How to reduce ram on a laptop. Closing unused programs. Reducing the load on RAM from the browser

Users of the "dozen" noticed that the process called "System and Compressed Memory" Windows 10 consumes a significant amount of system resources (loads the processor and consumes RAM).

The factors of this behavior of this process can be very diverse, but most often a fair load on the system is a problem associated with any component of the computer or its driver. Let's consider the possible causes of the problem and get rid of them.

"System and Compressed Memory" is a new component of the "tens" that performs one of the control functions of this operating system... It allows you to reduce the number of calls to the paging file (pagefile.sys) on the hard disk by storing some of the data located in it in a compressed form in RAM.

In theory, everything should work fine, but in practice, everything results in a hefty load of the computer with unnecessary tasks. And not all users are ready to put up with such a Microsoft policy.

For owners of computers with a lot of RAM: if you do not use applications that consume a lot of RAM, which is extremely rare with powerful PCs, you should not worry that this process consumes a fair amount of RAM.

After all, the consumption of several gigabytes of RAM from 16 GB of those present is quite a bit, but in the presence of 4-8 gigabytes of RAM, which are spent on the functioning of Windows 10 and custom applications, "Eating" a couple of gigabytes can affect the performance of the computer.

Factors Cause of Increased Resource Usage by the Compressed Memory and System Process

Let's take a look at some of the common reasons Windows 10 System and Compressed Memory wastes a lot of your computer's hardware resources.

System software (drivers)

Track when the problematic process starts to consume the most resources. If this happens after waking up from sleep / hibernation, or if the problem starts after reinstall Windows or driver updates, most likely the source of the problem is the driver for motherboard or chipset.

Here, everyone individually must decide what actions to take: roll back the drivers, update them to latest version, replace with an older, but stable edition, completely remove so that Windows 10 will automatically install them, roll back the system, and so on.

The best option to try first is to update the system adapter driver from the device support site.

You should also keep in mind the following points:

  • Most often, the culprit are drivers for power management from Intel, ACPI, SCSI and AHCI drivers; applications for firmware and work with BIOS and other low-level software should be noted separately.

  • As a rule, "ten" copes with the installation of the above drivers in automatic mode and offers to update them through the Update Center, because in the task manager you will never see information that a more recent version of the driver has appeared. But the disadvantages of implementing such a function are that the OS does not always correctly select the most suitable driver and Windows 10, soon after manually installing the desired product, can replace it with its own (sometimes less suitable). This leads to problems. To get rid of them, you should get the latest release of system software from the developer's resource (in no case use driver packs and applications to update drivers), install it and prevent the top ten from finding and installing updates for these drivers using the official utility.
  • Pay attention to the video adapter driver. It should also be reinstalled from the archive obtained from the link on the support site for your video card. Before installing fresh software, you need to get rid of all files old version software using the Display Driver Uninstaller application.

If manipulations with the drivers did not bring success, let's move on.

Pagefile.sys settings

The given method is much simpler than the previous ones, but it is relevant for a smaller number of cases, therefore it is in second place. Although beginners are advised to start looking for the source of the problem from it.

  1. Disable the paging file and restart Windows 10.
  2. After a bit of work, we check how the "Compressed Memory and System" behaves.
  3. When everything is fine, try re-enabling pagefile.sys on the system and restarting.
  4. If the situation is not resolved, set a smaller paging file size and check for the problem after restarting the PC.

Security software

When using your old favorite antivirus that does not support Windows 10, the above problem may appear with a high degree of probability due to improper memory handling during RAM scan. Update your antivirus.

Conflicts in the work of a couple antivirus software it is also not excluded, especially when 2 more antiviruses are installed on the PC, in addition to the one integrated into the top ten. Leave only one PC protection app. At times, firewalls are also involved in the system and compressed memory process consuming a lot of RAM. Disable the traffic filtering utility and check the behavior of the process.


It is noticed that when working in the background, Chromium contributes to the fact that the new windows process 10 uses a lot of RAM. The following manipulations will help get rid of this.

Deactivate the hardware acceleration feature in Chrome.

1. Call the browser settings menu and click on the button located below, which is responsible for displaying additional settings.

