How to indicate information about yourself in VK. What to write in the section "about yourself. Fill in the section "About Me"

I wandered around the forums and stumbled upon such a topic “What can I write in the interests section of a contact?”, It struck me, the person who wrote this probably has no interests at all. I will not discuss anyone, I’d better try to answer the question.

In the interests section you should write about:

After all, this can be read by a girl who accidentally gets to your page, and if nonsense is written in her interests, she will immediately close your page. I advise you to sit down and think about this, you will definitely find what interests you, and don’t try to go to the forum and asking "interests in contact what to write?"

I advise you to format the Interests section as tags so that users with the same interests can find each other through a search. If you don’t know what tags are, here is an example.

Auto, computers, sea, beach, girls, etc.

Use a comma, preferably one word each.

VKontakte interests for girls

And now I will lay out vkontakte ready-made collections of interests for girls.

Sea. The sun. Summer. Rain…
  Sky. Stars. Race. Night…..
  Givenchy Armani. Hugo ...
  Mother. Dad. Friend. Girlfriend…
  Romanticism. Love. Spring….
  Hands. Lips. Life without sleep ....
  Summer cottages. Party Chocolate. And someone’s gaze in love ...
  Impeccability. Style. Perfume. Perfect manicure ....
  Nelly Coolio. Solaar ... A gentle bronze tan ... ..
  Beauty. Smile. Photo ... .. Height. The dream of flying .......
  Books, ICQ, Inet, Vkontakte ... Youth and Creative ....
  Sincerity and Positive ....
  Pride. Speed. Face-control ...
  Flame. Passion. Fire. Bonfire ... ..
  Butterflies Delight and Joy ... ..
  Heart. Tears Laughter. An accident ... ..
  Rainbow. Flowers and Children ....
  We are living! We live all this! ... ..

Family, travel, photography, smiles, sports, life, soul, children, joy, love, luck, computer, photoshop, outdoor activities, travel, people, business, religion, movies, television, chocolate, sea, harmony, good mood, tourism, good cars, speed, Italian, Italy, sea, mountains, summer, music, dancing, socializing, fashion ...

Music, movies, shopping, ice cream, watching TV, twister, science fiction, chatting on the phone, perfume, Swarovski, fireworks, cosmetics, sea, starry sky, sunset, internet, friends, fashion clothes, dancing, denyushki, pionerball, cats, jokes, festivities, expensive cars, key chains on a mobile phone, milk chocolate, laughter, theater, rain, soft toys, chess, traveling, Me to you, friends, contact, communication, relatives, family ties, milk shakes, intrigues, Diroi Senses, expensive hotels, sea, yachts, the sun, chupiki, rafaelki, Danissimo Fantasy, elastic bands, hair clips, br aslets, stationery, pool, shampoos, caps, Terranova, Zara, Stradivarius, Mango, bags, hoodie, jeans (dark and white), water, deckchairs, books, fast food, valentines, flowers, flomziki, strawberries, bananas, beautiful clothes, good food, cosmetics, jewelry, animals, guinea pigs, films, love iPhone 3G, photos

I'm the one ... who dreams of sleepless nights.
  I'm a mixture of screaming and smiling
  From the right decisions and mistakes ...
  Made of pain and bliss
  I am perfect imperfection.
  How beautiful the morning dawn
  But like the moon, insidious and dangerous
  Strong as the wind and weak as the midge
  With a tender soul, but the freedom of a cat ...

If you have helped or liked this article, do not forget put your like, this will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you the most in order to prepare and write even more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

When filling out a page on the VKontakte social network, a question may arise about what is better to write. The sections to be filled in by a new user are many. But not everything needs to be entered immediately. If you have difficulties with any of them, then you can postpone it for later. So, what to write “VKontakte” about yourself?

What is meant by this?

In the column under the talking title "About Me" you need to indicate information relating specifically to you. Write whatever you see fit. But remember:

  • listing hobbies in this paragraph is not necessary;
  • the same applies to music, books and all that for which separate sections are allocated;
  • try not to write too much so that other users do not have the opinion that you have megalomania.

