Quick search for information using. A quick search on the Internet - what is it

We are probably lucky, because can receive information from the global Internet. Someone communicates with the Internet on the "you", and someone is afraid even to step on the World Wide Web. Today I’ll tell you how the Internet works and how to find the information you want.

A few words about storing information on the Internet.

All information on the Internet is placed on the pages of sites. My blog is also a site on which I constantly add new pages with new articles. The site resembles another ordinary book with some information. In most cases, this information is provided to users free of charge and is available from anywhere in the world.

But how to find information on the Internet?

To find necessary information, you must perform simple steps.

1 Use the search engine.

The most popular search engines Yandex and Google. These systems have their own algorithms and criteria by which they place all sites in ascending order according to input requests. Not always in the first places is the most the best information. New articles in general can get into the search only after a few days. Therefore, if you did not find the answer to your question, this does not mean at all that this information is not available on the Internet.

Many people invest money to promote their site in the TOP and therefore may not be in high positions in the search engine results. I just hope that soon Yandex and Google will begin to appreciate my blog.

Based on this, I advise you to use these two search engines. If you did not find the answer in Yandex, then try Google or vice versa. You can also change the search query. The selection of similar queries is perhaps the most effective way.

The answer is not always on the first page of the search. Do not be too lazy to scroll at least 3-5 pages.

2 You need to know the address of the site.

For example, you are interested in questions on the electrics ..ru. You go directly to these resources and use the search already on the sites themselves. Search on the site is in no way associated with search in the search engine. If the site has information on your request, then you will definitely see it in the search results. There are directories where you can find sites of the desired subject. Personally, I do not use them. If you suddenly saw a high-quality, good site, then I remember its address and then I go again. You can find out the address of a good site from social networks. For example, on my blog at the end of the article there are buttons that will inform your friends about a good article if you click on any of the buttons. Similar buttons are now found on almost every site.

3 Get useful information   You can from the newsletter.

Many sites have the opportunity to subscribe to new articles or news. This blog also has a similar subscription. To do this, just enter your e-mail address and then confirm your desire to receive new articles at your email address. After subscribing you will receive a letter. By subscribing to such a newsletter, you will not need to go to the site to find out about new articles or news. As soon as a new article comes out, you will immediately receive a letter to your email account. Be careful, do not subscribe to everything, choose only what interests you. You can trust the mailing lists of authors, because a specific person is behind them, others just torture you with spam.


1 Use multiple search engines.

2 Bookmark quality sites and share with friends.

If you are faced with a question that you cannot answer, what will you do first? Right, go to the net search! But to which search engine do you entrust your request, Yandex or Google? It is difficult to say for sure which of these search giants is better. It is believed that Yandex is more focused on commercial information, and better fit   to search for information on the Russian-speaking Internet, while Google is more useful for an informative and globalized search. Moreover, in the absence of a more compelling reason, for many it is simply a matter of taste and an established habit.

Today, search engines process an incredible number of queries per day (Google alone can handle more than three billion!), All thanks to sophisticated algorithms that can match the words from your query with the information stored in the search engine database. But did you know that you can influence the operation of these very algorithms in order to improve search results and each time find only the exact and necessary information?

It's about a few additional signswhich you can enter in the search bar to narrow search results. Such search refinement methods exist in both search engines, but the character sets are slightly different from each other. Whatever search engine you use, getting to know them will help you save time when searching for information on the Internet.

The operator himself

Operators are special symbols   or words with the help of which an ordinary request becomes ideally formulated. The system recognizes them and “understands” what exactly you are looking for. Let's type in an example in search bar   some uncomplicated word, for example, “potato”, and let's see what happens.


A simple search query [potatoes] will give us basic information about this "type of tuberous herbaceous plant from the genus Nightshade." In addition, pictures and a Wikipedia article will appear.


