Who owns the Skype program. What is Skype

Now it's time to tell you what Skype is and how to use it. And also consider the main functions of the Skype program. In the age of information technology, telephone conversations do not allow to fully satisfy the needs of people in communication. There is nowhere without virtual communication in its various forms. Of course, both tools have their strengths and weak sides and successfully coexist with each other. The main disadvantage of telephone communication is its cost. Especially when it comes to long-distance conversations, and even more so, if about long-distance by cell phone. Here the virtual way of talking is significantly ahead of the opponent.

After the good old e-mail, instant messaging is the most popular means of communication on the Internet. One of the common means for communication is used - skype service... The project began its existence back in 2003. The first versions attracted users with the ease of installation and account registration. Today it is used all over the world for business and personal communication. The number of registered accounts is over half a billion.

Download Skype

To work with the system, you need to install the system client on your computer - skype program... Download setup file is possible with free, and also do not forget about the page on my blog, which is located. The history of messages, the list of contacts and other information Skype does not store on the user's computer, but on its server. Thanks to this, you can not be afraid of losing them due to problems such as reinstalling the operating system and others. Also it does comfortable work behind several computers, for example, as usual, at home and work.

Skype allows you to communicate in four ways. But with any of them, before starting a conversation, you need to find an interlocutor in the system. This can be easily done using a unique ID, name or email address. Once found, the user is added to your contact list, after which it will be easy to resume communication. You will also see the status of the added user ("Online", "Offline", "Away", "Do not disturb").
The first and most common is instant text messaging. IN this mode you can create multi-user chats with a large number of participants or correspond one-on-one. To add users to a conversation, click the "Conversations" - "Add People" button in the menu.

After that, a window will appear in which you can select users from your contact list. You can also transfer files in this mode. Should not be transmitted large files (more than 50 MB), since the program is not intended for this and the procedure is not performed efficiently enough with a large volume. This function assumes fast transfer of small files like photos, text documents, so to speak, without interrupting the conversation. But I'll tell you a secret, I managed to transfer files of almost 100 megabytes via Skype. The second way is voice communication. This means that if speakers and a microphone are connected to your computer (or you have a laptop), then you can call your interlocutor using Skype. In this case, you will communicate in real time as it would be on the phone. In this case, the program window can be minimized and continue to go about your business at the computer. This can be very handy when you need to explain to a friend how to use a program. The convenience lies in the fact that you can simultaneously open this program on both computers and learn without being distracted by typing. Conferences can also be held in this mode. But the number of its participants is limited.

A separate sub-item can be called a very convenient opportunity to show your screen to your interlocutor. This function can be useful if the training situation already mentioned above, or if your interlocutor helps you solve a problem with your computer. To activate this feature during a voice call, you need to click in the "Calls" menu - "Screen sharing ...".

The third way of communication is video communication. With this method of communication, you not only hear, but also see the interlocutor, and he you. Naturally, for this your computers must be equipped with webcams. Up to 5-10 people can participate in a video conference. During video and voice communication, the ability to send text messages and files. This can be useful for sending hard-to-pronounce phrases, such as web links.

Fourth - calls to landline phones... In order to use it, you need to transfer money to your virtual account. To do this, you need to click in the "Skype" menu - "Deposit money into Skype account ...". The tariffs for calls to landlines from Skype are usually significantly more profitable than telephone calls.

But in each specific case (call to landline or cellular telephone) you should always check the tariffs for a given country. Due to the nature of the legislation, the price for Skype calls may be somewhat exaggerated. This feature is very popular, and this is quite understandable given its convenience and benefits.

You can use Skype not only with the help of a computer, but there are also versions for phones and tablets.

So we understood what Skype is, now we need to understand how to work with this program. On the blog, I have repeatedly published information about this program. I think it will be useful to you:

News: dear readers of the site, soon there will be mega interesting interviews on the blog, from the program developers themselves (who will be a guest for now). Negotiations are underway now, and after a while you will be able to learn much more about them than anyone else. I can only say for now that these programs are installed by the majority of users.

Glitch in Skype.

Skype is designed for personal and business communication at any time, in any circumstance, on any device such as mobile phones , computers or Alexa... Unique opportunities voice and video callsas well as texting in Skype help you communicate and work together. It is suitable for making calls one-on-one and in a group.

