Charging the phone from one battery diagram. How to charge the phone from a regular finger battery

If the battery in your phone has ordered to live for a long time, and there is no outlet for charging at hand, you can reanimate your gadget using a regular 9-volt Krona battery.

You may have already seen this hack on the Internet. ... This time we offer you another, easier way to charge your phone battery with a cheap battery.

To do this, you need one that you plug into your cigarette lighter. Next, take the spring from the automatic ballpoint pen and put it on the metal corner on the side of the charger, as shown in the photo above.

Then line up the 9V Krona battery and connect it with the large (negative) terminal to the spring. The positive contact of the battery should touch the center of the car charger.

How long will it take?

We personally tried this life hack for handy phone charging. For example, to increase the charge iPhone smartphone SE from 60% to 67%, it only took 7 minutes. The exact charging time you need to reanimate your fully discharged phone will depend on how badly your gadget has run down and how much charge is left in the battery.

Of course, in order to somehow recharge a dead phone, you will have to hold the battery and charger in your hands in an uncomfortable position. Your hands may get tired. But you can find a way out. For example, fix "Crown" on charger using scotch tape or put the structure on the table and press down with heavy books.

How many batteries do you need to fully charge your phone?

A typical 9-volt Krona battery has charge capacity 500 milliampere hours (mAh)... Compare it to your phone's battery capacity. Here are some examples:

  • iPhone 8: 1,821mAh
  • iPhone 7: 1,960mAh
  • iPhone SE: 1,624mAh (this is the phone we tested)
  • Galaxy S8 or S9: 3000mAh
  • Pixel 2: 2,700mAh

To fully charge your phone with a 3000mAh battery, you need about 6 batteries. So this hack is not ideal if you want to charge your phone to a full battery.

In this case, you will not only have to throw out a lot of batteries after charging, but also spend a huge amount of time charging. But nevertheless, this is a great life hack for those who do not know how to charge their phone without electricity, at least in order to write a few messages or make several calls, informing about themselves.

At least one Krona battery will be enough for you to turn on and you can ask for help by calling a single number 112.

This is one of the best life hacks for motorists who can find themselves in a deserted place with a dead phone and a fully depleted car battery, which will not allow the phone to be reanimated to call and ask for help. So we recommend a few Krona 9-volt batteries.

What if this method doesn't work?

First, make sure everything is connected. The spring should touch the metal of the side cover of the car charger. You may need to press a button on the end of the car charger (positive terminal) and your charging cable should be connected as usual.

On larger phones, in theory, this kind of battery charging could potentially have problems supplying sufficient voltage under load. As a result, the phone charging can be started and turned off many times. To do this, then you need to add two 9-volt AA batteries (finger batteries), as in the photo:

To connect the crown and finger batteries, you can use ordinary foil as a contact. By the way, it is more convenient to glue it to the battery using super glue.

Attention! Make sure the pieces of foil do not touch each other, if you do not want to short circuit!

Also, if you buy batteries and put them in the glove compartment of your car, do not forget to throw in it the automatic ballpoint pen with a spring inside, which you will need to connect car charger to the battery. As a last resort, you can of course use pieces of aluminum foil instead of the spring. But the spring from a ballpoint pen is easier and more convenient to use.

But better and more modern is to get a portable charger, which you should take with you, having previously charged it at home from the outlet. In this case, you will never have a headache on the road, where to charge the phone if the battery is dead in the car.

Also, do not forget that if you took your laptop with you, then you can charge your phone using the computer by plugging the phone charging cable into the laptop's USB port.

If the charge level mobile phone falls, but you need to make a lot of calls or other manipulations with the gadget, you need to save its energy or look for ways to extend the work. There are a number of methods with their own advantages and disadvantages that will help to recharge your mobile without the usual charging.

Charge your phone via USB port

If in the house or in the place where you are, there is a USB cable and a computer, laptop, tablet, mini PC or TV with the appropriate connector, then you can easily charge your phone. What to do: Plug the cable into the main unit (OP) and watch it charge. An important condition - the phone must have a working socket, and the op amp must be fully charged or connected to the network. The charging speed under such conditions is not less than when connecting a conventional charger.

