Running two Skype programs at the same time

It is often necessary to use two Skype profiles. For example, at the workplace, you need to be online in a business account and in personal profile... There are two ways out of the situation. You can use 2 Skype on one computer. Client settings do not allow opening several profiles in one window, so we will use other methods.

Alternate login to accounts

To use two Skype on one computer, that is, two completely different accounts, subscribers most often resort to the exit function in the messenger.

  1. Find the Skype section at the top of the ribbon.
  2. Select "Exit". A window will open to enter the registered account. First you need to enter your login, and in the next field - the password.
  3. Enter data from another account. Uncheck the "Automatic Skype Authorization" checkbox. So that every time you open it, the system does not automatically enter this account.
  4. Click on "Login". To switch back to another account, follow all the steps again.

If the computer has several users, such the usual way changing profiles would be advisable. If the user is alone, he just has several accounts, it will be inconvenient to change them every time. The user will not always be in touch in all profiles. Is it possible to open two Skype at the same time, that is, so that there are two windows, for example, with a work and personal profile?

Multiple instances of the Skype window on one computer

To open another instance of Skype, do the following:
1.Open the "Run" window through Start or by using the Win + R combination.

2.Copy the command% programfiles (x86)% / skype / phone / into the line and paste it into the line.

3. Click the left mouse button on the OK button. Please note that the system may generate an error. In this case, reopen the "Run" window and enter a slightly different command:% programfiles% / skype / phone /.

4. Find Skype.exe, click on it right click.

5. In the list of options, click on "Submit" and then select the third item "Desktop (create shortcut)".

6. On the Desktop, find the shortcut you just created. Now, right-click again to call the list of options and click on the last item "Properties".

7.Open the "Label" section. You will immediately see the line "Object". In it, enter an additional phrase at the end: / secondary. The path to the shortcut should look like this: C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe "/ secondary.

8.Click on OK.

Each time you start the messenger through this shortcut, the system will launch a separate window for you, in which you can work with one of your accounts.

So, you can use several skype accounts, starting with two, that is, you can run 2 or more Skype at the same time.

To close all windows, use the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Delete combination).

Another way

Labels can be created a little differently. Consider the second method as well.
1.On the desktop, right-click on an empty field.

3.Write in the field the same path as in the previous way: C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe "/ secondary. Do not forget to put a space after the exe" as this is very important.

4.Click the left mouse button on the "Next" button. Enter a name for the shortcut and click Finish.

Configuring automatic launch

Don't want to constantly print your username and password in every window? You can automate the process. Now let's see how this can be done.

To start 2 Skype automatically, you need to return to the "Object" field in the shortcut properties.

After / secondary, write phrases with a slash: / username: LoginSkype / password: Password. Do not forget to put spaces between slashes. Save your changes.

If you open Skype on your device, your main account should always load first.

These methods work for the regular version of the messenger on Windows 7, for example. This trick won't work with a Windows 10 app.

Two Skype accounts on a smartphone

How to run two Skype at the same time, for example, on Android? By standard means messenger is also impossible to do. Everything is solved in two ways:

  1. The program is iterated over and signed with another signature, after which it is assembled and launched by a separate application. This method is not easy.
  2. Downloadable finished assembly programs, that is, its alternative, for example, Skype Lite or Skype Clone.

Where can you install a similar messenger for the Skype service? In the official store, you will only find similar applications. You can download it or search for another assembly on the Internet.

Remember that the safety of your gadget comes first. First, make sure the source is reliable (look at the reviews to see if it is marked "Verified by antivirus").

What do alternative Skype builds have to offer? For the most part, this is the same functionality: sending text messages with emoticons, documents, and most importantly - calls in audio and video format.

Such programs are also installed on older versions of Android. However, in this regard, there may be a problem with their updating and further work, if, for example, you update your operating system: then the requirements may not coincide and you will have to look for another solution to the problem.

