Sagemcom 2804 standard password. Universal router from Rostelecom

The Internet and interactive television by Rostelecom have long been offered to the company's customers in combination with a router. Provider uses network hardware manufacturers such as TP Link, D Link, Fast, Huawei, QBR and Asus. The general scheme of their settings is approximately the same, but some settings are still different.

What to do if the router settings are lost?

If there are power outages, viruses enter the router, or the router is reconnected, all settings are lost. To return the equipment to a working state, it is necessary to carry out the configuration, during which data are entered and the necessary parameters are selected. In some cases it is required full reset router and repeat the above steps. If necessary, you can always contact the support hotline.

How to enter the settings of the Rostelecom router if all the parameters have gone wrong? First you need to make sure that the cable leading to the computer is connected to the equipment. If the connection is detected and works without interruption, the username and password are entered, which are located on the sticker on the bottom of the router. If the network data has been changed, due to which the connection is unavailable, you need to reset the router to the default settings, which is done by the "Reset" button (hereinafter - without quotes).

After a successful connection, go to the browser and enter or ip address indicated on the sticker into the address bar. In the form that appears, in the fields, type " admin" (password may be " 1234 "). As a result, the required network equipment interface will appear. It sets the Internet connection data, from your contract with the company, the ability to change the name and password of the network, as well as Extra options, which already have the required values. It remains only to save all the information and use Wi-Fi in the apartment.

9 instructions for setting up Wi-Fi routers Rostelecom

Each model of Wi-Fi router comes with setup instructions. The general algorithm for establishing a connection is the same, however, there are individual features of each of the devices, which will be discussed below.

Setting up TP Link TD w8901, w8901n, w8961n, w8968

TP Link router connection status window

Setting up Wi-Fi routers TP Link TD for Rostelecom proceeds in exactly the same way. The point is that they use the same interface. How to connect the device to the network was partially described in the previous section.

To get into the interface of the TP Link router, you need to enter or into the address bar of the browser. In the right menu, select "Network", then "WAN". In the field "Type of WAN connection" is set to " PPPoE (RussiaPPPoE)", login and password of Rostelecom are entered. Next, you need to click "Connect", and after it - "Save". As a result, the TP Link TD interface will display the "Connected" status.

Download new firmware You can follow the link from the official TP Link website.

D Link Dir 615

Main interface window of router D Link Dir-615

The first of the D Link devices will be the Dir 615 router, which is configured through a special Web interface. Before entering it, the system will prompt you to fill in the fields "Login" and "Password", in both of which you need to enter " admin". The very setup of the d link router for Rostelecom is the easiest option if you are not a pro.

Entering the interface, you need to immediately change the language to Russian in the "Language" tab and select the appropriate item. Below is the item "Advanced settings", which you need to click on. On the screen that appears, select "WAN" under the "Network" heading. The “Add” button will appear at the bottom right, where you need to select the type of PPPoE connection, the Internet port, enter the network name, Rostelecom login and password. In the "Service Name" field, enter " Internet”, LCP interval is set to 15 and dips to 2.

Video: Setting up DIR-615 Rostelecom.

Important! The Rostelecom set-top box through the D Link Dir 615 router can be configured through the IPTV setup wizard, where the receiving device and the corresponding port are selected.

D Link Dir 300

Setting up the Rostelecom D Link Dir 300 router is generally very similar to the previous procedure, but has a number of differences. Logging into the Web interface is carried out in a similar way. Under the "Network" tab, select "WAN", after which the page familiar from Dir 615 will appear. The difference from it is that in the "Port" item, you must select not Internet, but Ports: 5, 2 (numbers may differ). The rest of the parameters, except for the Rostelecom login and password, are not required to be entered. The way how to connect IPTV through a router was said earlier, so there is no need to describe the procedure again.

Video: setup wifi router DIR 300.

D Link DSL 2640u, DSL 2500u

The question of how to set up D Link Dir series Wi-Fi routers was discussed in the two previous paragraphs. As for the DIR DSL series, working with it is somewhat different from the previous options.

