5S turns on and off. The iPhone does not turn on: the apple is lit and goes out. How to eliminate problems

Reading time: 4 min

In the article, we consider the main reasons why the iPhone turns off by itself, which led to this and how to solve the problem now. The material is relevant for all models iPhone X / 8/7/6/5/4 and their modifications S and PLUS.

iPhone, this is the accessory that provides unlimited possibilities of communication, while being a stylish gadget that emphasizes the taste of the user. Daily people spend a lot of time, rewriting with each other, converating, furrowing spaces of the Internet.

The smartphone took a great place in a person's life. The moreover, when the device gives failures when working. Serious malfunction - iPhone turns off spontaneously. During an important conversation or correspondence, the device can simply go out by providing many negative emotions. The reasons and methods to correct the trouble are several. Consider each separately.

Problems with battery

This is a popular, common reason. A malfunction may occur in several cases.

  1. The phone fell, which led to the disconnection of the battery contacts. But this phenomenon is non-permanent. The fact is that the contacts are not broken, but simply discharged and now spontaneously change the situation. The smartphone can work fine, but as soon as the owner shakes it (pulling out the pocket or somehow differently), then the iPhone battery contacts will be connected with the power supply, which will turn off the device. The level of charge role does not play.
  2. Non-original battery. This happens when when replacing the "native" battery establish cheaper Chinese counterparts. Capacity of these batteries can a priori be insufficient. But the phone will still work. Only during operations requiring high energy costs (Internet surfing through the Wi-Fi enabled and simultaneous conversation on the cellular line), the voltage jump will occur, and the battery capacity will fall on zero - the phone will turn off.
  3. Faulty battery. Each battery has its own definite recharge limit, after which it begins to come into disrepair. Another situation when the iPhone is exposed to temperature differences - for a long time arrives in a warm or cold environment.

How to fix

When the loop contacts fail, you should contact the service center - well, if the warranty on the iPhone is still valid. An independent unqualified solution to the problem is fraught with more disastrous consequences.

When an unoriginal battery is used, then the exit from the situation is simple - to change on the certified. Only to start you need to figure out the power that the phone consumes, and then purchase the corresponding battery.

When the battery is faulty or worked out, we do similarly to the previous way - we buy a suitable original battery. There is one important point here. Replacing the battery on the iPhone - the process is not from the lungs. On the Internet you can find a lot of instructions on this topic. But in reality sometimes everything else. In addition to skills (or at least experience), the user will need a special tool. Its value varies. It is easier to immediately attribute the iPhone to those skilled in the art, who for a modest board will quickly change the battery.

Problems with the power controller

Apple smartphones are devices where everything is thoughtful. There is a special chip that controls the voltage incoming when charging. The phone battery is powered by an AC network through a special adapter. Before entering the battery, the voltage passes through the power controller (the same chip). He plays the role of a barrier that does not allow damage the battery. When the voltage complies with the battery requirements, the charging goes, and when it is higher, then the chip is triggered, having a pulse to reach the battery.

If a iPhone turns off aloneThis may mean the breakage of the power controller. In this case, the operating system of the phone is trying to "protect" the battery from the voltage drops.

Method of repair

Create a situation forces only by the service center specialists. It will be necessary to replace the failed power controller. This process is associated with the work in the iPhone system board, where non-professional actions will result in complete dissent of the device.

Operating system errors

iPhone, like any modern device, has a variety of functions. One of them is direct interaction with the phone components. This is carried out by reading information from certain sensors. But not always this feature plays the owner's hand. Some program errors lead to the fact that the iPhone turns off by itself with a complete charge.

How to Repair Situation

The first one is the easiest option - the full reboot of the device. To do this, you will need to simultaneously hold the on and "home" buttons. Hold them in this position follows at least 15 seconds. With a successful reboot, the manufacturer's logo appears on the display.

It happens that the charging indicator is faulty. It has already been noted that the system works with iron in complete symbiosis. There is an error at which, despite the fact that the battery is charged, the corresponding indicator shows "0". The system immediately reacts to it, turning off the phone. Fix the situation easily:

  • Fully discharge iPhone.
  • We leave it in this state for 2-3 hours.
  • Then connect the charging.
  • We charge to a 100% indicator.

Another way to cope with errors is the restoration of the operating system. The process is carried out through the iTunes program (it has any user Apple devices). After that, we get a fully "clean" gadget from the newest (from the available) operating system. Before restoring, avoiding the loss of important information, you should make a backup of the data in the same iTunes or save them on the icloud cloud server.

