Find out who is the first friend. How to find out important friends from a friend on VK

Sometimes the social network Vkontakte incorrectly arranges the order of friends on the profile page and because of this it becomes inconvenient to communicate with your friends. So that you can yourself set up a list of important friends, we will analyze how to raise a friend in the VK list to the top, what methods are there for this.

Method number 1 how to raise a friend Vk

This is a long term method. It can take more than 1 day to raise a friend VK to 1 place in this way. You do not have to constantly sit on the social network - just go to your page every hour and go to the profile of the person you want to put on the first place in the Vkontakte friends list.

Better go to personal page person through the "Friends" tab. Gradually, click by click (provided that you visit his profile more often than the pages of other people), this friend rises to the list of important friends and takes the top position.

Method number 2 how to raise a friend in the Vk friends list

The second method is similar, but requires a little more labor and is faster. You will not only have to go to the profile of the person you want to raise as a friend, but also be active on his page:

  • like his posts;
  • comment on photos and posts;
  • send messages;
  • write on the wall;
  • repost his notes.

Method number 3 how to move a VK friend to the list of important friends

This is the easiest method to change the order of your important friends. To implement it, you need take a person from friends, and then add it again. Then it will automatically move to the top. And if this does not happen, it is enough to write a few messages to the person, like the entry and he will go up in the list.

The fact is that Vkontakte works according to the principle that new people and those with whom you most often come into contact become important friends. So if you want your friend to go up and not find out that you did it on purpose, then visit him more often on the page, less often on the pages of other profiles. If you do this together, then remove it from your friends, and then add it again - and the Vk algorithm will work in the direction you need.

Few people know that maximum amount VKontakte friends - 10,000. However, for most users, this figure does not exceed 300 people. Looking through the list of added ones, everyone thinks about how they are distributed. There is specific system, with the help of which this list is formed. In addition, an increasing number of people are wondering how you can see the most important VKontakte friends from a friend, and is it possible at all.

First you need to decide on the distribution of friends on your own page. Everything is extremely simple here. Having entered the "Friends" tab, you can pay attention to the fact that those with whom you communicate the most are in the top.

However, it may surprise you that a person with whom you have not corresponded for a long time got to the top of the list. This is not surprising, because those whose profiles you most often visit, like, comment on can get there. In fact, you might not even correspond with a person, but the activity made on his account will bring him to the top of important pages.

By the way, those users with whom you have made friends quite recently will at first be higher than others. They will take the first 5 places in the top. This was designed for convenience in finding recent friends. Subsequently, if you do not actively communicate, they will go down the list.

Friends online

Many are interested in how the list of VKontakte friends is formed in the online tab. It is defined in the same way as normal. With the only condition that the top is created taking into account only those users who are online at the moment.

In addition to automatic layout, you can use your own lists. You can add colleagues or relatives to them, for example. Here the same scheme works: more activity - a higher person in the top.

Identifying important friends on someone else's page

If everything is more or less clear with your page, then what about other accounts? What is the principle of creating a list of friends in VK for others? Opening the "Friends" tab of one of your friends, you will see that they are displayed differently from yours.

Your page will be the first in the top. Next will be your mutual friends VK. Moreover, the more adjacent friends with each person, the higher he will be in the top... All other friends displayed in the list will be arranged according to the registration date (the earlier, the higher in the list).

It follows from this that, at the moment, it is impossible to see important friends on someone else's page.The social network VKontakte is concerned about the privacy of its users. Perhaps that is why such important information can only be obtained about your personal page.

Is it possible to change important VKontakte friends

Many are wondering how to change the position of a certain person, which is displayed in the list of friends. It is impossible to do this by pressing a button. The whole process of forming the top friends is automated.

However, it is possible to raise a specific friend in the VK list. To do this, you need to exchange messages with him more often, go to his profile, put likes and comments there, and make reposts. After a while, the user will rise up in your top of important friends.

By the way, in order to lower a friend down the list, you need to do the opposite. That is, stop all activity on his page, avoid messaging. Thus, the page will automatically go down below.

List in mobile app

Having entered the VK program on your smartphone, you can find the "Important" tab in the friends list there. There, the top is formed in the same way as in the official version of VKontakte. The developers added this tab for better user convenience.

Some tricks

Besides standard lists friends You can create your own list.

Only you can see it. This is useful for setting the privacy of the page. For example, you can hide private photos from a specific list.

There you need to select the item "It's not interesting". This method is suitable not only for the pages of your friends, but also for groups and communities. There you can also cancel this action or complain about the records.

When looking for new friends on the Internet, the main thing is not to forget about your real friends and acquaintances. After all, maintaining real relationships with real people will protect you from loneliness and lack of support from others.

Good day to all, my dear friends, and guests of my blog. Probably many of you know that in the list of your friends on VKontakte, at the very top are the most important of them, those whose page you most often visit, communicate, etc. In this regard, many people are looking for how to remove a person from important friends in VK. I don’t know why this is so, but apparently they just don’t want to “burn” in front of someone.

