How to roll back the IOS version on the iPhone, iPad. How to roll back IOS version on iPhone, iPad how to roll back iOS 9 on 8

Updated to the new version of iOS, you may notice that you will not like the firmware. In this case, there is a wonderful way out - to roll back the software to optimal, in your opinion, version. That is, if you updated before, for example, iOS 10, you can easily install iOS 8 on your device using the instructions below.

When it is necessary to roll back iOS

The reasons for installing an older version of the operating system can be the following circumstances:

  • With new versions of the firmware, the design changes, and the new design may not please all users.
  • The most common occasion is the appearance of hangs and glitches. Similar problems for two reasons occur: either the new version of the firmware has become available to users in too raw form, with errors in code and flaws, or the device that has been updated has been able to endure for the loads created by the new version of IOS.

Note that the rollback of any device for any version is not possible, detailed information about which device to which firmware version can be returned, you can view the next site - All data are located in the table format.

How to roll back iOS to a specific version on Apple Device

Before proceeding with the process, it is necessary to prepare the following things:

  • ITunes program installed on your computer and updated to the latest version.
  • Scured into an easily accessible folder you have chosen software version that has an IPSW format. You can download it with proven Internet sites, free of free iOS firmware, for example, according to the following link - Download the firmware strictly for your device model, otherwise the installation will have problems.
  • USB adapter that will connect your device to a computer.

If all the above conditions are performed by you, the next step will be the preparation of the device itself to the rollback process.

Saving important data

Note that when you roll back the device, all the data, applications and media files from it are irrevocably erased, so you should take care of them. There is an option that allows you to delete files from the device, it will be mentioned below in the article, but it is no less stable. You can save everything with the help of a backup created as follows:

Turning off the password

Another important point - disabling the password and the touch ID, if it is supported and enabled on your device.

Deactivation of the function "Find iPhone"

Before any actions with the firmware of the device, it is necessary to disable the "Find iPhone" function, since, otherwise, iTunes simply will not allow you to commit any actions:

Firmware rollback

If all previous preparatory work has been carried out, then you can start roll back. It does not matter from which device you roll back, as well as with which and what version of iOS will transition to.

  1. Connect the device to the computer by using a USB adapter.
  2. Log in to the system.
  3. Go to the settings of your device by clicking on the icon in the form of a phone or tablet.
  4. Hold the SHIFT button on the keyboard if you use Windows, or the Option button if you use Mac OS. Not releasing the key, click on the "Restore" button.
  5. The window opens with folders, you need to specify the path before the firmware you downloaded earlier.
  6. Wait until iTunes extracts software from the firmware and install it. The process can last five minutes before half an hour, do not disconnect the device from the computer and do not interrupt the process any actions, otherwise the device can enter the endless recovery mode.

Rollback without data loss

This option of rollback also exists, it allows you to roll back without losing data on the device. To do this, in paragraph 4 of the "Firmware Rollback" section, you need to click on the "Restore" button, and the "Update" button. All other steps are completely coincided. The only thing worth considering that the fulfillment of the full recovery is, that is, the reset of the system and install it from scratch, safer, since the chance of the fact that any elements remain from the previous version, much lower.

Video Tutorial: how to roll back iOS version

Third-party programs for rollback

If for some reason the method with iTunes does not fit you, then you can use the REDSNOW third party program. It applies free of charge both for Windows and for Mac OS on the official website of the developer -

  1. By downloading and opening the program, select the Extras section.
  2. Click on the Even More button.
  3. In the menu that opens, go to the Restore unit.
  4. Press the IPSW button to specify the path to the previously downloaded firmware.
  5. In the notification that appears, you will be asked to cancel the increase in the modem or not. Click on option "yes."
  6. A window will open in which you will be warful that the device now will need to be translated into the recovery mode, close it.
  7. Connect the device to your computer using a USB adapter and enter it in DFU MODE. How to do this, step by step is described in the program itself.
  8. If you have not performed such operations before you roll off with this program, you click on the Remote button to automatically find the necessary hashies on your servers.
  9. Ready, now will remain waiting for the end of the process. The device will automatically update to the version you download and turn on, after which you have to go through the process of its initial setup.

Is there a rollback of individual applications possible

If the purpose of your system rollback is to install older versions of the applications, it is not worth it, since there is a better option - use the special App Admin program. Download it can be directly from the App Store for free. Thanks to this application, you can view all available versions of applications installed on your phone, and roll back to them. To use the program, it is enough to select applications to roll back and enter a unique version number to which you want to discard the selected application.

So, installing an older version of the software is possible on all devices from Apple, but you can not roll back to any version, but only to those that have SHSH signature. The process can be performed both through the official iTunes application and through third-party programs. The main thing is to download the correct firmware version and do not interrupt the update process until its complete completion.

It is possible to roll back to the previous version of the operating system for which the jailbreak tools are available. Apple has already traditionally leaves the opportunity after the release of the new OS. A day after the renewal release, the company still issues certificates for iOS 8.4.