You can have Skype meetings and meet with colleagues, share experiences and celebrate the holidays with friends and family, and learn new skills with a teacher. Skype - free app ... You can send messages, make sound and video calls, including in groups of up to 50 people!

And by adding some money to your account, you can call regular phones and send SMS messages... You can only pay for calls already made or subscribe to a calling plan, whichever suits you best.

Download Skype today and start adding friends, family and colleagues to your contact list. It won't be difficult to find them on Skype, because Skype has been around for a long time for a variety of purposes hundreds of millions of people.


Skype was founded in 2003 and is today a division of Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT) headquartered in Luxembourg.

websitemunications SARL
23-29 Rives de Clausen
L-2165 (Luxembourg)
Company registration number: R.C.S. Luxembourg B100.468
Authorized Representative: Lauri Paal
VAT code: LU 20981643

Who invented skype

Before you hack a bot or how to trick a bot, it is worth understanding what a "bot" is. In simple terms, a bot is an assistant program that will unquestioningly execute all commands given to it in Telegram. For example, he can offer a selection of interesting news to the user in the morning, and recommend a movie in the evening.

These little helpers use the same interfaces as regular users to perform data and similar functions.

"Language" of bots

Before you start hacking a bot, you first need to know what the client code looks like and what language it uses.

You might think that C # (si sharp) was used to write the program, which is a very popular and modern programming language. It gained popularity due to the autonomy of the program, great functionality and a small amount of RAM.

But this is not the case for computer version used C ++, for android - Java. Also acceptable languages \u200b\u200bfor bots are:

  • HTML;
  • Python;
  • JavaScript.

Payment in Telegram

Telegram is an intermediary in financial transactions. The client sends the necessary data with his credit card specifically to the payment system. Then the response of the payment system and the whole necessary information transferred to the bot developer, after which he can process and complete the operation.

Here bots greatly simplify buying and selling for both parties. The buyer can from any corner of the world and at any time of the day purchase any product from the seller.And for the seller, there is an auto sale, since he does not need to constantly sit in the application and wait for buyers.

However, any disputed payments go to the responsibility of bot developers and payment system providers, since Telegram is not directly involved in financial transactions.

Hack the bot

Most of the programs that promise to hack a bot operate on the same system:

  1. Download program.
  2. Launch the downloaded application.
  3. Act.

In most cases, a site that offers and assures that a "crack" can easily bypass the Telegram security system and deceive a bot is malicious, and it is absolutely impossible to download, and even more so to run, the downloaded program, for the safety of your device.

In theory, such a program can be created entirely by studying the encryption protocol and spending a lot of time writing such an algorithm. However, it is impossible to find such a program in open forums.

Telegram sender

In fact, this program is a common spammer. The development team found a small way to bypass the protection, and created their own program. The program works easily:

  1. Write some text.
  2. Payment.
  3. Get the result.


Scripts in the Telegram application are used to automate any action or create a bot. You can easily download them from the official website of the developers.

You can also use scripts to deceive the bot in Telegram. After all, a bot is a program that works according to a certain given algorithm.So it is enough for a cracker to simply reproduce certain query algorithms, namely certain plugins that generate specially questions in such a way that the bot allows you to purchase a certain product for free.

It's hard to imagine the modern world without Skype, but few people know when it appeared. This service allows you to exchange not only text messages, but also make voice and video calls. 2003 saw innovations that changed the digital world forever. Since its inception, there have been many gradual changes to improve the interface, so a user with basic skills can quickly get up to speed.

Historical excursion

Skype has paid and free versions, and therefore everyone will be able to choose the appropriate option. The developers were able to integrate Facebook with the messenger, and this saved more time. It is difficult to come up with a program that could enjoy such huge popularity, and therefore the history of creation is important.

First stage

As soon as work begins in the messenger, users often have a desire to get answers to simple questions: "What year and where did you come up with Skype?" Estonia is the country where they worked:

  • Ahti Heinla;
  • Priit Kazesalu;
  • Jaan Tallinn.

They were able to create the file sharing service KaZaA, which was very popular at one time. The Scandinavians were able to be the first not only to invent, but also to implement the idea of \u200b\u200ba program that allows you to maintain constant contact with family and friends, wherever they are. Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom were able to invent Skype, in the form in which it became known to the general public.