2. Uncheck the box next to the "Use hardware acceleration" option.

3. Restart your web browser.

4. Find "Hardware acceleration for video decoding" and disable it.

5. Find the option "Do not disable services running in the background when closing the browser" and uncheck the box next to it.

6. Restart the browser and observe the "System / Compressed Memory" process.

Less common ways out

If you are one of those users who have not been helped by all the tips, tricks, and instructions above, check out the latest options to fix the problem. They are the least common, but who knows, maybe yours is one of the exceptions.

1. When using the Killer Network drivers, they should be removed cleanly, for example, using Revo Uninstaller, clean the registry from leftovers and reinstall the fresh version.

2. Disable the "RunFullMemoryDiagnostic" task in the scheduler. We open the scheduler library by calling it through the search bar. Go to the address - "Microsoft" - "Windows", in the "Memory Diagnostic" section, find the task and deactivate it, after restarting Windows.

3. Open the registry editor and go to the path HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet001 \\ Services \\ Ndu. Change the value of the Start key to "2" and reboot.

4. Scan system files for damage.

We execute the command "sfc / scannow" in the command interpreter window Win → R or command line.

5. We deactivate the SuperFetch service and exclude it from autorun.

We execute services.msc through the command interpreter (Win → R opens). We find the named service, call its "Properties", set the startup type to "Disabled" and terminate the operation.

6. As a last resort, we try to manipulate with disabling hibernation, quick launch and sleep patterns.

7. Don't forget about malware.

If all else fails, you will have to look for the cause of the problem yourself or resort to more radical solutions: rollback windows, reset or reinstall it.

Read, what does memory compression mean in Windows and how to view compressed memory information on your PC... And also what to do if the computer does not have enough RAM and how to determine how much memory a certain process takes. Windows 10 uses compression to store more data in your system's RAM. In the Windows 10 Task Manager, the Performance tab displays information about the size and current memory usage. Among other parameters, it is indicated that part of the memory is compressed. Let's see what this means?

Memory compression is new windows function 10, which is not available in earlier Windows 8 and 7. At the same time, Linux and MacOS use this feature.

Typically, if your computer has 8 GB of RAM, and running applications and the system itself use 9 GB of data in memory, at least 1 GB had to be saved in a paging file on your computer's hard drive. Accessing data in the paging file slows down the performance of individual applications and the system as a whole.

However, using a compression algorithm (the same as in a Zip file), the data size can be reduced and placed entirely in RAM. For example, the system can leave 6 GB of uncompressed data, and compress 3 GB, so that they would actually take up 1.5 GB. Thus, you will have 7.5 of 8 GB of RAM occupied.

Are there any downsides to this approach? Yes and no. Data compression and reverse procedure require certain processor resources. Therefore, not all data is stored compressed, the system compresses only the information that it considers necessary. The compression and decompression operation itself is much faster than writing and reading data from disk. Therefore, Windows is looking for a compromise between these two approaches.

Why doesn't Windows compress all data?

As we have already seen, the speed of data compression and decompression is much higher than writing and reading data from disk. Working with such data is fully automatic and does not require user intervention, so why does the system not compress all the data?

Working with uncompressed data is much faster. If the operating system needs to search for a large amount of data stored in RAM, then the procedure for reading, decoding and re-encoding data requires significant processor time. In addition, the system reserves a part of the RAM to expand the required memory buffer in case of such a need.

Based on this, Windows tries to store data that is often accessed in a compressed form, the data that the system accesses less often is compressed or even saved to the paging file.

What to do if the computer runs out of RAM?

So what to do if you see that the system uses a large amount of compressed data or works with large file swap? The answer is obvious, add more RAM to your PC, it will best solution... It's also obvious that it's best to use as fast RAM as your motherboard can handle.

A less obvious solution would be to use an SSD drive for the paging file or the system as a whole. Earlier we looked at how to transfer the paging file to another drive in our video:

Since the speed of reading and writing to an SSD is several times higher than the traditional hard diskthen the whole system will run faster.

