How to upgrade internet explorer to version 11. Internet Explorer: why update your browser and how to do it

Browsers are utilities with which you need to do some work from time to time. For example, clear their cache, configure and update. Older versions of some Internet browsers have a lot of bugs, they stop working stably and are not supported by manufacturers. Today we will try to update "Internet Explorer" to version 11. At the moment, this is the latest build of the corresponding software. How to cope with the task at hand? What needs to be done for this?

Update methods

First, it's important to understand how browsers generally update. There are various options for the development of events.

For example, you can update "Internet Explorer":

  • manually;
  • automatically;
  • via browser settings;
  • by working with the "Windows Update Wizard".

All of these tricks work equally well. Let's consider them in more detail.

With your own hands

How do I upgrade Internet Explorer to version 11? You can do it manually. To accomplish the task, the user needs to:

  1. Go to the Internet Explorer website and download the latest software.
  2. Find the "Remove Programs" service on your computer and enter it.
  3. Find "Internet Explorer" and right-click on the corresponding line.
  4. Select the "Delete" option.
  5. Run the "Installation Wizard".
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen.

That's all. Steps 2-4 can be skipped. Sometimes Internet Explorer does not appear in the list of installed applications.

Automatic update

Sometimes users do not update the software for too long. Then it can reinstall itself, especially if the "Auto-update" option is enabled in the user's browser settings.

You just need to connect to the Internet and then launch your browser. The update will start automatically. As soon as it is completed, a page with a new version of the Internet browser will open.

Settings to help

You can update "Internet Explorer" to version 11 through the browser settings. How to do it?

The update instructions are as follows:

  1. Connect to the Internet and go to an Internet browser.
  2. Open the main browser menu. It is often activated by clicking on the wrench or gear button located to the right of the address bar.
  3. Select the line "About the program".
  4. Click on the button "It's time to update ...".
  5. Wait for the browser to load.
  6. Run the "Installation Wizard" and follow the instructions on the screen.

But that's not all. You can solve the problem in a non-standard way.

Windows Updates

It's about using the Windows Update service. The guide looks like this:

  1. Go to the above application. For example, through the system tray.
  2. Start scanning the operating system. This requires a network connection.
  3. Check the box next to Internet Explorer.
  4. Click on "Download and Install".

All that remains for the user is to wait for the procedure to complete. Even a schoolboy can update "Internet Explorer" to version 11!

The default Internet Explorer browser is included with every windows operating system, making it one of the most popular browsers in the world. However, the computer usually has an outdated version of Internet Explorer. This is due to the fact that the version that is current at the time of the release of the operating system is installed on the computer, and users do not always download the recommended windows updates in automatic mode.

Using an outdated browser is extremely dangerous as it is vulnerable to viruses and does not support new features. Thus, modern sites will not display correctly on it.

In this article, you will learn how to update your Internet Explorer browser to the latest version and make it update automatically.

Different versions of Internet Explorer are available for different windows operating systems. For windows XP, the latest supported version is Internet Epxlorer 8, for windows Vista - Internet Explorer 9, for windows 7 and older - Internet Eplorer 11.

To find out what is your current version of IE browser on your computer, open Intrernet Explorer and click "Service" (or the key combination ALT + X) and click "About". A window will pop up in which your version of windows will be written.

In my case, the Internet Explorer 10 browser is installed on windows 7, and as mentioned above, the latest version for this operating system is version 11, so it needs to be updated. By the way, by selecting the checkbox "Install new versions automatically", the Internet Explorer browser will be automatically updated if the installation of windows updates is configured on the computer. But back to the topic of the update.

To update the Internet Explorer browser, go to the IE download page on the Microsoft website and click Download Internet Explorer 11 (for users of operating systems below, windows 7 will offer version 9 or 8 of the browser.

After downloading the installer, run it. The installation of the latest Internet Explorer browser available for your windows version will begin. In my case, this is Internet Explorer 11.

In case you have windows 7 and the program was unable to update to version 11, most likely you are missing the global Service Pack 1 update for windows 7.

Go to Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Windows Update - Check for Updates. Install any required updates after finding them. Then try installing Internet Explorer again.

At the end of the installation, you will be prompted to restart your computer.

This completes the Internet Explorer update.

If you still have questions, be sure to ask them in the comments to the article.

How to update Internet Explorer in windows 7? Step-by-step instruction

Good day, readers.

Today there are a lot of browsers for computers and mobile devices that allow you to comfortably spend your free time or surf the Internet. Each user chooses for himself the one in which it is more convenient for him to go about his business. To ensure that interaction with such programs is always as comfortable as possible, it is important to constantly install more modern versions. Many developers have tried to make this happen automatically. True, there are still applications that need to be installed manually. Later in the article I will tell you how to update Internet Explorer for windows 7. As usual, this can be done using various tools.

