Cryptopro csp 3.9 license unlimited number. If the certificate is without a built-in license (purchased a serial number for a workplace). Supported UNIX-like operating systems

As a rule, the idea to download Cryptopro 3.9 R2 for Windows 10 appears among entrepreneurs with a large workflow. However, the product is also suitable for household purposes, because electronic signatures are increasingly included in the life of an ordinary person.


CryptoPro 3.9 R2 is a multifunctional cryptographic software. The latest most current version applies to any device on Windows 10, including tablets. The scope of this program is very extensive:
  • Protection of authorship of documents;
  • Providing secure document flow;
  • Working with electronic signatures;
If you care about the security of your workflow, then downloading Cryptopro 3.9 R2 will be the right solution. This is a domestic development, and although it deals with very complex issues in technical terms, working with the program is very simple. Of course, if you have little idea of ​​what Cryptopro is, then it is better to study the documentation first, and only then get down to work.

Installation takes place in several stages, but in order to avoid mistakes, download the correct version - x32 / x64 bits. And if your computer works without, then even the most powerful crypto-protection of documents will not save you from possible penetration. Therefore, we advise you to install

Entering the serial number depends on which certificate is used for the job. Since the end of April 2014, Kontur.Extern subscribers can be issued certificates with an integrated license. An indication that the license is built-in is the presence of the line "Crypto-Pro limited license" on the "Composition" tab in the public key of the certificate (see).

If the certificate with an embedded license

The public key must be set to the private key (see instructions).

The workplace must have a version of Crypto-Pro of at least 3.6 R2 (3.6.6497) installed. You can check the version of the encryption provider by opening the Start menu> Control Panel>

You do not need to have a valid workplace license to work with such certificates.

If the certificate is without a built-in license (purchased a serial number for a workplace)

First of all, you should find an appendix to the agreement "License to use the CryptoPro CSP software product". It will contain a serial number, which must be entered in one of the ways described below.

If this application is not available, you need to contact at the place of connection. If you cannot find the contacts of the service center, you should contact technical support at [email protected] , indicating the essence of the problem and the TIN and KPP of the organization.

You can enter your license serial number using the Diagnostic Portal or manually.

License Entry via Diagnostic Portal

  • Go to the service at
  • Click the "Next" button.
  • After completing the check, select "Install".
  • After installing the components, enter the license number in the field and click "Enter".
  • The license has been entered, the validity period of the new license is indicated.

Manual license entry

The procedure for manually entering a CryptoPro license depends on the installed version of the encryption provider. You can check the version of the cryptographic provider by opening the menu "Start"> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP". The product version is listed on the General tab.

Below are the settings for the versions:

To enter a license for CryptoPro CSP version 3.6, you must perform the following steps:

1. Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP" .

2. In the "CryptoPro CSP Properties" window, click on the "CryptoPro PKI" link.

In CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R3, the procedure for entering a license is greatly simplified. Instead of the link "CryptoPro PKI", you should click on the "Enter license" button and enter the serial number from the form in the window that opens. Click "OK", the license is entered.

3. In the PKI console window, select the "License Management" item and expand it by clicking on the icon on the left.

4. You need to right-click on the "CryptoPro CSP" item and select "All tasks"> "Enter serial number".

5. In the window that opens, enter the serial number from the license form and click on the "Ok" button.

To enter a license for CryptoPro CSP version 3.9, you must perform the following steps:

1. Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP".

To enter a license for CryptoPro CSP version 4.0, you must perform the following steps:

1. Select "Start" menu> "Control Panel"> "CryptoPro CSP" .

2. In the "General" window, click on the "Enter license" button.

3. In the window that opens, fill in the proposed fields and click on the "OK" button.

The term of use of the demo version of CryptoPro eToken CSP is limited to 90 days from the date of installation.

Transfer of use rights software produced by "CRYPTO-PRO" LLC is carried out on the basis of the License Agreement.

Licenses to use the product must be purchased from CRYPTO-PRO LLC or from an authorized dealer.

Licenses for the right to use the software are issued on A4 paper.


For the regular operation of cryptographic information protection tools (CIPF), they must be installed from the distribution kit.

The distribution can be:

  1. Purchased from the manufacturer or from an authorized dealer of the manufacturer on a tangible medium.
  2. Obtained from the manufacturer's website or an authorized dealer.

The procedure for obtaining the distribution kit from the site:

Checksums of installation modules and documentation are placed on the download page together with the CIPF distributions. Checksums are calculated in accordance with GOST R 34.11 94 taking into account RFC 4357, as well as md5.

