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1. History of "Google"

Many of us, faced with the problem of finding information on the web, turn to the smartest search engine Google for help. Today Google is the largest search engine in the world, its database of indexed documents is close to 3 billion. Hundreds of thousands of Russian Internet users visit the site every day. How many people know the history of Google? For example, why exactly Google, where does this name originate from? Why the smartest search engine? Let's figure it out.

A bit of history. The Google project was developed in 1998. Its founders are Stanford graduates Larry Page and Sergey Brin. To rank the documents, they came up with new technology - PageRank. If you do not go into details, then its essence is as follows, the more sites have links to this document, and the more authoritative they are, the more authoritative this document is considered. But besides this, when determining the relevance, not only the text of the source document is used, but also the text of those links that link to it. This is why it is often said that Google is the smartest search engine.

The story with the name of the project is interesting. Everything is clear with Yandex and Rambler: in the first case, the name in translation means “I am looking for”, in the second “a wandering person”, that is, a tramp on the Internet. And what is this strange word Google, which, by the way, is not translated into Russian?

When Sergey and Larry puzzled over how to christen their creation, they came across a note about the origin of the word googol (hugo? L). In 1938, the American scientist, mathematician Edward Kasner (1878-1955), was walking in the park with his nephews. The conversation unobtrusively turned about more numbers. And as usual children ask adults, nephews were interested in the name of a number with 6, 9 zeros…. Until one of them asked: "Uncle Edward, what is the name of a number with a hundred zeros?" It turned out that the mathematician did not know its name; no one had invented it yet. And then he invited his companions to choose him themselves. The youngest nephew Milton Sirotte, then he was 9 years old, coined the word "googol" (googol), and this number was named, and in honor of him the search engine. Google - according to one of the versions, this is a distorted spelling of the googol number, according to another, an error was made when registering the service, hence the name. I don't know if little Milton could have thought that his invention would become so popular? Probably, not.

Most of the Internet users have preferred Google search. The reason for their choice is the quality of the work of this company. At first, Google only provided a service like search. But now, in addition to search, the company has many other interesting and useful services, which have long won credibility in the eyes of users. The most useful and popular services created by Google are:

1. Gmail - mail created by Google programmers. The Gmail account immediately became the main one for many users. There is a wonderful intuitive interface. The service works quickly and without delays. Anyone who hasn't tried Gmail yet, I recommend registering there.

2. Google webmasters - this service was created specifically for website owners, webmasters, SEOs, etc. This service provides basic statements about your site: the number of links to the site, the most popular queries, keywords, page loading speed. All of these metrics will help you improve and improve your site.

3. Rss reader. Many internet users read blogs. And with this service you can subscribe to the newsletter of the blogs you are interested in. You will not need to go to the blog every time, all updates will come to you by themselves. There are many other similar services out there, but the Rss reader is one of the best.

5. Google calendar. It is clear that this is not a simple calendar. This is a service with which you can schedule important events by day. This way you will never forget the events that are about to happen. Interesting calendar and the fact that you can open access to the calendar. And other people will know about your plans for the future.

Google: a special approach to creating software products

2. History of Google 2

Google is a company with a non-standard approach. For example, Google has its own file systemas well as servers using common computer components. But at the same time, the now widely known "blank" interface home page Google is not a conscious decision, but a compulsory need. Early versions of the search engine simply didn't know HTML, so they had to keep the page very simple. Initially, there was not even a “Submit” button, there was always something that had to be pressed using your keyboard.

However, Google is now the prime candidate for the No. 1 software developer spot. This is despite the fact that the company is one of the largest corporate clients AMD and intends to independently engage in the design of computers and hardware for their own needs.

A trend that was started by Google and is now actively promoted is flexible software browser. Software that does not have to apply settings to all viewed sites at once, but can save custom sets of options separately. Simple but ingenious. Perhaps the main reason for the success of Google services is the focus on user needs and the highest quality of their solutions.

Look at the very popular Gmail, which attracted Internet users at one time in its gigantic size mailbox - as much as 2 gigabytes. Currently, competitors offer the same or larger volumes, but Google has found a decent answer here too. After all, Gmail is actually browser software - software that adapts to the needs of the user.

