How to promote yourself in Yandex. Promotion in Yandex Maps and Google Maps. How the new algorithm can affect SEO

Yandex (Yandex) is the number 1 search engine in the Russian Internet. For many years it has been holding the lead in terms of audience volume on the Russian-speaking Internet among all search engines. If you manage to raise your site to the TOP of Yandex search, you will be able to attract more quality traffic than from Google or any other search engines.

Yandex's ranking algorithms accurately build search results based on the region from which the request came. This gives you an influx of targeted customers from your city. The user will always be able to find exactly you and make a purchase. Having carried out work on SEO promotion of a site in the Yandex TOP, you will significantly increase its efficiency by attracting an interested audience.

Stages of work

1. Drawing up a promotion strategy

As part of the search engine promotion of sites in Yandex, we develop an individual strategy for each project in accordance with the goals of the customer to achieve the best result. You are getting:

  • target audience analysis;
  • study of major competitors;
  • demand forecast;
  • identifying ways to get the most out of your investment;
  • compilation of a semantic core and clustering of queries;
  • other work required.

2. Technical website optimization

We eliminate technical errors of the site for maximum indexing of the pages of your resource. You are getting:

  • adjusting robots.txt and sitemap;
  • setting up mirrors;
  • elimination of site errors;
  • setting up a redirect;
  • checking the correctness of the 404 error;
  • other work required.

3. Text optimization of the site

We create texts for your site that will be of interest to users. Our copywriters take into account the requirements of new search engine algorithms and write texts according to the principles of LSI (a method of indexing text content, in which near-topic lemmas, synonyms of keywords, and so on) have weight. You are getting:

  • preparation of technical specifications for texts and meta tags;
  • elaboration of meta tags;
  • writing unique and interesting texts;
  • other work required.

4. Improving usability

We make the site as user-friendly as possible so that more and more site visitors want to become your customers. You are getting:

  • creating a convenient internal linking (linking the internal pages of the site with links);
  • optimization of page loading speed;
  • selection of an easy-to-read font, text color and page background;
  • other work required.

5. Development of commercial factors

Yandex takes into account the quality of presentation of goods or services on the website. Based on the analysis of competitors in the TOP 10, we determine the commercial factors that are significant for the sites of your topic in order to increase the number of conversions. You are getting

  • adding a page with contacts;
  • optimization of the directory structure;
  • detailing product cards or a more complete description of services;
  • providing information on payment and delivery;
  • placement on the site of other commercial elements.

6. Mobile SEO

  • We create a website variant adapted for any device for better ranking in mobile search results. You are getting:
  • creating an adaptive version of the site;
  • optimization for mobile devices;
  • maximum ease of the ordering and payment process;
  • promotion of the mobile version of the site.

You will also receive

We work with additional Yandex services to provide additional traffic.

  • We monitor the indexing of site pages using Yandex.Webmaster tools
    This allows you to know exactly when a search robot visits the pages of your resource, which of them are indexed more often, and which - less often. Based on this information, we make adjustments to the original strategy and change the promotion methods, if necessary.
  • We indicate the regional affiliation of your resource using Yandex.Webmaster, Yandex.Directory and Yandex.Catalog
    This increases the efficiency of regional promotion: the search engine determines the belonging of the site to a certain region / city (Moscow, Ryazan, St. Petersburg or any other) so that users from your city find your resource by entering the query they are interested in in the search line.
  • Improving snippets using Yandex.Catalog, the "Products and Prices" service, micro-markup
    Such snippets will attract the attention of users: they contain all available extensions and additional information.
  • Installing a Yandex.Metrica counter to assess traffic and analyze user behavior.

We collect statistics on pageview depth, bounce rate, target actions, popular products and other information in order to timely make changes to the technical side of the site or content and thus increase conversion.

Yandex's new algorithm is based on a neural network. He learns from examples of user requests, and selects answers based on the meaning of the text on the page. This means, in particular, that it will work much more efficiently with non-standard queries when users themselves are not sure what the name of what they want to find is.

So, you can ask a query, for example, "a movie where a blind man drove a Ferrari" - and Yandex will return "Kinopoisk" with the movie "Smell of a Woman"

In addition, the algorithm works with pictures as well. It analyzes the content of the image and selects the necessary option based on it, and not only from the description in the tags. This completely changes the ranking, and many SEOs are worried about how the site promotion in Yandex is being transformed. We tried to understand what the changes are about.

Consequences of "Korolev"

Our experts Denis Shubenok and Mikhail Volovich told how the new algorithm will affect search engine optimization, and how it will now be possible to promote the site in Yandex.

How could a new algorithm affect SEO?

Mikhail Volovich:The edge of the new algorithm, like Palekh before, is directed in a completely different direction - in a sense opposite to SEO. Yandex mainly focuses on non-trivial queries for which there are no obvious relevant answers (as in the case of a movie where a blind man drove a Ferrari). And SEO deals with those queries for which there are thousands of ideal answers. Because hundreds of SEOs and webmasters on their sites created a special page for each individual request of yours, and then worked diligently to fine-tune its relevance. In this - commercial - zone, search engines solve completely different problems. There is no need to search for relevant answers, or even choose the most relevant one. Here, among hundreds of fairly relevant candidates, you need to choose the best one according to some other, for example, commercial criteria.

