Windows: Automatic login (auto login)


The user selection screen in Windows 7 can be displayed in several cases:

  • When logging in if automatic login is not configured
  • When the system is locked or the user is changed
  • When exiting sleep or hibernation, or exiting the screen saver

The third item on the list is discussed in detail in the article After a period of inactivity, Windows 7 asks for a password to continue working. And in this article we will look at setting up automatic login without selecting a user and entering a password.

About automatic login

Automatic login without entering a password is convenient if you are the only user of the computer, or use a specific account much more often than others. When setting up automatic logon, you need to understand that anyone who turns on the computer will easily log on to the system and have access to all files and settings for the account used. Setting up automatic logon differs depending on whether the computer is joined to a domain.

The necessary conditions

If the system has only one active account without a password, it automatically logs in, so no additional configuration is required. If you have multiple accounts, automatic login requires configuration, even if none of them has a password. Additional "service" accounts can be added to the system when installing various software.

Administrator rights are required to set up automatic login. The configuration process is almost the same as in Windows XP or Windows Vista.

Computers outside the domain

For computers that are not part of a domain (for example, home computers), you can configure automatic logon in the graphical interface of the operating system.

Configuring automatic login is complete.

Automatic logon can also be configured in the system registry. All required parameters are listed in the table in the next section of the article.

Computers in the domain

For computers that are members of a domain, you must specify the name of the default domain to which automatic logon will be performed. This is not possible in the graphical interface of the operating system, so automatic login is configured in the system registry.

The first three parameters in the table can be used to configure automatic logon on non-domain computers.

Note for Windows 8.x / 10... When using a Microsoft account, the DefaultUserName parameter value specifies the username in the form "MicrosoftAccount \\ [email protected]", without quotes.

User selection for automatic login

If you have automatic login enabled, but you need to log in with a different account, press and hold Shiftwhen Windows starts. Or press Log out/Change user in the shutdown menu and hold down Shift.

The change of users during automatic login can also be affected by the string parameter (REG_SZ) ForceAutoLogon in the registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon

The parameter can take values 1 (included) and 0 (switched off). Its purpose is to ensure that the user is always present on the system if automatic login is configured and the computer is turned on. In fact, enabling this option prevents the user from logging out - after logging out of the session, the login is immediately performed automatically. This behavior is designed for computers running in kiosk mode in a public place (such as a library). You can bypass it only by holding the key Shift at the end of the session.


The user selection screen in Windows 7 can be displayed in several cases:

  • When logging in if automatic login is not configured
  • When the system is locked or the user is changed
  • When exiting sleep or hibernation, or exiting the screen saver

The third item on the list is discussed in detail in the article After a period of inactivity, Windows 7 asks for a password to continue working. And in this article we will look at setting up automatic login without selecting a user and entering a password.

About automatic login

Automatic login without entering a password is convenient if you are the only user of the computer, or use a specific account much more often than others. When setting up automatic logon, you need to understand that anyone who turns on the computer will easily log on to the system and have access to all files and settings for the account used. Setting up automatic logon differs depending on whether the computer is joined to a domain.

The necessary conditions

If the system has only one active account without a password, it automatically logs in, so no additional configuration is required. If you have multiple accounts, automatic login requires configuration, even if none of them has a password. Additional "service" accounts can be added to the system when installing various software.

Administrator rights are required to set up automatic login. The configuration process is almost the same as in Windows XP or Windows Vista.

Computers outside the domain

For computers that are not part of a domain (for example, home computers), you can configure automatic logon in the graphical interface of the operating system.

Configuring automatic login is complete.

Automatic logon can also be configured in the system registry. All required parameters are listed in the table in the next section of the article.

Computers in the domain

For computers that are members of a domain, you must specify the name of the default domain to which automatic logon will be performed. This is not possible in the graphical interface of the operating system, so automatic login is configured in the system registry.

The first three parameters in the table can be used to configure automatic logon on non-domain computers.

Note for Windows 8.x / 10... When using a Microsoft account, the DefaultUserName parameter value specifies the username in the form "MicrosoftAccount \\ [email protected]", without quotes.

User selection for automatic login

If you have automatic login enabled, but you need to log in with a different account, press and hold Shiftwhen Windows starts. Or press Log out/Change user in the shutdown menu and hold down Shift.

