Not enough free space on the computer? Delete backup iTunes. How to delete backups stored in ICloud? Is it possible to remove the backup iCloud

The iTunes program is a universal tool for storing the media system and management of "apple" devices. Many use it to create backup copies, but sometimes the need for the last storage disappears. Today we will tell how to delete data stored in iCloud or to a local computer via iTunes.

The presence of a timely created backup allows you to restore all the information from the iPhone, iPad or iPod if it has been deleted for any reason or you simply "move" to the new Apple-Device. For each of them, iTunes can store one more relevant backup.


In completion, we draw your attention to the fact that if there is no such need, it is better not to delete backup copies, even if the devices are no longer available. So, if you get a new iPhone, iPad or iPod, you can easily restore all the data on it that previously stored on the old one.

iCloud is a modern cloud of data for Apple products. With this application, it is proposed to make backup copies of information, as well as restore the smartphone. Very comfortably. Nevertheless, users are faced with messages about the lack of space on the iPhone. With such circumstances, you need to think about how to remove backup copies from iClOUD. What instructions and recommendations will help implement the idea of \u200b\u200blife? Is it possible to get rid of copies of the data that were made before?

Is there a chance

It is initially important to understand how real the task is. Is it allowed to get rid of backup data in ICloud?

Answer is not so difficult - yes, each user can clear the cloud memory at any time. Backup data are created and removed without much difficulty. There are several techniques that can help in this case. What exactly?

From the phone

How to remove backup copies from iClOUD? The first advice that users give each other is to work with iPhone or iPad. A similar technique allows you to quickly embody the idea of \u200b\u200blife.

Deleting backup data with a smartphone proceeds as follows:

  1. Enable iPhone. It is necessary to wait for its full loading.
  2. Go to "Settings" - "icloud" - "Storage".
  3. Press the "Management" button.
  4. In the list that appears, mark all copies of the data in which the need has fallen. Next click on the inscription "Delete Copy".

Quickly, simple, reliable. Similarly, any backup copy of the iPhone in ICloud can be deleted. But this is only one of the ways. Advanced users are invited to implement idea through a computer.

For macos.

For example, not everyone understands how you can work with MacOS. In practice, this system is not too often used. Therefore, working with it causes some questions.

How to remove backup copies from iCloud and forever? You can use the following actions algorithm:

  1. Go to Apple menu. There click on the inscription "System Settings", then click on the icloud icon.
  2. Click on "Control" - "Backup Copies".
  3. Mark all the data from which you want to get rid of. After that click on the "Delete" button.

The method of something resembles the previous alignment. You can turn off the data and get rid of all copies immediately. To do this, in the "Backup" menu, you must click on "Delete and Disable". A few minutes of waiting - and the case is done!

In Windows.

The following method in practice is occurring more often. After all, we are talking about working in Windows. In this operating system, you can easily get rid of backup data in ICloud.

The point is that with some time the Apple user data cloud exists on the Internet. This is a kind of Internet service. It allows you to find a mobile device on the map, as well as manage information in ICloud.

To get rid of previously made copies of data, you must:

  1. Open website It is best to download a special version of the Windows program.
  2. Complete authorization in the system under its login and password.
  3. Press the "Storage" section.
  4. Click on the inscription "Backup Copies".
  5. In the menu that appears, select All data to be deleted. After completing the procedure, click on "Delete".

It should be noted that if there is no "backup copies" item, it means that there are no saved data in iCloud. Smartphone clean, cloud too.

From now on, it is clear how a backup copy of the iPhone in ICloud can be deleted. There is nothing special in the process. It was already possible to note that in general, on different platforms, the actions remain similar. Therefore, even a novice user will be able to cope with the task. How to remove backup copies from iClOUD? This is no longer a problem!

The impetus for writing this article was the problems that appeared with me when creating a backup in ICloud. But if with the lack of free space in the cloud, I easily coped with the purchase of additional gigabytes, then another problem made the brains forced. With her I, perhaps and start. Then list other popular problems with backup to icloud and solutions.

Failed to complete the creation of the last backup

It was this error that I climbed when copying to icloud. And on the computer in iTunes, the backup also refused to be created.

Decision. We remove the old backup from ICloud. Settings-\u003e ICloud-\u003e Storage-\u003e Manage. Select the device and click the red button to delete a copy.

The screenshot displays that I have a backup of 0 bytes. In fact, this screenshot is made after the first removal 2 minutes before. You just need to wait for a while that the icloud is cleared of the remains of the old backup. I really do not know what was done in the repository, but in a couple of hours I was able to backup.

