Computer won't open iTunes. Change screen resolution. System requirements for Windows

When using iTunes, users may encounter various problems. In particular, this article will discuss what to do if iTunes refuses to start at all.

Difficulties when launching iTunes can arise for various reasons. In this article, we will try to cover maximum amount ways to solve the problem so that you can finally launch iTunes.

Method 1: Change the screen resolution

Sometimes problems with launching iTunes and displaying the program window can occur due to incorrectly set screen resolution in Windows settings.

To do this, click right click mouse over any free area on the desktop and in the displayed context menu go to point "Display Options" .

In field "Permission" set the maximum available resolution for your screen, and then save the settings and close this window.

After performing these steps, as a rule, iTunes starts working correctly.

Method 2: Reinstalling iTunes

You may have an outdated version of iTunes installed on your computer, or the program may not have been installed correctly, resulting in iTunes not working.

And once you're done uninstalling itunes from a computer, you can start downloading from the developer's website new version distribution kit, and then installing the program on the computer.

Method 3: Cleaning out the QuickTime folder

If you have a QuickTime player installed on your computer, then the reason may be that a plug-in or codec conflicts with this player.

In this case, even if you remove QuickTine from your computer and reinstall iTunes, the problem will not be solved, so your further actions will unfold as follows:

Navigate in Windows Explorer to the following path C:\Windows\System32. If there is a folder in this folder "Quick Time" , delete all its contents, and then restart your computer.

Method 4: Clean up corrupted configuration files

As a rule, a similar problem occurs for users after an update. In this case, the iTunes window will not be displayed, but at the same time, if you look into "Task Manager" (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) you will see running process iTunes.

In this case, this may indicate the presence damaged files system configuration. The solution to the problem is to delete these files.

First you need to display hidden files and folders. To do this, open the menu "Control Panel" , set the menu item display mode in the upper right corner "Small Icons" and then navigate to the section "Explorer Options" .

In the window that opens, go to the tab "View" , go down to the very end of the list and check the box "Show hidden files, folders and drives" . Save your changes.

Now open windows explorer and navigate to the following path (to quickly navigate to the specified folder, you can paste given address in the address bar of the explorer):

C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info

After opening the contents of the folder, you will need to delete two files: "SC Info.sidb" and "SC Info.sidd" . After these files are deleted, you will need to restart Windows.

Method 5: virus cleaning

Although this variant of the cause of problems with starting iTunes occurs less frequently, the possibility cannot be ruled out that iTunes launch blocks virus software on your computer.

Run a scan on your antivirus or use a special healing utility Dr.Web CureIt , which will allow not only to find, but also to cure viruses (if treatment is not possible, the viruses will be quarantined). Moreover, this utility is distributed absolutely free of charge and does not conflict with antiviruses from other manufacturers, so it can be used as a tool to rescan the system if your antivirus could not find all the threats on your computer.

Once you have eliminated all detected virus threats, restart your computer. It is possible that a complete reinstallation of iTunes and all related components will be required. viruses could interfere with their work.

Method 6: Installing the Correct Version

This method is only valid for Windows users Vista and earlier versions of this operating system, as well as for 32-bit systems.

The problem is that Apple stopped developing iTunes for outdated versions OS, which means that if you managed to download iTunes for your computer and even install it on your computer, then the program will not start.

In this case, you will need to completely remove the non-working version of iTunes from your computer (you will find a link to the instructions above), and then download the distribution kit of the latest available iTunes versions for your computer and install it.

Method 7: Install Microsoft .NET Framework

If iTunes does not open for you, displaying Error 7 (Windows error 998), then this indicates that the Microsoft software component is missing on your computer. NET Framework or an incomplete version is installed.

You can download the Microsoft .NET Framework from the official Microsoft website. When you have finished installing the package, restart your computer.

iTunes is a unique service that allows you to combine purchases and installations made on all devices linked to your Apple account ID. With this app, you can sync phones and tablets, create backups data and more. If iTunes stops working for one of the following reasons, then it will become big problem for the Apple user and cause a lot of inconvenience.

