How to make contact invisible from your phone. How to use the service "Invisible" in Odnoklassniki

In Odnoklassniki there is a mode "Invisible". Usually, when you come to visit the pages of other people, you are noted in their “Guests”, and they know that you have come and watched something. If you turn on the invisibility, you can go to any pages and leave no traces - no one will know that you were there. In addition, in this mode, no one sees that you are online (next to your name will not be a blinking icon and will not be written "On the site").

Stealth mode is connected for a certain time. When the time is over, no one will know who you went to. But then, when you go to the people, they will see you again as usual.

If you turn on the invisibility and write comments, messages, rate, then people see your name. This action of "invisible" does not apply. That is, it is not possible to anonymously write a comment or rate a photo.

Invisible free

Invisible is a paid service of the Odnoklassniki website. But there is an “invisibility” for free - if you connect your Odnoklassniki page there, you can go to the site at any time and find out if you have new messages, answers, ratings, guests. By clicking on the Odnoklassniki button, you will enter the site. But until this moment no one will see that you are “on the site” (online). This is a very useful and completely free feature. You can connect and other sites (for example, VK).

How to enable paid stealth in Odnoklassniki?

To enable the service “invisible” for money, open your page and click on the link “Enable invisibility” under your photo. Or go to "Guests" and there click the link of the same name. Then you will only have to choose a payment method and follow the further instructions.

Important: your browser (the program for browsing the Internet, in which you are reading this now) keeps a history of visits. If another person opens your browser, you can see this story. Therefore, if you want to keep it completely in secret, do not allow unauthorized people to your computer (tablet, phone) or erase history.

How much is invisible?

In Odnoklassniki invisible is:

  • For 3 days - for free, then 189 OK every month (189 rubles)
  • For 7 days - 50 OK (50 rubles)
  • 30 days - 199 OK (199 rubles)

OK is the internal currency in Odnoklassniki (bonuses). The price OK can change, here the sums are indicated approximately. The most advantageous to pay for OK from a bank card, and not via SMS. At any time the invisible can be turned off.

How to turn off invisibility?

To turn off the invisibility in Odnoklassniki, on your page under the main photo find the word "Invisible"   - The switch to the right of it. Clicking on it, you can turn off and turn on the invisible as many times as you like (for example, to someone you can go to the invisible page, to someone - as usual, as a guest). In order to completely disable the invisibility (so as not to withdraw money), you need to go to "Services and payments"   (search on your page under your main photo, or open for a direct link - Services and payments) and turn off the subscription there.

Can anyone know that I am invisible?

Only by indirect signs. For example, if you correspond with someone, and that person at this moment looks at your page and sees that you are “not on the site”.

How to remove yourself from the section "People are online"?

You can be found in the section "People Online Now",   when you sit on classmates. You can remove yourself from there - for this, open your page, click "Change settings",   then "Publicity",   then flush the page down a little and uncheck the box "Show me in the" People are now on the site. "   Do not forget to click "Save".

Sometimes the question arises - is it possible to remove oneself from the block in the right column? "All friends are online"?   No, but if you do not want anyone to see you there, remove him from friends. In fact, they show friends online so that you do not forget about each other and communicate more with each other.

Hello, dear site visitors site. In today's article we will look at issues related to the “Invisible” function for your profile (page) in the popular social network Namely:

  1. What does it mean to enable stealth mode in Odnoklassniki ;
  2. How much does it cost to be invisible ;
  3. How to enable stealth in Odnoklassniki ;
  4. How to enable invisibility in your profile for free .

What does it mean to enable stealth mode in Odnoklassniki

Enable stealth   - means activation of a special feature in the Odnoklassniki profile, which allows you to become invisible to other users of the social network, including friends. Visiting the pages of other people, the user with the connected service "Invisible" will not be displayed in the "Guest". Also, the status of "Now Online" will not be displayed.

That is, you can anonymously visit other pages, come to visit, without causing questions: “And what kind of person came to my page? What does he want? ”.

This service does not apply to ratings, comments and posts.

How much is the invisible in Odnoklassniki

You can find out how much it costs to become invisible in Odnoklassniki directly on the social networking site:

There is also a way to enable stealth in Odnoklassniki for free. But I will write about it a little lower in the article.

How to enable invisibility in Odnoklassniki for money

To enable the “Invisible” service for your profile (page) you should:

Invisible in the application or in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki can be enabled in a similar way. The interface is slightly different, but in general everything is the same.

How to enable stealth in Odnoklassniki for free

And now let's look at how to enable stealth in Odnoklassniki for free.

