How to glue a protective screen on iPhone. The frame on the iPhone (iPhone), what to do? How to glue the protective glass on the IP Hone, and what are the minuses

Banks company was established in 2008. Represents the trendy and creative brand of digital accessories. The product range is very large: protective films, protective covers, portable power supplies, chargers, holders for smartphones and gadgets, USB cables, adapters and many other related products.

"Think about us" - is the concept of a brand.

Benks firmly believe that the original and high-quality products can change the life of each buyer.

Comfort and convenience from the manufacturer

The company controls the quality of the production of digital accessories daily. Benx uses imported raw materials for the manufacture of products, so every product is safe and certified, does not smell, unlike some competitors.

Benks® uses advanced production technology

Thus, the buyer gets the best product that has been thorough quality checks. One of the leading brands in the category of protective glasses and protective films for smartphones.

For long years, the company has been working on the production of protective coatings, so the product range is very large. According to Taobao statistics, Benks® is one of the leading brands in the category of protective accessories. The company entered JD Mail in 2010 and is a popular seller among protective glasses and films for gadgets for three years.

Protective coatings of the company passed MFI certification from Apple Corporation. Benks is the first organization that has received a national patent for the production of protective glass for auxiliary equipment.

Designer inspiration comes through the love of beautiful things in life. The combination of exclusive trends of fashion and originality, foreign exchange of experience, training of employees in leading designer schools leads to unique ideas and innovation in the design of the designs of manufactured accessories.

Let's like this - if a person does something for the first time, then it can be called noob in this matter. I never stressed the protective glass on the phone! I saw this process only once. Therefore, you can safely be considered a noob in sticking the protective glass. In this article, I will answer the question - can the Nob gently stick a protective glass on the iPhone?

So, the glasses were ordered back in October on Aliexpress. They did not rock anywhere after departure from China. Two months passed, I extended the protection time at my request. As a result, I opened two disputes and sellers I returned money. But Russian Post was to blame for: who would doubt). A couple of days ago, they sent me two notifications, they say your parcels to pick up urgently (they are almost 30 days per mail). That is, stupid postman did not confuse notifications.

He started from the first glasses for iPhone 6 Plus. Ordered this link.

Glass was in a foam box. To damage the glass inside, even the Russian post would have to be very trying.

Before the first experience, I looked at the video on YouTube about the right gluing - I did not know anything new. The essence of the process is reduced to rubbing the screen with an alcohol napkin and further neat window overlay on the screen.

In the box it turned out not only the glass itself in a special case, but also a double set of small napkins: wet (alcohol) and dry. Proter them screen in turn:

Then I got the glass, I rezed the protective film by pulling the special label. And gently applied glass. And then I was surprised - it was perfect and the air was released for 5-7 seconds. There were no bubbles and other artifacts.

The process was infused elementary.

Second glass for iPhone 5S ordered from another seller. Here it has already come in a small cardboard box. In addition to the same step-by-step napkins, a Dust-Absorber was lying in the kit (dust collector). Why is it needed? I just did all the same as the same thing as with the first glass.

Nuance. The glass for the iPhone 5S is slightly more visible part of the screen, so how it is not lepi (even if not even) still it will be cool and closes the entire screen, but the iPhone 6 Plus turned out to have a shepherd in a width. Therefore, I recommend the increased accuracy, so that the glass did not steal a pair of pixels.

Output: And here is the answer to the question in the title. Yes, anyone without difficulty and experience paste the protective glass to his phone. If you are afraid to stick inacience, well, order two pieces. Anyway, it will not disappear - there will be a spare.

Smartphone is a dear thing. Even purchasing a budget class device from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, we want it to serve for a long time and right. The loyalty of the gadget, in turn, depends on the two parameters: internal and external. And if on the first (submitted by the hardware) we can not affect, then overcome the external factors, we are as much as possible. We can protect your smartphone if not from drowning, then from mechanical impact certainly. And will help us in this glass on the phone. How to glue it? We will talk about it today and talk.

What does the protective glass need

It is difficult to disagree that the long use of any smartphone does not imply the appearance of chips, cracks, scratches, scratches. This fate is characteristic not only for the side faces, the upper and lower ends and the rear panel, but also for the front part. And there is hardly the most important element - the smartphone screen. Protective glasses were invented precisely to protect the device display. You can use the film, but it has a smaller protection coefficient. In any case, it is important to know how to glue protective glass on the phone.

