How to change the password on a wireless WiFi network. Change the login and password from logging into the router

Write universal instruction about how to set a password on the router is impossible. There are many models of routers that differ in type. The interface of many models may vary even depending on the firmware, and not just on the model and manufacturer. The password for entering the home WiFi network is set when the router is installed. For the security of your network, you should not use a password that is easy to guess.

Router Features

To the WiFi router in home network laptops, tablets, smartphones, smart TV WiFi modules, devices and prints, game consoles and consoles are connected. Even modern Appliances has the ability to access the Internet, so the security of the home network directly depends on the settings of the router. At standard router in stock:

  1. Wan port (for connecting to an Internet source).
  2. At least 4 Lan ports for connecting desktop computers.
  3. WiFi routers have an antenna and a module for transmitting a radio signal.

Also, the router can be equipped with:

  • Print server and USB port for connecting a printer or MFP directly.
  • Network drive for data storage.
  • Gigabit Wan-port for a leased line.
  • Gigabit Lan ports for high speed networking.
  • One or two additional wifi antennas.
  • USB-port with the ability to connect 3G, LTE-modem.

Currently, some routers operate in two frequency ranges of the wifi signal - these are 2.4 and 5 Hz. Before changing the password on the router, check this moment. When the router operates simultaneously in two frequency bands, each of them must be password protected.

Router security settings

In addition to how to change the password on the router, you can also set other security options in the settings. In addition to a password that protects against unauthorized connections, information sent and received over the Internet needs to be encrypted. The settings required for your network may differ from the default settings. Often, during installation, it is necessary not only to change the password on the WiFi router, but also to set encryption parameters. The most secure setting is WPA2-PSK. The WPA-PSK standard is easily permeable to malware hacking Wi-Fi. The type of encryption depends on its parameter and can be designated AES or TKIP. When making changes to the settings of routers, remember that they must match all devices connecting to the network.

Why is a password set?

The WiFi signal extends for a decent distance, penetrates through walls. Without a password, an outsider can connect to your network, so changing the password on the router is required:

  1. If you suspect that someone is using your home network without permission.
  2. To prevent anyone, such as children, from accessing the Internet.
  3. If the router was not previously used by you.

Most users prefer unlimited tariffs, and connecting an outsider to your home network does not lead to the theft of Internet traffic, which means direct material damage. But the danger can be much more serious. If an outsider connects to the router, your IP address can be used to send spam, distribute unauthorized information, pornography, threats. In this case, the most insignificant problem will be blocking your Internet provider. In the worst case, you will have to defend your innocence in court.

What should be the password

Before you put a password on the router, come up with and write it down. Avoid passwords that are easy to guess. To easy passwords include names, dates of birth, phone numbers, sequence or repetition of simple numbers.

A secure password must be at least 8 characters long. The password from the router must contain Latin letters, preferably in both cases, you can additionally use numbers. To generate secure password you can use a special service on the Internet. You can also come up with any phrase and type it with Latin letters, changing case from time to time. Some use it as a password serial number router. Of course, you will not lose your password, but this method will not help protect your Internet from roommates.

Too much complex password not easy to enter game console or TV, if needed. Therefore, it is not advisable to add tab characters and punctuation marks to the password.

Change password via web interface

Home network settings can be configured via the Web interface. To do this, you need to type in the browser the address, then, if required, enter the administrator password.

The username for logging into the Web interface most often looks like admin, the password is 1234 or 1111, sometimes admin. You can find it in the instructions or on the back of the device. Usually the interface language is English, or there is a choice of language. Sometimes the settings for your network have to be entered manually. It's as easy as changing the password on the router, you can easily do it with the help of our instructions.

The address of the router in the home network by default may be different. You can find it yourself. To do this, on the command line, type cmd in Latin letters and press "Enter". You can also go to "Start" - "Programs" - "System Tools" - "Command Prompt". After launching the command line, a black screen appears. In it, the ipcofig command is entered in small Latin letters. In the resulting list we find the main gateway, its value will be the address for configuring the router.