Video: Configuring a Rostelecom D-Link DSL2640U T3 router for ADSL (PPPoE + IPTV).

After entering the interface, you need to click on the "Click'n'Connect" item. The system will start ADSL setup. Sequentially, you need to select the type of PPPoE, enter the values 0 and 33 in the columns "VPI" and "VCI", respectively, click "Next" until a connection message appears. The remaining fields are filled in exactly the same way as in other D Link routers.

Sagemcom Fast 1744 v2, Fast 2804 v7

LAN interface window in Sagemcom Fast routers.

Configuring the Rostelecom Sagemcom Fast 1744 v2 router does not cause any particular difficulties, however, its Web interface is somewhat confusing, due to which this process takes a lot of time. Access to it is carried out by analogy with D Link DSL 2640u. First of all, remove the PPP connection, which is set by default by the router (it is absent in the latest versions of Fast 1744 v2 firmware). To do this, go to "Advanced Settings" and select "WAN Service". The list will contain one connection, which must be deleted. Next, go back one step and click on the “Layer 2 Interface” tab, under which “ATM PVC Interface” will appear. Here you also need to delete the only existing item.

Video: Sagecom 1744 v2.2 configuration in Routing mode when using PPPoE.

In place of the remote connection, click the "Add" button to create a new one. For Rostelecom, the VPI and VCI parameters are set as 0 and 33, respectively. The DSL Link type must remain EoA as it conforms to PPPoE. After clicking the "Apply" button, you need to create a new connection in Fast 1744 v2. To do this, in the window that appears, click next (if the atm0 interface is not selected, but find it in the drop-down list). In the configuration that appears, select "PPP over Ethernet" and click "Next", and then - "Apply". The system will prompt you to enter the Rostelecom login and password, as well as the network name. After several clicks on "Next" and "Apply", the configuration of the Sanjemkom Fast 1744 v2 router will be completed.

Note! After the next “Next”, in some Fast 1744 v2 firmware, the “Enable NAT” item appears, as well as the “Enable Firewall” accompanying it, on which you also need to leave a checkmark.

Internet connection window in Asus RT N12 router.

Setting Asus router RT N12 is one of the lightest among the considered devices. After entering the interface, you need to click "Internet Setup", and all the necessary fields immediately appear in front of the user. Select the connection type "PPPoE".

Video: ASUS RT-N12 Connection and setup.
After it, in the first, second, fourth and fifth paragraphs, put the value " Yes", in third - " Not». A little lower - the login and password of Rostelecom and save the changes. For detailed settings(protection type, network name and password) from the main screen of the interface, you can go to the "Router Setup" tab.

Download latest firmware for ASUS RT-N12 You can follow the link from the official site of asus.

The login and password entry window for connecting to the Rostelecom network in the Zyxel Keenetic DSL router.

How to set up a router Rostelecom Zyxel Keenetic DSL, rests on the firmware version that is installed on the device. Older versions work with interface password " 1234 ", and new ones with "admin". In addition, the difference lies in the location of the menu items and the absence of the "IPv6" tab. Otherwise, the order is identical. The web interface is available at (sometimes not working) and Having opened the sections "Internet", "ADSL" one by one, proceed to filling out the form. In the fields "VPI" and "VCI" set the standard values 0 and 33 , and the encapsulation type is "LLC".

Important! Don't forget to check the "Use to access the Internet" box. After saving the data, go to the tab " PPPoE/VPN". Only all the main fields are filled here, as in routers from other manufacturers. It is important not to forget to check the box "Enable".

Download the new firmware from the official Zyxel website.

The window for entering ip addresses for working in the network of the Rostelecom provider in the QBR 2041ww Wi-Fi router.

Connecting and setting up the QBR 2041ww, which is popular among Rostelecom customers, is quite simple.