Then they came up with a simple but ingenious idea - to provide every user with constant access to the Internet the opportunity for unlimited communication. The date of the first official release is August 29, 2003. The country of residence was no longer of fundamental importance, since it was possible to contact someone in just a few seconds and absolutely free. At some point, the program became not only in demand, but also one of the irreplaceable ones.

First profit

Without knowing who invented Skype, it's hard to speculate about their true intentions as developers. The bright and memorable appearance of the messenger did not give any profit, but efforts should not be in vain. When users were able to make direct calls to regular numbers, using reduced prices, the first profits were not long in coming. Being among the profitable projects is not an easy task, but skype has managed to withstand the competition with dignity. Wikipedia writes that after 2 years the company's capitalization amounted to about $ 35 million per quarter, and many interesting events begin with this.

In 2005 the largest auctioneBay began to belong to the messenger. It was difficult to predict the final result of such a deal, but everyone felt a great benefit in it. 2006 was marked by an increase in the company's revenue, which in monetary terms amounted to about 195 million dollars. Who the idea of \u200b\u200btotal improvements in the program belongs to is a mystery, but we can talk about an impeccable strategy and plan. Ebay was able to bring Skype to new levelconstantly involving active users.

A short-term coma in the development of the company comes in November 2009, when Ebay decides to sell a controlling stake (70% for $ 2.5 billion). Remarkably, the original founders were given board seats and 14% of the shares. They no longer pretended to be more and relieved themselves of legal responsibility.

Together with Microsoft

In 2011yearMicrosoft decided to make a valuable acquisition by exchanging $ 8.5 billion for a controlling stake in the companySkype. This deal was unprecedented in the amount of money spent. The company's management was hatching its plans, and therefore they painlessly parted with such a sum. The messenger is available in almost all countries, and even Russia, having such a long distance, has no problems.


Today Skype can be downloaded to the most different devices and platforms ranging from Windows to Linux. New markets continue to expand, and this requires a certain amount of developer mobility.

The messenger was able to surpass the original ideas of the creators, since the original scheme was finalized and improved. Consumers were able not only to make calls to different countriesbut also to conduct group sessions.

Thanks to Microsoft, the program has been able to reach its true potential and grow beyond simple calls. Each user is given a unique opportunity to exchange information and files in group chats. The creators are probably happy with the results of their work.

Over the ten years of its existence, Skype - a unique program for free voice communication over the Internet, based on peer-to-peer technology and allowing you not to fear interception of calls - has become one of the many Microsoft services, supervised by all self-respecting intelligence services in the world. How could this happen? The usual thing is money.


The real history of Skype began in 2000, when two employees of the Swedish telecommunications company Tele2 - the Swede Niklas Zennström with an engineering and business education and the Danish Janus Friis, who did not even have a completed secondary education - were hired to work on the entertainment and news portal Everyday.com , the likes of which were just then becoming fashionable. Probably to save money, the management of the Estonian branch of Tele2 placed an advertisement in a local newspaper for recruiting qualified programmers at a pay of about $ 300 a day.

Three classmates responded to the ad - Jaan Tallinn, Ahti Heinla and Priit Kazesalu. Friends from Fido, at the end of the Soviet era, they founded a small company BlueMoon Interactive and even developed a rather successful computer game Kosmonaut. In 1989, it became the first Estonian game to be sold abroad and brought them good money at the time. But by 2000, the company was already on the verge of bankruptcy, so the friends learned the simple basics of PHP in a couple of days and were successfully hired at Tele2. Another Estonian, Toivo Annus, has been appointed to lead the Everyday.com development team.

The Everyday.com portal was launched in no time, but was commercially unsuccessful. Zennström and Friis quit Tele2 and moved to Amsterdam, where they began to consider starting their own business. The frenzied popularity of the file-sharing service Napster, which the outraged members of the Metallica group have already begun to pursue in the United States, led them to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating something similar, but in cooperation with representatives of the recording and film industries. A well-established team of Estonian programmers was involved in the development of such a network, and in September 2000 the KaZaA program was born in Tallinn.

Unlike Napster, whose main problem was the presence of a central server where data about connected computers and available files were stored, KaZaA did not require intermediate servers at all. As a result, almost immediately after its appearance, the KaZaA client became the most downloaded program on the Internet.

