How to set up hdmi on a laptop. Real offers of manufacturers. Alternate Driver Setting

HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) output is required for transmission digital signal High Quality. It is used to broadcast video and sound. In this article, we will tell how to set up hdmi.

First of all, it must be said that all modern video cards are equipped with this output for personal computers In addition, HDMI can be found on laptops, even on those models that use an integrated video card.

It is recommended to start explore the capabilities of your video adapter. If your video card does not have an HDMI output, you can use the DVI channel using a special adapter, which is also called DVI-HDMI connector. A feature of such adapters is the ability to transmit sound signal.

In order to set up HDMI, you will need to study specifications TV to which you are connecting. It must be ensured that it HDMI input is for receiving audio signal. All you need to connect is HDMI cable-HDMI, one end of which is inserted into the video card of the computer, and the other end into the TV connector.

If you want the TV and monitor to work at the same time, you must set the option for synchronous operation of these devices. To do this, open the menu "Start" and log in "Control Panel". Next, you need to choose "Screen" and click on the item "Screen resolution settings".

In the dialog box that appears, you need to activate the function "Duplicate Screen". Now the computer will send the same image to all devices. If you need both displays to work independently of each other, you should activate the mode "Expand Screen". In this case, you will need to first assign the computer display as the primary device.

To set up HDMI, you also need to adjust audio transmission. For this you need to open "Control Panel" and select item "Hardware and Sound". Next, click on . A dialog box will appear on the screen, in which you should go to the tab "Sound Device Management". Equipment to be noted here HDMI Output by clicking on its icon with the left mouse button, and then clicking on the button "Default".

Next, click on the button "Apply" and close the dialog box. Now, as a test, you can run some video and make sure that the HDMI output is working properly. It is worth noting that when the cable is disconnected from the port, the standard audio port will turn on automatically.

As you can see, setting up the HDMI output is quite simple and does not require any special knowledge. Finally, it is worth talking about how to choose the right HDMI cable.

These cables are of two types: to support high definition as well as to support HDTV resolution. As for the length of the wires, it can vary from 1 to 10 meters. However, it should be remembered that the longer the cable length, the greater the likelihood of signal loss. Therefore, some manufacturers offer so-called active HDMI cables which use various technologies to transmit data over long distances. When buying a cable, be sure to pay attention not only to the quality of the wire, but also to the connectors.

Today we will solve the problem of connecting a TV to a computer, whether it will be a stationary PC or a laptop - there is not much difference. There are several options, or rather, connection methods, but we will use the most modern interface– HDMI. It is with its help, using only one cable, we will transmit to big screen both picture and sound.

Moreover, the output will be carried out with the maximum resolution that the TV is capable of and that the computer can provide. Some time ago, we told. Now let's move on to the big screen.

Before connecting

Before we start answering the question of how to connect a TV to a computer via HDMI, you need to make sure that some conditions are met, namely:

Your computer must have an HDMI output.

The TV must have an HDMI input.. All modern television receivers have at least one such connector, but they have, as a rule, several of them are installed. Any free one will be needed.

Need to purchase an HDMI cable. Select the length, manufacturer, cable model yourself based on the physical distance of the devices from each other, your preferences, and financial capabilities. It is desirable that the cable correspond to interface version 1.3, and preferably not lower than 1.4.

- It is highly desirable that your PC has Latest video card drivers. This can help get around potential problems.
If all these points are completed, the presence of connectors is installed, the cable is present, you can proceed directly to the connection.

Let's just say that switching different devices (and the computer and the TV so far have nothing to do with each other, except electrical network, not connected) Recommended to be done with the power turned off.. Or at least turn off one of them. This is not a requirement, but doing so can prevent possible faults, such as: failure of the HDMI interface of the video card, TV, problems with motherboard etc. Repairs can be quite expensive.

We will warn you in advance about one more possible pitfall. The TV supports at least HD (1280x720) resolution, but most likely FullHD (1920x1080). What can not always be said about the resolution of a computer monitor, and even more so a laptop. In this case, in the "Screen mirroring" mode on the second device, a "picture" will be displayed that is similar in parameters to that displayed on a computer monitor. This will be mentioned below.

Connecting and setting up

So, all the preparatory steps are completed, we proceed to the connection. As already mentioned, in order to avoid possible problems, turn off the TV and, preferably, the PC. After that, you can connect the HDMI cable to the corresponding connectors on both devices.