Browser (back to content)

To install a new version of the program for "surfing the world wide web", you need to perform a number of movements:

You can also update the component we need through WSUS (special center). This will allow you to do what is necessary even on a pirate. There are a few simple steps to follow:

Another easy option is to use the official website. Just go to the Internet resource and download the appropriate software. Install.

Browser - Method 2

There is another method of how to perform the actions we need from the browser:

Now the utility will self-update to the latest version as soon as it appears on Microsoft servers.

As always, you can watch a video on this topic:

Well, now you know how to quickly and free of charge install the final version of the famous browser on your device. This can be done in several ways online.

I hope this article helps you solve the problem.

Updating Internet Explorer

Hello, friends! This article will show you how to update Internet Explorer. I will show on windows 7, and the browser will be updated from version 10 to version 11. There will be a video at the end of the article.

Via windows Update

Choosing Important Updates

Click Install Updates

We wait. While waiting, I did exercises and exercises for the eyes. This is one of 2 articles on this site, the second article about distributed computing, which was not written by me. It was written by my wife. She knows more about health issues.

Again, you need to wait until the windows updates are configured.

If you get errors when updating windows - see this article.

From Microsoft website

As I understand it, we need to download from here


Best regards, Anton Dyachenko

How to update Internet Explorer

Hello readers of the blog of the ComService company (Naberezhnye Chelny)!

This article will show you how to update Internet Explorer. I will show on windows 7, and the browser will be updated from version 10 to version 11. There will be a video at the end of the article.

Article structure


1. Update Internet Explorer from Automatic System Updates

We are looking in the Start menu Windows Update

If you have disabled automatic updating, you must enable it. This will increase the security level of your computer as a whole. Microsoft is constantly improving its operating systems by releasing updates. You don't have to install all updates, but important ones are a must. Click Turn on automatic installation of updates

There will be an immediate search for updates (waiting). If you have enabled automatic installation of updates, then click in the left panel Search for updates

Choosing Important Updates

In order to update Internet Explorer for windows, it is enough to leave only one tick on this item. If you want to improve the security of your system, I recommend leaving all the boxes on important updates. Click OK

Click Install Updates

If you chose to install all important updates (as did me) then you will need to accept the license agreement for the Malicious Software Removal Tool. Accept and click Finish

A restore point will be created so that you can rollback if suddenly there are problems with the stable operation of windows. System Restore is a powerful tool for reanimating your computer. You can read more about this here.

After creating a restore point, updates will be installed, including Internet Explorer

We wait. While waiting, I did exercises and exercises for the eyes. This is the only article on this site that was not written by me. It was written by my wife. She knows more about health issues.

When the updates are successfully installed, close all open windows and click Restart now

Again, you need to wait until the windows updates are configured

When windows boots, launch Internet Explorer and in the Settings window, click OK

To check whether it was possible to update Internet Explorer, click on the gear and select About

We see that we have successfully installed Internet Explorer 11. Check the box so that the browser will continue to be automatically updated. Click Close

Microsoft browser has been successfully updated.

2. Updating Internet Explorer from Microsoft website

We search in Google or Yandex "windows" and follow the link

Click Download Internet Explorer

A window with a question will appear at the bottom. I don't need to save the installer. Click Run

In the window that appears, click Install

Since I changed the search from Bing to Google, they suggested changing it back. Selected by Google

A window appears asking you to restart the computer. Close all windows and click Restart Now

After rebooting, launch Internet Explorer, click OK in the settings window

Checking the installed version of IE

Microsoft browser has been successfully updated to version 11


We figured out how to update Internet Explorer using automatic windows update and downloading and installing from the official Microsoft website. I hope you will not have any questions.

Internet Explorer is perhaps the most famous web browser, and to this day remains one of the most popular among users all over the world, although in Russia, according to statistics, its position is far from being so strong: being pretty squeezed by such programs as Google Chrome , Opera Browser, Yandex browser, Firefox, as well as Orbitum, which is gaining popularity, by most users it is perceived only as a mandatory appendage to the operating system.

Nevertheless, among many consumers and content creators alike, this browser is still relevant for one reason or another.

Updates to the current version

As you know, many software developers release updates for their products at different intervals. Most often this is done in connection with the addition of certain program functions, adaptation for new equipment, as well as correcting certain errors. But sometimes there are situations in which the release of a new update is due to the termination of support from the developers of old versions of programs. The same is true for the Internet Explorer browser, the support of older versions of which Microsoft has completely ended. In addition, users who do not update the browser are deprived of critical security and compatibility updates for the current versions of operating systems.