If you put the request in quotation marks, then Google will search only those pages where it is used in the form that you specified. The request may be single words, phrases or phrases. For example, [“from red potatoes”]. In general, this operator is indispensable if you need to find the exact quote, the name of a song, movie or group.


If you put a minus sign (-) before the query, the system will exclude it from the search results. Type the following combination: [potato soup recipe] and Google will give you a bunch of potato-free soup recipes. Keep in mind that there should not be a space between the word you want to exclude and the minus sign.

Add the link operator: in front of the web address you are interested in, and you will find all the pages that link to this site. Hereinafter, as an example, we use the resource eda.ru.

potato site: eda.ru

The site: operator will help you find all the information you need on one site or domain. Formulate the query and add site: in front of the web address. For example, fried potato recipes on eda.ru should be searched like this: [fried potato site: eda.ru].

Do you need to find several sites or pages on a similar topic? Typing in the search bar, you will find many resources about cooking, recipes and everything connected with it.

“Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig *”

Forgot a word from a song or some phrase? Write what you remember, instead of the missing word, put an asterisk (*) and add quotation marks. Next, Google will do everything himself.

potato OR tomato

If you add an OR operator between two search queries, those pages will appear in the search results where at least one of the specified words will appear. Remove OR - and you will see pages where all the searched terms meet together.

Want to find out what the last saved version of the page you looked like looked like? Then insert the cache: statement in front of the web address in the search query. The page itself on the site may already be unavailable, but Google will save it in the archive.

The info: operator helps you find various information about the web address you are interested in: a saved version of the page, similar pages, and all pages that link to your request.

Special characters for accurate results.

Most punctuation is ignored by search engines, but there is a set of characters that can also modify search queries and find more specific information for you:

&: The & symbol is used to search for closely related meanings of names and concepts. For example, a query according to Petersburg & White Nights will give you all the possible information about this beautiful phenomenon of our northern capital.

%: There is no calculator at hand, and you can’t calculate in your mind a 55% discount on a shirt for 3,500 rubles? Open Google and write directly in the line:. Yes, he also knows how to count.

#: Using the # icon, you can find entries for a specific one.

@: The @ symbol lets you know who links to your posts or mentions you on the Internet. For example, at the request of [@Wix], all pages and accounts with the mention of our company are issued.

Well, now you know almost all the secrets of Google search. What about your own website? Is it easy to find? If not, then this can be fixed by studying our recommendations for search engine optimization sites.
  (and we, with your permission, will have a meal with potato soup ;-)).

Let's talk about what you can find on the Internet and how to do it. The conversation will go to sites, browsers and search engines.

What can be found on the Internet? Anything you want!

Books: classics, modern literature, poetry. You can also find audio books, that is, books that are unnecessary to read, to listen to.

Music: any genre, artist, musical group. Even the rarest music. You can listen to it directly on the Internet or download your computer.

Video: movies, videos, videos, cartoons.

Photos: photographs of famous people, works of photo artists, and photographs of paintings.

Computer programs   Games: paid and free, complex and simple, for work and leisure.

Also on the Internet an incredible amount of training materials. This is a study of languages, dance lessons, fitness, and much more. Moreover, on the Internet you can find not only text materials, but video lessons.

We are no longer talking about the weather, posters, news, TV shows, exchange rates.

Of course, a special place on the Internet social services. Blogs, forums, dating sites, social networks. Using the Internet, you can ask for advice or ask for help from a specialist, communicate with like-minded people, and make new acquaintances. Also, with the help of these services, you can find out what your favorite artist is living and “breathing”, and even chat with him. After all, almost every public person has a personal blog or twitter.

Well, enough lyrics. Let's move on to practice.

How to find information on the Internet

Everything that I listed above (books, music, photos, videos and other) is located on sites. Ie the Internet is   very very very   many sites. To get to any site, you need to open a program for working on the Internet, which is called a browser.