How to View Compressed Memory Information on Your PC

To view information about how much memory is compressed on the system, you must use the Task Manager. To launch it, right-click on the taskbar and select, or press Ctrl + Shift + Esc (for Windows 10, 8) or Ctrl + Alt + Delete (for any windows) and select.

Runs shorthand by default, you need to access full version... To do this, press the button More details in the lower left corner of the window.

Go to the performance tab and select Memory from the list on the right. You will see how much memory is compressed in the section "Use (condensed)"... For example, in the screenshot below, the Task Manager shows that our system is currently using 4.2 GB, 21.6 MB is compressed memory.

This setting is constantly changing depending on the number of applications running and their memory usage. The amount of compressed memory can also change from the work of system tasks to background, you can watch this process in real time.

The screenshot also shows that our system uses 8GB of DDR3 RAM. 1 GB reserved by hardware - this memory is used by the built-in graphics system... Form factor dIMM memory, 2 strips are used and 2 more slots in the system are free. 1.9 GB Cached displays the current paging file size. If you hover the mouse over the diagram in the Memory structure section, the system will display a tooltip with additional information.

How to determine how much memory a particular process is using

For getting detailed information according to the memory occupied by each process, go to the Processes tab, then find the required one and select it, the memory column will indicate the actually occupied memory.

Some applications have multiple concurrent processes, such as Google chrome... In this case, you need to calculate the amount of memory consumed by all running processes.

Described today is free computer program (the famous manufacturer) will help (maybe) those users who are always short of memory, who have little of it.

It's about - she will allow you on time clear rAM computer by defragmentation.

Personally, I think that such programs are a temporary and forced solution to the problem of lack of RAM. Only a physical increase in its volume (purchase additional bar RAM).

But not all users can afford to easily fork out for such an acquisition - RAM for a computer now costs decent money 🙁.

How to determine the lack of memory

Very simple. After starting the computer, it works smartly for some time, and then starts to "dull". Programs start to work slower and the browser can hardly turn the pages of sites - the computer has little RAM.

Wise Memory Optimizer allows you to clear your computer's RAM by disabling unnecessary consumers, closing unnecessary background processes and defragmenting it.

In Wise Memory Optimizer, manual mode is available and automatic mode - the program at the right time (when the specified amount occupied memory) itself performs cleaning.

By the way, the manufacturers of this program are the same that have created excellent cleaners -.

Let's already clear the RAM (: connie_13. It's very simple - run the downloaded (by official link at the end of the article) and installed Wise Memory Optimizer ...

Go to the settings and set the Russian language ...

Every user personal computer who has reinstalled Windows at least once, knows that immediately after installation, the system works much faster than after several months of using it. This situation is primarily due to the fact that the computer's RAM, speaking simple languageis clogged. Other factors also come into play, for example, the registry, which is clogged with "unnecessary" information. However, their role is insignificant.

How to unload RAM?

1. Certain programs in the process of their work almost completely load the computer's RAM, and after they are closed, the memory is not unloaded. If a similar situation arises, simply restart your computer ... In this case, complete cleaning memory, and the computer will run much faster.

Important! As a rule, this situation indicates weak optimization. software which loads RAM. Its use is best avoided.

2. If the RAM is constantly clogged, then you should take a look at which processes do not allow programs to function in normal mode. To do this, run Task Manager (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + alt + del) and look at the “ Processes ". Here we will see which programs take up the most RAM. In order to unload the RAM, we find the "gluttonous" process and click on the button " End the process ».

3. If the RAM is loaded by the program that is in the startup list, that is, it starts immediately after Windows starts, then it must be removed from there. Run the startup editing utility ( "Start" - "Run" and we type msconfig). In the window that appears, select the "" tab and delete unnecessary programs removing the check marks.

Important! When unloading RAM, be careful not to complete the processes necessary for normal work systems, and also do not close programs with unsaved parameters.

Many computer users experience a decrease in the speed of its work after a certain period after turning it on. The reason for this is program fragments that clog up RAM - random access memory. By cleaning up all unnecessary, you increase the speed of your PC or laptop, sometimes significantly. Below are some ways to clean up the RAM of your Windows 7 computer.