However, "Korolev" is not an additional search module, but a change in the entire algorithm, starting from the earliest stages of the preliminary selection of candidates for ranking. Therefore, it will in one way or another affect all requests, including in the commercial zone. We will probably see some changes in the weights of commercial and text factors - although hardly global. Promotion for Yandex as a whole will not change.

Who should expect what changes?

Denis Shubenok:So far, no one knows exactly how the algorithm will affect the results of specific sites. It was launched two days ago, and during this time it is impossible to track the results. Especially considering that Korolev works on the basis of a neural network, which accumulates data and adjusts its work with each request. Now we have launched the collection of information on all our projects, and in about a month we will be able to write a detailed report on how the promotion in Yandex has changed, if it has changed.

As we assume now, there will be no major changes. But you can expect some redistribution of traffic towards large sites. Korolev is designed for complex, mostly low-frequency information requests, and sites that can afford to create a lot of content will benefit from its work.

Is it so important now to collect the semantic core?

Mikhail Volovich:Search engines, willingly or unwillingly, shape the Internet. In the ecosystem formed by Yandex and Google, all your competitors create an ideally relevant page for each request you are interested in. Even if Yandex's perceptions of relevance after the "Queen" change greatly, which is unlikely, competitors will not go anywhere and will quickly tweak their pages to the new ideal of relevance. You, of course, can get lucky, and for some requests your site will take off by itself. But the rest will still have to be worked on.

I am afraid that for SEO the name “Korolev” will be symbolic in a completely different way from Yandex. This is the city on Yaroslavka, which is impossible to reach without traffic jams.

Will the traffic grow due to associated queries?

Mikhail Volovich:Unlikely. But you will need to pay close attention to query clustering. One of the innovations announced by yandex is taking into account the "semantics" of other queries that go to this page.

You will need

  • - own site on a second-level domain;
  • - access to the control panel of your own website;
  • - a Yandex account for working at


Add your site to Yandex Webmaster at and verify your rights. Then go to "Site Geography - Site Region". If the region has not yet been marked, then indicate it. This should be the region in which you operate, for example Yekaterinburg. You do not want to lead, but you lead, the region in which your company's office is located. If the site is not tied to a region (for example, news), then the general region can be specified - Russia.

First, define one search query for which you will be optimizing so as not to get confused. Then you can repeat the whole algorithm for the next queries. Attention! You cannot come up with search queries on your own. They need to be determined based on Yandex statistics at Go to this address, indicate the region that you have registered in Step 1 and enter the intended search query. See what the statistics offer. Choose a low-frequency and selling query. Low frequency - up to about 500 impressions per month. Selling - the request should be formulated as the thought of the user who is willing to pay you money, not the student writing.

Define the page of the site, which will be promoted according to the request selected in Step 2. The easiest way to promote the main page, the more difficult is the page of the second level, the page of the third level is even more difficult, etc.

You optimize the selected page - you work with the url-address. Copy the url of the page into the Yandex search bar - if the page is already indexed, then don't change the address. If such a page is not found, the url must be "sharpened" for the promoted search query, which was chosen in Step 2. For example, if your query is "order a site", then it is very good if the page address is zakazat-site. Why? In search results, this "tail" will be highlighted in bold, which will attract the attention of users.

Optimizing the selected page - working with the title. You write the promoted search query at the very beginning of the page title. It is at the very beginning, not in the middle or the end. After it, you can add words that give the title a meaning and a selling look.

Optimize the selected page - work with meta - tags. In the control panel of the site, in the page editing section, write the keywords meta - tag (keywords). Enter the search query you are promoting in this field. Only the request for which you are promoting the page, and not tons of unnecessary garbage in the hope of killing a bunch of birds with one stone.

In the same place as the keywords field, you will find the description field. The search engine will take what is in this field for display in search results. This happens most often. However, the search engine can take another part of the text from the page. In the description field, write a couple of selling offers that motivate the user to click on your page, and not on a competitor's page in search results. In this pair of selling offers, include the promoted search query 1-2 times.

Optimizing the selected page - working with content. The text on the page should match the topic of the keywords. Publish quality copy. What should be the quality text? Firstly, it must be unique, secondly, it must be really interesting and useful to users, and thirdly, the text must be free of errors and typos.

Make the text easy to read. Divide it into paragraphs. The most readable paragraphs should contain 3-4 sentences. Add subheadings. In the visual editor, when adding text to the site on the toolbar, subheadings are designated "Heading 2", "Heading 3", "Heading 4". In the code, these will be h2, h3 tags. 2, 3 and 4 indicate the importance of the title in descending order. When forming a subheading, don't just make it big and bold, but assign it the "Heading 2" (3 or 4) property through the toolbar.

The text should contain visual design elements. These are pictures, arrows, icons, etc. In the presence of visual elements, the text is perceived by the user more easily, which makes the site more authoritative for search engines.

