Record streaming audio from the Internet. Quick Selection Guide (links to download free software for recording audio and video streams)

In addition to the tasks that we are used to solving at the computer every day, not quite ordinary ones occasionally arise. One of these tasks is recording audio on a PC. Few people know that all this is done very simply and only takes a couple of minutes. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to record your voice on your computer. Let's figure it out. Go!

There are two ways to record sound on a PC running Windows operating system: using the built-in system tools and using third-party programs.

Windows has special utilitycalled "Sound Recording". It is installed in all versions operating system both new and old. Of course, this program is not suitable for solving some complex tasks, but for home use it will be enough with your head, for example, to record, edit it, glue fragments, insert musical accompaniment, add comments. You can find this program as follows:

  1. Open Windows Search.
  2. In the appropriate field, enter (without quotes) "Sound Recorder".
  3. Next, select the item of the same name from the list of found options.

Please note that if your PC does not have a microphone, the utility will not start. Each laptop has a built-in microphone, but owners stationary computers you will have to purchase this device. It is also worth buying a microphone if you are not satisfied with the quality of the built-in one.

The utility is very easy to use. Just click on the Start Recording button for the program to start recording sound or speech. When finished, press the square button to stop the process. Then save the file. By default, the maximum duration of an audio file is a minute, but do not rush to get upset, if you are not enough, then you should download the application from the Internet.

There are many voice writing programs available. There are both paid ones - for serious work with sound, and simple free ones for home use. Almost all applications have no restrictions on the recording duration and have various additional sound settings, mixers and sound effects that will make the audio recording better and better. However, you need to understand that without a more or less high-quality microphone, no program will help you make audio recording. good quality... You can also select the audio file format, which is a definite plus, since ".wav" is no different high quality... Among a large number similar applications should pay attention to the following:

  • Sony Sound Forge;
  • WaveLab;
  • GoldWave;
  • Audacity.

These applications have wide functionality and offer the user quite impressive capabilities, however, they are suitable only for serious purposes. These programs are not suitable for home use due to their complexity and cumbersomeness.

This is how you can independently record your voice on your computer. As you can see, this is very simple and fast. Choose the method that is more optimal for solving the tasks. Write in the comments if this article was useful for you and ask any questions of interest on the topic considered.

Good afternoon friends!

Last time I told you. But what if you have neither the time nor the desire to install and learn additional software? Can I record and edit sound directly from the browser window? Oh yes, now it is possible! Just a few years ago, recording online was something of a fantasy. And now this is not just a reality, there are a lot of services thanks to which you can create, edit and combine audio files. We will talk about them today. So let's go.

If you have an idea for a new article and you are afraid to forget it, you can quickly open Vocaroo, record your thoughts in an audio file, and then translate it into text or send a link to the file to a freelancer who will transcribe it for you.

2. Online Audio Joiner is the most multifunctional service

I warn you right away, without knowing the basics of sound recording and creating music, you can't figure it out. But there is documentation (though only in English), and I think sound engineers and music makers will definitely appreciate this service.

Professional audio editors can be expensive and complex. Using them simply to read a couple of phrases into a microphone or cut out the chorus of your favorite song for a ringtone is like shooting a cannon at sparrows.

In order not to score your hDD unnecessary programs, you just need to open an online recording service. It remains only to choose the one that suits you. I hope I was able to help you with this today.

Thanks to the abundance of torrent trackers and other free resources, you can find and download almost any multimedia content to your computer. However, there are exceptions here. What to do, for example, if the broadcasting is in streaming mode and where is the guarantee that the online audio transmission, which you would like to have recorded on your PC, will then be posted on the Internet? In such cases, it is better not to rely on chance, but to take and record sound from the computer yourself.

This is no big deal, you don't even need to special programshowever, their use would be preferable. Let's first consider how to record sound from a computer using the system itself. Popular windows versions there is such useful tool as "Sound Recorder", which allows you to capture the audio stream from both a microphone and sound card... But before you get down to business, you need to check the availability of an appropriate recording device on your computer.

Recording sound on a computer using Windows

Click right click mouse on the sound icon in the tray and select "Recorders" (or "Sound Devices") from the menu.

With a high degree of probability, in the window that opens on the "Recording" tab, you will find only the microphone, which, however, does not mean that other recording devices are not available. Right-click on an empty space in the window and select "Show disabled devices" from the menu. If “Stereo Mixer” or “What U Hear” appears in the list, great, that's what we'll use for capturing audio. Right-click on it, select "Enable" from the menu first, and then "Use as default".

After saving the settings, run from the Start menu standard application Sound Recorder or Voice Recorder (in Windows 10).

We suppose there is no need to explain how to use it, all the work here comes down to pressing one button. Audio will be recorded from the speakers, but if you need to record sound to a computer from a microphone, instead of a stereo mixer in the settings of the "Sound" window, you must select a microphone by default. Naturally, the latter must be connected to the computer.

Programs for recording sound from a microphone and sound card

The above method is simple and convenient, but, alas, it is not suitable for everyone. The point is that the Stereo Mixer device may either not be implemented at the driver level, or it may be blocked by the sound card manufacturer. Sound from the audio card, however, can still be recorded, but you have to use third-party programs... There are many such programs, both paid and free. One of them is Audacity - simple, but powerful program for sound recording and digital audio editing.

