Mobile phones give the highest electromagnetic radiation. Is the radiation from the phone dangerous? The harm of wi-fi radiation

From time to time, all creative people are familiar with the feeling of inner devastation and mental burnout. These days, the mood becomes bad, new ideas do not come to mind, I don't want to create and I can't. This state can overtake after a long creative work or as a result of life shocks and stresses not directly related to creativity. Of course, you can give the body a rest, sleep off, eat delicious food, go on vacation and, as a result, recuperate. But how can you subsequently return inspiration and again find yourself in the realm of ideas?

Anyone can have negative emotions. Everyone has problems, stressful situations, difficult days ... All this pumps out a ton of vital energy from a person, makes him lethargic and tired, doomed and sick. Because of the negativity, quarrels with loved ones, rude communication with others, cursing between people and hatred of the whole world arise.

A crisis situation is characterized by internal or external events that make the usual pattern of life impossible. As a rule, such changes are accompanied by negative feelings and thoughts, the emergence of a new life status. The crisis period makes it necessary to revise life, change priorities and values. This is the time for change.

How to attract love into your life, what should be done for this and should it be? First, there are no universal recipes, tips, or manuals to follow. Secondly, if in this case, in principle, the word "work" turns out to be appropriate, then the work should start with oneself, the changes should be primarily internal.

Each had problems associated with a depression of mood, a stressful state, a breakdown on loved ones on trifles. This must be dealt with, as it can cause discomfort to the human body. After all, physical and psychological health is interconnected.

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just some of the items that are quickly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not out-of-necessity purchases, but panic purchases. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects a person's actions. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, "life prizes" go to others. If your self-esteem is getting lower and lower, then there are 20 tips given in this article to help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts that cannot be eliminated. They are so strong that even doing an interesting job does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add excruciating sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you look at the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

We are killing our happiness with our own hands. The negative that we carry in ourselves towards others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, release unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison your mind. Tune in to goodness and positiveness. Do something nice, something you've dreamed of for a long time.

Influence of the latest technologies on human health: mobile phone, cell towers, Wi-Fi. How old can children be using cell phones?

For many years, research has been carried out aimed at studying the effect of cell phones on the human body. The fact is that technologies in the field of production of mobile devices are developing every day more and more rapidly.

Cell phone manufacturers are coming up with know-how for their gadgets every minute. Each new model can be equipped with an innovation, the impact of which has not yet been studied. It is precisely these factors that complicate the task for scientists who experience radiation from mobile phones.

Probably the only thing that doctors and scientists know for sure is that telephones emit radio waves or electromagnetic radiation. Naturally, such flows do not pass without a trace for a person. They can leave their mark and mark on his body.

Human exposure to electromagnetic radiation

  • Scientists managed to establish that radio frequencies have a rather adverse effect on the human body
  • There are no clear numbers and evidence, since it is necessary to conduct such experiments over a long period of time.
  • The largest giants-manufacturers of cellular gadgets stand in the way of scientists. Some sources claim that it is these companies that mainly finance research in the field of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. It goes without saying that it is in their interest to minimize the likelihood of any harm caused to a person by the phone.
  • In addition, there are facts of initiation of criminal cases against members of the commissions participating in such experiments. The defendants are charged with accepting bribes on an especially large scale from manufacturers of mobile phones in order to distort the true state of affairs

  • Among other things, scientists also find it difficult to work because of the constant innovations in the phone market. The inventors of such innovations claim that their devices are safer than their predecessors. Therefore, studies have to be carried out over and over again, and given the need for a large amount of time for each study, this further delays the announcement of the final results.
  • In any case, the WHO classifies cell phones as class 2B agents. This means that telephones may be carcinogenic to humans. Yes, the wording is certainly not impressive. She only says that someone from the commission of inquiry agreed with the harm of phones, and someone did not.
  • Group 2B also includes carcinogens such as coffee, DDT, gasoline, chloroform, etc. substances

The effect of telephone radiation on the human brain

The negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain is the heating of the brain tissue. Such heating can lead to the formation of chromosomal changes in brain cells, their mutation and, as a consequence, to the emergence of a brain tumor.

