A single megaphone number for the operator. All contacts megaphone

The telecom operator's help desk provides customer support for any questions that arise. By calling the hotline, subscribers can consult on the services and tariffs of the company, check the balance, find out the required amount of payment for services and the conditions for connecting to certain tariff plans.

The operator's support service number Megafon operates around the clock, seven days a week and holidays. This means that clients can receive the necessary assistance at any time convenient for them. To solve the problem, it is enough to call the Megafon support service on the required line and tell the specialist about your problem.

This article will help you navigate in what situations exactly to whom you need to contact.

Free telephone number of the unified federal hotline Megafon

Unified federal hotline number allows the company's clients to call the call-center service from anywhere in Russia... Moreover, you can contact specialists even with a negative balance.

Free hotline Megafon: 8 800 550 05 00 .

Calls are absolutely free from landline and mobile phones of any operators.

Communication with the help desk from a mobile

A short support number is available for subscribers of the Megafon cellular network. It is more convenient to call a mobile operator from a mobile phone using it. The numbers are easy to remember: 0500 .

The operator number Megafon of 4 digits is the same for all regions. You can send questions by SMS to the short number 0500. Subscriber service specialists answer in a short time.

How to call the support service from a landline phone

You can call a Megafon operator from a city number using a single hotline phone: 8 800 550 05 00 .

In Russia, calls will not cost a dime to the caller. Additional customer support centers of the company may operate in Russian regions, calls to which are free only for Megafon subscribers in this region.

How to contact an operator directly without an answering machine

In order to call a live operator, you should use the service voice menu. To do this, you need to call the phones:

  • 8 800 550 05 00;
  • 0500.

After connecting, follow the service commands. The voice menu support system may change from time to time, but in any case it will lead to the goal if done correctly.

Support phone number for corporate clients

Representatives of corporate clients can call a single federal reference service number: 8 800 550 05 00 .

Additionally acts hotline for legal entities: +7 924 111 05 55.

Hotline number for individuals

Within the Russian Federation, in all regions of the state, telephone numbers of a single hotline are valid for individual subscribers:

  • 8 800 550 05 00 ;
  • 0500 .

Individual support phone number, abroad: +7 926 111 05 00.

At the same time, within the country, the operator can additionally use regional customer service centers.

How to call or send SMS to Megafon from a computer online

On the official website of the company there is a free message sending service to clients Megafon http://moscow.megafon.ru/help/info/message/... Only subscribers of the operator can send sms.

To use the service, you must enter your valid number, and then go through the confirmation procedure, for which you will have to use the code received on your mobile device. The phone number of the message recipient is also entered.

The online support service is completely free. The very same sms message will be sent on behalf of the specified number.

How to call the technical support of the operator

Megafon technical support is an integral part of the general user consultation service.

Therefore, a call to any of the above phones will allow you to receive the necessary assistance - after the situation is clarified, the operator will redirect the call to the technical support phone.

How to call Megafon from Tele2, Beeline, MTS, Phoenix

Megafon provides an opportunity to resolve issues from the phones of other operators. The federal hotline number is the same and does not change for calls from another operator.

To contact a call center specialist, you need to dial from any mobile device: 8 800 550 05 00 .

Moreover, it is unrealistic to call Megafon's subscriber service using a short number from SIM cards MTS, Tele2, Beeline, Phoenix, so you should not waste time on such attempts.

How to call the help desk with a zero balance

Megafon customers can call the subscriber service numbers, even if they have no money on their balance. Calls to support service numbers 8 800 550 05 00 and 0500 cost nothing to subscribers. Therefore, you can not be afraid that a call to the hotline will drive the client into debt.

How to call the Megafon support service in roaming

The company provides worldwide information support to clients traveling and on business trips. At the moment, the hotline for calls from abroad: +7 926 111 05 00.

Calls are free of charge for Megafon subscribers around the world.

Most of the services provided by Megafon can be connected independently. For this, there is a short number 0500. By pressing the keys dictated by the answering machine, the desired service or function is selected, and the listened information becomes a guide to the target. However, often the explanations of the autoinformer do not give a detailed answer to the question or the explanation is not clear. It can happen that you do everything in accordance with what you heard, but there is no result. Or there is no information about your problem at all in the answering machine database. In this case, live communication with a qualified specialist is required.

Megafon is always happy to help its customers contact the operator and get an answer to their question. This can be done in several ways.

How to contact the operator of Megafon by cellular

To hear the operator's response, you need to call the specially designated short number 0500. You can use this service from your phone, even if it has a negative balance. For Megafon subscribers, this call is completely free. The short number 0500 is a federal number that is the same for all residents of any of the regions of Russia.