Video: QTECH QBR-2041WW universal router setup in Routing mode when using PPPoE.
Access to the interface is carried out at the standard address using the login and password "admin". In the "Interface Settings" tab in the "Internet" section, all the necessary items appear at once. The permanent virtual circuit must remain at " 1 ". "VPI" and "VCI" are set to the usual values ​​of 0 and 33. Encapsulation is "PPPoA/PPPoE". Next, the login and password of Rostelecom are indicated, “DHCP IPv6 mode” is set with the checkbox “ SLAAC", and "Enable DCHP PD" - with a checkmark "Disable". After these interactions with 2041ww, the setup is complete.

The main settings window of the Huawei HG8245H router for working with the Rostelecom provider.

Setting up the Huawei HG8245H router is as easy as the QBR 2041ww. To get into the Web interface, after going to the interface page, you must enter one of the login and password combinations, of which there are two options: “telecomadmin” and “admintelecom”, “root” and “admin”.

Video: Setting up a Huawei HG8245 router under Rostelecom.
After selecting the "WAN" tab, a page appears on which you need to specify all the necessary data. You need to check the boxes in all the first paragraphs, and also select SSID1 and LAN2 at the bottom. The rest of the Huawei router settings are quite familiar: entering Rostelecom's login and password, setting the WAN type "PPPoE". Additional settings are made on the WLAN tab.

Setting up IPTV in the router

Video: Setting up an IP-TV TV through a router.
Setting up interactive TV through a router is carried out through the interface of the router. How to set up Rostelecom television through a router? The instruction is useful only for models that support this feature. To set the required port for redirecting the signal to the set-top box, in the settings, select the port to which the cable connecting the set-top box and router is connected. Not all routers can be configured with IPTV, cheap device models do not support this feature.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, the article makes it clear how to enter the settings of the Rostelecom router, how the Internet is connected through this network equipment, and what to do if the device parameters are lost. After you have set up your wifi router, check your internet connection speed. Perhaps your device is outdated and cuts the speed, then it will differ from the one declared in the tariff. AT modern world setting wifi router this process is so frequent that it would not be advisable to invite the ad master every time. Our instructions will help you avoid problems with the operation of the device and access to the network.

Using the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 router, it is possible to connect to the Internet via Ethernet technology (eight- or four-wire twisted pair) or ADSL (thin telephone cable). In addition, this device allows you to create wireless network and connect an IPTV set-top box from Rostelecom. In the presented article you will find a description of the process of configuring the Sagemcom Fast 2804 router to work on the Rostelecom network.

Connecting the router to a computer

Before proceeding with the configuration settings of the router, you need to connect it. To do this, connect your computer to one of the LAN ports (LAN2-LAN4) of the router using the patch cord that comes with the device.

If your Internet is through a telephone cable, connect it to the router using the ADSL port. If you are connected to the Internet via Ethernet technology, connect the cable to the LAN1 connector. Then, plug the router into an outlet.

How to update the firmware and start the automatic configuration of the router

The router purchased in the Rostelecom salon has a special DVD in the kit, which is necessary for auto tuning devices. With the help of the same disc, the subscriber is offered to update the Sagemcom Fast 2804 firmware version from v5 to v7. This is necessary for a more stable connection with the servers, because. This version was developed and adapted specifically for Rostelecom.

After you insert the disc into your computer drive, the Rostelecom Setup Wizard will start automatically. Using the Setup Wizard, you can set all the necessary parameters without connecting to the router's web interface. To do this, select "Full setup" and follow the instructions of the program.

If you want to bypass the Wizard and make all the changes yourself, select the "Update" option. Wait until firmware v7 is installed on the router, after which you can close the program.

Router admin login

After updating the firmware, you can start directly configuring the device in the Web interface:

  • Open an internet browser (browser) on your computer.
  • In the address bar, enter the address of your router, which you can find on the label on the bottom cover of the device. In case this data is missing, go to the properties of the local connection and find the "Default gateway" parameter. This is the address of your router.
  • In the window that opens, the system will ask you to enter your login and password to access the router configurations. This data is also indicated on the label of the router. The most common combination is "admin" and "admin".
  • If the data is entered correctly, the main page of the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 web interface will open.