Remember: the user cannot access all of the computer's RAM. Part of it is used by services operating system and sometimes a video card. Only the remaining volume is dedicated to data processing launched by user software, it's worth cleaning.

The most effective way to clean up your RAM is to disable all programs and leave only the one you are working with. This solution is especially effective when the computer has a small amount of RAM.

RAM usage statistics can be viewed in the Task Manager in the "Performance" tab. It is launched by simultaneously holding down the Ctrl, Alt and Delete keys or Ctrl, Shift and Esc. By opening the specified tab, you can see the used and free RAM. As a rule, there is always little free memory. The Applications tab displays running programs that must be closed to clean the RAM, so it can be cleaned.

The "superfluous" processes include program agents that do not perform any useful functions, except for monitoring the Internet resources of their developers for the presence fresh updates ... You can disable them using the utility included in basic set windows programs... It is launched by the "Start" button and by entering the name msconfig in the search bar at the bottom of the window that appears. By clicking on the found result, in the "Startup" tab, remove all unnecessary checkboxes and restart the computer.

Third party software

Several utilities from this list will help to increase the speed of your computer:

  1. RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer. Frees up RAM instantly when your PC slows down.
  2. MemoryCleaner. Works in the background. In each case of a shortage of RAM, the program deletes empty blocks and defragments the RAM, thereby freeing it up.
  3. VC RamCleaner. Checks memory for broken fragments. In a few seconds it frees them up, increasing the performance of your PC or laptop.
  4. CleanMem. Removes idle program fragments from RAM.
  5. nCleaner. Utility for complex OS maintenance. Among other functions, it defragments the RAM and optimizes its work.

All of these programs are free and do not take up much memory space. Their use is guaranteed.

Other ways

  1. Disable Windows Defender. If an antivirus is running on your computer, its work is only duplicated by the Defender, taking up space in the RAM. Launch "Control Panel" from the "Start" menu, find "Windows Defender" - "Programs" - "Settings" - "Administrator". Uncheck the "Use this program" checkbox and confirm your selection by clicking the "Save" button.
  2. Disable Windows Aero. The shell that makes all Windows operating systems, starting with Vista, so beautiful is also resource intensive. On the Control Panel in the "Counters and Performance Tools" tab there is an item for setting visual effects ... Select "Provide best performance" and confirm your choice.
  3. Adding hardware memory. If everyone the above methods help little, perhaps you should think about buying additional bar RAM. Please note that you should install in a free slot of the same size and type of RAM. To know for sure which memory is installed, you can use special utility - for example, Everest.

Work stability and productivity personal computer depends on its configuration. A significant role in this is assigned to random access memory. It, no less, determines the performance of the computer, acting as a kind of intermediary between the central processor and hard disk or other media. Let's figure out how to properly clean RAM or physical memory on a Windows PC.

Types of computer memory

Computer memory is a system that includes various special storage devices that interact both with each other and with the central processor.

Physical random access memory (RAM) is a volatile part of the system used to temporarily store what is read from media program code and any other input or output data that is then processed by the processor. Its functions are implemented using random access memory (RAM) in the form technical level with microcircuits inserted into special paired sockets on motherboard ... The information accumulated in the RAM modules is lost when the computer is turned off. Therefore, this type of memory is called operational. Its volume today is calculated in gigabytes. Usually these are 2 GB or more. Computer operation under windows management 7 without installed RAM modules included in the common logical chain is impossible.

Installing ramps in the slots intended for it

When there is a shortage of RAM, a virtual one is used, which allows you to automatically redistribute the load, moving parts of running applications to the area allocated for these purposes by hard disk ... Physical permanent memory (ROM) is used for long-term storage of information that is retained even when the computer is turned off. In this case, the entire array of information is located on hard disk with Windows 7 installed. Data can also be stored on any other media (flash drives, dvd disks).

There is also video memory built directly into the video card. With its help, an image is formed on the monitor screen.

Physical memory (PAM) load check

The increased load on the RAM can cause a slowdown, and in some cases even freeze the computer. In the event of instability, you should figure out which operating processes are using resources. Use the standard combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the "Task Manager". In the window opened through the "Processes" menu item, you can see how and in what volume the RAM is consumed. And its total consumption as a percentage is reflected on the right at the very bottom of the open window.

