Windows 7 startup location. Disable or enable startup programs using CCleaner. Tips for setting up and forming a priority list of programs

Hello everyone! My article will be devoted to the topic "How to open startup windows 7". Many of you know that a lot depends on autoloading. For example, the speed of your computer will depend on the number of automatically loaded programs. The autoload system is convenient in that it allows you to turn on the user's favorite programs immediately after turning on the PC. This significantly saves time if you had to turn on each program manually.

However, there are also some nuances here. When downloading new applications, there are also those that are independently introduced into the list of automatically loaded programs, which significantly slows down the download and the work process itself operating system... After all, each of the programs takes up a certain amount of RAM and affects the speed of the computer. But this is just one of the factors that can slow down your PC.

  1. For example, a registry cluttered with temporary files also affects the speed of your computer. In order to clean the registry and work with autorun programs, I recommend excellent program - Сcleaner.
  2. It is understandable even for a novice user and allows you to optimize your PC.

Now let's figure out how to open windows 7 startup. To do this, you will need to use the line quick launch... To call it, on the keyboard press the key combination Win + R.

  • In the line enter the command msconfig, and you will see the "" panel in Windows 7.
  • Press "Enter" and the "" window will open and you will see a list of all programs that start loading when the operating system is turned on.

Filter the entire list and uncheck those programs that you rarely use or don't use at all.

If some programs are not familiar to you, then consult about their purpose in google search engine... In the same window, the "Services" tab displays a list of services that are also included in automatic mode when turning on the PC.

However, I would not advise you to rush in this matter and turn off everything. Since disabling some services will negatively affect the operation of the operating system.

In addition to removing programs from the startup list, you can add frequently used applications to this list. To do this, open the folder "":

"Start" - "" and select "Open".

Add a shortcut to the corresponding program there. Finally, I would like to note that autorun and autorun are different concepts. Don't confuse them. Autostart is loading applications while connecting removable media (flash drives, disks, etc.).

Now you know how to open windows 7 startup and remove unnecessary programs from the list that only "slow down" the loading of the operating system. Success to everyone!

Program startup allows applications for which it is configured to start when the operating system starts, without waiting for the user to manually activate them. This is very useful function, which allows you to save time on turning on applications that the user needs every time the system starts. But, at the same time, processes that are not always needed by the user often end up in startup. Thus, they uselessly load the system, slowing down the computer. Let's find out how different ways view the autorun list in Windows 7.

You can view the autorun list both with the help of internal system resources and using third-party applications.

Method 1: CCleaner

Almost all modern applications to optimize the operation of the computer, they support manipulations with the autorun list One of these utilities is a program.

Method 2: Autoruns

There is also a narrow-profile utility that specializes in working with autoloading various elements in the system. Let's see how to look at the autorun list in it.

Method 3: Run window

Now let's move on to ways to view the startup list using the built-in system tools. First of all, this can be done by giving a specific command in the window "Run".

Method 4: Control Panel

In addition, the system configuration window, and hence the tab, can be accessed through the Control Panel.

Now let's figure out exactly where autoloading is prescribed in the operating room windows system 7. Shortcuts containing a link to the location of programs on your hard drive are located in a special folder. It is the addition of such a shortcut with a link to it that allows you to download the program automatically when the OS starts. Let's figure out how to enter such a folder.

Method 6: system registry

But, as you may have noticed, the number of shortcuts combined in all startup folders was much less than applications in the startup list, which we observed in the system configuration window or using third-party utilities. This is due to the fact that autorun can be registered not only in special folders, but also in the branches of the system registry. Let's find out how you can view the startup records in the system windows registry 7.

We recommend not to use it without essential necessity. this method to view startup items entered through a registry entry, especially if you are unsure of your knowledge and skills. This is due to the fact that changes to entries in the registry can lead to very sad consequences for the system as a whole. Therefore viewing specified information best done with third-party utilities or through the system configuration window.

As you can see, there are several ways to view the startup list in the Windows 7 operating system. Of course, full information about this is easier and more convenient to get by using third party utilities... But those users who do not want to install additional software can find out the necessary information using the built-in OS tools.

Startup in windows 7, like in other operating systems, is a tool that loads applications automatically immediately after the OS starts. On the one hand, this is very convenient, since required applications start automatically. On the other hand, there may be problems. During installation, some utilities prescribe themselves to startup, although the user does not need them. In this case, the entire operation of the computer may slow down.

