What year did Skype appear. Skype backstory: pirate parents make KaZaA. Installing the program and creating an account

Skype can be the solution to many tasks that you've always dreamed of doing, but never imagined possible. For example, the opportunity to talk to your family members in different parts of the country for free, in real time. And the opportunity to be at important events in your life, even if you cannot personally attend them.

In a nutshell, what is Skype? Skype is a service that allows you to call and talk to other Skype users anywhere in the world for free. If there are webcams, then you can talk to each other in the " live video ether ".

How it works?

All this is possible thanks to a technology called voiceover IP, or VoIP (pronounced voip). VoIP is a method of transmitting human voice over the Internet Protocol (IP). This technology allows you to do phone calls, video calls, group calls and more over the Internet instead of using traditional phone lines.

Skype is not the only one softwarewhich can be used to make video and phone calls over the internet. Below is a list of other free and readily available apps:

Features and services

Now that you know how Skype works, it's worth checking out the list of features that are broken down into different services. Many of them are freeand some cost from a couple of cents a minute to a few dollars a month.

Most of the popular Skype features are free: calling, video calling, and sending messages.

Pay for additional features separately and only when you need them.

Get most of the features (and best rate) with a monthly subscription.

Enjoy group video calls by connecting a daily package or by subscribing to Skype Premium.


  • Free calls and group calls for all Skype users;
  • Low rates for calls to landlines and mobile phones;
  • Low rates for international calls from your landline or mobile phone;
  • Your own phone number so anyone can contact you on Skype.

Which service is right for you?

Most of Skype's features are free. If you need more features than the basic account (for example, call a friend on a mobile phone), then you can top up your Skype account and pay for them separately.

Calls to landlines and mobiles from Skype are not free. If you want to use Skype instead of a regular phone and have your own Skype number, then it is advantageous to pay for a monthly subscription.

One-to-one video calling is free for all Skype users. If you want to use group video calling, then sign up for a Premium account. Then you can chat with 10 people at once.

Skype is not a substitute for a regular phone, as you cannot make emergency calls!

Skype payment methods

Most of the popular features in Skype are free, such as calling, video calling, and sending messages to other Skype users. If you want to use one of paid servicesthen the payment methods will differ depending on the selected function.

To pay for additional features, you will need to purchase a Skype account for your account. It's like buying tokens on the subway (or recharging your subway card) to ride. Learn more about Skype Credit on the Skype Account page.

You can purchase a regular subscription that lasts 1 month, 3 months, or 1 year. Once your subscription expires, Skype will automatically renew your subscription using the payment method saved for your account. (You can unsubscribe at any time.) Learn more about signing up for Skype on our Rates page.

Premium Account: There are two ways to use a Premium account. You can purchase a daily package or subscribe for 1 month, 3 months or 1 year. Find out more about account Premium on the Skype Premium page.

Skype can be paid using Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and many other methods, depending on the user's country.

"Skype" - free software, allowing for text, voice, and video communication using the Internet. At the moment, Skype is the most popular means of communication over the Internet.

The history of skype

Before the creation of Skype, two young entrepreneurs Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis, together with Estonian developers, created the hugely popular file-sharing application KaZaA. However, in 2001 this application was ruled illegal and closed. As a result, only a unique P2P protocol remained from the former popular application, which was the main feature of the application.

Having so much unique code that made it difficult to intercept and track the transmitted information between computers, entrepreneurs decided to create a new application based on it. As a result, they received the initial cash capital from the investor and started working.

The Skype Technologies company was founded on August 29, 2003. On the same day, the first version was presented skype programs.

The first skype versions

Initially, the program was extremely simple interface... The program also featured a simpler account registration form. At that time, Skype could only be used to make calls. It is because of its ease of installation and registration that the program has gained great popularity among users.

In the next versions of Skype, an answering machine appeared, and the ability to send messages to other users was also added. In the same version, for the first time, users were able to link their Skype account with a mobile phone number.

In version 2.0, the ability to make video calls was added.

Skype sale

In 2005, Skype became an extremely popular application. As a result, Ebay decided to acquire ownership of the program. In the end, the app sold for a record $ 2.6 billion. Thus, the founders of Skype Technologies became billionaires. Also, the programmers who worked on the creation of the program received $ 42 million each. However, almost immediately after the sale, the former owners of the program sued Ebay for using the P2P protocol that they still owned. The lawsuit lasted for four years, and as a result, Ebay was forced to sell Skype. The former owners of Skype received a 14% stake in the service, and also entered the board of directors.

At the time when Skype was owned by Ebay, the program acquired a new, more beautiful design. In addition, the number of registered users has grown from 55 million to 400 million.