The latest and most current version of Internet Explorer is v. 11, available to users of operating systems Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 (owners of Windows XP have the opportunity to upgrade to a maximum of the eighth version, while those working in Windows Vista will have to be content with the ninth).

In some cases, the browser receives up-to-date updates along with updates from Windows itself. This happens when the "Automatic Updates" option is enabled in Windows Update. In this situation, no action is required from the user, since the most recent version of the browser is always ready to work. But in situations in which automatic downloading of updates is disabled or there is no permanent connection to the Internet, you have to update the program manually (often the browser will remind you of the need to download the next update on its own).

There are different approaches to updating Internet Explorer for different versions of Windows.

For Windows XP

Any official update is recommended to be downloaded exclusively from the websites of the software manufacturer. Firstly, for security reasons, and secondly, for convenience, since on the developers' web pages the process is described in steps and is rather concise. However, in the case of Windows XP, for which official support from Microsoft has ended for several years, this option will not work. It will not be possible to organize the update by means of the operating system itself. Therefore, Windows XP users have only two options: to search on third-party resources and take the necessary actions at their own peril and risk, or use a rather tricky method of editing the registry and substituting operating system signatures in order to try to update through the Update Center.

Windows Vista

For this operating system, update scripts through Microsoft servers are no longer available to users, however, version 9 of the browser can still be downloaded from the official website.

For 32-bit systems:\u003d29254

For 64-bit systems:\u003d43374

After downloading, you need to run the file and follow the instructions of the installer.

Windows 7, 8.1, 10

For Win 7, there are two ways to update the Internet Explorer browser.

Through the Update Center

If automatic update is configured, then nothing needs to be done, in other cases, in the "Search for updates for the computer" section, click the "Check for updates" button, after which the OS will display a list of available updates, and the user will be able to select the required ones. In this case, updates that are critical for the security and functionality of the operating system will be marked as "Important", but the decision is still made by the user himself.

Via Microsoft download page

You need to go to a special section of the Microsoft website, located at, then select the Windows version, and then the installation file corresponding to the bitness of the operating system ( bitness can be found in the system properties). With this method of updating, the forced removal of the previous version of the program is not required: the installer will perform all the necessary actions itself.

It should be borne in mind that only those whose version of WIndows 7 has already been updated to Service Pack 1 will be able to install version 11 of Internet Explorer. If for one reason or another this update is not installed on the system, and the latest version of the browser is needed, the Update Center will help , through which the required files can be downloaded to your computer.

In Win 8, the latest version of the browser is not supported. First, you need to upgrade the system to 8.1, and only after that start installing IE 11. Most likely, most users will not have to take any action, since few people were ready to work in the rather controversial Windows 8, and at the first opportunity they upgraded to 8.1. Those who have not done this will still have to update the system to take advantage of the eleventh version of the Microsoft browser (without this, the installation of the browser simply will not start).

All this is done in several stages.

  • You need to launch the Update Center and install all the latest operating system updates marked "Important". During the installation process, the computer may restart several times.
  • After all important updates have been installed, you can start installing Windows 8.1. This operation is available from the Windows Store.
  • After completing the installation of the Win 8.1 update, the user also gets a fully functional version of the Internet Explorer 11 version at his disposal.
  • Using Windows Update, you can download and install all available updates both for the operating system itself and for the browser, both in automatic and manual mode.

In Windows 10, the developers initially planned to completely replace the outdated IE, but some compatibility issues forced them, to the delight of many users, not to remove Internet Explorer from the operating system. Therefore, currently Windows 10 users can use two pre-installed browsers from Microsoft.

Microsoft Edge is the newest browser designed to finally replace the outdated Internet Explorer in the future, but is now an integral part of the operating system.

Internet Explorer itself is the final eleventh version. All current updates can be obtained using the Windows Update service. Moreover, by default in Windows 10, auto-update is always enabled, and you cannot disable it using the methods familiar to most users.

You might want to update Internet Explorer for any of several reasons. You may have heard that Microsoft has released a new version of their web browser and you would like to give it a try. To do this, you will need to update Internet Explorer.

You may have encountered an issue with Internet Explorer and other troubleshooting steps did not work. In many cases, for example, you can update IE and the problem may go away.

Regardless of the reason you want it, it's very easy to do.

Council. If you are interested - no, you not you need to uninstall the current version of IE to update Internet Explorer to the latest version. The updated version will replace the outdated version that you installed right now.