The autoinformer will give a short consultation, after which it will be clear if this information is enough for you, or if you need the help of a competent specialist. If the answering machine information is insufficient, press "0". The automatic service will warn you that Call-center calls are being recorded, and will also tell you the waiting time for a response from the operator. After waiting for a connection with a specialist, explain in detail and politely your problem and try to solve it together with the operator.

You can also contact the Megafon operator by calling the hotline +79261110500 (for Moscow residents), 88003330500, +74955077777, 88005500500 (for all other regions).

How to contact the operator of Megafon via the Internet

Another option to get an answer from the Megafon operator is to contact him through the official website of the company megafon.ru. in this case, you can count on an online consultation through the video camera built into your computer. On the main page of the site you need to find the "Help" section, from it go to the "Ask a question" tab and click on the "Video call" button. This option is suitable for those Megafon subscribers, whose computer is equipped with a web-camera and microphone, and the Internet speed is high enough so that the connection does not break and does not hang.

If your internet speed is not sufficient and it was not possible to get a video consultation, the Megafon website offers the help of an Online Specialist. It is located in the same "Help" section.

Here, on the official website, you can find an e-mail address or the "Feedback" section, where you can get an answer to your question. Just fill out the standard form or write a letter to the email address. Make sure the email address is correct for your region.

If all of the above methods, for some reason, did not work, and the question related to Megafon cellular communication remains open, you can try to state it in an SMS message, which should be sent to 0500. You should receive an answer shortly.

The technical service of the Megafon cellular company works around the clock, so you can solve the problem at any time.

Unlike other mobile operators from the big four, Megafon continues to pursue a flexible policy in providing assistance to its subscribers. At the same time, the company is actively introducing various intelligent systems, including those for processing text messages. But the availability of a "live" operator for providing reference information remains at a high level. This article will tell you how to contact Megafon for help and which number to call.

It is most convenient to resolve urgent issues in a dialogue with an operator. For these purposes, the Megafon help desk has several free numbers that you can call at any time and get qualified specialist assistance.

Megafon how to call an operator from a mobile?

  1. Call to a short number for Megafon subscribers. Free service number 0500 is available to all Megafon customers around the clock. By calling it, the subscriber will automatically be switched to a virtual assistant that recognizes human speech without any problems. If you have no desire to communicate with the robot, you should use one of the options:
    - refuse to help the robot and ask him to switch you to the operator;
    - press "0" and wait for the characteristic beeps.
  2. A call to a megaphone from an MTS, Beeline, Tele2 phone or a landline number. To call technical support, dial 8-800-550-05-00. This number is available around the clock to all Megafon subscribers throughout Russia. In addition, any resident of the country can call him, both from a SIM card of MTS, Beeline, and from a landline phone.
  3. Communication with the technical support of the operator in roaming. Subscribers who travel abroad with a Megafon SIM card will also not be left without technical support. To make a free call to an operator outside the Russian Federation, you need to dial the reference number of your home region: + 7-920-111-05-00 - Central region;
    + 7-921-111-05-00 - North-West region;
    + 7-926-111-05-00 - Capital Region;
    + 7-927-111-05-00 - Volga region;
    + 7-928-111-05-00 - Caucasus region.
  4. Help for corporate clients. Corporate clients are supported by calling 0555 for calls from a Megafon SIM card and 8-800-550-05-55 from any phone.

Additional methods of communication with the Megafon operator

If calling or dialing one of the call-center numbers in your region is problematic, then it's time to pay attention to one of the alternative sources of information.

Daily communication on social networks has become commonplace for urban youth. It is enough to register in one of the messengers to keep abreast of all the latest company events. You can go to Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte and livejournal directly from the website or mobile application.

Chat is a great alternative to calling the help desk. However, not all Megafon clients have the possibility of online correspondence. In particular, residents of St. Petersburg can use this service by clicking on the "Ask a question in chat" link located in the "Support" section.

If you can clearly and concisely formulate your question, then it should be sent via SMS to 0500. On the territory of the Russian Federation, messages from Megafon SIM cards are free.

For a written request to the support service, you should fill out a special form located on the company's website in the "Support" section. After clicking on the "Write to us" link, a form will appear where you can not only ask a question to a specialist, but also leave a review or write about the fact of fraud. In any case, the support service undertakes to send a response to the mailbox indicated in the form within 24 hours.

In the case when it is not possible to remotely solve the problems that have arisen, you should contact one of Megafon's communication salons. You can find out where the nearest one is located on the Internet at megafon.ru or by calling the information desk.

