Elementary rules of business correspondence by e-mail. Automatically send copies of sent messages Reduce send a copy to the specified e-mail

Business communication is its own world with its own laws. A lot depends on how we comply with these laws: the impression we make on colleagues and partners, work productivity, and even career advancement.

A special place in business communication is occupied by business correspondence, which is the daily duty of most office workers and not only. The ability to properly conduct business correspondence can be a good help for making profitable deals and building your business image.

Let's look at some of the features of a business letter. So, business correspondence is:

  • use of formulaic phrases and clichés
  • emotional neutrality,
  • semantic accuracy and conciseness of presentation,
  • well-structured argument.

Business correspondence in English is the same set of rules and cliches, some of which we recommend to everyone who works with foreign partners or in international companies. We bring to your attention some useful phrases that will decorate your business correspondence. These phrases will emphasize your professionalism and help shape the image of a business person. Start? m!

1.Please find attached

Let's start with the classics. Often you have to attach various documents or other files to the letter. In order to notify the recipient about the presence of an attachment, this phrase is perfect. After all, the word “Attachment” in translation means “investment”. The phrase should be used at the end of the letter.

Here are a couple of usage examples:

  • Please find attached my portfolio.
  • Please find attached copy of the agreement/contract.

2.I have forwarded

This phrase can be used if you need to forward the email to other recipients. To notify the addressee about this, the phrase “I have forwarded” is perfect. For instance:

  • I have forwarded Anna's CV to you.
  • I have forwarded John's email to you.

3.I've cc'ed

A person uninitiated in all the secrets of the peculiarities of business correspondence may not understand what this strange abbreviation means. But we are professionals. "I've cc'ed" is an abbreviation that stands for I have carbon copied. The phrase means "put someone on a copy to receive letters."

So if you need to let someone know that you put other recipients in a copy, feel free to use this phrase. For example:

  • I've cc'ed Sara on this email.
  • I've cc'ed Jack and Jimmy on these emails.

As for abbreviations that cannot be used in business correspondence, an exception is usually made for this case.

4.For further details

This phrase is a proven way to politely end your letter in English. "For further details", means "for more detailed information", "in more detail". Examples of using:

  • For further details contact me any time.
  • For further details write to our Sales-manager.

Another phrase to help you finish politely is "If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me." In translation, this means "If you have any questions, feel free to write to me."

5.I look forward to

The phrase "look forward" means "to look forward to". So if you are looking forward to a response or some other action from the addressee, then it would be quite appropriate to use this phrase. For example:

  • I look forward to your answer.
  • I'm looking forward to your reply.

The phrase is best used at the end of the letter.

When writing a letter, you need to be polite even when you don’t really feel like it. The ability to compose competent letters in any situation reflects your professionalism, good breeding and knowledge of business ethics. In conclusion, we recall that in business correspondence you must show the accuracy of the wording and impeccable literacy. It is also unacceptable to use abbreviations (with rare exceptions).

Write emails in English correctly, dear friends! Good luck!

magician_roman in The concept of "hidden copy", learning not to do stupid things

Surprisingly, many people, when they are asked to send a letter to several people at once, simply list the addresses in the "To" field, this is normal when this letter is addressed to your colleagues or friends, but when sending letters to a group of clients, you thus show everyone addresses and other recipients, actually revealing your address base.

It is enough for any of the clients to forward this letter to your competitor and your contacts will be immediately leaked.

It's strange, but many far from stupid people are surprised to learn that if you need to send a letter to many recipients so that they do not know about each other, then there is a "Bcc" field for this.

For example, for mail.ru it will look like this:

And once again briefly:indicated addresses in "to" - everyone can see to whom you sent letters, indicated in "blind copy" - everyone thinks that the letter is only for him.

And each recipient will receive a letter where in the "to" field will be only his address . For other programs, if you can't find where to put the Bcc, then ask someone to show you. Another small point, be sure to specify one address in the "to" field, most programs or mail servers will not let you send a letter without this parameter.

And so, when it comes to sending out offers, news to a group of your customers - here the practice of using a blind copy is unambiguous, you must hide your address base. An interesting point with sending a letter to your colleagues, here it is recommended to act according to the situation, for example, sending a letter with a request to send suggestions (for example, to improve customer service) and if each colleague sees that other people have received the same letter, then most likely they will not answer - rely on others, so you need to use a hidden copy. If this order is fulfilled, then, for example, an indication of the "who" of your colleague's boss will simply work wonders, and your order will be fulfilled.

