Windows 10 pc basics. What to do? How to master a computer and laptop for a beginner

Instructions for dummies on how to use Windows 10 will help you understand how to work in the system, what functions are built into the OS and what capabilities it provides to users.

If you want to figure out how to work in the new Windows 10 on your own, then this operating system already has some tutorials for novice users. Or as some people like to say - for dummies. This application can be launched through the standard "Start" menu. After reading it, you will probably figure out how to work in this OS.

Yes, you can. There are over a hundred textbooks. Our favorite is the instruction for dummies. This illustrated digital textbook is quite attractive and beautiful. But it can only be viewed via an Internet connection. It understands and describes all the standard functions that a given operating system is capable of performing.

All material here is divided into 16 categories. For example, it contains information about the new Edge browser, what innovations were made by the developers in the tenth version, how to set up a personal account, how to set up Wi-Fi for more convenient work, etc.

The book has no age limit, but we recommend it to people 12 years and older. It is written in a fairly simple language, but understanding requires at least basic knowledge.

Introducing Windows 10 for Dummies

After the user creates and activates his own account, the OS will boot to the standard view and open the desktop. How do I use it? To do this, you need to know about navigating this space of the OS. After a little acquaintance, it will become easier for you to understand how to work with such a computer. So, on the desktop there are:

  • Background. It can be standard or custom. That is, you yourself can change the picture on the desktop;
  • Folders. They can store your files in order to have quick access to them;
  • Basket. When you no longer need a file, you can drop it into the trash, and then just empty its contents.

If you have already worked with other versions of the operating system from Microsoft, then some elements of the "dozen" may seem familiar to you. For instance:

  • Start button, which opens the start screen with all installed programs;
  • Date and time. This part of the desktop is available in all OS versions;
  • Task bar. It contains application shortcuts, time, date and much more.

If you are interested in questions about how to work with the updated Windows 10, then you can read other materials on our portal. And also some users master some applications and programs they do not understand with the help of special articles. So to speak, for dummies, in which everything is described in great detail. From these materials, you will quickly learn how to use the application or program you are interested in.

It is impossible to lay out all this within the framework of the site, since in the format of a book you will have a more visual aid in front of your eyes and you will be able to learn faster. But comments and questions on what you have read, of course, we expect from you on the pages of our project.

How to open a book

To open the tutorial you need a special one. It can be either separately or a specialized utility. We could not pack the material in the usual format for Word, because otherwise it would take up a lot of space and you would probably be very uncomfortable working with it.

If you decide to download instructions for dummies on how to work with Windows 10, then in a week your level of using the OS will reach a new level. Please note that the book is still for beginners, and if you have a need to find some very specialized answer to a serious question, then perhaps it is better and easier for you to find the answer on our project. We have a dedicated section with tips.

It is easy and pleasant to work at a computer with Windows 10 thanks to a friendlier, more beautiful and well-thought-out interface than in the same "seven". Although Metro seems to be something wild and unusual to many, in fact, if you look a little, there is nothing complicated and revolutionary new in Windows 10. Some elements were borrowed from Linux, others from MacOS, some were copied from mobile operating systems, windows and ribbon were borrowed from Office 2007.

Let's consider how the work in the top ten differs from other versions of Windows, having familiarized ourselves with the main innovations in the interface and functionality of the new operating system.

In the G8, as you know, the Start menu was removed, instead of which it was suggested to use tiles, but a flurry of criticism from users forced Microsoft to return the main feature of Windows. However, the tiles on the right side of the window were not without. The left side of the menu contains links to applications, as in the "seven", and the right, where the system folders were located, is dedicated to tiles. Working with the new menu has become easier, especially when there are tons of programs installed in Windows 10: the alphabetical index will help you quickly find the shortcut you want, and the search bar will help you find any application or launch a system component.

Virtual desktop

One of the most important innovations for users who use a computer to solve a huge range of tasks is the introduction of virtual desktops. Now people familiar with Linux can breathe: Microsoft has finally added a feature that has been available in a free OS for over a decade. But its implementation is far from what has been seen in competing operating systems. Here you can create as many tables as you like, make some windows and applications common to several of them, and move windows between tables. However, for some reason, the developers did not dare to add more functions by simply copying them from competitors, and it is impossible to set different backgrounds for each table. Note that even with this implementation, working in Windows 10 has become much easier.

Notification Center

Here, Microsoft also plagiarized by adding mobile operating system functionality to the desktop. As on a smartphone, all notifications, alerts and messages are displayed in a separate window called by the tray icon. In addition to the actual notification functions, the new panel provides access to frequently used functions: changing the screen orientation, calling the system settings, turning on Wi Fi and Bluetooth, and launching an application for notes.

Working in Windows 10 on a portable device began to bring a smile thanks to the function of switching the interface to tablet mode, in which the tiles become larger, and the windows are maximized to full screen. This will disable virtual tables.

