Utility for checking the hard drive windows 7. How to find out the state and health of the hard drive, how to view the SMART readings (HDD, SSD) and estimate how long the drive will last. What are "broken sectors"

Lack of free space on your hard drive is a constant problem. With the purchase of a more capacious carrier, it is not solved, but only aggravated: the more information accumulates, the more difficult it is to control it and at the same time observe a certain conditional order.

There are many utilities for finding duplicates, obsolete and others unnecessary files, however, service maintenance of the disk does not eliminate the need for self-directed "debris removal". These files, as often happens, are stored in folders of various nesting levels. Using the file manager toolkit for searches is one option. By the way, even the standard Explorer has a filter and search. However, there are more efficient, comprehensive analysis solutions disk space... Typically, they include features such as:

  • Scan disks and directories
  • Data Visualization: Display the file structure as a chart, graph or map
  • Extended statistics and its export
  • Search for duplicates, temporary files
  • Filters and advanced search
  • Additional tools

Today's guidebook participants are mostly free programs... The exceptions are FolderSizes and TreeSize, although the latter also implies a free version in the Free edition. As a result, the list of participants looks like this:

  • TreeSize
  • Scanner
  • WinDirStat
  • Space sniffer
  • JDiskReport
  • Xinorbis
  • FolderSizes

TreeSize Pro

TreeSize is a utility for finding files that waste disk space. It includes both informational functions (visualization, statistics, export) and service functions: search for duplicates, obsolete files, etc.

The left pane of the TreeSize window contains a drive selection menu and a directory tree, where you can navigate and select a scan source.

The results are displayed on the right side of the tabbed window. In the Chart section, a chart is available from which you can find out the percentage of directories within the selected source. It is also easy to change the display of data in the form of graphs or maps. Detailed information about the catalog (amount of data, occupied space, etc.) is available in the Details tab. Extensions -distribution of data by their content: video, graphics, text and others. Age of files contains information about the age of files. In addition, it will be useful to analyze the history of disk filling (History). All data is available for export to XLS, CSV, HTML, TXT and other formats.

The Top 100 lists the largest files on the disk. The accompanying information in the columns of the table allows you to find out the date of the last access or creation of the file - this will help you decide whether to delete or leave the file.

Search (File Search menu) is of equal interest in TreeSize. All data types can be used ( All Search Types): this includes searching for obsolete, temporary files, duplicates. The advantage of searching through TreeSize is undeniable: the program is multithreaded, works over the network, and supports templates.

Alas, the free (in fact, trial) version of TreeSize is significantly inferior to the paid one: multithreading, advanced search, visualization and many other important functions are not supported.

Summary. TreeSize Pro perfectly complements the capabilities of any file manager, allowing you to thoroughly analyze the occupied space of disks and directories. Well-customizable interface and search, visualization, export - a standard set in the kit.

[+] Functionality
[+] Advanced file search
[+] Fast multithreaded scanning
[+] Additional tools


Scanner is a free utility for analysis content of hard disk. Lack of settings, minimum of options - nevertheless, Scanner is a fully functional solution.

In the left part of the window, you can select a disk for analysis, you can also get information in the available files on all disks using the "Total" button in the lower left corner.

In the center is pie chartwhich displays file structure in the form of segments. Segments, as you can easily note, have several nesting levels and different colors. When you hover over a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe diagram, information is available about the number, size of files, and their location. You can move to the directory by clicking on it, or perform operations with the file through the context menu.

Summary. The program will be useful for quick visual analysis of the occupied disk space. As for the available operations with files and directories, they are enough only to delete and open files. In other words, use Scanner like file manager (with search, display modes, statistics) will fail.

[+] Ease of use, intuitiveness
[-] Minimum number of file operations


WinDirStat is a free utility for analyzing and cleaning hard disk from unnecessary files.

The program scans the specified sources (directories or local drives) and provides information for analysis in an easy-to-read form. The directory structure is displayed as multi-colored segments of different sizes, according to the occupied space, at the bottom of the WinDirStat window. The color-to-file type table is in the upper right corner.

This representation of the structure has its drawbacks: for example, you cannot find out the file size on hover, there are no overlays. Therefore, in the case of WinDirStat, there is not enough alternative ways visualizations such as graph and chart.