Setting up a network connection

  • Select the "Advanced" tab from the menu on the left.
  • Enter the "WAN service" section. Check all existing connections and click the "Delete" button.
  • In the "Layer 2 interface" section, also delete all content.
  • Click the "Add" button.
  • Now you need to specify the values ​​of the VCI and VPI parameters. These data are individual for each region of Russia. You can find out the meaning of these parameters by contacting .

  • Click Apply and Save.
  • Go to the "WAN service" section and click "Add".
  • Select the newly created connection from the list and proceed further.
  • Now you need to specify the type of connection. As a rule, Rostelecom provides Internet through a PPPoE connection.

  • Specify the username and key for the PPP connection. This information is usually found in on the provision of services. If a copy of the agreement is lost, you can contact Rostelecom customer support. You can specify any service name.
  • Check the box "Retry PPP on error".
  • You don't need to change anything in the next steps. When finished with the settings, click "Apply and Save".

Setting up a router to work with Rostelecom television

To connect a set-top box through the Sagemcom Fast 2804 v7 router, you need to do the following:

  • In the "Second-level interface" section, you need to create another connection and enter the VCI and VPI values, which will differ from the values ​​entered when setting up the Internet.
  • In the "WAN service" section, create a new object and select the created connection.
  • Select the "Bridge" service type and click "Apply".

  • Open the "LAN" tab.
  • Here you need to check the box "Disable DHCP server".
  • Check the "IGMP Snooping" and "IGMP Proxy on the Bridge" options.

WiFi setup

  • In the "WLAN" category, select the "Basic" section.
  • Activate the "Enable wireless network" and "Enable multicast transmission" options.
  • In the "SSID" line, write the name of your access point.
  • Then go to the "Security" category.
  • Select authentication with "WPA-PSK", encryption with "TKIP and AES".
  • Set your password (at least 8 characters).
  • Click Save.

When finished setting up your router, reboot it. To do this, use the "Reboot" button in the "Management" section or simply unplug the router from power for a few seconds.

In the vastness of our market, a universal and inexpensive device has been noticed - a multifunctional ADSL router F st 2804 v7. In the version provided by Rostelecom, everything is perfectly configured from the included CD. But MTS today provides a similar device with an even greater set of features, but you need to configure it through the web interface. In general, the MTC Fast 2804 router creates an ADSL connection no worse than devices from Rostelecom. And how to set it up is discussed below.

Fast 2804 routers

In fact, all devices that have the word "Fast 2804" in their name are produced by one company - Sagem (in other words Sagemcom). Routers of versions v3, v5 and v7 have reached our country. They may differ in body shape, in addition, GUI made for a specific provider. In general, these routers have the same capabilities. In terms of setup, the “from MTS” option is the most difficult, although it can create an ADSL connection. We are trying to configure this router to connect under the PPPoE protocol, in case the connection is provided by a telephone wire. Let's get started.

Setting Basic Functions

Connecting a router before setting up

We will configure the device from MTS like any other "home" router. First, we connect any LAN port with a PC network card with a complete patch cord:

Connecting the router to a PC

Then, connect a telephone cable to the ADSL port (you can use a splitter from the kit). At the final stage, power is supplied to the router (but first, you need to configure the network card in the PC):

Setting up a wired connection on a computer

This completes the preparatory steps. After turning on the router, you need to wait 2-3 minutes, after which, from the computer, you can enter the graphical interface.

Authorization in the GUI

On the computer, you need to open any browser (not lower than IE5), and go to the address:

If everything is done correctly, an authorization window will appear. “admin” is suitable as a login (and “mts” as a password). If authorization is passed, the user will see the following tab:

Main tab of the web interface

The graphical web-interface is divided into tabs, which are combined into two lists: "Basic settings", "Advanced settings". The first list, as we can see, contains 5 different tabs. We will now look at how to set up an ADSL connection.