Modern TVs, in most cases, are equipped with several HDMI inputs, which one to use is a matter of taste. Use the one that is easier to reach, just don't forget see number HDMI input.

Now you can turn on the devices. There is another subtlety that should be mentioned here. It happens that they “do not see” a TV connected to a working computer. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the following sequence of switching on: first the TV, then the computer.

The remote control of any television receiver, as a rule, is equipped with a signal source selection button. Pressing this button will display a list of available inputs. Their number, names, depend on the manufacturer of the TV receiver, but everyone has HDMI inputs (usually they are called HDMI1, HDMI2, etc.) We select the one to which the cable has just been connected.

In most cases, when you boot your computer on the second screen, you will immediately see the desktop image. Naturally, with the parameters corresponding to the capabilities of your PC monitor.

If there is such an image, then we can say that almost all the work has been done. There is little left: check the sound transmission from the computer to the TV and, possibly, change the operating mode, if necessary, in order to different screens showed different information. For instance, computer monitor used for work, and the big screen broadcasts the movie.

To view and, if necessary, change the parameters of the second screen, you need to click right click mouse on the desktop, in the menu that appears, select the item " Screen resolution».

Let's start with operating modes. There may be several(further options from the menu “Screen Resolution”):

– Screen mirroring. In this case, both display devices work synchronously, showing an identical "picture", i.e. the desktop of your computer, and all your actions will be visible.

– Expanding screens. A more interesting mode that allows not only to “stretch” the desktop by 2 different devices display, but also get different display sizes on them. For example, a laptop monitor often has a screen resolution of 1366x768, and a TV is full HD.

– Desktop display on the 1st or 2nd screen. If, with a second display device connected, you need the image to be on only one of them, then these modes are intended for this.
In addition, you can swap the numbering of devices, change the orientation (from landscape to portrait), change the resolution.

Now let's launch some movie, concert or any program on the big screen. Of course, recorded in FullHD format, otherwise, why did we fence the whole garden. We load your favorite media player, move it with the mouse to the second monitor, select the movie of interest, turn on playback, translate it into full screen mode. Not only the image should appear, but also the sound. Most likely it will. For example, it took the author just a few minutes to slowly bring the Judas Priest concert to the big screen by connecting his laptop with a rather cluttered Windows 7 to his TV.

If everything went smoothly - enjoy the result. Everything is done correctly, it works correctly, the pleasure is appropriate.

Possible problems

Among the most common problems are the "invisibility" of the connected TV, the lack of image and / or sound. Ways to help avoid them in advance were listed at the beginning of the article. We now briefly list the main solutions.

Make sure the used HDMI cable is working.
If there is no image on the TV at all, check if the selected HDMI input matches the one to which the cable is connected.
Try changing the monitor image size, display mode.

– If no sound is transmitted, then you should check which device is used to transmit it. To do this, open the "Control Panel", select the "Hardware and Sound" section, then - "Sound".

The TV should not only be in the list that appears, but also marked as "Default Device". If this is not the case, then right-click on the playback device corresponding to the connected TV, then set it as the default. If it is not in the list of devices, then in the same window, right-click on free space and check the "Show connected devices" checkbox. The TV should appear in the list.

If it is still not there, then you should check which driver versions audio device you have installed and update them.

It happens that everything is done correctly, the cable is working, the driver - it doesn’t happen newer, but it doesn’t work as it should. Most likely, the matter is in the operating system. In the most advanced case, it may happen that you have to reinstall the system.

Usually there are no connection problems. If something doesn’t work right, then you should look for the reason, rather, in the “soft” part. Select drivers, and not just update them, but, preferably, completely remove the old ones and only then install new ones.

Owners of older versions of the OS from Microsoft, such as XP, may be faced with the situation that everything is configured as it should, but does not work. You will have to configure using the utilities that are part of the video system driver. As a rule, after short experiments, getting everything to work as it should turns out.

Good luck with your connections.

P.S. If something still doesn’t work, write in the comments, we will help!

“What progress has come to ...”, - I want to sing, looking at the shelves of modern digital technology supermarkets. The age of new technologies is constantly changing everyday life, and today you can watch your favorite movie not with a nasal pirated translation, but in high quality HD or Blu-Ray. All you need is availability HDMI outputs on TV and computer.