However, Zennström and Friis failed to come to an agreement with the labels that saw KaZaA as another “pirate” intermediary, and soon the army of American lawyers began to hunt for the newly minted businessmen. The Swedes set off on the run from the plaintiffs, constantly changing their "accounts and passwords", and the whole team began to intensively encrypt the correspondence and regularly get rid of the "compromising" information. At the same time, the Estonian government initially rejected the Americans' request to interrogate the BlueMoon team for disclosing KaZaA's trade secrets. Subsequently, however, they were nevertheless interrogated in the presence of American lawyers, but no charges were brought against the Estonians.

As a result, at the end of 2001, KaZaA was sold to the Australian company Sharman Networks, registered in Vanuatu, and a few years later, already in 2006, Zennström and Friis paid about $ 100 million from their own funds as part of the settlement of copyright disputes with four major labels - Universal Music , Sony BMG, EMI and Warner Music, among others.

Skype: start

Meanwhile, the most important part of KaZaA's intellectual property - patents for the Global Index peer-to-peer technology - remained in the hands of enterprising Swedes: specifically for this, they registered Joltid in the offshore zone of the British Virgin Islands, to which all rights were transferred. And they did it just in time, because now the labels could sue Sharman Networks until they turned blue, but they could not get the rights to the peer-to-peer technology itself and prohibit its use as patent owners.

In fact, even then Zennström and Friis had the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an application that could provide voice communication between any computers connected to the Internet, while completely free. The partners had almost ready-made Global Index P2P technology in their hands, but instead of files it had to be configured to transmit digitized voice data.

Of course, the familiar Estonian team of programmers joined the project, and Tallinn became the actual headquarters of Skype for a long time. In the spring of 2003, the alpha version of the new application was ready, and it was sent to 20 testers. The name was made up of the words "sky" ("sky") and "peer" ("equal", already in the sense of a "peer" node) and originally looked like "Skyper", however domain name skyper.com turned out to be busy, so the partners decided to just drop the last letter.

At first, the reviews about Skype were skeptical, primarily due to the mediocre sound quality, but the mere fact that this application allowed you to communicate with people on the other side of the world for free, made you look at it from a completely different side. The famous American venture capitalist William Draper decided to invest in the people who made KaZaA, and the invested millions returned to him in a thousand times larger amount.

The first full skype version was released on August 29, 2003, and the company of the same name was registered in Luxembourg, a country where interference of foreign jurisdictions in the activities of their legal entities is not welcomed. And it was very reasonable, because the "robin hoods" of file sharing have now become the worst enemies of all telecommunications companies in the world. On the very first day, Skype was downloaded by 10,000 people.

Skype: the eBay era

After working with KaZaA, Skype was initially created as a product protected from interception: all conversations were encrypted without fail, and computers connected to the network were to be used as supernode servers to one degree or another. The only central network element required is a server with user accounts and backups of their contact lists, without any other information. Skype easily bypassed firewalls, skillfully masqueraded its traffic, infiltrated any available ports and left no trace of its presence on the Internet.

As a result, for some time it became the favorite tool of criminals of all stripes, and with the discovery paid services (for example, calls to SkypeOut phones) they even began to use it for money laundering. Not surprisingly, law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies of all countries, as well as representatives of telecommunications companies, bombarded the Luxembourg and London offices of Skype with a variety of angry demands, which the company's lawyers simply sent to the trash without reading.

This was possible not only due to the Luxembourg "registration" of the company, but also due to the fact that Zennström and Friis now paid close attention to the legal support of the business: KaZaA's experience forced them to make every effort to ensure that the next enterprise was one hundred percent legal. In particular, Skype was never registered as a telecom operator; instead, the firm was considered a “provider electronic information»Such as an e-mail service business.

Until 2005, Skype looked a little like a typical high-tech business: price lists for paid services were composed without relying on any marketing research, personnel were recruited based on the results of simple tests, and salaries and even the timing of their payment were not prescribed anywhere. None of the three Skype offices - in Tallinn, Luxembourg and London - even had signs, and the offices themselves could not be found by a random person.

