What to do if the screen has shifted to the right. Moving the laptop screen in different directions

Hello! Today there will be a small note about such an everyday problem, which may not be common, but annoying decently. If we discard the phrase in parentheses of the title of the article, then this topic and in a number of extensive articles cannot be fully disclosed. In fact, I will talk about one little problem and directions to dig when other problems arise.

While configuring the router, I ran into the following problem - the monitor image was shifted a couple of millimeters to the left. And the cursor also “floated away” to the left, not lingering on the edge of the monitor. Moreover, this was both in programs and on the desktop. And on the right, a black strip formed the same couple of millimeters wide. What is there to tell, see for yourself (lower right corner and the folder crawling over the edge):

It is impossible to show this in the screenshot, because the screenshot “photographs” the active area controlled by the system. And here it seems that the pixels have stopped working.

How did I solve the problem?

Everything turned out to be very simple. It was enough to change the frequency of the monitor (LCD monitor). Now I'll show you how it's done.
1) Go to the desktop context menu, Screen Resolution (in Windows 7).

2) A menu with screen settings appears. Click on "Advanced options".

3) The characteristics of your video adapter (video card) will appear.

Go to the "Monitor" tab. The important drop down menu here is “Screen Refresh Rate”. We set the maximum screen refresh rate. By default, I had 60 Hz, which was the cause of the problem.

After that, the image should move into place.

General Technique for Troubleshooting Monitor Problems

1) We look at the physical connection of the monitor to the motherboard connector. We try to pull out and reinsert the cable.
2) We check the serviceability of the cable with our hands (if there are any kinks).
3) Check the monitor power connection.
4) If the image does not appear on the monitor, then most likely the video card is covered. You need to take another and try to see if the monitor works with it. If not, then the end of the monitor has come.
5) If you still saw the image, but it is distorted, then go again to the context menu of the desktop - Screen resolution. Here you need to set the standard resolution of your monitor, specified in the instructions.

If CRT monitors (similar to TVs) allow you to change the resolution without any problems, then their LCD counterparts should only have a standard one. Otherwise, the image will be blurry.
6) If the image looks like a ladder like here (best seen on the cart label):

then go to the additional parameters (as in point 2 of the solution to my problem), go to the "Monitor" tab and at the bottom there is a switch for color rendering quality modes. So there you need to select 32 bits (True Color):

Then the image will become smooth and the gradients will be invisible:

7) If the text still looks fuzzy, crumpled, like printed by a printer, in which ink runs out, then most likely you have disabled the Clear Type mode. To enable it, all in the same screen setting at the bottom, click on "Make text and other elements larger or smaller." A panel will appear:

On the left in the menu, go to “Setting the ClearType Text”. And in the window that appears, put a checkmark “Enable ClearType”. At the same time, you can immediately see the changes on the monitor and understand what's what. Click the next button and choose the best text options for you. It is not difficult there, so I will not give screenshots.

8) If the interface elements on the screen look small, then in the menu, which we entered in the 7th paragraph, select “Other font size (dots per inch)”. A window for selecting a scale will appear:

Here you can adjust the scale to within 1%. However, I do not advise you to get carried away, because, for example, at 140% magnification, not all elements will fit on the screen. Especially at low resolution, like mine.
9) If there are any stripes, blurring or other artifacts on the monitor, then you can update the video card drivers. To do this, go along the following chain "Context menu of my computer - Control - Device Manager".

In the middle window, go to the video adapters and click on the name of the video card. In the pop-up window, go to the "Driver" tab.

Click "Update":

Here we select “Search automatically for updated drivers”. I found drivers without problems. If you cannot update the drivers in this way, then go to the manufacturer's official website, find your video card model, download the latest (or penultimate) version of the driver and update manually. It is better to download the penultimate driver, because the latter may be raw (unfinished).
If the picture is still displayed incorrectly, then there may be program conflicts. I myself did not come across this, but on the Internet I met people who said that after reinstalling the system everything worked perfectly. You can try this method as a last resort.
I won't talk about color calibration here. Because this is already an improvement in the reality of displaying a picture. And here either special tools or skills are needed (for amateur adjustment).
I'm 100% sure that I didn't even mention a bunch of details lying on the surface. So, if you have any problems, please contact us, we will think together.

It turns out that you can manage windows in Windows 7 without using a mouse! Why is this needed? Well, for example, if for some reason your mouse is out of order, which sometimes happens, or you connected your computer to the TV in the "Expand screen" mode, and the screen settings window that was called up did not come out where you expected ... Sometimes there is a different situation when something happened to the mouse or the buttons controlling the movement and size are beyond the visible border of the screen and the mouse cannot reach them. There is a very simple way out, let's use the keyboard, I hope you didn't throw it away as an outdated peripheral device.