Sale of Skype to Microsoft

In 2011, Microsoft became seriously interested in buying Skype. As a result, both companies agreed to sell all rights to use the program for 8.5 billion dollars. Microsoft took into account the mistakes of the past buyer and previously discussed the acquisition of the rights to the patent of the P2P protocol used in the application. After taking possession of Skype, Microsoft employees began to seriously engage in updating it. It was Microsoft who created the modern look for this application.

Features that the modern version of Skype has

  • Voice communication. Using Skype, you can make free calls to the accounts of other program users. Moreover, you can communicate with one person or with several. It is also possible to make calls to mobile phone numbers, but this feature is paid.
  • Video calls. Any user has the ability to make video calls with other program users. This function requires a webcam.
  • Broadcast text messages... Skype also makes it possible to communicate with program users using text chats. Moreover, the application stores the history of correspondence with all users for up to 30 days. For convenience, special sets of emoticons have been added to the program.
  • Transfer of various files. Skype users can freely exchange various files up to 300 MB in size.

Skype benefits

  • Absolutely free audio and video calls between service members.
  • Sending text messages and making calls to mobile phone numbers at extremely low rates.
  • The ability to make group conferences in audio and video calls.
  • Ability to transfer various files.
  • Screen sharing function that allows the participants in a conversation to see what is happening on your screen.
  • Skype is suitable for Windows, Linux and Mac, and also works on Iphone, Android and WindowsPhone.
  • Security and confidentiality. The developers of the program have adopted many different security measures to create the privacy of the negotiations.

Now it's time to tell you what Skype is and how to use it. And also consider the main functions of the Skype program. In the century information technologies, telephone conversations do not allow to fully satisfy the needs of people in communication. There is nowhere without virtual communication in its various forms. Of course, both tools have their strengths and weak sides and successfully coexist with each other. The main disadvantage of telephone communication is its cost. Especially when it comes to long-distance conversations, and even more so, if about long-distance calls on a cell phone. Here the virtual way of talking is significantly ahead of the opponent.

After the good old email, the most popular means of communication on the Internet is exchange instant messaging... One of the common means for communication is used - skype service... The project began its existence back in 2003. The first versions attracted users with the ease of installation and account registration. Today it is used all over the world for business and personal communication. The number of registered accounts is over half a billion.

Download Skype

To work with the system, you need to install the system client - the Skype program on your computer. Download setup file is possible with free, and also do not forget about the page on my blog, which is located. The history of messages, the list of contacts and other information Skype does not store on the user's computer, but on its server. Thanks to this, you can not be afraid of losing them due to problems such as reinstalling the operating system and others. Also it does comfortable work behind several computers, for example, as usual, at home and work.

Skype allows you to communicate in four ways. But with any of them, before starting a conversation, you need to find an interlocutor in the system. This can be easily done using a unique ID, name or email address. Once found, the user is added to your contact list, after which it will be easy to resume communication. You will also see the status of the added user ("Online", "Offline", "Away", "Do not disturb").
The first and most common is instant text messaging. IN this mode you can create multi-user chats with a large number of participants or correspond one-on-one. To add users to a conversation, click the "Conversations" - "Add People" button in the menu.

After that, a window will appear in which you can select users from your contact list. You can also transfer files in this mode. Should not be transmitted large files (more than 50 MB), since the program is not intended for this and the procedure is not performed efficiently enough with a large volume. This function assumes fast transfer small files like photos, text documents, so to speak, without looking up from the conversation. But I'll tell you a secret, I managed to transfer files of almost 100 megabytes via Skype. The second way is voice communication. This means that if your computer is connected acoustic speakers and a microphone (or you have a laptop), then you can call your interlocutor using Skype. In this case, you will communicate in real time as it would be on the phone. In this case, the program window can be minimized and continue to go about your business at the computer. This can be very handy when you need to explain to a friend how to use a program. The convenience lies in the fact that you can simultaneously open this program on both computers and learn without being distracted by typing. Conferences can also be held in this mode. But the number of its participants is limited.

A separate sub-item can be called a very convenient opportunity to show your screen to your interlocutor. This function can be useful if the training situation already mentioned above, or if your interlocutor helps you solve a problem with your computer. To activate this feature during a voice call, you need to click in the "Calls" menu - "Screen sharing ...".

The third way of communication is video communication. With this method of communication, you not only hear, but also see the interlocutor, and he you. Naturally, for this your computers must be equipped with webcams. Up to 5-10 people can participate in a video conference. During video and voice communication, the ability to send text messages and files also works. This can be useful for sending hard-to-pronounce phrases such as web links.

The fourth is calls to landline phones. In order to use it, you need to transfer money to your virtual account. To do this, you need to click in the "Skype" menu - "Deposit money into Skype account ...". Rates for calls to landlines from Skype are usually significantly more profitable telephone connection.

But in each specific case (call to landline or cellular telephone) you should always check the tariffs for a given country. Due to the nature of the legislation, the price for Skype calls may be somewhat exaggerated. This feature is very popular, and this is quite understandable given its convenience and benefits.