Connection setup (PPPoE option)

The F st 2804 router can connect to the Internet via a telephone wire or a 3G modem. We will consider the simplest configuration option, when the built-in ADSL modem is used to create a connection, and the provider's protocol is called "PPPoE".

Before setting up, it is better to write out on a separate sheet:

  1. Name and password of the subscriber (there is in the contract);
  2. The values ​​of the VPI and VCI parameters used by this provider (for example, 0 and 30);
  3. PPPoE encapsulation type: LLC or VC-Mux;
  4. For a permanent IP address (a separate service, usually provided for a fee), you need to know the value of the address.

The setting is made on the advanced mode tabs. Go to this list of tabs, turn on the English language. On the "Wan Service" tab, located in the "Advanced Setup" menu, you will need to remove (using "Remove") all existing interfaces:

WAN interface tab with "old" values

ATM interface tab

Here you have to do the same. Then, you need to go to the "Wan Service" tab again. And now - click the "Add" button:

A tab for setting up a new connection will appear, on which you can select a value, as in the figure:

Settings tab

Then, you need to click "Next". On the next tab, you need to set the VPI and VCI values ​​\u200b\u200b(instead of the numbers 1 and 91):

For example, if the values ​​0 and 30 are valid, the string will be "pppoe_0_0_30_3". Do not leave the values ​​"as is" - they do not match the user's provider.

In addition, the connection protocol is selected here (after selecting PPPoE, a list will appear where you need to select LLC or VC-Mux). After completing the settings, you can click "Next".

Connection Options Tab

The next tab sets the username and password. For a dynamic IP address, nothing else needs to be changed. "IGMP Proxy" can be enabled if you plan to watch IPTV. But for a constant IP value, you need to check the “Use static IPv4” checkbox, and fill in the field that appears.

After completing the settings, you must click "Next", and again "Next". A tab will appear where you can leave the automatic mode for obtaining DNS (or set certain address values). And the final tab looks like this:

The final connection settings tab

By clicking "Apply / Save", we get a new working connection.

Device Information Tab

The presence of a connection can be judged by the state of the main tab. Happy tuning!

Turn on the wireless network

Set up a Wi-Fi network - we will use "advanced settings". The "Basic" tab from the "Wireless" menu allows you to configure everything you need:

Setting up a wireless network

Let us explain the meanings of the parameters. "Enable Wireless" turns on the transmitter, and "Hide Access Point" will allow you to work on a hidden name.

The SSID field contains the network name (set as required). Country (Country) is better to set "RU". After completing the settings, the “Apply/Save” button is pressed. Wireless network - will appear automatically.

Note that the universal router F st 2804 has serious capabilities. For example, the device independently selects the least noisy channel (in the 2.4 GHz band). Automatic selection mode - can be disabled. The power of the transmitter is also adjustable. All these parameters are on the "Advanced" tab, but the user is not recommended to change them in the absence of proper qualifications.

The Security tab contains encryption options. We do not consider setting up network protection.

Additional features of the router

Setting up IPTV

Oddly enough, the Fast 2804 router creates Internet connections that are several times faster than 3-4 Mbps. Therefore, you can view IPTV through computers connected to local network. To enable this option, you must:

  • When setting up the connection, check the “Multicast Proxy” checkbox (it was discussed above);
  • On the LAN settings tab (“Advanced Setup” -> “LAN” among the “advanced settings” of the router), you need to check the “IGMP Snooping” checkbox:

LAN settings tab

After making these settings, you can watch TV through any computer connected to the router's network. Now, multicast packets used in IPTV get into the local network from the Internet.

Additionally, it is possible to restrict multicast traffic on the wireless network. To do this, you need to go to the "Wireless" -> "Advanced" tab (also located in the "advanced settings") to set the required value in the "Multicast Rate" list. An acceptable choice is 9, 11 or 12 Mbps, which is enough for FullHD viewing.

Question answer

Q: I can't access the GUI. The IP address is not available.

