Private detective, detective agency Solution - if we are looking for, we find! The main rules of surveillance follow the person in the city

Many people know that MTS has a service with which you can track certain subscribers you connect, but few understand how it can be imperceptibly used and the main thing for what.

  • I'll tell you on my example. I have a mother in a retirement age. I often worry when she alone goes into the city. She uses a mobile phone. In this regard, I had a question so that I was always aware where she was.
  • Another example of where the service will be useful, this is when you have children and you always want to know where they are, Whether to skip or whether they went there exactly where they said.
  • Third example, these are jealous people who always want to know where their second half is located.

In this article, I will tell you how to just connect this service, and as for a very small amount, it is constantly using this service And at the same time, that subscriber will not be able to understand what they followed if you only independently tell him about it.

  1. You and the person you want to monitor should be MTS subscribers
  2. You must have access to a mobile phone of this person (once for registration - about 10 minutes)
  3. The cost will amount to only 50 rubles per month for an unlimited number of requests for three people.
  4. You can follow the subscriber or by SMS requests, either on the site where you can also see all the movements of this person during the day.

So, let's proceed if you are not a subscriber MTS, then become them. In addition, you can buy two SIM cards, connect the service and give this number to this person to solve the issue of accessing this number.

The service is called "Child under the supervision"But we understand that you can use not only on children's phones.

To begin with, you will register from your number in this service, for this send MUM or DAD on the room 7788 .

Example: Mom Nadezhda

After that, the system will register you automatically and send THE CODE It will be used to register other subscribers to combine them into a separate group.

Next, you register the subscriber number, followed by you to follow. At this point, you need access to this number for 5-10 minutes to register it. To do this, send the following command to SMS from this number: CHILD<ИМЯ> <КОД> on the room 7788 .

Example: Child Petya F54G8. (F54G8 is the code that you have been expelled when registering your number). Dealer, you wait when you receive a response message about connecting and delete your traces so that the subscriber does not suspect anything (in case you connect a person hidden from it) . You need to delete:

  • Outgoing SMS to number 7788
  • An incoming SMS connection.

This subscriber will no longer come any SMS, indicating that it is connected to this service. He will be able to find out only if you yourself tell him about it or he will make a special check by sending a certain SMS to a specific number.

In addition, cash for the monthly fee, as well as requests (if more than 3 people) are debited from your account (who initially connected and received code), so these subscribers will not have any signs on which they will understand that Behind them are tracking.

How to follow the subscriber

You can use SMS. By sending a team WHERE ARE CHILDREN on the room 7788 In response, you will receive a message with the approximate location of all registered subscribers. If you need to know a specific user, send the command WHERE<ИМЯ> on the room 7788 .

Example: Where Peter.

All requests to number 7788 are free (up to 3 people), if more, then for each request 5 rubles.

In addition, you can register with WAP or Web site MTS Search and watch the location or even move the subscriber on the map. It is very convenient and visual.

There are many different functions for the convenience of using this service. Detailed information you can read on the official page

I hope my article was useful to you if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

We live in the era of total surveillance. We are watching camcorders on every corner, in every office, our computers are followed and even our phones. It causes us a sense of insecurity. Something close to a panic reigns in society: a person lost the right to personal space and personal life. But here is the paradox: few people do not flash the tempting idea that the search for people by phone number is not such a bad thing.

Why follow a person?

Yes, never why? One of the most popular appointments of this is not a completely ethical invention - monitoring husbands behind his wives and wives for husbands. Jealousy and does not push it. But there is a very useful party on the question, how to track a person for example, the parents are very important to know the location of the child - whether he left the school, if he was located at the time when a mother and father work.

The service at which you can find the location of a person by phone number can be useful in an extreme situation, for example, if a close person is in the place where a natural cataclysm occurred. Yes, and without any cataclysms, no one can rest for their loved ones.

Phone to help you

All three main cellular operators in Russia without any problems of the ethical plan help those who wish to track a person on MegaFon, Beeline and MTS connect this service with the same ease, with the difference only in the name and short rooms. But in all cases, the subscriber should notify the operator, choose the tariff plan, and the subscription will be regularly removed from his account. In addition, it is impossible to connect the service without the SMS to do not come to the human phone, for which control is installed. Moreover, he must answer this request consess. But this moment, many people manage to safely bypass, secretly having a relative person's telephone apparatus in his hands. Details of how to determine the location of a person by phone number using a specific mobile operator - Next.

