Reliable program for storing passwords. How to use KeePass password saving software. One password to manage all

The work of the human brain and memory is still one of the most difficult to understand processes. The modern world is designed in such a way that it is impossible to do without memorizing numbers, numbers, passwords and PIN codes. Alas, memory can fail at the most inopportune moment. In order not to have to puzzle over forgotten passwords, write them down. Will help in this the best password managers on iOS, which we will discuss today.

This is one of the most popular managers because it is an open source password manager. Because of this, it has dozens of extensions of all types, works only in local mode. In addition, its safety standards are among the best in the world.

One of the big advantages it has with other managers is that it is also a portable application, which means that we can always carry all our passwords with us so that we can use them on any device.

This manager supports the presence of passwords stored both locally and in the cloud so that you can share them between multiple devices. Hopefully, with this we have clarified some doubts. Do not forget to visit us, where you will find additional information on how to make your devices more secure. Version 57 Version 56 Version 55 Version 54 Version 53 Version 52 Version 51 Version 50 Version 50 Version 49 Version 48 Version 47 Version 47 Version 46 Version 45.

The number of applications in this category is much higher, but in the selection process we paid attention not only to the functionality, but also to the date of the last update. Projects abandoned by developers are hardly worthy of attention and trust.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: LastPass
Version: 3.1.4
iPhone + iPad: Free [Download from the App Store]
   Subscription price - 712 rubles / year

You can remember neither the username nor the password

Was this article helpful? This article describes why sometimes your passwords are not saved. If you want to receive information about the Master Password feature that is used. To protect your personal information, you can access secure passwords stored using the master password.

Password Manager Settings

  Some versions of graphics drivers may have problems displaying messages.

Sites prohibit saving password

Some websites do not allow passwords to be saved for security reasons. If you have completed the steps described above, but you still do not need to save the password when logging on to a specific website, this may be due to the fact that the website has disabled the ability to save the password.

The popular password manager was originally developed for Windows and OS X operating systems. Installing an additional plugin LastPass  for the browser, it was possible not only to instantly fill passwords on the required sites with a single mouse click, but also to enter data into long forms and questionnaires in an instant.

Two problems associated with the organization of our online life. Fortunately, today we have a lot of secure applications designed to manage and protect our passwords effortlessly, called password managers. You can automatically explore and create people with the information used to fill out forms. Suitable for all platforms.

One password to control them all! All your passwords and IDs are always with you, as they are synchronized across all your applications. Mobile version is free. An interesting feature of this application is that it allows the user to decide where to save the database. This blog contains instructions in Spanish.

The developers moved all this functionality under the iOS mobile platform. In fact, LastPass is a password manager sharpened by working with websites  and forms. Of the features should be noted:

    • synchronization of browsers under a single account;
    • availability of a master password;
    • touchID support;
    • built-in browser with the ability to instantly fill;
    • the ability to create notes;
    • the presence of a plug-in for mobile browser Safari.

Verdict:  LastPass is a powerful password manager, but it has a narrow specialization - websites. For storing credit card numbers, PIN codes and other information, it is better to use a more functional application. To work with LastPass sites without competition (instant filling of passwords using the plug-in in Safari on iOS).

You can download a fully functional sample for 30 days and then decide whether to buy or not. It's free, it's there when you need it, and it's very easy to integrate it into the workflow. Otherwise, goodbye security, everyone can see their passwords just by clicking the “Show Passwords” button saved in the password dialog box. It works on all platforms and is free.

There is also a free web version. There are four plans, based on the number of passwords you can manage, the number of users who share information, archive messages and the number of one-time emails. Plans: free, professional, small groups and groups.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: MyGo Software
Version: 2.0.5
iPhone + iPad: Free [Download from the App Store]
   Pro version will cost 505 rubles

application Loginbox  prompts the user to save passwords and accounts required for authorization on websites in a very unusual form. To add a login and password LoginBox offers to open the site and enter data. Recording occurs online.

Only the paid version allows you to synchronize data between mobile applications. Platform in several languages, including Spanish. The promotion of computers and, in particular, of the Internet has led to an increase in the number of users used by users, and although many still use the same for everything, their business is to use different for each website in We have registered. However, this creates a problem, how do you manage a lot of different passwords? For this, they are password managers to make life easier for users who process multiple passwords for various services and websites.