Instructions for popular router models

According to the type of connection, routers are divided into:

  1. Ethernet routers that connect to the Internet via a twisted pair cable.
  2. ADSL routers connected to a telephone line.
  3. Routers for 3G and 4G modems.

Firms that produce routers for the home:

  • Asus, D-link - the most common routers, inexpensive and easy to set up.
  • ZyXEL - reliable routers with a wide range of functions, there are Russified firmware.
  • TrendNet, TP-Link, Huawei - inexpensive and easy to use routers with a standard set of features.
  • Ubility nano, Mikro Tik - new, modern inexpensive Wi-Fi access points.
  • Apple - WiFi routers for "apple" devices.
  • Cisco, 3Com, Acorp, Negear, Linksys also produce network equipment.


It is enough just to set a password on the D-link router. After logging into the web interface ( you will see several tabs. Select the Wireless settings tab and click on Manual Wireless Setup. In the Pre-Shared Key field, enter a new password for your home network and save the changes by clicking Save Settings. This instruction valid for D-link Dir300/600/615/620 routers and others.

TP Link

For a TP-Link router, changing the password looks about the same. In the Web interface, find the Wireless tab, then Wireless Security. In the input field called Wireless Password, enter a new password, saving it by pressing the Save button. This router has a Disable Security feature that does not ask for a password at all, make sure you use "WPA/WPA2 - Personal(Recommended)" before setting a password.


To change the password on the ZyXEL WiFi router, go to the Web interface at, on the Network tab, go to the Wireless LAN section and enter a new password in the Pre-Shared Key box. The changes are saved with the Apply button.


To set a password for asus router, go to the web interface of the device at In the settings on the Wireless tab, there is a WPA Pre-Shared Key field. You need to enter a new password in it. You can save changes by clicking Apply.


These routers are mainly provided by the Rostelecom provider. You can find out how to change the password on a Huawei router by going to the Web interface on the Basic tab. The interface address is The username for the Rostelecom network is telecomadmin, the password is admintelecom. In the settings you need to find the Wireless Lan panel. In the Pre-Shared Key window, enter a new password. Changes are saved with the Apply button, for some models this button may be called Submit. On the System Tools tab, find the Configuration File and click the Save Configuration button.


For a TrendNet router, the Web interface address is, and the default administrator account and password are admin. Going into the settings, we find the ADVANCED item and click on Wireless 2.4GHz, the 5GHz band will need to be configured in the same way.

  • WPA passphrase - we drive in our password.
  • Save the changes with the Apply button.


  • In the browser, we type the address
  • We drive security data - admin / admin.
  • We enter the item "Basic settings".
  • The key is the password. Enter at least 8 characters and confirm.

Linksys and Cisco

The firmware of devices for personal use is the same for these two brands. Therefore, the recommendations on how to set a password on the router are the same. Open in the address bar, go to the administration section, enter the password in the Router Password field, then confirm it with the line below. Save the changes by clicking Change Password.

Non-standard routers

Apple devices often do not support Ethernet technologies and connect to the Internet either via WiFi or via Mobile Internet. To use them where there is only an Internet cable, you can install and configure a Wi-Fi router from Apple. Let's see how to set up the Airport Express model.


The network is configured using the AirPort Utility program, which can be launched from the " Utilities» — «Programs» on tablets and mobile devices, on laptops and Apple computers it is pre-installed. To change your password, click on the icon existing network and click Edit. In the device configuration, we enter a new password and confirmations, and the changes are fixed with the "Update" button.


Peculiarity home internet from Beeline in that, under the contract, a router with ready-made settings is provided. The question of how to change the password on the Beeline router is often asked by users of this network. Everything is very simple. The Web interface address for configuration can be or The password and account are standard - admin/admin. On the "Wireless network" tab in the "Shared key" field, enter a new password and save the changes.


The provider "" also has a branded netgear router. If technical support does not tell you how to change the password on the router, you can do it yourself.

  • Web interface address:
  • Login and password admin/password.
  • Wireless Settings tab.
  • In the "Passphrase" field, enter any value and click "Apply".

