Your id version of the flash player. Which version to install and which version of Flash Player is needed for Yandex browser

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The modern Internet can no longer do without a flash player, and this is a fact. Videos, music, games, and other content all use flash technology, and you need a Flash Player to make it all work. In this article, I will explain in detail how to install Adobe Flash Player on any computer running Windows 7/8 / XP.

Honestly, the technology is stupid and many are already waiting, they will not wait for it to die and HTML5 will come to replace it. By the way, some of the videos on YouTube no longer require an installed player. works on HTML5 technology. But, nevertheless, flash is alive and well, despite the inhuman resource consumption and glitchiness.

When do I need to install Adobe Flash Player?

I think that if you found this article, then you already know why you need a player :) but still. Oftentimes, the browser or sites themselves report that they need a Flash Player to function properly. So, for example, the social network VKontakte directly declares this: "In order to use the audio service, you need to install a Flash player." Video hosting YouTube also reports: "Video playback requires Adobe Flash player"

On other sites, where there are no such messages, just something will not work and that's it. But as a rule, in this case, a message is displayed at the top with a proposal to download a flash player. Okay, I think it's clear here, let's get down to business.

Let's update our browser first

First you will need to update your browser to the latest version so that there will be no conflicts in the future. Let me show you how to do this for the most popular browsers.


This browser checks itself for the latest version every time it starts and offers to install it. To check manually you need to go to "Menu -\u003e Help -\u003e Check for Updates". If there are updates, install them. If not, then nothing needs to be done. The current version can be viewed in "Menu -\u003e Help -\u003e About".

Google chrome

This browser generally updates itself automatically. To check this you need to go to "Menu -\u003e About Google Chrome". If you need an update, you will see it.

Mozilla Firefox

Go to "Menu -\u003e Help -\u003e About FireFox". The browser will check for updates and, if there are any, will offer to apply them - let's apply! Moreover, if you have installed additional modules that are incompatible with the new version, you will be notified.

Everything, browsers have been updated. If something does not work out - do not be upset, start installing the player anyway.

Install Flash Player on your computer

Now we can get down to the main thing. In fact, everything is simple here: go to the official website, download the installer and run it, but there are nuances. Follow the link or click on the message about updating the flash player.

I draw your attention to the fact that you are transferred to the official site, and not to some kind of left

and download the installer:

Notice if your operating system and language have been identified correctly. If not correct, then click there and select your option. Please note that there are two types of installation: for Internet Explorer and for all other browsers. To install the correct version, you need to go to the site from the browser for which the flash player is installed.

If the version is NOT installed for Internet Explorer, then the plugin will be installed in all your browsers: Chrome, Opera, FireFox and others. Accordingly, the version for IE is installed only in it. Also, keep in mind that Flash Player is already built into Google Chrome, but it is not updated as often as the official version of the player.

So, to install Adobe Flash Player, uncheck the box about installing an additional program or some add-on and click "Download". The Save Installer window will open. We save, and then, as downloaded, we launch and follow the instructions of the wizard. At this stage, you need to close all open browsers!

In case of problems with the installation, also check if there are any running processes left from browsers, or just restart your computer and re-run the installer. When asked about the method for updating your flash player, I recommend leaving the first option "Allow Adobe to install updates" and clicking "Next".

At the end, click "Finish" and that's it, the installation is complete. You can open a browser and check that everything is working well.

How to check if Flash Player is installed correctly

If you have doubts about the normal operation of the player, then it is easy to check. Go to and see: if we see a banner with moving elements, then everything is in order, but if there is just a gray square, then Flash doesn't work:

That's it, summing up and watching the video

In the simplest case, the installation boils down to the following steps: automatically go to the Adobe website, download and run the installer.

I hope I have explained how to install Adobe Flash Player on a computer.

Finding out if your browser has Flash Player installed is easy enough. To do this, you need to follow the guidelines below.

Option 1: for browsers on the Chromium engine

First of all, it is necessary to separate the group of browsers for which Flash Player is already installed, which means that it is not required to additionally install it. These browsers include almost all web heaters based on the Chromium engine. These browsers include Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Amigo and others. If you are a user of one of these web browsers, rest assured, the plugin is already installed.

You can verify this if you click in the upper right corner on the Internet browser menu button and go to the section "Settings".

Go to the very end of the page and click on the button "Additional".

In the block "Privacy and Security" click on the button "Content settings".

Track down the section "Flash" and select it.

Make sure you have an active item "Allow Flash on sites"... Modify if necessary to make the plugin work.

Option 2: for IE, Mozilla Firefox and Opera

If you are a user of the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera web browser, then you need a separate installation of Flash Player as a program.

To check if Flash Player is installed on your computer, open a window on your computer. "Control Panel" and go to section "Programs and Features".

If you see Flash Player in the list of installed programs, then the program is installed on your computer.

In addition, you can check for Flash Player through the browser menu. This is done differently for each of the listed web browsers.