The first thing you need is an HDMI cable. Often it comes with a TV set. If not, you can buy a cable at any audio/video store. Consider in advance how long the cable you need. On TVs latest generations behind there are several HDMI connectors. Connect one end of the cable to HDMI 2 and the other end to the HDMI connector on your computer or laptop. Don't worry if instead of the picture you want, you see a warning on the TV screen that the cable was not connected or there is no signal. How to proceed in this case is shown in the example Samsung TVs. Find the Source button on the TV remote control and select HDMI 2 from the list provided. Perhaps at this stage the issue will be resolved, and the image will appear on the TV screen. If nothing has changed, go to the settings of the computer (laptop) - right-click on the free field of the desktop. A window will appear in which you need to select "Screen Resolution". Pay attention to the line "Multiple screens". If it has the option "Display desktop on 1 (2) monitors only", change it to "Duplicate these screens". In the "Screen" item, the inscription "Multiple monitors" should appear.

The desktop image will now appear on the TV screen. Attention: In order for the image on both screens to have perfect HD quality, the resolution of the TV and monitor screens must match. In this case, it will be set by default. But let's say that your monitor does not support such a high resolution like TV. Then set the desired resolution on the TV, as you will watch it. It is possible that you get a great picture but no sound. This problem is also solved quite simply: as a rule, the matter is in wrong settings operating system, no additional cable you won't need. Select the "Sound" item in the "Control Panel" (you can use one of the screens for this). If there is no name of your TV in the sound settings window, right-click the settings menu and check the boxes next to "Show disabled devices" and "Show disconnected devices". Next, check the box next to the name of the TV and turn off other functions (computer speakers and other devices). Confirm the task by clicking "Apply" and "OK". Your TV is now playing sound.

Greetings, dear readers.

With the development of technology, the HDMI standard is increasingly used to play video with sound. So, for example, you can run a high-quality multimedia file on a computer or laptop, and then through special cable display the image on a large TV. In this case, the picture itself will be clear and bright. But in addition to the wire, you also need HDMI driver for Windows 7. After all, nothing will work without the appropriate software. I will try to tell you everything I know about it.

The High Definition Multimedia Interface, or HDMI for short, is an interface for high-definition multimedia files. It allows you to transmit video and sound of excellent quality.

This is done by means of a special wire and the corresponding connector on the connected devices. However, the system must have software.

Automatic installation( )

The latest versions of the operating system from Microsoft (in particular Windows 10) can independently host all required drivers. To do this, simply connect the equipment correctly. And after a while everything should start working. True, sometimes there are situations when some distribution kit is not provided for in the operating system. For example, it is not uncommon for users to experience problems with Lenovo devices.

To resolve this issue, you need to use other possible tools.

Updates( )

Starting with Windows 7, Microsoft systems provide a useful tool - " Update centre". It allows you to get not only the elements that the developers have released for the operating system itself, but also software designed for third-party components.

So, to use the tool, you need to take a few steps:

As a result, everything will be automatic mode. After the technology should work without any problems.

On Windows 10, this tool has a different location. You need to go to Start" and then to " Parameters».

In the same way, the OS allows you to update the driver, if the developer has tried to do this.

Official site( )

In general, when it comes to finding software that allows certain components to work, it is important to remember the availability of official resources. So, it does not matter at all whether you use equipment from Asus or HP. The main thing after connecting everything you need, we turn to the web page of the creators. We are looking for the appropriate section for users. Select your element operating system, bit depth. After that, press " Download driver».

Then we launch the resulting distribution. Using the prompts, we make the installation. After that, it is advisable to reboot.

Sometimes the process requires you to contact the graphics card manufacturer directly, be it Nvidia, ATI Radeon or someone else. The scheme is exactly the same - find, download, install.

Sound problems( )

Often, users are faced with a situation where, after performing all the manipulations, there is simply no sound in the system, while the picture is shown well.

To remedy the situation, you need to try replacing the software with a more modern one. But how to update an existing driver. It's simple - any of the above methods.

In rare cases, the situation may require you to return the previous version of the software. There is a corresponding button for this in the device properties.

Setting( )

Once you've connected an HDMI cable to all your devices for the first time, it's not uncommon for you to need to adjust the sound. It all depends on the versions and modifications of each individual OS. So let's take a few steps:

This will allow the system to automatically detect the correct sound scheme during connection. So, while connecting headphones, the same HDMI cable or speakers, the corresponding options will be launched.