Configuring routers with support for 3G, 4GF, LTE

Many are concerned not only with the question of how to change the password on the router, but also on a device such as MTS-Connect, for example. Since the modem also distributes WiFi, setting a password is desirable.

MTS Connect

By default, MTS devices have a network with the following parameters:

  • Network name - SSID: MTS-ROUTER.
  • WPA/PSK-AES encryption type.
  • Password: adminmts1.

To change the password and settings, go to the page "Network" - " Wireless connection". In the "Basic settings" section, you can change the connection parameters. To change the password, click "Security Settings" and change the password in the "PSK Encryption Key" field. The Edit button will save your changes.


YOTA also produces routers for its devices. Internet access is carried out using LTE technology, and WiFi is distributed at frequencies that are standard for Russia. The default password is located on the back of the router. To change it, go to the WEB-interface. Address, password and account admin/admin. In the Wi-Fi Passport field, enter a new password value. Select the encryption type WPA. Save the changes by clicking "Save".


Finally, if you are a happy owner of a 4G modem from Megafon, information on how to change the password on the router will come in handy. You can get into the settings through the Web interface at Standard login admin/admin. On the "Management" tab in the "Key" field, enter a new eight-digit password and save the settings.

What to do if the password is lost

In most cases, you have to reset the settings. Most routers have a Reset button on the case, with its help, the settings are reset to factory settings. You will have to set up your internet connection again. Make sure that the instructions are at hand, or entrust the task to professionals. Keep the password in a safe place, copy it to several places: notebook, file on the desktop, take a picture on the mobile phone camera.

Now you know how to put a password on the router, and you can configure most of the well-known models. You can always clarify the answers to your questions by going to the website of the device manufacturer. There is a sufficient number of routers with Russified firmware, some are controlled special programs from a computer. Whatever issue you are facing, help will come instruction or technical support your provider.

There are two types of passwords you can use: the administrator password and the network key. The first prevents strangers from entering the router settings, the second - from connecting to your home network.

Approximate procedure for any model

Router interfaces look different: it all depends on the manufacturer, model, and even firmware version. Therefore, the steps to change the password to different devices may differ. But general principle about the same for everyone.

  1. First you need to open any browser and enter the address to enter the router settings. This is usually or The presence of the Internet is not necessary for this, but the router must be turned on and connected to the computer.
  2. When a login and password request appears, enter them to get to the main menu of the device. Standard login information, including the address, is usually printed on the bottom of the router. If a default password or the login has been changed and you don’t remember it, you can reset the router using a special button on the case. After that, you will have to re-enter it using the standard login information.
  3. To change the administrator password, find the section "System" (System), "Operation" (Maintenance), "Management" (Administration) or with a similar name in the settings. Then it remains only to enter a new combination and save the changes. This will not affect the configured wireless connection in any way.
  4. To change the network key, look for a settings section with a name like "Wi-Fi network" or "Wireless network" (Wireless). Once in it, enter a new password for connection in the corresponding field and save the change. After that you have to reconnect wireless devices to the router using the new key.

Exact instructions for specific models

For clarity, we will tell you how to change the password of a router using the example of several devices from popular manufacturers.

1. How to change the password on the D-Link router (DIR-620)

Open any browser, type and press Enter. After that, specify the requested ones to get into the router settings. The device must be turned on and connected to the computer.

To change the administrator password, click "Advanced Settings" and in the "System" section, select "Administrator Password". Fill in the required fields and click Save.

To change the password for connecting to wireless network, click "Advanced Settings" and in the Wi-Fi section select "Security Settings". Specify a new encryption key and save the changes.

In any desktop browser, enter and press Enter. After that, enter the requested login and password to get to the router menu. The device must be turned on and connected to the computer.

To change the administrator password, open the Maintenance → Administration section, enter a new password and save it.

To change the network key, click Interface Setup → Wireless, scroll down to the WPA2-PSK section, and enter the new combination in the Pre-Shared Key field. After that click Save.

Open any browser, type and press Enter. After that, enter the requested username and password to get into the router settings. The device must be turned on and connected to the computer.

