How to return the system a day ago. How to roll back Windows

When working with a computer, failures often occur. Some of them can lead to bad consequences, up to a complete system failure. To fix this problem, you need to roll back the system. In this article, we will tell you how to rollback windows 7 system to a specific date. It is quite possible to perform such actions and there is nothing beyond natural in this.

Reasons There are many reasons for this. First of all, it is the incompetence of the user himself. Knowledge about a computer and working with it is not enough, but the desire to delve into a folder called windows, where all information about a given system is stored, takes over. There are situations when, due to inexperience or carelessness, the necessary data is deleted and, starting from the first reboot, the computer stops working.

The second reason is viruses. The computer is constantly exposed to a significant number of virus attacks, and viruses can easily enter the system. This should never be forgotten, especially when working with the Internet.

Recovery using system tools It is quite possible to restore the system using the standard program, if, after all, the reason is not a virus damage to the operating system. Before rolling back, you need to check your computer for virus infection. If this is the case, then the system just needs to be cleaned. After the complete removal of all virus programs, you can start rolling back the system.

Actions begin by going to the Start menu. Next, you need to click on the line "All programs" and find the section "Standard". After opening the section, click on the "System" folder. In the menu, select the section "Windows 7 System Restore". After that, the system will scan the computer for a few minutes and open the system recovery program. In the pop-up window, select the date to which you want to rollback. Then click Next and wait until your computer restarts.

It is worth noting that a system rollback cannot be carried out for a certain time, since for this you need to create restore points. To successfully complete the process, you need to make sure that the computer system itself has the ability to create restore points. Usually this function is enabled by default at the factory settings of the computer. In addition, there are programs that allow you to create such points yourself.

Rollback using disks Use this method in cases where an attempt to rollback using system tools is unsuccessful. To do this, you need a recovery disc. It is necessary after turning on the computer to insert the media and boot the first stage. Further, you just need to consistently execute the commands according to the instructions that appear on the screen. Everything, the system is rolled back!

Conclusion Now you know how to rollback windows 7 to a specific date. It is advisable to create a restore point yourself or check if it exists at all before installing each program. Thus, you can avoid serious consequences by keeping the previous settings and programs installed earlier.

How to rollback windows 7

Each of us, in the course of using a computer, faces various problems, it simply cannot be avoided. Someone catches a virus, someone has a program failure, or even a system failure, problems can be described for a long time. They manage everything in different ways, someone calls specialists, someone is looking for a suitable antivirus, or reinstalls something. But the easiest way is to roll back the system to the date before the problems.

System rollback will restore system files to the date when the restore point was created, and programs installed after will be removed from the system. Documents, files, music, films will not be affected. Therefore, I recommend creating them manually from time to time. The operating system itself creates them once at a certain time and before installing programs that may affect system files.

And so press start - all programs - standard - service - system restore

System Restore will start, click Next

At the next step, you will see all the current restore points, if you need everything at all, including the old ones, then check the box next to "Show other restore points". Then select the desired restore point and click next. Please note that there is a description for each restore point, sometimes it is very useful. (for example, "The point was created before installing such a program")

At the next step, confirm the decision by clicking on the "DONE" button

How do I restore the system to an earlier date?

In this article, I will talk about how to restore the operating system to a working state if any problems started in the system.

Sometimes it happens that after installing an unknown program or updating the driver, the system starts to work incorrectly or stops starting altogether.

In most cases, such problems are solved by restoring the system at an earlier date.

That is, before installing some programs or drivers, a restore point is created or updated on the system partition of the hard disk. This is done so that you can roll back the system in case of problems.

If the system suddenly starts working incorrectly, then first you should use the last known good configuration or safe mode. Here's how to do it.

If the first method did not help, then you need to perform a system restore.

How do I restore the system?

After the operating system is installed, recovery is enabled by default. It is highly discouraged to turn it off, because if there are no restore points, you will have to reinstall the OS in case of malfunctions ...

In order to enter the system recovery menu, you must first open the control panel and select Recovery. If you have windows 7, then System Restore is located both in the Control Panel and in the Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools.