Checking for Flash Player in Opera

Check for Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox

Check for Flash Player for Internet Explorer

What is Flash Player

Among the necessary utilities is Adobe Flash Player: a program through which video and audio are played in browsers, navigation is carried out, and ads are displayed. Most of the moving-blinking elements of each site are "flash content". Without a player installed in the system, instead of colorful and useful pictures, you will see only a gray empty space with a proposal to install the plugin.

Although progressive websites are trying to abandon this rather old and not overly optimized technology with many security concerns, Flash content is bound to be present on the web for many years to come. The computer regularly tries to update the program by displaying a message on the screen that the Flash Player is being checked.

Flash Player versions: why it needs to be updated

In fact, there are three options for the Flash player at once, and this is only for Windows:

Plugin for Chromium-based browsers: Chrome, new Opera, Vivaldi, Yandex browser, many others;

Add-on for Mozilla Firefox browser and its clones: Pale Moon, WaterFox, etc.

Flash player for Internet Explorer (or the new Edge browser from Windows 10).

The program is regularly evolving: major updates are released by Adobe every 3-4 months. Versions are numeric, for example ..

The first integer (21) is the "generation" or major version of the program. It is this number that grows 3-4 times a year, every few months. The last number after the dot (0.242) means small internal updates aimed at hardening security, minor code optimization, other minor innovations that are not worthy of releasing a separate "large" version. These updates appear every 1-3 weeks.

All three player variants for different browsers have the same version number. It is advisable to install all three types of the program in one system - we are talking about information security and the speed of the computer.

Check Flash Player version: step by step instructions

There are two options to test your Flash Player, both are quick, simple and powerful.

1. Start Menu - Control Panel - Programs and Features. The list of all programs installed on the computer will include Flash players - moreover, with a version number. Flash Player validation is complete.

2. The same first steps: Start menu, Control Panel - Flash Player. A dialog box will open where you need to select the "Updates" tab. Version number in front of your eyes - You can also click the "Check" button and go to the developer's website to check the current version of Adobe Flash Player.

Adobe Flash Player: computer scan without user intervention

You can free yourself once and for all from the need to check the Flash Player version by entrusting this routine action to the computer (see the picture above). The program itself will regularly find out the latest version number, compare it with the installed utility and, if necessary, install it without the user's knowledge. Convenient - but only if the Internet connection is stable, fast, and traffic in the amount of 20-40 megabytes will not cause unnecessary expenses.

A full-fledged work in a virtual network is hardly possible without the use of Adobe Flash Player, which processes almost all multimedia content on Windows and Linux operating systems. But often there is a problem with watching videos, loading audio services, launching games and other content due to the absence or incorrect operation of a flash player. On many sites, a warning about the absence of a player pops up, and a message similar to the following is displayed on the screen: "You need an Adobe Flash player to play video." On some sites, the warning does not appear and multimedia applications simply do not start. In this article, you will learn how to properly install a flash player on a computer running Windows 7/8 / XP

The latest version of Adobe Flash Player must be downloaded exclusively from the official website. Otherwise, there is a possibility of picking up a virus or malware while downloading from other sites. For example, there are frequent cases when a completely different page opens when downloading a file or the installer's work is interrupted during the installation process. Therefore, download only from the official source.

Before installing adobe flash player, you need to update your browser to the latest version. If something does not work out or there are malfunctions, this is a consequence of the fact that the Yandex browser, Chrome, FireFox, Opera are not updated.

Now let's take a look at how to properly update the most common browser versions.

Mozilla Firefox

In the Mozilla Firefox browser, go to the menu. A window will open, at the bottom of which you will see. Click on it and select "About Firefox".

Here you will see the current browser version. If updates are available, Firefox will offer to download them.


A distinctive feature of Opera is that it checks for a new version every time the browser is launched. If a new version is found, the browser will prompt you to install it. To make sure that the latest version is installed, follow a few simple steps: "Menu -\u003e Help -\u003e Check for update".

In case the browser finds updates, install them. To find out which version of the Opera browser is loaded on your computer, go to Menu -\u003e Help -\u003e About.

Google chrome

This browser is automatically updated. To check the current version, go to "Menu -\u003e About Google Chrome". If Google Chrome needs an update, it will inform you about it.

Internet Explorer

Like the previous browser, it updates automatically. You just need to make sure that there is a check mark next to "Menu -\u003e Help -\u003e About".

The process of installing Adobe Flash Player on a computer

Once you've updated your browser, you're ready to download and install the Adobe Flash Player. Go to the official website of Adobe. The first step is to check if your operating system and application installation language are correctly defined.

Note the two existing installation versions: for Internet Explorer and for other browsers. Choose the option that suits you to avoid problems in the future. To install the correct version, you need to download through the appropriate browser for which you are installing the player.