A scientist from Scotland, William Stewart, took up the proof of such a theory. He was able to establish that under the influence of electromagnetic waves in the earthworm, the structure of the protein changed.

William Stewart believes that under the action of radio waves, the human brain can heat up and melt like food in the microwave.

Such a hypothesis, of course, takes place, but its evidence base is too weak to convince all mobile phone users to refuse constant communication with other subscribers. In addition, such exposure to radio emission must continue continuously and continuously over a long period of time.

How does electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones affect children?
  • When it comes to children, you need to be careful.
  • The fact is that the child's organs are formed throughout his childhood. Exposure to electromagnetic waves can disrupt their development and send them in the wrong direction
  • Scientists believe that continuous long-term use of cell phones by babies can lead to brain cancer, autism, meningitis, etc. Such diseases are very dangerous, therefore, in the case of children, it is worth taking all precautions.
  • In addition, exposure to radio waves can affect the mental and physical condition of the baby. Some studies have shown that cell phones can cause sleep disturbances, lethargy, drowsiness, reduced immunity, impaired memory and mental health problems.

Can the child use a cell phone? From what age?

  • For many parents, their baby's cell phone is a guarantee of his safety and peace of mind. After all, thanks to the "mobile phone", the child is under the constant control of his father and mother.
  • However, the health of the baby should come first.
  • It is advisable to delay the purchase of a mobile phone for a child as long as possible
  • Sociologists believe that the most appropriate age for using a cell phone is the age of ten. At this point, the baby is more or less prepared mentally for such a responsible thing as a telephone.

  • Based on the question of the baby's health, it is worth buying a mobile phone for him as late as possible
  • If parents think that their baby needs a phone at an earlier age, they should make sure that their child's phone conversations are as short as possible.
  • The best way out of this situation is considered to be a one-way communication in the child's phone. In other words, parents can call their child, but he cannot. The baby only has the opportunity to signal the need to talk to them
  • To do this, you can either purchase a special package for children, or simply not top up the child's phone account

Damage to a mobile, cellular tower

  • If the mobile phone emits electromagnetic waves, then the radio tower will also receive and spray the same waves.
  • Many residents of houses close to the locations of cell towers are extremely concerned about this neighborhood. Some of them claim that after a similar structure was installed near their homes, their health and state of health worsened. Some noticed the absence of cockroaches in their homes, some even insist that stray animals in such areas began to reproduce worse.
  • All these statements can either have a scientific basis or be a complete invention or a manifestation of general panic.
  • In fact, radiation occurs, but the state clearly regulates the standards for such radiation. Moreover, the radiation rate in our country is less than in other European countries

The harm of wi-fi radiation

Wai Fai radiation harm

Relatively recently, such a concept as Wi-Fi (WI-FI) has entered our life. WI-FI is wireless internet. It is sprayed into the air using the same radiation. Considering that today there are routers or routers in almost every apartment, cafe, restaurant, and even in parks and places of mass recreation, it is almost impossible to hide from such radiation.

However, it should be borne in mind that the sources of such radiation are not as close to the human body as the same mobile phone. In addition, you can turn off your own router for a while, while no one is going to use it.

You can also compare the action of wi-fi with other everyday objects of our life:

  • the signal from the microwave is 10,000 times higher than the signal of the router
  • a cell phone emits as many waves as two routers and twenty laptops emit simultaneously

In addition, in cases with WI-FI-routers, their harmful effects on the human body can be minimized as much as possible in such simple ways:

  • it is best to place the router at a distance of more than forty centimeters from the person's permanent location
  • if there is no need, it is best to disconnect the router from the power supply
  • a laptop or tablet that receives WI-FI signals must not be placed on your lap

Video: Harm from Mobile Phones

The benefits and harms of a cell phone entirely depend on the way you use it.... Many words have been said about the necessity and importance of a mobile device in the life of a modern person. No less has been written about the harm from electromagnetic radiation, the successor of which is any, even the simplest apparatus. What this harm is, how to minimize risks and recognize harmful effects is described in this article.