Exit Google Chrome - a significant case in a number of decent treatment of Google in its attempt to capture this market. Today, Google offers such custom service options: search, maps, mail, auto-loaded video, not so long ago - mobile phone and then finally the browser came along. With this kind of competition, it is obvious that a few strong players will completely control the market niche. In addition to a good interface and quick work in the new browser, JavaScript has become another reason that forced users to replace their favorite browser with Chrome. There are no obvious advantages (like Gmail - inbox size a few years ago). Google android many foreign observers have called the “iPhone murder”. Despite the googlephone interface, the full keyboard at the bottom of the screen with a fingertip, there are at least three advantages the phone already has: an iPhone-like interface, a keyboard, and most importantly, openness operating system... In addition, it is clear to everyone, without exception, that Google is able to gather around itself communities of Android developers, to attract companies to order software or create it yourself, by the company's staff. This is nothing more than attracting buyers with a rich choice. various programsincluding those freely redistributable under the GNU License.

Google Documents is a complete custom office suite with the ability to work together (you can even see in real time someone you give access to modify the document). To organize such maintenance tools, you usually have to at least buy some software, install and run a server. Here, a simple registration with a link to an email account is enough.

It is worth noting that Google's browser software independence requirement has not been confirmed. It is about attempts to seize a monopoly in the industry and the desire to seize complete control over users, before forcibly storing passport data in service registrations.

These claims sound highly unprofessional, and are further refuted by actual events - Google, for example, has reduced the expiration date of cookies and databases where users' past requests are stored. This confirms that the main goal is to provide popular, convenient, innovative services designed to prepare the industry for the next level.

Why is this a velvet revolution?

Mass Monsters is Google's marketing initiative. But no one announces it out loud. For example, a serious flaw in browser software is a program that stops working if contact with the Internet is lost. Google is solving this problem, and other software giants are also developing such solutions. This shows trends in scale. Market leaders understand that very soon the Internet will be everywhere (due to the development and mobile access), and the movement will be free, so it's easier and more convenient to offer software for any user's browser. google search engine browser interface

Of course, at present the situation with high-quality and affordable Internet connection is not fully resolved - there are still problems in some areas. But the trend in the service provider's market promise is to fix such problems in the near future.

Today, there are many services implemented right in the browser. These are photo editing, converting files, creating slideshows and many others.

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Google (google) - most popular search engine in the world. Only in a few countries it does not rank first in terms of the number of users, since it is inferior to local search engines. Russia belongs to such a country where Yandex dominates (55-65% of traffic), and Google accounts for (30-40% of traffic).

What does Google mean in English?
Google means one followed by 100 zeros

Google is without a doubt one of the largest sites in the world. The history of Google goes back to 1996, when a group of students decided to create a digital library project. As a result, they gave impetus to the most popular search engine in the world.

Search system Google is constantly improving and improving:

1) Changes are made to search algorithms almost every day. Of the major innovations for recent times (June 2012) one can single out the "panda" and "penguin" algorithms, which significantly changed the search results.

2) New services are constantly being created. The latter include social network Google pluswhich is gaining popularity very quickly.

3) The design of the home page changes almost every day, which pleases when working with Google every day.

Features of ranking in Google

Western and Russian-speaking Google differ markedly in the ranking of sites. If in Western SEO the sale of links is prohibited and severely punished already since 2000, then in Russia everything is just beginning. The first major step in this direction was the "penguin" algorithm. Before him, sites easily reached the top after automated runs through directories (for example, by a hrumer, an auto-submitter). Now, such runs are more likely to harm site positions than improve them.

Google has special parameter, which is calculated for each page of the site - PageRank (PR). The PR value can take from 0 to 10 with a step of 1. Moreover, the higher this number, the harder it is to achieve. Many SEO experts have established a logarithmic relationship of the seventh degree. For example, getting PR \u003d 2 is 7 times more difficult than PR \u003d 1, getting PR \u003d 5 is 7 times more difficult than PR \u003d 4, and 49 times more difficult than PR \u003d 3. If the site has very few backlinks, then the PR value usually does not exceed 3. PR \u003d 3 and higher, as a rule, are received by sites that buy links. For the average webmaster, PR \u003d 5 is the limit. It is very rare to find ordinary people who have PR \u003d 6. Popular sites and sites of large organizations usually have such high rates.

Usually, the PageRank of the home page is higher than that of the internal ones, but there are exceptions. A typical situation is the following picture: for example, for the main page PR4, for pages with a nesting level of 2 - PR2, PR3, etc. The higher the nesting level, the lower the PR.

There are opinions that sites with a high PageRank (PR) rank higher, but I disagree with them. If you analyze sites from the search results for any request, then you can find sites with PR \u003d 4 and PR \u003d 0. Therefore, it is hardly possible to say about some kind of relationship between positions and PR.