Features "MegaFon"

This operator has several tariff plans for which you can establish where the family member is currently. So, the service "beacon" helps determine the location of the child, and parents are happy to establish it on children's phones. This is a fully justified measure in our alarming time, which is why electronic cards are introduced in many schools, according to which the arrival and care of the student, electronic diaries, helping parents to control its successes online.

Return to how to track a person by phone number in the MegaFon network. Another service can be called not only useful, but also necessary, as it is specially invented for installation on the numbers of the elderly parents, so that you can be with them in touch at the moment of illness or any other problems.

The third tariff can be called ordinary - it allows you to determine the location of the person by the phone number so that he does not recognize about it. You can use this service and online, on the company's website, in the Locator tab. Here or on your mobile application, it is enough to find a map on which you can define the search for the desired phone number. Of course, it is available only for those who have a service.

What does Beeline offer

This network operator is more laconic. It is possible to determine by a person by the phone number, sent to the short number "684" one letter - "L". The inconvenience for the seeking is that the consent of the wanted subscriber is required to receive each time. Of course, I don't want to be "on the hook", and many simply block their SIM cards. Another option is to make an open call to the number 06849924. Pay for the service will have to be relatively few - 2.5-5 rubles. So it is not a permanent service, but one-time, which is activated only at the time of the call between phones.

Beeline Coordinates is a new network service. It allows you to connect five users immediately, with their consent, of course, and if necessary, to specify their location. You can connect it yourself or in any communication salon for free, and use it during the first week is also free. Subsequently, the cost of using the service will be 1 rub. 70 kopecks daily.

Search with MTS

One of the most popular and absolute legal services of this operator is a "child under supervision". To activate the service, you need to send an SMS with the word "mother" or "dad" on the number "7788". Perform the requirements of the answering machine for steps - and two weeks a child under the supervision, besides for free. And then the service will cost 50 rubles every month.

A corporate communication package that MTS provides organizations and private firms is very popular. By connecting this service, the head through GPS sees all his team as on the palm. This is a very useful option to track freight, logistics routes.

USSD request

This is another method, how to track a person by phone number. The call must be from a cell phone. You need to dial characters in such a sequence: * 148 * / Wanted number (via code +7) / call. A subscriber comes an SMS notification to which he must answer consent. In this case, a message comes with human coordinates. You need to confirm your request at the end, sending SMS with your phone number on the number of the service "000888". From the account it is written off 5 rubles.

How to track a person by phone number with the "Locator"

MTS and MegaFon have a shared service known as the "Locator". A corresponding tariff plan is purchased for its connection. In addition, it cannot be activated without the consent of the subscriber, the movement of which is supposed to be controlled. From his number you need to send confirmation of consent to SMS. After that, if necessary, you need to send an SMS with a single text "where" to the short number "6677". The answer will come within a few minutes. Payment in 10 rubles occurs on the fact for each use of the function.

Word in defense of freedom of movement

Most of the services allowing to track human coordinates require the consent of the subscriber to surveys. If you do not consider children and old parents, it is unlikely that many will voluntarily sign on such a "snap". This is at least unpleasant. A person himself must control who is allowed to "go for him on the heels" in the virtual sense of the word. For each "locator" craftsmen find ways to block the services. And you can not doubt that soon the world will be surprised in new inventions both in the area of \u200b\u200bsurveillance and antislags.

And again about ethics and legality

It is a surveillance of a person sanctioned by law enforcement agencies. In this case, the location of the person by the phone number will be tracked with special vehicles. And there are cases when a person disappeared or is wanted. In any case, permissive sanctions are needed for tracking, without which the actions of any services are illegal.

The issue of echoids of surveillance for someone is asking himself. Is it possible to question all the actions of a loved one? Do not trust her husband or wife, children or friends, suspecting them in everything, you can only destroy relationships. And yourself from the inside. And if it turns out to catch someone - it is necessary to still live with this truth ... although ... let everyone decide himself.

Why do you need to follow a person? Everyone pursues their goal. Someone wants to come to the second half in treason, and someone to bring to the "clean water" of a business partner. Regardless of your goals, the detective online agency specialists will spend invisible to surrounding surroundings by collecting the necessary evidence in a short period of time. In our arsenal there is a modern technique that allows you to carry out a good observation with photos, audio or video reporting.

Surveillance services for man

Services of a private detective, in addition to the investigation may include surveillance. It will make it possible to find evidence for human exposure, or give reliable information about his real life. We are ready to establish a surveillance for your wife, trace your husband, a business partner, a child or any other customer you are interested in.