Can't connect to iTunes Store - why and what to do

When you try to connect to the iTunes servers, you may receive a notification that says something similar to "Unable to connect to iTunes", "Connection and authorization failed", etc. The authorization process will be interrupted due to this, and iTunes may stop respond.

The reason for this behavior of the program can be the following reasons:

  • Unstable or broken connection with mobile internet or Wi-Fi network.
  • An outdated or outdated version of the iTunes app.
  • Corrupted application files.
  • Poor quality USB adapter.
  • Incorrect date and time settings on the device.
  • An outdated or outdated IOS version.
  • iTunes servers are down.

How to get rid of the problem

The following are ways to deal with all of the above. possible reasons. If you do not know what exactly caused the error in your case, then use all the instructions in turn until the problem disappears.

Restart your computer, app, and device

Close and restart iTunes, then restart your computer and your phone or tablet. This action will restart all processes running in background, and possibly fix the error.

We restart the computer

Server problem

It is possible, though very unlikely, that the iTunes server in this moment do not work due to technical reasons or spam attacks. You can check this: go to the special tab of the official Apple website (, which provides information about the operation of all services. Find iTunes, if there is a green circle opposite it, then this means that its servers are working, and the problem arose due to something else.

Check if the iTunes server is running

Replacing the USB cable

Check for external damage on the USB cable: fractures, cuts, kinks. Also, the adapter may not work correctly if it is unofficial. If you have the opportunity, then try connecting to another computer with the same cable to make sure that the problem is in it.

Checking and changing the USB cable

Internet connection check

Try loading a link in your browser or downloading any file from the internet to make sure the connection is stable. Restart your router if you are using Wi-Fi, and reconnect to the Internet from the device itself and the computer.

Reconnecting to the Internet

iTunes update

Reinstalling iTunes

It is possible that the program files are damaged, and the update will not help in this case. If you did not climb into the program files yourself, then this means that they were damaged by a virus.

Changing time and date settings

The problem may be that your phone or tablet has the wrong date and time settings, because during synchronization, the application certificate is authenticated, and if the dates do not match, access to the program will be denied.

When Apple engineers and programmers take a well-deserved vacation, PR and marketers move forward. I could not find any other excuses for such a frequent appearance of various flaws in the work of "fruit" OSes. Moreover, claims are sometimes valid for both desktop and mobile systems. This time we will talk about ways to eliminate those in relation to iTunes and App Store.

Let someone throw an iPhone at me who has never experienced the annoying "Can't connect to iTunes Store". This signature tends to appear at any moment, being completely unrelated to connection problems. In any case, getting rid of it is much easier than you think.

Despite the clearly software nature of the problem, we strongly recommend that you make sure that your personal account is topped up and that the Wi-Fi router works in normal mode. After making sure that everything is in order with the Internet, go to "Settings" - "General" - "Date and time", where set automatic tuning time. AT recent times iOS is clearly dependent on the punctuality of the owner.

The relevance of the firmware plays no less important role in stable work iOS and its services than a good internet connection or time zones. The gurus from Cupertino tirelessly tell us about this, directly imposing the next update, "correcting all (!) Bugs." Of course, we won’t play in believe-don’t believe, but install a fresh one iOS version still follows. Keep track of this in the application "Settings" - "General" - Software Update".

If everything is in order here, the main reason for blocking access to iTunes and the App Store may be an artificial restriction imposed by the operation of the VPN service. Go to "Settings" and, counting the sixth line from the left with the same name, move the activation slider to the "off" position. Valid only for devices with an LTE module.

However, it happens that the inoperability of iTunes and the App Store is due to objective reasons. This is possible during preventive maintenance. In order to check the status of the company's servers, just visit a special page on the official website. There you will get all necessary information about the activity or inactivity of the desired service.