Even if the app has ads, you can easily disable it by installing special utilitysuch as AdBlock. It can be found already in the Play Store, the official store for downloading both paid and free mobile programs... Before that, you may also need to set Root rights on the phone. Programs such as Kingo Root, PingPong Root and many others will help you with this.

To run two or more accounts on one device, you need to open several windows. One window allows you to work in only one profile. To do this, make edits in the Properties of an existing shortcut, or create a new one. It is also possible to customize automatic login to all accounts.

When using the Skype program (Skype) on one computer at the same time by several users or by one user with several accounts (logins), there is a problem of using the program, because each user has his own account and your contacts. Therefore, it may be necessary to launch two Skype, or simultaneously launch several Skype on one computer.

If the computer is used by only one user, then he can have several on Skype, for example, one for communicating with friends, another for work, etc. This is very convenient, and therefore the user needs to solve the problem of using the program under different Skype logins.

Skype allows multiple users to work with different accounts.

How to add a user on Skype

For this in the menu skype programs you need to click on the "Skype" button, and in the context menu select "Exit".

After that, a window will open in which you will need to enter the credentials (login and password) of another skype account, uncheck the box next to the item "Automatic authorization in Skype", and then click on the "Login" button.

Next, the program window will open in the account (account) of another user. Thus, users, replacing each other, can use the Skype program by entering their accounts in the program.

This method may be suitable when several users of the same computer use Skype in turn. If one user uses several accounts, it will be inconvenient to enter data one by one. It would be more rational to start several Skype at once at the same time in order to always be in touch from several accounts.

Therefore, for convenient use of the Skype program, it will be necessary to make it possible to use the program, while simultaneously launching several accounts in different windows of the program under different logins.

In order to run two Skype on one computer for the simultaneous use of two programs, you will need to perform some actions. In a similar way you can add to Skype not only the second user, but also the third and subsequent users.

How to add a second user to Skype

First, you will need to create a shortcut to launch the second Skype user (profile). To do this, you will need to open the location of the Skype program files on your computer.

Files skype applications after installation on a computer, they are located along this path - " Local disk (C :) "\u003d\u003e" Program Files "\u003d\u003e" Skype "\u003d\u003e" Phone ". In the folder "Phone" there is an application - "Skype.exe". Right-click on the application file "Skype.exe" and select "Send" \u003d\u003e "Desktop (create shortcut)" in the context menu.

You can immediately change the name of the shortcut to better use a different Skype account.

Next, you will need to right-click on the shortcut and select "Properties" from the context menu. This will open the "Properties: Skype - Shortcut" window (or the already changed name of the shortcut, for example, Skype 2), in which you need to add the shortcut parameters to the entries.

In this window, in the "Shortcut" tab, in the "Object:" "C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" field after writing in quotation marks (upper quotation marks), you will need to press the space bar on the keyboard, and then add the parameter "/ secondary" without quotes (in Russian - secondary). After the changes, the "Object:" field will look like this (upper quotation marks):

"C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary

Now, after starting the second Skype account, after opening the program window, you will need to enter the details of another account in Skype, and then enter the program.

In order not to confuse the program different types accounts, it's better to enter your credentials from your Skype account than from your Microsoft account. You can create a new Skype account from the program window by clicking on the "Register" link.

After that two skype user can use their accounts (accounts) simultaneously, independently of each other. Now they can communicate with their contacts by logging into Skype with their account. If the user is alone, then he can use several at the same time.

Can also be added to skype still other additional accounts. To do this, you need to create new shortcuts, and then enter into the shortcut properties, for example, the following parameters: / secondary1, / secondary2, etc.

You can also set the parameters for another Skype profile in another way. To do this, right-click on the Desktop, and in the context menu that opens, click on the "New" \u003d\u003e "Shortcut" item.

In the "Create Shortcut" window, next to the "Specify object location" field, click on the "Browse ..." button. In the "Browse for folders and files" window, you must specify the object for the shortcut.