Memory consumption by worker processes in Windows 7

The "Performance" tab shows the allocated RAM (in appropriate units) for running threads and processes, the amount of available, cached, free memory, a chronological graph of its use, and also presents the kernel data.

The "Performance" tab displays detailed information about the distribution of RAM

RAM cleaning method

Reducing the amount of consumed RAM in all cases of increased load, leading to a slowdown windows work 7 is effective way elimination of emerging problems. To do this, you should perform a number of actions to clean the RAM and optimize its performance.

Closing unused programs

All open applications can be identified by the icons located at the very bottom of the "Desktop". They are also shown in the "Task Manager" on the "Applications" tab. To close the currently unused program process it is necessary to remove the task by first marking the application with the mouse. This method is especially useful when some programs freeze, for example, such as Word or Excel. But closing applications like this is an emergency and should only be used in extreme cases.

Disable frozen or unused applications to free up RAM

Stopping background processes

Closing many programs does not always lead to their complete stop. Many background processes continue to run. This is especially true for torrents and similar similar software. Often, such applications deliberately leave running processes in the RAM even after the program is closed. You can stop them on the "Processes" tab in the "Task Manager". And on the Services tab, you can stop the default services that are not used by the system, but consume resources. This will deactivate the associated background processes as well.

Please note that after restarting the system, all changes made will be lost. To prevent this from happening, you should disable unused services on the appropriate tab in the "Administration" section, opened through the control panel. Select the "Disabled" startup type via the context menu.

Selecting the service startup mode

Table: Allowed to Disable Services

Disabled service Name
Remote registry - used for remote administration of the system registry. RemoteRegistry
Standalone files - controls the login and logout of users using the API. Used on rare occasions. CscService
Tablet PC Service - A pen function on tablet PCs. TabletlnputService
Error logging - creating and sending reports in case of software failures. WerSvc
IPsec Key Modules - Support additional security when operating corporate networks. IKEEXT
A client providing control of link changes - control of movement of NTFS files. TrkWks
Windows Search is a file indexing service that provides faster file searches. Disable if you don't use search all the time. Wsearch
Service parental control - a kind of stub without any software load. ParentalControl
IPSec Policy Agent - the service is used very rarely, and even then only by specialists. PolicyAgent
KtmRm - Coordinates the kernel transaction flow and MS DTC. KtmRm
IP Supplementary Service - IPv6 Tunnel Connection Method. iphlpsvc
Print Manager - If no printer is available, disable the service. Spooler
Secondary logon to Windows - processes can be started by any third-party user. seclogon
Fax - If you do not plan to send or receive faxes, disable the service. Fax
Windows Defender - if antivirus software is installed, then the service is not required. WinDefend
Windows Firewall - Disable when installing alternative software. MpsSvc
Remove Smart Cards - Leave the service enabled only when using smart cards. SCPolicySvc
Provide adaptive dimming - dims only with a light sensor. SensrSvc
Platform Module Services - Used when TMP and / or BitLocker chips are installed. TBS
Server - turns on only when using a PC as a server. In other cases, you can turn it off. LanmanServer
Bluetooth support - if you are not using Bluetooth, then disable it. bthserv

It is possible to stop and then disable the service through the command line. To open it, enter the keyboard combination Win + R and execute cmd command... Further in command line write and execute net stop or sc stop and then sc configstart \u003d disabled.

Stop windows services 7 via command line

Optimization of startup applications

Windows 7 is configured with a useful feature that allows you to load programs automatically when the system starts. Many applications are initially configured to use startup. But this is not always necessary, because every program launched in this way takes up some of the RAM resources. Enter Win + R from the keyboard and run the msconfig command. In the window that opens, on the "Startup" tab, uncheck those applications that do not need to be launched automatically and save the settings.