Unable to back up for this iPhone, as in iCloud is not enough free space.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to purchase an additional free place in ICloud. Settings-\u003e ICloud-\u003e Storage-\u003e Change the repository plan.At the moment, the following tariffs are valid:

  • 5 GB - free
  • 20 GB - 39 rubles per month
  • 200 GB - 149 rubles per month
  • 500 GB - 379 rubles per month
  • 1 TB - 749 rubles per month

Free 5 gigabytes in my experience is enough only in the case of 1-2 devices, but without backup to ICloud. If you include the library and photo, then 20 GB will be not enough. In general, nothing bothers you to increase the tariff gradually. For example, I, for example, with a whole zoo of gadgets with a head, grabs a tariff for 200 GB, where gigabytes 40 occupy photos. 1 Backup takes an average of 2-4 gigabytes.

But why am I leading it? All situations have different and often people want to meet some specific frameworks, for example, a tariff for 20 GB. In this case, you can save space in ICloud. What can be done?

  • Settings-\u003e ICloud-\u003e Storage-\u003e Drive.See which applications save your documents and data in ICloud. Delete unnecessary documents.
  • In the same place in the settings, see and terrify the size of the ICLOUD library. Maybe it makes sense to remove unnecessary photos and video from the device?

Backup copies of this iPad were not created 10 weeks. Backups are created when iPad is connected to a computer, locked and connected to Wi-Fi network

This message hints that you have not created backup copies for a long time. Do not ignore it if you are important information on your device. I recommend when this message appears to try to create a backup manually: You may have some kind of problem with automatic backup. You should identify this problem and eliminate.

IPhone backup will no longer be created on the computer automatically when synchronizing with iTunes

Do not be afraid of this message. It is only a warning after turning on the automatic backup to icloud. On the computer, the backup can be created manually through iTunes.

Backup copies of this iPad have not been created recently, since the process of its recovery is not completed. Want to complete the download of the remaining purchases and media files before backup or delete them together with all these programs?

Now this iPad is restored. Then a backup will automatically be created.

Both problems say that you have not yet completed the process of restoring the device. Wait for the end of the recovery process. If the problem does not pass through for a long time and you are sure that the recovery is already over, then try to restart the Ideev. And look carefully, whether all application icons are active (that is, not darkened). If applications are not restored over time, it may makes sense to remove them and then put it later.

If you have any problems with backup and you did not find a solution - ask your questions in the comments, clearly describing the problems. Let's help than we can! :)

In the ICLOUD cloud storage, IPhone and iPad users are only 5 GB of free space, which over time stops grabbing to store backups. Expansion of the ICloud repository is paid, because of what most Apple mobile devices owners are trying to meet in the volume provided for free. One of the best ways to release the place in ICloud is to remove old backups. We told about this simple process in this instruction.

Apple allows mobile devices to manage ICloud backup copies even without connecting to a computer. Moreover, you can delete both the data of the whole device and separately taken applications. This is especially convenient if you do not want to extend to the important information saved in ICloud.

Step 1. Go to the menu " Settings» → icloud..
Step 2. Select " Storage» → « Control».

Step 3. In the section " Backups"Select a copy of the device you want to delete.

Step 4. Wait for the backup identification and click " Delete a copy».

Step 5. Confirm the deletion.

Tip!If you are often encountered with a lack of space in the icloud storage, then the solution to the problem is to stop the synchronization of photos and video with the cloud service. To unload media files from the device, you can configure a separate cloud storage, such as Dropbox or Yandex.Disk.

The owners of the Apple devices have always arose the same problem. It lies in the fact that the space on the disk C, with each connection to iTunes, is becoming less and less.

It seems and you will not refuse backups, but what if it happens to the phone. But the places really take backup copies, especially if you have several devices.

I think it will be useful from time to time to delete old backups in which you will definitely not need.

Therefore, today I will tell and how to find them on your computer.

I know two ways to remove backups:

Removal through iTunes.

ITunes provides a backup removal feature. You just stand it to run, go EditSettings.

Now go to the tab Devices And we see a list of our backup copies. Select the desired and delete.

Removing via disc with

As you probably already guessed, you can directly delete backup copies. That is, go to the folder where they are stored and removed.

For this go to Start And click on username.

Now you see many dadgets and we need a folder called APPDATA.. She is not, because she is hidden, so that no one outside accidentally wandered into your backup copies.

In order that the folder has become visible pressed from above ArrangeFolder and Search optionsViewHidden files and foldersShow hidden files, folders and discs.

If it's hard to do, then go to the article and there in paragraph Hide invisible folders Everything is described in detail.

After the procedures done, the folder appears. APPDATA..

Further go through such folders Roaming - Apple Computer - MobileSync - Backup. If you do not have Windows 7, then go to this site, there there will be your operating system -\u003e path to the folder. When you went to the destination folder, you see a lot of files.

To understand what exactly delete, just look at Date of change. Accordingly, if today's date, the backup is completed in the current day.


Delete all files other than the last two backup copies, you never know what may happen.

Perhaps this is all that I wanted to tell about that.

And I almost forgot, finally I saw on this topic:

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