Comparative characteristics of search engines table. Comparative review of modern search engines. Indexing text in comments

According to statistics in January 2014, the global use of the most popular search engines and directories was distributed as follows:

Google - 84.65%;

Yahoo! - 6.69%;

Baidu - 3.39%;

Bing - 3.29%

In Runet, the following were the most popular at the same time search engines: - 48.1%; - 37.2%; - 5.9%; - 1.2%;

Ability to check the page for presence in indexes

Since the beginning of the Internet and search engines, online search has become a common method of obtaining information. People seek information every day for a variety of purposes: to help with assignments or schoolwork, or just for fun. Search is the second most popular activity on the Internet after email... On a typical day, more than half of Internet users search the Internet using a search engine. Web search is simple and convenient way search for information. Web search provides users with almost instant access to millions of search results, but the quality of the information associated with those search results is rough. - 0.8%.

According to Net Applications in November 2014, the most popular search engines and directories were still:

Google - 83.87%;

Yahoo! - 6.20%;

Baidu - 4.22%;

Bing - 3.69%

Let's take a closer look at some of them.

1. Search engine Google.Com

This system was created as a teaching project by Stanford University students (USA) Larry Page and Sergey Brin. In 1996, they developed the Back Rub software system, and in 1998, based on it, they created the Google system. Currently, it is the sole leader among global PS in all significant parameters.

Some of this information may be incorrect or come from unreliable sources. These search engines provide various features and performance. Obviously we cannot use them at the same time, so we can get confused which one is better?

A large amount of information is available on the Internet. Web stores text documentsas well as multimedia information such as images, videos, sounds, graphics, etc. the Internet has become the most important and important network that connects millions and even billions of people around the world. This is the cheapest, fastest and easiest way to communicate. The Internet provides many services such as email, messaging, video conferencing, online banking, social networks, online shopping, weather forecasting and more.

Google has the most extensive database of over 8 billion web pages and articles from interest newsgroups. Robot programs index\u003e 5 million new and updated pages per day, and the database is updated every 28 days.

Among the main advantages of this PS are:

1) high speed of work - from 1 to several seconds, despite the huge size of the system index file;

It is a type of website that helps a computer user find information on the Internet. Search engines are some of the most advanced websites on the Internet. These programs allow users to enter keywords or queries into the interface, then search engines immediately search for information related to the query.

Quickly after submitting the results, the results are displayed on the screen. This is called a search results page. The most popular or high quality webpages will be at the top. Search engines are very helpful to quickly and easy search information about something. Using more keywords or different keywords improves search results.

2) the ability to index documents in different formats - in the form of HTML files, in PDF, RTF, PS, DOC, XLS, PPT, WP5, etc. At the same time, Google allows you to instantly convert pages in these formats into a regular HTML file, without special software to access the file;

3) providing reasonably accurate information - search results in most cases correspond to the queries being made;

This includes synonyms, weather forecasts, time zones, stock quotes, maps, earthquake data, movie times, airports, house listings, and sports scores. Hassan, researches image search engines on the Internet. Zhang, said that many search engines are equipped with multiple language features; the irreplaceable translation function has only been implemented in a few search engines. Search engine language support functions remain at the lexical level. Just as there are cultural, political and geographic differences in the world's population, there are a number of search engines tailored to the individual needs of each citizen.

4) high degree of user comfort - users of non-English speaking countries are automatically redirected to the interface in their native language (180 local domains);

5) almost the only search engine that takes into account not only the number of pages, but also the quality in search results;

6) availability of additional functions - instead of the usual inscription “error 404” (“error 404), the system allows you to familiarize yourself with the content of some pages that no longer exist, however, in the form in which they were posted in the PS;

It was found that the speed of search engine results became a priority for participants. According to the Bolshoi, the World Wide Web offers access to information resources in many languages. Several events contribute to the multilingual exploitation of these resources. Some search engines, for example, allow the user to restrict retrieved sites to those in certain languages; some also provide a search interface in the selected language. Many websites also offer their information in several languages, one of which is usually English.

7) also offers the function "I'm Lucky",thanks to which, without waiting for search results, users immediately get to the site, which is in 1st place in the list of results.

