Vk friends location. How to remove a person from the list of important friends in VK in three different ways

Did you ever know about the number of friends on VK? Yes, at the time of this writing, it is 10,000 users along with friend requests. And if there are more friends? This means they will be your subscribers.

Finding users who have 10 thousand friends is, to put it mildly, not so easy. For most, this figure is much less - 200-500 user-friends. But today we will not talk about friends, but about how the list of friends for the user is formed. Here, as it turns out, everything is far from simple.

Important friends

You've probably asked yourself why some users are higher on the list than others? The explanation is simple - at the top of the friends list are those users with whom you most often communicate. However, if you meet at the beginning of the list a user with whom you have not corresponded for a long time, he did not get there by mistake - in addition to communication, other factors also affect the sorting, including likes to friends, replies in comments, reposts, etc. Therefore, in the list of important friends (and it is named that way) there will be those users to whom, roughly speaking, you pay more attention than others.

There is an important exception to this rule: the list also includes users you recently added as friends. This is done so that you do not forget about them and communicate. If you do not communicate with them, then over time the list will be reformed and these users will be lower in the friends list.

Friends of other users

Can the above apply to friends of other users? No, you can't, because in this case the list is formed on the basis of common acquaintances. If there are no mutual friends, then the list can be formed by the date of user registration. But it is possible that users can be ranked randomly, if not taking into account mutual friends.

Friends online

If we are talking about the list of friends who are online, it is sorted by the "importance" of the friend, that is, there is no difference in the first cases, except that only those friends who are online at the moment will be shown in the list time.

The list of friends in the "Friends online" window is formed, probably, in a random order - with each update, the list can completely change. We dare to assume that this was done for a reason, but so that, when you see someone from your old acquaintances, you decide to write to him.

Mobile app

IN mobile application there is a list of important friends, it is called “Important”. The order of appearance of users in it is the same as in the first case, which is described above.

Can I change my friends list?

By itself, the list of important friends, and friends in general, is generated exclusively automatically. But you can influence the ranking. For example, the more you communicate with the user, the more often you like him, repost, etc., the higher he will be in the list.

Important friends in VK are automatically determined for all users of the social network, regardless of their wishes. The order of the top five changes based on a special Vkontakte algorithm, which account owners are able to influence.

The article will discuss what are important friends, how the order of displaying profiles is determined and why users with whom you have not communicated for a long time pop up to the top.

In the Vkontakte mobile application, they are located on the toolbar in quick access (scroll down, the first item after the menu).

When viewing complete list profile friends, you automatically see the top 5 first, and then the rest in alphabetical order.

How important friends are determined on VK

There is a difference between displaying your own list and the order in which the friends of others are displayed when you go to someone's account.

In the first case, important VK friends are determined using a special social network algorithm that calculates how much attention is paid to a specific page from among friends. The calculation takes into account the frequency and intensity of communication, the number of rated or commented posts, reposts, and the frequency of profile visits. In general, the main criterion is the user's interest in the profile: the more attention is paid to it, the higher the person will be in the rating. For the first time, recently added pages also appear here. As a rule, they push down the profiles that previously occupied the 3-4 position. The developers of VKontakte came up with this move so that you do not forget about your new friend and communicate.

If you decide to see friends of another VKontakte profile, the list will be compiled based on completely different considerations. You will come first. He will knock out the pages of mutual friends in the top in the order in which their profiles are displayed on you. If there are none, after your account the pages will go seemingly randomly. In fact, they are sorted by the date of registration in the social network.

How to set up a list of important friends in VK

Additional settings for the list of important friends are not required - they are not provided by the developers at this stage.

Nevertheless, VKontakte users can influence the list of important friends and the distribution of places in it. How to put a friend in important in VK - see the next block.

How to change important friends in VK

The principle of sorting important friends in VK takes into account how interesting the account is for you, depends on the frequency of visits, the activity of correspondence and the rating of photos and posts. It is logical that in order to make changes to the list, you need to improve or reduce the indicated indicators for a particular person.