The confidentiality of the personality of the client is guaranteed by the contract concluded in the design of the service. We are not disclosed by the secrets of our customers, so for your reputation every customer can be calm.

Methods of surveying man:

  • outdoor observation;
  • phone calls;
  • social networks.

Outdoor observation is most popular. Our specialists will follow a person before the clarification of all the circumstances of the customer who are interested in. In the process of surveys, irrefutable evidence of the guilt is collected, or refutable client speculation.

The price of surveillance for man

The price of surveillance services for a person varies in a small price range. It depends on the number of people involved in the observation process, the selected method of providing evidence, the complexity of work, as well as other factors. So, surveillance for his wife or husband to identify the fact of treason, it will cost cheaper surveillance for a business partner. The difference lies in the fact that a business person in one day can be in a huge number of places. Our specialists will drive him on the heights to collect information. While the thief in treason is much easier, since lovers are found in one place, which allows you to collect evidence quickly.

You can find out the exact cost of the surveillance by calling our office on the phone number indicated on the site. We do not insist on providing our services, so after discussing the cost of the client will have time to think or abandon the transaction.

The surveillance of his wife through the phone is one of the most simple ways of private spying. It is quite effective and at the same time the most non-conflict. You will save funds, since the spyware is installed on a mobile, and you will not need to attract a private detective for surveillance for incorrect. You can track your wife's telephone activity without leaving home.

One should not exclude the fact that those who want not to be shown in the treason will be masterfully hidden traces. For example, if you just take and check the phone of the spouse, it may not be unknown contacts, SMS and other invalid correspondence.

Check the subscriber's activity is better in secret from him. This operation is called mobile spying and becomes more popular every year. By installing a special spy application on a smartphone spouse, you can constantly track its calls, correspondence and location.

When should I use the service?

Men resort to the services of a mobile spy in the following cases:

  • there were good reason to believe that the wife has a lover;
  • she put a password for mobile;
  • does not respond to calls in your presence, carefully in statements;
  • she constantly appears urgent cases, which she does not tell.

Is it possible to check that it changes? Will it help to reveal all suspicions of her account? Is it possible to prevent treason? Our answer is yes. Watch your wife through the phone is not amuseable, because so calmer, besides, you are always alert. In the case of which you will be ready for an unpleasant turn of the events of your life together.

What program to use?

If you follow the link below, you will be available special Internet service online tracking. The spy application must be activated on the wife's smartphone without notice. Software is designed for Android devices.

Fast and easy installation does not require special knowledge and effort. The special site creates a separate profile with limited access. Only you will have a password to the account, where information about all subscriber activity is saved:

  • details of calls: number, duration, incoming or outgoing, audio recording;
  • correspondence: SMS, MMS, Mobile Chat, Data Exchange;
  • saving and deleting files, up to Selfie made by your wife.

What as a result?

You get round-the-clock remote access to your mobile wife. At any time and anywhere through your own smartphone, you can conduct continuous surveillance in real time.

Before watching the phone's phone, you must accurately understand that you have ceased to trust your beloved. The service described above provides each user free monitoring within 12 hours.

Mobile spyware is an effective way to quickly collect the necessary evidence of the treason of spouse. Data collection is carried out in hidden mode without the owner's knowledge. You will always be aware where your spouse spends time and with whom.

« Is it possible to keep track of the phone without the consent of the owner?», « How can you follow the phone via the computer?», « How to follow my wife's telephone (husband)? " - These and many other similar questions arise in people for various reasons.

Follow a person by phone It is possible because of distrust, jealousy, as parental control, control over employees of his company or behind the elderly parents, etc. We accept that everyone has the right to this and give specific opportunities to implement all this in reality.

Our vKURSE program will allow you to follow the phone Spouses (spouse), child or workers without their consent, moreover (if there is an urgent need), they will not even notice that their phone is under round-the-clock surveillance. Therefore, our answer to the above issues is one: " Of course you can follow the phone over any person" Make it very simple - it is worth only to install the VKurse program.

VKURSE program Provides huge opportunities for surveillance for a foreign phone:

  • intercept SMS messages;
  • recording telephone conversations;
  • read messages in VKontakte, Viber, Whatsapp and classmates;
  • do screenshots after set time intervals;
  • copy messages to a computer;
  • keep control of incoming and outgoing calls;
  • determine the location of the subscriber and much more.

Install the VKurse application, follow the phone, listen to the conversations and the like - it is not always to deal with something illegal, penetrating in privacy is also a lot of opportunities that will help save the family, protect the old people and trace the movement of children to come on time To their help.

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