The Skype program is located on this path - "Computer" \u003d\u003e "Local drive (C :)" \u003d\u003e "Program Files" \u003d\u003e "Skype" \u003d\u003e "Phone" \u003d\u003e "Skype". Select "Skype.exe" and click on the "OK" button. Then enter the parameter "/ secondary", not forgetting that in this entry you must make a space before the parameter.

When using Skype, it is not very convenient to enter your account data manually each time, so this process can be automated.

How to start two Skype automatically

Two or more Skype can be launched on the computer automatically, without entering credentials.

You will need to add the following parameters - / username: LoginSkype / password: Password. Please note that here you should also add account parameters separated by a space. It must be done in a similar way - space, / secondary, space, / username: LoginSkype, space, / password: Password.

After adding your Skype account data, the "Object" field will look like this (upper quotation marks):

Confirm the changes by clicking on the "OK" button.

Similarly, you can add to Skype profile third, and if necessary, the fourth and subsequent users.


Please note that if on your computer the Skype program is launched from the shortcut created when the program was installed on the computer, then the main Skype account should always be launched first.

Because if it is not launched, then after logging in with another account, a window of only one account will open, which will be automatically authorized. If the main Skype account is first launched on the computer, then there will be no problems with the subsequent launch of other accounts.

How to start two Skype at the same time

How to run 2 Skype at the same time? In order to run two Skype on one computer at the same time, independently of each other, and from the main account, you must do the following.

First, you will need to remove the shortcut that was created when you installed Skype on your computer.

In the properties of the shortcut in the "Object" field, you should have the following entry (upper quotation marks):

"C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: Login Skype / password: Password

In this case, you must enter the Skype username and password of the main Skype profile, the shortcut of which you removed. After that, you can open two Skype on one computer at the same time, independently of each other and run them in any order.

In this way, you can add more other accounts to run them simultaneously on your computer.

Now you can run 2 Skype, or run multiple Skype on your computer at the same time. Keep in mind that these methods work for normal skype versions for PC. In an application, for example, for Windows 10, only one messenger profile works at a time.

Conclusions of the article

Skype supports multiple accounts. You can run two Skype (or several Skype) on one computer at the same time or in turn.

How to run two Skype on one computer (video)

Sometimes it may be necessary to simultaneously use two or more accounts of one of the most popular programs, created for comfortable communication on the Internet - Skype. Such a situation can arise if, for example, someone else uses the same computer besides you, or one user has several accounts, say, one for friends and relatives, and the other for work. The question arises how run two or three Skype on one computer at the same timeif this option is not provided by default?

You need to start by removing the existing Skype shortcuts on your desktop. Just delete them and empty the trash can by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Empty Trash" menu item from the list that appears.

To confirm deleting files from the recycle bin, click the "Yes" button.

I will add that to delete any file or shortcut permanently in Windows 7, bypassing the recycle bin, you can do this: select the file or shortcut you need to delete with one left-click and while holding down the Shift key, press the Delete key on the keyboard. Then, in the window that appears, click the "Yes" button to confirm the deletion of the file.

Now you need to create the required number of Skype shortcuts on your desktop. If you need to run two skype at the same time, we create two shortcuts, if three, then three shortcuts. I think everything is clear here. You can create a Skype shortcut in two ways. Let's consider the first one. For Windows 7 32-bit, navigate to the following path: C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone. Right-click on the Skype startup file and select the "Desktop (create shortcut)" line from the Send menu drop-down item. Repeat this action as many times as you need to create shortcuts.

For Windows 7 64-bit, go to the following path: "C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Skype \\ Phone". Here we do everything exactly the same - right-click on the Skype launch file and select the "Desktop (create shortcut)" menu item.

Consider the second method for creating Skype shortcuts on your desktop. For this on free space right-click on the desktop, then select Shortcut from the New drop-down menu.

A window will appear, in which click the "Browse" button to specify the location of the Skype launch file.

