How to close your page in contact. How to hide music, video and photo sections in a new design. Close your profile in VKontakte

The article describes how to close access to your page on Vkontakte.


On the social network “ In contact with»There are many amenities and possibilities. One of them is the ability to restrict access to your page, hide photos from prying eyes, prohibit other users from leaving messages on your wall or in private. We will talk about all this in our review.

Why do users hide their information on Vkontakte?

It is not necessary to hide information completely and absolutely from all other users, unless, of course, you store extra sensitive data. There is an opportunity in “ In contact with»Close access to your page, for example, from those who are not your friend, while remaining open only for close people and acquaintances.

You can also hide only photos, and show other information to the public. A ban on private messages can also be set for strangers, while freely corresponding with friends. If we proceed from the fact that the Internet is a "gateway" - then such opportunities in " In contact with"Will be very helpful to all users.

What can you hide on your Vkontakte page?

So, close access to your page in " In contact with»By selecting the following categories:

  • All information on the page
  • Video, audio and photo
  • Groups the user is subscribed to
  • Friend list
  • Presents
  • The ability to send private messages
  • The ability to leave messages on the wall, under the video and photo (comments)
  • Invitations to groups, communities

How to restrict access to your page on Vkontakte?

Now let's get down to the question of how to restrict access to your page in " In contact with»:

  • We go to the site " In contact with", Log in and go to your page

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • Next, click on your icon at the top right and in the drop-down menu go to the item " Settings».

  • Once on the new page, in the right column we go to the item " Privacy»

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • Now we find ourselves on a page where you can tackle the issues of restricting access to your page by certain parameters: hide your page, hide a photo, hide the list of groups, hide gifts, and so on.

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • For example, we need to hide basic information on our page. Click opposite the corresponding item on the drop-down menu. A window will open with a list: all users, only friends, some friends, etc. These items mean exactly who will not be able to see your page. Just select the item you want. There is no need to do more additional actions.

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • Likewise with photos

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • The same is the case with the entries on your page.

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • You can hide your page from the eyes of strangers in " In contact with»Users or do it at your discretion.

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • To block access to certain users, they need to be placed on your blacklist. On the same page where we are now, go in the right column to the item " Black list". This is the black list, and all the users that you added there are located here.

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • To add a user to the blacklist, go to his page, under the avatar, click on the icon of three horizontal dots and in the drop-down list click on " Block ...».

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

  • In this case, and when you hide your page from all / some users, your page will look like this to those users.

How to restrict access to your page in VK How to close your page in VK from strangers

Video: How to close a page in VK from strangers? How to make a page on VK closed?

Having an account on social networks, at times, there is no desire for any third-party user to see any information about you on your personal page. Vkontakte developers have taken care of this whim: you can close information from other people in your account settings. What will be hidden? It is possible to prohibit viewing of some data, or the entire page.

The instructions below will help you figure out how to hide a page in VK.

How to hide a Vkontakte page

  1. To do this, you need to log into your account and find a thumbnail of your avatar in the upper right corner. Then click on the small triangle icon (drop-down menu).
  2. After clicking on the triangle links to the tabs will be displayed, select "Settings".
  3. Automatically you are taken to the settings of the first tab "General". We will not edit them! But, if you wish, you can work with the first three points: hide the block of gifts, turn off comments, display only my entries. This also applies to the topic of removal from other Vkontakte users.
    So, now you need to select "Privacy" from the right-hand list.
  4. In this section of the settings, you can one by one deny or open access to almost everything that is visible in your account. First, you prohibit everything that is possible on your personal page, then on the record display panel, then you prohibit communication with you, and the last privacy settings panel has two items: who can see your page on the Internet and what updates your friends see in their feed news. Now in more detail!
  5. In the section "My Page" you can mark who will see personal information: date of birth, city of residence, education, your views, etc .; who sees marks, saves, the list of groups, who is visible in the list of friends and subscriptions, who sees hidden friends. Access can be obtained by “All users”, “Only friends”, “All except”, etc. If, for example, you want to hide information from some people, then select "All except" and then find the one from whom you are hiding from the list. If you want to close yourself off from everyone, then click "Only me".

