Seo in yandex. Promotion in Yandex Maps and Google Maps. Do not delay the approval time

Yandex's new algorithm is based on a neural network. He learns from examples of user requests, and selects answers based on the meaning of the text on the page. This means, in particular, that it will work much more efficiently with non-standard queries when users themselves are not sure what the name of what they want to find is.

So, you can ask a query, for example, "a film where a blind man drove a Ferrari" - and Yandex will return "Kinopoisk" with the film "The Smell of a Woman".

In addition, the algorithm works with pictures as well. It analyzes the content of the image and selects the necessary option based on it, and not only from the description in the tags. This completely changes the ranking, and many SEOs are worried about how the site promotion in Yandex is being transformed. We tried to understand what the changes are about.

Consequences of "Korolev"

Our experts Denis Shubenok and Mikhail Volovich told how the new algorithm will affect search engine optimization, and how it will now be possible to promote the site in Yandex.

How could a new algorithm affect SEO?

Mikhail Volovich:The edge of the new algorithm, like Palekh before, is directed in a completely different direction - in a sense opposite to SEO. Yandex mainly focuses on non-trivial queries for which there are no obvious relevant answers (as in the case of a movie where a blind man drove a Ferrari). And SEO deals with those queries for which there are thousands of ideal answers. Because hundreds of SEOs and webmasters on their sites created a special page for each individual request of yours, and then worked diligently to fine-tune its relevance. In this - commercial - zone, search engines solve completely different problems. There is no need to search for relevant answers, or even choose the most relevant one. Here, among hundreds of fairly relevant candidates, you need to choose the best one according to some other, for example, commercial criteria.

However, "Korolev" is not an additional search module, but a change in the entire algorithm, starting from the earliest stages of the preliminary selection of candidates for ranking. Therefore, it will in one way or another affect all requests, including in the commercial zone. We will probably see some changes in the weights of commercial and textual factors, although hardly global. Promotion for Yandex as a whole will not change.

Who should expect what changes?

Denis Shubenok:So far, no one knows exactly how the algorithm will affect the results of specific sites. It was launched two days ago, and during this time it is impossible to track the results. Especially considering that "Korolev" works on the basis of a neural network, which accumulates data and adjusts the work with each request. Now we have launched the collection of information on all our projects, and in about a month we will be able to write a detailed report on how the promotion in Yandex has changed, if it has changed.

As we now assume, there will be no major changes. But you can expect some traffic redistribution towards large sites. Korolev is designed for complex, mostly low-frequency information requests, and sites that can afford to create a lot of content will benefit from its work.

Is it so important now to collect the semantic core?

Mikhail Volovich:Search engines, willingly or unwillingly, shape the Internet. In the ecosystem formed by Yandex and Google, all your competitors create an ideally relevant page for each request you are interested in. Even if Yandex's perceptions of relevance after the "Queen" change greatly, which is unlikely, competitors will not go anywhere and will quickly tweak their pages to the new ideal of relevance. You, of course, can get lucky, and for some requests your site will take off by itself. But the rest will still have to be worked on.

I am afraid that for SEO the name “Korolev” will be symbolic in a completely different way from Yandex. This is the city on Yaroslavka, which is impossible to reach without traffic jams.

Will the traffic grow due to associated queries?

Mikhail Volovich:Hardly. But you will need to pay close attention to query clustering. One of the innovations announced by yandex is taking into account the "semantics" of other queries that go to this page.

Competent website optimization at the initial stages is extremely important for successful promotion and profit. If you do not take care of all the nuances from the very beginning, this can lead to additional expenses in the future. In this article I want to describe the steps that will help you start promoting your site in search engines on your own. It will be useful for those who are planning to launch or are just starting their own project, but do not want to attract third-party contractors to promote it. This article can also help the manager evaluate the work of SEO specialists. Based on the results of the article, you will learn what steps need to be taken to successfully launch the project and its further development.