There is an opinion among users of computer technology that there is never a lot of RAM ... And you cannot argue with this, dear reader, especially when it comes to modern machineswhose hardware configuration meets solid specifications, and the Windows system installed on the PC is a 64-bit version. However, the "painful" problem of many - "the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do" - still continues its inglorious existence, baffling the average user and sometimes forcing an experienced computer guru to puzzle over the solution of the problem "lack of RAM". However, we will not get involved in the intricacies of "operational misunderstandings" and will resort to simple, but nevertheless effective methods of diagnosing and optimizing computer system swap. Well, the article promises to be memorable. RAM Secrets Await To Be Revealed!

Help, the physical memory of the computer is loaded!

What to do and how to deal with it? Probably, these are the questions that come to mind to the user when he becomes an unwitting witness to the monstrous inhibition of the Windows operating system.

  • With each subsequent turn on of the PC, the launch of the OS slows down and slows down.
  • The clickability of the operating system at startup and during use becomes unbearable due to the "long waiting process".
  • Once "flying" applications, to put it mildly, take a long time to start.
  • Incomprehensible service messages attack the monitor with their "unobtrusive" presence.

In general, any of the above scenarios (not to mention their complex manifestation) can quickly drive any user crazy. But not everyone "waiting" understands that all of the above may be the result of our own omissions. And hardly an ordinary user even knows how to make sure that the physical memory of a computer is loaded?

What to do first if the PC has lost performance?

Of course, first of all, you need to diagnose the system. Moreover, everything necessary for this is provided in advance by Microsoft developers. Well, it's time to move on to the practical part of our story.

  • Click on the taskbar (the lowest area of \u200b\u200bthe screen) with the right mouse button.
  • Select "Dispatcher…" from the drop-down list.
  • Once in the workspace of the service window of the same name, use the "Performance" tab.

  • A visually presented graph will allow you to estimate the RAM. If you have Vista or a later version of Windows OS installed on your PC, the value of the used memory should not exceed 70-75% of the total value of the physical swap. Otherwise, it is necessary to unload the RAM-area.

Memory problems start from the start of the OS

When you observe that the physical memory of your computer is 80% or more loaded, pay attention to autoload. Most likely at the moment windows startup the mentioned service activates many background applications and various software. It is often for this reason that the RAM is overloaded, literally "torn apart" between the requests of multiple programs to allocate the amount of memory they need to work. However, it is quite easy to fix such an unpleasant situation.

  • AT search bar launcher windows menu write the command "msconfig".
  • After pressing the "Enter" button, you will be taken to the "System Configuration" service menu.
  • Activate the Startup tab and edit priority list running software.

You will be surprised at how quickly your OS will boot after a system restart. Nothing prevents you in practice from making sure that the problematic situation, when the physical memory of the computer is loaded on Windows 7, will be exhausted after you remove all unnecessary from startup.

How to Clean Up RAM: Two "Fundamental" Optimizations

Let's start with the main thing - you need to disable unused software. As a rule, in order to see which programs are running in the background, you need to look into a special area of \u200b\u200bthe OS - the system tray - and directly from there (by hovering the marker over the object and right-clicking) deactivate the selected software. It may well turn out that immediately after you implement the proposed recommendation, the question "The physical memory of the computer is loaded, how to clean it" will be completely resolved. After all, some running applications are incredibly "gluttonous" in terms of the use of system RAM resources.

Another way to free up memory

So, in order to see which programs or utilities "secretly" consume the kilo- and megabytes of RAM you need so much, do the following:

  • Press the Alt + Ctrl + Del key combination.
  • After you get to the service window you already know, open the "Processes" tab.
  • Analyze the list provided and, using manual correction, turn off the background application that you do not need at the moment.

However, do not rush to deactivate "aggressive items", as disabling some critical Windows services can adversely affect the overall stability of your OS.

"Miracle" - RAM optimizers

When the physical memory of the computer is loaded to 90 percent (from the previously presented section of the article, you learned that this value is a deviation from the norm), some of the users rush to clear the RAM area using various utilities. However, not many of them realize that this kind of RAM optimization is a waste of time, since they do not contribute anything concrete to the solution of the problem. The "promising functionality" of such optimizers only creates the illusion that memory is being freed, while introducing some difficulties into the OS ... Rest assured: the manual method is much more effective and more expedient in conducting than the imaginary "help" from third party developers... By the way, we advise you to just forget about this (second) method of RAM optimization ...