A window with the following content will appear:

System recovery menu

Creating a recovery disc - recording the operating state of the operating system on a flash drive or DVD disc. A useful thing that will help to restore the stable operation of the system, even if it cannot be started. Recovery is performed using a bootable image.

Launching System Restore - Cancels all performed actions on the system and restores the last working state until the OS was affected by any application or user action.

At startup, a window will appear with the choice of previous dates and times when the system worked normally. In order to restore, select the date you need and follow the path - further. You will have to wait a bit for the system rollback to complete.

Also, you can see which programs may be affected after recovery.

System recovery settings

In the settings, you can choose on which partitions the restore points will be created, the amount of disk space for creating points and directly creating a point right now.

Protecting the system from unwanted changes

When you click the Configure button, you will be presented with a choice between enabling or disabling recovery (of course, it is recommended to enable it), as well as a choice of disk space.

Recovery settings

You can leave the default size or choose a larger one (for better effect). After that, space will be reserved on the C: / drive and will be filled as required.

Also you can see the occupied space by the restore point.

If it is not possible to boot the operating system, then insert the installation disc with the OS and preload it (it must be set in the BIOS in the BOOT CD-DVD ROM section first in the list, otherwise the disc will not boot, but the OS will start loading. be an optical drive or flash drive, and the second is a hard disk drive (HDD)). After loading the disk in the initial window for installation at the bottom will be the item "System Restore". This menu will be the same as described above.

How to create a restore point in windows and roll back the system

Regularly working with a computer, there is a high probability of "catching" a virus that will affect the stability of the operating system. If removing all threats with an antivirus program and uninstalling recently installed programs and drivers did not help, you will have to use Windows 7 system rollback.

Today I will tell you about several ways to do this. Don't think it's hard. Any novice user can handle it.

What is a rollback point?

A rollback point (TO) or a restore point (TV) is a version of Windows OS hidden in the archive (What is data archiving). It can be used in the future to resume computers. TO is created either automatically by the system (after each installation of new software or drivers), or independently by the user. Without a Windows restore point, this process cannot be performed.

We create TO for our own safety

If you do not want to worry about the safety of your own data, create a TV before installing new programs and drivers and if you plan to make changes to the registry or BIOS configuration. To create a backup archive, you need to follow a few simple steps. This is done in a few minutes.

Click the "Start" button (located in the lower left part of the screen) and follow the path: "Computer - Properties - System Protection". The following should open:

Through this window, not only the creation of TO takes place, but also the direct restoration of the operating system. Before starting, check that protection is activated on the system disk. If not, click the "Configure" button. A window will open in which you need to select the desired partition and the amount of memory that will be allocated for backups (3-5 GB is enough).

Now we turn to the process of forming a restore point. As many of you have guessed, it starts with clicking the "Create" button.

In the field of the window that opens, enter a description. For example, if you plan to install the "Example" program, you can specify its name. If it comes to a rollback, it will make it easier to navigate. It should be noted that the TO can be stored in the computer from several weeks to several months. Therefore, if you created it a few days ago, you can easily use this point.

We carry out a rollback through "Start" and "Run"

If your computer has stopped working stably, but it starts up, then you can restore it directly from the windows interface. First you need to open the system utility. This can be done in two ways.

The first one is to go to "Start" and type "restore ..." in the search bar. An issue will appear where you need to select the "System Restore" application. The second is through the command line. To open it, press the Win key combination (located between CTRL and ALT) + R. In the line type "rstrui.exe" (without quotes). When using any method, the required program will open, which looks like this:

The next page will display a list of available restore points. Select the one you need (be guided by the description and creation date).

At the final stage, you need to select a system drive and click the "Finish" button. Another window will appear. In it, click "Yes". The rollback will take place over the next few minutes. It will end after rebooting the system. On the opened desktop, information about the end of the return of the previous parameters should appear. If nothing has changed, try repeating the process, but with an earlier TV.

Using Last Known Good Configuration

If the malfunction is so critical that the operating system will not start, you will have to use this method. In fact, it is the simplest one. It is necessary to take a minimum of steps to return your PC to work.

