How to make Google your default browser. How to make Google your default search engine

In order for the link to open in the Google Chrome Internet browser, you will need to set it as the default browser. In this case, all new pages will open in it. Make similar settings can be done both in the browser itself and through the system parameters. Both of these methods are not difficult. Let's take a closer look at each of them below. And you will learn how to set other Internet browsers as the default browser from this.

Browser settings

First, let's see how to make Google Chrome the default browser through the settings of the application itself. It is very common to find that users try to perform similar actions with account user. If you are not logged in as an administrator, then you will not be able to make any changes to the application. In order to change the situation, click right click mouse on the browser shortcut. From the dropped context menu select Run as administrator.

After opening the browser, a message should appear prompting you to make the application the default browser. If you rejected it earlier, then it will not appear in the future. In this case, in order to assign Chrome the default browser, you will need to do more steps. If a window with a message has opened, then we simply agree with the proposal, and the operation can be considered completed.

Otherwise, click on the Settings and Browser Controls button. Next, go to Options. After that, a window will open in front of the user, at the bottom of which there will be a button that will make Chrome the default browser for Internet pages. Upon completion of the actions with changing the settings, a message will appear on the screen stating that Google chrome changed its status. This means that it has become the default browser. By the way, if you are tired of all the pop-up notifications in Chrome, then know what is possible.

Changing settings via the system

As you can see, the first method is very simple. Another method in which the settings are changed via operating system... We will consider the option when the user has Windows installed. Moreover, which version of the OS does not play a special role.

First, go to the Control Panel. Here we find the section Default Programs. After that, click on the Set default programs button. In the list that opens, select Google Chrome and click on the inscription, which suggests making this application the default browser. After these steps, you can see how the status of the Internet browser has changed. To change the settings, you just need to set another application as the default browser.

Now a few words should be said about why you should use Google Chrome for web browsing. This browser compares favorably with others, mainly in the speed of loading pages. In addition, Google Chrome almost always works correctly, rarely giving out any errors, which is typical of similar programs. A user-friendly interface and versatility are also the advantages of the Internet browser, because of which many users choose it. The address bar in the browser is combined with the search one, which is done for the comfort of those who use browsers. If you most often use a search engine like Yandex, then.

Making Google Chrome the default browser is quite simple, as we have already seen. Which of the two methods to choose is a personal matter. Both of them are not difficult for either novice or experienced users. If everything is done correctly, then new windows and links will automatically open in Google Chrome. The status of the program changes to indicate that all defaults apply for that program.

Hello everyone, my dear friends and guests of my blog. Please tell me, through which browser are you flying world wide web? I think few people use the built-in Internet Explorer... For example, I prefer to use Google Chrome, but despite this, if I open any link (not from my browser) or an Internet shortcut, then by default I open the same Internet Explorer (or Edge, when I'm at the top ten).

But since you are using the same chrome, then you also want this browser to open by default. How then to be? How to make chrome the default browser so that all links open in it? Well, actually, this is what my article will be about today. And it's easy to do. Go!

When you start a browser that you do not have by default, then in the same google chrome you should see a sign under the address bar with a proposal to make this browser the default. In this case, we agree and don't bother.

But there are cases that for some reason this window does not come out (failure or previously refused, maybe other force majeure). What to do then? Then look at the following points.

Google Chrome settings

In general, this is very easy to do in the browser itself, so you don't have to go far.

Did you think it would be more difficult? Of course not. But I'll give you a couple more ways, and you yourself think that you prefer it.

Control Panel

That's all. It seems to be easy too, don't you think so?

Windows 10

The famous Windows 10 operating system has added yet another way to accomplish our great evil deed.

By the way, all of the above methods are perfect for other browsers, so you can safely apply this for Mozilla Firefox, and for Opera, and for Yandex, etc.

Well, that seems to be all that I wanted to tell you today. Please tell me, which web browser do you use? And is it worth it as the main one? Please write in the comments.

Well, I hope that my article today was useful for you and now you will not have any problems with it). Do not forget to subscribe to my blog updates to stay up to date with everything new and interesting. And of course I always wait for you again on the pages of my blog. Good luck and goodbye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

Those users who have installed on their windows computer 10, note that a lot has changed compared to previous versions... Undoubtedly, the "ten" made a lot of noise, and today there are both opponents who treat it, at least with suspicion, and like-minded people to whom it is. And even if you belong to the second category of users, I am sure that some of the nuances still cause you questions.

For example, how to make chrome for windows 10 the default browser? It would seem nothing complicated, but this web browser has its own algorithm, which is not similar to or 8. Let's understand how it works. I will use Chrome as an example, but the principle of work with other browsers will be the same.