You can try resetting the router to factory settings. To do this, after switching on, you must wait 2 minutes, then press the "RST" button on the rear panel (holding it for 15-30 seconds).

Question: what is the speed wireless connections, was it not said about the choice of mode (N / G / B)?

This router works in "mixed" B / G / N mode, maximum speed transmission in a wireless network is 65 Mbps. The use of the "N Only" mode (only N) is not provided.

How to remove the router from the package and connect it correctly is shown in the video:

router [email protected] 2804 v7 rev1 is a universal network equipment needed to connect end devices to the Internet and IP-TV via Ethernet cable, telephone line and wireless cellular communication via 3G/LTE modem.

And in this article, the setup of the Rostelecom fast 2804 v7 router is discussed in detail, as well as its main characteristics and the setup of the 3g modem.

By the way, the advantages of this router are that, at its relatively low cost, it supports almost all the functions necessary for an ordinary user: from setting up a print server to the possibility of reserving the main Internet channel.

Sagemcom [email protected] 2804 v7: Features

Apart from standard features distribution of Internet traffic and IP-TV between several functional nodes of the local network, router [email protected] 2804 also supports additional features such as:

  • - creation of a backup Internet channel (in case of a power outage or problems on the side of the main communication provider);
  • - the ability to use the router as a print server (for connecting several user devices to a network printer);
  • - the possibility of using [email protected] 2804 as a NAS (in other words, when connected to a router hard drive it can be "used" as a miniature server).

On the front panel of the sadgemcom fast 2804 there is a block of indicators of the router:

1. Power indicator. O normal operation modem is indicated by the constant green color of the Power indicator.

If this LED is red, then the fast 2804 modem is in emergency recovery mode, which starts when the router software is slightly damaged.

2. DSL indicator, which is a solid green light to notify the user of a normal ADSL connection, and fast flashing indicates that the connection has been established.

3. Internet indicator, which should be solid green if the connection through the Internet account is successful.

4. WLAN indicator, which lights up green when the wifi module is activated on the router.

5. Multiple ETH LEDs that glow when connected to the corresponding Ethernet port external devices via a network cable.

6. WPS indicator, green indicates successful connection to the user device via .

7. USB indicator, indicating successful connection of external media to sagemcom fst 2804 v7.

On the back of the fast 2804 v7 rev1 are:

One ADSL port for connecting to the Internet via a telephone line;

4 LAN port(for connecting to a router via twisted pair);

A small hole with a Reset button recessed in the case (to reset the router to factory settings, you must press this button paperclip or needle and hold for 10 - 15 seconds);

Power connector (to which the sagemcom f st 2804 v7 power supply is connected);

Power button;

On the right side panel of sajack fast 2804 are located:

Connecting sagemcom f st 2804 v7

When connecting to the Internet via an ADSL telephone line, the cable provided by the provider should be connected to the splitter input (LINE), and the telephone set and router should be connected to its PHONE and MODEM outputs, respectively.

When connecting to the Internet using WAN Ethernet technology, the provider's network cable must be connected to the first LAN connector of the SajemCom 2804 router.

Modem Rostelecom f st 2804 v7: setup instructions

If the computer (on which the Rostelecom fast 2804 v7 router will be configured) is correctly connected to the router via twisted pair, then the following indication should be present on the router:

The first indicator is solid green;
- the second indicator - slowly blinking green;
- the fourth indicator - lights up or blinks green;
- one of the LAN ports is lit or blinking green.

The setup of the Rostelecom fast 2804 v7 router described in this manual corresponds to the initial setup of the device. If the router was previously in operation, it is recommended to first reset the device to factory settings using the Reset button.

Setting up a Sadgemcom 2804 router using the hardware setup wizard

To launch the fast 2804 router setup wizard, insert the disk supplied with the device into the computer's CD drive and follow the program's further instructions.

When the software installation is complete, the Setup Wizard will automatically start (which can also be launched from the Start menu -> Programs -> Hardware Setup Wizard).