At the same time, the number of lawsuits against Skype has steadily increased, while Yahoo !, AOL, Microsoft and Google announced their intention to open similar services of their own in the near future. In the summer of 2005, Zennström and Friis began negotiations with eBay, and in September it was announced that Skype was sold to this largest online auction for $ 2.6 billion: it was the most impressive purchase of eBay ever. The partners woke up to be billionaires, and the Estonian team of programmers received $ 42 million each. In addition, another 140 people in Tallinn and London have taken small stakes in the company.

It is unlikely that eBay really understood that about they bought, and most importantly - why. The cultural differences between the Estonian and American staff of the company were so great that even the corporate parties held in Pärnu simply shocked Americans. EBay representatives' hair stood on end when they saw a live TV broadcast of the 2006 Skype party, where Zennström poured vodka with his own hands, and guests splashed in their clothes in the pool.

At the same time, Skype brought in much less profit than a headache, and in 2009 eBay decided to separate it into a separate company, and put its shares on the stock exchange. And then the former owners Zennström and Friis reappeared on the scene with an offer to buy Skype back. And in their arsenal there was a well-known argument: all rights to patents still remained the property of the offshore Joltid, and the eBay store used them under license. Meanwhile, eBay managed to sell 65% of Skype's shares to Andreessen Horowitz, and as a result, Joltid started litigation against two competitors, accusing them of illegal use of other people's patents.

The situation was resolved by a settlement with eBay, which ended up getting nothing but a waiver of prosecution by Joltid and licenses for their peer-to-peer technology. And already in 2011 year Skype bought Microsoft for $ 8.5 billion.

Skype: the era of Microsoft

The Skype acquisition was also Microsoft's biggest purchase in history, as it was for eBay. Zennström and Friis for the second time received impressive money for their most successful venture. While Skype is still a standalone application that is being worked on Microsoft Skype division, with offices in Luxembourg, Tartu and Tallinn. But knowing Microsoft, there is no doubt that in the future this application will become only a part of the code of some larger branded product, and the name Skype itself will remain in the past.

And, most importantly, nothing remained of the former secrecy of the negotiations: according to former NSA employee Edward Snowden, the US intelligence services got behind the scenes of Skype with the help of eBay, and in order to disguise the technical and legal consequences of such actions, a secret project Chess was allegedly developed, about which only a few people at eBay knew. There is no doubt that this collaboration continues into the Microsoft era. In addition, now the communication technology itself has been changed in such a way that it is no longer possible to create supernodes on some separate computers within the network that satisfy purely technical requirements: All their functionality has been ported to Microsoft servers.

In turn, the user agreement now allows access to the transmitted data both by Microsoft itself and by affiliated companies and Internet providers. The security services of several states, including, of course, Russia, have already openly announced the availability of means to control Skype negotiations.

Of the original Skype team, only one person continues to work on the system - Priit Cazesalu. Annus quit immediately after selling the system to eBay, Tallinn and Heinla held out for a couple of years. All of them are now very wealthy people who invest in a variety of startups: Tallinn, for example, participates in the Lifeboat Foundation project to "save humanity" and owns the "personalized medical service" company MetaMed. Billionaires Zennström and Friis enjoy life and are seen in acts of charity.

What is Skype? What is Skype and how to use it? Skype is one of the most popular programs to communicate on the Internet. http: //www.site/ip-telefoniya/chto-takoe-skaip http: //www.site/@@site-logo/logo.png

What is Skype? What is Skype and how to use it?

Skype is one of the most popular communication programs on the Internet.

What is Skype and how to use it?

Skype (read Skype) is a simple computer program (already Russified), thanks to which you can call other Skype subscribers all over the world for free. Those. provides free encrypted voice and video communication over the Internet between computers (VoIP), as well as paid services for communication with subscribers of a regular and mobile telephone network. It is possible to organize conference calls (up to 25 subscribers, including the initiator), send text messages, files, show your desktop, as well as video communication (currently, when using a standard client, up to two subscribers, and when using third-party plug-ins their number is limited only by the channel capacity).

What is Skype? Skype is many ways to communicate:

In Skype, you will find many useful functions, thanks to which you will always be in touch with friends, family and colleagues, you will be able to share your thoughts and receive the necessary information.

Skype can be used on both your computer and your mobile phone, so you can stay connected even on the go without changing your plans. Skype works on many mobile phones and devices such as the PlayStation® Portable (PSP®). In addition, there is huge selection WiFi phones and cordless phones with built-in Skype.