Step 1. Choosing a CMS

CMS (English Content management system) is a content management system on the site. In other words, it is the engine through which we can add and edit content.

It is very important that the CMS is flexible and SEO-friendly. The main ones are:

  • Set a unique Title tag (an important title for promotion, which search engines take into account when calculating the relevance of a page to a request).
  • Set a unique Description tag (a capacious description of the page that search engines most often display in a snippet; users pay attention to a bright and attractive snippet and, most likely, will go to the site).
  • Set CNC (human-readable URLs). You can learn more about CNC in the article "".
  • Set tags H1-H6 (headings that are important for promotion, which are taken into account when calculating relevance; tags must be unique within the site and used only for the text part).
  • Set unique Alt and Title for images.
  • It should be possible to set unique text.
  • The CMS must have an HTML editor for the text of each page.
  • It should be possible to set rel \u003d canonical /, .
  • Set unique text for breadcrumbs.
  • For online stores, the data import and export function is extremely important. It helps to batch make changes to Title, Description and other attributes.
  • Server response time (Time To First Byte) up to 0.5 seconds. Read more about page load time in the article "How to optimize site loading speed to improve your positions in Yandex and Google".

For service sites We recommend CMS WordPress - a free engine with a large community and flexible functionality. Meets all SEO requirements and is easy to learn.

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For online stores - WordPress is also a good option, OpenCart and Magento are alternatives.

In no case do not order website development from companies that use their own CMS. In the future, you will be heavily dependent on them and their development. Usually in such companies it takes a very long time to carry out improvements, and the quality of their work is at a low level. It is also difficult to find a developer for someone else's CMS.

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Step 2. Preparing the mobile version of the site

Today, mobile traffic is getting more and more. Google now primarily analyzes the mobile version of the site, so its presence is a must.

  • In responsive design, use a meta tag ... This will indicate to the browser that the page is adapted for smaller screens.
  • The site must be accessible to mobile search engine robots:
    Googlebot / 2.1 (+ http: //
    Mozilla / 5.0 (compatible; Googlebot / 2.1; + http: //
    Mozilla / 5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit / 600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version / 8.0 Mobile / 12B411 Safari / 600.1.4 (compatible; YandexMobileBot / 3.0; + http: // yandex .com / bots).
  • CSS and JavaScript files cannot be closed from indexing.
  • The content of the pages should not go beyond the screen horizontally. You can use the Mobile Optimization Checker to check if the display is correct. It analyzes the page and gives recommendations for correcting errors. The tool needs to check all types of pages: main, categories, subcategories, product / service cards.
  • There should be no horizontal scrolling cursor on the screen. All elements - images, buttons, text - must adapt to the smartphone screen.
  • Don't use elements that are not displayed on mobile, such as Flash videos.
  • It is best to avoid pop-ups and ads, as they usually take up the entire screen of your smartphone.
  • The speed of mobile pages should be maximized. This can be achieved by shortening scripts, styles, including browser caching.
  • In the future, check mobile responsiveness using the "Check mobile pages" tools in Yandex.Webmaster and "Ease of viewing on mobile devices" in Google Search Console.

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Step 3. Collecting the semantic core

The semantic core is a set of words and phrases that characterize the subject matter and structure of the site. For these queries, users will be able to find your site through a search engine.

Semantics is the foundation for successful promotion. This can be clearly seen if you imagine customer acquisition in SEO as a funnel:

If we collect the semantics correctly at the initial stage, we will receive targeted traffic. If we make a mistake and don't understand the demand, we will lose customers and sales.

Thus, the semantic core allows:

  • Assess user demand for a service or product category.
  • Build the right structure and accurately respond to user requests.
  • Control the visibility and efficiency of work in the future.

The paradigm for collecting semantics is as follows:

Formation of markers... Markers are general queries that uniquely characterize a service or a group of goods. For example, you sell facial cosmetics and you have creams and tonics - markers for these products will be “face creams” and “face tonics”.