After successful login do not forget to press Stop.

    • iCloud sync;
    • touchID support;
    • storing notes;
    • convenient password filling;
    • built-in browser;

Verdict:  LoginBox copes with storing passwords; unusual animated authorization. Alas, the lack of a browser plug-in significantly reduces the usability of the application.

What is a password manager?

This is mainly an application for storing passwords in an encrypted database protected by a master password. Its biggest advantage is that it saves time when managing passwords, and also offers special features to increase security. For example, some password managers can generate strong passwords, that is, they can be long, include strange characters and try to create meaningless words, and also set a unique password for each site.

Features of a good password manager

At the same time, the user is avoided using patterns that can recover his predictable passwords, or use the same password for everything. Internet and offline access: there are two types of password managers that work offline and online, which ensures synchronization between different devices and operating systems. If we link to the service in which your passwords are stored, you should look for one that has this function to increase security, which adds in addition to the standard passwords a second step, which is usually a code sent to the mobile. Integration with browsers to minimize interaction with passwords and automate access to various sites. When a user enters a new password, the manager discovers the process and asks if the user wants to save it in the database. Some managers may also detect password updates. When attacking, many sensitive user data is compromised, including the password. Another desirable option would be to have a version for mobile phones and tablets to be able to manage passwords from any location if it is a service that is stored in the cloud. Security audit: Some password administrators allow you to perform security checks on the database itself. password information. This function scans the database and will indicate when the user uses weak passwords, the same password between different services, among other problems. One-time passwords: a password system allows you to assign one or more passwords to a single use.

Three password managers worth trying

  Automatic password seizure: this function is directly related to the above. . In this section, we will mention some of the most popular managers of designers and explain their basic functions so that the user can choose the one that suits him best.

mSecure Password Manager

Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: mSeven Software
Version: 4.2.0
iPhone + iPad: 618 rubles [Download from the App Store]

Convenient and feature-rich password manager mSecure  allows you to store almost any information, ranging from passwords to sites, bank accounts and ending with notes or clothing sizes.

Although it is a service in the cloud, it provides access to passwords offline, if you do not have access to the Internet. To use a password, simply click on the browser extension icon and select the one that matches.

Obviously, the password manager would not be secure if you did not have an automatic password creation mechanism, which is also very easy to use. If we want to register on the website, we also offer the ability to generate random passwords that are saved later. To do this, you just need to go to the corresponding option inside the browser extension.

A feature of mSecure is the presence of a function Self-destruction: in case of incorrect password entry several times in a row, all data from the application is deleted.

    • wide range of data types;
    • the ability to customize the sort;
    • autocomplete data in the integrated browser;
    • support for synchronization over Wi-Fi, DropBox and iCloud.

Verdict:  A good password manager, which the developers for some reason deprived TouchID and integration with third-party applications.

The browser plugin can also automatically fill in the website fields when the user has a password registered on it. Undoubtedly, this password manager’s great attraction is its clean and simple panel, which requires only a glance in order to be able to use the various options that it includes.

Do not use password manager yet? Perhaps, after reading this particular question, you start to think that you may need to use it, and today the large number of passwords that we usually use makes it very difficult to manually manage them, requiring some tool to automate such controls.

Dashlane password manager

Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: Dashlane
Version: 2.8.8
iPhone + iPad: Free [Download from the App Store]
   Subscription price - 1 839 rubles / year

256-bit encryption. What does this mean? Hacking a password encrypted in this way is almost impossible. Immediately after launch, you will be asked to go through a simple registration procedure. Use all the features of Dashlane can be absolutely free for only one month. If the application will please - you will have to purchase an annual paid subscription.

In addition, password administrators offer better protection to the user through auditing tools and the ability to generate a different password for each website without using templates that are often packaged for cybercriminals. Although somewhat rudimentary, the most frequently used browsers offer us the ability to save and manage passwords.

Integrated browser key manager

From this point on, the browser will ask if you want to save it every time you enter a site that requires a user account. In addition, it allows you to determine the master key, with which you can manage all the others.

If you want to go beyond simple convenience and keep your data safe, it’s best to go to another level: password managers. There are many types, but let's talk about one of the most popular, which besides the full version in its free version is cross-platform and integrated with our browser to make life easier.