Malicious code and methods of its detection

Often the user asks the question: "The physical memory of the computer is loaded: a virus or not?" This problem is especially acute when all the above actions have been implemented in practice. What's the matter and why does RAM keep losing its working potential? Let's figure it out.

  • Download one of the antivirus utilities : Dr.Web CureIt !, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or HitmanPro.
  • After running application will finish scanning the system, infected objects will be cleaned, and malicious viruses will undergo the deletion process.

It should be noted that the traditional antivirus installed on your PC is not always able to fully protect your system from penetration and subsequent negative impact of one or another "digital infection". Therefore, it makes sense to check your OS using the above utilities.

When the amount of RAM corresponds to the concept "NOT TOO"

If you work in "Word" and at the same time listen to music using an Internet browser, and see that the physical memory of the computer is loaded by 77%, there is no cause for concern. But if things are different, it makes sense to consider the problem from a technical point of view and ask some questions: how many RAM modules are installed on your PC and what are their nominal "capabilities"? It is worth noting an important fact: depending on the version of the Windows system used, the requirements for the amount of RAM can vary from 256 MB to 2 GB (only for the "needs" of the operating system itself). Well, if you still decide to use a resource-intensive program on a computer with limited RAM, then it's time to think about expanding

Summing up

So, we can say with some certainty that the once difficult situation for you “the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do” has now been resolved. Nevertheless, one important "operational" moment is still worth mentioning.

  • If you are using Windows Vista , the seventh OS or later versions of the Microsoft product, then if there is not enough RAM, you can try to disable the Superfetch service.

And the last thing: do not miss the opportunity to upgrade your PC - adding an additional RAM module will significantly expand the functionality and "combat capability" of your computing equipment. Don't let your computer fall into unconsciousness!

For many, Windows 10 consumes an inhuman amount of RAM. The system consumes from 3 to 6 GB. It's impossible a lot! Of course, since there is a problem, it must be solved. Below I will offer you several ways to solve the problem. So, let's go, speed up Windows 10.

Solving the problem of RAM consumption

Well, first of all, it's worth checking the programs running in the tray and everything that is in the autorun. To do this, check the number of icons around the clock. All unnecessary and unknown programs will need to be disabled.

To do this, open the task manager. Go to the startup tab and turn off all unnecessary.

In second windows 10 uses telemetry very heavily. Anything to collect data about you. Mostly for targeted advertising. So, in some cases, telemetry can devour the RAM in large quantities. How to disable below.

Disable telemetry.

There is a ready-made software solution for disabling "spy" services in Windows 10.

It is called DWS. You can download it on the git hub. Here's a link

go to the "Home" tab and click the "Destroy Windows 10 Spying" button. We reboot the system and see a significant decrease in memory consumption.

Thus, you can achieve system acceleration and an increase in free RAM!

My results for disabling telemetry and Windows acceleration

Hello! Every year the requirements for computer hardware are getting higher and higher. And it is not surprising, the industry is developing and in order to satisfy the appetite of gluttonous programs, operating systems and games, you need to throw more and more RAM on your steel stallion. The rest of the hardware, of course, is also becoming obsolete and over time they have to be updated, but for some reason it is the cherished gigabytes of RAM that have become a favorite dish of the main consumers: the browser and the tenth Windows. In today's article, I offer you several simple ways to reduce the consumption of RAM.

Destroy Windows 10 Spying

Windows 8.1 is installed on my PC, which, after booting, with a couple of programs running at the start, can consume about 2 gigabytes of RAM. If you start a browser with several active tabs, then the figure increases to 4-5 gigs. Determining the exact numbers for each operating system is quite difficult, so you may eat less RAM, or maybe more. But what we all know very well is that Windows 10 can eat in much larger portions. This is due primarily to the so-called, although there are other reasons. Telemetry processes are operating system background tasks that collect diagnostic data. We have already mentioned them many times in other articles. So in the latest version of the operating system from Microsoft, there are much more services somehow related to telemetry than those of its predecessors. It is not hard to guess that for the spy state to function properly, a lot of system resources are required, in particular, RAM. You can kill gluttonous processes by detailed settings operating system, but as practice shows, it is very difficult to completely get rid of them in this way. It is much easier to install the appropriate utility. And this is where Destroy Windows 10 Spying comes to our rescue, which is capable of not only fighting spyware, but also disabling Windows Defender, Cortana, Windows Updater and much more.