Browsers are different. The most popular are:

Internet explorer. Here is such a badge:

Also have opera browser. Here is such an icon:

Is there some more mozilla Browser   Firefox Here is such an icon:

Google chrome   looks like that:

Yandex.Browser like this:

It is enough to have one browser. It’s unnecessary to use all of them.

So, to get information on the Internet, you need to open   browser program. Then, in the address bar, type the address of the site. Yes, every site has an address. For example, sit down, on which you find yourself, the address www.neumeka.ru. By the way, these three mysterious letters at the beginning of the address are optional.

An example of where to type the site address.

Once you have printed the address of the site, press the "Enter" button on the keyboard.

If the website address is displayed correctly, the tosite will open.

But where can I find out the address of the site with the information we need? There are no sales directories for sale, but if you find Vytakaya, you are advised to buy it. The fact is that hundreds of thousands of new sites appear on the Internet every day, if there are millions, new sites, sites that already exist, the structure, design, new functions appear.

So where do we get the site addresses from?

Search engines will help us. Or, in a simple way, search engines. These are so special   reference sites. The principle of operation is simple: you open the search engine site, print on this site what you want to find on the Internet, and press the "Enter" button on the keyboard. After that, the search engine will show you sites with suitable information. More precisely, it will show the addresses of these sites.

That is, to work on the Internet (find information, communicate, etc.), you need to know only one or two addresses of search sites.

Search sites on the Internet aren’t so squeezed. We will talk about one of the largest of them. This is Yandex.ru (Yandex) and Google.ru (Google). Remember these addresses if you still do not know. Even better write down.

We learn search sites, it remains to learn how to use them.

How to use Yandex

We will start the yandex.ru site, because it is a Russian search engine oriented, first of all, of Russian-speaking people. Open a browser, type the address line yandex.ru and press the Enter button on the keyboard. Such a page will open (it will, of course, be larger, the whole screen). This is Yandex.

Pay attention to the bright yellow strip on this site. Just in this strip we will print what we want to find on the Internet.

Left-click inside this strip (white line) and print in Russian what you want to find on the Internet. By the way, you can print in English, and in Ukrainian, and other languages. But if you have never done this before, it is better to start the Russian one.

Suppose I want to find a biography of Leonardo DaVinci on the Internet. What in this case do you need to print in this line?

You can, of course, print this way: "I want to find a biography of Leonardo DaVinci." But this is not the most the best way. Because the search engine is not human. And you need to "communicate" in a slightly different way. Print what Come out, exactly and clearly. In our case, it would be better to print "Leonardo Davinci biography." Do not be surprised, you can type in any letters — both capital and small. The search engine doesn’t care. And even if you print with errors he will most likely correct them.

After typing what you want to find on the Internet, click the "Find" button at the end of the search line or the "Enter" button on the keyboard.

Boot up new page   with search results. Perhaps the page that loads with you is somewhat different from the one presented:

What it is? These are the search results. The following happened: we printed what we wanted to find on the Internet (scientifically called “entered a request”), press “Enter” - Yandex quickly “walked” to the Internet sites and found something that might suit us.

Yandex found a lot of sites, but for a start it showed us the ones that for some reason it considers the best. Most often it doesn’t err.

Let's take a closer look at what Yandex has found for us. These are all small announcements. Each announcement is numbered and has a blue-blue title. After the heading comes short description   (black color). The description is the address of the site, or rather, the address of the article with the information we need.

For example, you liked the description at number two, and you want to read the full article. To do this, hover over the heading (arrow). The cursor will look like a hand with a curled finger. You need to click the left mouse button once.

By the way, on the Internet you need to click everything one time, anedva, as we got used to.

As soon as you take out the title of the announcement, a new page will open. This is the site’s page, about which Yandex “told” us. Go over the eyes of the text. If the information on this page does not suit you, close it and open another announcement that Yandex provided to us.