Typically, smartphones come standard with a USB cable (mini or micro, depending on the type of gadget). Also, the wire can be found in packaging from a camera, tablet, e-book and other devices. Difficulties should not arise. The cable can be designed to connect several phones at once.

Induction charger

Developers of some iPhone models and mobile phones on operating system Android is provided with a wireless or induction charger. The charger looks like a round or square platform. You need to put the phone on it and thanks to the alternating magnetic field, the cell will receive the energy necessary for work.

Such a charger is sold in any mobile accessory store, but you need to get used to it. The downside is a short range, which means that you need to lay out the gadget in a special way to ensure charging. This type of charger is very popular among mobile owners who have a broken connector.

PowerBank for phone

Almost every user has an external battery, or PowerBank. This is a real salvation for those who practically do not let go of the phone. The device has a corresponding charging connector and a USB cable that connects the gadget to a power source.

In a few minutes, the mobile will receive a certain percentage of the charge. The main condition of work external battery - it pre-charges itself. This power source has the same feed rate as a standard charger.

Solar panels for charging

Effective way solar panels will charge the phone without charging. The method is relevant if you are in an open area, in nature, far from civilization. It is necessary to have cloudless or slightly cloudy weather. The principle of charging is simple. The small unit is equipped with photovoltaic cells, the cells of which absorb solar energy and transmit it through a cord to the phone.

A similar device can be designed for one or more gadgets.

Solar panels retain energy for a long time, but the device will charge slower than standard charging.

This is due to the fact that the solar cells themselves are very small and cannot generate more energy.

How to charge the battery with the "frog"

If you don't have a conventional charger at hand, you can charge your phone without a charger using the so-called "frog" method. To do this, you need to remove the battery and insert it into a special power supply. Such chargers, as a rule, go as universal devices.

The telephone battery connector is resizable. To prevent the battery from dangling and touching the contacts, there is a "slider" that easily moves, thereby adjusting the unit to the size of the battery. Often on sale you can find devices designed for only one type of battery, but today this is already a rarity.

Direct connection to battery terminals

If you cannot charge your phone without a charger one at a time the above methods, then you can use the laboratory method, for which you will need:

  • mobile phone battery;
  • old charger;
  • electrical network.

On an old charger, strip the end of the cord so that the red (+) and blue (-) wires are exposed, separate them slightly.

To ensure your safety in the future, use rubber gloves. Work order:

  1. Remove the battery from the mobile, find the plus and minus there.
  2. Attach the blue wire to the plus, and red to the minus.
  3. Secure the device with tape or tape.
  4. Set aside the structure on a surface free of various objects and plug into the network.

When correct connection the device will instantly start charging. It is highly discouraged to charge the battery in this way to the maximum mark. Charge to make a call or send a message, and disconnect the device.

Extreme ways

There are more extreme "folk" methods for charging, but they should be used only when absolutely necessary, as they can harm the owner of the phone and others. The described methods, if they work, provide a small charge, which is enough for a couple of minutes of a call.

For a mobile phone, from charging from a crown to a voltage converter and mechanical generators. In the field, when there is no outlet nearby, the phone can be charged using whatever methods are available. Everyone, even in emergency situations, has finger-type batteries. Today we will consider just such a charging method, or rather, we will charge a mobile phone from 4 finger-type batteries.

Batteries are best used with large capacity (durasel, etc.), and it is best to use finger-type batteries with a voltage of 1.3 volts each.

Next, you need to connect all 4 batteries in a sequential manner. As a result, we will have an operating voltage of 5.8-6 volts. Next, you need a 2 ohm resistor and a semiconductor diode, this is for insurance. The diode will fit literally any rectifier, but the diode and resistor can be excluded from the circuit, everything will work fine without them. Then we connect the voltage source (a block of batteries) to the plus and minus of the plug for charging your mobile phone, respectively, and you're done! Only 4 batteries, what could be simpler? You can buy a ready-made cassette holder for them, for only $ 1.

When using finger-type batteries with a capacity of 1000 mA / hour, the charger will charge your phone for 40 minutes, while using the usual<<угольных>\u003e batteries, the phone will be charged for no more than 15 minutes.

Batteries are also convenient because they can be charged. The device can be placed in any convenient case, supplemented with a socket for charging a backup source and off you go.

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