Conflicting applications

There are applications that, when activated, enter the conflict with the operating system. This is caused by the incompatibility of the program and version of the iOS, the result of which is to turn off the device. Release from the situation two.

  1. Update the operating system if available.
  2. Delete a conflicting application.

Some programs require additional hard disk space. An example can serve as a photo editor that processes the image, retaining the result separately, not a touch of the original. When the memory is not enough, the system can react by turning off the phone. Exit: Release a hard disk space or use the application.

the iPhone may turn off due to a processor overload caused by a large number of simultaneously used programs. The component overheats and to protect its operating system gives a shutdown command.

Water getting

Water, along with dust - the main enemy of digital technology. If moisture gets inside the gadget, the device ceases to work correctly. It can manifest in that iPhone turns off by itself and turns on only with charging. In order not to ruin the device, you should contact the service center, where the iron is dried. It is not recommended to get rid of moisture inside the smartphone.

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"Apple" technique is famous for its high quality; For the same reason, it is valued for reliability. Unfortunately, many of its owners happen the situation when the ipad turns on and immediately turns off.

This often occurs without obvious causes, with a fully charged battery and, of course, at the most inopportune moment. In this article we will tell you how such a problem can be solved.

Tablet turns off immediately after loading

To begin with, you still have to connect the tablet to the power source and check how the battery is charged. If, after some time, the problem will repeat with a fully charged battery, it is quite possible, it just failed.

A more radical method (which, nevertheless, often helps to correct the problems that occur) is a hard reboot of the device. At the same time, there will be a reset of all temporal information.

  • Click and hold the on-shutdown and "Home" button at the same time.
  • We leave your fingers in this position until the "apple" logo appears, or the battery charge notification will not appear.
If nothing of the above helped, you can also try to resort to the following actions.

The tablet is turned off until the download is completed.

Often, the restoration of the device can be a real salvation, that is, restoring its system. This is a fairly simple procedure, and to do it for everyone. To do this, use the "Reset" section through the basic settings of the tablet.

If you wish, you can restore the system and differently. For example, to this end, the use of iTunes application is allowed.

  1. Making sure that before us is its latest version, create a backup of the device (this must be done to prevent the loss of important information).
  2. Move all data on a PC or laptop and perform synchronization.
  3. Connect the tablet to the computer.
  4. We find our device in the tab on the left and click on it.
  5. In the "Overview" section, we find the restoration button on the right and click on it.
  6. Confirm your actions by re-pressing a similar button.
  7. After that, the iTunes application must load the tablet software, after which its initial settings will begin.
At the end of this process, a reboot will be performed. We will only have to configure the tablet, using the prompts of the customization wizard. In addition, you can recover from the previously created backup.

If nothing of the described above helped, it is quite possible, there is a hardware failure. In this case, it is best to seek help from specialists.

Hey! To begin with, it is worth describing the situation in more detail, and then from the title may be incomprehensible that the author means. And recently, I encountered this problem personally, so that the picture stands as before the eyes and describe the situation of labor will not be :) And the following happened - my quite old iPhone 5S discharged completely, as they say "in zero", and it would seem, nothing criminal, Put for charging and left for his affairs ...

Returning after a while, and I see a very strange and inadequate behavior of the device - iPhone turns on, the screen lights up for a while (an apple appears and even a glimpse of entering the password) and immediately the display goes out and the phone is safely turned off immediately. And all, this happens constantly. For the sake of the experiment, it was waited for another 20 minutes - nothing has changed (only), but to turn on and off continued with enviable constancy.

I will run ahead and say that the problem was solved by independently and without a visit to the service center, and a sufficiently light way. But for a start about how to prevent such a situation and what to pay attention to:

  1. Do not discharge the device to a complete discharge, especially if the battery is no longer new.
  2. Do not try to force, in the frost of energy for the start you need much more.
  3. Use original accessories - the battery will only tell you thanks.

Actually, almost all of these reasons coincided with me - it was relatively cool in the room, the battery for a couple of years is definitely (although it keeps), only the wire and charging originals.

What happens in the end? When connected to the charger, it turns out that all incoming energy is spent exclusively on the system loading and the display backlight. This energy is missing, it cannot be accumulated, the iPhone is how it turns on, but immediately discharges and turns off. And then everything is repeated again. Here is such a closed circle.

How to get out of it?

