How to get rid of a Microsoft account. Windows accounts - how to delete or change an entry

The Windows operating system is used in a multi-user format. Several users can work on one PC at once. Naturally, over time, a little cleaning is required - deleting unnecessary accounts that have accumulated during work. This is easy enough to do. There are 2 simple deletion options that will get rid of an unnecessary account.

How to delete an account on Windows 7

It is worth considering that only the Administrator can delete an account, and not any user of the device. The easiest way to remove your Microsoft account in Windows 7 is by using the Metro app for Settings.

You can delete an account step by step:

  • go to the "Start" menu and launch the "Settings";
  • then - search for the "Accounts" section;
  • switching to the "Family and other users" attachment, looking for an unnecessary account and clicking on it, a window will appear with options to change the type of account or to withdraw it (you need to click on this parameter);
  • in the window that appeared after clicking, you need to click on the entry "Delete account and data".

You need to know that using this method of deleting accounts, you must be prepared for the loss of all file folders of the user profile. These are folders that are located on the system drive (music, documents, videos, and other downloads). In this case, it is recommended to save all useful information before "cleaning" accounts, for example, in the cloud, on a flash drive or disk, as well as in the non-system part of the disk.

How to delete an account on Windows 8

You can delete an account in a more "gentle" way - deleting by the same first method as Windows 7, but only in the classic variation - by using the Windows Control Panel, which warns of possible consequences before deleting the "account".

Account deletion takes place in several stages:

  • by pressing the "Start" key, open the context menu to launch the "Control Panel";
  • go to the item "User accounts";
  • search and click on "Delete user accounts";
  • selection of the user whose account needs to be deleted;
  • after that we delete the user account by clicking on "Delete account";
  • in the window that appears - the warning about the loss of information, click "Save files";
  • finishing press - "Delete account".

As a result, the unnecessary account is deleted, and the saved personal information appears in one folder on the desktop (the files are carefully arranged by the system into thematic folders). It is important to know that you can delete a local account in Windows 10 in the same way. In principle, all recent versions of Windows can be deleted in the same way.

How to delete an account on Windows 10

In order to delete an account in Windows 10, you can simply erase it using the command line.

This is done like this:

  • launching the command line in the context menu by the "Start" button by the computer administrator;
  • entering the command net users + "Enter";
  • enter the command net user Username / delete and click on "Enter" (username is the name of the entry to be deleted).

After pressing the last command, the unnecessary account is deleted from the system.

It is often necessary to delete a Microsoft account, but keep in mind that once you delete it, the user will no longer be able to access the system's products and services. Before deleting your Microsoft account, you need to put it in order - save valuable files on another medium, cancel all subscriptions, check the status of financial accounts that are displayed on it, as well as written information in In addition, you will need to tell other users how to contact you after you delete your Microsoft account.

The Microsoft account is deleted in this way:

  • go to the section "Account closure";
  • you must follow these settings exactly if you are prompted to access or verify your account;
  • if the account you want to delete is selected correctly, you need to click on the "Next" button;
  • reading the list and setting checkboxes - confirmations;
  • choosing the reason for deleting the account in the "Select a reason" item;
  • click on "Mark for closing".

It is important to know that an account marked for closure is valid for 2 months before permanently deleting the record. If you need to restore this account, you just need to stop closing the account by logging into it.

Deleting family member user accounts

It should be noted that such records are usually not deleted in a standard way. Needed in the application "Parameters" in step "Family and other users" click on the required user account and by clicking on "Block" confirm the ban on the operation of the account directly on this PC.

If there are no password-protected accounts on the computer or laptop, then an unauthorized user will be denied access to control this computer device. Only the Administrator can allow him to use the PC, unblocking in the reverse order - click on "Allow" with confirmation in the additional option.