The main features of Google when information search are also:

Use of morphological analysis of words;

No difference between uppercase and lowercase letters in the request.

Arnold, said that finding a specific digital element is difficult on the Internet. Search engines are autoresponders. Search engines are the key to finding specific information across a vast space World wide web... There are three main steps for a search engine.

Search engines based search robots are the ones that use automatic software agents called crawlers that crawl a website and receive full list of all there is - the page title, images, keywords it contains, and any other pages it links to. The crawler returns all of this information back to the central pool where the data is indexed. The scanner will periodically return to sites to check any information that has changed.

2 . CatalogYahoo!.

Yahoo! Is an American company that owns the world's second most popular search engine and directory and provides a number of services united by the Yahoo! Directory. The portal also includes the popular email service, Yahoo! Mail, one of the oldest and most used in the world.

The frequency with which this occurs is determined by the search engine administrators. To find information on hundreds of millions of web pages, the search engine uses special software robots called spiders to create lists of words found on websites. When the spider creates its lists, the process is called web scanning. To build and maintain a useful word list, search engine spiders must look at multiple pages. How does any spider begin its travels on the Web?

The usual starting points are lists of heavily used servers and very popular pages. The spider will start with a popular site, indexing words on its pages and following every link it finds on the site. In this, search engines take a "screenshot" of content that spiders can see and understand and store a massive database in it. When the spiders have completed the task of finding information on web pages, the search engine must store the information in a way that is useful.

In January 1994, Stanford University graduate students David Fileo and Jerry Yang created a website called Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web. It was nothing more than a directory of other sites.

In April 1994, the site was renamed Yahoo! and worked using google search engines. Since February 2004, the portal will stop using the search technology of its closest competitor and switch to its own. Yahoo! is currently in beta. Next is the basis for the future technologies of the project.

The engine can assign a weight to each entry; each commercial search engine has a different formula for assigning weight to words in its index. This is one of the reasons that searches for the same word in different search engines will produce different listsand the pages are presented in different orders.

Indexing helps you find information as quickly as possible. In hashing, a hash table is created by applying a formula to a numeric value that is bound to each word. The user type in the search interface and search engines match the indexed content with user searches and retrieve the most relevant and reliable information from their database.

Yahoo! provides\u003e 1.5 million links to Internet resources, covering more than 0.001 of the total web space. The data that is entered into the catalog undergo "manual processing". More than 200 editors daily “browse” the Internet space on the most popular topics.

3. Search systemYandex.

Yandex (Yandex) is a Russian IT company that owns a web search engine of the same name and an Internet portal. The search engine was officially announced on 23.09.1997 at the Softool exhibition.

Both search engines provide different recommendations for users to search for. The most important guideline is the use of specific and unique words to describe what we are looking for. If the keywords are more general or ambiguous words, a large number of irrelevant documents will be obtained feedback... Both search engines provide many categories for search results such as Internet, Images, Videos, Shopping, News and Sports. This snippet has enough information for each web result that the user can quickly crawl and navigate to find information from other web pages in the ranked results. After submitting the query, both search engines immediately returned relevant results along with a large number of recovered websites. This shows the ability and effectiveness of both search engines. Now is the day, life is very dependent on the Internet, and the Internet is being used to quickly get all the information around the world.

Currently, it is one of the leaders of the Russian search service, demonstrates high indicators both in terms of the volume of indexed documents (approximately 1.5 million Russian and foreign Russian-language servers, as well as servers in the CIS - about 200 million original documents were taken into account), so and by search relevance.

The main characteristics of search engines

The web has significantly changed the way we search for information. A user-friendly search engine interface plays an important role in the analysis of the best search engines. Thus, the search engine should be happy and easy to use for its users. Thus, it is necessary to understand how people use the Internet, how often they access the Internet, which search engine they like best. This survey is conducted to find out what users think about search engines.

  • Which search engine has more search capabilities?
  • What provides greater ease of use?
  • Which is better from the user's point of view?
The survey results will be used to find out what works best on the search engine. Below are the questions taken from the survey and the responses of the participants.