By clicking on a segment, you can get detailed information the corresponding file and its location. With files, such standard commands as deleting (to the Trash or permanently), viewing properties, copying a path, and others are available. In the "Cleanup" section of the program settings, you can create custom actions that allow you to add up to 10 operations from the command line: deleting files, archiving, recursive deletion, and others.

In general, almost all WinDirStat settings are reduced to styling, displaying the structure and listing of directories. There are no additional utilities, reporting tools, statistics, or search.

Summary. WinDirStat provides good customization options, but the lack of additional tools and display modes significantly limits the program in use.

[+] Custom scan
[+] Command line support
[-] One file display mode
[-] Lack of detailed statistics and reporting


SpaceSniffer is a free utility with a fully customizable interface and a map display mode. Against the background of similar solutions, such functions as multithreading, search (including network), NTFS support are noteworthy.

For processing, you can select not only a drive from the list, but also a directory by specifying the path in the Path line. As a result of scanning, a map is formed in the form of blocks. The nesting level can be adjusted using the Less / More Detail buttons - accordingly, the detail is reduced or increased. By clicking on a block, you can view its contents without going to the catalog. Moving deeper through the catalogs is no less convenient. There are no additional display modes in SpaceSniffer, however, you can customize the appearance to your liking through the main settings (Edit - Configure).

The statistics functions are modestly presented. If desired, you can export to text file: summary information, list of files, and files grouped by folders. Interestingly, reports can be created using templates.

Additional features include tags and a filter. Filtering is performed by the specified mask, the syntax is described in the Filtering help. Search by size, folder name, tags, attributes and other data is possible. Tags allow you to make selections from data for subsequent filtering and batch operations. They can be thought of as temporary bookmarks within a session.

Summary. SpaceSniffer does not stand out for its wide functionality, but it attracts with its speed of work, rather convenient display of data in the form of a map and additional tools such as a filter and tags.

[+] Multi-window interface
[+] Integration with Explorer
[+] Filters and tags
[-] No search


Free cross-platform utility JdiskReport analyzes which files take up the most disk space. In addition, the program provides statistics on data distribution, which can be viewed in the form of graphs and charts.

By choosing a directory or disk for scanning, the user can view the collected information or save the result as a snapshot for later opening. This is true when permanent work with large amounts of data.

Statistics are divided into tabs: Size, Top 50, Size Dist, Modified and Types. The Size section shows the ratio of files in the selected source. There are several display modes to choose from: 2 types of charts, graph and table. The Top 50 lists the largest, oldest and newest files - potential candidates for deletion. The Size Dist, Modified and Types sections let you see the distribution of files by size, modification date and type, respectively.

On the one hand, statistics really do give ground for thought, on the other hand, navigation through files and sample directories is not thought out in JdiskReport. That is, no file operations are available, there is only the "Open Explorer ..." item in the context menu. There is no export, except that the file table and related information can be copied to the clipboard.

The program settings are mainly responsible for the interface. Themes are plentiful, but, say, there were no options for displaying columns or a directory tree.

Summary. JdiskReport bypasses Scanner and WinDirStat in functionality thanks to file distribution statistics. But there is also weak sides - first of all, there are no operations with files and directories.

[+] Statistics
[-] No export
[-] Non-functional context menu


Xinorbis is a hard disk data analyzer with the ability to view statistics in the form of tables, charts and graphs. The program supports scanning from various sources: hard drives, removable media, LAN, FireWire, etc.

When choosing a scan source, you can specify multiple paths, include and exclude items, add favorites. The scan results are displayed as a summary: this information will help you quickly identify the most large file or a catalog, familiarize yourself with the distribution of data by type, etc.

Detailed information is collected in the Folder properties section of the Tasks section. Data can be viewed in the form of custom graphs, charts, structured by data type or file extension. Information about data age (Dates), history (History), occupied size (Folders) is available. The Top 101 section contains a list of not only the largest and smallest files. The file table displays properties such as creation, modification and last access dates.

Navigator context menu in Xinorbis is more than functional: it not only contains standard Explorer commands, but also provides export, archiving, Hex-editing, checksum generation.

The Advanced section contains tools such as finding duplicates by name and size. Other commands also expand search capabilities... The most interesting section is Folder Detail, which is a filter by a number of parameters: text, size, file attributes, owner, category.

An important advantage of Xinorbis is customizable reports in HTML, CSV, XML and others. As a result, it takes only one click to create a file.