In OK there is a section "Achievements". Performing various tasks in a social network points are added to you. These points can be spent on auctions. And win yourself various paid features absolutely free (for details on the achievements and auctions, see the links).

I hope this article was useful to you and answered the questions:

  1. What is invisible and what gives;
  2. How much does it cost to set a stealth mode for your profile;
  3. How to connect invisible in Odnoklassniki (how to become invisible);
  4. How to make invisible in Odnoklassniki for free.

Almost to each user in the "Classmates" came to visit the invisible. But is it possible to find out the mysterious guest?

It is very convenient to be invisible. It is interesting to use this service, because many people would like to go to a person, read, watch and not leave any traces behind them. Invisible users are not much different from others. But they do not have a flashing indicator near the photo. Still they are not visible in the section "Friends on the site." Invisibles can only go to the closed profile page of their friends, and not to friends or those who are on the black list - cannot. But go to the open profile page can easily, even if the person is not among friends. If the invisible person starts commenting on the entries, he will be declassified. 7 years ago it was easy to declassify confidential information about invisible women. For this it was necessary to open the original page. The divergence in the code was calculated, after which it was possible to calculate the link, where the parameter friendId = 1649403394919 is the address of the invisible one. After that, it was enough to enter the link and go to the page of a mysterious person. But this method is already in the past. The site experts reviewed all the possibilities, patched the “holes” and took care of confidentiality.

   Since 2009, the invisible service at Odnoklassniki is paid. The cost of the service is more than 141 rubles per month. This is a lot of money, and the site administration is not ready to give the opportunity to easily hack the system and open all the data, which by the way is full on the Internet. Talented programmers offer their help. But not free, and the money in advance. Information about whether they helped, no. Not all users are careless to pay into unknown hands. After all, this is definitely a “divorce”. Site experts correct errors and inaccuracies, making the protection more reliable. Moreover, now the invisibility cannot be seen even in the "Guests" section. And users do not know whether outsiders came to them.

Hackers are not the first year trying to hack the system and open the invisible. But all attempts are unsuccessful. Maybe there is still a new way, but so far there is none. You can try to experience old ways or close your profile. It is also worth checking your friends regularly. And when the change is noticed, it is possible to calculate which of the friends included the invisibility. It is worth being very careful when inviting and confirming friends. Invisible can be enabled at any time, as well as disconnect. It can be several hours, several days or months. Even if the service lines have expired, no one will know who the stranger was (the avatar of the invisible will remain the same). And you can get rid of the invisible being only by closing your profile. And if there is a need - remove friends. Of course, these are very tough precautions, but the security is worth it.

You should be careful when making information about yourself, your photos and other records open. After all, there are many detractors on the Internet who are ready to use personal data for bad personal purposes. You need to be extremely careful, adding strangers to your friends. A little more information about the invisible can be found on the video.

Many users often want to go anonymously to other people's pages. In this case, you can activate the service "invisible", while paying no small money. It seems to me that it would be more reasonable to read the article, and find out where the free stealth game from classmates is coming from.

In this article I will tell you about 2 ways of free getting invisible   in Odnoklassniki.

Method number 1

With this method, you can get not only free stealth, but many other paid services in Odnoklassniki. Read about

Method number 2

Create a new page and fill out the profile so that it is not blocked. Name, surname and photo required. If you need a photo, then type in the search for Yandex "photo of a girl or a guy." Save the desired photo and put on the main photo in Odnoklassniki. Now go to the page you need and that's it!

Method number 3

Another way to get free stealth in classmates is to play various games and meet new people. After close communication, you can be presented with a free invisibility card or other functions as a gift. I advise you to be active as a moderator of groups and communities. If you moderate communities well, there will definitely be people who, as a gift, will present you with an invisibility in classmates (tested on personal experience).

How to go invisible in classmates

And finally, another interesting trick to be invisible in classmates is to copy the address of the person to whom you want to go (for example, to a notebook or simply with the command ctrl-c). After that, press the exit from the profile, now you are not logged in to classmates. We paste the copied address into the address bar, now you are on the user page invisible. One drawback - is on the page you will be limited time (about 15 seconds). Thus, invisibility in classmates is possible in many different ways.

The main thing:

If you want to talk to you, then do not answer at all. Since usually during a conversation can calculate. And do not go often to any one page, as you will be suspected, and then blacklisted. Of course, this is not a problem, because you can create another profile.

Well that's all! Now and you know how to get free invisibility in Odnoklassniki .

An interesting video about the free stealth in classmates:

  Instruction about the invisible in classmates read

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