  • Use a more powerful power adapter. The one that comes complete with the iPhone gives 1 ampere and is clearly not enough in such a situation. So you need something stronger, for example, from iPad. It has 2.1 amps at the exit and is able to give more energy, which is enough for inclusion. Is it safe? Apple says that it makes no sense to believe she.
  • In the case when there is no other adapter at hand, you need to do the following operation - and leave it on charging for some time in such a state. In this mode, the screen does not burn and the system is not loaded, which means there will be no energy consumption and everything it will charge the battery. After 20-30 minutes, we turn on the iPhone and rejoice that shutdowns stopped.
  • This option is clearly "on an amateur" and will require some skillings from you. It consists in connecting the wire to the device for 2-3 seconds and without waiting for it on, immediately pull it out. And such small portions, to recharge the battery before the state, which is enough for the full start of the iPhone.

Finally, I would like to note that the situation considered in this article is certainly not normal and in a good way, the battery must be changed so that there are no other surprises in the future. But here everyone already decides for himself.

If your Apple device hangs on the download stage or is constantly turned off without your team, then the reasons may be two - technical and software. Next, we will focus on each version in more detail, but you must first find out if your problem is suitable for cases that will be disassembled in this article.

The essence of the problem: the device does not turn on, the apple is burning and goes out, black screen

So, the following instructions for eliminating errors will be valid only for the following cases:

Why idhone or ipad does not turn on

If something from the above list is happening with your device, then the reasons for this are several:

  • Software - the device behaves incorrectly due to an error in the operating system. Perhaps you accidentally damaged the system files, maybe the reason for the installed third-party applications. If the device after each turn on is automatically translated into the recovery mode - DFU MODE, this means that during the last recovery or firmware update there has occurred some failure that led to the wrong IOS installation. That is, the device will try to boot, stumble upon an error, and then automatically turn off, because it could not overcome the barrier appear.
  • Technical is a more serious reason, as it consists in the fact that the devices cannot normally boot due to breakdowns of its internals. The iron of your iPhone or iPad could be damaged if the device fell, water fell on it, dust came down in its inside, because of which the contacts were crushed.

How to Repair Situation

So, from the above material, you should have understood, how much the device was broken. If you have not figured out what the reason for the breakdown is, first try to get rid of the program error, and only then from the technical. To adhere to such a procedure is due to the fact that most often the reason lies in the software, and not in the courses, since Apple has taken care of their protection very well.

Elimination of program error

If the error occurs due to improper operation of the operating system, then the surest way out is to restore the firmware of the device from zero. You can do this using the iTunes program installed on your computer. But first charge the battery of the device, stick it into the rosette for an hour. Even if the device does not turn on, the battery will be charged if, of course, the problem of bad loading is not in it.

If you managed to recharge the device, then follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect your device if it is not turned off at the moment.
  2. Run iTunes on your computer.
  3. Now you need to translate your phone or tablet to recovery mode. To do this, you must first clamp the combination of the "Home" and "Lock" buttons for 10 seconds.
  4. Then you need to remove your finger from the "Lock" buttons, and the "Home" button hold for another 10 seconds.
  5. Connect the device to the computer using a USB cable.
  6. A notification appears on the screen that iTunes has discovered a device that requires emergency recovery. Confirm the beginning of the process.
  7. Wait until the firmware boot. In no case, do not disconnect the USB cable, otherwise the process will be interrupted, and this will lead to another breakdown of the operating system.
  8. Wait for the process of installing the operating system, if everything goes fine, the device will start, and all the data that were lost can be restored from the backup if you, of course, took care of its availability in advance.

Elimination of technical problem

If the method described above does not help you, or you are sure that it will definitely not help you, then one thing remains to disassemble the device and clean it internally, it may help to eliminate the error. ATTENTION, it is not recommended to do it yourself, as it is very easy to do even worse, breaking the wire or damaging the chip. The best option is to attribute the device to Apple's official technical service, where experts independently will read it and, if necessary, replace damaged parts.

If for some reason you do not want to carry your phone or tablet in the service, you will have to do all of yourself. The main thing, every movement should be slow and neat, otherwise additional problems cannot be avoided.

For cleaning and disassembly, you will need the following items:

  1. Specialized cross screwdriver with multiple nozzles.
  2. Vacuum suction cup, without which the screen will be able to be practically impossible.
  3. Plastic blade, for example, from plasticine, or any other item is not metal, so as not to scratch the inside of the device.
  4. An object that will allow you to clean the device from garbage, for example, cotton wand.
  5. WD-40 aerosol, which will allow you to safely lubricate the insides of the device. But be careful if the lubricant falls in too much quantities or in the wrong place, then breakdowns can not be avoided.