The number of processed requests as of 2009 - 1 982 billion. Since 2014 Yandex provides more than 30 services, the most popular of which are Yandex. Pictures, Yandex. Mail, Yandex. Weather, Yandex. News, etc.

Yandex PS carries out preliminary text processing and "builds" an index, which is then searched for. Within herself, she does not store documents, but only their addresses.

Have you heard of these search engines? Which of the following search engines do you use the most? Which of the following search engines provide ease of use? How often do you crawl "images" on search engines? What search engine did you use to find books?

Which search engine provides a purchase opportunity? Which search engine provides social connection... Which search engine supports multiple languages? Rank search engines. A navigation mapping that makes the search engine understandable?

The database is updated on a weekly basis. In addition, the Yandex system is still the only Russian search engine that indexes documents in PDF, RTF, DOC formats, along with HTML, Excel, PPT, Flash, RSS (blogs and forums).

1. It is advisable to check spelling.

If no document was found as a result of the search, it is possible that a spelling mistake was made in the spelling of the word. It is necessary to check the correctness of its spelling.

Index page refresh period

Was the translation service provided using a search engine? Which search engine suits most of your needs? Which search engine are you getting quality results from? Search is one of the most common tools for finding information on the Internet. Search engines are resources that help people search for any information on the Internet in a simple and easy way... The purpose of this study is to provide an extensive overview and analysis of search engines and to study user behavior when interacting with search engines.

If the search used a key phrase, then you need to look at the number of each of the words in the found documents (before their list after the phrase "Search results"). If a word does not appear, it is spelled incorrectly.

2. Use synonyms

If the list of found pages is too small or does not contain useful pages, you need to change the word. For example, instead of the word "abstracts", perhaps the phrase "term papers" or the word "essays" would be more suitable. You can search for three or four synonym words at once by listing them through the vertical bar (|). For example, instead of the word “photos” it is better to use the combination “photos | photo | photographs ”. Then pages will be found where at least one of the words occurs.

Commercial ecommerce merchants can use this data to tailor their marketing budget to increase sales and increase product exposure to sites that online shoppers often use to find great product deals.

Yilin Chen

Here are 10 best models for comparison. Their features and functionality are compared and contrasted with a focus on search engines, crawler and indexer functionality, and search functionality. Internet and computer techologies immeasurably increased the availability of information. However, as the volume increases information systems it becomes more difficult for users to obtain relevant information. Search engines were designed to make it easier quick search information. There are many software packages for building Internet search engines.

3. It is advisable to search for more than one word.

The words "psychology" or "products" will give you a lot of meaningless links when you search one by one. You must add one or two keywords related to the subject matter of the claim. For example, "Freud's psychology" or "selling and buying seafood." It is also necessary to narrow the scope of the query - if you are looking for information about a GAZ or Lada car, then the queries "GAZ car" or "Lada car" will give more relevant documents than the query "cars".

4. It is undesirable to write in large letters.

Starting a word with a capital (uppercase) letter, it will not be possible to find words that are written with a small (lowercase) letter if this word is not the first in the sentence. It is recommended to use capital letters in the query only in proper names.

5... Expedient search without morphology.

You can force Yandex to ignore the forms of words from the query when searching. For example, the query "! Ivanov" will only find pages with this surname, not Ivanovo.

6. Search for similar documents.

If one of the found documents is closer to the topic you are looking for than the others, it is advisable to use the link “find similar documents” (“more”). The link is located under short descriptions found documents.

7. When searching, it is advisable to use the signs "+" and "-".

To exclude documents where a certain word occurs, you must put a "-" sign in front of it (there should be no space between the word and the "+" / "-" sign). For example, if you need a description of the city of Vienna, it makes sense to ask as a query such a key phrase "Vienna travel guide agency tour.

4. Search engineRambler.

This search engine was launched in October 1996 and was originally intended to locate materials on servers within the territory of the former Soviet Union. By the beginning of the new millennium, Rambler had temporarily lost its leading position, obsolete in almost all positions.

However, the modernization of the entire software and hardware part carried out in December 2012 allowed this PS to regain its former authority. According to test results, Ramble ranks second after Yandex in terms of database size - about 120 million pages. The search robot's performance is declared at 6.9 million pages per day. The system has also improved news search: the robot is sent to the leading news sites in Russia every 2 hours.