Summary. In Xinorbis, the most difficult thing is to look for disadvantages, since all standard features file analyzer: from charting to exporting reports.

[+] Reporting
[+] Filter and search
[+] Flexible configuration and functionality


FolderSizes is a program for scanning and analyzing disk space with the ability to export results as a report. Includes tools to search for files by many criteria: size, owner, age, etc.

FolderSizes interface consists of several panels (navigator, list of drives, graphics, address bar), as well as a ribbon-ribbon divided into tabs. The main section is Home, where basic tools for analysis, export and other operations are available.

In the address panel, you can specify not only the standard path, but also the server or NAS devices, network and removable media (Analyze path (s) option). The file panel is flexible, it is easy to hide or add additional columns. The scan results can be viewed as graphs, charts or maps in the Bar Graph area. Extra optionsrelated to displaying information in panels are available in the Graph tab.

To create reports, the File Reports tool is used, which searches for the specified criteria and displays detailed information in a readable format. Report export is available in HTML, PDF, XML, CSV, TXT and other formats, including graphic. FolderSizes can be easily linked to a scheduler to automatically generate reports on a schedule.

In addition to the standard reporting functions, trend analysis is possible in FolderSizes. For this purpose, the Trend Analyzer tool allows you to familiarize yourself with the change in size, number of files, and other criteria.

Filter and search with support for rules, built-in archiver, command line - the possibilities of FolderSizes can be enumerated further. The functionality of the program is beyond competition.

Summary. FolderSizes pleases with the presence of all the tools necessary for the analysis, a convenient interface, additional featuresthat are not available in other programs (for example, trend analysis and archiver). As a result, it will be interesting for a wide audience to study.

[+] Fully customizable interface
[+] Tool for trend analysis
[+] Convenient navigation through files and directories
[+] Filter and search

Pivot table

ProgramTreeSize ProScannerWinDirStatSpaceSnifferJDiskReportXinorbisFolderSizes
DeveloperJAM SoftwareSteffen gerlachBernhard Seifert, Oliver Schneider Uderzo umbertoJgoodiesMaximum OctopusKey Metric Software, LLC.
LicenseShareware ($ 52.95)FreewareFreewareFreewareFreewareFreewareShareware ($ 55)
Localization in Russian + +
VisualizationChart, graph, map DiagramMapMapChart, graph Chart, graph Chart, graph, map
Search+ + +
Search for duplicates, temporary files + + +
File distribution statistics + + + +
Scheduler+ +
NTFS features+ + +
Network support+ + +
Multithreaded scanning + + +

A computer or laptop is associated precisely with errors and malfunctions in the hard drive. In this article, we will figure out how to check the health of a hard drive using windows tools and specially designed programs for this.

Checking for errors by standard means

This method is equally effective for Windows Xp, Vista, 7, 8 and 10. You need:

If the notification "Windows cannot check the drive that is currently in use" appears, click "Check Schedule".

So, now we do a reboot, and when the system boots, a performance test will run through the BIOS and fix media errors. Its duration can be from 2-3 minutes to an hour, depending on the characteristics of the hard drive and its capacity.

Checking the hard disk for errors via the command line

To start the scan, you must complete the following steps: go to "Start / All Programs / Accessories / Command Line". Right-click and click "Run as Administrator".

In the window that appears, execute the command "chkdsk disk_partition: check_parameters". It should be borne in mind that this way works exclusively with drives that have been formatted in FAT32 or NTFS.

An example of a command is "chkdsk C: / F / R". Its essence is as follows:

  • Section C will be checked for errors;
  • Found problems will be automatically corrected (parameter F is responsible for this);
  • Bad sectors will be checked and information restored (parameter R);

If you want to diagnose the drive that the system is currently using, you will see a special notification. You will be prompted to perform a check the next time you boot your computer. To agree with this, press Y, to refuse - N. Based on the results of the check, information about the checked data, the number of bad sectors and the errors found will become available to you.

To obtain full list parameters, run chkdsk with a question mark as a parameter. But if you need a routine check for errors and sectors, then the above information will be enough for you.

It happens that errors found during scanning are not always possible to immediately fix, it is likely that this is due to the program running at that time. In this situation, an offline scan of the drive will be required: it is disconnected from work, diagnostics are carried out, and then it is connected back. To do this, enter into the command line "chkdsk C: / f / offlinescanandfix" (C: - disk partition). If it is not possible to disable it, then the check will be performed at the next reboot.