Google crawlers

  • Googlebot - main search robotwhich scans the page content to compile indexing and page cache;
  • Googlebot-Image - a search robot that scans images on a page;
  • Mediapartners-Google - checks the content of pages for the presence of Adsense ads;
  • Adsbot-Google - checking the quality of the content of those sites that are advertised in Adwords;
  • Googlebot-Mobile - search robot for indexing mobile sites;
  • Google Search Appliance - indexing for google devices Search Appliance;

Google services

Google has a lot of services, let's list the most basic ones:

  • Google Search is the main service that responds to user queries;
  • Gmail - service email;
  • Blogger is a free blogging service. Very popular with bloggers;
  • Adsense and Adwords- services contextual advertising;
  • Maps - detailed map the world, compiled from a satellite;
  • Google plus is a new social network that has a chance to become very popular;

What search engines are most popular on the Internet, and in its domestic segment? How does one search engine differ from another? What's the best search engine?

Search engine is a software and hardware complex with a web interface that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet.

Rating of Russian search engines (according to Liveinternet 2014)

1. Yandex -
2. Google -
3. Mail -
4. Rambler -
5. Bing -

Rating of global search engines (data from NetMarketShare 2014)

A brief description of the Yandex search engine

Yandex is the largest Russian search engine. Date of foundation - September 23, 1997. Recently Yandex has been actively entering the international level and already has localized versions of the service in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Turkey. In addition to search, Yandex provides many additional opportunities, including, free hosting, a service for blogging, post service, the Yandex Direct advertising network, and, in addition, recently Yandex has been actively promoting its own browser. In addition to the main search, Yandex provides the ability to search blogs, pictures and videos.

In 2011, a new method was developed and implemented machine learning Matrixnet, which has significantly improved the quality of search.

In addition, in 2011, Yandex placed its shares on the American high-tech exchange Nasdaq, which is a landmark event for domestic Internet companies.

In December 2012. Has been implemented new algorithm "Kaliningrad", which made the search personalized. This means that now the main ranking factor is the user himself, who forms a request for the search engine. In other words, search results for the same question for two different users will now differ depending on the needs and preferences of the users themselves. This is a new step in the evolution of search engines.

Among the innovations of Yandex are:

  • introduction of geo-dependence of queries depending on the regional affiliation of the user and the site;
  • consideration of behavioral factors;
  • development of a hint mechanism, error correction and recognition of abbreviations;
  • active fight against selling links and over-optimized texts;
  • introduction of personalized search;
  • accounting for the added semantic value of the site.

Brief description of the Google search engine

A recognized leader among search engines. The search engine appeared in 1996, and was originally designed to search the Stanford library file cabinet. Google Corporation was founded in 1998. IN this moment has over 100 regional versions in various countries. In addition, Google is not only a search, but also more than 50 different services, including the most popular google browser Chrome.

  • Pages indexed - over 3,000,000,000 pages.
  • Frame support - completely.
  • Types of indexed files - PDF, CGI, ASP, JSP, CFM, PHP.
  • Support for meta tags - the most important tag is title.
  • Database update - every 60 days.
  • Average indexing time is from 48 hours to 2 weeks.
  • Fast indexing is not.
  • Provides data for -, Yahoo, Netscape,
  • Paid Links - Google AdWords - own program contextual advertising for selected keywords.
  • Directory Search Results - The Open Directory Project directory is used.
  • Frequency keywords - keywords should be mentioned in the first third of the document. It is necessary to use synonyms and words on the selected topic throughout the site. Recommended frequency of keywords - from 0 to 12% - cases of high ranking are possible only due to high PageRank.
  • Link Popularity is very important. If there are no external links, the document will not be indexed.

Bing search engine summary

Bing is currently ranked # 3 on the list of the most popular search sites in terms of traffic volume, in contrast to which it has a number of exclusive features, such as dynamically adjusting the amount of information displayed for each search result (for example, only the title, short or long summary).

  • daily changing themes start page with information blocks;
  • output of clarifying options search queries by specific categories;
  • video with auto-start preview;
  • additional data for each search result;
  • built-in service for finding routes (other special search services coming soon);
  • functions to improve usability when searching for information, images and videos.

Despite all the capabilities of popular search engines, they cannot solve all problems. In particular, they are not always convenient to use for searching scientific information. For these purposes, there are special scientific search engines.

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