Dashlane has a full-featured multi-client and for the OS X platform. All passwords are automatically synchronized with each other. Russian language support is missing.

    • touchID support;
    • client availability under OS X;
    • double protection with built-in authorization;
    • the presence of a plug-in browser Safari.

Verdict:  Dashlane Password Manager really inspires confidence. At first glance it seems that the application is focused on storing accounts and accounts for authorization on websites, but its functionality is much higher.

Yes, it is imperative that you create a user account, but in exchange for one key you will control all the others.

In the Complete downloads section for your platform, you can get a version for a specific ship for another platform or portable versions of the same program.

During the installation process, we are given the opportunity to enable the plug-in in the browser we have selected and replace it with the password manager. This means that the application controls the data that we have already saved, and imports it directly. Creating an account is simple. All you need is an email address and a master password. The indicator panel will inform you about the strength of your password. Remember that you will need to manage all the others, and the greater their length and complexity, the higher their security.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: Passwordbox
Version: 5.0.4
iPhone + iPad: Free (Temporarily) [Download from the App Store]

A good password manager with a nice and clear interface. The emphasis in the application is also made to work with sites, and therefore there is a built-in plug-in for the mobile browser Safari. At this opportunity Passwordbox  don't end there.

If you forget yours, you will not be able to recover it using the traditional "Forgot your password." To store the keys of your sites in your account, you need to access only the specified web page with your username and password. In the drop-down list you ask if you want to save them in your password manager.

If you already have them in the browser administrator, you just need to import them. To save the site, a window will appear in which you can associate a descriptive name and even place it inside a group, which you can later edit in the secure software.

You can store any personal data: bank card numbers, passports, addresses. Separate attention deserve protected notes, which can be a good alternative to the native iOS-application Notes.

    • convenient interface;
    • built-in password generator;
    • safari browser plugin;
    • password search;
    • touchID support.

Verdict:  Password Manager, which can take a worthy place on your Dock. Now the application is distributed absolutely free with an eternal subscription.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: AgileBits
Version: 5.1.2
iPhone + iPad: Free (Temporarily) [Download from the App Store]
   Pro version costs 618 rubles.

1Password  perceived as a synonym for the password manager category. The application provides almost everything: a wide choice of groups, thoughtful organization, synchronization, built-in browser.

The developers made a lot of efforts in developing the program for the OS X platform. For their work, an impressive price was also requested in 3 175 rubles. The free version of 1Password for iOS offers the minimum necessary tools for working with passwords. AT pro version  more categories, several safes and additional items are available.

    • safari plugin;
    • client for OS X;
    • convenient sorting;
    • many categories;
    • thoughtful synchronization.

Verdict:  iOS in conjunction with OS X is expensive, but the functionality of the application is almost limitless. 1Password is rightfully considered one of the best password managers.


Genre: Utilities, Password Manager
Publisher: Appxy
Version: 3.3
iPhone + iPad: Free [Download from the App Store]

1Key - This is an example of an application that is simple and tasteful. You yourself give the name of a specific pair, consisting of an account and password, by selecting the appropriate category. By default, 1Key has 13 categories, but their number can be easily expanded by adding your own. Popular sites are listed separately.

In addition to synchronization, 1Key also has the ability to transfer passwords using a letter. Data is transmitted in unencrypted form, and all passwords are displayed openly. In the application there is no Russian language.

    • minimalism;
    • the ability to add to favorites;
    • sync with DropBox and Wi-Fi;
    • sending passwords by mail.

Verdict:  Simple and functional password storage application. Free, but with enough functionality.

P.S.Share what you use and which password managers are on your “favorites” list.

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An active Internet user is forced to enter a huge number of passwords - from social networks, electronic mailboxes, online stores, online games. For security reasons, it is recommended to come up with an original password every time you register, otherwise the attacker, having obtained illegal access to one account, will be able to easily crack others. Remembering a lot of different logins and passwords is difficult, writing in a notebook is not safe, so using the special programs for storing passwords is the best option to unload the memory. It is enough to remember only one, the main password to access all the others.

Price: free +

LastPass  - A well-known cloud service for storing passwords, developed by the company of the same name and available on Linux, Windows, OS X computer operating systems, in Google Play, AppStore, Store application stores, as well as in the form of plug-ins for major browsers, for example, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome . This program not only remembers the identification data, but also manages them: it helps the owner to generate a new password, changes data if he notices a hacking attempt, analyzes the complexity and reliability of passwords, ensures that passwords from two different accounts are not the same.