If necessary, after checking, you have the opportunity to study the check log. For this you need:

  1. Go to Windows Logs / Applications;
  2. Right-click on Application / Search;
  3. Search for the word Chkdsk;

Program check

Of course, the above method is not always effective. Therefore, we will look at a number of programs like Victoria. They will allow for the most thorough analysis state of tough disk on a computer or laptop.


Utility for diagnostics and testing of the hard drive. It will help you not only find problems in its operation, but also fix them.
The program has a number of advantages and useful functions:

  • Reads the hard drive's passport and provides detailed information;
  • 5 diagnostic modes;
  • Eliminates crashes;
  • Displays unstable areas;
  • Hides defects;
  • Evaluates the performance of the media.

It is one of the best to date. It is able to solve problems with bad sectors and quickly bring any type of hard drive into a working state.

HDD Regenerator

One of the most effective programs for assessing the health and troubleshooting drives. It makes it possible to get information on the current SMART state of the selected device and full control over it.
Among the main features are:

  • Simple and intuitive interface;
  • Full safety;
  • NTFS and FAT support;
  • Pre-scan mode;

HDD monitoring in real time;
That is, with the help of the regenerator, you can test the hard drive as efficiently as possible.


Designed to determine the status and test drives. Besides simple diagnostics, it also detects broken sectors and fixes all found errors. Its main functions include:

  • Analyze the current state of the hard drive;
  • Search for broken sectors;
  • Recovering deleted partitions;
  • Fix MFT;

Checking external hard drives;
In addition, the utility has a number of other functions related to the recovery of deleted files.

Hitachi Drive Fitness Test

An excellent program designed to find and fix problems with drives. It is universal, since it can diagnose any drives. With its help, you can extremely quickly find out the current position of the hard drive, as well as get additional information about it.

  • Fast but thorough check;
  • Support for all components;
  • Monitoring;
  • Data statistics;

This utility is suitable for all devices and can be used even on a netbook.

Seagate Seatools for Windows

Used to check and test the health of the hard drive. She finds any problems and failures.

  • The utility is able to fix:
  • Equipment incompatibility;
  • Violations file system HDD;
  • Errors of installed drivers;
  • Viruses and malware that infect the file system;

In addition, it provides complete information about the media and all related metrics. As the developers say, this utility is incredibly effective at self-fixing minor issues, sSD errors and HDD, and is able to fully restore their performance.

So, now you have complete information on how to determine if it is working properly. hDD, and how to independently solve the problems associated with it. Choose the most suitable or the option you like and go for it!

Video: checking hard with regular means

Victoria is one of the most popular programs for testing, service and assistance in recovering information from hard drives. There are versions for DOS and Windows.

Using the second version, you can diagnose and repair hard drives right in the running OS. But it's worth noting that fixing bad sectors directly from the OS often fails, so power users use a different version.

The version of the Victoria program, which runs from under DOS, is loaded from a boot disk or USB flash drive. With its help, you can diagnose and, if necessary, "treat" the hard drive. Boot disk, with the Victoria program installed, useful for those who do not start due to bad blocks operating system, or if you have one hard drive and want to fix bad blocks on it.

Bad blocks or damaged sectors - bad or unreadable sector, upon an attempt to access which the drive returns an error.

Bad blocks can be: logical - the checksum of the sector is violated, which is easily corrected by the program; and physical - the hard disk surface or its mechanisms are destroyed.

For checking hard disk into bad sectors, it will be enough to install a version of the program that works directly in the Windows OS. Download it by clicking on the link below.

We extract the files from the archive to the selected folder. Then we go into this folder, look for the executable file "vcr446f.exe", right-click on it and run as administrator.

In the main window of the program, go to the "Tests" tab. On the right side of the window, mark "Ignore" and "read" and click "Start". Thus, we ran a simple test of the hard disk surface - it will not affect it in any way, but after the test is completed, it will be clear what state your hard drive is in.

LBA - a mechanism for addressing and accessing a data block on a hard or optical disc, in other words, it is the sector number. In the fields "Start LBA", "End LBA" you can specify the starting and ending sector number for which you want to scan.