The change of users during automatic login can also be affected by the string parameter (REG_SZ) ForceAutoLogon in the registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon

The parameter can take values 1 (included) and 0 (switched off). Its purpose is to ensure that the user is always present on the system if automatic login is configured and the computer is turned on. In fact, enabling this option prevents the user from logging out - after logging out of the session, the login is immediately performed automatically. This behavior is designed for computers running in kiosk mode in a public place (such as a library). You can bypass it only by holding the key Shift at the end of the session.

This article will discuss how to set up auto login (automatic login without entering a password) on Windows operating systems. This is useful when there is no need to restrict access to a computer / laptop, so as not to waste time entering the password every time you turn it on.

One of the easiest way, using standard Windows tools, is to use the command control userpasswords2... This is done as follows:

Click Start - Run (or the Win + R keys), and in the window that appears, enter control userpasswords2, and then click OK.

In the window that appears, uncheck the box "Require username and password" and click OK.

In the window that appears, you will be required to enter a username and password.

After entering, you can press OK. Now, when you turn on the computer, you will automatically log in to the system under the user you need.

Using Autologon

Another easy method for setting up automatic logins is to use the third party Autologon program, authored by Mark Russinovich. You can download it from the Microsoft website.

Using the program is as simple as possible - you need to run the downloaded program (installation is not required, but the first time you start you will have to accept the terms of use), and enter all the data you need.

In field Username you should write the username, if the user belongs to the Active Directory domain, then you should specify his name in the field Domain... And finally in the field Password you must enter your password. After that, to turn it on, you just need to press the button " Enable", and after that the auto-login will be configured.

The utility saves the password in the registry in an encrypted form, so you will not be able to view it in the registry after installing the autologin.

Setting via the registry

There is also a way to configure automatic login through the registry.

To enable auto login in the registry, you need to open the Start menu and select the Run command (or press the Win + R key combination). In the window that appears, you need to type regedit and click OK.

Hint: in order to change the value of any parameter, just double-click on it, or right-click and select " Edit".

AutoAdminLogon - We put one, otherwise the automatic login will not work.
ForceAutoLogon - If we want the user to "forcibly" log back into the system, then we put one.
DefaultUserName - The username under which we want to automatically log in to the system.
DefaultPassword - User password under which we want to automatically log in to the system. Most likely, this parameter will be absent, and therefore you will have to create it yourself. To do this, click on an empty space with the right mouse button and select New - String parameter, and assign a name to it DefaultPassword.

DefaultDomainName - The domain of the user under which we want to automatically log in to the system. If the domain is not used, leave it blank.

Now you can close the registry editor and try to restart your computer. If you did everything correctly, then immediately after loading the operating system, an automatic login will occur under the desired user.

Many users of personal computers like it when, when the computer boots up and there is no login password, the system boots without asking to select a user, but sometimes it turns out that Windows XP does not automatically enter, but requires you to select a user by clicking on the icon, even if there is only one. It should be noted that the option with choosing a user and entering a password will undoubtedly provide greater security on computers that are public, that is, it is used by several people - for example, in an office, public place, school or university. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to make sure that when Windows XP boots up, it automatically logs in under a specific user. However, please note that if someone gains access to your computer, passwords can be stolen, spyware installed, and access to all networks and files can be obtained - be careful!

Automatic logon to Windows XP if the computer is not a member of a domain

If you are not working in a domain, then in operating systems Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, as well as Microsoft Windows XP Professional automatic user login you can include in the system without entering a password as follows:

1. Press Start-Run, enter the command control userpasswords2, OK.
2. Hover the cursor over the user for the user to whom we create an automatic login (or enter the username in the next window).
3. Uncheck the box "Require username and password"
4. Enter the password and confirm the password, OK.

Automatic logon to Windows XP when working in a domain

1. Start the registry editor Start-Run, enter the regedit command and click the OK button.
2. Next, we move along the following registry branches:

3. Open the DefaultUserName parameter, enter the username that should log in automatically without entering a password, OK.
4. Open the DefaultPassword parameter, enter the password for the user in the "value" field. In the event that there is no parameter, it will be necessary to create it (in the registry editor Edit, select New-String parameter, enter the name DefaultPassword, press Enter). Please note that if the DefaultPassword is not specified, the system will automatically change the value of the AutoAdminLogon registry key from 1 to 0 in automatic mode, which accordingly disables automatic logging into the system.
5. Open the AutoAdminLogon parameter and change the value from 0 to 1, Ok. If the AutoAdminLogon parameter is missing, you will need to create it yourself (similar to creating the DefaultPassword parameter, only enter 1 in the field)
6. Close the registry editor and restart the computer.