Installation of the CIPF at the user's workplace can be carried out only in case of confirmation of the integrity of the received CIPF installation modules and operational documentation.

The check should be carried out using the cpverify.exe () utility included in the CryptoPro CSP cpverify -mk , or other other encryption (cryptographic) means certified by the FSB of Russia that implements GOST R 34.11-94.

The md5 checksum can be verified, for example, with md5sum (linux) or File Checksum Integrity Verifier (

The use of the software is governed by the following License Agreement with CRYPTO-PRO LLC:

CAREFULLY READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE USE OF THE PRODUCT LICENSE AGREEMENT 1. Exclusive rights to the computer program, including electronic documentation (hereinafter referred to as the Product) belong to CRYPTO-PRO LLC, hereinafter referred to as the Copyright Holder. 2. This agreement is an offer of CRYPTO-PRO LLC to an individual or legal entity, hereinafter referred to as the User. 3. The user, in accordance with this agreement, receives the right to use the Product on the territory of the Russian Federation. 4. Installation of the Product into the computer memory is considered as the unconditional consent of the User with the terms of this agreement. 5. In case of disagreement with any of the terms of this agreement, the User does not have the right to continue installing the Product in the computer memory, and if the Product is installed in the computer memory, he is obliged to remove the Product from the computer. 6. The User has the right to use the Product for non-commercial purposes and in order to familiarize himself with the Product and check its operability and functional characteristics within three months from the date of installation of the Product in the computer memory. 7. The User has the right to use the Product as a simple (non-exclusive) license from the moment the Product is activated by entering the Product installation key (the serial number of the license provided by CRYPTO-PRO LLC) during the validity period of the exclusive rights of CRYPTO-PRO LLC to the Product unless another period is established by the relevant agreement (license). 8. The User has the right to use the Product during the validity period of the exclusive rights of CRYPTO-PRO LLC to the Product without activating the Product by entering the Product installation key (license serial number) only in the following cases: - verification of the electronic signature; - calculating the value of the hashing function; - using the TLS protocol for one-way authentication (server authentication). 9. The user has the right to use the Product in accordance with its purpose and the rules of use set forth in the operational documentation, which includes the right to install, store and reproduce the Product in the computer memory, limited by the right to copy and run. 10. The User is not entitled to: - use the Product without activating the Product by entering the Product installation key (license serial number) for commercial purposes, except as otherwise specified in clause 8 of this Agreement; - try to disassemble, decompile (convert the object code into the original text) the Product and its components; - make any changes to the object code of the Product, except for those that are made by means included in the Product package and described in the documentation; - perform other actions in relation to the Product in violation of the provisions of the legislation on copyright and related rights. 11. The User has the right to receive technical support related to the operation of the Product, and the Copyright Holder undertakes to provide the User with technical support services for the Product if the User has: - a certificate for technical support of the Product in accordance with the regulations for the provision of technical support services published on the website: http : //, or - an agreement for the provision of technical support services for the Product between the User and the Copyright Holder in accordance with the terms of such an agreement. 12. This agreement applies to the entire period of use of the Product. Upon termination of the use of the Product, the User is obliged to delete the Product from the computer memory. 13. Violation of the terms of this agreement is a violation of the exclusive rights of the Copyright Holder, is prosecuted by law and entails liability established by international norms and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

CryptoPro CSP is designed for:
  • authorization and ensuring the legal significance of electronic documents when exchanging them between users, through the use of procedures for generating and verifying an electronic digital signature (EDS) in accordance with domestic standards GOST R 34.10-94, GOST R 34.11-94, GOST R 34.10-2001;
  • ensuring confidentiality and control of the integrity of information through its encryption and imitation protection, in accordance with GOST 28147-89; ensuring the authenticity, confidentiality and imitation protection of TLS connections;
  • control of the integrity of system and application software to protect it from unauthorized changes or violation of the correct functioning; management of key elements of the system in accordance with the regulations of protective equipment.

Key carriers for CryptoPro CSP

CryptoPro CSP can be used in conjunction with a variety of key media, but most often the Windows registry, flash drives and tokens are used as key media.

The most secure and convenient key carriers that are used in conjunction with CryptoPro CSP are tokens. They allow you to conveniently and securely store your electronic signature certificates. Tokens are arranged in such a way that even if stolen, no one can use your certificate.