Troubleshooting( )

Sometimes users may encounter a situation where, for some inexplicable reason, the device does not want to play an audio track. To solve the problem, a special tool is provided:

As a result, you will be able to watch everything that comes in for free with sound. If for some reason something does not work, it may be worth contacting the developer directly.

As practice shows, it is the sound driver that usually causes certain difficulties in using this technology. Despite this, there are options that allow you to completely restore everything you need.

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HDMI is a popular connector for interfacing various equipment with each other (for example, a computer and a TV). But when connecting, various kinds of difficulties may arise - technical and / or software. Some of them can be solved on your own, to eliminate others, you may need to take the equipment in for repair or replace a faulty cable.

If you have a cable with any intermediate adapters, for example, you can use it to connect to the DVI connector. Instead, it is better to try using a regular HDMI cable that works in HDMI-HDMI mode, since the TV / monitor may not accept a cable that implies the ability to connect to several ports simultaneously. If the replacement does not help, then you will have to look for and eliminate another cause.

Check the HDMI ports on your computer/laptop and TV. Pay attention to these defects:

  • Broken and/or rusted, oxidized contacts. If any are found, then the port will have to be replaced completely, because. contacts are its most important component;
  • Presence of dust or other debris inside. Dust and debris can distort the incoming signal, causing inconvenience when playing video and audio content ( quiet sound or its absence, distorted or retarded image);
  • See how well the port is installed. If it begins to loosen at the slightest physical impact, then it will have to be fixed either independently or with the help of specialized service workers.

Perform a similar test on the HDMI cable, pay attention to the following points:

You need to understand that not all cables fit all HDMI connectors. The latter are divided into several main types, each of which has its own wire.

Method 1: correct TV settings

Some TV models are unable to independently determine the signal source, especially if any other device was previously connected to the TV via HDMI. In this case, you will have to re-drive all the settings. The instruction for this case may vary slightly from TV model, but its standard version looks something like this:

For some TVs, the instructions may look slightly different. In the 2nd paragraph, instead of the proposed options, enter the TV menu (button with the corresponding inscription or logo) and select the option HDMI connections. If the TV has several connectors of this type, then do the rest in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4.

If this method did not help, use the instructions for the TV (it should say how to connect via HDMI cable to this particular device) or pay attention to other ways to solve the problem.

Method 2: Computer setup

Incorrect setup of the computer / laptop with multiple screens is also the reason why the HDMI connection is ineffective. If no external displays other than a TV are connected to the computer, then this method can not be considered, since problems arise if another monitor or other device is connected to a PC or laptop when HDMI assistance(sometimes other connectors, for example, VGA or DVI).

Step-by-step instructions for setting up multiple screens for devices on Windows 7/8/8.1/10 look like this:

It is worth remembering that HDMI is capable of providing a single-stream connection, that is, it works correctly with only one screen, so it is recommended to disconnect an unnecessary device (in this example monitor) or select display mode "Display Desktop 1:2". To get started, you can see how the image will be broadcast to 2 devices at the same time. If you are satisfied with the quality of the broadcast, then it is not necessary to change anything.

Method 3: update video card drivers

Initially, it is recommended to find out the characteristics of your video card, as some graphics adapters are not able to support image output to two displays at once. You can find out this aspect by viewing the documentation for the video card / computer / laptop or using third-party software.

First, update the drivers for your adapter. You can do it like this:

Also, drivers can be downloaded and installed from the Internet, always from the official website of the manufacturer. It is enough to specify the adapter model in the appropriate section, download required file Software and install it following the instructions.

Method 4: we clean the computer from viruses

Least of all, problems with outputting a signal from a computer to a TV via HDMI occur due to viruses, but if none of the above helped you and all cables and ports are working, then the possibility of virus penetration should not be ruled out.

To protect yourself, it is recommended to download, install any free or paid anti-virus package and regularly check your PC with it for dangerous programs. Consider how to run a PC scan for viruses using an antivirus (it is paid, but there is a demo period for 30 days):

Problems with connecting a computer with HDMI to a TV occur infrequently, and if they do appear, they can always be solved. Provided that your ports and / or cables are broken, they will have to be replaced, otherwise you will not be able to output anything.

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