To change the administrator, open the "System" section and click "Password". Enter new data and save it.

For change network password click "Wi-Fi network" → "Security". Then provide a new key and save the changes.

Access to a wireless network, especially a network with "shared" resources, is usually limited by security. This is a necessary security measure taken to ensure that outsiders and intruders cannot damage the system or steal valuable personal information, such as authorization data from web wallets, bank cards, etc.

The router is protected in two ways - one password is provided to protect the router itself - the same one that is entered when entering the router configuration toolkit (the initial value is admin). The other protects the wireless network itself and its resources. If the second password is not set, then the network becomes public. Naturally, within its physical reach. Such networks exist not only due to the oversight of their creators, some WiFi resources were originally conceived in this way. The purpose of our note is to find out how to change the current WiFi authorization scheme on a computer.

Changing the authorization component can be caused, for example, by the fact that the existing password has been cracked. Or simply because it does not have sufficient reliability, and the owner of the network decided to increase the degree of protection. And also for other reasons.

Password for the router

You can change the password on the router only in one place - in the settings of this device. The settings can be accessed through the router's web interface. For this you need:

  • On the computer connected to the router, launch any browser.
  • In the browser address bar, type 192.168.01 or (depending on the model).
  • Enter the settings menu, after specifying the username and password for the device itself.
  • Go to the appropriate settings section (right menu bar). For different routers, it may be called differently, but it is always something like: “Advanced settings” => “WiFi” => “Security settings”. Modern routers may have a bookmarks bar at the bottom or top instead of the right menu bar. The principle still remains the same.
  • In the panel that opens on the left, find the fields responsible for authentication. In the field describing the type of protection, enter, for example: WPA-PSKWPA2-PSKmixed.
  • In the field called "Password" enter the text that meets the well-known reliability criteria.
  • Do not forget to save the changes made with the “Ok” button (or “Save”, in the localized version it can be called “Save” or “Apply”).
  • Reboot.

That's the whole science of how to change protection for Wi-Fi, that is, how to change the password on the router itself.

Password for laptop

We figured out how to change the password on a WiFi router.

But there is another similar issue. It is well known that another device can act as an access point to a wireless network - the same laptop.

More or less modern laptops have this capability. In this situation, we will act differently:

In the system tray of the Windows OS installed on the laptop, we look for the icon of the wireless network connection.

  • Click on the icon right click mouse and select "Manage wireless networks".
  • In the list that appears visible networks select the one you want and right-click on it again.
  • In the appeared context menu select "Properties".
  • In the window that appears, go to the "Security" tab.
  • We set the switch "Display input characters". This is done for convenience, so that we can see for ourselves what exactly we are typing.
  • Enter a new password in the "Security Key" field.
  • Save by clicking the "OK" button.

As an alternative, one can suggest using console command of the form: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=password keyUsage=persistent , where password is replaced by a new value for the network named My_virtual_WiFi.

A wireless network is a popular and very convenient thing. But often users do not think that Wi-Fi requires protection, which is carried out by creating an access key.
You can ignore this router setting, but then it is likely that your goodwill, and at the same time the Wi-Fi network, will be actively used by your neighbors.

When setting up wifi on byfly or any other provider, you must have faced the need to set a password. But it’s better to familiarize yourself with the procedure again so that your security key becomes a really serious barrier against unauthorized connection to the network.

Entering the router settings

First you need to get into the interface of the router. It is usually available at, which must be typed into the browser. But sometimes it happens that the address is slightly different: or It is easy to specify this parameter: just turn the router over and carefully read the information presented on its case.

There are also programmatic way find out the main gateway of the router:

  1. Run command line Windows.
  2. Type the "ipconfig /all" command.
  3. Find the "Main Gateway" item in the report and look at the address.

Setting a password

If you have configured D-link router DIR-300, you can easily figure out where the password is set. Users who have logged into the interface of their router at least once will find it without any problems. desired settings security.

So, if you have a D-Link DIR-300 with firmware 1.4.x or later models (the interface is in dark colors), select the "Advanced settings" item at the bottom of the administration page.