How to make Chrome your default browser via Options

As you probably remember, earlier in the Windows operating system, you could go to the settings of the web browser, find the corresponding line there, and put a checkmark in the right place. This will not work with the “top ten”, because this line no longer exists. However, there is another way, I would call it standard, using the "Options" menu. So, here's what you need to do:

  1. Call the start menu, there find the line "Options". An alternative option is the Win + I key combination on the keyboard.
  2. Next, in the settings, select "System", and then - "Default Applications".
  3. You will see the "Web Browser" section, at the very bottom of which the current default browser will be indicated, click on it.
  4. A new window will drop out in which you need to select a new web browser, in our case it is Google Chrome.

That's it, now for almost all links, sites, etc. the specified browser will open. True, it turns out that this option does not always work, it also happens that some types of files continue to work in the previously installed Microsoft Edge.

How to make Chrome default through Control Panel

If the previous option did not give the desired result, I suggest using an alternative option. To implement it, you need the following:

After such manipulations, problems should not arise. Now you know how to make Google Chrome or any other default browser.

Hello, friends! If you enter earlier search queries it was possible only in search engines, for example, Google or Yandex, but now everything has changed a little. Browser developers have increased the capabilities of the address bar, and now you can insert not only a link into it, but also enter a completely ordinary question there.

In almost all browsers, the user can independently choose which search engine to use in the address bar. In most cases, after installing the web browser, everything is fine, and you do not think about what is done there. But it may happen that the settings change and become uncomfortable and unusual.

Now we'll talk about how to make Google the default search engine in some popular browsers... The search engine in the address bar could have changed for several reasons: infection of the computer with a virus, or by installing new program, you have not unchecked the boxes next to the utilities offered for download, and often this antivirus utilities, or some search engines, browsers.

Besides the address bar, you can. You can read the detailed article. By clicking on the link.


Let's start with the most popular browser - Google Chrome. In Chrome, by default, the search we need in the address bar is selected, but if the settings have changed, then click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select "Settings".


Choosing Google search as the default in Opera is also not difficult. Click on the "Menu" button in the upper left and go to "Settings".

Now on the left open the "Browser" tab and in the "Search" section set the search engine by selecting the one you need from the list.

Mozilla Firefox

For those who use the Mozila browser, there will be no difficulties either. Click on the three stripes in the upper right and open the item mentioned more than once earlier.

Please note that the selected system will be used in the address and search bar. If in your browser you have only one bar at the top, then you can put an area for search next to it. To do this, mark the "Add search bar to toolbar" item with a marker.

Yandex browser

Considering that the user cannot select a favorite site as start page in Yandex browser, I thought that the same story would be with the search, but no - here we were not very limited. So click on the three horizontal bars at the top right and go to "Settings".

Microsoft Edge

If you have installed an operating windows system 10 and decided to use the browser from Microsoft - Edge, then all actions will be slightly different from those described above.

Click on three dots and go to "Settings".

Scroll down a little and click on "See more options."

Then in the "Search in the address bar using" field, you need to click on the existing parameter and select "Add new".

We select our Google and click "Use as default".

If there is no Google in the proposed options, then you need to go to the page: and find anything with it. After that, the required item will be added to the list.

Internet Explorer

And the last thing is to install Google by default search in Internet Explorer. I have version 11 of the browser, and I will show it on it.

In the next window, check the box "Use search options for this supplier" and click "Add".

Now again in the address bar you need to click on the arrow, and then select the button with the letter "G" at the bottom of the window. Done.

In such simple ways, you can return the usual Google search by default to the address bar in various browsers. And now by entering a query in the address bar, your favorite search engine will show you the results.

Each user has his own favorite program through which he sits 90 percent of the time on the Internet. You understood correctly, now we will talk about browsers, or rather about one of them. We will touch upon a topical issue among novice users, how to make Google Chrome browser default.

This article is one of a series on how to configure the browser to become the default. For other browsers, you can see information in other articles:

This information may seem simple to some more experienced users, but for beginners this information will be useful. This is confirmed by the letters that are sent to me by mail and to the support service.

To make Google Chrome the main browser on your computer, do the following: find the icon with three horizontal stripes in the upper right corner, click on it and select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.

In the "Default browser" section, click on the "Set Google Chrome as default browser" button. By the way, this button may not be there, then you don't need to do anything, you already have it by default.

In a situation where you want to make another browser the default, the question arises - how can this be done, because there is no button? You just need to go to another browser and set it as default. About how this can be done, read the links that I gave above at the very beginning of the article.

Above, I showed and told how to make Google Chrome the default browser through the built-in tools of this browser. But you can still configure it in a slightly different way (read below).

You can also customize the default programs with built-in windows tools, namely: go to the "Control Panel", select "Programs by default" - "Set programs by default." Now on the left choose the browser you want, and at the bottom right, click "Use this program as default." This is how it looks:

I think I answered the question posed - how to make Google Chrome the default browser, and you just have to remember how this is done. Let me remind you, if you are interested in how to make the default browser of other developers, then follow the links above.

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