First try to send instant messaging to someone from your contact list or open a group chat where several people can communicate at once. You can set up a conference call to discuss an upcoming meeting with friends, and then use the search for business reviews ™ feature to find a great venue.

Plus, great video calling options are at your service. All you need is a webcam, which will allow you not only to use free video calls, but also to take pictures of yourself so that you can later use these photos in Skype.

Skype is not designed to make emergency calls

Skype is not a replacement for a regular phone and cannot be used for emergency calls

Find friends on Skype

If you are using Microsoft Outlook®, Outlook Express® or email Yahoo !, you can import data from these apps into notebook Skype. If your friends don't have Skype yet, you can send them an invitation to download Skype, and then you can chat for free. Do not be surprised if they send you a bouquet of flowers and a chocolate bar: these are your grateful friends. And you deserve it.

Do you know any other MySpace users? Convince them to download Skype or MySpaceIM from Skype. Then add them to your Skype notebook and your social circle will expand significantly. Just find the name of the person you want on MySpaceIM.

Adding a new friend to your notebook is easy. In addition, you can add contacts to Skype who do not yet have Skype, and call them on landlines and mobile phones at low rates anywhere in the world.

If your Microsoft Outlook® address book contains phone numbers, they will be shown in your contact list and you can easily dial them directly into Skype. To call landlines or mobiles, you need Skype Credit or a monthly subscription.

How to use Skype at work?

Are you a self-employed person? Or an employee of a multinational holding company? No matter how humble or, on the contrary, impressive, the staff of your company, thanks to Skype, you can save time and money and, most importantly, always stay one step ahead of the competition.

Skype enables businesses to find their own unique way of working, no matter what goals they set for themselves and where their employees are located.
Voice communication, chat, video conferencing and even calls and sending SMS to mobile phones - you choose how best to convey information to your colleagues and clients. Whatever your business, download the business version of Skype and take the first step towards minimizing costs and increasing profitability.
And if it’s not part of your plans to stop there, Skype Manager, a system for centralized management of Skype usage throughout the enterprise, is especially for you.

Skype Manager simplifies and streamlines the exchange of business information. With just one simple online tool, you can connect your colleagues to your network, give them access to the Skype functionality they need, while saving money with our very competitive rates.

Where does Skype work?

Skype works on the following operating rooms mac systems OS X, GNU / Linux, Windows, Windows Phone, iPhone, Windows Mobile, Google android, PSP, Symbian.

Skype works on TV. Free video calling on the big screen right in your living room is possible thanks to the latest developments from companies such as LG, Panasonic and Samsung: the latest TVs from these manufacturers are designed to work with Skype in high definition.

Where can I download Skype?

Just follow the link for your operating system:

How do I pay for Skype services?

You can deposit money to your Skype account using Diners, MasterCard or Visa... Using the payment system Moneybookers will allow you to use your credit, debit card or bank account to securely purchase Skype products. You can also pay for purchases in Skype through the system WebMoney... SkypeOut services can also be paid through Yandex money... Thanks to the company PayByCash You can pay for purchases on Skype using the payment tools used in your country, so you can do without a credit card.

When and by whom was Skype created?

Skype was created by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis.

The first Skype appeared in September 2003.

In October 2005, the company was bought by eBay for about $ 2.6 billion (an additional $ 500 million was later paid), although the company's annual turnover was less than $ 100 million. In April 2009, eBay executives announced that the first in half of 2010 Skype will be traded on the exchange, as the company's activities do not fit well with the online auction business.

The company is headquartered in Luxembourg with branches in London, Prague, San Jose and Tallinn.