For earlier firmware versions (blue interface), the operation procedure changes slightly:

When deciding how best to configure the tp link tl wr842nd router, users also face the problem of setting an individual wireless network access key. To set a password, you need:

The security key is set. But if it becomes accidentally known to third parties, then you will need instructions on how to change the wifi password.

Change the security key

The process of changing the password to a more complex one is completely identical to the procedure for its initial setting. You will also need to go to the router interface and open the "Security" options. Next, you need to write a new security key in the field with the existing password, and then save the changes.

By the way, since you have decided to protect your network as much as possible, change the name of your access point.

You can do this in the "SSID" line, which is located in general settings networks. Do not use your personal data in the name of the connection, otherwise it will be visible to everyone who is within the radius of the network.

Try to come up with a password that is hard to guess: no consecutive numbers, no name or date of birth. Better not to use at all. simple words, but create a security key from a set of characters, changing case and diluting letters with numbers.

Try to access the web interface of the router from a device that connects to the router using an Ethernet cable. The Wi-Fi network will turn off after some operations, and therefore you will have to re-enter the router settings several times.

If you changed the password to access the router, but you cannot remember the new security key, reset the device to factory settings.

This is done by pressing the Reset button on the router case. Sometimes the Reset function is presented not as a button, but as a small narrow recess. To reset the settings, you need to insert something thin, such as a needle or pin, into this recess.

If the WPA2 security standard is not supported, select the WPA method when setting the security key. You should not set the WEP standard: it is considered obsolete and is easily hacked using modern programs.

A router is a device that allows you to combine a whole variety of devices into one network, equipped, as a rule, Wi-Fi modules. It will help create a connection through channels local network, as well as access the Internet in general from any place in the office or your home, where good level signal. With all this, you should not forget about the necessary security of communication.

Modern technology allows you to forget about the burden of users with wired connections, you need to thoroughly understand some issues. At least know how to change the password on a WiFi router from the device and the network. It is logical to ask why all this is necessary? The answer is simple.

The radio signal on the Wi-Fi router is distributed over a considerable distance. What can I say if relatively low-power devices can be found from half of the entrance apartments. Sometimes the modem can have such a good transmitter that it is possible to catch the network even on the street, being close to home. Radiation penetrates reinforced concrete walls and many other obstacles, so anyone can really connect directly to your network and use the Internet.

Moreover, there are many videos in which craftsmen assemble antennas that allow you to detect a transmitted signal from kilometers away. If, for example, in a city, such an antenna is directed towards a residential area, the register of available connections will simply overflow. Stopping all these initiatives, however, is quite easy. The usual change of the password to Wi-Fi makes the network inaccessible, and it will not be possible to connect to it without recognizing the code. Only you can connect, and those people to whom you tell the security key. Setting the security settings is not difficult, but you still need to take this seriously so that later everything will be fine too.

How to choose a password?

Please be attentive to the points under consideration, because everything said below is not empty words and is backed up by practice. Considering the situation from the standpoint of good security, one can definitely conclude that good keys start with eight characters and contain a combination of not only numbers, but also symbols and letters of different case. For a router, the Wi-Fi password should not be chosen based on frequent names, any round dates, or numeric sequences. The code must be such that it cannot be guessed, assumed, or picked up in a logical way.

It's not difficult to come up with a key, but if you still experience difficulties, use some program that generates passwords. We remind you that a responsible approach to this issue includes secure storage your chosen password. Write it down on the page of your diary, or in a notebook, but not on a piece of paper, which is likely to be lost, after which you will have to reset all modem configurations. This issue has been resolved, let's move on.

How to change the password on a WiFi router, and what you need to know?

When the device is connected to a PC, access to its parameters is available from the browser by going to a special address. Enter or in the search bar and press "Enter". By the way, on the underside of absolutely every router there is a small sticker indicating the web address we need. Nearby, there is usually information with a login and a corresponding password. If there is no sticker, everything that interests us will be written in the manual for the router. Data is also available on the Internet for absolutely every model.