Supported CryptoPro CSP key carriers:
  • floppy disks 3.5 ";
  • MPCOS-EMV processor cards and Russian smart cards (Oscar, RIK) using smart card readers supporting the PC / SC protocol (GemPC Twin, Towitoko, Oberthur OCR126, etc.);
  • Touch-Memory DS1993 - DS1996 tablets using Accord 4+ devices, Sable electronic lock or Touch-Memory DALLAS tablet reader;
  • electronic keys with USB interface;
  • removable media with USB interface;
  • Windows registry

Digital Signature Certificate for CryptoPro CSP

CryptoPro CSP works correctly with all certificates issued in accordance with the requirements of GOST, which means with most certificates issued by Certification Centers in Russia.

In order to start using CryptoPro CSP, you will definitely need a digital signature certificate. If you have not yet purchased a digital signature certificate, we recommend that you.

Supported Windows operating systems

CSP 3.6 CSP 3.9 CSP 4.0
Windows 10 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows 2012 R2 x64 x64
Windows 8.1 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows 2012 x64 x64 x64
Windows 8 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows 2008 R2 x64 / itanium x64 x64
Windows 7 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows 2008 x86 / x64 / itanium x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows Vista x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows 2003 R2 x86 / x64 / itanium x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows XP x86 / x64
Windows 2003 x86 / x64 / itanium x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Windows 2000 x86

Supported UNIX-like operating systems

CSP 3.6 CSP 3.9 CSP 4.0
iOS 11 ARM7 ARM7
iOS 10 ARM7 ARM7
iOS 6/7 ARM7 ARM7 ARM7
iOS 4.2 / 4.3 / 5 ARM7
Mac OS X 10.12 x64 x64
Mac OS X 10.11 x64 x64
Mac OS X 10.10 x64 x64
Mac OS X 10.9 x64 x64
Mac OS X 10.8 x64 x64 x64
Mac OS X 10.7 x64 x64 x64
Mac OS X 10.6 x86 / x64 x86 / x64

Android 3.2+ / 4 ARM7
Solaris 10/11 x86 / x64 / sparc x86 / x64 / sparc x86 / x64 / sparc
Solaris 9 x86 / x64 / sparc
Solaris 8
AIX 5/6/7 PowerPC PowerPC PowerPC
FreeBSD 10 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
FreeBSD 8/9 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
FreeBSD 7 x86 / x64
FreeBSD 6 x86
FreeBSD 5
LSB 4.0 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
LSB 3.0 / LSB 3.1 x86 / x64
RHEL 7 x64 x64
RHEL 4/5/6 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
RHEL 3.3 spec. assembly x86 x86 x86
RedHat 7/9
CentOS 7 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
CentOS 5/6 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
TD OS AIS FSSP of Russia (GosLinux) x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
CentOS 4 x86 / x64
Ubuntu 15.10 / 16.04 / 16.10 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Ubuntu 14.04 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Ubuntu 12.04 / 12.10 / 13.04 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Ubuntu 10.10 / 11.04 / 11.10 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Ubuntu 10.04 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Ubuntu 8.04 x86 / x64
Ubuntu 6.04 x86 / x64
ALTLinux 7 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
ALTLinux 6 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
ALTLinux 4/5 x86 / x64
Debian 9 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Debian 8 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Debian 7 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Debian 6 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Debian 4/5 x86 / x64
Linpus Lite 1.3 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Mandriva Server 5
Buisness Server 1
x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Oracle Enterprice Linux 5/6 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Open SUSE 12.2 / 12.3 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
SUSE Linux Enterprice 11 x86 / x64 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Linux Mint 18 x86 / x64 x86 / x64
Linux Mint 13/14/15/16/17 x86 / x64 x86 / x64

Supported algorithms

CSP 3.6 CSP 3.9 CSP 4.0
GOST R 34.10-2012 Signature creation 512/1024 bit
GOST R 34.10-2012 Signature verification 512/1024 bit
GOST R 34.10-2001 Signature creation 512 bit 512 bit 512 bit
GOST R 34.10-2001 Signature verification 512 bit 512 bit 512 bit
GOST R 34.10-94 Signature creation 1024 bit *
GOST R 34.10-94 Signature verification 1024 bit *
GOST R 34.11-2012 256/512 bit
GOST R 34.11-94 256 bit 256 bit 256 bit
GOST 28147-89 256 bit 256 bit 256 bit

* - up to CryptoPro CSP 3.6 R2 (build 3.6.6497 from 2010-08-13) inclusive.

CryptoPro CSP license terms

When buying CryptoPro CSP, you get a serial number that you need to enter during installation or configuration of the program. The key validity period depends on the selected license. CryptoPro CSP can be distributed in two versions: with an annual license or perpetual.

By purchasing perpetual license, you will receive a CryptoPro CSP key, which will not expire. If you buy, you will receive a serial number CryptoPro CSP, which will be valid for one year after purchase.

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