The harm of the phone to the human body

The effect of a mobile phone on human health has been subjected to repeated studies, which sometimes had conflicting information. Scientists have been arguing about the dangers of mobile devices for several decades, and a huge number of results of experiments and other scientific research have already accumulated, which are constantly published on scientific resources. More than 10 thousand publications on this topic have already been collected, which can be found in international publications. But does the phone emit radiation?

May 31, 2011 is the day when the WHO officially recognized the harm of radiation from mobile devices to human health. She recognized radiation as a potential carcinogen and identified group 2 B.

The harm of mobile phones to the human body is that when talking, it is close to the brain... In this case, the electromagnetic rays come into direct contact with it and can negatively affect health. The characteristics of this type of radiation are such that when exposed to living cells, they cause an increase in their temperature and possibly play a role in irreversible processes when radio frequency influence occurs regularly. Thus, a brain tumor may develop.

The harm of the phone to human health also lies in the fact that concentration of attention worsens while talking on the phone, thus, because of talking on the phone while driving in a car, accidents happen 4 times more often. Although the cause is not radiation, the problem remains relevant to this day. You should not talk on the phone while driving or using the speakerphone. Although the harm of cell phones to human health has been discussed by the scientific community for a long time, no consensus has been reached. Various versions of this provision are expressed. The most common is the financial component, since phone manufacturers are interested in selling their goods, and therefore, hiding the true research results.

According to the principle of caution, healthcare organizations are obliged to recommend that users of mobile devices minimize the time they use them, and especially when they are near the head. The prohibition to use the phone often is relevant primarily for children.

Among the consequences that the phone can have on the body, there is also the well-known vegetative-vascular dystonia - a mysterious disease characterized by a pronounced loss of strength and decreased performance. Some researchers believe that the reason for this condition is precisely the too frequent use of mobile phones or being in an area with a dangerous level of radiation from the tower. And with the constant suppression of the body by electromagnetic waves, cancer can develop.

Society reaction

Protection from the radiation that phones spread has become a hot topic among users. The widespread use of mobile phones creates a wary attitude towards them as carcinogenic agents that can cause the development of cancerous tumors. When evaluating studies, there is still no definitive conclusion on the long-term effects of cell phone use. At the same time, the version is often expressed that manufacturers and companies of mobile devices embellish and hide research results. Several similar incidents were recorded:

  • The case of Anders Ahlbom - it turned out that the chief specialist of the expert working group turned out to be an expert lobbied by the mobile phone manufacturers. He was paid to find radiation from mobile phones to be harmless. After the scandal, he was fired and not admitted to the world congress.
  • Canadian scientists have also been repeatedly seen in the bias of their research - they have been repeatedly paid by the manufacturers and operators of mobile communications and the central television channels of the United States.

Phone manufacturers are no exception in this case and, along with alcohol and tobacco manufacturers, are trying to deny and ridicule the results that indicate a real danger.

Meanwhile, experts from different countries have long been united in their belief that the effect of the phone on the body is destructive. Thirty scientists from the International Agency for Research on Cancer, led by Jonathan Samet, produced a sufficient number of experiments and conclusions that today have become difficult to ignore. One can only guess why a group of scientists classified this harm as potentially carcinogenic, assigning it an appropriate marker. And what (or who?) Prevented the IARC at the WHO from classifying the problem with marker 1A or 2A as higher, because the confirmation was presented quite serious - brain cancer. And confirmation of the development of glioma and other brain lesions with frequent use of a mobile device near the ear was accepted by the most authoritative experts.