Startup and System Configuration

Speaking about how to view windows 7 startup, I must say that it is easy to do this with a built-in program called System Configuration or MSConfig. In order to open it you need to go to the Start menu. In the search window, where it is proposed to find documents, enter the msconfig command, and then press Enter. If everything is fine, then a utility window should appear in front of us.

Here we are interested in the Startup tab. Opening it, we will see a set of applications that are different on each computer. Those programs that have a checkmark next to it are automatically loaded when you enter the OS. In order to change this, you just need to remove the selection opposite unnecessary utility and click OK.

How to change settings

Now applications will not open when entering the OS, but if they are needed for work, then you can launch them yourself by clicking on the icon. Do not forget, if you do not know what this application is and what it is used for, it is not recommended to change the settings. The utilities can always be returned to startup by checking the box next to them and applying the changes.

Alternatively, you can go to the Start-All Programs menu. There is special folder Startup. By clicking on it right click, in the list that appears, select Open. For the program to automatically load when you enter windows 7, you just need to move its shortcut to an open folder.

After you change the settings, they will automatically stop loading unnecessary programs, but only those that you need for work, you will see how it will become more convenient to work. The OS often boots up much faster after that. In addition, unnecessary programs will not constantly bother you, distracting you from work. Change the settings periodically, since, as I already mentioned, some utilities themselves register their opening when entering the OS.

Video to help

Before its release, everything was much easier - in Windows XP, there was a Startup folder in the Start menu and there were all the programs that were launched together with the OS.

Windows 7 also has such a folder, but it is often empty or there are very few programs in it - obviously not so much as actually being in startup.

But besides its main function, this program performs many auxiliary tasks. One of them is editing the startup folder.

Downloading the program

The last cCleaner version, can be downloaded for free on the official website by clicking on the inscription "CCleaner" (highlighted in blue in the picture # 7).

Figure: No. 7. CCleaner official website and download page

As you can see, there are also versions for Mac OS and Android.

Advice! Download the full version of CCleaner, not CCleaner Portable or CCleaner Slim, because these are stripped-down versions and may be missing some features. To do this, click on exactly the inscription that is highlighted in figure 6.

Another verified link - after following it, you need to click on one of the links under the “Download from” inscription in the “CCleaner Free” column (highlighted in Figure 8).

Figure: No. 8. CCleaner download page at

The download file should be run and wait for the end of the installation. This process is quite standard here and usually does not take much time.

Using CCleaner to Access Startup

After starting, select the "Service" tab in the menu on the left. Then it remains to go to the "Startup" tab in the CCleaner services menu.

These items are highlighted in red in Figure 9.

Figure: No. 9. Access to autoloads via CCleaner

Using CCleaner for working with programs at startup is somewhat different from what we saw in the standard for Windows box system configuration.

Here, in order to remove a program from startup, you must click on it in the list, and then use the set of commands on the right side.

They are highlighted in yellow in Figure 8.

There are commands "enable" (available only for currently disabled programs), "disable" (available only for enabled programs) and "delete".

After reading the paraphrased catch phrase about a certain measure of restrictions “computer resources are not rubber”, you may smile. At the same time, a novice user is not laughing when his brand new PC with preinstalled Windows 7 (namely this version system and will be considered as basic) with each new launch it loses more and more in performance. As practice shows, not many "tired of waiting" understand that the answer to the question of how to enter Windows 7 startup is one of the ways to solve the voiced problem.

If you do not understand where the former "Windows-playfulness" has gone, when you are overcome by various doubts and you are tired of the itching questions in your head: "Why, how and where?", - it's time to get rid of the burden of ignorance and put into practice advice and recommendations from the presented article. Well, let's get from words to deeds!

PC hardware: the iron slowdown culprit

First of all, you need to figure out what your computer is capable of. That is, using special program (eg Aida), find out what's under the "hood" computing machine... In principle, such a check is optional. However, having accurate information about the user will be insured against the sometimes unjustified expenditure of time resources and their own forces. After all, we often install very serious software on our PC, ignoring the issue of hardware self-sufficiency. A computer with a weak processor and a small amount of RAM is a device doomed to slow down. In such a situation, even the resolved difficulty: “How to enter the Windows 7 autoload” will, in general, be a useless idea.