Among the key benefits of the program for saving passwords LastPass  should include the following:

  1. Two-factor authentication. Most sites require you to enter only a username and password - such authentication is called one-factor authentication. Two-factor requests user additional data (for example, PIN, phone number, fingerprints), which is a guarantee of increased reliability. Well-known portals Twitter, Amazon, Facebook have switched to two-factor authentication, and more recently LastPass. Additional password protection is provided by Google Authenticator  and Yubikey.
  2. Full and high-quality Russification.
  3. Wide functionality.After updating the interface LastPass  In 2014, the service was supplemented with a number of useful additional functions. Now the user with the help of the application can store documents, use tools to autocomplete forms of online stores, follow the changes in credit history.

LastPass  It is considered a free program for saving passwords, however, to use mobile versions, you need to purchase a premium account, which costs $ 12.

Price: free +

Users 1 Password  They note as an important advantage of the program the simplicity of its application and a very friendly and pleasant interface. However, these are the advantages of the program for remembering passwords entered on a computer, 1 Password  not exhausted - there are others:

  1. Cross platform. The program runs on Windows, Mac OS, Android, iOS, and also integrates into the most popular browsers like Opera and Firefox. However, such wide integrability is more likely the norm for password managers, rather than a distinctive feature.
  2. Synchronization. Through Dropbox  and iCloud  You can open access to the password store to outsiders.
  3. Reliability. The database is protected by AES-128 cipher, adopted as a standard by the US Government. Data leak warned by inline keylogger  - a device that records the user's actions.
  4. Password generation.If you need to create a new password, the program for generating passwords does not just generate a random set of numbers and letters, but forms a combination that matches the parameters previously specified by the user. Such parameters - the number of characters, the presence of numbers and even the pronunciation of the combination.
  5. The possibility of a security audit.  The program will check the database for duplicate and weak passwords.

1 Password  has the highest rating among the analogues in the AppStore (4 stars out of 5), however, and this software is not without flaws. Program 1 Password quite expensive - the owners for the installation of the full version will have to part with 5 thousand rubles. However, even having paid this money, the user will not be able to edit the database on the mobile device.


Price: free +

Released in 2012, password manager Dashlane  Immediately gained worldwide popularity thanks to a simple high-quality interface, high security and the ability to automatically fill out forms on web pages. By 2016, there were several updates, and the program managed to “acquire” additional functions. What is different Dashlane?

  1. Two-factor authentication  - a sign of the attentive attitude of developers to the reliability of their offspring.
  2. Shopping tracking and eWallet integrationsimplify the process of shopping through online stores.
  3. Accessibility for any device.This program for saving passwords entered on a computer, works with both desktop and mobile operating systems, has a plugin even for Internet Explorer. Cloud synchronization of several devices on different platforms is possible, but only with the purchase of the Pro version.

Basic application features Dashlane  available for free, the full version costs almost $ 40 per year. Despite this cost, the Russification of the application has not yet been carried out - this is the main reason why Dashlane  not as popular among domestic users as, say, LastPass.


  - “first mover” and “long-liver” among password managers. The development of this program began in 1999, however, and to this day, the application is constantly improving and increasing functionality. Those who believe that using now, given the presence of many worthy competitors - a sign of unhealthy conservatism, are mistaken, because the program can really offer the user a lot of unique advantages:

  1. Versatility. The fact that the password manager works with all major and current operating systems will not surprise anyone. However, how many programs are known that are supported by Symbian, Palm OS, OS  and even Windows 2003 one of these.
  2. Mobility. Not necessary to install on a computer or gadget , to use it - thanks to the function 2 Go, the program can be installed on a USB flash drive and run on public computers.
  3. Reliability.The base is encrypted according to the AES-256 standard, which is traditionally used in banking.
  4. Ability to create multiple profiles.One program can be used by different people - in each of the profiles protected by a password, individual information will be stored. This allows you to save and purchase a paid version of the application "chipping".

The manager can be downloaded for free, but then store more than 10 logins / passwords will not succeed. To store an unlimited amount of data, as well as cloud synchronization, you will need a version Everywhere, which costs about $ 20 a year.

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