A separate issue with suppliers. On the one hand, the indication of all recipients in the copy should show the supplier that you have a choice and that he should offer you good prices. On the other hand, the manager who received your letter, seeing that it was sent not only to him, will most likely treat your request as "cool". Personally, in my opinion, I think that in the case of suppliers, you need to use blind copy, at least to protect trade secrets, but rather for good relations with the supplier's manager.

You can read a recent case of a specialist's mistake, when all recipients saw other recipients: Smack everyone in this chat, there were really respectable people there - directors, but still many received spam in response.

Well, as always, discussion in the comments is welcome.

We send dozens of emails every day. Sometimes these are very short messages, such as: "Let's go to lunch?". Sometimes - with which you present your business or website. When there are a lot of letters and little time, we start to rush and make mistakes. Usually trifling, like a typo, but sometimes there are those that can really hurt your reputation and ruin your relationship with a client or employee.

This can be avoided, you just need to be collected and be aware of some pitfalls. Here are the most common mistakes made when sending emails. Read carefully and remember that you first need to take a short pause, check if everything is in order, and only then click on the "Submit" button.

You are dialing the wrong address

The most common and most annoying mistake. Imagine you want to send some pretty personal photos to a friend or girlfriend, but you automatically type in the address of your boss or client. And only after the letter is gone, you realize with horror what has just happened. If it’s any consolation, each of us has been in this situation at least once in our lives: lawyers sent confidential documents to the opposite side, designers sent site layouts to the wrong client, and so on. But when this happens to us, it seems that the earth is slipping away from under our feet.

Fortunately, in many mail services, for example, in the same Gmail, there is a function. Turn it on and specify a large time interval - so, you know, calmer.

You forgot to invest

You wrote that a file was attached to the letter, but you forgot to attach it. Another common mistake that often leads to misunderstandings and apologies. On the one hand, it's okay, no one is perfect, but it's better to check everything first, and only then send a letter. And to avoid questions from the recipient, we recommend that you list all the attached files right in the body of the letter. For example, like this:

Hey Maxim! I am sending you some files, they are in the attachment:

Service Agreement

GIF with a cat

You don't think about decorating

Meet, as you remember, by clothes. If you don't want your email to make you want to delete it immediately, work on its form. They say that it should be given as much time as the content. Fortunately, today it's easy. For this, we recommend using the Wix ShoutOut app, choosing the appropriate template and adding your text to it. No special knowledge is required, just make sure that everything looks neat and beautiful. By the way, a good mailing list has its own secrets and rules, so we advise you to read our director of email marketing. Don't thank.

You do not include a subject line

The subject of the letter performs approximately the same role as the title of the text. It appears next to your name, the recipient sees it and understands what you sent him: an invoice, the results of a meeting, a job offer, a website layout, etc. Remember that the subject should be clearly formulated so that, if necessary, a person quickly finds your letter, and convincing, so that he is interested, if we are talking about, say, a mailing list. Not so long ago we wrote about if you forgot - it is worth re-reading.

You don't save drafts

If you like writing letters in text editors, then save more often, otherwise it will turn out that you have been sitting on a letter all day, and then suddenly the computer freezes and everything is gone. Or write directly in the mail service - then all your sketches will be automatically saved in the "Drafts" folder.

You are being impolite

Politeness in correspondence is just as important as in life. Here are the basic rules that everyone and everyone must follow:

    Always thank the sender for the letter, especially if you see that he did a good job. Remember when we were all taught “magic” words as children? Let's not forget them, despite the fact that we are already adults.

    Remain calm, even if the matter is extremely urgent and important. Nervousness and reproaches will definitely not lead to anything good.

    Start and end your letter with common phrases. The degree of formality will depend on who you are corresponding with. If this is your boss or just an official, do not use "Hello", "Bye" or "Kiss". And vice versa, if you are writing to a colleague or friend, you can do without the traditional “Respectfully”.

You don't read text

Misprints can spoil the whole impression, so carefully reread the written letter, preferably several times. Doubt about spelling or syntax - go to Diploma.ru. It is better to measure seven times, that is, to check, than later to apologize for typos and prove that you are actually literate.

And by the way: if you are afraid to accidentally send an unfinished letter, first write the entire text in full, and only then type the recipient's address.

You do not put the right people in the copy of the letter

Let's figure out who can even receive your letter. The To field is the primary recipient. The "CC" field is the person who will receive the copy. He does not relate directly to the issue under discussion, but wants or should be aware. The "Bcc" field is the hidden recipients. You add them, but the primary recipient doesn't see them. And here you need to be careful: you can confuse Cc and Bcc, and then the recipient will think that he is being spied on.

Keep in mind that it is important for some people to be aware of what is happening. You do not want to listen to reproaches on the topic “How could you not add me to the copy ?! I worked on this project for two months!” If in doubt, add everyone who has anything to do with the issue. Maybe not everyone will be happy that they are distracted, but there will be no complaints against you.