Phone manager

Working with the file system of a mobile device in Windows 10 is no longer a chore. With the smartphone manager, even if it is sharpened for Windows Phone, the user can easily connect a smartphone / tablet to a computer, perform synchronization, backup or restore settings from a backup. And all this from one window without switching between modes. Setting up a connection even in the case of a device for iOS and Android is carried out in several steps and only once.


Browsing the Internet through the new Edge browser, unlike IE, is already a reality. But it is not suitable for everyday use. Better just install Chrome or FireFox.

Due to the large percentage of outdated source code in IE, its further development does not make sense, because this shortcoming does not allow supporting many local web pages through which work in corporate and office networks is implemented.

Unsurprisingly, the Edge icon is not much different from the IE icon: the former is a modification and refinement of the latter, after removing obsolete fragments from its code.

Command line

For users who know what the command line is, Microsoft has added several new benefits. For example, in the new OS, you can select fragments of text, as in a regular text editor, character by character, and not in whole lines.

Setting the transparency of the command line window in a wide range and adding hotkey combinations improve the convenience of the system administrator.

Quick access to any media and catalog

Windows 10 has a very flexible interface and many features that make accessing frequently called applications and filesystem objects easier. It allows you to pin any items (directories, applications, links) to the Start menu, taskbar, Start screen (tile area in Start) and Quick Access Toolbar. If everyone is familiar with the first two cases since the days of Windows 7, then we will consider the latter in more detail.

By bringing up the context menu for a directory, file, Options menu item, and even a site in Edge, you'll be able to add it to your Start screen.

As for the Quick Access Toolbar in Windows 10, pinning items to it will require opening an Explorer window and dragging the catalog icon to the position where it needs to be positioned. Then the transition to the pinned directory will be possible after a single click on its shortcut.

In general, working in the top ten is not much different from working in Windows 7, except for the presence of new interface elements and the location of frequently used functions, for example, the "Control Panel", in the wilds of the system.

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Whether you are using a new Windows 10 computer or an older machine that has recently been upgraded, this tutorial will show you the basics of working with this version of Windows.

Note: This tutorial will walk you through using Windows 10 on your desktop or laptop. If you are using a touchscreen tablet, some of the instructions below will work slightly differently.

Sign in to Windows 10

You will probably be asked create a Microsoft account (if you don't have it yet). After that, every time you turn on your computer, you will need to log into your account. To do this, enter your password in the field and press Enter.

To find out more, you can view our tutorials on creating a Microsoft account and.

Desktop Navigation

After you log in to the system, the first thing you see is desktop... It is like the main workspace for your computer. From here, you can view and manage files, open applications, Internet access, and more.

In the image below, desktop elements are marked, and their descriptions are provided below the image.

1. Basket. When you delete a file, it is moved to the trash. This allows you to recover the file if you suddenly change your mind. To permanently delete a file from your computer, you will need to empty the Trash.

2. Folders on the desktop. You can store files, folders, and shortcuts on your desktop so that they are easily accessible.

3. Desktop background. The desktop background, or wallpaper, allows you to personalize your computer. You can choose inline images as background or use your own image.

4. Open Folders. After double clicking on the folder, it will open in a specialized program called Explorer (Windows Explorer).

5. Start button. All versions of Windows have a Start button in the lower left corner of the screen that opens the Menu when pressed. The exception is Windows 8, instead of the menu, you are taken to the start screen.

6. Shortcuts on the taskbar. Some programs have shortcuts for quick access. In this example, you can see shortcuts for Microsoft Edge, File Explorer, and Windows Store.

7. Taskbar. The taskbar contains application shortcuts, date and time, and more. It will also display open programs or files, and you can easily switch between them by selecting them on the taskbar.

8. Date and time. On the right side of the taskbar, you will see the date and time. There are also shortcuts for the status of various parameters, for example, Internet connection parameters, sound volume, etc.

Opening Applications

You will use start menu to open programs on your computer just like in previous versions of Windows. To do this, click the Start button in the lower left corner, then select the required application. If you do not see the one you want, select All Appsto see a complete list of apps. In the example below, we open the program.

Working with files

You will mainly use Conductorto manage your files and folders. To open File Explorer, click the File Explorer icon in the taskbar or double-click any folder on your desktop.

Find files and applications

If you forget the name of a specific file or application, you can search in Windows 10. To do this, click the Search icon in the taskbar, and then start typing. In the example below, we are looking for a file called "Presentation".

Parameter adjustment

You will use Parameters system to change the most important parameters of your computer. To do this, click the Start button and select Settings.

You can also use Control Panelto adjust some settings, just like in earlier versions of Windows. However, there are some parameters that can only be accessed in Parameters systems. So you may be using System Preferences more often.