How to add a person to important friends on VKontakte

For a long time we have not communicated with a close friend who lives in another city, and as a result, he was "overboard" on the list of important ones in VK. There are two ways to raise a friend in the ranking.

The long-term method consists in improving the indicators listed above:

  1. Chat as often as possible.
  2. Fill it up with likes and comments.
  3. Increase the number of visits to the desired account.

If there is an urgent need to add a profile to the list of important friends, there is a simple and quick life hack. In the article we have already said that recently added friends automatically occupy the 3-4 line of the rating, so why not take advantage of this?

  • remove desired page from friends, and after a couple of seconds add again;
  • remember who initiated the addition the first time. If you submitted an application, the other user will not even know about the manipulations (the standard notification will not come).

Why important friends in VK have changed

Top 5 important friends are formed according to the principle of shown interest: the more interesting a user is for you in terms of views, likes, correspondence and reposts, the more likely they are to be in the first position. Why did important friends go to VK?

If you temporarily stop contacting someone from the top five, the algorithm reacts by lowering its position.

The owner of an account with whom you hardly communicate can also become a leader if you actively rate his photos and posts. A recently added profile can also dilute an already established list. By default, he is among important friends for some time, but in the absence of communication, he goes down.

How to hide important friends in VK

The contact makes no exceptions for important friends, so the privacy settings apply to them too. You can hide this category of people by digging into the Settings of any profile, regardless of the version used (meaning full or mobile).

And finally: knowledge of the functional novelties of VK is great, but real life outside of social networks is much cooler. Do not forget to remind yourself of this occasionally.

Today we will tell you how the list of important friends is formed and how you can find out important friends from a friend on VKontakte

Not everyone knows, but you cannot add infinitely many VKontakte friends. Their final value is 10,000 people. The average, however, hovers around 300 contacts. And when you look through this list, it becomes obvious that it is built on some specific principle. Most significant contacts go at the beginning, and less - at the end. Because of this, many users of social networks ask themselves the question: "How to find out important friends from a VK friend?"

First of all, it is required to establish the principles of displaying acquaintances on personal page In contact with. In this case, if you look at the communication list constantly, everything becomes more or less clear.

In the first place are the contacts with whom the correspondence is more active. But, having looked through this list, you will notice that there are people in high positions, communication with whom is minimal.

And then it comes to mind that we had to “communicate” with these contacts a little differently. This other communication includes:

  • Repost of news and interesting articles;
  • Viewing fresh photos;
  • Post commenting;
  • Constant viewing of a friend's page;
  • Evaluation of photos and posts of contact vk.

Thus, being active on a person's page, you can bring his name to the list of important contacts.

It is important to note that the new friends pages will also be at the top of the list. Thus, the system will remind you that it will be interesting to continue communication with these people, and will not allow you to forget about them.

So, having sorted out with your friends in your own list, you can start studying the question: "How to see important friends of a VK friend?" It is easy to see that when you open a tab with a list of contacts from your friends, the list is displayed in a completely different way.

Your own account will come first. Avatars of common VKontakte friends will be displayed next. Then their ranking will be based on the principle "the more mutual friends, the earlier the contact will be located in the list." Further, all accounts will be located according to the time of registration (earlier registration on the network will provide higher positions in the friends list).

Therefore, we can draw an important conclusion that, looking at the list of contacts of your social circle, it is almost impossible to determine who is an important friend of a friend on VKontakte. This is most likely due to the provision of complete confidentiality of all accounts by the social network administration. Consequently, this information available exclusively when viewing your personal friends list.

Previously, a rating system was introduced from the VKontakte social network and users with a high rating were in the first places in the list of your friends. Today, sorting friends happens in a completely different way. At the very top, the users with whom you exchange the most messages leave comments, that is, people towards whom you show a certain activity. More activity, higher on the friends list.

New friends, after adding, are also in the top ten users, as if reminding of their existence, and over time they move down.

How the list of friends of other users is formed

If a user is your friend, then you are in the first place. Then the vacant places are taken by people who have mutual friends with you. Next are all other pages, sorted by registration date.