You can update Internet Explorer by downloading and installing it from Microsoft: Download Internet Explorer

Find your language from the list on your site (for example Russian) and then click the 32-bit or 64-bit link to get that version for your computer. if you don't know which download link to choose.

Council. Download from the link above for complete autonomous versions of IE11, which means that all required installation files are included in the download. you can use online the version they offer but the standalone option is best if you're having problems with your current IE installation or want to put the file on a USB stick or other media.

Important: you should only update Internet Explorer from Microsoft! Several legitimate websites offer Internet Explorer downloads, but many not-so-legitimate websites also work. Your best bet is to update IE directly from the browser developer Microsoft.

Incremental updates for Internet Explorer, such as the ones you see on Patch Tuesday. The ones that fix small bugs or fix security issues are always best obtained through Windows Update.

What's the latest version of Internet Explorer?

The latest version of Internet Explorer is IE11.

See which version of Internet Explorer do I have? To do this, launch Internet Explorer, click on the gear in the upper right corner and select "About".

In most cases, the latest version of Internet Explorer will be automatically installed at some point after it is released through Windows Update.

Microsoft Edge browser

Subsequently, Internet Explorer will be replaced by the Edge (formerly Spartan) browser, which is currently only available on Windows 10.

Edge is not available as a download from Microsoft for any version of Windows. It's included as part of Windows 10, so it's only available if you're using Windows 10.

IE support on Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista and XP

IE11 is included in Windows 10 and Windows 8.1, so you don't need to download it from Microsoft. You can also install IE11 on Windows 7 by downloading and installing it as above.

If you're still using Windows 8, IE10 is the last version of IE you can use. IE11 is included in the free Windows 8.1 update.

Note. If you try to download these versions of Internet Explorer on a version of Windows that the web browser is not compatible with (for example, if you are trying to get IE8 on Windows 8.1), you will be presented with a different page first, but you can simply click through the steps to download him anyway. You can do this if you plan to install IE on another (supported) computer later.

Problems updating Internet Explorer?

For more information, see the “Getting More Help” section about contacting me on social media or by email, posting on technical support forums, and more.

Let me know for sure about the issue you are having with updating IE, Windows operating system, the version of IE you currently have and the one you are trying to accomplish.

Internet browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 was developed and released back in 2012 and is used by default in Windows 8. In 2013, MS IE10 became available for free download to all users of Windows 7 SP1. The browser offered better performance, developer capabilities, real-world download site performance, and expanded support for web standards. You can download the software for free in Russian from our or the official website of the developer.

It is faster than Internet Explorer 9, while it has updated: HTML5 support, CSS3 support, DOM support, SVG support. Updated API support for indexed databases. This version is already built in and ubiquitous. Added features for touchscreen users. IE 10 browser supports Do Not Track Now and sends the default header to all sites you connect to.

This has sparked some controversy with companies such as Yahoo, which have said they will not honor Microsoft's Do Not Track implementation. The main reason for this is that the function was designed as a conscious choice. Among the additional innovations, we note that the browser includes a spelling checker and automatic correction of the entered text.

For all its advantages, in Internet Explorer 10, the user can turn off the spelling correction feature if he considers it too intrusive.

Software interface

The browser interface includes an address bar, menu bar, favorites bar and status bar, which can be enabled or disabled individually via the View menu. In addition, in the "View" menu of Internet Explorer 10 in Russian, there are options for changing the encoding, viewing the page source, adjusting the text size and adjusting the page scaling.

Menu « File"In the browser provides options that are similar to those in most other Windows applications, such as Save, Save As, and Properties. You can also open a new window, tab, or session from the File menu.

The Edit menu in Internet Explorer is pretty mundane. The IE tool menu contains most of the browser's security features. The Tools menu provides access to features such as Pop-up Blocker, Browser View, Location Tracking, and ActiveX Filtering.

Menu « ToolsAlso includes an Internet Options command that can be used to change the home page, clear browser history, or change the look of the browser. This dialog also contains a Security tab that can set the browser's security level and enable or disable Protected Mode.

On the tab “ ConfidentialityThe dialog box contains options that can block pop-ups, enable private browsing, and deny users access to the user's physical location. The dialog also contains a Contents tab with settings related to the use of certificates, autocomplete, etc.

The " Compound»Allows users to customize their Internet connection. In the Programs tab, users can manage add-ons, file associations, and applications that are used for Internet-related services such as email.

Finally, the " Additionally"Provides the finest control over almost every aspect of the browser. Users can completely customize browser behavior. We recommend downloading the Russian version of Internet Explorer 10 if you have not yet upgraded to a higher one or simply prefer old but reliable software.
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