IOS 8.4.1 firmware released on August 13 is a technical update aimed at solving the previous version errors. The problem is that in addition to eliminating Apple Music failures in this issue, the vulnerabilities that the TAIG jailbreak utility are closed. Everyone who expects to use Cydia in the future, it is necessary to install iOS 8.4 as soon as possible.

Right now, the owners of the iPhone and iPad with iOS 8.4.1 It is possible to perform a Daongrade procedure - rollback to the previous stable version of the OS. We are talking only about iOS 8.4 - for her Apple gives digital signatures. It is worth remembering that the situation may change at any per minute.


  • iPhone or iPad with IOS 8.4.1 operating system.
  • IOS 8.4 IPSW file.
  • iTunes 12 for Mac or Windows.

How to lower the firmware with iOS 8.4.1 on iOS 8.4:

Step 1: Download the IOS 8.4 Firmware Firmware file in IPSW format for this link.

Step 2.: Make sure you use the latest version of iTunes. Download iTunes 12.2.2 on this page.

Step 3.: Create a backup of information on the device. You can do this by going in the settings in ICloud -\u003e Backup -\u003e Create a backup, or connecting the iPhone or iPad to a computer and saving backup using iTunes.

Step 4.: Disable Touch ID / Password in the main settings section.

Step 5.: Disable the service to find the iPhone in the Settings section -\u003e icloud.

Step 6.: Connect to the iPhone or iPad computer with an IOS 8.4.1 installed.

Step 7.: Start iTunes and in the top of the program, select your gadget icon.

Step 8.: Holding on the SHIFT keyboard (or alt to OS X), click the "Restore" button.

Step 9.: In the program window, specify the iOS 8.4 firmware file for your iPhone or iPad.

Step 10.: Wait for the procedure to be completed, the OS recovery process will take from 5 to 10 minutes. Now you can use the device with iOS 8.4.

Now, after switching to iOS 8.4, you can make a jailbreak according to the instructions (for Windows) or (for Mac).

21 Sep 2015.

How to roll back iOS 9 to iOS 8.4.1?

Company Apple. On September 16, an updated OS was presented. There are certain delays with the operating system update, but after 2-3 days the number of people willing to update the OS and it will be possible to make everything much faster. The first wishers have already appeared to make the system rollback after updating to the previously stood IOS 8.4.1. Let's talk about how it is possible to do.

There is no significant reasons for such operations: the updated OS is working smoothly, San Francisco font is surprisingly beautiful, and "notes", in which you can draw, the dream of many for many years. If the desire to roll back still remains, a certain determination will be required. At these manipulations, Apple took a very slight time for which you need to have time to roll back the system.

The Lightning cable will be required to roll back the OS or the previous version for iPad 2/3/4 or iPhone 4S. On the computer you need to enable iTunes, download IPSW file (The source code of the old operating system), which can be downloaded by clicking on the link:, you will need to choose a version of the mobile device. Next, you must follow the instructions:

  1. On the mobile device you need to go: Settings Menu ICloud and Next, disable the "Find My iPhone" option.
  2. You will need to turn off the mobile device, for this you need to hold a long blocking button. Then run iTunes on a personal computer.
  3. We connect the iOS mobile device through the cable to the computer, while you need to immediately clamp the "Home" buttons and blocking simultaneously. Hold you need at least 10 seconds. Next, the lock button must be released, and the "Home" button continue to hold. You need to keep before the warning window appears in iTunes that the iOS device appeared in Recovery Mode.
  4. In iTunes, you need to select the model of your gadget and click on the "Restore iPhone" button, the Shift button on Windows or the OPTION button on the Mac must be trapped.
  5. You need to select the IPSW file that was loaded earlier.
  6. Wait for the completion of the process, then the device must start. Ready.

Is the decision to stay on iOS 8.4.1 justified? The updated OS works perfectly, visible glitches, problems, lags have not yet been detected. The only reason that justifies the old version of the operating system is applications. Possible protracted adaptation of applications for a new OS. In general, rush with the transition to iOS 9 is not worth it.

On the iPhone and iPad, many users have a desire to roll back to the previous faster and stable firmware. Even despite the fact that Apple covered the ability to roll back, folk craftsmen made up the utility Odysseusota2.which returns the ability to make a downgrade on some iOS devices. On which devices it is possible that it is necessary to need and how to do it - read in this material.

Rollback to iOS 8.4.1. It is possible only because Apple still signs otablobs for iOS 8.4.1. Mandatory condition of Downgrade is the presence.

Unfortunately, utility Odysseusota2. Allows you to roll back not on all IOS devices. Mute became the owners of the iPhone 5, iPhone 5C, iPhone 4S, iPad 3 and iPad 2, which can roll back from iOS 9.0, 9.0.1, 9.0.2 on iOS 8.4.1, without having certificates. Also Odysseusota2. Allows users of these iPhone and iPad to update with iOS 7 on iOS 8.4.1.