The paths will be the same as I indicated in the first method. I'll show it using 64-bit Windows 7 as an example, that is, the path to the startup file will be “C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Skype \\ Phone”.

The location of the object is indicated, to continue creating the shortcut, click the "Next" button.

Now give the name of the future shortcut. For instance, " Skype worker"Or" Skype mom ". After entering the name, click the Finish button to complete the shortcut creation process.

It doesn't matter which method of creating a Skype shortcut you use. The main thing is to create them. For me personally, the first method seems more convenient. So, the shortcuts are created.

What needs to be done now to run two skype at the same time? There are several ways, but I will share with you the best option. To run two Skype on one computer in any order, you need to make some changes to all the shortcuts of the Skype program. Let's start with the first label. Click on it with the right mouse button, then select "Properties" from the menu that appears.

A small window for configuring a Skype shortcut will open. In the "General" tab at the top of the window, you can set a name for the shortcut, say, "Skype working"

Then go to the "Shortcut" tab and in the "Object" field after the quotes and add / secondary with a space. I draw your attention to the fact that there must always be one space between the keys starting with a slash. Now the "Object" field for Windows 7 32-bit will look like this:

"C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary

To confirm the changes made, click the "Ok" button.

Do the same operation with the second Skype shortcut. Just remember to rename it right away in the General tab. Everything is ready. You can try to launch and log in. Everything worked out for me - two Skype launched simultaneously.

Now you yourself can run two Skype on one computer, which will work simultaneously. It only remains to add that for the convenience of using two or three Skype, you can immediately set a username and password for each account, so as not to enter them when starting the program. To do this, open the shortcut settings again by right-clicking on it and selecting "Properties". After that, in the "Label" tab, add / username: *** / password: *** in the "Object" field, separated by a space. Here, instead of asterisks, write your Skype account login and password without spaces or quotes. Now the "Object" field for 32-bit Windows 7 will look like this:

"C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: *** / password: ***

However, do not forget that the Skype login and password can be seen by other computer users, if any, by opening the properties of the shortcuts you have created. But not everyone can think of it. And if only you use the computer, then you shouldn't worry at all.

As you already understood, the simultaneous launching two or more Skype on one computer is not difficult. If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments. Be familiar with the computer!

If you have registered in Skype two times, for example, one profile was created for work, and the second for communicating with friends, then, of course, it will be inconvenient for you to log into the first or the second account from your PC. And, of course, I would like these two accounts to work simultaneously on the same computer.

And I won't reveal a secret if I say that run two Skype on one computer can. And in this tutorial I will show you how to do it.

To run several Skype profiles, we will need the program itself, but not lower than the fourth version. So update Skype to the latest version if needed.

I recently wrote new lesson about Skype, where he told how you can call your friends, but let's not deviate from the topic and return to the simultaneous launch of several Skype.

We will need a second shortcut for the desktop, with which the second Skype will be launched. The first shortcut that will not work for us on the desktop, it will remain for launching the first Skype. You need to create a new shortcut.

Go to the folder with installed program, by default it is located at: C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone. There is the Skype.exe file, right-click on it and select the "Create shortcut" item in the list that appears.

Then we drag this shortcut to the desktop, it will be responsible for starting the second Skype account. Therefore, you can rename it, so as not to get confused among the labels, which is worker and which is personal. We give a name to the shortcut, for example " Work Skype ».

But that's not all, you need to edit this shortcut. Click on it with the right mouse button and from context menu select the item "Properties".

In the window that opens, go to the tab, which is called "Shortcut". We need to change the "Object" field here. There is an address "C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe"by which the shortcut launches the Skype program.

Add a space and the word / secondary to this address. It will turn out like this:
"C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary

We save the shortcut and launch it, then enter the login and password from our second profile.

This is how you can run two Skype on one computer. With the help of the created shortcut "Work Skype" we got to our second profile.

And here's what to do if you need to open three or more accounts on one computer skype records? There is also a solution here. Something else needs to be done in the shortcut properties.