To create a list of markers, you need to brainstorm and write down all the options for the names of services or goods. Then this list needs to be expanded with synonyms.

Example of a finished list:
Repair of apartments
Turnkey apartment renovation
Repair of a one-room apartment
Repair of 1 room apartment

Detailed instructions on the formation of token queries in our article "".

Collecting extensions... After the token queries are collected, they need to be expanded with clarifications: apartment renovation in moscow, price for apartment renovation, order apartment renovation etc.

This part of the work can be automated using the Key Collector. The program automatically expands token queries, pulling data from various sources: Yandex.Wordstat, Google Adwords,,, search suggestions, etc.

For detailed instructions on how to compile the Semantic Core, see the following articles:
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Having collected the keywords and cleared them of garbage, you can proceed to the formation of the site structure.

Step 4. Grouping and structure formation

We now have a semantic core. On its basis, you can build a site structure.

First, you need to group your queries. We recommend doing the grouping according to the method of similarity of TOPs, popularly called "clustering by TOP". Its essence is as follows: if at least 3 identical URLs are ranked in the TOP-10 by request 1, in the TOP-10 by request 2 ... and in the TOP-10 by request N, these requests can be promoted on one page. The more pages overlap, the more likely it is that queries will rank well on a single page. Requests that can be pushed together form a cluster.

This is the best option - we immediately remove the question, a commercial request or an informational one, since the TOPs will not lie. It is unlikely that there will be both a commercial and an information request on one page. Most likely, there will be 2 commercial or 2 informational.

Clustering services:

As a result, you will get a file with groups:

Clustering example from

Now you can build the structure. The hierarchy will be built from general to specific — from more general queries to more precise ones.
Category → Subcategory → End Page
We go through all the groups, assign them to one category or another and immediately write the URL for the final page. As a result, you need to get a file like:

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When working with semantics, we recommend using the add-in for Excel - SEO-excel. She knows how to highlight groups, generate URL, Title, etc.
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After we finish with the structure, we can proceed to internal optimization.

Step 5. Internal optimization

The success of website promotion in the PS directly depends on the quality of internal website optimization: headers and meta tags, content, URL, Alt-tags to images.

Consider areas of the document important for ranking that should be optimized.

Meta tags

Usually, internal optimization begins with the preparation of meta tags. The way they are compiled depends on the size of the project.

If you have a service site and there are not so many pages, you can immediately register meta tags manually.

If you have an online store, it is best to use templates and only then finish manually.


One of the most important areas of the document has a noticeable impact on the ranking of the site.

Basic requirements for the formation of Title:

  • Reflects the essence of the page.
  • Contains the direct occurrence of the most competitive keyword.
  • The main keyword is at the beginning of the Title.
  • Contains all the words from the query (for example, we have a query "buy plastic bags in bulk" - this means that the Title should contain the words "buy", "wholesale." RC quadcopters "- both of them must be included in the tag.
  • Does not contain unnecessary words. For example, "company", "in a store", "etc." - these are words that do not directly relate to the topic, they blur the weight of the main keywords, the relevance of the Title itself.
  • No spam. Title should not contain unnatural structures: "Buy plastic bags for Moscow". Also, there should be no listing of key phrases.
  • Differ from the page title


  • Be unique for every page.
  • The approximate length is about 70-130 characters.

Smoker Title: Buy superhero, buy superhero figures, action figures for children

Healthy person title: Buy superhero figures for kids in Moscow - Hasbro


Description can be taken into account by search engines when forming a snippet. It is not a ranking factor and only affects the snippet.

  • The recommended number of characters is from 150 to 200.
  • Contains all the words from the keyword (we include them not in order to increase relevance, but in order to pull them into the snippet and the keywords were highlighted in the search results).
  • Describes the content of the page, just like Title.
  • Logical, concise and complete, written in normal human language.
  • With special characters.
  • Unique (within the site).