The complete procedure for removing a user account from the family must be performed with the Microsoft account of the administrator of this computer. To do this, you need to enter the optional window of the browser used on the Microsoft website and sign in to your account. Once in it, you need to find the section "Family" and click on the item "Delete"... After that, in the pop-up window, we look for the user account that needs to be excluded and click on the line "Delete"... Next, you can erase the account using any of the standard deletion methods in Windows, which are described in this article.

Hello dear users. Today we will consider a question that many have already faced and few have found a way out. Is it possible to delete an account in Windows 10, and how to do it?

Installing Windows 10, you will be prompted to write a custom name and password from a Microsoft account. By entering this information, you agree that Windows 10 will use it to launch the operating system. Naturally, most of the users are not satisfied with this situation.

There can be many reasons, but the most common one is unwillingness to enter a difficult and difficult-to-remember password every time you log in to the system. That is why today I will talk about how to get rid of your account and work on your account.

Click on the Start icon and then on your username. A small block should appear on the screen, on it you should click on the line "Change account settings". Then a new window will open in which you can set up your personal account. Click on "Sign in with a local account instead"

You will see a window titled "Switch to Local Account". You must write your account password and click "Next".

Then you will need to write a username, password and a hint if you suddenly forget your password. There are times when a person does not want to put a password on an account. In this case, just leave the "password" line blank.

That's all. Now we click on the "Log out and shut down" block.

After completing this sequence of steps, you will sign out of your Microsoft account and sign in with your local account. Now there has been a switch between the records, and in order to completely get rid of the Windows 10 account, you need to:

  1. Open the start menu,
  2. "Account parameters".
  3. At the bottom of the page, you can completely delete the entry.

Delete multiple entries

This method will help those users who have more than one account.

First, log into the system as an administrator for the account you plan to keep.

  • Launch the "Start" menu;
  • Select Options";
  • Then "Accounts";
  • In the new block, click on the link "Family and other users".
  • In the list of "Other users" that appears, find the account that you are going to delete. Click on it first, and then on the "Delete" button, as shown in the screenshot.

After that, you will see a warning block stating that when this account is destroyed, all user files (desktop files, photos, videos, documents, etc.) will be erased from the computer. Therefore, think in advance about the safety of the necessary data. If everything is in order with this, click on the "Delete account and data" block.

Within a short time, the recording will be completely deleted from the device.

Removing a local account using the control panel

It differs in that here, when the account is destroyed, all user files can be saved. We will work with the control panel. We enter the system with administrator rights.

Open the Windows 10 Control Panel (select the "icons" view). We select the sub-item "User accounts". Highlight the Microsoft account to be deleted. Click on the "Delete account" button.

This question is asked by users, most likely due to the constant password entry, when turning on or waking up from the sleep mode of their computer in windows tenth version. However, there may be other reasons for deleting a Microsoft account. Well, since you want to do this, then you know exactly why.

If you are worried about constantly entering a password and for this very reason you want to delete your Microsoft account, then from the beginning I advise you to read the article How to remove a password when logging into Windows 10. I also want to note that using a local account, some functions in windows 10 may not be available, for example, you cannot use a picture password, a pin code to log in to the system. Well, if you finally decided to do this, then read the article further.

In fact, using this method to delete your Microsoft account will not lead you to completely destroy it. This method will show you how to switch to a local account without bothering you with your microsoft account. But then if you have a desire to go back, you can do it without any problems. In any case, at the end of the article, we will show you how to completely remove your Microsoft account.

In the opened window of windows settings, you guessed it, we are interested in the accounts tab.

In the " your parameters", click on the item" log in instead with a local account".

In the window that opens, enter the current password for your Microsoft account.

Then we introduce username for local accounting. You can also enter a password for it, but if you switched to this account precisely because of entering the password, then of course you skip this item.

Click on the button .

The system has now booted with a local account and everyone is happy.

To completely remove the account, go to the account settings and select the " e-mail address; app accounts". Find your microsoft account, click on it and click delete.

We confirm the deletion by pressing YES.