The percentages passed from the maximum LBA value set in the menu are indicated just below, and there is an indicator of the remaining time until the end of testing.

Now let's look at the test results. The read data blocks are sorted by access time, colored rectangles in the middle of the screen, which allows you to identify the condition of the hard disk surface, and to detect not only bad blocks, but also emerging defects.

I checked only 14.1% of the hard disk surface, and of these blocks - 152 blocks with a delay of 600 ms - and these are possible candidates for bad. 600 ms is the block access time, ideally the value should not exceed 30 ms.

Usually healthy drives do not have “colored” rectangles, and the appearance of red and brown ones indicates any problems. If after checking you have blocks related to the field "Err" - these are unrecoverable bad sectors.

To fix bad on the hard disk, you can try to "zero" them - the "Erase" function - the checksum of bad blocks will be restored when the entire sector is overwritten. You can also use the "Remap" function - replacing the address of an unreadable sector with one of the spare sectors, which are created just for such cases.

If the damaged sectors are not curable, that is, they are of a physical nature, then you can use the following methods.

If bad sectors are at the end of the disc, then trim that end of the disc. We remember the sector number and use it in the same program for cutting the size of the hard disk (hpa): we cut the disk to the first bad sector.

If bad sectors are in the middle or beginning of the disk, then leave this part of the disk unallocated. That is, divide the hard disk into logical volumes so that the used logical drives were not in an area with bad sectors.

I will end on this. A program to check the hard drive for bad sectors Victoria showed us the state of the hard drive surface. What to do next - to treat or buy a new one - is up to you.

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All modern homes have a desktop computer or laptop. Someone needs it for games, someone - for work or study. In any case, the computer stores photographs, some important records, contact details of people, the desired addresses, etc. And the place where all this information is stored is the hard drive.

No wonder, experienced programmers say that in a situation where the computer has bug hard disk formatting is a real disaster. After all, formatting is fraught with the loss of all information. But this is only if appropriate measures are not taken. But if you notice some errors and failures in the disk in time and fix them, then you can avoid this global catastrophe

The main causes of HDD malfunctions are "bad" sectors - sections of disk space that are somehow damaged.

They are divided into physical and logical. The latter appear in the event of software errors and can be corrected, while physical corrections are not subject to. In the latter case, you will have to replace the hard drive.

Such damaged areas can appear on both magnetic and standard SSD-drives.

Reasons for the appearance of bad sectors and errors

Railway failures depend on the type of damaged sections:

  1. brain teaser "Broken" - displayed when there is malware or viruses, as well as when the power supply or power cable is suddenly cut off during recording;
  2. physical "Broken" - found on a completely new product. Then you need to contact the manufacturer with a request to replace the product.

IN magnetic drives "Broken" sectors can appear as a result of wear and tear on the moving parts of the device, when foreign bodies hit the disc mechanism, or when they fall to the floor. In the latter case, the magnetic head of the disk is scratched, which leads to its errors.

SSD drives give errors because they tried to write any information on them many times.

It is quite possible to check the "hard" for "broken" sectors. Windows has a "chkdsk" (disk check) application. You need to open the folder on the desktop or in the Start menu "My computer"by clicking on the disc to check. Using the context menu, select "Properties" - "Service". Under the phrase "Check" there will be a button, clicking on which, you can see the number of "broken" sectors.

During the check, the computer will eliminate errors in logical "bad" sectors, as well as mark areas with physical damage.

Attention! You can start the scan system manually, but if Windows independently detects the "broken" sectors, the utility will start itself when the system starts.

Verification utilities

Some software does not have built-in verification. For such cases, there are special programsthat help identify "broken" sectors and errors and, if possible, fix them.


It is a popular software for finding damaged areas. In addition to various methods of analyzing and reassigning problem areas, it has a function for finding damaged contacts in a loop, as well as a function for evaluating the performance of a hard disk. The only drawback of the program is the lack of official assemblies. Therefore, experts recommend using it separately from the OS.

HDD Regenerator

This utility uses its own methods to recover "bad" sectors (a combination of high and low signals) and supports any drive connection interfaces.

The downside is the high cost of the license ($ 90).

One of the best and multifunctional utilities for checking the device for damaged areas. Has the following functionality:

  • restores and reconfigures sectors;
  • fixes partition tables;
  • restores files and creates their backups;
  • selects files in a table;
  • copies data from deleted partitions;
  • creates backup copies of data.