Electromagnetic fields and public opinion

But is the phone really dangerous? Does the phone emit radiation? The microwave frequency range, which is characteristic of microwave radiation, which is the range of the cellular network, affects the following functions in the body:

  • suppresses cellular and humoral immunity;
  • provokes the development of oncology;
  • the cause of endocrine dysfunction;
  • development of reversible and irreversible chromosomal aberrations.

The development of these diseases depends on three factors of electromagnetic radiation: frequency, power and time of exposure. The higher the data, the greater the impact. Thus, the radiation from cellular communication becomes similar to gamma radiation, which has the same principle of operation. For both gamma radiation and microwave radiation, the time of exposure to the rays determines the total power that affects the body.

The maximum permissible level of electromagnetic radiation from cellular communications in Russia is 10mW / cm² in the position near the head. If this level is exceeded, diseases can occur.

Ordinary citizens sometimes do not suspect that their safety depends on themselves, since the radiation power of mobile phones is different for all models, and you should pay close attention to the level of supply and reception of these signals before buying. Each phone model has a different SAR level - energy absorption - which should be as low as possible. When the necessary measurements of the signal level were not made before the purchase, it is better to control it manually, if such a function is provided in the device. Very often there are cases when the permissible level is exceeded, especially when calling and searching for a network.

Since modern life is no longer possible without the use of a mobile network, it is possible to reduce the level of microwave exposure without bringing the phone close to the head, since safety is directly proportional to its distance from the body. Fortunately, today there are a lot of opportunities for this: speakerphone, "hands free".

How to protect yourself from excessive telephone radiation

Radiation from the telephone (from the Latin radius "ray", radiātiō - "radiation") is non-ionizing. This is a safer type of radiation, in contrast to the ionizing one, which is characteristic of some radioactive metals, as well as the X-ray apparatus and places with nuclear and thermonuclear reactions.

Non-ionizing radiation surrounds us everywhere: in electric light, sunlight, even heat from our body. Frequent exposure to high doses of radiation has a cumulative effect when there is little exposure to the body, causing a change in blood biochemistry, which over time can cause serious health problems.

The possible harm to cellular communication is the following:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches;
  • infertility;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • the development of oncological diseases.

Despite the obvious evidence of scientific works on this topic, mobile phone manufacturers continue to convince that all this is fiction. Although there are many such examples in history: the same leaded gasoline, until it was banned internationally due to its harmful effects on health, oil refineries denied the presence of a carcinogenic effect in it.

Therefore, the abuse of telephone conversations should be partially or completely accompanied by a wireless headset that will allow you to communicate without leaning the phone to your head.

What the phone emits also applies to home radiotelephones, and not just to cell phones, since the signal character is very similar.

Is radiation from a phone harmful when it is at rest? Yes, since the signal received from the station is pulsating. But the most intense radiation becomes at the moment of calling the number, when the subscriber number connects to the base station of the cellular operator. If the cell signal cannot easily find the tower, then it starts working at full power to pick it up. In these situations, the phone is the most dangerous, and its stay near the body should be minimized.

In such cases, it is advisable to turn off the phone altogether or set the "Airplane" mode. There are special cases for the phone with shielding effect that do not transmit radiation, you can use them. If it is possible to improve the transmitted signal during a conversation, then you need to do this: stand on an elevated surface, go to a window or go out into an open space so that the received signal does not meet obstacles. These actions will minimize the effect of electromagnetic rays that they have on the body.

The effect of cell towers on the human body

Radio signal transceivers with powerful antennas allow communication of cellular operators' subscribers. To make communication better, such towers should be placed on heights: it is allowed to install them on the buildings of some enterprises, residential buildings or on mountains and hills.

The distribution of electromagnetic radiation from the tower occurs in such a way that the houses under it are not the epicenter of radiation, because the waves from the tower propagate horizontally. Being close to 30 meters from such an antenna is potentially hazardous to human health.... If such a tower and the cellular operators directly adhere to the European standard and do not exceed a signal higher than 2W / kg, then the danger, as such, is not considered exceeded.