You can use Skype not only with a computer, but there are also versions for phones and tablets.

So we understood what skype is, now we need to understand how to work with this program. On the blog, I have repeatedly published information about this program. I think it will be useful to you:

News: dear readers of the site, soon there will be mega interesting interviews on the blog, from the program developers themselves (who will be a guest for now). Negotiations are underway now, and after a while you will be able to learn much more about them than anyone else. For now, I can only say that these programs are installed by most users.

Glitch in Skype.

Skype is a small program that allows you to call your friends around the world for free. You don't need to pay for this program. It's free.

Free calls, video calls and instant messaging between skype subscribers at any time of the day and anywhere in the world. Call landlines and mobile phones at very competitive prices.

Basic Skype functions
° Free calls between Skype subscribers
° Calls to landline and mobile phones and send SMS
° Free chat
° Voicemail
° Free video calls
° Forwarding incoming calls to your phone when you are offline

Skype in a nutshell

Getting started with this program is quick and easy. Download the program, register it, install it, connect a headset, speakers or USB phone and you can call your friends. Calls are of excellent sound quality and are securely protected with end-to-end encryption. You don't even need to change your firewall or router configuration, or whatever. network program... Skype ... it just ... works.

The program works not only on the Windows platform, like some other programs that you may know. Skype also works with Mac OS X, Linux and PDAs that are used in Pocket PCs, and Skype looks and feels natural for each of these platforms. Making calls, sending instant messages and even transferring files between different platforms is instant and successful.
Calls to regular phone numbers

If you don't have enough ways to connect with your friends, then Skype provides the SkypeOut service. This service will allow you to call traditional phone numbers around the world. Conventional telephone lines, mobile phones ... SkypeOut works with almost all of these systems. SkypeOut is not a free service, but it is really very cheap.

You can also redirect your Skype calls to your traditional landline or mobile phone number. Your interlocutors will not have to pay extra for this, and you will simply pay at the standard SkypeOut rate when calling from the number to which you were redirected.
Make sure you are on the same page.

No one eavesdrops
When it comes to talking, instant messaging or transferring files, we are very interested in making sure it is all secure and secure. Skype automatically encrypts all information before sending it over the Internet. And in the same way, when information reaches its destination, it is decrypted at the destination, and presented to us as words with the purest audibility, text or file that no one can intercept.
compass samara
Skype calls are of excellent quality, better than calls from regular phones.

All safety in the world will not matter if you do not hear your interlocutor. Using Skype, you will hear it. Skype uses the best of the telecommunications industry in its work to provide sound quality that is far superior to that of traditional telephone communications. If you agree to give Skype a little more attention, then Skype will share with you some technical details: using regular phones, you can hear sounds ranging from 300 Hz to 3 kHz. But not with Skype. The range of Skype is much wider than this usual range of sounds, from the lowest sounding to screaming at the highest tones. In other words, "f" and "s" will sound like two different letters, as they are, and as a result, your conversations will be much more natural.
You and your friends or colleagues (up to 4 people) can hold a conference using Skype.

With Skype, you can hold conferences. You and your colleagues or friends (up to 4 people) can talk all together, absolutely safe, in order, for example, to discuss game tactics together, in order to make one of those important business decisions, or just chat, even if you are all on different continents.
How to find a needle from a haystack? Skype Global User Directory.

Finding long-lost relatives or just someone to chat with is also one of Skype's features. Skype has what's called the Global User Directory. It's gigantic phone bookwhere you will find everyone who uses Skype. You can use it to find people you would like to talk to, people who have a birthday on the same day as you, or people who just live on the same street as you.

Is there anybody here?
When you find someone you know or even someone you would like to meet, you add them to your contact list. You can also write a short message to tell these people who you are and why you are adding them to your contact list. If people are added to your contact list, you can see if they are online or offline, busy ... or maybe out for a snack.
When you can't put into words how you feel.

You can send instant messages using Skype. This comes in handy when you're discussing a website and want to send that really long address to the other person, or maybe when you're writing a song. You can send emoticons along with your message. Smile at the world and it will smile back at you.

If the world were perfect, everyone could use Skype and talk for free. Unfortunately, the world is far from perfect, and still not everyone has Skype. That's why we have SkypeOut, a cheap way to make Skype calls to friends who still use traditional landlines or mobile phones. This means you can call anyone around the world at local rates.
Getting started using SkypeOut is easy.

Go to the My account page (there is such a link in the Tools menu in Skype, or you can get to this page from the Store), select the amount of credit you want to deposit, and make payment through any of the main credit cards... Go back to Skype, dial the phone number, press the big green phone button and start talking. That's all there is to it. When you run out of funds in your account, just take a short walk to your account page to replenish the loan, and you can continue to chat. Your Skype Credit will be valid for 180 days from your last call via SkypeOut.