  6. We go down to the "Entry on the page". Here you have the opportunity to prohibit the posting of other people's posts on the page, or you can simply prevent other users from seeing what is posted on your feed by not you (confusion, but I hope it is clear). You can also customize commenting. If it says: comments are disabled, then nothing needs to be changed. wanted to change? Then go to "General". There we also worked with the commenting settings.
  7. "Connect with me." Here you can block access or restrict the ability to send private messages. You can get rid of invitations to games, applications, communities. Less often they use a ban on receiving a friend request.
  8. There are only other settings left, which I mentioned earlier in the article. If on the item "visibility" you set "everyone", then the search engines will index your VK page, and there is nothing wrong with that. By clicking on the prohibition of indexing, Yandex and Google, after a new crawl by the robot, will kick you out of the search engine results. It won't happen right away! The indexing period of your particular page is unknown (on the order of several weeks).
  9. After completing all the above settings, you can see what came of it. Click on the link "see how other users see your page".
  10. In the drop-down list, select an unknown user or friend and take a look at your page with "his eyes".

Of course, you cannot completely close access to your page! But, if suddenly it is strongly required, then simply

Hide your information from prying eyes "VKontakte" will not be difficult. The developers of the social network have foreseen the occurrence of such a desire in the user. To do this, certain settings must be adjusted and enabled.

What can be hidden on the page

To make invisible to prying eyes, you can personal audio and video recordings, photos, gifts, a list of groups of which you are a member. Also, the social network allows you to choose who can read and comment on your posts on the page, contact you or invite you to communities and applications.

The process of setting up VKontakte privacy

Setting up the privacy of VKontakte is quite simple. In the vertical menu of the page, to the left of your avatar, open the item "My settings". In the window that opens at the top, find and open the "Privacy" tab. Now, if you decide to completely hide your entire page, you need to select the answers "Nobody" or "Only me" in all the submenu items.

Please note that if you select the answers "Nobody" or "Only me" in all privacy settings and do not go to your VKontakte page for a while, it will soon be deleted by the administration.

If you decide to hide not the entire page or not from all friends, you need to carefully read all the submenu items and possible answers to them, then click on the appropriate option. To make sure that your privacy settings are correct, check how other users see your page. If everything suits you, save the changes on the page by clicking on the "Save" button.

If you are going to hide your VKontakte account (or already it), do not give anyone the id (unique identifier) \u200b\u200bof your page. With its help, any user of the social network can get links to view hidden data.

Before hiding your page completely from all users of the VKontakte social network, weigh the pros and cons. After all, it may happen that some very necessary acquaintance, old friend or lost relative will try to get in touch with you, but will not be able to offer you friendship or write a message. In this case, you will remain in the dark. Meanwhile, do not forget that social networks were invented specifically for communication, therefore, it may not be worth too radically to protect yourself from all users.

Virtual life on social networks leaves us almost no chance for at least some privacy. All your worries are reflected in statuses, the latest events - in photos and meetings, and best friends - in the lists of Internet friends. But sometimes you really want to be alone. At least on the page of your favorite site. Therefore, today I will tell you how to hide the page from prying eyes in contact.

How to hide your personal VKontakte page

The developers of the Vkontakte website allowed their users to hide from prying eyes the list of communities, photos, video and audio recordings, a list of friends and gifts, a wall, and even the entire page. You just need to select the correct privacy settings and enable them.

This is easy enough. First, find the section "My Settings" in the left column and open it. Then select the "Privacy" tab. If you want to completely hide the page from prying eyes, then in each of the tab items, select the answers "Only me" and "Nobody". If you want to hide not the entire page or not from all your friends, read each of the options carefully and select the options that are most suitable for you. You can view the resulting changes by clicking on the link at the very bottom of the page. And don't forget to save all changes by clicking on the "Save" button.