Please note that when using this method, your password will be stored in the registry in an unencrypted form and may be stolen!
In order to bypass the process of automatic logging in the system, press and hold the Shift key after restarting Windows XP or after the user session has ended. Next, to use automatic logon to the operating system, configure the ForceAutoLogon registry parameter from the administrator account using the registry editor (Start-Run, enter the regedit command), which is located in the following registry branch:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / WindowsNT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon
Type: REG_SZ
Data: 1

Let's say that only one person logs on to a computer every day. Does it make sense in this case to enter the code every time you log into Windows XP? Some see this as expedient, while others doubt it. For those who believe that login without a password is most convenient, there are several ways to solve this issue.

This will require editing the system files. At first glance, it may seem that such actions are difficult and for an unprepared person can create a lot of trouble. In fact, if you do everything in order, then no mistakes and difficulties should arise. Each file of the system can be edited back, so the algorithm can be easily restored.

Method one

In this way, we begin to edit the password verification system for those people who work at the computer. First you need to start the editor using a special window. For this, the Start menu is great, which contains all the necessary applications.

First you need to make an entrance to a special window:

  • To do this, open the Start menu.
  • Then we select the special item for quick launch of the programs Run.
  • In the window that opens, write the command to run the application (control userpasswords2).
  • Click on the OK button and wait for the result.

Run window

  • The menu that appears will show who is using the system. You need to put the mouse cursor on the name through which you plan to enter the system without a password.
  • We remove the checkbox from the Require input as ... item so that every time Windows does not display the password request window.
  • The last step is to enter the password for the account.

Accounts window

Method two

The second way involves working with the operating system register. The register contains a large number of parameters, changing which, you can adjust the settings of standard computer programs.

In this case, everything also starts with opening a special window:

  • Again, you will need to select the Start menu at the bottom of the screen.
  • Then we click on the special Run item.
  • Enter in the field that appears in the window, the regedit command to start the system register editor.
  • Click on the OK button and wait for the application to start.
  • The registry editor opens, in which you need to find the address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon.
  • This is the branch that opens through the entry to each folder.

This is what the registry editor looks like

  • Double click on the DefaultUserName parameter. If it is not available, then the system provides the ability to create a parameter with exactly this name. Enter the characters for the user's password and click on the OK button.
  • Next, you also need to double-click on the DefaultPassword, enter the characters of your password in the area called Value, and then click on the OK button again.
  • Click again twice, but by the name AutoAdminLogon, enter the value 1 and click on the OK button.

Selection example Selection example Create Change value

It is important to know that if Windows XP also logs into a specific domain, then such actions will be useless. The solution to this moment is the registration of values \u200b\u200bfor entering the domain:

  • Find in the registry editor, as described above, the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon.
  • We stand on the name AutoAdminLogon and put the value 1 there.
  • Then we navigate to DefaultUserName and write the Windows XP username in it.
  • Go to the DefaultDomainName parameter and write in it the name of the domain that includes the Windows XP system.
  • In the DefaultPassword register parameter, write the user's password.

Also, if some parameter is missing, then it can be easily created in the system.

Third way

In the third method, you do not need to use special settings, but just go into standard windows and see if all the values \u200b\u200bare set as needed.

If you logged into the Windows XP operating system in automatic mode, but then stopped, you need to check the following conditions:

  • Automatic password entry can only be performed with one user.
  • If there is no password, but Windows XP still pops up the window to log in, then the greeting is not disabled. The solution is located at: Go to the Control Panel from the Start menu -\u003e Open the special item User Accounts -\u003e Select the action Change login method -\u003e And decide whether to Use the welcome screen or not.

If there is a task to simply bypass the procedure for automatically identifying the owner of the operating system at startup, you should press the SHIFT button after the process of terminating the session or rebooting. This will change the identification order one time.

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