Easy and convenient to use
You do not need to sign any contract and you will not receive a large and complicated monthly bill. Using Skype, you get a per-minute rate to call where your friends are. The rate remains unchanged on weekends, Mondays after 8pm, weekends from 9am to 5pm and all other times ... it remains unchanged. Moreover, SkypeOut offers uniform tariff for calls to the 20 most popular destinations: The SkypeOut Global Rate. Currently, this rate is 1.7 cents Euro (which is about 2 cents of the US dollar or 1.1 pence of the British pound) per minute for calls to more than 20 countries. You can call your friend in the apartment next door at the same rate that you would call that same friend in London from Beijing, San Francisco ... or even Manchester.

Skype is a companion to the traditional phone.
SkypeOut is designed to be an easy and cheap way to communicate with your friends outside of Skype. The only thing you need to do is tell your friends to start using Skype, because this will allow you to talk to each other for free. This makes Skype a great companion to your traditional phone.

It doesn't matter where you call from, it only matters WHERE you call. If you are in London and call your friend who lives in the next house, then such a call costs the same as a call to the same friend in London, but if you are calling from Beijing.

Skype is a program that allows you to negotiate in audio and video formats. These functions are just a small part of what the program can do. Advanced users know much more about the program; But at first it is enough to know that thanks to Skype you can call another subscriber for free, regardless of the distance and in which country the interlocutor is.

How free is Skype communication really?

Intranet communications in the Skype system are absolutely free and unlimited - in other words, you can call another Skype subscriber as much as you like and whenever you want. However, when you enter the "operational space", that is, when you want to call a mobile or landline phone, you need to pay (although, in most cases, very favorable rates). To do this, the Skype user must have sufficient funds in their personal Skype account. For example, you can use our service.

What else can you do with Skype?

In fact, Skype has a lot more features than most users think:
  • Make free calls to other Skype subscribers
  • Call mobile and landline phones at low rates
  • Communicate by voice with several people at once
  • Receive calls from mobile and landline phones
  • Forward Skype calls to any phone
  • Enable identification caller
  • Call on international numbers from phone to
  • Make video calls between two Skype subscribers
  • Video chat with multiple Skype users simultaneously
  • Send free video messages
  • Exchange instant messages
  • Send low cost SMS messages
  • Set up personal voice mail
  • Send files of any format and size
  • Show your screen to another Skype subscriber
  • Share your screen with multiple skype users
  • Exchange contact information, phone numbers and Skype logins
  • Integrate your skype account with social facebook networks
  • Connect to the Internet from over two million public WiFi networks around the world
  • Make Skype calls through a SIP-enabled PBX
  • Skype Manager lets you manage your Skype use at work or at home
  • Make video calls directly from Outlook.com

Where to begin?

To start using Skype, follow a few simple steps:
  1. Download the Skype app to your device
  2. Get to know the system for adding contacts to your list

Where can I get Skype for a specific device?

Skype is universal, it is not tied to any platform. This guide covers the functioning of Skype on a computer, laptop and tablet, but the recommendations are also valid for Skype installed on other devices. Skype program works on computers with different operating systems: Windows 7, Mac, Linux. When using tablets, set skype versions for Windows 8, iPad, Android, Amazon Fire... You can install Skype on portable devices, smartphones and phones.

How do I create an account?

You don't have to come up with a name to create an account. If you have an email address, or an account windows entry, OneDrive account, Xbox Live, Office 365 - you can use the same name for your Skype account.

If there are no accounts yet, then you should start by creating an account microsoft records and use that name for Skype. Thus, you can not only get access to all the features of Skype, but also take advantage of many useful free services Microsoft. About the opportunities that a Microsoft account gives,.

You can create a Skype account without a Microsoft account, but you must provide a valid email address. If you have forgotten your Skype password, then new Password sent by e-mail.

How do I add contacts to Skype?

Different means of communication have different approaches to establishing communication between subscribers, and Skype is different from the telephone network. The specificity of Skype is that you first need to find the subscriber in the contact list and send him a request. If the request is accepted, then you need to send a message and call, establish contact. The subscriber may not accept the request, in which case the connection will not be established.

This is a general idea that allows Skype users to protect themselves from spam and unwanted contacts. But the user's privacy settings may allow you to send him a message and be the first to call without sending a request. Skype users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the privacy settings and choose the best option for themselves.

In order to better understand the system of adding contacts, you can watch tutorial videos called Skype Essentials. On the specified page you will find step by step instructions for computers, laptops, tablets and other platforms, and a corresponding video is shown on each device. By the way, when looking for friends in your contact list, it is better to use them email address... Name and surname may be the same for many people.

Where can I learn more about Skype?

After the first steps have been taken (the program is installed, there is an account, contacts have been added), it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the training and reference materials, which can be found at the following links:
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