What to write "VKontakte" about yourself?

Let's imagine that you were asked to briefly talk about yourself. Here is what you

answer, and you need to write in this column. Except for all of the above. Write about what you are proud of in yourself, what qualities you value. You can also insert excerpts from various literary works, if, of course, they are in place. You can write “VKontakte” about yourself in poetry. When filling out the Interests section, we recommend that you use the following tips:

  • indicate only what really can be called a “hobby”, “hobby”;
  • “I like to wear branded clothes” is not interest, but “collecting”, “cosmetology”, “drawing” - yes;
  • in order to find hobby comrades, try to fit your “interest” into large expressions and words, then they will be regarded as tags, and when you click on them you can see all the users who indicated the same thing in this section as you .

If you do not know what to write “VKontakte” about yourself, then you can skip this section and fill out the others, and later return to it. This can be done from the main page using the link “edit”.

How to write a status on VKontakte?

In a broad sense, all statuses can be divided into three types:

  • smart expressions (quotes of great people, own point of view);
  • real information about the user (for example, “I got sick” or “my soul flies on the wings of love” and so on);
  • characters (emoticons, icons).

If you like to quote smart people, then use your status to record them. You can take sayings from books, the Internet, and even from the VKontakte site itself. You can also record everything that happens to you in status. Share with friends

information that you’re leaving for a vacation and will miss everyone, or that your page has been hacked and you apologize for spam, and so on. Important: write only what really exists.

  • Filling in the “Music” section of “VKontakte”. What to write? Indicate either specific groups, or artists whose work you admire, or simply the style of music you prefer. No need to be limited to one genre, you can specify several.
  • Finally, we return to the question of what to write “VKontakte” about yourself, and we will make one clarification. No need to upload 20 quotes, choose what is really close and consonant to you. Otherwise, other users will bypass your page and refuse to read so much “information” about you.

Despite the fact that the idea of \u200b\u200ba “magic pill” is being promoted in the world (pump up the press in a week, lose 17 kg in a month, get a girl in 1 day, buy yourself cool clothes and you will become cool yourself), there are things that really work.

They just work, not because they are mega-cool, but because they are obtained experimentally and with some work.

Put this new knowledge into practice, and you will close your questions about what to write to a girl when meeting in contact and any other social networks.

You understand that if you don’t lift your finger, then things themselves do not happen around.

And if you just read this article and don’t do anything, or if you act half-heartedly, then nothing will come of it, or the results will be unsatisfactory for you.

Answer her top 3 questions in the first posts

Any girl whom an unfamiliar guy writes is asking the following questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you want, what do you want from her?
  3. Why exactly her?

Any personwhen communication with a stranger begins, always these 3 questions in my head.

Therefore, the answers to these three questions are what you need to write after the word "Hello" to the girl.

1. "Who are you?"

Let us examine these questions in more detail.

The girl does not know you and she is interested to know who you are.

Maybe someone sent you from her friends, or you are from some real estate agency.

A lot of options scroll through her head. Clarify her situation.

Ask yourself: “Who are you?” And write to her about it.

Know for yourself the answer to this question, and then you will know your value that you will transmit through messages   when meeting her.

The following illustrative example will give you a clearer idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to write to a girl to get to know her.

2. "What do you want from her?"

This is the second question, the girl wants to know the answer from you.

Maybe you want to sell her a plasma TV via the Internet or call her in some kind of network marketing or a financial pyramid.

The Internet is full of all sorts of different people.

You can respond to three at once with one first message   question as in the following example. This is exactly what you can write to a girl when meeting in a contact in the first message.

This removes many suspicions right away.

Sometimes it’s enough to answer only one question out of threeand she’s ready to meet you. See the screenshot.

3. "Why did you choose her?"

Here you need to write about how she attracted you, and why you chose her among other girls.

That is, you write to her about how did you like her and why did you decide to write to her: "Because you're pretty," "attracts me to you," "I like you," and others.