Be careful when enabling additional privacy settings. Suddenly it happens that a good friend or a very old acquaintance will find you on the site, but will not even be able to write a message, let alone send a friend request. Therefore, think carefully before changing anything in the settings. In the end, the social network was invented specifically for communication, so it may not be necessary to completely shield yourself and your page from all users of the site.

Enjoy your communication on the World Wide Web!

Modern social networks have smoothly taken over most of human life. For example, now having met a new acquaintance, we will find out the details of his personal life from the VK profile. Each user's page contains personal information, which not everyone likes. If you are not satisfied with this state of affairs, then you can hide your VK page from other users and make some information available only to friends. We will describe how to do this below.

How to hide your VK page

First of all, you should figure out why you should do it at all. You register on a social network to find old acquaintances, new friends, or even a life partner. Of course, a profile filled with personal information is more credible, so each user leads a fairly active social life on the network.

However, it is this availability that often becomes the reason that personal information is not used with good intentions. On the VK page, anyone can find out about your preferences, social circle and even designate the places where you visit more often than others. More and more users are thinking about privacy issues and the social network provides ample functionality for secure communication on the network. In order to hide certain information from your profile, open the Settings tab on the main page. Here we are interested in the Privacy item, which gives access to all security settings.

VK makes it possible to hide the following data:

  • full page;
  • a wall with personal notes;
  • photos;
  • audio and video recording;
  • friend list;
  • gifts and groups;
  • personal information.

Let's start with the basic one and show you how to hide your profile page. In the Privacy menu, you see the item "Who sees my page". When you click on this inscription, you are offered to choose one of three options:

  • Everyone. This value is the default and means that everyone can see your page.
  • Everything except search pages. The fact is that your page is a regular resource on the web that is indexed by search engines. That is, upon request, any search engine can display your personal information, photos and a link to your profile on the request page. If you click on this item, then you will close your profile from indexing and it will be impossible to find you through the search.
  • Only for VKontakte users. In this case, everything is clear and your page is visible only to registered users of the social network. Hide the VKontakte page from everyone except friends is a great way to completely secure your data, because you create a list of friends yourself.

As you can see, by paying attention only to this point, you are already increasing the privacy of your profile and can protect yourself from the intrigues of a scammer and spiteful critics. It is useful to hide the VKontakte page from the search for one simple reason - only those whom you add as friends will be able to get to know you better, and it will be simply impossible to get information in another way

By the way, you can't completely hide your page. It will be visible to those you add to your friends. To completely destroy information about yourself on a social network, you will have to contact technical support and ask for a complete deletion of your account.

Fine-tuning privacy

If you pay more attention to the settings, you will find quite a lot of interesting options that will help to hide personal information about yourself. All options are presented on the privacy settings page and each item increases the level of security:

  • Communication settings. Parameters for receiving messages are set in the "Contact me" item. If you select the "Nobody" option, it will be impossible to contact you through the social network.
  • Personal data. If necessary, you can easily close the view of your page to everyone except you. To do this, in all items "My page" select "Only me".
  • Friend list. VK makes it possible to hide some friends from the rest, if you do not want to advertise your acquaintance with this person.
  • Groups and subscriptions. In the settings you can hide the list of groups to which you are subscribed.

In addition to general settings, pay attention to the display options for your content. You can hide wall posts by adjusting display options. In order to hide a photo, just indicate who can view the photo in the settings. We do the same with videos, but for this you have to create a separate album, available only to a limited number of people or only to you.

What cannot be hidden on a page in VK

Despite the wide customization options, some data will still be visible. For example, you cannot hide the following information from everyone:

  • Avatar. Many people use a photo as an avatar, but you can set any picture that you find interesting enough.
  • Date of birth, language and country. In this paragraph, you can simply not indicate such data or use deliberately false information.
  • Your wall. Personal posts can be hidden without any problems, but reposts will remain visible.
  • Photo albums "Photos on my wall" and "Photos from my page".
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