  • Foundation of the company
  • The company was bought by eBay for $ 2.7 billion
  • march: Skype 3.1 released, new features added, including Skype Find and Skype Prime. Skype 3.2 beta has also become available with new features that allow you to send money via PayPal to other users.
  • august: Skype 3.5 for Windows was released, now there is support for video in the profile, as well as the ability to insert video into the chat; transfer of a call to another user or group; autorepeat a call.
  • August 15: Skype (beta) for Mac OS.
  • August 16-17: "Black Tuesday", as a result of a failure Skype did not work for more than a day.
  • January 30: Skype releases a version for Sony PSP.
  • March 13: Skype 2.0 for Linux with video conferencing support released.
  • July 9: Skype 4.0 Beta released, the fourth version has a new program interface.
  • September 1: Skype closes SkypeCast's.
  • September 12: at unlimited tariff Unlimited Europe for $ 5.95 now, in addition to calls to landline telephones of the 21st European country, includes the cities of Russia - St. Petersburg and Moscow.
  • December 26: Skype releases version 1.0.0 for Nokia Nst-4 in system-pack v1.0.0
  • February 3: Skype 4.0 (Windows) released.
  • March 31: Skype released a version for Apple iPhone.
  • May 12: Skype ended conferencing support.
  • September 1: eBay announced it has sold 65% of Skype to Andreessen Horowitz for $ 2 billion.
  • November 9: Skype releases toolbar for MS Outlook
  • January 19: Skype is another client russian company SPIRIT in the field of IP telephony. Sound transmission quality has improved significantly.
  • February 19: Skype ends support for Skype Lite (Skype for Java Phones) and Skype for Windows Mobile.
  • April 31: Skype has released a version for Apple iPad.
  • August 9: Skype applied for the first share issue. During the placement of shares, the company plans to receive $ 100 million.
  • September 2: Skype adds support for offline chat messages.
  • October 5: Full-fledged Skype for Android client released.
  • October 14: Skype 5.0 (Windows) released, the fifth version has a new program interface and added the ability to make group video calls.
  • December 22-23: Skype crashes worldwide.
  • December 23 18:20 Moscow time: Skype was restored.


In the release of the program dated January 10, 2013, integration with by mail client Outlook.

On January 29, 2013, Microsoft ended support for Windows Live Messenger, completely switching to Skype development.

The Windows 8 version, dated February 22, 2013, added the file sharing feature that allows users to exchange documents using instant messaging.

Released on February 27, 2013, version 3.2 for the Android platform is adapted for 7-inch tablets.

On April 7, 2014 Microsoft announced the creation of Skype TX - special solution based on Skype for TV and radio stations. From April 29, 2014, group video conferences became free. In September 2014, support was discontinued for phones with Symbian platform.

What is Skype technology?

Unlike many other IP telephony programs, Skype uses a P2P architecture to transfer data. The Skype user directory is distributed across the computers of Skype users, which allows the network to easily scale to very large sizes (currently more than 100 million users, 10-15 million online) without expensive centralized server infrastructure. In addition, Skype can route calls through other users' computers. This allows users behind a NAT or firewall to connect to each other, but creates an additional load on computers and channels of users who are directly connected to the Internet.

The only centerpiece for Skype is the identity server, which stores user accounts and backups their contact lists. The central server is only needed to establish communication. After the connection is established, the computers send voice data directly to each other (if there is a direct connection between them), or through the Skype Intermediary (supernode - a computer that has an external IP address and an open TCP port for Skype). In particular, if two computers located inside one local network, have established a Skype connection between themselves, then the connection to the Internet can be interrupted, and the conversation will continue until the end of the conversation by users or any communication failure within the local network.

Thanks to the codecs used by Skype (data compression algorithms) SVOPC (16 kHz), AMR-WB (16 kHz), G.729 (8 kHz) and G.711 (previously also ILBC and ISAC were used) and with sufficient Internet connection speed ( 30-60 kbps) in most cases, the sound quality is higher than that of a regular telephone connection.

When a connection is established between PCs, the data is encrypted using AES-256, which, in turn, is transmitted using a 1024-bit RSA key.

Skype VoIP is closed and used only by original Skype software. Using the API, its functions can be accessed by third-party programs.

No cases of decryption and / or interception of data in Skype officially confirmed by the developer have been recorded.

For the stable use of video communication, an Internet connection speed of 200 kbps is required and is desirable clock frequency processor from 1 GHz.

What is Skype history?

The first versions (versions 0.97, 0.98) of the program appeared in September-October 2003. The program simultaneously supported 10 languages \u200b\u200band had a simple, logical interface, originally adapted (unlike ICQ and MS-Messenger) for voice communication. During the installation, Skype itself chose the localization language for Windows and had login registration easier and faster than in competing programs. It was the simplicity of installation, development and use of the program that quickly attracted the attention of a large number of users. In version 1.2, an answering machine (Voicemail) appeared for the first time, and since 1.3 any owner of it could leave messages to other users, even if they did not use this service. 1.2 also introduces the SkypeIn feature that allows you to connect account Skype with a phone number.