This utility uses several methods to identify problems, as well as the ability to track SMART attributes and clean up the hard drive.

Important! The program supports all windows versionshowever, it does not scan / test the drive where the OS is installed.

With the help, you can check both one and several hard drives at the same time.

Seagate Seatools for Windows

The app supports all modern systems Windows. It can be used to do both basic and advanced testing. Simpler than Seagate Seatools for DOSbut less powerful.

In this article you will find a guide to using chkdsk, links to programs that allow you to comprehensively test your hard drive, as well as instructions for them. In addition, the article explains how to check partitions hard disk using built-in Windows tools.

On this page

Windows Disk Check Utility (chkdsk)

Windows has its own disk check utility. It can be run from graphical interface or from the command line.

Running a disk check from the graphical interface

Open the window My computer, right-click on the disk or partition that you want to check and select from the context menu Properties... In the disk properties window go to the tab Service and press the button Check.

In the next window, click the button Running.

The check of the non-system partition will start immediately. If you are checking system partition Windows 7, you may see a message stating that it cannot be executed now.

This is normal because the system partition is used by the operating system. Click the button Disk check schedule... To start the scan, you need to restart your computer. After restarting the computer, the disk check will be performed before the operating system starts.

Running a disk check from the command line

Below is an example of starting a section check C from the command line.

Chkdsk c: / f / r

Note... The command line must be run with administrator rights.

In Windows 7, as in the case of checking the system partition from the graphical interface, after executing this command, you will see a message stating that the check cannot be performed.

Enter Y and restart your computer to start checking.

Additional information about utility command line parameters chkdsk you can get it by running it with the key /? or on this page.

Run disk check if the system does not boot

If the operating system fails to load due to disk errors, you can check the disk using the Windows installation disc.

Windows 7, 8.1, 10

  1. Boot into the recovery environment and open a command prompt (instructions for Windows 8 and newer, Windows 7)
  2. At the command prompt, enter the command chkdsk c: / r

Windows XP

If the problem occurs on Windows XP, use the Recovery Console. After booting from the installation disk to the console, run the command

Chkdsk c: / r

For more information about the Recovery Console, see the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

  • Installing and using the Recovery Console in Windows XP
  • Enabling automatic administrator login when using the recovery console

Hard drive diagnostics by third-party programs

If after checking the hard disk with the utility chkdsk you continue to experience critical errors related to the hardware, it is worth doing more thorough testing using specialized programs. As a rule, utilities from hard disk manufacturers are used for diagnostics, or programs such as Victoriaor MHDD.

Attention! Before testing the hard drive with third-party programs need to do backup all data.

Hard disk manufacturer utilities

The diagnostic utilities can be found on the CD that came with the hard drive. In any case, they can be downloaded from the hard drive manufacturer's website. Links to some manufacturers' download pages are provided below.

  • Western digital: Data Lifeguard Tools (disk model must be selected).
  • Seagate: SeaTools.
  • Hitachi: Drive Fitness Test.
  • Samsung: Shdiag.

Other manufacturers' diagnostic tools can be found on their websites.


The program Victoriafor in-depth testing of hard drive health can be found at this link on hdd-911.com.

  • Excerpts from the official Victoria hard drive test documentation


MHDD is also able to comprehensively test the hard drive and fix errors on it. You can download it from this link from the MHDD.ru website.

For more information, see the following links:

The disc is fine - what's next?

If no errors are found on the hard drive, it is most likely not the cause of critical errors. It is possible that the problem lies in faulty RAM or the power supply unit has insufficient power to ensure the operation of all devices. you can check rAM and drivers as described in the articles linked below.

You can mark you interesting snippets of text that will be available through a unique link in your browser.

about the author

I am interested in your opinion on the occasion of these programs:

PC-3000 DiskAnalyzer, Ver1.02 Diagnostic utility for all types of drives (ATA-8, SATA, USB, SCSI, Flash, SSD), Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 S.M.A.R.T. Vision, Ver4.1 S.M.A.R.T. Utility hDD diagnostics IDE (ATA-8, SATA, USB, SCSI, Flash, SSD), Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 http://www.acelab.ru/dep.pc/resource.php

aass, did not use. But I will note that Victoria and MHDD are proven tools for serious diagnostics.

And SMART information can track Windows 7. It will warn you if anything.