An example of a normal Description: Order radio-controlled helicopters in our online store. We have a large selection of RC helicopters with cameras. ✈ Fast delivery ✈ in Moscow and the Moscow region, convenient self-pickup and a guarantee!


This meta tag does not affect the ranking, but since Yandex writes that meta keywords can be taken into account, I recommend filling it in by adding 3-5 phrases that are relevant to the content, separated by commas.

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We have come to the most difficult thing in website promotion - texts. For a long time, SEOs thought only about various formal metrics of texts: the number of occurrences, volume, nausea, TF / IDF value, and much more. The text was forced into frames, while the content was in second or even third place. This approach yielded results, but neither the search nor the user liked it.

Now the era of counting occurrences is leaving, today meaning and content are important. Of course, occurrences are necessary, but they are not an end in itself.

  • Must solve a specific problem. If it is text for a services page, it should describe in detail the service, advantages, features and differences from competitors. If the text is in the catalog, it should briefly convey what products are, what features they have.
  • Specify a range for the number of occurrences, not a hard number. For example, no less than 2 and no more than 100.
  • Allow the use of word forms. There is no need to require a copywriter to include in the text constructions of this type - “buy Moscow inexpensively”.
  • Do not set frames for the volume of the text. This will allow the SEO copywriter not to stop thinking if the required number of characters is reached, or not think of what else to add for the number.
  • Check the text for uniqueness. This can be done using the services Etxt Antiplagiat or Advego Plagiatus.
  • We recommend analyzing the text in the Glavred and Turgenev services. The first will help get rid of the water, and the second will assess the risk of falling under the text filter "Baden-Baden".

Internal linking

Internal linking is the placement of links within the site from one page to another.

Internal linking serves several purposes: organization of convenient navigation, organization of the structure for better indexing of pages, as well as weight distribution (conventionally - importance).

At the initial stage, there are several requirements:

  • Any important page is available in two clicks from the main page.
  • Site navigation is convenient and logical for users.

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Step 6. Optimize commercial ranking factors

In addition to textual factors, it makes sense to immediately work out commercial ones.

Commercial factors are a number of indicators that characterize the reliability of an online seller: recognizable brand, assortment, presence of dealerships, price level, payment options, etc.

In fact, commercial factors are the properties of the site that allow the user to easily solve his problem, and also speak about the quality of the service in general.

  • presence of contacts;
  • completeness of the range;
  • availability of certificates, awards, etc .;
  • reviews;
  • availability of prices on the site;
  • filters in online stores;
  • detailed information about the company;
  • detailed information on delivery and payment;
  • various options for communication;
  • discounts and promotions.

To work out commercial factors, you need to analyze your competitors.

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Step 7. Checking the site before publishing

After all the steps taken, the site is almost ready for publication. However, before "feeding" it to search engines, you should check everything carefully.

Things to check:

  • Title and meta tags are written for each page.
  • The site has robots.txt configured correctly.
  • The site has a Sitemap.xml, it does not contain errors.
  • The site has been added to Yandex.Webmaster and Search Console.
  • Added Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics counters to the site.
  • The site has a 404 page configured, it returns the 404 server code.
  • The site has a mobile version.
  • All important pages return 200 server response code.
  • Pages are not duplicated within the site.
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    "What should be closed for indexing on the site, why and how to do it"

    Step 8. External website optimization

    Links continue to be taken into account when ranking in both Yandex and Google. On Google, quality improvements to a site's link mass usually have a noticeable effect. In Yandex, the influence of links is not so noticeable, so now we do not recommend focusing on it.

    Representatives of both leading search engines say that the site should have a natural link mass. In fact, when promoting many commercial projects it is impossible to rely only on natural links.

    When buying, you need to imitate naturalness as much as possible in order, on the one hand, to achieve better results, and on the other, to reduce the risks of applying lowering sanctions to the site.