The functionality of the program is quite extensive and I suggest that you personally familiarize yourself with it, especially since the interface is very simple and straightforward. Moreover, the software is freely available. If you have another operating system installed, then do not worry, on the Internet you can easily find analogs for both Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. In my case, when using DWS, I managed to save about a gigabyte of RAM. If you are already familiar with this utility, then write in the comments whether it helped you or not.

Easy Service Optimizer

Along with telemetry processes, in the operating system, especially in the top ten, there are other processes that most of us never use, and therefore it is recommended to disable them. Each background task consumes very little RAM, but if you add them all, you will see that several hundred megabytes are directed not at all where you need it. You can also disable useless processes manually through the control panel, but it is best to traditionally use third-party software that will fix your problem with one key press. Here comes to our aid. We also devoted a separate article to him, so you can read it.

This program is also a representative of free products and has only one goal - to kill useless processes. After starting, simply select the mode (Deafault, Safe, Tweaked, Extreme) at the very bottom of the window and confirm the changes with the "Apply" button in the upper left corner. Restart the PC, and enjoy the several hundred megabytes freed. In addition, you also get a slightly unloaded processor. who will thank you for that.

The only thing that we need to manually disable is the Superfetch service, which stores various data about programs, libraries, processes, and so on in the computer's RAM. In certain cases, this service can speed up the work of the PC, but when there is not enough RAM on the computer, then it should be disabled.

To do this, go to the control panel and go to the "System and Security" section. Open the "Administration" section and go to the list of services. Find Superfetch, right-click on it, go to the properties and set the launch type: disabled. We save the settings and reboot the PC. In my case, the consumption of RAM dropped by 300 MB, which is certainly not enough, but if you have about 2 GB of memory on your computer, then this will be more than 10% of the total, which is not bad at all. Especially if you apply this recommendation along with the rest.

As for working with browsers, you can use the image optimization functions and unloading unused tabs from memory.

For example, in Yandex browser, these functions can be found in additional settings. With other browsers, things are a little more complicated. You will most likely need to install additional extensions. For example, OneTab, The Great Suspender, TabMemFree or other analogs, they are all approximately the same. However, be careful with extensions - this is a double-edged sword. Although in the overwhelming majority they are able to add additional functionality to the browser, at the same time they can also cause a lack of RAM. Therefore, it is not recommended to install too many extensions, it is best to do with the most necessary ones. The same goes for the browser design. The selection of beautiful animated themes is guaranteed to come with performance issues due to lack of RAM.


A very simple, but very effective utility that frees all data from RAM with just one click. It is distributed free of charge and supports the Russian language. Moreover, there is portable versionthat does not require installation. Official site -

http: //] After installing the program, an icon will appear in the system tray, which will show the amount of used RAM as a percentage. By clicking on the icon, you will see a small program window with which you can carry out cleaning. In the settings, you can set the minimized launch of the software when the operating system boots. You can also set automatic cleaning at a certain time interval (5, 10, 15.30 minutes) or when the RAM is full to a certain level (10, 20, 30, 40, 50%). Thus, after installation and configuration, you will forget that you have installed this program, and it will always release several gigabytes of RAM. In general, it is a very useful thing, I have been using it myself for several years now, although I rarely experience problems related to the amount of RAM.

If we summarize all of the above tips, we get that to reduce the consumption of RAM we need:

1. Destroy Windows Spying - to destroy telemetry processes.

2. Easy Service Optimizer - to disable useless background processes.

3. Manually disable Superfetch, which is the most voracious process.

4. Enabling browser functions to optimize images and unload inactive tabs.

5. Removal of a large number of additional extensions.

6. Using standard themes.

7. MemReduct - for regular and invisible data unloading from RAM.

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