Reboot the PC and, after loading the BIOS (when the start screen picture ends), press the F8 key several times (located at the top of the keyboard above the standard numbers). This will open the page for selecting additional OS startup parameters. Here you must select Last Known Good Configuration.

If everything is normal, then stable work will be resumed. When you restart your computer after selecting the above item and returning to the previous black screen, you must use the method that I will describe below.

We activate "Safe Mode" to rollback Windows

If the methods described earlier did not help, use this. Start the reboot again and press the F8 key several times after activating the BIOS. You will see the already familiar section with a black background, where you need to select "Safe Mode":

The system will start, but with serious restrictions. I will say right away that you will not be able to interact with many applications, since this mode is intended for system actions (in particular, for rollback). Run the "System Restore" utility, as we did in the first method. Only here, at the first step, you need to manually select maintenance:

Further, the algorithm of actions is already familiar: select the desired point and the system disk and agree with all subsequent conditions. After the reboot, the correct operation of the Windows OS should resume. But provided that you created the backup before the problem occurred.

We roll back the system with the installation disk and to the factory settings

Go to this method if the previous ones did not help. To use it, you must have a USB flash drive or disk with windows of the required version in your hands, I already told you how to write an image of a boot disk. That is, if you have a "seven" and a disc with a "ten", then you will not be able to roll back from 10 to 7. To start, insert a disc or flash drive, restart your computer. After activating the BIOS, press F9 or F11 several times.

The Windows OS installer should start. On the start page, click on the "System Restore" button.

A well-known utility will run, where you need to select a restore point, a system disk and agree with all subsequent warnings. It is possible to roll back to factory settings. But it depends on the features of the PC and the installer. This can be done at the stage of choosing a recovery tool (see the screen above):

In the next step, select the first item:

Once the process is complete, the computer will restart and you will have to re-specify the system configurations. It is worth noting the main disadvantage of this method - after it all files on the hard disk will be deleted. Don't forget to save them to the cloud.

Of course, it is better to never face such a thing, but no one is immune from the activities of modern hackers. If you want to protect yourself from modern threats, use the Dr.Web Security Space 11 antivirus program. You can buy it in the large online software store AllSoft.

Now you know where the tools needed to rollback windows 7 are located. With this knowledge, you can easily restore the correct operation of your computer if any problems arise. My article today is coming to an end.

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog! Andrey Zenkov was with you, I'll see you in the following articles.

Hello dear guests and readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about how to roll back the system inWindows 7 ... The meaning of this action is so that in case of system failures and for a number of other reasons, it would be possible to restore the system to the point when everything was in order with it. There is nothing complicated about this, everything is very similar to system restore function in Windows XP, but there are some changes and improvements.

Why do you need to do a system restore?

In fact, there are many reasons why a system restore may be required. For example, as I already mentioned, when the system starts to malfunction, or after incorrectly installing any drivers. And also to restore the system from changes made by any virus and so on.

How to rollback Windows 7?

So, how do you rollback Windows 7 without using or installing a special program to copy and restore the system? The answer to this question is simple, use the built-in Windows System Restore feature.

In order to start the Windows 7 System Restore Wizard and restore the system to an earlier state, open the Start Menu, expand the All Programs list. After that, open the "Standard" folder, then go to the "System" folder and select the command "System Restore".

Before you, the System Restore Wizard window will open. Click Next.

After that, the window of restore points created earlier will open. These restore points are created automatically by the restore wizard. In order to roll back Windows 7, select the required Windows 7 restore point and click the "Next" button.

In the next window, click on the "Finish" button.

After that, a dialog box will open with a warning that the system recovery process cannot be stopped, we agree and click on the "Yes" button. Immediately after that, the rollback of the Windows 7 system will begin, during the system recovery process, the computer will restart.

Attention! If, after starting the System Restore Wizard, a similar window appears with a notification that you do not have checkpoints. This means that you cannot roll back Windows 7 because the automatic creation of system restore points is disabled.

In order to change recovery options and enable automatic creation of restore points, open the Start menu, go to "Control Panel".Start configuring system parameters by clicking on "System".

Then go to "System protection".

And click on the "Configure" button. A dialog box will open in which you can set the system recovery options.

If I missed something, I would be grateful if you supplement my article with your comments!