Vadim SterkinThanks for the answer and for the topic!
With an estimate victoria programs and MHDD agree, I myself use Victoria for serious diagnostics, but I try to test other programs as well, everything is learned by comparison.)


when checking the hard disk with the standard program on windows 7 it is written that bad clusters were found in null.sys ... what is this driver?


Vadim Sterkin,

thanks… because of it the system may slow down?


Launched (hypothetically) the C: drive check from the GUI with parameters similar to your screenshot. I pressed the "Schedule disk check" button. I changed my mind. How to cancel this one-time check system drive before rebooting the system?
I myself assume that it may be entered into the Task Scheduler. " But I want to know for sure. I see no point in experimenting. Since, after once such a check has been completed successfully (in practical reality), it would be entered into the "Scheduler" even as a one-off, and should, in theory, be preserved. After all, tasks from the "Scheduler" do not have properties for self-deletion (I think so). But I did not find any traces in the "Planner". In the internet and on the forum, as you yourself probably know, I did not receive an answer.

Simply put, I want to know where this mythical "Schedule of checks" is located and what methods and methods Windows 7 proposes to correct it. And it turns out like this - click, and ala-ulyu ...


There was a schedule, but everything came out. This is some kind of black and white graffiti, with a register. Straight "Battleship Potemkin".
(Yes, I googled, but the truth is slightly different request). Thank you.
It turns out to be planned - to poke two ticks in the schedule, and cancel - go to the registry. They are wise here. Well, okay, there is nothing to do - unsubscribe in the forum.

By the way, does it make sense to put the second (lower) daw if the system is on SSD? After all, as far as my knowledge is enough, the SSD controller itself periodically (when idle) scans the memory for faulty cells.
And this second jackdaw, by definition, is designed to check for broken cells on the surface of the HDD.



You turn on your TV with the remote control and set the wake-up timer. The next morning, you wake up to the music of your favorite music channel. And life flows smoothly and measuredly. But at one point it dawns on you - after all, tomorrow is Sunday. It doesn't matter - you tell yourself. With a slight movement of your hand and a screwdriver, without disconnecting the TV from the network, you remove the back cover, quickly replace a couple of resistances on the board and you're done. You can sleep well tomorrow until lunchtime.
Do you feel what I mean?

Vadim Sterkin: Sanyok, what do you mean wise? You don't be smart yourself by pressing all sorts of incomprehensible buttons, and everything will be fine :)

It's really funny, but of course, definitely true.
Yes, just not quite out of place. I do not see anything unpredictable and completely incomprehensible in checking the disk. And the conversation was about the fact that if we have already laid a graphical opportunity to schedule such a task, then be so kind as to provide the same opportunity to disable it, and not through one place (registry). Either remove the graphics when planning (do planning only through CMD), or lay the option to disable this task using the graphical interface. As an engineer, in my technical practice and in the practice of the interface of various industrial programs and IT, this is the first time I come across such a thing. And in Windows too.
That's what I wanted to convey when I said - "Namudrili".
Faced with a question, I noticed that this function causes complaints from the user, in terms of frequent independent launches. But let's not talk about that. As unrelated to the topic.
And so, of course, thanks for the comments. Everything is clear to me here.

About the bottom jackdaw:

To perform a thorough disk check, select the "Check and repair bad sectors" option. In this mode, the scan program tries to find and fix physical errors on the hard drive itself, which can take much longer.

Nothing is said about the file system. Rather about physical disabilities. Some of us are wrong. Or I didn't understand something.
And further in the text:

To check for both file and physical errors, select both options: Automatically fix system errors and Check and repair bad sectors.

Please comment. I want clarity on the issue.
In order not to press "all sorts of incomprehensible buttons", and everything was fine. :-)


I am very surprised by the possibilities of checking and recovering a disk under Windows 8. Resizing a partition upward using Acronis Disk Director 11 failed. I wanted to increase the size of the system disk due to the empty space on the adjacent partition by 200 GB. As a result, this program reports that everything is OK, and the size of the disk in the explorer has not changed. I performed a disk check using OS tools - it was said that there were errors and it was necessary to reboot. After the reboot, nothing has changed and there was a requirement to reboot to fix it. As you might guess, this did not help either. As a result, we have lost 200 GB despite the fact that Acronis says everything is ok, and the system is not able to fix the errors found. Sadness. Do you need to format?