Starting with version 1.4, it became possible to redirect calls to other Skype accounts, as well as to regular phones.

In version 2.0 for the first time there was the possibility of video communication, and in 2.5 - the ability to send SMS, organize Skypecasts (this technology was officially disabled since September 1, 2008) and integration with Microsoft Outlook.

In version 3 there was a service (SkypeFind) that allows users to create a list of companies and give a description to them. It is now heavily filled with spam.

Skype 3.5, version for Nokia Nst-4 Skype client can be installed on a compatible phone or PDA, which results in significant cost savings due to low system tariffs. However, cellular operators do not want to lose super-profits and slow down the process in every possible way. T-Mobile is the largest provider cellular communication in Germany - announced that it would block Skype Internet telephony traffic on iPhone smartphones. It gets to the point that the lobby cellular operators trying to ban Skype, and at the same time ICQ, on the territory of Russia.

What are Skype services? What are Skype Paid Services?

SkypeOut rates as of March 2006 in US dollars per minute SkypeOut Allows you to make outgoing calls to landlines and mobile phones in most countries of the world. Payment is per minute, differentiated. Calls to toll free numbers (such as +1 800 in the US) are free, and even users who have not paid for the SkypeOut service can use them. Also, through SkypeOut, incoming Skype calls are made to the phone with mobile application Skype Lite. 180 days after last call SkypeOut balance is about to expire. SkypeIn Allows you to receive phone calls from users of traditional telephone networks. In this case, the participant receives a phone number in one of the following countries: Australia, Brazil, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia, France, Great Britain, USA, Japan and Hong Kong (China). All incoming calls to this number will come to your Skype account, and with a positive score, calls can be forwarded to any phone number. As a bonus to phone number Skype provides an answering machine free of charge for the entire duration of the number. Skype Voicemail Free services Main article: Skypecast Screenshot of the Skype program with participation in Skypecast SkypeCast (from English Skype - VoIP and broadcasting program) - broadcasting, sometimes abbreviated "caste" is used) - a type of voice communication between a group of Skype users (up to 150 people) ... Outwardly, it is similar to a conference call, however, unlike it, it is installed through a central server, as a result of which it does not impose high requirements on the bandwidth of the user who initiated the conversation.

What are Skype gadgets and goods?

Skype makes and sells various products for the Skype program. For instance, wireless phone RTX Dualphone 3088 for calls without a computer. The phone allows you to make and receive calls both via Skype and on the regular telephone network without a computer. Also, Skype launches Freetalk Wireless headsets - wireless headphones with a USB transmitter for wireless communication via Skype, video calls (Freetalk Buddy Pack) and webcam (Freetalk Connect 2).

Attempts to ban Skype

The Commission on Telecommunications and Information Technologies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) is preparing recommendations to ban Skype in Russia. The interests of the RSPP members are clear: thanks to Skype, millions of Internet users in Russia have the opportunity to bypass the existing high tariffs for international telephone connection... In addition, the initiators of the ban and the FSB argue that Skype is difficult to eavesdrop on due to its lack of connection to SORM.

In Belarus, all calls over the network must go through a state operator, and the use of other international networks, including Skype, is considered a violation of the law.

Deutsche Telekom, the largest European telecommunications company, has said it will block Skype when attempting to use it with an iPhone.

Access to Skype can be blocked by hardware. Verso Technologies and Cisco Systems have similar solutions. In particular, they are used by China Telecom, the largest Chinese provider. Similarly, Skype is blocked in the UAE.

In response to attempts to ban Skype, its developers began to implement traffic masking tools into the program to bypass VoIP blocking. In addition, Skype can work with proxies, VPN and Tor, which almost negates the effectiveness of its blocking.

Number of Skype users.

Year (end of year) Registered users Online users
2005 74 million 10.8 million

Comparison of Skype with other programs

Skype Net2Phone MSN Messenger, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo Messenger Other Voice Clients
Work with all brandmauers
No configuration required

Unlimited calls to other subscribers V V V Sometimes
Sound quality It's better,
than by phone
than by phone
than by phone
than by phone

Connection security and encryption
100% ad-free V X X Sometimes
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