There are a large number of search engines on the Internet, and each user is guided by the one that he is used to or that his colleagues advised him to. We will use brief description the most popular search engine, which is listed on one of the sites.

1. Google( The fastest and largest search engine. More than 1.3 billion pages have been indexed (of which a little more than 700 million are fully indexed, only the address and link text are known about the rest). It normally searches in Russian-language resources (of course, without word forms), it is possible to select the interface language. You can include / exclude results from specific sites and / or domains. Unlike most search engines, Google evaluates the popularity of a resource by the number of links leading to it from other pages. There is a thematic search - Apple Macintosh, BSD UNIX, Linux, the US government and University searches - a search in the resources of leading scientific and educational institutions.

2. Яndex ( The best of domestic search engines. It indexes mainly Russian-language resources, while its capabilities are not inferior to foreign systems. The search can be carried out exactly or in any word forms, with a date limit, indicating the site or its subdirectory. You can search based on the so-called citation index, search for images, scripts, applets; set the language of the document. The links you need are usually found in the top ten results. Has a "lightweight" version (with a minimum of design elements) at

3. AltaVista ( Provides a large expansion of search criteria: in Advanced search there is a choice of a period of time to which the date of creation or modification of the resource belongs, support for 25 languages; there is a possibility of issuing one result per site (this narrows the range of search without compromising quality). Power search has a standard set of features. Until recently, AV was a large portal, but for financial (and not only) reasons, it has significantly reduced the number of services.

4. Yahoo! ( One of the first search engines on the Internet. In addition to the standard set of functions, it allows you to select resources by date (4 years, 1, 3, 6 months, week, 1, 3 days). Supports the ability to specify the "*" sign instead of any sequence of characters in keywords... On Yahoo! compiled a large structured catalog of categories. First, the search is carried out in them, then in its own archive, then - using the system Google... Searching in categories gives good results - there are few of them and the match is good.

5. Lycos ( B recent times is one of the most popular systems. At the same time, it does not provide any special features - "AND" "OR", search for phrases, mandatory presence / absence of a word; in advanced features - search in title, URL, hostname and / or domain name; 25 languages, including Russian - in a word, the entire "generally accepted" set. You can specify the type of resource content - auto, books, ftp, download, news, etc. Obviously popularity Lycos - a consequence of the scale of this major project.

6. Rambler( Until recently, the most famous Russian search engine. Advanced search does not allow searches for phrases, and regular searches until February of this year rarely returned acceptable results. Since February, this system has been using an improved search engine, the design has changed, but in terms of quality Rambler still did not catch up with Yandex and Aport (according to the author conducting the analysis of search engines). The site contains a rating catalog of resources Rambler Top 100, one of the recognized sources of statistical information about Internet projects.

7. Aport ( Another good Russian search server... The search is carried out by text (only in all word forms) and by URL, using logical operators and the "..." operator (however, stop words in the phrase are still ignored), by date and in separate fields (name, description, etc.) ), meta characters are supported * and ! The presentation of search results is the most well-designed in comparison with other Russian search engines. Some doubts are caused by the design home pagewhich is clearly overloaded with information. There is a slightly lighter version at

End of work -

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On the site read: "Information computer networks"

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All topics in this section:

Working with Network Neighborhood
Network Neighborhood depicts the network in the format of a regular folder (Fig. 1). Each connected device or computer is shown as a computer icon, and subsequently viewing or receiving data (in

Network movement
Navigating the network is easy from the My Network Places window. To connect to the right computer just double-click on its icon. After that, everything will be displayed.