    At first, it is better to use the so-called crowd marketing - imitation of natural interest in a site on the network. The essence of this method is simple - you need to find a user on the network who is interested in services, answer his question, and then give a link to the site page.

    It is fundamentally important not to confuse this method with comment spam, which unfortunately often happens. We repeat: you need to answer the user's question and only then, if appropriate, you can post a link.

    After three months, you can start building more active links.

    Sources of links:

    • Authoritative directories. Don't do directory runs. Look for only high quality and visited ones.
    • Review sites. Be active on sites like
    • Analysis of competitors. This is a mine of ideas. Analysis tools:,,
    • Search for thematic blogs. In this case, you need to look for good sites and negotiate the placement of links with their owners.
    • PBN is a private blog network. Here you need to independently raise a network of blogs, from which links will then go. Quite an effective but expensive method.
    • There should be more non-anchor links than anchor ones.
    • The anchor list should be varied.
    • Don't use rental links.
    • We recommend that you minimize the use of sites from exchanges of eternal links.
    • Post links to thematic resources.
    • Keep the dynamics of growth. The number of links should grow slowly but surely.

Yandex (Yandex) is the number 1 search engine in the Russian Internet. For many years it has been holding the lead in terms of audience volume on the Russian-speaking Internet among all search engines. If you manage to raise your site to the TOP of Yandex search, you will be able to attract more high-quality traffic than from Google or any other search engines.

Yandex's ranking algorithms accurately build the search results based on the region from which the request came. This gives you an influx of targeted customers from your city. The user will always be able to find exactly you and make a purchase. Having carried out work on SEO promotion of a site in the Yandex TOP, you will significantly increase its efficiency by attracting an interested audience.

Stages of work

1. Drawing up a promotion strategy

As part of the search engine promotion of sites in Yandex, we develop an individual strategy for each project in accordance with the goals of the customer to achieve the best result. You get:

  • target audience analysis;
  • study of large competitors;
  • demand forecast;
  • identifying ways to get the most out of your investment;
  • compilation of a semantic core and clustering of queries;
  • other work required.

2. Technical website optimization

We eliminate technical errors of the site for maximum indexing of the pages of your resource. You get:

  • adjusting robots.txt and sitemap;
  • setting up mirrors;
  • elimination of site errors;
  • setting up a redirect;
  • checking the correctness of the 404 error;
  • other work required.

3. Text optimization of the site

We create texts for your site that will be of interest to users. Our copywriters take into account the requirements of new search engine algorithms and write texts according to the principles of LSI (a method of indexing text content, in which near-topic lemmas, synonyms of keywords, and so on) have weight. You get:

  • preparation of technical specifications for texts and meta tags;
  • elaboration of meta tags;
  • writing unique and interesting texts;
  • other work required.

4. Improving usability

We make the site as user-friendly as possible so that more and more site visitors want to become your customers. You get:

  • creating a convenient internal linking (linking the internal pages of the site with links);
  • optimization of page loading speed;
  • selection of an easy-to-read font, text color and page background;
  • other work required.

5. Development of commercial factors

Yandex takes into account the quality of presentation of goods or services on the website. Based on the analysis of competitors in the TOP 10, we determine the commercial factors that are significant for the sites of your topic in order to increase the number of conversions. You get

  • adding a page with contacts;
  • optimization of the directory structure;
  • detailing product cards or a more complete description of services;
  • providing information on payment and delivery;
  • placement on the site of other commercial elements.

6. Mobile SEO

  • We create a website variant adapted for any device for better ranking in mobile search results. You get:
  • creating an adaptive version of the site;
  • optimization for mobile devices;
  • maximum ease of the ordering and payment process;
  • promotion of the mobile version of the site.

You will also receive

We work with additional Yandex services to provide additional traffic.