Good day to all Internet users! Today's article will answer the question why iTunes is not installed on Windows 7, 8 and XP. As you understood operating system version usually does not affect this problem and therefore the information below should help you.

The problem is really relevant, because every day there are more and more users who prefer the iPhone, and, as you know, with using iTunes users this phone upload and download files to your computer or laptop. Thus, if this software from Apple is not installed, then users will not be able to download data to their computer or laptop.

Let's look at the main possible problems that can interfere with this procedure:

Download iTunes from the official site

To avoid all kinds of problems, you should only use programs from developers. You can download such programs on the official website.

Make sure you are on the official iTunes website and download the most latest version program, try installing it. Perhaps iTunes is not installed on a computer or laptop due to an old or "incorrect" version of the program.


Go to "Start" - "Control Panel", on the left in "View" select "Small Icons" and the last step, go to "Windows Firewall".

In the left part of the window we see the inscription "Enabling and disabling Windows firewall". We go there and turn it off, since this creation from Microsoft built into the system can interfere with iTunes.

Deleting program residues

If you incorrectly uninstall the program (in the event that it was installed) that you want to install, it may cause a conflict during installation. To do this, you need to remove junk files programs, as well as clean the registry.

First, make sure you don't currently have installed program iTunes. Go to "Control Panel" - "Programs and Features". Now carefully go through the entire list to be sure that iTunes is not present. If you found it on this list, then delete it, if not, then read the article further. For removing problematic program you can use .

Dial in search line"Start" the phrase "Show hidden files and folders", find the name of the same name in the search results and click on it. Make sure the checkbox next to "Show hidden files, folders and drives" is checked.

I talked more about hidden files and folders in the article: "". By the way, here I told you how to enter the settings above in a simple way.

Now open drive C. Next, "Users" (maybe "Users"), after that we open your personal folder, then "AppData" - "Local". We are looking for the “Temp” folder here and delete it. If it doesn’t work, we go there and clean some of the files until everything that is possible is deleted. To delete all files you have to reboot and then try to delete all files in that folder.

AT AppData folder also look for the presence of the iTunes folder. If it is, remove it and restart your computer.

Also clean the registry from unnecessary branches. To do this, download CCleaner. If you have not used it, then here is a link to an article where I told you how the parameters in the registry are cleared: "".

hosts file and DNS reset

Another reason iTunes won't install is the "wrong" hosts file. Go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC - get to hosts file. Right-click on it, select "Open", then click on "Notepad".

Now delete only this file and restart your computer. Next, do the following: go to "Start" - "Run" - type cmd and press Enter. A window will open in which type ipconfig /flushdns and press Enter. Next, try installing iTunes.

Possible reasons

  • Note: Disable your antivirus while installing the program. It might be blocking the installation.
  • Also check the time to make sure it is set correctly.

Temporary solution when there is a problem with installing iTunes- iTools program. It has the same features as the Apple developers. For a closer look at the program, watch the video below:

If iTunes does not start for you, then do not panic. This is a common issue that many users experience. The reasons for its occurrence can be completely different. O various ways solution to this issue and will be discussed in our article.

Remove viruses. Sometimes the reason why iTunes does not start on the computer may be the presence of virus software on the system. To do this, you should carefully scan Windows for viruses. If the program detects them, delete them immediately. After completing this process, restart your PC. There is a possibility that you will have to reinstall iTunes, as the antivirus check could disrupt its operation.

Install current version. This problem is most often encountered by users with very old versions of the OS, including Windows XP. This is due to the fact that Apple company stopped releasing iTunes for old operating systems. Even if you managed to download it, then at startup iTunes programs will not answer. To get out of this situation, complete removal old version(read about it in our other article) and download desired version link.

Install Framework. If Error 7 appears on your screen when you start the application, then this indicates that something is not right with the Framework component on your PC. To resolve this error, download this component from the link. Usually after this “update” everything starts working.

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