determine which power supply unit is installed in the computer. The most reliable way to find out its characteristics is to view the official PSU documentation or a sticker on the power supply case, which indicates the name of the power supply and its power (both in general and along the +3, +5 and +12 V lines).

How to find out the characteristics of your computer through the command line

You can also find out the characteristics of your computer through the command line. It can be started by pressing the key combination "Win" + "R" ", after which you need to enter in the opened text line" cmd”And pressing the“ Enter ”key.

Command line commands that allow you to find out certain characteristics of the computer (the command line for their execution should be run as administrator):

  • winsat cpu –v”. Allows you to find out the name of the processor, its clock frequency, cache size, number of cores / threads and some other characteristics.

    Processor information on the command line

  • wmic memorychip get Manufacturer, Capacity, PartNumber, Speed, DeviceLocator”. Determination of the characteristics of random access memory.

    RAM information on the command line

  • dxdiag.exe”. The command launches the dxdiag application, where you can find out the characteristics of the video card (in the “screen” tab). Also in dxdiag you can find out the motherboard model (in the "system" tab).

  • wmic diskdrive get Name, Manufacturer, Model, DeviceID, Partitions, Status, InterfaceType, SerialNumber”- a command that allows you to find out the characteristics of the installed drives.

Programs through which you can find out the characteristics of your computer in more detail

The above methods to find out the characteristics of your computer are good because they are available to everyone and do not require the installation of additional software. However, some characteristics of computer hardware can only be found in specialized software. Another advantage of this method is its simplicity, it is much easier to look at characteristics in a structured form in the program menu than to use the command line for this.

CPU-Z - a free program for determining the characteristics of the processor, RAM and motherboard

CPU-Z Is a free utility with rich functionality. It is sure to be kept in their arsenal by overclockers who, in order to control the state of the CPU. We have already repeatedly written about CPU-Z in our various articles, so we will not dwell on it in great detail. If necessary, you can use the site search.

CPU-Z allows you to find out detailed characteristics:

  • motherboard;
  • random access memory.

GPU-Z - a free program for determining the characteristics of a video card

Unlike Windows tools, GPU-Z allows you to determine the number of shader processors, rasterization and texturing units, video memory bandwidth, video memory timings and many other characteristics of a video card. This is essentially an analogue of CPU-Z, only sharpened specifically for a video card.

CrystalDiskInfo is a free disk drive characterization tool

Allows you to find out the detailed characteristics of the drives (much more information than Windows gives). In addition, it signals the "health" of drives, the number of found and reassigned "bad sectors".

CrystalDiscInfo is one of the few programs in its class that can work not only with HDD drives, but also with new generation solid-state drives - SSD.

The program has rich functionality, supports Russian and is absolutely free. You won't have to look for analogs, believe me.

CrystalDiskInfo interface

AIDA64 is a universal program that allows you to find out the characteristics of your computer in great detail

AIDA64 is a paid program, but it is possible to install its trial version for 30 days. AIDA64 allows you to find out the detailed characteristics of all computer components available to programs. The functionality of the program is not limited to this, it contains system stability tests, built-in tests for, and much, much more. All AIDA functions are well structured, grouped into sections and subsections, which makes the program easier to use.

How powerful is the functionality of this program? What if I tell you that she can even tell you about the physical dimensions of your components? Not bad, huh?

AIDA64 has very rich functionality. Just take a look at this screenshot.

Instead of output

Knowing the characteristics of the device you are using is an urgent need in the modern world, when electronic devices become outdated very quickly. Knowing the characteristics of a computer - a universal platform that can be used for a wide range of tasks - is all the more important, since it allows you to fairly accurately determine the speed and ability to solve the PC tasks assigned to it. Knowing how to find out the characteristics of your computer will be useful both for an ordinary user who uses a PC to solve their daily tasks, and for professionals who use it for professional work.

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