  • We monitor the indexing of site pages using Yandex.Webmaster tools
    This allows you to know exactly when a search robot visits the pages of your resource, which of them are indexed more often and which less often. Based on this information, we make adjustments to the original strategy and change the promotion methods, if necessary.
  • We indicate the regional affiliation of your resource using Yandex.Webmaster, Yandex.Directory and Yandex.Catalog
    This increases the efficiency of regional promotion: the search engine determines the belonging of the site to a certain region / city (Moscow, Ryazan, St. Petersburg or any other) so that users from your city find your resource by entering the query they are interested in in the search line.
  • Improving snippets using Yandex.Catalogue, "Products and Prices" service, micro-markup
    Such snippets will attract the attention of users: they contain all available extensions and additional information.
  • Installing a Yandex.Metrica counter to assess traffic and analyze user behavior.

We collect statistics on pageview depth, bounce rate, targeted actions, popular products and other information in order to timely make changes to the technical side of the site or content and thus increase conversion.

Microfinance company

In less than a year, the site team has achieved impressive results. Compared to the previous year, the number of visits has grown by 12,000. One of the most important indicators for any commercial site - conversion - has doubled. This result, of course, met all our bold expectations. We thank the site team for their professionalism, responsible approach and high results. We are ready to continue our successful cooperation.

Car rental in Dubai

Medical site

For more than two years of work, the site's specialists have achieved only positive results: they increased search traffic by 7.5 times (from 451 to 3387 visitors per month) and the overall visibility of the project from 6% to 20% for promoted queries. We consider such a result worthy and recommend the site team to everyone who is looking for skilled and experienced specialists in search engine promotion.

The site specialists have been working on our site for almost a year, since March 2018. For a year of work using this scheme, it was possible to double the traffic to the site. The overall visibility of the site in the search engines Yandex and Google has also greatly increased: from 3% at the start of work to 28% in February 2019 - such a result cannot but rejoice and in fact proves that we have turned to a professional and responsible company!

Online store of stun guns

We have been cooperating with the site for more than a year and a half. During this period, the company's employees have carried out many diverse works, which have given a positive result. Total search traffic has nearly doubled. The number of queries in search engines has also grown significantly: more than four times. Google had 90 queries in August 2017, now there are 141. Overall visibility has grown from 39 to 71 queries. We believe this is a very successful result.

Automotive component stores chain

Since October 2018, we have been entrusting the company with the site to promote the site in search and are very satisfied with the process and results. Optimizers have chosen a strategy that, even in a short period of time, helped our online store to improve visibility in search. The positions of our site from the start of optimization work are growing steadily. Search traffic has grown significantly. We have taken a good pace, and this immediately affected the applications, there were significantly more of them!

Internet discounter

We express our gratitude to all employees for carrying out work on search engine promotion and optimization of our site. Thanks to the close-knit work on the site, it occupies a leading position in popular search engines. The company site met all our expectations and fulfilled the assigned tasks in full compliance with the requirements. We look forward to fruitful and successful cooperation in the future. We wish your company good luck, development and prosperity!

We are very pleased with the work of the manager - we receive detailed reports, consultations on all emerging issues, we see how quickly the assigned tasks are completed. The result suits us. In just 2 months of website promotion, the audience has doubled (by 256%)! The site's specialists managed to bring 63 target queries to the Yandex TOP-10, 28 target queries to the Google TOP-10, half of which are in 1st place.

Online shoe store

Profitable cooperation with the company the site brought noticeable improvements to the site - traffic and sales are growing every day. More than 28,000 page views per month, bringing more than 75% of targeted queries to the TOP-10 search engines Yandex and Google .. We hope that in the future such interaction will allow us to achieve even more ambitious results!

Car service

Many thanks to the company site for the prompt conclusion of our site in the leading positions of search engines. Having shown that they can be trusted, I set them a new task to promote another site.