What it is

The appearance of the protective glass is similar to the exterior of the film. Indeed, the tasks of these two elements are similar to each other. However, it is considered to be considered a more reliable component, since it has a greater density compared with the film. In addition, it is transparent and flexible, and this also has a certain importance. Of course, it will cost and more expensive films. However, it is worth it, especially in cases where there is either the high probability of mechanical impact, or when the gadget is truly expensive. For everyone, this is a plank different, but most users prefer to buy glass if their devices cost more than 10-15 thousand rubles. Buying the user reduces the likelihood of damage to the main screen to virtually zero, since the entire blow to itself will take the above component. Before talking about how to glue on the phone, I would like to focus on the benefits of the element.

Functions and beneficial properties

A lot about protective glass features will not say. From his name, it is clear why it was developed and for which it is intended. Whether the work is the features that can be spent on the clock. Their list, for example, includes scratch resistance and other similar damage. Someone may doubt this parameter, but usually all doubts disappear after the indicative test. For this you can use ordinary keys. Spend pointed edges on the glass, and you will see that it is really not covered with traces.

The second beneficial property of protective glass is trimming. We were already mentioned in briefly about this. A large number of smartphones when the screen is dropped down the screen, physical damage is obtained until the display is completely broken. With a protective glass, this problem will be solved, because instead of the screen it will break. By the way, the word "breaks down" here also should be understood a little different from his usual value. Shards from telephone protective glass will not fly to the sides. Finally, it is possible to note the fact that the glass holds quite and very reliable. Especially if we compare it with a simplified element - film. Users who often ask questions about how to properly glue the glass on the phone, can be refressed by learning that this operation does not need to have some special experience.

We consider a complete set

A very large number of requests is due to how to glue a film (glass) on the phone "Iphone 6". However, it should be understood that the process is in general, similar to other devices. And why should I stop on specific models if you can describe the operation universally? First of all, let's see what is in packing with a protective glass? Different manufacturers offer various equipment, but usually there is glass, alcohol napkin and a rag from a special material. If there is no cloth or napkins, then you can use a healthy analogs, it is non-nodded.

Glass for phone: how to glue? Prepare the surface

If you have previously installed a film or glass, these components will need to be deleted. To do this, remove the case if it is, then cling the element for the edge. To prevent the appearance of oily spots on the glass, you should preach to wash your hands in advance and dry them. By the way, the workplace preparation remains an important stage. Need a smooth horizontal surface and powerful lighting. This may be, for example, the table. Lighting will help to avoid the occurrence of unnoticed divorces and dusty sites. So what is needed to integrate the glass on the phone? How to glue it? The correct operation will only be in the event that the "naked" screen is in advance.

Why need cleaning

Clean the screen freed from the film or glass is needed in alcohol with a wet disk or alcohol. Wipe the screen should be carefully so that there are no contaminants left on it. After that, it should be wiped with a special cloth if it is included. If not, then you need to find analog. Now it's time to make glass on the phone. How to glue? We learn further.

The most important stage

On the adhesive side of the glass there is a special film. It must be removed. After that, we apply the glass itself to the screen. Carefully make sure that it is aligned along the edges of the device, combined with the speaker and control elements. By the way, you need to remember that it is possible to keep the protective glass only by the edges. Only in this case the traces after the operation will not be. When the fit will be completed, just lower the component on the screen. Glass will stick itself. Great, now we know how to glue the glass on the phone.

There are mines

Yes, like other elements, protective glass has some disadvantages. Some users who are interested in may think that the main drawback is the indicative complexity of the integration process. They say if it is incorrect to stick for the first time, then you will not do anything already. In fact, now it's not about this. The main disadvantage of this component is the fact that the device for which you will glue it will become more voluminous and heavy. However, if it does not confuse you, and you are not very sensitive to the mass-size phone indicators, but you want to protect it, you can contact the cellular salons. There will be offered not just the best products, but for extra money will be able to glitably stick glass.

Submarine stones and tricks

Most users are afraid of air bubbles. Rather that they will remain. Few people can boast that the protective glass is neatly the first time, and there are no bubbles. However, you can easily cope with a dry cloth. The procedure is easy to horror: just squeeze bubbles from the center to the periphery. The ability to glue protective glasses will save money that takes this procedure in cellular salons.


Now protective glasses are quite important and common accessories. Therefore, a large number of companies are engaged in their production. Budget options are represented mainly by Chinese firms, which could be expected. Nevertheless, they are not so bad. There are glasses of different brands among themselves only by quenching. Nevertheless, it should not be thought that the glass from the Chinese company will not provide the necessary degree of security. Now, after we learned how to glue tempered glass on the phone, you can move from words to business.