The program can record sound from an external and built-in microphone, mixer and Line In channel. On some models of audio cards, it is possible to capture streaming Internet radio, that is, the application can be used as a means of recording sound from the Internet to a computer. There are many other features in Audacity, but in this case we are interested in sound recording. The procedure is as follows. Launch the program, select Windows WASAPI as the signal source, and the device you need as the sound source, that is, a microphone or an audio card.

Unfortunately, for some reason, the names of the available devices in Audacity are displayed in cracks, but this is not such a problem, in the end, you can make test recordings from both outputs, determine the best one and continue to choose it. To capture the audio stream, press the red round button, to stop - the black square. To save the recorded data to a file, go to the menu File - Export and select the desired format.

To save the recording to MP3, you may need to install the lame_enc.dll library

A good alternative to Audacity is - simple program to record sound from your computer. VoiceRecorder allows you to record audio from audio card, microphone and audio card / microphone at the same time, required mode is selected from the dropdown menu. The program supports recording to MP3 and WAV, cutting out silence, choosing the quality of the output file. Sound is captured by pressing the "Record" button, saving - by pressing the "Stop" button.

Of paid apps can I recommend the program AudioMaster, especially if you need to record sound on a computer from a microphone. To do this, in the menu, click "Record sound from a microphone", in the window that opens, select, if necessary, a sound recording device and click the "Start new recording" button.

Upon completion of the recording, AudioMaster will offer to edit it - change the voice parameters, increase the volume, add effects and more. However, you can save the recorded voice without preliminary editing. Click on the save icon located on the toolbar and select the appropriate format in the wizard window.

Sound recording with online services

And in the end, we will consider the third option, namely, how to record sound on a computer through a microphone using special online services. Designed for the widest range of users, they are simple and customizable. Some of the more popular microphone recording services include OnlineVoiceRecorder, VoiceRecorder, Vocalremover, and Dictaphone.

OnlineVoiceRecorder allows you to record audio from the built-in and external microphone with subsequent saving as an MP3 file. The tool is free, practically devoid of settings, has a simple intuitive interface, and supports previewing the recording and cutting it.

Similar functionality is offered by another free service ... This online voice recorder can capture data from a microphone and save it to a WAV file (without loss of quality).

- a good online voice recorder that allows you to record from a microphone, followed by basic editing and saving in MP3, WAV and OGG formats to choose from. After recording, the audio can be listened to, the effects are available to change the tone and size of the "room".

Analogue Vocalremover is a free service that allows you to record sound from a microphone. It differs from previous resources in the ability to overlay audio tracks and save the recording on the server. Additionally, the online application supports mouse navigation, undo and redo. When saving a recording to a file, only one format is available - MP3.

This, perhaps, is all. These were the main ways of recording sound from speakers and a microphone to a computer, which one is better is up to you. In our opinion, it is more universal to use third-party desktop programs that allow you to record sound even when the mixer is unavailable, as for online services, their capabilities are limited, in addition, for correct operation, they may need to enable Flash technology, the use of which is considered unsafe today.


We are all so accustomed to modern technology that we cannot even imagine life without it. Each of us has a telephone, camera, computer, etc. From day to day we call somewhere, take pictures, record and shoot. And this is very good, because after some time it is pleasant to see your pictures and videos, where our relatives are captured.

Many of us love to make audio tracks. For example, some write down their little children as they recite poetry, others like to please loved ones with songs in their performance. Therefore, the question often arises: how to record sound from a computer so that it is of high quality? Now we will learn how to create good audio tracks using some programs.

How from a computer?

  1. Open the "Start" menu, then "All Programs", select the "Standard" item and click on the "Sound Recorder" line.
  2. Press the "Start recording" button and speak into the microphone what you wanted to record.
  3. After you finish your speech, you will need to save it. To do this, press the "Stop Recording" button.
  4. In the window that appears, give a name to the file and click the "Save" button.

Voice recording can now be listened to, recorded on a disc, or even sent to friends via e-mail... Just keep in mind! The recording is saved in and, as a rule, not all players play it. Therefore, it would be better to immediately convert it to mp3. Well, now you know how to record sound from a computer using But, unfortunately, the tracks created using this utility can no longer be edited. For better recording, it is better to use other programs. For example UV SoundRecorder, Audacity, etc.

Recording sound in Skype

People all over the world use Skype for several things: to communicate with family, friends and loved ones, to monitor activities remotely, and for business conferences. And often there is a need especially when it comes to work. We already know how to record sound from a computer using a microphone. It remains to be seen how to do this in skype program... To do this, you need to install additional utility Skype Recorder 2.2. It is distributed free of charge on the Internet. Therefore, you will not have any difficulties with installation. Now all that remains is to launch it before starting a Skype conversation. The recording will start automatically as soon as you contact the interlocutor. It is saved on the hard disk in a predefined format.

Sound recording from sound card

Surely you at least once in your life had such a situation when you really liked the music from some game or the cool voice acting of something? Or maybe you like to listen to various internet radio stations? Now you can easily save your favorite melody with total programs Recorder. Thanks to this utility, you can capture audio from any source. Moreover, the recording quality will be excellent - one to one with the original!

As you can see, there are a large number of programs for recording sound, and each has its own characteristics. Therefore, if the quality of the resulting audio track is important to you, then take a closer look at the Audacity utility. Well, if you want to create a simple amateur recording, you can use the usual standard software that is already installed on your PC.

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