A fully working function of restoring one of the previously saved system states appeared in Windows XP. This is a very useful and necessary feature of the OS to bring it back to life after a software problem. The user himself is to blame for some of these situations, but most conflicts are related to the imperfection of the operating system and the software products used in it. It often happens that the operating system generates an error while loading the desktop or launching an application after installing or uninstalling a software product (application, driver of a new device), deleting or modifying a system file, or being infected with malicious files. In addition to error messages, Windows can slow down, constantly throw it to the desktop, or display system tray notifications.

For the most part, these things cannot be solved by removing the problematic driver, application, or restoring the system file. What remains besides reinstalling the operating system? Her recovery. Today we will look at how to rollback Windows XP without using the disk with the installation files.

Windows XP recovery implementation

After Windows is installed, the System Restore Application starts automatically and creates a rollback or restore point when performing most actions that can harm the system (modify or replace system files, work with the registry in write mode):

  • installing programs using Windows Installer and other installers that support system recovery;
  • before installing updates and drivers;
  • every day with default settings;
  • at the request of the user.

A restore point is a hidden system directory called System Volume Information. It stores copies of Windows registry entries, installed applications, and system components. For this, a free amount of disk space is allocated on the system volume, up to 12% of the total size of the partition.

Due to the imperfection of system recovery in XP (complete registry reservation, backing up only certain types of files from a clearly limited list of directories), after OS rollback to a previous state after updating a driver or program, they can often not completely return to their previous state. As a result, you have to manually reinstall the product.

Working with Windows XP Recovery

In order to make sure that the System Restore Application is active, call the "Properties" directory "My Computer" and go to the "System Restore" tab.

  • In order to view the system restore points and roll back XP, we call the "System Restore" window using one of the proposed methods.
  • Enter "rstui" or "rstui.exe" in the "Run" line and press "Enter".

  • We go to the address:
  • We select the first option, as shown in the screenshot, in order to be able to view all the Windows XP restore points created by you and the operating system and roll back its state to the selected moment.

  • We select the rollback point from the list or through the calendar.

This will provide more convenience when there are many restore points spread over a significant time span. The days when rollback points were created are shown in bold.

  • Click "Next".

  • We close all running applications, as warned by the recovery program, and click "Next".

  • We are waiting for the completion of operations to copy earlier versions of system files.

  • We reboot the computer after a window appears with information about the completion of the system rollback procedure.

Solution of problems

There are times when a restore fails for a number of reasons. In such cases, you need to start the system rollback process again, but at the second step, choose to undo the last restore, as in the screenshot. Then you can try to rollback again, but choose a different point (preferably created just before the used one).

It is possible that the service files located in the System Volume Information are damaged, which prevents attempts to access them.

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Rolling back the windows 10 system means returning the settings to an earlier state, but it does not mean returning to the seven or eight from which an update to ten may have occurred. You can roll back only if a restore point has been created and it is disabled by default.

How to roll back windows 10

To do this, you need to go to the recovery section, for example, through the classic "Control Panel". In this panel, you need to find the recovery partition, click on it. After that, three links will appear on which you can go. You must select "Start System Restore" by clicking on it.

Then put a tick in front of the line "Select another restore point", a large selection of rollbacks will open, after clicking "Next".

A window will then appear showing all previously saved points. You need to select the required one by highlighting it with the left mouse click, again select "Next".

Then the Windows 10 system will do everything on its own. It only remains to wait a while. If the system files were deleted before the procedure, then it will not be possible to return everything back. This can be done only if you have an image of your operating system, for example, on a disk or USB flash drive.

How to roll back windows 10

To do this, you need to go to the "Control Panel", select the "System and Security" section, open the "System" item, then click on "System Protection" (top left). After that, the "System Properties" window will open, in the "System Protection" tab, click on the "Restore" button.

In the window that opens, select a suitable point, click "Next".

It will be shown to what date the rollback will occur, click "Finish".

How to rollback windows 10 through recovery environment

To resuscitate Windows 10, a special recovery environment is provided, implemented in the form of a menu for selecting various actions on a blue screen background.

If the computer boots, then you can get into this environment by holding down the Shift key and pressing the restart button.

