Why wifi stopped working on the phone. Wifi does not work on the phone, how to solve the problem

Owners of mobile devices based on Android operating systems are sometimes, infrequently, true, but face the problem that in some cases Wi-Fi does not work. With what it is connected and how to get rid of such a problem, now it will be shown.

Wi-Fi does not turn on on Android: possible reasons

With regard to the manifestation of such failures, their causes can be counted abound. However, among all their diversity there are several basic situations that occur more often than others.

If you make an approximate list of possible reasons why, for example, the Wi-Fi on your smartphone does not turn on (“Android” on board), it will look like this:

  • incorrect login password;
  • wrong date and time;
  • malfunction of the software device;
  • settings problems;
  • exposure to viruses;
  • unsuitable firmware;
  • wrong router settings.

Based on this list, we will try to consider the method of solving each problem. In most cases, below the proposed solutions correct the problem, as they say, one hundred percent.

  check password

One of the most common reasons is incorrectly entered password, which is set when connecting to a virtual network.

As is already clear, if suddenly the Wi-Fi on the Android tablet does not turn on, and the password during the previous connection was saved automatically, it may very well be that it was simply changed. To solve the problem, go to the settings of the wireless module itself, delete the old password and enter a new one. As a last resort - just check the correctness of the input (maybe the keyboard layout has been switched).

Date and Time Settings

Another reason (although quite rare) is the incorrect setting of the date and time on the gadget itself. This in some, so to speak, abnormal cases can lead to such problems.

The method of correction when the Wi-Fi on “Android” does not turn on in this particular situation is to enter the date and time settings and, in addition to the manual settings, use the date, time and time zone of the network.

Software failures

It also happens that the problem is “buried” much deeper. For example, there are cases when the Wi-Fi button on the "Android" does not turn on. What does this mean? But only that in the software responsible for the functioning of this module in the system, there was a critical failure.

As practice shows, to automatically fix this situation is not always obtained. Therefore, many experts recommend installing a special utility called Wi-Fi Fixer. It is notable for the fact that nothing needs to be changed in its settings and parameters. The program simply installs on the device, starts up, and in the process of scanning for possible problems, corrects errors automatically. True, this does not always work.

Crashes in settings and general reset

If the previous methods did not help and the “Android” does not turn on the Wi-Fi as before, a violation in the operation of the system itself or in its settings is very likely. Correction of the situation, and at the same time the medicine can be a complete reset of the parameters to the factory state.

In this case, in the recovery and reset section, you must first check the box next to the auto-recovery line (after a reset, when you restart the system, all personal data and files, including applications, can be restored without problems). Then just select a full reset, followed by a system reboot. By the way, note that in this case you do not need a hard reset, everything is fine and so (assuming, of course, that the system is not infected with viruses and has the original firmware).


The impact of viruses can also be the reason that the “Android” does not turn on Wi-Fi. Today, you can find a sufficiently large number of mobile gadget owners who prefer not to use regular anti-virus applications, considering that they are very heavy on system resources. In part, it is. However, modern mobile antiviruses can not only prevent viruses from entering the system, but also block access to the device if it is lost or stolen.

If there is a problem with viruses, you should install the appropriate application. But how, if the Wi-Fi does not work? Yes, very simple. First, the program can be downloaded as an APK file from a computer, then transferred to a removable memory card and installed, and then the system is completely checked. Secondly, the installation can be done directly from a computer terminal or laptop if you have a management application like PC Companion or something else, of course, using a gadget connection using a regular USB cable.

What to install is already a personal matter. However, among all the variety of such applications, we can advise 360 ​​Security, which today is recognized as one of the most powerful, the same Dr. Web or McAffee. However, as is already clear, it is very difficult to advise something concrete.

Firmware issues

Another reason that Wi-Fi does not turn on on Android can be an incorrectly installed unofficial

Here the situation is such that the firmware may be installed without problems, but initially it is designed for a different model of the gadget or has some software shortcomings. There will have to remove it and restore exactly the factory shell. For different devices this is done differently. The general thing is that without specialized software installed on the computer, this is not enough. In the simplest case, you can do it using the same universal utility PC Companion.