Design and engineering company

The design and engineering company "Merlin-Project" expresses its deep gratitude to the specialists of the company for the implementation of services for the optimization and promotion of An individual approach to clients, understanding of the requirements and wishes of the customer, prompt solution of problems and high efficiency allows us to judge the high professionalism of the site team. The site team always promptly responded to our requests and performed the work on time. We consider the website employees to be professionals in the field of search engine promotion and fully trust their experience.

Manufacturing company

Separately, I would like to emphasize the partnership qualities of the company during 8 years of joint work. Website support and development is carried out in a timely and competent manner, which removes many complex tasks from our organization ..

Do you have your own business ?! Are you the owner of your company's corporate website ?! You have a question: "How important is website promotion in Yandex to attract more customers in your field of activity?" The specialists of the i-Media company unequivocally believe that website promotion in Yandex is one of the most important components for conducting a correct advertising campaign for your business. However, there are some important features of this type of advertising.

Features of site promotion in Yandex

1. Website promotion in Yandex is an ongoing process.

There is no need to wait for an instant effect after the start of your project promotion. For low-frequency requests, a tangible effect should appear in 1.5-2 months, for medium-frequency requests - in 3-4 months and for high-frequency requests in 5-6 months. And if you want to advance on high-frequency and very highly competitive requests, then the terms of the withdrawal of your project for such requests can be significantly longer than six months.

2. The results of website promotion in Yandex depend primarily on you.

Clients who believe that the result of promoting their site depends solely on the quality of the work of the optimization company are deeply mistaken. The fact is that the algorithms of the Yandex search engine are very attentive to the architecture of your site, track how unique the content on your site is, how often it is updated. In this regard, before you start promoting your site in the Yandex search engine, you must firmly decide for yourself that you are ready to take an active part in the development of your Internet resource in accordance with the requirements of the optimization company.

3. Do not delay the approval timeline.

We are not saying that after a question has been received for approval from the optimization company, then you need to drop all your affairs and start considering the issue. We understand very well that you have a huge number of cases in the area of \u200b\u200byour business. However, within 1-3 days you still need to set aside a little of your precious time and answer questions regarding the promotion of your favorite site. Indeed, in the end, delaying the deadline can cost you a pretty penny.

Contact the optimization company and discuss alternative ways to resolve the differences that have arisen. At least, i-Media specialists are always ready to enter into an open dialogue with the client and will make every effort to find alternative ways in case of problem situations at the stage of agreeing on the requirements for internal optimization or revision of your website.

5. Don't ask SEOs to quickly build up your link budget.

An instant increase in the volume of the link mass to your site can lead to sanctions from the Yandex search engine and, as a result, your site will be pessimized or even banned. SEO specialists know how to properly and efficiently work on the external factors of promoting your site. At i-Media, working on external factors means not only the measured purchase of links to your project using Linkoteka, but also actively uses blogs, articles, reviews, eternal and natural links as tools for promoting a website in Yandex, rationally distributing the budget provided to us Of your project. Therefore, you should not panic if a month after the start of the project you see a small increase in the link mass to your site. Time will pass and it will be sufficient. You just need to rely on the professionalism of website promotion specialists and wait a bit.

Your site receives an increase in the thematic link mass, which is very positively perceived when promoting a site in Yandex. One such link, in terms of quality characteristics, can replace several of those that the optimization company will select for you on its sites. You perfectly understand that SEO specialists are simply not authorized to communicate with your partners on this issue. Thus, your participation in the work on the external factors of promoting your site will be very welcome.

7. Coordinate all the planned changes on the site with optimizers.

Some improvements have a very negative effect on the promotion results. In this regard, if you have ideas for modifying your site, contact the SEO specialists who are engaged in its promotion and discuss your wishes for your site.

The above paragraphs briefly describe the main aspects of site optimization in Yandex. Convincing arguments are given that the results are highly dependent on the client's desire to develop their favorite site according to the requirements of SEO professionals.

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