The radiation from the tower tends to fade away from its source, so already within 150 meters, such radiation becomes no more dangerous than from a telephone lying in another room.

However, it is quite common for mobile operators to place their base stations in bad faith by adding additional equipment to existing stations that already emit maximum permissible radiation. Thus, the norms restricting construction near hazardous objects are violated, people are exposed to radiation.

Changes in legislation are no less problematic, according to which the construction of new houses is not taken into account from the standpoint of radiation from antennas and no examinations are carried out for an increased microwave level.

The described risks from radiation may be relevant for people whose houses are within 100-120 m or less.... If you know about the presence of a cell tower in the neighborhood at this level, especially if the antenna itself is located at the same height as your apartment, you need to measure the energy flux density from it by contacting an accredited laboratory. Since the waves propagate horizontally, the greatest damage is possible precisely at the same height with the radiation source.

If, after measurements, the signal level is higher than the permissible level (above 1900 MHz and above 10 µW / cm²), then it is necessary to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor, indicating the available evidence.

The way the phone affects human health seems to be carefully hushed up by someone. A vigilant citizen must learn to live in a new reality around factors that can cause exposure in order to be able to independently protect himself and his loved ones from possible danger. After the World Health Organization announced to the whole world about the dangers of telephones, adding them to a separate register of carcinogenic products, sober-minded people no longer had any doubts that there is no smoke without fire.

The studies carried out have confirmed the fact that EMP really affects a living organism, and if this organism is somehow weakened or suppressed, then the study can simply kill it by mutating cells into malignant neoplasms. An experiment with chickens subjected to prolonged EMP is characteristic. They developed cancer three times more often than others.

These rules will be most relevant for our children, who appear completely defenseless against radiation. The skull bones in children are much thinner, which means that the degree of radiation passing through the cranium is much higher than that of an adult. If we add to this factor undeveloped immunity and constant stress of the body due to increased growth, then one can understand why the percentage of pediatric oncology has sharply increased in recent decades.

In the vast world, almost every person is equipped with a cellular device, unaware that it can adversely affect his health.

The harm of a mobile phone to human health has now been absolutely proven:

Object of influence How does it work
The immune system Recurrent headaches, fatigue, irritability. If you use it often, radiation from the phone occurs, and immunity decreases.

The body is less resistant to disease. Vegetative-vascular dystonia may form.

Head Electromagnetic radiation adversely affects the brain, eyes and head. It negatively affects the retina of the eyes, which reduces vision.
Child Children using telephones are at high risk of memory and sleep disorders.

Radio waves penetrate into the cerebral cortex of a child much faster than that of an adult, thereby destroying the nervous system and headaches.

Sleep The telephone has a negative effect on the central nervous system. Even a broken or switched off device can disrupt sleep phases.
Electric shock in case of lightning You could be seriously injured during a thunderstorm from being hit on your phone. Even if you do not call it, but simply it will be turned on.
Allergy Due to mobile devices, a person can develop an allergic reaction, fatigue, and pressure drops.

Many parents allow their children to use mobile devices, for the convenience of communicating with them, without even knowing the consequences. Children should not use mobile phones until they reach the age of 8.

Due to the electromagnetic radiation emanating from the phone, a child is most likely to develop a brain tumor. People at a young age are also exposed to various cancers.

Tumors form in the head, ear, where the tube is often applied. In general, radiation affects all cells in the body as a whole.

The harm of mobile phones to children is enormous, so parents should think about whether to allow it or refuse. Children who often use cell phones have the following disorders:

  • memory loss;
  • decreased attention;
  • decreased mental ability;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the occurrence of stress;
  • the appearance of epilepsy.

The telephone is quite dangerous for pregnant women. It can negatively affect the baby in the womb. Its use can provoke premature birth, the development of fetal pathology. You should refrain from communicating on a mobile phone if a woman is in a position.

Cell towers harm to health

To ensure good connectivity, operators have to install equipment in residential areas. People living next to the constructed tower will be safe if:

  • the height of the tower is greater than the building where it is located;
  • the equipment meets technical and sanitary standards.