Router settings

Finally, it may well happen that the access settings “flew off” on the router. In this case, we consider the situation when the owner of both the router and the mobile device is one user, and no connection is made to an outside private network.

Please note that in the wireless mode settings on the router in the channel selection field the parameter should be set automatically (“Auto”), in the mode line - “Mixed” (11 b / g / n), and filtering should also be turned off MAC addresses (OFF).

If nothing helps

It remains to add that if none of the above methods did not give a positive result and the Wi-Fi still does not turn on, it seems that the problem lies in the Wi-Fi module itself. The device will have to be taken to a service center in order to carry out a full test of hardware. If the problem is here, the module will have to be replaced.

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The phone can be used not only to make calls and send messages, but also to access the Internet. Now mobile operators are trying to offer their subscribers services on the most favorable terms, but to save traffic most often, if possible, use Wi-Fi (paid or free high-speed Internet).

To operate this network, you need a transmitter, that is, a router or an ADSL modem and a device that is a receiver, which can be: a phone, a computer or a tablet. Often, when using such a network, the question may appear as to why Wi Fi is not working on the phone.

First of all, it is worth checking that Wi Fi is connected on your phone, and only then find out the reason why Wi Fi does not work on the phone.

In fact, there are several reasons for this:

  1. Incorrect work of the Wi-Fi distributor due to incorrect configuration settings;
  2. Malfunction of the modem or phone due to mechanical damage or factory production;
  3. It is not possible to access the Internet because of the anti-virus program installed on the phone or tablet;
  4. Viruses;
  5. Error when entering password from Wi-Fi;
  6. Not licensed firmware mobile device;
  7. Date and time mismatch, etc.

Now we will take a closer look at each problem when using Wi-Fi separately, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Incorrect Wi-Fi setup

If you are unable to connect via Wi-Fi to the Internet, on any of the possible devices, including via a computer or laptop, then it is likely that you have a network failure, no payment, and incorrect settings were made when the router was connected or break it.

To check the options, first check your balance, as a rule, in the absence of funds, if you click on any open tab in the browser, you can see a request to replenish the balance. If you have done this or the payment time has not come yet, and the router does not work, make a connection directly to your computer.

If this also did not help, then there may be an incorrect operation of the router. In this case, you can try to solve the problem yourself. To do this, you need to go to the wireless settings section.

Then select the line "Channel", it should be mode "Auto".

Also check “Mode”, it should say “Mixed 11bgn” here. You should also disable MAC address filtering. After this operation, there should be no problems with connecting to Wi Fi.

Do not forget that any company providing services has a special customer service hotline, where you can call and find out the cause of the problems.

Also, if necessary, you can dictate a step-by-step troubleshooting guide or offer to call the wizard. In case of equipment malfunction, you will need to buy or replace with a new one.

Malicious and antivirus programs

On the Internet, there are many different virus programs that can harm a mobile device when an unprotected connection. In addition, failure to connect to a Wi-Fi network may be due to the penetration of malicious programs that affect such a connection.

Therefore, try before you start using the Internet to install on your phone or tablet a good antivirus program. After that, run a virus scan, clean it and reboot the device.

However, there are cases when security programs also impede the ability to access the Internet. The most common problem of this kind is Kaspersky antivirus and Avast. If such a situation arises, remove the antivirus and restart the phone, then look for another protection program.

Incorrect password or error in time and date.

As a rule, if Wi-Fi belongs to someone, for example another person, then in order to protect others from using the network, a password is set.

In order to use it, you will need to know the password for access. If you know it and after the introduction fails to connect, then check that it is correct and re-enter. Be sure to check if the network is working. If yes. That is worth checking your phone.

Rarely, but all the same, there are situations when Wi-Fi on a mobile device does not work due to a mismatch of time and date settings. If discrepancies are found. Be sure to make changes.