Communication with the Megafon help desk is the easiest way to solve any problem with cellular communication. Most users prefer this method to visits to the service office and trying to figure out the Service Guide. However, it is not always possible to call the Megafon help desk from a mobile - therefore, it is necessary to indicate all communication contacts with the operator.

How to call the Megafon help desk from a mobile?

There is a single short number 0500 for Megafon subscribers. Calling to this number is completely free, regardless of whether you are calling from your region or calling from intranet roaming. To communicate with a "live" consultant, you need to press the number 0 during a conversation.

Subscribers of other mobile operators need to dial the entire information number, namely 88003330500. It is also free and available around the clock.

If you need to call the Megafon help desk from your home phone, you need to dial the number in full format, just as when calling from a SIM card of another operator.

Help phone Megafon for communication with the virtual consultant

In order to obtain information, you can contact the virtual consultant Megafon (number 88005500500) - a program that is actively being finalized and improved. A virtual consultant can tell you how to connect or disconnect a particular service, but explain where the money disappears from the number is beyond the boundaries of his competence. At the moment, the virtual consultant is not very popular among subscribers who prefer to deal with "live" specialists, but the attitude can change when the robot learns to solve all the problems.

A virtual consultant is also available at 88005500767. Important: calls to a virtual consultant from numbers of other operators are charged.

You can contact the Megafon help desk while in another country by calling +79261110500. It is important not to change +7 to 8, because this is the country code for Russia. The call will also be free exclusively for Megafon subscribers.

Telephone numbers of information services Megafon Moscow and St. Petersburg

To contact Megafon Moscow, you can dial +74955077777. This number is free when calling from the Moscow region, but provincials are better off using other, less expensive communication methods.

The telephone number of the Megafon information desk in North-West Russia (including St. Petersburg) is as follows: +78129600500. When calling from international roaming, you should use another number: +79211110500.

There are many ways to contact the Megafon help desk, however, you should be careful if you call from another operator - in this case, some of the listed numbers are charged.

Modern man has become addicted to high-quality cellular services. Without them, business negotiations may break down or documents will not be ready on time; in addition, many people use phones when traveling and on vacation, where the availability of the Internet and voice communication is also very important. The client does not need a Megafon help desk so often, but the questions that have arisen usually cannot wait long. It is better at this moment to know all the options how you can contact the support center.

Contacting the help desk from Megafon phones

The Megafon help desk is available from this mobile operator by short phone number 0500. Remembering it is easy, but not necessary at all it is recorded on each new SIM card of the operator without fail... Megafon offers a help desk phone operator 0500 for completely free calls for any questions. Even with a minus on the account, you can contact support.

Before talking with a live employee, the system will offer to talk to an autoinformer. With the help of it, the help service in Megafon allows you to solve many common questions, for example, on setting up the Internet.

Worth knowing! In Megafon, the reference service phone number 0500 suggests using also for sending SMS... In this case, the answer will also come as a message, but you will not have to wait for a long time for the employee in the queue to respond.

Important! This number is available only on the territory of the Russian Federation and exclusively from SIM cards Megafon.

Contacting the Megafon help desk from other operators

Sometimes situations require urgent communication with a specialist, and the Megafon SIM card is not at hand, as luck would have it. In this case, Megafon offers the help desk telephone of the federal format 8-800550-0500. It can be dialed from any mobile or city operator.

It is also possible to get advice from the robot by calling the direct number 8-800550-0767. The machine, of course, will not be able to answer a difficult question, but it will tell you quickly and in detail about options, tariffs and other standard topics. The main thing is that in this case you don't have to wait in line.

Important! Megafon help is available from any operators, but the call will be free only for the company's clients. The remaining SIM cards and landline phones will be charged.

Contacting the Megafon help desk from roaming

Often, subscribers are faced with communication issues while traveling abroad in their native Russia. They can relate to tariffs, options, and so on, thanks to which you can save on communications. Short numbers and telephones from the 8-800 series in other countries will be unavailable for the subscriber. To contact the support center, you will have to dial + 7-926111-0500. This number is free for Megafon subscribers, regardless of the country... Payment will be required from SIM cards of another operator. It is worth writing down this number before going on a trip abroad.

Other ways to get support

If phone users can call the operator without any problems and resolve the issue, then the situation with the owners of tablets and modems is much more complicated. Often these devices do not support voice communication and even SMS cannot always be sent from them. In this case, you can use support on the company's website and chat with an employee in online chat... Also there you can write a letter to the company on the page " Contacts". True, in the latter case, you will have to wait for an answer for several hours.

Another opportunity to communicate with the operator's employees is to use social networks... Company profiles are available in all popular networks. Questions asked in this way are processed with the highest priority, since the company does not want to publicly discuss the problems.

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