By the way, sites can be opened as many as you want at the same time. The main thing is to get confused :)

All open sites are located either at the bottom of the screen:

Either at the top   browser software:

That is, when we open some kind of announcement, it turns out that we have two sites open. The first is the Yandex search engine, the author is the one that Yandex “prompted” us.

Back to the search results. I have already said that for starters, Yandex shows us the sites that, in their opinion, are the best. Where are all the other sites?

Go down to the bottom of the page with the sons. To do this, turn the little wheel on the mouse or move the slider, which is on the right side, the very bottom of the page.

Below you will see these numbers:

Other sites that Yandex found are hiding. Press the number 2. The page will be loaded with site announcements. These are the announcements of other sites.

That is, if what Yandex gave you at the very beginning didn’t suit you, it makes sense to look at other announcements (sites) that are hidden under the numbers at the very bottom of the page.

We hope they’ve figured out how to use Yandex;)

How to use Google (google.ru)

The second search engine that you should be able to use is Google (google.ru). The principle is the same. You select google.ru browser address line and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

A very simple website redesign will load. In the center there is a line for printing a request.

Type in this line what you want to find on the Internet (in other words, a search query). After that, press the Enter button on the keyboard or the Google Search button on our site.

A new page will be loaded with site announcements. Everything is very similar to what we have already seen in Yandex.

As well as Yandex, we read the announcement, and if it seems to us that it is suitable, click on the heading. The site will open with information on our topic. If this is really what they wanted to find, we remain on this site. What if this information   it’s not suitable for us, we close it again, we return to Google.

And, as in Yandex, at the very end of the page with search results there are numbers. Under these numbers are other announcements of sites on our topic.

In this lesson we reviewed universal way   search for information on the Internet. Knowing only two sites — yandex.ru and google.ru — you can find anything on the Internet.

When examining the traffic to their sites, webmasters probably noticed that among the many parameters that determine the passage to their pages for search queries, there is the so-called “Quick Search”.

What is “quick search” and how is it carried out?

Indeed, when there is a specific search query, then it’s clear what information the user was looking for. A quick search? What is this way? How to make it - because it is fast, which means it is convenient for the Internet user and saves his time? Indeed - this fact can be proved.

How does a user search for information on a search query? He enters a word or phrase into the browser search window either by typing words or copying from text. You can copy text from text editor   or from somewhere else and paste it into the search box. But this will not be a “quick search”, though - by copying and pasting a phrase we achieve a faster information search effect. Especially if we print slowly 🙂

But this method does not correspond to the term metric counters under the corresponding name. This is something else.

Let's think: we are talking about a quick search on the Internet. And we won’t be able to use the Internet without special program   - browser. Does this mean that the browser helps to carry out a quick search in the direct meaning of the word? Only then does it “turn” into a search query - the phrase “quick search”? Everything is just like that.

Imagine that an Internet user reading an article came up with an unfamiliar term. If he does not understand the meaning of the term or phrase, he may not fully grasp the meaning of the content of the article or its paragraph. In order to understand the term, it must again turn to the search engines to find information about the meaning of the term (phrase). To make this faster, a more or less experienced Internet user will simply copy the term, and then paste it into the address bar of the browser and use the search engine of its choice.

It turns out that the browser can help make this operation even faster! To do this, after highlighting the term (phrase) in the article, you just need right clickby clicking on the selected text, open the context menu and then, finding the line “Search ... (your search phrase) ... on Google (or your search engine)” -   click on it.

So really fast, you can use any search engine   using a browser. If the information found by the user in the search engine and clicking on the link leads to the page of your site, this will be the request used by him as a phrase from the “quick search” metric.

To do this, I will give an example using the LiveInternet statistics service. Choose from context menu   function "by search phrases", and in the "Filter" window - the option "Only". Enter the phrase “quick search” into the special filter window.

We click the “OK” button and if the pages of your site were navigated using a quick search, they will be reflected in the corresponding window. The choice of time period (day, month, week) can be made after the search.

As you can see - everything is very simple!

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