If it does not boot at all, you can try to get into the recovery environment by holding down the Shift + F8 keys during system boot. As soon as the computer starts to boot, you need to quickly press the Shift key, and then very quickly press the F8 key.

It is easier to enter this environment using an installation disc or a specially created recovery disc. To do this, you will need to insert the installation DVD into your computer drive, or connect a bootable USB flash drive. In the BIOS, set the boot from the appropriate media. Click "Next" in the first window of the OS installer.

In the window that opens, select "System Restore".

This will open the recovery environment, in the menu you need to open the "Diagnostics" section.

Click "Advanced options".

Then select the recovery partition.

If your computer has two operating systems, you will have to choose the one you need.
The process of rolling back the system will start. Click "Next".

In the restore points selection window, check the box for showing other points. Then it will be possible to choose a suitable date. After choosing the optimal point, click "Next".

Then "Done".

Confirm the rollback decision.

When the process is complete, restart your PC.

After that, the restored OS should start.

How to roll back the system

How to roll back from windows 10 during the OS recovery process and delete all user data, including account settings, personal settings and files, will be discussed further.

Using this method, after reinstalling Windows 10, you will get a completely new computer in which important information that was previously stored there will not be saved.

To return the OS to its original state, you need to click on the Start button and run the "Options" command. The Application Options window appears.

Then click on the Update & Security icon. Go to the left panel, click on the "Recovery" section. On the right pane, find the subsection "Return the computer to its original state", click the "Start" button.

A new window will ask you to choose one of two methods to restore your computer to its original state.

You need to select one of the options ("Keep my files" or "Delete all"), click "Next".

Windows System Rollback or System Restore is an emergency computer resuscitation feature. It returns all settings and programs that were on the computer before the crash. You should resort to using it after critical errors, improperly installed programs and drivers, when the PC does not start. In cases where the system is damaged by something and attempts to eliminate it are currently unsuccessful.

There are three ways to roll back the system. Everyone brings the same result. The difference is how damaged the performance of the computer is and whether it is possible to log into Windows. Consider the first option: Windows starts, but errors prevent the computer from working normally. To enter the System Restore window, click the "Start" button, then "All Programs". Go down the scroll bar and go to the "Accessories" folder, then to the "System" folder and click "System Restore". In the window that appears, click the "Next" button. Now we select a restore point. Choose the latest (within reason), the moment when the computer worked perfectly. Click "Next". We confirm the restoration by clicking the "Finish" button. In the dialog box, we confirm the last warning with the "Yes" button and observe the process of preparing for system recovery.

The computer will restart. Do not press anything until you see a window indicating that the system restore was completed successfully.

If you want to, you can undo the system rollback and return the computer to its previous state. To do this, follow the same steps to enter the recovery wizard: the "Start" button, then "All Programs", the "Accessories" folder, the "System Tools" folder and "System Restore". Select "Undo System Restore" and click "Next". Confirm cancellation and wait for rollback.

The second way: rollback the system using safe mode (hereinafter BR). Relevant if Windows refuses to start normally. To start with BR, restart your computer. When power-up starts, press F8 until a black screen appears with Windows boot options. Select "Safe Mode" using the arrows on your keyboard and press the "Enter" key.

The operating system (OS) started in safe mode. The icons on the desktop will be enlarged, and indeed the appearance will change. Do not be alarmed, it should be so. To start the rollback of the Windows system, follow the steps already familiar to you.

Method three: rollback the system using a boot disk. We use this option in the most severe cases, when the operating system completely refuses to boot even from safe mode. To perform this recovery, you will need a Windows installation disc. Insert it into your floppy drive and restart your computer. You should now go into BIOS and put booting from CD / DVD first. If you do not know what a BIOS is, you should not perform the recovery yourself. Wrong actions will severely harm your computer. Contact a specialist with a breakdown. If the boot disk starts successfully, select "System Restore".

If two operating systems are installed, select the one you need and click "System Restore", "Restart" again. Next, you will find a standard system recovery process. When finished, remove the disc from the drive and enjoy your working computer.

Hope you were able to rollback Windows and all problems were fixed!

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