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Most often, a Microsoft account is created when the operating system is activated. The person is asked to enter a login, usually an email address, as well as a password. However, this method of using a PC or other device can be inconvenient, which is why people want to know how to delete their Microsoft account. Subsequently, you can return to working with regular local recording.

The peculiarity of such a profile is that it is the same for many resources. For example, using the same data, you can go not only to your computer, but also to Skype, as well as to the Xbox system. Deleting an account can affect all of these resources. Therefore, before embarking on such a process, it is necessary to devote time to a number of preliminary measures.

Working with files and data

Over time, resources from Microsoft accumulate a variety of data that can be useful later to someone who decided to delete their account. For example, it can be:

  • Emails and various files in Hotmail, and other similar services.
  • Information held by HealthVault and MSN Money.
  • Skype contacts, if they were added using

You will also lose everything related to purchases in systems from Microsoft. A person will lose access to information about various purchases from the official website, as well as to keys to digital goods. Finally, the absence of an account will also be reflected in the music downloaded using Xbox Music. It will be possible to listen to it, but it will not be possible to upload it to some other medium.

The user will feel significant consequences from such actions.XboxLive. After deletion, his account will be completely reset, all achievements, as well as the gamertag, will disappear. All of this must be borne in mind before closing your account. You need to take steps to save the files you need and make sure that nothing important is lost forever.

Paid subscriptions

Many resources from Microsoft provide a paid subscription option. For example, on you can pay to be ad-free, and Xbox Live Gold offers free games and discounts on select products. Before deleting your entry, you need to make sure that money will not be debited for something that no one else uses.

You can deal with this issue on the Microsoft website.

  • On the page you need to find the section "Payment and billing".

  • This is where the Subscriptions button is located.
  • Next, you need to follow the instructions of the technical support service to confirm the fact of owning this account.
  • Then you need to select the subscriptions you want to stop paying for and click on "Manage".
  • Most of the time, the system will automatically cancel, so you just need to follow the onscreen instructions.
  • Sometimes this does not happen, and then you need to select the item "Contact support".

Xbox-related subscriptions usually need to be searched for on another page, appropriately titled Xbox Support. The same applies to Skype. Basically, if a service was not listed in the Payment and Billing section, then you need to contact the person who sold this subscription directly.

New address and Microsoft Points

Since a Microsoft account is also associated with various email services, you need to make sure people can contact the owner in a different way beforehand. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to three points:

  • For sixty days after deletion, the owner will no longer be able to get into his mailbox, but he will still accept letters.
  • After this period, all data and materials stored inside the mail will be deleted.
  • The very same address (in particular, from Outlook) can be transferred to someone else.

It is best to set up an automatic reply for everyone who sends an email to this address before closing your account. In it, you can inform about the deletion of your account, as well as indicate another mail to which you need to write. Automatic reply is configured in Account Management. You can get into it through the Parameters item.

Next, you need to make sure that there are no Microsoft Points in your account. If they are, then you must first spend them. You can find out about the quantity using "Billing", where you need to select the section "Payment methods".

Finally, you also need to address the issue of coherent children's accounts linked to the main one. After all possible losses from account closure are minimized, you can proceed directly to the main process.

How do I delete my Microsoft account?

The deletion itself does not occur immediately. For about two months, the account will simply be inactive. During this time, the owner may decide that they do not want to close their record. In this case, he will be able to continue using it without any problems. If the deadline has already expired, then it will be impossible to restore the account..

How to delete your Microsoft account:

  • On the official website, you need to get into the record review column. To do this, enter an email address and password.
  • There you need to find Security and privacy, and then click on "Change password and additional information"
  • At the bottom of the page that opens is the "Account Closure".
  • Inside it is a button with the corresponding name "Close Account".
  • After clicking on Next, you will need to indicate the reason for the deletion. The process ends with the Mark for Close button.

To work with a Windows 10 account, you can use the internal resources of your computer. To begin with, in Start you need to select a username. A small pop-up menu will appear, with the line "Change account settings" going first.