You don't subscribe

You wrote “Respectfully, Masha” and you think that everything is in order, but the recipient of the letter sits and puzzles over what kind of Masha it is. From a print shop? Or maybe an illustrator? In order not to make him guess - set up a signature, and it will be automatically added to the end of each of your messages. Be sure to include your first name, last name, company name, position, and contact information, such as Skype or phone number. You can add the address - although this is advertising, it is unobtrusive.

You pick the wrong time

Writing letters at night is not the best idea. The first reason: you are probably terribly tired during the day, you don’t think very well and risk making all these mistakes. The second reason: an avalanche of morning mail will bury your midnight letter under it, and in the near future the addressee will definitely not see it. And the third: apparently, you have nothing else to do, since you are writing business letters at three in the morning.

Our advice: if nothing Important and Urgent happened, send messages from Monday to Friday and during business hours, like all normal people.

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You have probably already noticed thatwhen receiving letters from some authorsin the "to" section there is a list of several dozen emails of different people. Moreover, neither you nor these people gave their consent to the fact that these emails were “exposed”. Naturally, one of the recipients will unsubscribe from this mailing (we are all tired of the flow of spam to our mails). But one thing is certain - all recipients will treat the author of the mailing list as a non-professional person. And they are unlikely to agree to accept his proposal.

How to do so, so as not to send a letter to each addressee separately and at the same time "not to shine all in front of everyone"?
Almost any mail service allows you to do this.

Let's consider this possibility on the example of the most popular email for business mailings gmail.com

Usually, you use the Compose window to send a letter. By clicking on it, you see a new "New Message" window, into which you insert everything you need to create and send the letter itself.

In the "Recipients" window, we usually insert the emails of our recipients.

Copy means "exact copy". This field is used when you just want to send an email to someone who is not the primary recipient. This way you can keep the person in the loop while letting them know that they don't have to reply to the email. But all recipients of this letter see each other's addresses (and even names).

Bcc, on the other hand, means "exact hidden copy". It works the same as Cc, but this field hides all recipient addresses.

Thus, using this field is one of the best ways to send an email to a large number of people and maintain privacy. So, do not spoil the relationship with them. Using this feature, you can insert up to 30 emails. And this means that with one click of a button you can send this letter to 30 recipients at once, without showing their emails.

And, if necessary, you can insert an image into the body of the letter ( 4 ) or attach a file ( 5 ).

It is this mail that gives the maximum number of editing opportunities.

Similarly, you can send a letter to several recipients at the same time by mail yandex.ru.

Only there are fewer opportunities for editing the text of a letter on this mail. Therefore, I will only show the procedure for sending letters.

Click on "Write" and then in the "To" window ( 1 ) paste the email address of the first recipient, and then select the "Copy" function ( 2 ) or Bcc ( 3 ). Depending on whether you want all recipients of your letter to see all emails or retain their right to confidentiality of addresses, choose one of the functions. To add each next email to the list, you must click on the button with the image of a man with a plus sign in front of him ( 4 ). Then you can select your permanent recipients from the drop-down list or enter their emails manually.

Pictures can be downloaded from Yandex Disk and files can be attached too, as usual.

Click on the "Write" button, a window appears in which, when you click the mouse in the "To" window ( 1 ), a drop-down list appears with a list of your permanent recipients ( 2 ). You can choose from this list what you want. Or just paste your desired email destination manually.

He rightly pointed out the regular functionality of the BP30, which performs the same actions. I'll quote from a comment:

Personal settings - Email settings - Send copies of outgoing emails to the address.

illustration of the above:

In short, I invented the wheel. You can not download the extension, but use the regular functionality.

Brief introduction

Different mail servers behave differently with respect to messages sent via SMTP. If you have mail on gmail, then the problem described above most likely does not concern you. I have mail on Yandex and, if nothing is done, then after sending a letter from BP 3.0, the fact of this very sending is lost without a trace. On the Internet, I found a hint to forward letters to myself, indicating the address in the "Bcc" field of the letter. On the side of your mailbox, you can configure the rules for parsing letters and shift the letter that came from yourself to the "Sent" folder.

It turned out that YandexMail transfers letters to the Sent folder by default if the e-mail address of the account (i.e. your own e-mail) is in the "blind copy" field of the letter

How it works

If the extension is already installed, then send a letter to your counterparty in the most usual way, for example, from the document or register of documents "Invoice to the buyer"

In the form of sending a letter, check the box "Send to "Sent Items" to forward the letter to yourself (the checked box will be remembered for the current user)

Feel free to send a letter.

It will reach the counterparty.

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