The tower consists of several antennas that transmit cellular communications to telephones. They emit an electromagnetic field that is harmful to health and act on a person if the distance to him is 100 meters. But there is also a benefit, if there is a tower next to the house, then the connection will be much better.

If you remove some of the towers, then mobile devices will start working at full capacity to pick up distant signals. It will do much more harm to health. From antennas and cell towers installed on the rooftops, malignant brain tumors develop.

Due to the constant exposure to sound signals, cancers develop very often. Installed cell towers, the harm to health of which is not great, unlike telephones, which are always nearby. Since the radiation from the antennas is distributed horizontally from them.

Need to know! Window glass is able to reduce the radioactive signal by 2 times, and a concrete wall by 30 times.

Cell phones play a huge role in our lives. These are devices with which you can easily communicate with relatives, friends, colleagues anywhere in the world.

With the help of them, you can find out a lot of news, you don't even have to remember the number. It is already stored in the phone memory. It also has various functions with which you can write down significant dates, card numbers, etc.

Along with the harm caused by the phone, there are benefits:

  1. Using a mobile device, we can save our time and money... If you need to buy a thing, you can call the shops and find out where there are cheaper prices for this product.
  2. The ability to conduct business negotiations... If there were no apparatus, being outside the office area, it would be impossible to contact partners.
  3. Part of the image... People buy expensive latest models to look solid.
  4. Extreme situation... People who find themselves in such a situation can save themselves from trouble or death by calling for help.

Phone protection methods

It will not be possible to completely get rid of the harm of mobile devices; you can reduce their risk of impact on the body.

The following protection methods are available:

  1. Talking on the phone on the street... The walls in the room trap radio waves, reducing the signal level. If you can't leave the room, you need to get up so that there is no obstacle to the window.
  2. Do not lean the phone against your ear... The tube should be kept at a distance from the ear, thereby the distance to the brain will become greater, and the radiation power will decrease.
  3. Hold the tube vertically... Changing the position of the phone decreases the signal level and makes it safer to use it.
  4. Do not press answer button on first beep... It is not recommended to bring the phone to your ear immediately after pressing the button. At the moment of the signal, it operates at full power. It is worth bringing it after pressing the answer after a few seconds.
  5. Use a headset when talking... This keeps the tube at a sufficient distance from the ear and head.

But even the best protection will not save a mobile device from radiation. To choose the safest phone, you can ask the seller to measure the power flow level.

  • do not use in children under 14 years of age;
  • use by pregnant women is prohibited;
  • can not be used with neurological and mental disorders;
  • take precautions, reduce your talk time.

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It would seem that the time has passed when the whole country charged water through the TV, and the grandmothers put cacti and protective screens throughout the apartment to eliminate "harmful radiation". With the development of scientific thought, theoretical research gains the right to life, and today no one will argue with the fact that constant exposure to electromagnetic radiation negatively affects the body, since research on this topic is carried out with the scrupulousness inherent in the scientific community. Why is radiation from a phone dangerous and how to protect yourself from it? We will tell you in our article.

The nature of radiation and myths about mobile radiation

A modern mobile phone has a different set of communication modules, each of which transmits a signal at a specific frequency. Due to the fact that the human brain is a biochemical system, and signals to it are transmitted through nerve endings by weak electrical impulses, any, even the smallest electromagnetic effect has consequences in the long term, a kind of interference of your own electric fields with a signal from the outside occurs. To this day, heated discussions continue in the scientific community about the scope of the radiation problem, and so far the best minds cannot come to a single consensus on this matter.