In the process of automatically configuring the Rostelecom fast 2804 router, the following operations are performed:

  • - updating the router software from installation disk;
  • - selection of the desired router configuration;
  • - configuration PPPoE connections and 3G reservations;
  • - diagnostics of equipment performance;
  • - installation latest version router firmware from the update server.

Manual configuration of the router Rostelecom fast 2804 v7

In the absence of an installation disk, it is recommended to configure the Wi-Fi router [email protected] 2804 manually. To do this, in the address bar of any Internet browser installed on your computer, enter the combination of numbers (the static ip address of the device indicated on the service label on the back of the sagemcom 2804) and press the "Enter" key.

It is recommended to change the default authentication data (login / password) to unique ones later to protect your router from unauthorized access.

Initially, you will be taken to the main page technical information about the device.

Modem Rostelecom [email protected] 2804 v7: Ethernet connection instruction

1. To configure the fast 2804 v7 modem by Rostelecom, in the left vertical menu, select the "Additional settings" section:

Here, first delete all connections created by default in the “Wan service” subsection;

In the "Layer 2 interface" tab, delete "DSL ATM";

Go to the "ETH interface" tab: select "eth0/eth0" in the drop-down list, set "VLAN/MUX mode" in the connection mode and click the "Apply/Save" button.

2. When all unnecessary settings are “cleaned up”, return to the “Wan service” tab again, click the “Add” button and select the “eth0 / eth0” port set in the previous step. Click Next.

3. In the next window, select the type of service "PPPoE" and write the value "-1" in the two lower lines. Click "Next"

4. At the next stage, in the "PPP username" and "PPP password" windows, enter the username and password for connecting to the Internet from your agreement with the provider. Click "Next"

5. If the new window contains the columns "Enable NAT" and "Enable Firewall", then put a marker in front of each of them. In subsequent windows (with the standard setup of the Rostelecom fast 2804 v7 router), nothing needs to be changed - click "Next" several times and at the end "Apply / Save" to make changes to the router settings.

How to set up a Rostelecom fast 2804 v7 router with an ADSL connection?

When connecting to the Internet via telephone line after removal default settings in the first step of the previous instruction, go to "Advanced settings", then "Layer 2 interface" and click the "Add" button.

  • - in the VPI and VCI columns, enter the data from the contract with the provider (they can also be specified in technical support) and click "Next";
  • - go to "WAN service", click "Add" and select the interface according to the data entered in the previous window. Click next.
  • - in "WAN Settings" select the type "router" and click "Next" again
  • - enter the login, password and PPPoE service name from the Internet connection agreement;
  • - set the marker on the fields "retry PPP on authentication failure" and "Enable IGMP Multicast Proxy", then double-click "Next" and "Apply".

sagemcom f st 2804 v7: wifi setup

Go to the menu section " WLAN setup»;
- check the boxes "Enable wireless communication” and “Enable wireless multicast transmission (WMF)”;
- enter "SSID" (this is the name of your WiFi hotspots access) and click "Apply";

- go to the "Security" section;
- Optionally, you can disable the WPS option;
- select the type of authentication "WPA-PSK";
- enter the password for Wi-Fi;
- select WPA encryption"TKIP + AES";
- click "Apply" to save the new settings.

Fast 2804 v7 router: setting up a 3g modem

Below is a sample list of supported sagemcom fast 2804 v7 rev 1 3G USB modems
- HUAWEI: E220, E1550, E1552, E1752, E160G, E176G, E180, E169G, E150, HW601
- ZTE: MF112, MF626, MF627, MF180, MF190A
- Alcatel: X220, X080
- Airplus: MCD-650
- Withtel: WMU-100A
- Anydata: ADU-300
- Yota: LU156 (LTE)

To set up a 3g modem on a fast 2804 v7 router:

Connect the device to a special USB connector on the side panel of the router;

Go to the "3G Configuration" section of the web interface and set the marker to "Enable 3G reservation";

With these settings, when the main (ADSL or Ethernet) Internet connection is disconnected, the router will automatically switch to the 3G/LTE channel.

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