How to stick glass on iPhone?

Additional protective glass for the phone is a modern alternative to familiar films for screens. This accessory will protect your smartphone from all types of mechanical damage to the display (scratches, scratching, cracks from the decline of the device).

If you decide to purchase a protective glass for the iPhone, check out the basic tips on the choice of this accessory:

  • the glass thickness determines the level of protection of the phone from drops and beats;
  • select the type of glass - matte or glossy. The second option is cheaper. Glossy products protect the screen from shocks, but not from scratches;
  • matte glass completely protects your iPhone from shocks, sweetes, drops and glare.

Installing the protective accessory on the phone screen does not require special skills. Consider in detail how to stick a protective glass on an iPhone for several simple steps.

Step 1. Display Cleaning

Give a workplace in order. Make sure that there is no dust on the surface, which may eventually stay under the film. Then open the packaging and lay out all the items on the clean flat surface.

Clean the smartphone screen using fabric and equipment for cleaning glass. Carefully wipe the display surface and wait for it to completely dry. This action will allow you to remove even invisible dust. Try no longer touch directly to the iphone screen itself, so as not to create new divorces and dust. Napkins for initial cleaning the phone are complete with a protective glass.

Step 2. Unpacking Protective Glass

At the next stage, unpack the accessory and prepare it for sticking to the phone. Take the screen and disconnect the protective layer, which after sticking will contact the phone display. After disconnecting the protective layer, try not to touch the protective glass, otherwise the fingerprints will remain on the product.

Step 3. Sticking

Turn the protective glass down the side that was released from the film. Position the accessory above the smartphone screen without touching it. Try everything to match the most exactly as possible and accurately to avoid uneven sticks.

Further action must be done very quickly. Gradually, apply the glass to the iPhone display in the direction from the top of the housing to the bottom. Release the film so that the side areas themselves glued to the phone. Thanks to good cleaning, the bubbles will not form.

Step 4. Surveillating Surface

Not always, users know how to stick the glass on the iPhone. As a result, the result may not be perfect. To remove small irregularities or inside the air, take a piece of microfiber (comes with glass) or clean fabric and gently wipe the phone, moving from the center of the display to the side, slightly pressed. Thus, it is possible to eliminate flaws.

On the outer side of the protective glass is also pasted the film. Remove it immediately after eliminating all flaws. Now turn on the device and check the sensor responsiveness. Normally, the additional screen should not affect the smartphone.

Eliminate errors

If there are too many dust and dirt during sticking under protect glass, it will be uncomfortable to use the smartphone. The sensor can react worse on touch, and the appearance of such a phone will not be the best. Many users wonder how to glue the glass on the iPhone again and is it possible to do this at all? Yes, you can.

If the first time it did not work out normally glue the accessory, carefully disconnect it from the display and deposit to the clean surface. Once again, wipe the iPhone screen again and make sure that there are no more dust and dirt on it. Only after cleaning the screen, turn the glass again. More accessory is not worth the accessory.

How to remove the glass from iPhone?

As a rule, users need to remove the protective glass only in one case - when it broke during a fall or impact. It is very important to properly remove the accessory so that the fragments do not damage the main display of the smartphone.

Take a plastic card and find it the edge of the protective glass. Then move the map under the glass to its complete removal. This method allows you to create a certain barrier Waiting for the display and a damaged protective accessory.

Scratches and cracks on the iPhone glass can appear at all at any time. But this can be avoided.

Scratches will sooner or later appear, even the case will not save. The rear panel will not endure everything in the world, scratches can not be avoided. It is enough to put a smartphone on a dirty, uneven, rough surface, and spoiled appearance provided.

Agree, not everyone wants to use the device, which looks like a brick. Everything is scratched, unpleasant to the touch, and so on.

or so (even worse) ...

Yes, and no one is protected from the fall of the smartphone to the floor. Raise it and see that over the entire screen or rear panel of the flagship broke "web".

Real photo

You have to change the screen or rear panel. It costs a lot of money, especially in the case of up to 35 000 rubles For one screen. And about 7,000 rubles for the broken rear panel. Total about 42 000 rubles, if your iPhone x cracks on both sides.

Protective glass is a solution?

Consider the Protection Option screen :

First, he becomes fully closed. Hence the obvious plus - no scratches will appear on it.

Secondly, very durable glasses have now appeared. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry that you drop the iPhone, and he will break the smits. In 80% of cases, glass will protect.

Thirdly, there are glass options when the thickness of the device will not change. The difference will not notice.

Consider the security option rear panel :
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