Let's take a closer look at the keyboard, in the lower left part you can see the control keys Alt and WIN (checkbox key). So, if the window is not open in full screen, and we have just such a case, otherwise all window controls are visible and available for pressing, then simultaneously pressing the keys Alt + Space (the longest button at the bottom middle) you can get to the window control menu. It contains points: Reestablish, Move, The size, Collapse, Expand, Close... In this case, we will be interested in the item - Move. We select it by pressing the arrow keys "Down Arrow" and "Enter", then pressing the arrow keys Left, Right, Up and Down, you can move the window to the desired position on the screen and press "Enter" again. If you need to move the window very accurately with an accuracy of a point (pixel) on the screen, then while moving the window you need to hold down the Ctrl key (located to the left of the WIN key), then the movement will be performed point by point (pixel by pixel), very smoothly, but slowly.

In what other cases may this operation be needed with a working mouse? Very often, on Netbooks with a screen resolution of 600 vertical pixels, dialog boxes containing the necessary button for confirming or canceling an action do not completely fit on the screen, which is very annoying even for experienced users. these same buttons are simply not visible. And again Alt + Space, Move and the arrow to the desired height saves us, and now these buttons are available. It all works from Windows 95 to Windows 8 today (on the desktop, not in the subway).

In conclusion, a couple of "goodies" from Windows 7. To move the window quickly to the left or right edge without a mouse, you can use the WIN key by simultaneously pressing the left and right arrows - respectively, press the window to the left or right edge of the screen, it looks especially interesting if you have several monitors, experiment. WIN + UP ARROW - maximizes the window to full screen. Combination WIN + Down Arrow minimizes the window to an icon on the active taskbar or returns to its original size if the window is expanded to full screen.

Here is a simple lesson for today, I hope that it will help some save time and nerves. And if you want to fully learn all Windows keyboard shortcuts - you

The main advantage of a laptop is portability. It can be used, for example, for presentations and conferences. For the convenience of perceiving information, graphics and photographs are turned on 90-180 degrees. Accordingly, in the same way you have to turn the screen on a laptop. This operation can be performed fairly quickly. If the technical capabilities of the monitor do not allow you to flip the image, then you will have to use third-party applications.

How to flip the screen to its original position on a laptop with a key combination

The easiest way to flip the screen on a laptop is using the keyboard shortcut:

    Alt + Ctrl + Down arrow- flip the image upside down, that is, by +180 degrees; Alt + Ctrl + Up arrow - returns images upside down, that is, -180 degrees; Alt + Ctrl + Left arrow - flip the screen 90 degrees to the left; Alt + Ctrl + Right Arrow - flip the screen 90 degrees to the right.

How to return the screen to its original position using utilities

We download a special application for a laptop.

Install the application on drive C.

After the installation process is complete, the program shortcut will be displayed in the notification area.

Click on it with LMB to bring up the program menu. You can flip the screen on a laptop 90/180/270 degrees or return to the standard orientation. The user just needs to select the appropriate menu option.


With EEERotate, you can not only flip the image, but also change the orientation of the touchpad to side control. The application operates on the same principle. After installation, a shortcut to the program will appear in the notification area. It is enough to start it and select the option to display information on the screen.

Pivot Pro

Pivot Pro is a more functional application. With it, you can adjust the monitor parameters: orientation, color rendition, brightness, contrast, etc. You can change the position of the image using a combination of keys on multiple monitors. Image rotation parameters are standard: 90/180/270 degrees.

Change screen position with built-in Windows tools

The algorithm of work depends on the version of Windows OS. In Windows 7 and Vista, you need to call the context menu by right-clicking on the free space of the desktop. In the menu that appears, select " Screen resolution”And then use the sliders to change the display settings.

Screen rotation is carried out through the "" menu item. The user just needs to choose one of the options:

    Landscape - enabled by default; Book - rotated 90 degrees; Landscape inverted - rotated 180 degrees.

After making the changes, click OK.

In Windows 10, orientation settings are displayed under "" - " System» - « Screen».

How to flip laptop screen via NVIDIA and AMD Radeon video adapters

To flip the screen on a laptop with Windows XP, you will have to use the video adapter settings. The same method will work on a PC with any OS version.

To call the menu for adjusting the NVIDIA video card, click on the shortcut in the tray or call the context menu and select the item "" - "" - " at 90/180/270 degrees».

When working with AMD Radeon, the context menu will differ from the one previously presented. In this case, the user will need to open the " Display manager"And choose the option" Standard landscape»With zero value.

Previously, the option to switch settings using a key combination was described. If this method did not work, it is possible that this function is disabled in the video adapter. To activate it, you should in the same menu item " Graphics options" - choose " Keyboard shortcuts» - «».

Turn off PC screen rotation in Intel graphics settings

You can also restore the original screen orientation through the video adapter control center. The control panel interface may differ from the one presented below, but the operation algorithm remains the same.

On the right side of the control panel, you should find the section " Display". Then select the sub-item " Rotate display", And in it the orientation view. To return to the standard image display mode, it is enough to specify the option “ landscape».

On a PC with an AMD graphics card, the process is different. In the control center, select the item " Common tasks", and then " Rotate desktop". Messages with the required rotation option are displayed on the screen. The user only has to choose the one that suits them. You can rotate the laptop screen using an Intel adapter. The shortcut is located in the tray. We click LMB on the shortcut and select the item "".

In the "" section of the "" area, select the option to display the image and click OK.