If you install the version for all browsers, then the plugin will be installed in all browsers: Chrome, FireFox, Opera. Conversely, if the version of the player is intended only for Internet Explorer, the plug-in will be installed exclusively in it. Note that Google Chrome already has a built-in flash player. However, it is updated to the latest version less frequently than the official player.

Also here you can uncheck the box allowing the installation of an additional software package.

Let's proceed to the second step. Here the program asks to download the installer file to disk, click "Save file".

After downloading, we proceed to launch the application and follow the recommendations of the installation wizard.

At this point, the installer will ask you to close all browsers. When a notification about how to update the program appears, enable automatic installation of updates. Click "Next". Then click Finish. Flash Player is installed!

How to check if Adobe Flash Player is installed correctly

Load the checkout page in your browser and click Check Now. If you see congratulations, the flash player has been successfully installed.

If the "Check Now" button is not highlighted, then the Flash Player plugin is not included in the browser add-ons. For example, to enable the Flash plugin in Firefox, go to the browser menu and select Add-ons. In the plugins section, look for the line "Shockwave Flash" and use the dropdown to switch it to the "Always enable" state. If you have a different browser, perform the same actions and enable "Shockwave Flash".

Then we go back to the check page and make sure that the flash player is working correctly.

Enabling Adobe Flash Player in Yandex browser (video)

Finding out if your browser has Flash Player installed is easy enough. To do this, you need to follow the guidelines below.

Option 1: for browsers on the Chromium engine

First of all, it is necessary to separate the group of browsers for which Flash Player is already installed, which means that it is not required to additionally install it. These browsers include almost all web heaters based on the Chromium engine. Such browsers include Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Amigo and others. If you are a user of one of these web browsers, rest assured, the plugin is already installed.

You can verify this if you click in the upper right corner on the Internet browser menu button and go to the section "Settings".

Go to the very end of the page and click on the button "Additional".

In the block "Privacy and Security" click on the button "Content settings".

Track down the section "Flash" and select it.

Make sure you have an active item "Allow Flash on sites"... Modify if necessary to make the plugin work.

Option 2: for IE, Mozilla Firefox and Opera

If you are a user of the Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera web browser, then you need a separate installation of Flash Player as a program.

To check if Flash Player is installed on your computer, open a window on your computer. "Control Panel" and go to section "Programs and Features".

If you see Flash Player in the list of installed programs, then the program is installed on your computer.

In addition, you can check for Flash Player through the browser menu. This is done differently for each of the listed web browsers.

Checking for Flash Player in Opera

Check for Flash Player for Mozilla Firefox

Check for Flash Player for Internet Explorer

For the normal operation of any browser, additional components are required, otherwise Internet pages will not be fully loaded, and many features will not be available at all. One of the main components of any Internet browser is the Flash Player. Without it, you will not be able to view animations on Internet pages, play flash games, etc. Also, the Flash Player version needs to be updated from time to time.

You will need

  • - Computer with Windows OS;
  • - the Revo Uninstaller program.


  • There are several ways to see which version of this program is installed on your computer. The first way is as follows. Click Start. Go to the "Control Panel". Then select the Add or Remove Programs component. Depending on the type of menu and the version of the operating system, this component is located in different sections.
  • Open Add or Remove Programs. After that select "Sort programs by name". Thus, among the very first in the list should be displayed programs from the company Adobe, which is the developer of Flash Player. Among them, look for Flash Player. There the version of the program that is installed on your computer will be written.
  • There are times when there is no Flash Player among the programs. Then you need to use the software that will show information about all installed applications. Download the Revo Uninstaller utility from the Internet. It is designed to view and remove programs. Install it on your computer. Run the utility.
  • After starting Revo Uninstaller, you will see that a list of installed programs is displayed in its window. They are listed in alphabetical order. So look for Adobe Flash Player at the top of the list. By clicking on the program with the left mouse button, you can view its version.
  • You can also find out the version of the program directly on the official website of Adobe. Go to the home page of the site. After that go to "Support". Select Documentation, then Flash Player Documentation. Scroll down the site page.
  • Then click on the line "Flash Player Home". A page will open with all the information about the installed version of the program. Find the item You have version, below there will be information about the version of the program. If necessary, you can immediately update Flash Player.
  • Rate the article!

    Adobe Flash Player is one of the main programs that you need to install on your computer. She is responsible for playing Flash in browsers. These can be games, animation, movies, music, and more. And what you also need to know is that due to its peculiarity of work in the system, it must be constantly updated. This usually happens automatically. But if this did not happen, you should know as Adobe Flash Player update.

    How to update Adobe Flash Player

    Provided that you already have the product installed, but automatic updates are not configured by default, you will see a window, usually at the bottom right of the screen. You should be careful here, since cybercriminals intentionally copy this notification and use it for their own purposes to infect your computer with viruses. And during a visit to a site, it can be called on the screen of your monitor. And an unknowing user in a number of large cases clicks on it and, accordingly, either downloads an obviously dangerous program, or will be directed to a false company website, where he will be supposed to download an infected utility.

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