Computer shutdown

At the end of the work on the computer, it is important to properly shut down the computer. To do this, simply click the Start button, then select Completion of work.

In Windows 10, the Start menu has two main elements: the link bar on the left and the tile bar on the right. The link bar displays the name and profile picture of the current user, the computer's power management menu, a set of links to custom folders, Explorer and the Settings panel, a list of frequently used ones, and the last installed application.

The content of the list of frequently used applications is constantly updated, but you can forcefully remove unnecessary elements from it: just right-click on them and select "Do not show in this list" in the context menu. By clicking on the username, the account management menu is called up, which allows you to go to its parameters, lock it and log out.

For programs that support jump lists, additional menus are available with links to frequently used, pinned, and other items. Jump Lists are a very handy thing that disappeared from the Windows 8 Start screen and returned to the menu in Windows 10.

The All Applications menu contains a list of all installed applications and games. In its upper part, recently added applications are always available, if there are more than three of them, it automatically collapses. To clear this list, just click on the cross in the header (×), you can remove one element from it from the context menu by selecting the "Remove from list" item.

Applications in the menu are grouped in alphabetical order, clicking on the desired letter opens the alphabet navigation panel, which slightly simplifies the search for the desired item, eliminating the need for long scrolling.

The tile bar is used to quickly launch applications and programs. Just like in Windows 8.1, the user is allowed to select one of the four available sizes for the tile, enable or disable the live tile, create a shortcut for the selected application on the taskbar, and, if desired, unpin the tile altogether. All of these options are available in the context menu of each tile.

For more convenience, tile sets can be combined into groups, and groups can be named, a feature that Windows 8.1 users are also familiar with. New for them may be the possibility of almost arbitrary placement of tiles in the menu, and not strictly one after another, as was the case in the previous version of the system.

To create a group of tiles, just grab one of them with the mouse and drag it onto a small rectangle that will appear somewhere nearby and then become the group's title. The decision is certainly not very successful, let's hope that Microsoft will abandon it in the future. Grabbing a group of tiles by the title, you can move it to the desired part of the menu.

If you already have a lot of tiles on the right side of the menu, and it is inconvenient to use scrolling, the menu sizes can be increased horizontally and vertically. This is not difficult to do: just grab the cursor and drag one of its borders. Its maximum dimensions depend on the size and resolution of your screen.

Fans of minimalism can detach all tiles from the menu if they wish, and then reduce the size of the menu to quite compact. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to resize the All Apps menu horizontally.

Windows 8.1 fans, accustomed to the Start screen, have also paid attention to Microsoft: they are offered a full-screen mode of the Start menu. This mode can be activated manually or automatically when entering tablet mode.

In full screen mode, the left side of the menu is automatically hidden, the tiles become larger and take up space in the center of the screen. If there are a lot of tiles, they can take up all the free space in the menu.

You can call the link bar by clicking on the "hamburger" in the upper left corner of the screen. For quick access only to the list of all installed applications or the computer's power management menu, you can use the buttons in the lower left corner.

Customize the menu in the panel Settings → Personalization → Start... The user is allowed to disable the display of links to frequently used and recently added applications, enable the full-screen mode of the menu, get rid of links to the last opened items in the jump lists (this option is used for the Start menu and the taskbar at the same time).

In addition, in the same place, you can enable and disable the display of links to the desired user and system folders, including Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, Videos, Personal folder, Homegroup, as well as the Explorer and the Options panel.

You can enable or disable the display of colors and transparency for the Start menu in the panel Options → Personalization → Color... This option also applies to the taskbar and action center.

If you still have any questions about using the new menu or have something to supplement our small review, welcome to the comments below.

An operating system is a program that makes a computer functional and is responsible for the functioning of all other programs and hardware. If you have a “computer,” it probably has the Windows operating system installed. If you are a novice user, we will help you learn and master all the features of your version of Windows, as well as customize them according to your preferences. All of our tutorials are primarily intended for dummies - for beginners Windows 10, 7, 8 / 8.1 and XP are listed below. They are available to you at any time of the day and are completely free.

Windows 10

Windows 10 is the latest version of Microsoft's Windows operating system for personal computers and mobile devices. It was released on July 29, 2015, and for exactly 1 year, users could upgrade their computers to Windows 10 for free. If you haven't completed the update in time:. Learn more about Windows 10 with our beginner's tutorials below! You will find more instructions and articles.

Windows 8 / 8.1

Windows 8 is the penultimate version of Microsoft's operating system for personal computers, laptops and even mobile devices (tablets, smartphones, etc.). In this version, everything is completely and anew redesigned, and many things may be incomprehensible and unusual for users. With the help of our lessons, you will learn all the features, settings and quickly get used to Windows 8.

Windows 7

Windows 7 is an operating system from Microsoft, released in 2009 as an upgrade to XP or Vista. Learn all the features and settings of the Windows 7 operating system with our tutorials.

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