How to make a rollback (dunes) with iOS 9-9.0.2 on iOS 8.4.1, using the ODYSSEUSOTA2 utility

1 . For your model of the device. Place the firmware file on the desktop.

2 . Download a dongrede utility Odysseusota2. From here.

3 . Open " Terminal"And sequentially enter the following commands:

cD to the Directory
cD Odysseusota2.
cD Macos.

After each of them, press the key Return. (ENTER).

Attention! Examples of all commands are in the "readme.txt" file, which is located in the Odysseusota2 folder.

./ipsw ~ / desktop / .ipsw custom_downgrade.ipsw -bbupdate

where instead of  specify the name of the firmware, for example:

./ipsw ~ / desktop / iPhone5,2_8.4.1_12h321_restore.ipsw custom_downgrade.ipsw -bbupdate

Wait until the end of the process (will appear " Done»).
5 . Download SHSH BLOBS by entering the following command in the Terminal:

./idevicerestore -t custom_downgrade.ipsw

6 . Unpack Pwnedibss input in the "Terminal" of the following command:

./xpwntool `unzip -J Custom_Downgrade.IPSW 'Firmware / DFU / IBSS *' | AWK '/ Inflating / (Print $ 2)' `pwnedibss

7 . Open on the iPhone or iPad Cydia.

8 . Go to the " Search».

9 . In the search string, enter " OpenSsh.", Select the utility and click" Install».

10 . Click on the button " Return to Cydia».
11 . Connect the iPhone or iPad to one network with Mac.
12 . Open SettingsWi-Fi → Select an active network connection and remember the IP address.

13 . IN " Terminal»Enter the following command, thanks to which the received files are copied to iPhone or iPad:

sCP Pwnedibss ../kloader. [Email Protected]_Of_Device:

where instead IP_OF_Device.

sCP Pwnedibss ../kloader. [Email Protected]:

Attention! After entering the IP address, do not forget to put the colon!

14 . Confirm your command entry team "YES".
15 . Enter as a password "Alpine" (without quotes).
16 . IN " Terminal»Open a new tab and enter the following command:

ssh. [Email Protected]_OF_Device.

where instead IP_OF_Device. Specify the IP address of your device, for example:

ssh. [Email Protected]

17 . On the message "Terminal" ~ root # Enter the following command:

./kloader pwnedibss.

18 . When the iPhone or iPad display becomes black, close in "Terminal" Current tab with SSH session.
19 . Enter the following command in the main window "Terminal":

./idevicerestore -w ./custom_downgrade.ipsw.

Wait until the process is completed during which the iPhone or iPad will reboot several times. At the end of the process, a window with a primary setting of iOS 8.4.1 will appear.


It is possible to roll back to the previous version of the operating system. Apple has already traditionally after the release of each new OS leaves the opportunity for a while. A day after the renewal, the company still issues certificates for iOS 8.4.1.

IOS 9 update released on September 16 is a major software release with. Nevertheless, the many owners of the iPhone and iPad report problems in the operation of devices. Failures began at the stage of update downloaded when people are due to the inaccessibility of Apple services.

The owners of iOS devices complain about the incorrect Wi-Fi operation, missing menu items in the settings, graphic artifacts when displaying the interface, rolling the operating system. Among the innovations in iOS 9 are improved power consumption algorithms, but in fact, the gadget battery loses charge too intensively.

Probably, the subsequent iOS 9 updates will correct these problems, but until then, it makes sense to perform a downgrade procedure - rollback to iOS firmware 8. We are talking only about the iOS version 8.4.1 - for it, Apple also gives digital signatures. It is worth remembering that the situation may change at any time.


  • iPhone or iPad running iOS 9.0.
  • IOS 8.4.1 Firmware File in IPSW format.
  • iTunes 12.3 for Mac or Windows.

How to make a rollback from iOS 9.0 on iOS 8.4.1:

Step 1: Download IOS 8.4.1 IPSW file.

Step 2.: Check that you have the latest version of iTunes. Download iTunes 12.3.

Step 3.: Make backup data on the device. You can do this by going in the settings in ICloud -\u003e Backup -\u003e Create a backup, or connecting the iPhone or iPad to a computer and saving backup using iTunes.

Step 4.: Disable Touch ID / Password in the main settings section.

Step 5.: Turn off the "Find iPhone" function in the Settings section -\u003e ICloud.

Step 6.: Connect to the iPhone or iPad computer with iOS 9.0 on board to your computer.

Step 7.: Open iTunes and in the top of the program, select your gadget icon.

Step 8.: Holding on the SHIFT keyboard (or alt to OS X), click the "Restore" button.

Step 9.: In the program window, specify the iOS 8.4.1 firmware file, downloaded in step 1.

Step 10.: Wait for the procedure to complete, the OS recovery process will take some time. Now you can use the device with iOS 8.4.1.

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