It is actually much easier than lowering their positions. But in any case, today I will show you several ways how this can be done very easily.

The most simple and fast way will be a banal deletion. But don't worry, it's not forever. Just go to your friends and delete the one you want to omit, remove below. After that, the "Cancel" button will appear, on which you will immediately need to click.

After that, refresh the page, and you will see that this friend is much lower than it was originally. And most importantly, everything went painlessly. After this procedure, your friend may already be in 5th place, or maybe 12, or maybe even 30.

But do not forget one BUT. After such manipulations, not only will your friend go down to the bottom positions, but you will also go down in his list. If it doesn't matter to you, then go for it!

Suppression by activity

As I said above, the top of your friends depends on your activity with him, i.e. page visits, likes, communication, etc. So, in order to lower the position of a person, you need to do two things:

  • Do not go to his page at all, do not like anything, do not communicate with him at all for some time.
  • Be hyperactive towards your other friends. Visit them several times a day, like them, comment on posts. The entry into the dialogue raises very well in the list.

But the effect is unlikely to come immediately. In order for everything to work out, you just need to wait. But don't worry, you won't have to wait weeks or months).

Hiding news

To downgrade your friend on your list, you can also use hiding their news. To do this, you need to go to his page, and then click on the ellipsis icon under his photo. Then select the item "Hide news".

If your friend posts a lot, this is even better. We go to the "News" and find any publication of it. After that, click on the ellipsis icon and select "I'm not interested in this"... It will also be a great bell for lowering positions.

But by default, you may not have the display of your friends' news. If so, go to "News" and click on the plus sign on the right side, as shown in the screenshot. Dam select the item "Friends", which will then appear in the sidebar. This is where you should click to get news from people, not communities.

But if you do not want to hide anyone from the news, then after a while return everything as it was. Your friend will appear in the news again, but his position will not increase. In these simple ways, you can change the list of friends in VK.

So now you also know how to remove a person from important friends in VK. I hope that my article today was helpful to you. And of course I hope you will check my blog again. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!


By the way, I almost forgot. January is over and I will announce the best commentators of the month who will receive additional points to participate in my "".

  • Anna Gilyanova (12 comments) - 20 points
  • Tatiana Sukhikh (10 comments) - 18 points
  • Nadezhda Suptelya (8 comments) - 16 points
  • Vladimir Raichev (6 comments) - 14 points
  • Lara (unfortunately I don't know the last name) (5 comments) - 12 points
  • Anna Tikhomirova (3 comments) - 10 points

Take part and then at the end of the year you will have the opportunity to receive Cool prizes! Good luck!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

"Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends" (folk wisdom)

More to friend, less to friend ...

You go to a friend's page, look, and he has only 200 VKontakte friends. Why so few? and we start looking for reasons. And it would be worth thinking about other things. For example why order of VKontakte friends exactly like this? After all, if we open full list friends, remember it, reload the page, we will see exactly the same order. What's the secret? And the dog, as it turns out, is buried at the very surface.

So. As you know, there are two types of friends list - one that displays six online friends and just six friends. If you notice, the friends on these lists never repeat themselves. In addition, in the six of your friends, some appear more often, others less often. What's the focus? The trick is how often you visit their page. The more often you visit, the more often they are visible in this window.
Similar order of VKontakte friends in the general list. We go to your account in social network VKontakte, click on the "Friends" button on the left in the menu, and we have a list of our friends. In it, friends are sorted as above and it was said according to the frequency of your visit to their pages. Now if we go to the second tab "On-line" friends, we will notice the same thing - order of VKontakte friends same.
But if you went to your friend, or just jumped into an unfamiliar page, then the list of friends for you will be sorted differently. Here the list is sorted by the frequency of these friends visiting this person's page. In other words, those who visit more often are higher in the list. The logic is simple and straightforward.
By the way, this rule was introduced not so long ago. Previously, friends were sorted by their rating - the one with the steeper rating is the one higher in the list. But first, the administration of the social network changed VKontakte order of friends, and then completely abandoned the rating.

Sometimes there are moments when you want to get to know important friends from your friends, relatives, colleagues and so on. To be honest, a list of important friends is a very strange thing. After all, those who only added to you in most cases become important friends according to the system. But of course, as practice shows, the first three places are occupied by precisely those people with whom we are most engaged in dialogue. There are several ways to solve this problem. You don't need any programs for this. And you won't be able to find out for sure.

Find out the last added

To do this, you need to go to the news and see who added the person you are interested in. There is a high probability that those who appeared among the last friends will be in the top 5. Thus, we can recognize those who round out the top five.

Method Two

Your ingenuity will also help here. Ask this question to the person at If the person is there, then you can ask him directly. Perhaps you will receive an answer to your question.

At the moment, I am not interested in any applications and programs that help in these matters, and it is correct. Since you shouldn't look for confidential information.

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