So, where are the programs hiding that "strain" the computer?

During the installation process, the software can, so to speak, be registered in startup. Which is what happens in most cases. Once on the priority launch list, such programs begin to work in background directly at the start of the OS.

As you understand, the software activated in this way, due to its influence, consumes certain system resources. In particular, rAM computer, which ultimately affects the whole.

How to go to startup "Windows 7": standard access method

In order to enter the menu you are interested in, you can use the most acceptable way for you.

However, in order to get a complete list of "priority" software, you must use the method described below.

  • IN search bar in the start menu, enter msconfig.
  • Activate the app that appears.
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Startup" tab.

It should be noted that in the main menu "System Configuration" there is a tab "Services". In some cases, especially when each megabyte of RAM is on a special account, you can deactivate individual Windows services. For example, the rarely used service " Remote registry”Can no doubt be disabled.

Not a complicated deactivation process and critical changes in the OS

Do not rush to remove seeming redundant programs and services, since such editing can call into question the favorableness of the performed action "How to enter Windows 7 startup". Disabling some services will inevitably affect the stability of the OS. And you shouldn't get excited with programs either. For example, if you deactivate Skype, you are likely to miss an important incoming call... After all, you are used to the fact that the application is constantly working.

In the event that you turn off the video or audio dispatcher, advanced settings will become unavailable to you in terms of "hot" adjustment. Of course, you can uninstall minor applications. After all, now you know how to find startup. Otherwise, it all depends on your preferences and the goals that you pursue.

Where is the software potential of the OS hidden?

In some cases, it is more expedient to use special software. Because some developers "taught" their software to hide from Windows monitoring services. Such applications do not appear in standard menu autoloads, and therefore are not available for an ordinary user in the editing plan. It only allows you to detect "hidden software". However, having installed a specialized program, you will be surprised how much the standard startup list differs from the complete “price list” of programs running in the background.

What can't you see in Microsoft - Windows 7 Help?

  • Use the "Win + R" hotkeys to open the "Run" window.
  • Enter the "regedit" command.
  • In the editor section "HKEY CURRENT USER".
  • Then follow the path: Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Run.
  • In the right area of \u200b\u200bthe editor a list of "priority values" will be displayed.

In the case when a multi-user scheme is implemented in the system (logging in under different accounts), the above branch at its end will have additional symbols "Once".

By the way, system folder startup location is located in the directory: C: \\ Users \\ username \\ AppData (hidden folder) \\ Roaming \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Start Menu \\ Programs \\ Startup.


  • In the main program window, open the "Optimize" tab.
  • Now go to "Deactivate autorun programs".
  • In the list that opens, using the slider, you can enable / disable the required applications.

Incredibly comfortable software in all respects. It may well happen that circumstances will require the return of the deactivated program to the "priority order". As you understand, the user will not have any complications with the solution of the question: "How to enable autoloading?", Since the reverse process can be easily implemented using the same slider.

Tips for setting up and forming a priority list of programs

Literally for all users - those who are not limited in terms of operational resources, or, on the contrary, who save even on visual effects, - the recommendations below will be helpful.

  • You should not get carried away with the process of total shutdown. First, figure out what kind of object you want to deactivate.
  • Often the user deletes from startup really the desired program solely for the reason that the operation of the software is accompanied by an incomprehensible slowdown of the OS, and also the browser from Microsoft integrated into the system starts spontaneously. Windows 7, like any other version of the operating system with such "symptoms", requires antivirus maintenance.

  • Run Ad-Aware program and you will get rid of intrusive problems.
  • Typically, scanners, printers, cameras, and a host of other peripheral equipment are rarely used at home. Nevertheless, in addition to drivers, the user often installs specialized software that constantly turns to the support site for updates. As you can imagine, excessive activity is lost performance.

Instead of an afterword

Now you understand why your brand new computer with OS from Microsoft Windows 7 was so fast the first time. Of course, he gradually overgrown software, the startup list also increased, and this, as you already know, entails a waste of system resources. At the same time, the registry database expanded, and the reading head of the hard drive as it filled disk space more and more time and energy had to be spent on accessing certain data. Only optimization, systematic maintenance of the computer can guarantee high performance of the PC and efficient use of the OS. Keep an eye on your electronic friend and remember: if the computing device becomes slower, you know where the startup is!

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