If you have previously changed the initial configuration, incl. login data, and then decided to forget them, then the WiFi router will be able to reset the password if you start a button called “Reset” on it and hold it for about 10-20 seconds. All settings, incl. login, password, as well as the parameters of the local network and Internet access, will be transferred to the initial state. As you can see, everything is really simple, so let's go directly to the most common devices.

D Link

Routers of this brand are quite popular, they can be found everywhere. There are also quite a few models, but a number of manipulations are almost the same and are equally similar for all of them. It all starts, of course, with the fact that the user writes the numbers in the address bar and presses the enter button. The initial menu of the D-Link interface will immediately appear, where you will need to specify the data directly to enter the modem settings themselves. The basic password and login are identical and consist of one word "admin".

But if you changed the data specifically to enter the router configuration management menu, then you need to specify them accordingly. Depends on the firmware version appearance window. In general, we are only interested in the Wi-Fi menu, where we are looking for security settings. In the line "Network Authentication" immediately select the type "WPA2-PSK". The password itself is entered in the "PSK Encryption Key" form. Now it remains to mark the AES section in the settings WPA encryption. After all this, click on "Edit".

How to change TPLink WiFi router password?

The range of these devices is no less extensive. But the TP-Link modem will also not create any problems for the user during operation. Follow the list of simple steps and change the security key in a couple of minutes. Again, you need to start from a web browser, but already enter in the address bar - the login data here is also “admin” / “admin”, so feel free to enter them (provided that once they have not changed by you) and get into the main section of the interface.

Router models may differ slightly in their menu, so sometimes you need to search a little to see the settings wireless communication. Open the configuration named "Wireless Security". We set WPA / WPA2 in the settings (this option is even recommended). Wi-Fi password is written in the PSK Password line. Naturally, the changes must be saved, after which a notification will appear that the modem needs to be rebooted. We confirm the request. Ready!


As with any other routers, we enter the direct address in the search bar of our browser. For Asus, this is - after entering the sequence, you will see the same form for specifying authorization data (they are the same). As you can see, everything is similar to other options, so the technique for one modem can be considered universal for all other devices. We perform a sequence of quick manipulations to change our password.

Look at the available tabs. Now we are interested in one of them called "General". Find it available at the top horizontally. We click on the "Advanced Settings" menu, where we go to the "Wireless Network" section. The verification method should be specified as WPA2-Personal. The line "Preliminary WPA key” is a field for a password that you have already chosen in advance by inventing it or generating it. Don't forget to save your settings!

Change WiFi password to ZyXEL

Devices made in Taiwan are no different from all their other "colleagues". By the way, a router has become a fairly common model. ZyXEL Keenetic. Setting it up and all other modems is also incredibly easy. We register in the web browser to go to the initial section, where we specify the user login and password account. These data are noted in the instructions for the general case, and if the user previously changed them, but could not remember now, then all that remains is to turn to "Reset" and return all the original settings to their place.

After directly entering the settings, you need to find a tab called "Wireless LAN", which is available in the "Network" menu. By selecting from the WPA-PSK list in the Security Mode line, the user can set a password for the local wireless network in the Pre-Shared Key, restricting unauthorized access to it.

Changing the encryption key on a Huawei modem

Changing the password of a wireless network created by a Huawei router is carried out, oddly enough, in the same ways. We open our favorite browser, put the cursor in the address bar and write there - now what? Correctly! We write the word “admin” in both lines and go to the main menu of the device. We will be interested here in the "Basic" tab, which has the "Wireless LAN" item. Here, in the SSID field, you can specify the name of the distributed WiFi networks. After defining the authentication and encryption method, do not forget to put good password(minimum 8 characters). Don't forget to scroll down the page and hit the save button.

As it was possible to understand from all the information, setting up the router and preliminary actions even for models from different manufacturers is practically the same. The only difference is a single digit in the address and slightly different menus that present the functionality of the devices to users in slightly different ways. If you have a modem from a provider at home, for example, Rostelecom, then the algorithm of actions will not differ in any way from those described above. All local operators that offer you their modems take the same devices from the store and put their own label on them. All!

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