Vadim Sterkin,

Actually, under Windows 7, a similar operation was always performed without problems. I always perform the task of expanding / narrowing the partition in 2 stages: first, we cut off a piece of space from the section to be compressed and transfer it to the "unallocated space" status from the required end of the partition, and then we expand another partition using this space (I do everything manually in 2 reboots in case of "jams", because Acronis performs a group of operations very strange. There is a sad experience under Windows XP). So, if under Windows 7, after checking the disk, everything returned to normal and free place did not disappear so easily, then under Windows 8 Acronis completed the first stage successfully, and when the second was executed it broke off with errors, although then it reports that "everything is fine." The problem was eventually solved by booting from the Live CD from Acronis. It's a pity that it is impossible to do this under Windows 8. And I was counting on the promoted in the media "improved checking and correction of file system errors." Of course, it is very difficult to believe that checking and background diagnostics FS problems, works correctly. It is very confusing that the time to check one partition under Windows 7 and under Windows 8 differs by orders of magnitude for the better for the latter. Are all problems so easy and quick to fix? Maybe most of them are simply not noticed by Windows 8, or even worse - ignored?


Vadim Sterkin,

Well, what option does windows 8 have to expand the partition size? I saw the Disk Management snap-in. Well, I did not see how it is possible there " standard means»Trim the size of the logical volume from the desired end. It is also impossible to move a section within the unallocated space there. If there is an analogue that I missed, tell me. Along the way, you did not quite understand correctly what I had under the phrase “the sad experience was under Windows XP”. And it was like this: after a reboot, this operation was performed and at that moment the electricity went out. Thus, I lost 2 partitions, although, in theory, there could be 3 options: the second partition would be lost, from which space was taken away due to the incomplete operation of moving the NTFS service zones, or only the system partition would be lost (although this is unlikely), or both partitions would be in order, and between them - some area of \u200b\u200bunallocated space. But I was very "lucky". Skipping the topic of sources uninterruptible power supply and it turns out that Acronis is a respected company, and sometimes it is dangerous to use their products in the absence of alternatives from the OS. And then another "surprise" emerged. And here, even with the power supply, everything is in order. But as I already noted, the last problem was solved by booting from the Live CD from Acronis and the classic disk check, and not over-optimized from Windows 8, the advantages of which I have not yet felt. It seems to be there, but there is no sense. Or I was not using the check disk tool like this. Unfortunately, this kind of "optimization" causes more questions and mistrust than answers.


Vadim Sterkin,


Run Windows hard disk diagnostics (chkdsk). There were no messages, but after that it turned out that there was no free space. Although before the check, less than 50% of the disk was full. And now it is busy showing 931 GB. Is it that all the free space was broken? The disk is six months old.

I forgot to say after that I checked with Victoria and said that there were no errors.


This is not my case. It's not about system disk... And about the external drive. Already found out - the system marked all free space as bad blocks. Now I'm trying to find out if this is a failure or the screw has ordered a long life.


Vadim, I have such a problem: After starting the utility chkdsk checks disk, if both "jackdaws" are installed, asks to reboot and a check is performed, I do not know what to call it, but it looks like MS-DOS - lines on a black background run quickly. After the next reboot, I look at the information in Windows logs - Application, text in English, “there are many letters”, but the meaning can be understood from a single sentence: “Windows has checked the file system and found no problems ". At the same time, a few lines above, I am kindly informed that, they say, "Cleaning up 31 unused security descriptors". Sometimes it is not "31 unused security descriptors" that are cleared, but more or, conversely, less. That is, something is still not entirely in order, and the program corrects it a little. Like, in general, everything is fine, but the bug is dead. So, as long as I run this chkdsk, so much it requires a reboot to fix these errors, nothing else is found. Previously, on another machine in Windows XP, this rarely happened, but now it happens over and over again.
The SSD disk is about a quarter busy. The system is legal Windows 7 x64 Professional is automatically updated. If you do not run the disk check, then there is no reason for concern, everything works fine, does not bug, does not crash. So, in connection with this, the question - maybe you don't need to spoil your mood. On the site Microsoft solutions I did not find the problem of these file system errors, and are they errors?

far_town2 Kulyasov

Are there any methods to check the sufficiency of the power supply? And can freezes / errors occur due to its insufficient power in games?

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