Accessing the network using File Explorer
To view network resources Explorer can also be used. When you start Explorer, on the left side of its window, in the All folders list box, you can find an item under n

Beginning of work
Before starting work, network users are divided into pairs, each of which works on two adjacent personal computers (PC) linked by local computer network (LAN). Into the distance

Topic 2. MS Internet Explorer browser
The global Internet is an unification of several tens of thousands of different local networks. Each the local network called a site or node. Each site consists of

Setting options for printing a page
1. From the File menu, select Page Internet Options. 2. In the Margins group, specify the sizes of the margins. 3. Choose one of the ways

Saving information obtained from web pages
As you browse the Web, you will come across information that you want to store so that you can later access it without connecting to the appropriate site. May with

Save a page or image without opening it for viewing
1. Right-click the link for the item to be saved. 2. Select Save Target As. 3. In the File name line, specify the name under which in

Copy information from page to document
1. Highlight the information you want to copy. To copy the entire page, choose Select All from the Edit menu. 2. In the Edit menu

Keyboard shortcuts for Internet Explorer
With keyboard shortcuts, you can view documents and execute a number of commands. Table 2. Executing commands from the keyboard Action Combination

Some web server addresses
IMPE them. A.S. Griboyedov Yandex search engine G search engine

Search problem and means of its organization
The huge and continuously increasing volumes of information available on the Internet, including operational information, makes the problem of finding the necessary information very urgent and difficult. Search speed needed

Directories and databases
Catalogs on the WWW are analogous to systematic library catalogs. Directory search consists of sequential movement through a hierarchical list of links called headings or categories

Metasearch systems
As noted above, any search engine looks at a specific set of servers and selects documents according to its inherent criteria. As a result, the search different systems one by one

Reach and depth
Coverage means the volume of the search engine base, which is measured by three indicators - the total volume of indexed information, the number of unique servers and the number of uni

Crawl speed and link relevance
The network crawl speed shows how quickly the newly added resource is indexed and how quickly the information in the database is updated. An important indicator search engine quality

Search quality (subjective indicator)
Each search engine has its own algorithm for sorting search results. The closer to the top of the list the document you need is, the better the relevance works. How to check

Search capabilities (working with document language, query language)
Another point of comparison is what exactly and how the search engine enters into the index. A full-text search engine indexes all words in the user-visible text. The presence of morphology makes it possible

Additional amenities
It - additional featureswhich the search engine provides to users. This includes all kinds of search options (specialized pages, search for similar documents, restriction

Topic 4. Rules for making requests
What are requests to search engines? Simply put, this is the text that you have to write in the input field of a special form on any search engine. Suppose in the input field those

Fine search
Yandex has a well-developed query language that allows fine searches. In order to take advantage of the wide range of possibilities, use the "advanced search" page, where b

Dictionary filter
Here you can specify which words must necessarily appear in the document, which should not be, and which are desirable (that is, they may or may not be). All Forms or Exact Form field

Find similar documents
If one of the found documents is closer to the topic you are looking for than the others, click on the link “find similar documents”. The link is located under the brief descriptions of the documents found. Yandex pro

Search for pictures and photos
Yandex is able to search not only in the text of the document, but also to find pictures by file name or signature. To do this, on the first page of, click the "advanced search" link. To search for pictures

How words are interpreted
Regardless of the form in which you used the word in the query, the search takes into account all its forms according to the rules of the Russian language. For example, if the query is "go", then in the cut

Natural language search
The signs "+" and "-". If you want the words from the query to be found necessarily, put a "+" in front of each of them. If you want to exclude some

Distance Search
Queries often look for stable phrases. If you put them in quotation marks, then those documents will be found in which these words are strictly in a row. For example, by request “red

Search in specific elements
You can limit the search for information to a list of servers, or vice versa, exclude servers from the search (url). You can also search for documents containing links to specific URLs (link) and image files (imag

Search result ranking
When searching, for each found document, Yandex calculates the relevance (match) value of the content of this document search query... List of found documents before issuing a user

Query Language Syntax (Strong Search)
Syntax What the operator stands for Example of a query space or & logical AND (within a sentence) leche

Search in elements
Syntax What the operator means Example query $ title (expression) search title $ title (CompTek)

Search tips
· You can do without a search engine if what you are looking for is familiar to you. You just need to enter a suggested address such as,, or

Topic 5. Working with the mail program Outlook Express
Mail program Outlook Express included in the package Internet Explorer... Electronic mail (e-mail) is the most widely used application for

Basic principles of working with Outlook
Outlook works with items different types: e-mail messages, information about events and contacts, entries in the diary, tasks, notes and others. Elements every

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