How to promote a certain friend in your friend list

To raise a friend on the list to the first place or within sight, you need to be more active on his page, visit it more often, put likes on each new photo, write him private messages and comment on his entries. A little time will pass and given user will confidently take the first place in your friends list.
If you need to quickly raise a friend, then delete it and add it again. The only drawback is that your friend can learn about this manipulation if you hide all your updates in the privacy settings.

How to demote a certain friend from your friend list

To do this, it is enough not to communicate with him, not to visit his pages, and every day the user will go downstairs, hiding behind those with whom you communicate. If all the activity and updates made by your friend are displayed in the news, you can click on the cross in the upper right corner, then on the button "Do not show Vasya Pupkin's news". Over time, this action will move your friend Vasya several positions down. You are not interested in his news, which means that his page is not interesting, why display it in the top positions?

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Every day in social network VKontakte is visited by millions of users. They communicate with each other, find out the news, listen to their favorite audio recordings, watch movies, TV shows, visit interest groups, learn something interesting, make purchases without leaving the VK network.

Many young readers are interested in the question of how to find out important friends in VK from a friend? Or which of my friends am I in the best friends section?

Let's first figure out what these terms mean.

Important friends

Important VKontakte friends are formed from the general list of friends with whom you communicate most often. This is not necessarily personal correspondence, communication means all types of activity performed in relation to a particular person.

This includes:

  • Viewing news, photos;
  • Comments;
  • Reposts;
  • Likes;
  • Visit the page.

Moreover, activity can be manifested both from one side and the other. That is, if a friend from your list visits your wall, leaves comments, likes, he automatically falls into the category of important friends.

In addition, all recently added friends will be in the important category for some time, until the system determines that you are not interested in each other's posts.

All important friends are at the top of the mutual friends list. When new friends are added, they get to the very top of the list so that you do not "lose" them, do not forget that they have been added to you.

Is it possible to recognize important friends of a friend?

How to find out important friends in VK from a friend? You can find out how important a friend is from your friend's list by looking at the list of his friends. But this does not give one hundred percent guarantee that they are really important to him.

Since your friend may have added them recently, or they have shown interest in your friend. In order for you to be among your important friends, you just need to visit his page, write comments on posts, and put likes.

Take a closer look at your VK friends list. Have you noticed at the top of the list those with whom you did not communicate, did not visit them?

It is possible that they are your "fans", they are interested in what you write about, what you publish. By showing constant interest in you, they will be with “important” friends for a long time.

I hope now you understand how to find out important friends in VK from a friend, how to be on the list of important friends yourself?

How to find out who is a friend's best friend

Now let's look at what best friends are, how to find out the best friends in VK from a friend. When adding friends, VKontakte offers us the ability to "sort" friends. That is, you can indicate that the person being added is you:

  • A relative;
  • Best friend;
  • Colleague;
  • A friend from college, and so on.

You can find out who is in the category of "best" friends of your VKontakte friend by going to the friend's list of friends.

You can do this by going to a friend's page, opening the list of all his friends, or by opening your friends list, opposite the avatar of the person you need, select the item "see friends".

When you go to your friend's list of friends, you will see icons next to the photos representing “best” friends, “colleagues”, and so on.

Your avatar will be the first in the list, you can immediately see if this mark is opposite your image.

So, having looked at all your "best" friends, you will understand who you are also in the "best", and who in your ordinary friends.

But do not be very upset about the fact that some of your friends did not check the "best friend" checkbox when adding you as a friend.

Many do not attach importance to such marks, rightly believing that the "best" friend does not need general advertising or special emphasis.

How to find out important friends in VK from a friend, the result

If you are still interested in how to find out important friends in VK from a friend, or how to find out best friends in VK from a friend, the easiest, simplest, quick way - ask your friend about it personally.

Why look out for something, count, find out secretly when you can ask a question, get an answer, because there should be no omissions or understatements between real friends.

Mistrust is the first thing that kills any friendship in the bud. If you want to be on the list of important friends of your VKontakte friend, then be more active on his page, write comments, put likes, share posts.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to find out who your VKontakte friend is specifically interested in. Since among friends top list there may be those people who themselves show interest in your friend, or have recently added to friends.

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