While the signal from a smartphone transmitter is not as strong when compared to full base stations, its impact has a cumulative effect (accumulates over time). Many people are convinced that "radiation from the phone" is nothing more than a fiction, so they do not worry at all about how this radiation affects them, at the same time, technophobes at every corner are trumpeting that "telephone radiation" is killing us. If you hear that "radiation" is coming from the phone, then, most likely, you are talking with a person who does not have the slightest idea about the influence of electromagnetic fields on human biochemistry. Let's see how exactly radio-electronic impulses affect your health and how it threatens

Impact of waves on the body

The fear of electromagnetic fields dates back to an era when smartphones in the usual sense did not exist, and cell phones no longer resembled a square panel with a screen, but a portable grand piano. Indeed, the harm to health from such "devices" was immeasurably greater - the communication systems were not perfect and a powerful receiver was required to ensure transmission. Although the smartphone market did not gain momentum until the early 2000s, the scientific community got worried about background noise from electromagnetic radiation much earlier. Even with a bulky connection point in hand, no one has used it as often and with the same duration as we use our smartphones today.
Most experts agree that only constant and excessive use of the device is harmful to health, which, ideally, should be turned off at rest, or should be in "airplane" mode. Hence the consequence: To minimize the harm from the effects of smartphone radiation on the body - limit the time of using the phone. This is more of a preventive measure than a full-fledged struggle, and the most cruel joke is played with us not only by the amount of time spent with the phone, but also by the location of the transmitter in relation to your body. If you spend more time in telephone conversations than in real life, it's time to seriously think about a Bluetooth headset. Few people think that excessive passion for the virtual world entails not only financial losses, but also health problems, especially when it comes to modern electronic devices. It has been proven that from constant exposure to a radio signal, a person's immune mechanisms are weakened, general health worsens, and headaches appear. How does this happen? The fact is that all electromagnetic waves are partially absorbed by the soft tissues of the human head. In this case, all areas of the head are affected, with the largest focus at the location of the emitter. The cerebral cortex is most affected, as the complex most susceptible to radiation. The international SAR index is used as an indicator of the energy of the electromagnetic field, expressed in relation to the energy concentrating in the tissues per second of time.

Radiation countermeasures

First of all, you need to clearly describe your smartphone usage habits. At the same time, such a model of behavior is chosen in which the presence in the radiation zone is minimized, and the study power is minimal. How do we protect ourselves? There are some simple rules:

  1. Select the model with the lowest SAR value first and the maximum power you can find in the specifications or accompanying literature. There are models with both very high and extremely low emission values.
  2. Try not to hold your smartphone close to your head, ideally use headphones or a Bluetooth headset: in this case, the smart is far from the senses and does not act directly. Even if you have acquired a headset, the proximity of the emitter to the body surface can negatively affect the state of any internal organs , so it's best to keep your smartphone not in your pocket, but in your bag or backpack.
  3. Do not try to use the phone during a strong thunderstorm - the electrical signal can serve as a shock attractor. The strongest signal is emitted when a subscriber contacts another subscriber. Remember that when the connection is poor, the smartphone's transmitter automatically boosts the power of the emitter, so avoid "weak" coverage areas.
  4. Get rid of the habit of chatting on your mobile phone for a long time, because this is not only a matter of money, but also a matter of health - with constant conversation we are exposed to an amplified electromagnetic signal.

If you have a child, limit contact with any microwave generating device. All this is necessary because the child's body is just learning to defend itself against external influences, because powerful radiation suppresses the child's immune system and, moreover, directly affects the development of the baby.

To reduce the degree of radiation received, you need to not only actively counter it, but also reconsider your attitude towards using a mobile phone in general:

  • Concrete walls and glass absorb radiation, but it is "more dangerous" to use a smartphone indoors - the walls resonate, shielding the outgoing signal.
  • The more communication modules are activated on your smartphone (GSM, GPS, 4G etc.), the stronger the radiation will be, therefore, bringing the phone to your ear, turn off all background functions;
  • Most often, the antenna is located at the top of the device, while talking, hold the smartphone by the bottom;
  • If the connection is poor, try not to use your phone, but ideally switch it to Airplane mode. With a weak signal strength or in an area with poor coverage, the smartphone will generate increased radiation, trying to find the optimal communication line

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