Bad firmware

Some users of mobile devices, resort to services for flashing the phone, that is, updating the system. If you are using a non-licensed version, you may also experience problems connecting to Wi-Fi.

In this case, you need to install the licensed program or return to the factory settings of the phone or tablet.

Mobile device errors

If you have already done many troubleshooting options, but the question of why Wai Fay does not work on the phone remains open, there remains one more way to solve the problem - to return to the factory settings.

It is worth something to know about this procedure. The fact is that when you return the mobile device to the factory settings, all the information stored on it is lost, that is, it returns to the programs originally installed on it.

Depending on the brand and model, there may be a backup, with which you can avoid unwanted loss of information or save the necessary data on the computer. A return to the factory settings on different phones in different ways, but in general, it looks like this:

After that, the device automatically reboots and returns to the state in which you bought it. However, if you have configured to synchronize with Google, then at the first connection, all previously downloaded programs will be installed again on the phone.

Why Wai Fay does not work on the phone, the result

Thus, if a question arises as to why Wi Fi is not working on the phone, you can see that there are many causes of problems.

As a rule, most of them have the opportunity to eliminate on their own, but if this does not work out, then it is worth asking for the help of specialists in this matter.

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Today we have come to such an interesting fact that if a computer or laptop is not in every apartment or private house in the city, then there is actually a mobile phone or tablet in every one. A normal modern mobile phone allows you to access the Internet via the wireless module and enjoy the charms of the global web. But sometimes this can be associated with some technical problems, due to which at some stage of the connection fails and the phone does not connect to the WiFi network. It is necessary to begin by identifying the reason why this is happening, and only then thinking about what to do and how to correct it. Let's look at the main causes and ways to eliminate them.

The phone does not see the wireless network.

This happens most often with those smartphones that are commonly called “Gray”, that is, imported into Russia without certification. A vivid example is an iPhone or iPad brought to Russia from the USA. Its wireless adapter works according to the American standard and can see only 11 radio channels. And in the Wai-Fi settings on the router, the default region is Russia, with the use of 13 radio channels. And if for any reason it will use the 12th and 13th channels, the phone will simply not see the WiFi network and will not be able to connect to it. In the congested 2.4 GHz range of high-rise buildings, this occurs very often.
  It is easy to solve. You need to go to the web interface of your router (usually via or) and in the basic settings of the wireless network or set the region USA:

Or select the used channel manually:

In this case, it is better to choose non-intersecting channels 1, 6 or 11.

And it also happens that the smartphone does not see the Wi-Fi network because it has poor contact between the antenna and the radio module. This is often found on Lenovo phones and tablets, for example. It should be a little further away from the router and the phone no longer connects to WiFi, while other devices at the same place work fine. In such a situation, one solution is to disassemble and disassemble.
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There is a constant receiving IP address

Here the reason is usually a DHCP server disabled on the router. Accordingly, addresses are not automatically issued to clients, the phone cannot connect to Wi-Fi and there is an endless receiving of IP addresses.

You can solve the problem by going to the router in the LAN configuration section and turning on the DHCP server.

If you don’t have access to the settings of the wireless router, you can try setting up your ip manually. To do this, go to the settings of the network to be connected and in the "IP Settings" field set the value "Custom". After that, additional ones will appear below:

  On some modern phones in WiFi infusions there is a separate item - “Static IP”.

The only condition is that you should know what settings you need to register - subnet, gateway, DNS servers.

WiFi Authentication Error

Authentication error when connecting the phone to WiFi usually means just a password error that the user made when entering it. In this case, usually no messages about this are displayed. Android simply writes "Saved, WPA2 protection":

Another moment, if you have already used this network before, but now the smartphone is not connected. As a rule, this happens if the WiFi password has been changed on the router or access point, and old data is stored in the memory of the mobile device. To remedy this, simply delete the network from the list.

After that, try to connect to it again and enter a new password.

And the authentication error on Android is very old versions may occur due to the fact that the phone, or rather its operating system does not know how to work with the security standard WPA2-PSK, which is installed on the router. Every year there are fewer such specimens, but they still occur.

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