Include multimedia in the text. These are pictures, photographs, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, videos. It is not necessary to include all of the above, but some of these should be required. Multimedia will allow the user to spend more time on the page. This is a very important behavioral factor.

Write a lot. One promoted page must contain at least 500 words. Desirable 1000 to 1500 words. Pages with the most text get higher rankings in search engines. But don't forget about quality!

Write down key queries in the text. Key queries should be added to the first 150 words of the page text. Don't overload the page with key queries. Include each keyword in the text of the page no more than 2 times. Don't allow a lot of outbound links.

Where can I get free links? When communicating in forums and blogs, put a link to your site in the signature, as well as in the user information. This will be especially useful if the topics of the forum overlap with the topics of your site. Mark your organization on Yandex and Google maps with the site address. Register in free directories, for example (for the Urals). Share the link to your website on social media. Ask a site developer to list your site in a portfolio. Ask your clients and / or partners to post a link to the site in the appropriate section of their site. Post vacancies on job search sites. Place advertisements on the offer of your goods / services on free message boards on the Internet. Place the link to the site in your email signature. Clicks on the link from the email will have a positive effect on website promotion.

Hello everyone! In this article, I present to your attention a 100% working case for driving a site into the TOP 3 of Yandex with practically no material costs, i.e. almost free. In light of the fight against spam and purchased links, it has recently become much more difficult to promote sites in Yandex, and in other websites too. 100,500+ articles have been written on this subject, everyone pours the same assumptions and statements from empty to empty. So to speak, one wrote - the rest rewrote without thinking, and here's the public opinion on this matter. Is it so? Let's dispel this myth together and see how it really is.

A small preface, and then everything is briefly with pictures and point by point. So, I, like many SEOs and webmasters, have my own projects in addition to client projects, which also bring good income. In my case, this is income from affiliate programs. I wrote 4 articles on one of these affiliate programs, sharpened them for different keys, and after a couple of months the whole thing began to generate income. Naturally, I tracked positions and sometimes looked at competitors in the SERP. And then at one fine moment a site appeared in the Yandex search results, which really came out on top. Those. pushed me on the most "fat" queries.

I had an affiliate program to attract users to InstaPlus. Accordingly, the request - registration in instaplus.Below, in the picture, you can see the Yandex results for this request. The service itself is in the first position, then this friend and then only me, although before I was in second place.

Yandex TOP-3

I can’t say that I don’t care and that, like, everyone earns as they can ... No, I was very puzzled and strained. Many people on the Internet decide to earn extra money. To do this, they work tirelessly, compose useful texts, draw beautiful pictures, do everything as indicated in the "Recommendations for creating sites" from Yandex. And someone decides to go "Against all" and do everything in their own way with minimal cost and ignoring all the recommendations. And so, after some thought, I decided to analyze this site and see how he did it all the same. After a more or less in-depth audit, I really went nuts! All common truths collapsed in a moment. I even started to respect the person who did it. It would be possible to calm down and put forward commercial requests in the Yandex TOP using this method, but I consider it my duty to burn the topic to tell you how it all works. They drove the points.

Website promotion in the Yandex TOP

We buy a domain name

Everything is simple here, you need to choose a domain name as close to the request as possible. As you can see, the friend did not bother for a long time, but simply added reg to the domain name of the service itself - he had to spend money. According to RU-CENTER, domain registration in the .ME zone costs 790 rubles.

Hosting and website development

At this stage, I may be wrong about the prices, but I think that everything here is free. He created a free demo site based on a website builder - it had to fork out for hosting, but there are a lot of options on how to do it for free. With the site itself, content and design, everything is simple. The most difficult thing is the registration form, 15 minutes to set up;). The rest is a matter of technology, a simple copy and paste of materials from the donor's website, who is interested, here is the link - This is the first violation of Yandex's commandments for webmasters - "Create sites with original content or service."

As for internal optimization, everything is simple, minimal robots.txt and sitemap.xml. 301 redirect from www to non-www is present. A duplicate of the main page is present, but apparently nobody cares. The meta tags are filled, see the screenshot below.

How to promote a website in Yandex yourself

Basically, everything is about creating a website. In 30 minutes you can do it.

External website promotion

Bought (rented), I can assume that for 9 excellent and inexpensive SEO links see screenshot.

How to promote a website in Yandex for free

Analysis of external links was carried out using the service. All links, such as Yandex "likes", are located in footers and sidebars (see screenshots)

Link from sidebar
Link from footer

And so on for all links. This is the second, malicious violation of Yandex rules - the use of SEO links.Read about SEO links and find out. what happens for them, you can follow this link


As a result, in just a month this site is in the TOP-3 by requests: etc. Cool! People reached out to register on the service, pay money to the service, and the service deducts referral. Easy Money!

So, as I see, Yandex's recommendations don't work at all. Nothing changes and with the help of non-tricky methods it is elementary to plug any GE into the TOP. It's a shame for other people who actually work. But even for this comrade, joyfully, really well done, he bent everyone 😉

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