Possible causes of this problem

Screen rotation on a laptop can happen accidentally, that is, if the user did not specify any special settings, but the image orientation has changed anyway. There may be several reasons for this error:1. Inattention. The user accidentally pressed the desired key combination on the PC. Very often, this error occurs during a computer game. 2. Software problems. System errors, malfunctions can also lead to an unintentional change in the orientation of the PC. The user himself cannot return the default settings. To confirm or exclude this option, just boot the PC in safe mode. The screen orientation should be standard. 3. Viruses. Malicious software changes the way not only the screen works, but the hardware as a whole. Therefore, it is recommended that you regularly check your laptop for such dangerous software. 4. "Beta" version of drivers. It is better to download software from the manufacturer's website. Moreover, the latest release is always posted there. Verifying that the problem is with the drivers is easy enough. If you can't change the orientation, you can change the extension or any other indicator. If the drivers are not working properly, the picture on the screen will remain the same. 5. On laptops equipped with an accelerometer, auto rotation is usually enabled. If this function is active, then the screen rotation on the laptop may occur unintentionally. To solve the problem, just turn off the option in "All parameters" - "System" - "Screen".

What to do if none of the methods helped

If none of the options for changing the orientation worked, then there is a problem with the hardware. The issue can be resolved only at the service center.

Why might you need this option? The first answer option: to view large-sized images in the desired angle. So, for example, do the developers of gaming products designed to play in a projection onto a vertically positioned display. A photo taken from the wrong angle and placed on the desktop also needs to be corrected.

In addition, some modern monitors may themselves be installed differently. You can think of a dozen more situations in which the user may need to rotate the screen. So how do you rotate the display? This is the subject of our small note. As usual, there are several different options for doing the same action.

Method one and the simplest: use keyboard shortcuts. Here is a picture to explain it:

However, this option does not work on all computers. The easiest way to verify the availability of a function is through experience. Press simultaneously "Ctrl" + "Alt" + an arrow key and admire the result.

If nothing has changed on the screen, then try other options, which we will discuss below.

Other ways to control the screen image

Some benefit in terms of solving our problem can be obtained using the "Screen Resolution" window.

To get to it in Windows 7 and Windows 8 is as easy as shelling pears: you just need to click on an empty place on the desktop and select the item with the same name in the context menu that opens.

A window will appear something like this:

By manipulating the Orientation list, you can achieve the desired effect.

In Windows XP the same option is available in the desktop properties window (click on an empty space on the screen and select the Properties menu item).

The next way to move the screen on a PC or laptop to the left or in any other direction is to use the capabilities of not the Windows OS itself, but the options of the video card.

When installing a driver for a modern video adapter, we usually install some other software, like the video card control panel.

Dig into its options and you will surely find something there to adjust the orientation. Better yet, just read the documentation for such a program.

It turns out that you can manage windows in Windows 7 without using a mouse! Why is this needed? Well, for example, if for some reason your mouse is out of order, which sometimes happens, or you connected your computer to the TV in the "Expand screen" mode, and the screen settings window that was called up did not come out where you expected ... Sometimes there is a different situation when something happened to the mouse or the buttons controlling the movement and size are beyond the visible border of the screen and the mouse cannot reach them. There is a very simple way out, let's use the keyboard, I hope you didn't throw it away as an outdated peripheral device.

Let's take a closer look at the keyboard, in the lower left part you can see the control keys Alt and WIN (checkbox key). So, if the window is not open in full screen, and we have just such a case, otherwise all window controls are visible and available for pressing, then simultaneously pressing the keys Alt + Space (the longest button at the bottom middle) you can get to the window control menu. It contains points: Reestablish, Move, The size, Collapse, Expand, Close... In this case, we will be interested in the item - Move. We select it by pressing the arrow keys "Down Arrow" and "Enter", then pressing the arrow keys Left, Right, Up and Down, you can move the window to the desired position on the screen and press "Enter" again. If you need to move the window very accurately with an accuracy of a point (pixel) on the screen, then while moving the window you need to hold down the Ctrl key (located to the left of the WIN key), then the movement will be performed point by point (pixel by pixel), very smoothly, but slowly.

In what other cases may this operation be needed with a working mouse? Very often, on Netbooks with a screen resolution of 600 vertical pixels, dialog boxes containing the necessary button for confirming or canceling an action do not completely fit on the screen, which is very annoying even for experienced users. these same buttons are simply not visible. And again Alt + Space, Move and the arrow to the desired height saves us, and now these buttons are available. It all works from Windows 95 to Windows 8 today (on the desktop, not in the subway).

In conclusion, a couple of "goodies" from Windows 7. To move the window quickly to the left or right edge without a mouse, you can use the WIN key by simultaneously pressing the left and right arrows - respectively, press the window to the left or right edge of the screen, it looks especially interesting if you have several monitors, experiment. WIN + UP ARROW - maximizes the window to full screen. Combination WIN + Down Arrow minimizes the window to an icon on the active taskbar or returns to its original size if the window is expanded to full screen.

Here is a simple lesson for today, I hope that it will help some save time and nerves. And if you want to fully learn all Windows keyboard shortcuts - you

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