These are all pretty good examples for you of what to write to a girl in the first message on VKontakte or on Facebook.

You may have your own unique reasons why you chose her.

At this point, girls often check guys.

Here they want make sure you are the guy you pretend to beor you lie to her.

It is from whether you can pass her checks   or not, it depends on whether you manage to meet her or not.

Pass checks, do not be afraid of them, accept them, and a meeting with her will not keep you waiting.

With practice and over time, you will learn to shuffle these tricks, swap the answers to these questions.

You will have such a flair when you can immediately ask for a number and call on a date, and when it’s too early and you need to get to know each other closer.

Be absolutely sincere and congruent with her.

Very detailed and detailed article.

Some guys have big problems that they don’t know what to say and which topic to choose for conversation   when meeting a girl.

Why is she not answering you

  1. Most men write banalities to girls like:   "Hello how are you what are you doing?".
      But this does not work at all.
  2. Some guys just offer to "buy" the girl’s attention with the help of entertainment or even in the open   - money. This is mistake.
      This will push the girl away from you even more. She will turn on the protective mechanism "I'm not like that."

We also have a detailed article on the website for men about institute, at work   and in other places, without making any effort and not trying to please her.

What needs to be done with your profile?

1. Upload good photos

I recommend the first thing   remove ABSOLUTELY ALL photos where you look tired, annoyed, drunk to a pig's squeal, in the company of stoned friends. Well, you understand.

If thoughts come to your mind that this will seem incorrect in relation to your friends or even to yourself (it may seem so), throw these lousy thoughts out of your head and start acting.

You go to a life filled with beautiful girls and your personal happiness in the end!

So delete without hesitation.

When you take 6 - 10 photos with a professional, you will find out why it was necessary to remove the former.

2. Fill in your profile information

It will also be useful to fill out information about yourself in your profile.

This will create more confidence. to you.

Fill in the items in the "interests" section. Write only the truth.

Write your favorite books, your interests, your favorite movies and music.

The case when she was attracted by pictures

Not worth a lot of texting. If you feel you can already date, do it.

There you can already flirt face to face.

We have a detailed article on meeting and dating.

When you have good photos and a trusting account on social networks, then you don’t really worry about what to write to the girl in the first message on the dating site.

The following screenshot is a confirmation of this.

Girls first look at your photos and what kind of life you live

When you get to the page of a pretty girl   on social networks, what are you looking at first?

Of course the photos.

Do you think girls do differently?

Of course, appearance is not a determining factor, but people define itwhether they want continue dating   with this person.

If the first photos beat off any desire, then the communication will not work out - be sure.

Therefore, initially have an album with attractive and enjoyable photos. And only then you can correspond and think about what to write to a girl who likes in VK.

Girls will look more at thatwhat photos you have and what kind of life you live, rather than the information in your profile!

After all, they are skilled craftsmen in creating images, attracting the opposite sex, and reliably know that most try to seem cool and cool for others.

And this is a common thing.

Indeed, since childhood, society dictates to men and women what they need to do in order to please other people if they want to be successful.

However, truly successful people do not try to please, they are just themselves - without the desire to impress and impress.

Think about it.

Video with my live acquaintance with a girl who walked with mom

“Why is real live dating much better than virtual, and why do I love them so much?” - you ask.

The answer to this question is in the video below.

The beauty walked along the street with her mother, but this did not stop me.

Do not make the following common mistakes.

Do not complicate yourself everything. Everything in this world is easy and simple.

That's all. Now you know everything about what to write to a girl when meeting via the Internet.

Feel free to write to girls in classmates, contact, facebook and any other social networks.

You have a pretty high profile on the social network, as well as positive development!

We continue to move towards success!

You can also get even more unique content and advanced knowledge on my individual training programs on social dynamics, seduction and dating girls.

You are free to write briefly about the main things or fill out in detail numerous points of information so that people understand your unique style, mindset and character traits.

People have different views on information about themselves that is put on display. Depending on personal characteristics, the desire to communicate with new people and the goals of maintaining an account in VK, there are different approaches to filling out a profile.