First, we do everything as described above: create another shortcut, move it to the desktop, rename it, prescribe / secondary, and then do something else. We read on.

After the word secondary, put a space again, then write: / username: and Skype login / password: and Skype password.

Here is an example of a line that must be written to start another Skype, if the login is sergey, and the password is 1234.

"C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: sergey / password: 1234

I already three running Skype... Great.

More is possible. For each account, you can create a separate shortcut and give it a name that you understand.

This is how you can run two, three or more Skype on one computer.

How to run 2 Skype on one computer at the same time. It turns out that nothing could be easier. And you don't have to first log out of one of your accounts, and then log back into another.

Some people have multiple Skype accounts, for example, one for work, one for communication, or several family members use a computer.

And one of the household is waiting for a message and won't let you log out of his account, and you, too, desperately need Skype. And now he stands above your soul ... Why toil so? Now we will solve this problem simply and easily.

And even if you have not two of them, but more, then you can make a shortcut for all logins. You can open several Skype at the same time, or in turn. It's as convenient for you. But keep in mind that Skype eats a lot of resources from the computer. And if you have 10 Skype, then they can severely freeze the computer.

And yet, the Skype program must be regularly cleaned of old messages. Since the big story slows down both Skype itself and the computer. Better yet, set the preservation of history in the settings. I've already talked about this.

How to create two Skype shortcuts.

And now we will create shortcuts for Skype on the desktop. To do this, go to the ProgramFiles folder, it is located on the C: drive or where you have all the system files. In ProgramFiles we find skype folder and already in it we go to the Phone folder. There we can already see the Skype shortcut. Right-click on it, select Send -\u003e Desktop.

We have 2 Skype shortcuts on the desktop. In order to know which label refers to a particular sky, we rename them as we like. In my opinion, it is most convenient to call the shortcut the login to which it will refer.

Now we decide how we would like to enter Skype. Will we enter the password every time or do we just want to double-click and the program will immediately open? Consider the first option when we enter the password.

How to run 2 copies of Skype with login and password.

To do this, we need to right-click on one of the shortcuts, select Properties. And where the inscription Object is, insert the code / secondary, after pressing the spacebar on the keyboard. This is how it will look with the code

"C: \\ ProgramFiles \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary

If you don't put a space, then Windows will refuse to save your changes.

If you log into both Skype with a password, then you can leave nothing in the second shortcut.

How to run 2 Skype on 1 computer without entering a username and password.

Now let's consider the second option. This is when we will go to Skype with just two mouse clicks on the shortcut. In the same way, open Properties, and in the Object section, insert the longer code. Here it is / secondary / username: Skype login / password: Skype password.

As you can imagine, you will need to supply your username and password. And be sure to observe spaces, they are already here in the code, but there must also be a space after the quote. Otherwise, this is what happens.

And this is how it will look already in the Object section: "C: \\ Program Files \\ Skype \\ Phone \\ Skype.exe" / secondary / username: Skype login / password: Skype password. After that, the shortcut will already be linked to a specific Skype account. And it will open immediately after clicking on it.

If you want your Skype to start immediately after turning on the computer, then you need to check the box here.

You can do this directly from the program interface, go to Tools, select Settings.

IN General settings find Launch Skype when you start Winows and put a tick there. And click Save at the very bottom.

Now we will be able to open 2 or more Skype simultaneously on our computer. The only point where problems may arise is if they call you immediately on 2 Skype. To avoid this, go back to Tools -\u003e Settings (the image is above, after one screenshot). Select Sound Settings.

And we change sound device, so that it is different for different Skype. This is if they call you often enough. If this happens rarely, then maybe you shouldn't bother.

And now a video tutorial, lasting 7 minutes.

So, I’m telling you how to run 2 or more Skype on your computer on one computer. And if you want to learn the secrets of Skype chat, what commands you can use there, how to leave an unwanted chat (sometimes some friends add users without asking for such chats). Then you will learn a lot of new things.

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