After self-parsing, the warranty is removed from it. If you are ready for such sacrifices, we will proceed to the disassembly:

  1. We take a screwdriver and unscrew two screws that are near the entrance for a USB adapter.
  2. Use the sucker to pick up the screen and depart it from the main body. At this stage, it is important not to scratch the screen surface and do not break the latches that the screen holds. On the iPhone 5 there is a problem with the paint, which is too easy to father from the device.
  3. We unscrew three screws that hold the plate, which, in turn, holds the device screen.
  4. We postpone the part with the screen aside, it will no longer need it.
  5. We take out the battery by pulling the special plate. The battery can be slightly glued to turn it off safely use a plastic blade.
  6. We gradually unscrew all possible screws to remove successively all plates and boards.
  7. As a result, the housing should remain almost naked.
  8. Gently remove the plate closing the central processor.
  9. It can see its unique number and model. Write down these numbers, maybe someday use.
  10. After you completely discern all the plates and fees, one will remain to be promoting and removing the parts remaining on the body.
  11. As a result, you will have a complete set of details that will need to be cleared and lubricating. Further, the most difficult thing remains - to collect everything in the reverse order.

Video Tutorial: "How to Disassemble the iPhone"

If you have successfully completed the process of dismissaling and collecting the device, then there are two options - the first, the phone or tablet earned, and this can be completed the entire process and proceed to using the device. The second option of events, the device has not worked, and one thing remains to carry it to the Apple service so that they have been involved in qualified specialists. Recall that the warranty on the device is no longer valid, you have to pay. Perhaps you will also have to pay for the replacement of damaged parts.

So, the device can stop running for two reasons - technical and software. You can eliminate the program error using the firmware recovery via iTunes. Get rid of technical difficult, as it is necessary to disassemble the device and clean all contacts and fees. If neither the first nor the second version helped run the device, you need to contact the Apple official service.

Despite the high quality of all iPhone components, with long-term operation of the gadget, power supply problems may appear.

Among the most common problems allocate sudden disconnects of the phone. Even if the smartphone is fully charged, it can turn off and no longer run. Some users note that the iPhone works only on charging - immediately after connecting the LIGHTNING cable, the gadget begins to function normally.

Causes of breakage and "first aid"

All fault types described above are the operation of the power controller and the battery itself:

  • Due to the fall or impact of the phone, the accumulator loop could be damaged;
  • Failure of the power controller;
  • Physical battery wear.

It is worth noting that the cause of permanent discs of the phone may be problems in the software shell:

  • Long-lasting finding a smartphone in the cold or heat;
  • Launch of labor-intensive programs and processes, as a result of which the smartphone cannot process the code of other programs;
  • Bugs in the updated developer firmware;
  • Failure in the memory module.

Before proceeding with the hardware repair, we advise you to exclude the problem of software. Make sure the phone is indoors with an acceptable temperature for its operation (0-30 degrees).

Perform a forced reboot. To do this, simultaneously press the inclusion and "home" keys. If this option does not help, reset the settings to the factory. Such an action will solve all the problems that are associated with software bugs in iOS.

Hardware repair - instruction

The battery malfunction can be expressed in arbitrary iPhone disconnections, strong overheating of the device and problems with charging process. Also, if the gadget functions only from the power grid, it says about breaking the battery.

According to Apple's recommendations, the battery of any iPhone should be changed every 2 years, as this item is most susceptible to rapid wear. Remember that the long-term use of a spoiled battery can lead to its bloating or even an explosion, which will entail a breakdown of other expensive components.

Before repairing, make sure you have all the necessary tools. They are on sale on yodamobile:

  • Runner - plastic blade for disconnecting loops and other hardware components iPhone;
  • Mediators are used to hold the display when opening it;
  • Tweezers - for the careful extract of small components;
  • Succession - to disconnect the screen from the back cover.

Also, you will need a new battery if old works more than two years. Scheme opening the case is the same for all iPhone:

  • First you need to place the sucker at the bottom of the screen;
  • Then unscrew two bolts near the charging port;
  • Carefully pull the suction cup and with the help of the mediators, the edge of the edge. In all models you need to approach all four edges, except for iPhone 8 and iPhone X - they can not touch the right edge;
  • Gently disconnect the screen from the back cover. Next you need to completely remove the display module. To do this, turn off its train from the motherboard, having previously removed its plug to the side.

Now you need to check the battery plume connection. If, after opening the case, you noticed that it is disabled or fixed. Indeed, reconnect the train, assemble the phone and test it to work again. In most cases, it helps to correct the problem.

If you want to fully replace the battery, turn off its train and remove the battery using the DPUWER.

To replace the power controller on the iPhone, we recommend contacting a specialized service center, since the reparation or replacement of the motherboard parts at home can turn the phone to the "brick" mode, at which it will no longer turn on.

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