The information usually indicates something related to the topic, contacts for commercial communications, links to portfolios and catalogs. Sometimes even the name of the brand is written instead of the name, although this option is not welcomed by the VK administration and it is recommended that users indicate their real name and surname.

This is an opportunity for a guy to find a girl with similar interests, especially if the guy does not know where to start communication and needs an original approach instead of the banal “let's get to know” one. It is also rumored that now many employers, when choosing the right candidate, pay attention to profiles on social networks. Therefore, it is best to write the truth about yourself on the good side. You can briefly, but on the case, or turn the information section into a detailed questionnaire describing the different sides of your personality.

To fill out the items described, click the "edit" button on the main page of the VK profile and, following sections, write what you think is necessary in the proposed items.

  1. Do not indicate on the main page, in open contacts, the phone number that you use for payment transactions, access to the VK and personal calls. Or at least restrict their visibility to casual visitors (not friends). There is some risk in this, since in conjunction with the name, date of birth and location information, the attackers have many options for fraud and the organization of gray schemes.
  2. Do not use other people's contacts, names, addresses, photos. When contacting those. support of their real owner, in the best case you will find a freeze of such an account.
  3. Responsibly disclose personal information. Remember, everything that you write about yourself and spread in the social. network voluntarily, will no longer be untouchable information or content. Do not write about yourself that which any random person from the Internet should not know about you.

Otherwise, complete freedom of expression. Divider with people interests, hobbies. So you will attract attention and make new friends.

In this collection you can find unique, attractive, cool phrases that can be put in the column "About Vkontakte".

Phrase fit: girl, to the guy.

About Vkontakte what to write

To fill in the columns about Vkontaktefrom your account under the avatar click on the button "Edit Page"   and go to the "Interests" tab:

Now copy the phrase that you liked most and paste it into the column "About myself" .

Advice:   write as much information as possible about yourself to make it clear who you are. Get people interested. Write what you do, do in your free time, what are your life priorities, what interests you, etc.

Can add   about myself in VK   some phrases from our selection:

  • I go my own way, even if he is not like everyone else, but he is mine.
  • I perfectly understand that I am not the best woman in the world, but it depends on whose world.
  • Before you start a relationship with a person, make sure that this is not me.
  • It's actually easy with me. Just for this you need to be with me, and not somewhere out there.
  • I don’t listen to those who say that I am wasting my life, because I at least live, and someone says.
  • I do not know how to regret what happened and passed. I can somehow relate to the past, good or bad, but regret is stupid. Regret is not constructive; nothing useful can be created from regret. I need to be grateful to the past, because it has given me a certain experience, from which I draw lessons and draw conclusions. Even if the experience is very bitter and difficult, you still learn a lesson from it, you become smarter, and thank you very much for that.
  • To know yourself? If I knew myself, I would run away in fear.
  • As far as I can remember, I always wanted to be “right.” The trouble is that the definitions of “correctness” change all the time. The only thing that remains unchanged is that the right people are significantly different from me in something.
  • I don’t care what people say about me behind my back while they tell me lies.
  • I will not prove to anyone that I am good. Let me try to prove that I'm bad.
  • I’m spilled Einstein ... in tongue.
  • It seems to me that I do not seem to you what I should seem.
  • I am very decent! I swear by my mother ... anarchy!
  • I am soooooooooo
  • Give me 12 hours and I will turn the Earth!
  • Do not rush to talk about yourself. The conversation about you will begin as soon as you leave.
  • To hell with circumstances. I create opportunities.
  • Everyone sees how I seem, few people feel what I am
  • I will strive only for the best. I will achieve all that I want very much!
  • I am a person for whom solitude is vital.
  • I will not begin to tell anybody about what is inside of me. And those to whom I tell you are not just people. They are much better.
  • He was born a long time ago, in secret from his parents. According to the horoscope Goose. Poorly versed in music, my favorite singer is Lenin. Hobbies are strabismus. In a past life, was the beloved horse of Budenny's beloved horse. I believe in death after life, in love after a cake, and in after-shave cream. My favorite pastime is stripping snowballs. For five years he worked at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory - laid tiles in the saxophone class. Education: formed by the fusion of an egg cell with a permatozoid. I regularly do two things: with a plus with Angelina Jolie and lying. I only dress in expensive grocery stores. Pumped up muscles from the Internet. But then I'm a black sheep among dark horses. And relations with women do not add up to a suitcase. My favorite food is mezim. I am also fond of the work of Nikolai Gumilyov and I know about 80 rhymes for the word Anton.
  • I love small children I love summer, a warm summer rain I like to talk and laugh a lot with all my heart I love to look in the eyes that shine and shine with happiness I love the city at night I love to watch old photos I love my friends who will always help I love just to do something I love to travel I love argue I love to enjoy little things I love just to love and be loved.
  • In general, in this life I only love pies with cherries. They do not reciprocate, but also how they do not behave.
  • My loneliness has a taste and aroma. A sharp taste of constancy. Sweet aroma of fidelity. It is always with me.
  • An optimist is not the one who never suffered, but the one who survived despair and defeated him.
  • Yes, I'm so strange ... Someone long-awaited. I am smart and courageous, I am without a doubt faithful. I'm in someone dissolved. With others I’m touchy. Yula, I’m wound up, actually, very modest. A star has come down from heaven. Typhoon - I'm crazy. Beautiful, curly and sunny-I-lunar. I am quiet and sweet. Of course I’m beloved. Someone is poisonous, but still not forgotten. Sometimes confusing. And every day I am new. Another principle. Funny and funny. For friendship, I am open. From meanness-broken. Sometimes it’s difficult, boring-impossible. Like hot red pepper. Trail in the dense forest I. This is all strawberry, I'm still unusual. Simple and entertaining, sometimes incomprehensible. I am shy, like the wind I am changeable. Eh, I'm very dreamy. I am diligent in work. So here I am different and the most beautiful.
  • I always tell the truth, even when I'm lying.
  • I will stretch my legs in good hands, competently sit on my neck.
  • Fairytale character! True, when casting in Little Red Riding Hood, they always give me the role of a gray wolf.
  • I am not an artist, but I draw my dreams. I am not a writer, but I am writing my book of life.
  • I can’t stand it when they expect something from me. I immediately have a desire to do the opposite.
  • Vaguely, deep down, we know who we really are. This caused the grief of our soul: we are not what we would like to be.
  • I roll to where the puck will be, not where it was.
  • My "love" is very expensive. I say this rarely and to few.
  • Many people know me, but only a few know who I really am ....
  • I am one of those who love silently, endures for a long time and leaves abruptly!
  • No matter how many people give me advice. I will do what my heart tells me to do.
  • What can be added to my unwritten beauty ... Is that a monstrous modesty!
  • Of course, I have bad days, but then I remember what a lovely smile I have.
  • I am gentle nature and painfully react to nerds. I can not imagine what to do with them if they are going to more than one.
  • I have nothing to say, except that I am a genius.
  • And here I am - one of a kind! Who is able to admire - admire, the rest can bite their elbows with envy and faint!
  • I have no time to blubber and cry, I need to go to my cherished goal and enjoy life at the same time!
  • You should not be too persistently interested in my life. It can be so interesting that you will be disappointed in yours.
  • I am an angel, only a halo on recharge and wings in the wash!
  • I live as it should, but everything is supposed to be for me ...
  • When they push me away, I move away, when they forget me, I will not remind myself of myself with a look or a word.
  • My main rule: do your job well and see what happens.
  • I am a man of strangeness. I think each of us is a little crazy in our own way.
  • I do not like when they touch mine. And it doesn’t matter what it is, a thing or a person.
  • Of course, I’m not perfect ... but still a masterpiece ...
  • I am the only person in the world whom I would like to know better.
  • First: I'm good! Secondly: Enough of that, "firstly"!
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