  • Clicking on it will open the settings window.
  • In the column for your account on the right side there will be an item "Sign in instead with a local account".

  • After that, you will need to enter the data from your Microsoft account and click on Next.

  • The data from the new record is now being entered. If desired, the password can be omitted.

  • After that, you need to log out of this system and log in to a new account.

All that remains is to permanently delete the old account. To do this, you need to reopen the settings window and select your Microsoft account there. Below it is the Delete button. You need to click on it.

There is another way to delete your Microsoft account. For example, you can use the command line. This method is especially good because it will work for any version of Windows 10, although it requires administrator rights.

  • The command line is invoked with the combination of Win and R.
  • The word fits into it netplwiz, and then press Enter.
  • A small window will appear with a Users column. Here you need to mark the entry to be deleted.

Then all that remains is to confirm the deletion by pressing the appropriate button and close the window with OK.

Video instruction

Read, how to delete an unnecessary, old or someone else's account in Windows 10... Let's consider three ways - use the most convenient one. Windows 10 is the latest available operating system from Microsoft. It has significantly expanded its functionality to fully exploit the capabilities of your computer. Various functions have been added and changed to simplify the work in the system and synchronize the user account on different devices. Many functions have simply been improved.

For example, in Windows 10as in its earlier versions, there is a function that allows you to add multiple users to one system. To access the computer, Windows 10 offers to connect your identifier to a user account Microsoftto expand your capabilities on the new operating system. But you can not connect it and work in Windows 10 only as a local user. You can also add other local users, thereby expanding the circle of people who have access to the computer. However, when you no longer need someone else's account on your system, you shouldn't just leave it. A user account takes up a certain amount of disk space, which is used for a specific user. You can delete an unused account, thereby freeing up additional space. Below we show how you can delete a user record in Windows 10.


Removing a user account in Windows 10

Open the app by pressing the button at the bottom of the screen "Start" and selecting the gear button in the left side menu.

In the application, go to the settings group.

Select a tab. Here you will see a list of all users added to the current system.

Select the user account you want to part with and click "Delete"that appears below it. You may be prompted for an administrator password. If the button "Delete" is not displayed or is inactive, log in to your account as an administrator, and then try the uninstall procedure again.

You will receive a message that all data stored in the user account will be deleted. This means deleting all of his data from this computer stored on the system drive. "FROM" in the user folder of the same name, including desktop objects, documents, photos, downloads, videos, and other files. User data will not be deleted on other drives. If the user has saved files on a different non-system drive, they will all remain there. Only files from the user's own libraries on the system drive will be deleted "FROM".

Click the button "Delete account and data"to complete the process of deleting a user record. When you do this, you will no longer be able to restore the data back. They will be lost forever.

Deleting a User Account in Windows 10 - Method Two

You can use the more traditional way to delete the user account in Windows 10... Click the button "Start" at the bottom of the screen, in the main menu go to the section "System Tools - Windows" and select a tab.

Select the user account you want to delete.

In the window "Change account" you can choose different functions to control this recording. Click the link.

A confirmation form will open in front of you. Click the button to confirm the deletion of the user account.

Removing a user account in Windows 10 - method three

This method also requires you to have administrator rights to delete the account. Press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R, in the opened tab "Run" at the command prompt enter "Netplwis" and press the button "OK" to continue.

A window will open in front of you "User accounts"... Select the required username whose account you plan to delete and click "Delete".

After confirming the deletion process, the selected user account will be deleted.


You cannot delete all up to one user accounts in Windows 10... If you want to create a new account for yourself and get rid of your old user account, you need to first create a new account and give it administrator rights. You will not be able to delete your old user account with administrator rights until you log in with the new user details.

If you want to delete your current account, but do not want or do not have the ability to add a second user, then the best solution is to reinstall the Windows 10 operating system. Pre-save all the necessary files to another disk, since after reinstalling Windows 10 they will disappear. Reinstall your operating system and start using a new account.

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